Postgraduate education methodology for foreign language teachers' assessment competence development in higher military educational institutions
The ability of foreign language teachers of higher military educational institutions to effectively diagnose the level of development of foreign language communicative competence. Changing the training strategy according to the needs of the Armed Forces.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.09.2024 |
Размер файла | 30,0 K |
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National Defence University of Ukraine
Postgraduate education methodology for foreign language teachers' assessment competence development in higher military educational institutions
Yuliia Hryshchuk
Postgraduate Military Student
Ukraine's tendency to achieve compatibility with the standards of NATO member states, in particular as a result of Russian aggression against Ukraine, raises the issue of developing the diagnostic competence of foreign language teachers in higher military educational institutions. After all, the ability of foreign language teachers in higher military educational institutions to effectively assess the levels of foreign language communicative competence of military personnel allows them to respond promptly to problematic issues in their language training and change training strategies following the needs of the Armed Forces. Therefore, the study aims to reveal the essence of the methodology of adaptive development of foreign language teachers' diagnostic competence in the system of postgraduate education. To achieve this goal, several theoretical (analysis, synthesis, systematisation of scientific psychological, pedagogical, methodological literature) and empirical (observation, comparison, description) methods were used. Adaptive learning technologies are proposed, which allow studying the educational material with the help of adaptive algorithms for each student, according to knowledge, skills, and personal learning needs, i.e., through the adaptive presentation of the educational material of the author's remote special course. The stages of implementation of the author's methodology for adaptive development of diagnostic competence of foreign language teachers in higher military educational institutions are highlighted. The specifics of the methodology of adaptive development of diagnostic competence of foreign language teachers are revealed, considering their diagnostic activities in the system of military education. The authors' developed methodology for the adaptive development of diagnostic competence of foreign language teachers in higher military educational institutions contributes to the actualisation, systematisation and deepening of their theoretical diagnostic knowledge, and improvement of practical diagnostic skills and abilities that form the basis for the development of their diagnostic competence. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of applying its results to improve the qualifications of foreign language teachers at higher military educational institutions
Keywords: professional development; methodology of adaptive development; professional competence; contextual approach; professional training; pedagogical diagnostics; research and teaching staff
Юлія Володимирівна Грищук
Національний університет оборони України
Методика розвитку діагностичної компетентності викладачів іноземних мов вищих військових навчальних закладів у системі післядипломної освіти
Тенденція України щодо досягнення сумісності зі стандартами країн-членів НАТО, зокрема внаслідок російської агресії проти України, актуалізує проблему розвитку діагностичної компетентності викладачів іноземних мов вищих військових навчальних закладів. Адже здатність викладачів іноземних мов вищих військових навчальних закладів ефективно діагностувати рівні розвиненості іншомовної комунікативної компетентності військовослужбовців дає змогу вчасно реагувати на проблемні питання у їхній мовній підготовці та змінювати стратегії навчання відповідно до потреб Збройних сил. Саме тому мета цієї роботи - розкрити суть методики адаптивного розвитку діагностичної компетентності викладачів іноземних мов у системі післядипломної освіти. Задля досягнення мети використано низку теоретичних (аналіз, синтез, систематизація наукової психолого-педагогічної, методичної літератури) та емпіричних (спостереження, порівняння, опис) методів. Запропоновано використовувати технології адаптивного навчання, завдяки яким вивчення навчального матеріалу відбувається за допомогою адаптивних алгоритмів для кожного студента з урахуванням їхніх знань, навичок та особистих навчальних потреб, тобто завдяки адаптивному представленню навчального матеріалу авторського дистанційного спецкурсу. Висвітлено етапи впровадження авторської методики адаптивного розвитку діагностичної компетентності викладачів іноземних мов вищих військових навчальних закладів. Розкрито специфіку методики адаптивного розвитку діагностичної компетентності викладачів іноземних мов з урахуванням їхньої діагностичної діяльності в системі військової освіти. Обґрунтовано, що розроблена авторська методика адаптивного розвитку діагностичної компетентності викладачів іноземних мов вищих військових навчальних закладів сприяє актуалізації, систематизації та поглибленню їхніх теоретичних діагностичних знань, вдосконаленню практичних діагностичних вмінь та навичок, що складають основу для розвитку їхньої діагностичної компетентності. Практичне значення дослідження полягає в можливості застосувати його результати для підвищення кваліфікації викладачів іноземних мов вищих військових навчальних закладів
Ключові слова: підвищення кваліфікації; методика адаптивного розвитку; професійна компетентність; контекстний підхід; професійна підготовка; педагогічна діагностика; науково-педагогічні працівники
Given the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine and new trends towards interoperability between Ukraine and NATO member states, the military education system needs specialists who are able and willing to improve and develop in their military and professional fields. An important area of development of military specialists is their language training, the quality of which significantly depends on the ability and willingness of foreign language teachers (FLTs) of higher military educational institutions (HMEIs) to effectively carry out diagnostic activities, which is one of the functions of their professional competence. Accordingly, the importance of developing the diagnostic competence of higher military education institutions' foreign language teachers in the system of postgraduate education is becoming more relevant. The issues of diagnostic competence formation and development of various specialists were highlighted in Ukrainian and global studies, for instance, O. Dubrovska (2023) studied the formation of diagnostic competence of future specialists in physical culture and sports. The researcher notes the insufficient level of formation of skills, and abilities of future specialists in physical education and sports, which requires the introduction of additional pedagogical conditions to solve this problem; I. Plokhuta (2023) addressed the problem of forming the diagnostic competence of future Doctor of Philosophy. The author developed a pedagogical model for the development of diagnostic competence, which contains goal-methodical, substantive, subject-subject, methodological-procedural, and evaluation-resultant blocks, and also schematically reflects the purpose, tasks, pedagogical conditions, content, methods, components of diagnostic competence, criteria and indicators for diagnosing its development; O. Laho- dynskyi et al. (2023) in their research solved the problem of developing the diagnostic competence of research and teaching staff of higher education institutions. O. Lahodyn- skyi and Zinchenko (2023) studied the problem of developing the diagnostic competence of future teachers of higher education institutions. They emphasise the relevance of substantiating the value and motivational aspect of the diagnostic activity, applying modern methods and technologies of pedagogical diagnosis, as well as ensuring the reflexive and corrective function of diagnosis. A. Kendyuk- hova (2019) believes that assessment competence is the main component of a teacher's readiness to solve professional problems, as a modern teacher needs to be able and ready to assess students' achievements, taking into account their individual capabilities, learning needs using modern approaches to assessment, showing creativity in choosing methods and creating conditions for the full development of the individual; O. Shunevych (2020) notes that the effectiveness of the development of assessment competence depends largely on cognitive, emotional S. Herppich et al. (2018), in the process of studying the development of teachers' evaluation competence, developed a model of teachers' competence development aimed at stimulating future integrative research on describing, explaining, predicting and supporting teachers' activities in different evaluation situations; R. Horbatyuk et al. (2023), studying the development of diagnostic competence of higher education students, define it as an integral feature of the personality of all participants in the educational process for the practical implementation of diagnostic functions: forecasting, monitoring, control, evaluation of programme learning outcomes; O. Chernikova et al. (2020) devoted their research to the problem of developing the diagnostic competence of doctors and teachers; V. Yahupov et al. (2020) addressed the problem of developing the diagnostic HMEI FLT competence. The analysis of scientific and pedagogical sources on the state of the problem under study concludes that scientists devote the lion's share of research to the formation and development of diagnostic and evaluation competencies of specialists. However, the problem of developing the diagnostic competence of higher education teachers of foreign languages in the system of postgraduate education remains insufficiently theoretically and methodologically researched, in particular, concerning the aspect of developing methods for developing this competence based on the specifics of the diagnostic activity of higher education teachers of foreign languages. The study aims to theoretically substantiate the methodology of adaptive development of diagnostic competence of teachers of foreign languages in higher military educational institutions and its stages in the system of postgraduate education.
Materials and methods
Theoretical methods analysis, synthesis, classification, and systematisation of scientific and pedagogical literature were used to identify an insufficient reflection of the problem of developing the diagnostic competence of higher education foreign language teachers in pedagogical research. The content and methods of in-service training of university teachers of foreign languages in the system of postgraduate education are mainly focused on the aspects related to the methods of teaching foreign languages, while the problematic issues related to the implementation of the diagnostic function of foreign language teachers, in particular, university teachers of foreign languages, are studied frag- mentarily and unsystematically, which significantly affects the effectiveness of their diagnostic activities. Empirical methods of questionnaires and testing: “Value Orientations” methodology by M. Rokic (Krykun, 2018); “Motivation of Professional Activity” methodology (K. Zamfir adapted by A. Rean) (Kokun et al., 2021); Questionnaire “Diagnostics of Reflection” by A. Karpov (Krykun, 2018); Test “Critical Thinking” by L. Starkey (adapted by E. Lutsenko) (Lutsenko, 2018); Communicative tolerance test by V Boyko (Aristarkhova, 2021); “Assessment of Communication and Organisational Skills” methodology (Aristarkhova, 2021); E. Bazhin's test questionnaire based on J. Rotter's locus of control scale (Rotter, 1966); author's methods, questionnaires. They were used to determine the level of formation and development of the diagnostic competence of the teachers of foreign languages at higher education institutions. The questionnaire and testing were conducted on the Moodle platform - the central repository of resources of the remote learning system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - anonymously.
Therefore, in 2019-2022, a pedagogical experiment (sequential pedagogical experiment method) was conducted to test the effectiveness of pedagogical modelling of the development of diagnostic competence of university foreign language teachers, which includes the author's method of adaptive development. The sample for the pedagogical experiment included 49 HMEI FLTs who took advanced training courses in foreign language teaching methods at the National Defence University of Ukraine. Two control groups were formed (the first in 2019, the second in 2020), which studied according to the standard programme, and two experimental groups (the first in 2021, the second in 2022), which improved their skills according to the developed pedagogical model of development of diagnostic competence of university teachers of foreign languages, the methodological part of which was the author's methodology of adaptive development. The author's methodology of adaptive development consists of three parts: remote learning, represented by the author's special course for the development of diagnostic competence of HMEI FLTs, face-to-face learning according to the existing professional development programme, and training on mastering statistical methods of test task analysis. communicative competence training strategy
To develop the diagnostic competence of HMEI FLTs in the postgraduate system, the author's methodology of adaptive development of diagnostic competence of higher education teachers of foreign languages was developed, the main tasks of which were:
to develop the internal motivation of HMEI FLTs by deepening their interest in diagnostic activities and to form their awareness of the importance of this activity, which will contribute to their professional self-improvement;
to form a system of professional and practical diagnostic knowledge and to improve diagnostic skills and abilities to apply methods, techniques, diagnostic methods and tools;
to increase the readiness of military university teachers of foreign languages to apply the acquired professional knowledge and skills in diagnostic activities in the language training of military personnel.
It is worth noting that the proposed author's methodology for the adaptive development of diagnostic competence of HMEI FLTs is based on the leading ideas of competence, subjective activity, and systemic, andragogical, contextual, and adaptive approaches. Among the special scientific principles underlying the development of the author's methodology is the principle of adaptability, which is based on the individual pace of learning the educational material, the creation of an individual method of transferring the material, considering the experience, cognitive, psychophysiological characteristics, and level of training of the students; the principle of autonomous learning, which implies that the HMEI FLT is engaged in systematic, purposeful independent activities to maintain and further improve their diagnostic knowledge, skills and abilities; the principle of interactivity is ensured by the subject-subject interaction of all participants in the learning process, which allows for the creation of conditions for mutual learning and cognition through joint learning activities: dialogue, information exchange, partnership, joint problem solving, situation modelling, self-assessment and evaluation of colleagues. The interactivity principle is also ensured by the alternation of learning activities: games, discussions, small group work, mini lectures, etc. The principle of interactivity intensifies the activity of higher education teachers of foreign languages, as they feel themselves to be full-fledged students of the educational process through the awareness of personal and collective activity based on experience, awareness of values, motivation, and the desire to immediately implement the acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities. The adaptive development methodology for the diagnostic competence of HMEI FLTs included three implementation stages: The first (value-motivational), the second (basic) and the third (creative). Value-motivational - development of values and motivation for the diagnostic activity of HMEI FLTs, which involves comprehension, strengthening of values, professional interests that stimulate their activity, self-realisation, self-expression, and harmonious development in the field of pedagogical diagnosis. At the first stage of methodology implementation, the development of the value-motivational component of diagnostic competence of HMEI FLTs is focused on, in particular on:
identification and detailed analysis of the values and motives of higher education teachers of foreign languages in diagnostic activities to form an image of an ideal teacher-diagnostician;
motivation of HMEI FLTs to realise the importance of diagnostic activities in the context of their professional activity;
development of a sustainable and constant interest in the development and mastery of modern diagnostic tools and diagnostic measures.
Adaptive learning technologies were used to create the remote special course, whereby the learning material is studied using adaptive algorithms for each student, considering their knowledge, skills, and personal learning needs, i.e. through the adaptive presentation of the author's remote special course. Author's remote special course aims to develop the cognitive and reflective components of the diagnostic competence of HMEI FLTs, as it involves mastering the educational material covering the general theoretical foundations of diagnostics and theoretical foundations of language test development and diagnostic activities, diagnosing the levels of development of military personnel's foreign language communicative competence in HMEIs by NATO STANAG 6001 (Official website of the Bureau..., 2023); focused on topics related to the development and conduct of standardised language tests, in particular language testing by NATO STANAG 6001. In the course of the remote author's special course, HMEI FLTs studied the theory and basic provisions of language skills testing in such aspects as listening, reading, speaking, and writing. In addition, the special course covers the study of methods, techniques, methods, diagnostic tools; development of tests by NATO STANAG 6001 (planning, development, moderation, piloting, testing and diagnosis; methods of diagnosing the level of foreign language communicative competence of military personnel during classroom training). The author's special course provided for the development of alternative diagnostic methods by the HMEI FLTs, namely portfolios, self-assessments, projects, etc. The author's remote special course was developed in compliance with the principles of designing integrative courses proposed by O. Popadych (2022) in her research: the principles of goal setting, professionalism, content formation, functioning, and forecasting.
During the value-motivational stage of the implementation of the author's methodology, multimedia teaching tools were actively used to effectively master the theoretical material on pedagogical diagnostics. To this end, HMEI FLTs studied the educational material from video lectures and performed interactive exercises with the created multimedia tools, namely “course presentation”, “interactive video”, “presentation series”, “dialogue cards”, “flash animations”, “drag and drop”, “branching scenario”, etc. The opinion of O. Pinchuk (2007) confirms that the use of multimedia teaching aids in the process of developing the diagnostic competence of HMEI FLTs contributes to the development of all components of the studied competence by creating a productive communication space, creating a source of additional cognitive material, managing the learning activities of course students, stimulating a positive emotional background, which, in turn, contributes to meeting the needs of course students. At the main stage, the content of the training is focused on the development of the activity component of the diagnostic competence of HMEI FLTs through the practical application of the acquired knowledge and skills in the implementation of the diagnostic function.
Key goals of this stage were:
* to develop professional theoretical and practical diagnostic knowledge, skills, abilities, accumulation of professional experience in diagnostic activities, in particular, diagnosing the levels of foreign language communicative competence (FLC) of military personnel, skills and abilities of the HMEI FLTs to apply methods, methodological techniques, diagnostic methods, diagnostic tools;
* to develop the ability and readiness for diagnostic activities, in particular: the ability and skills to diagnose the levels of military personnel's FLC; skills and abilities to apply methods, methodological techniques, and diagnostic methods; methodological skills and abilities to apply diagnostic tools (to choose the necessary diagnostic tool depending on the purpose of diagnostic activities), to develop diagnostic tools, to provide diagnostic support (analysis, proving diagnostic data with further creation of individual learning plans).
The development of the diagnostic competence of the teachers of foreign languages of higher education institutions also depends on the combination of remote learning and full-time education. After mastering the material of the first stage of the adaptive development methodology from the author's remote special course “DiComDev”, HMEI FLTs studied in full-time form within the “Advanced Training Course on the Organisation and Methodology of Teaching Foreign Languages”.
The main methods used at this stage of the author's methodology of adaptive development of diagnostic competence were oral presentation of the material (lecture, explanation), discussion of the material (conversation, brainstorming, case study), practical (practical classes), control and self-control (survey, testing, test). The main stage of the adaptive development methodology for the diagnostic competence of HMEI FLTs was to establish trusting subject-subject relationships between all participants in the educational process and create a favourable learning environment for the development of diagnostic competence of HMEI FLTs. HMEI FLTs received objective assessment and feedback. Feedback is an important component for the ongoing support of HMEI FLTs and for assessing progress, studying problems that arise during training choosing ways to solve them, and managing the process of developing diagnostic competence. The creation of a positive moral and psychological climate for learning, which encourages HMEI FLTs to develop and take initiative, and share experiences, was carried out by considering the needs and wishes of the course participants and contributed to the development of confidence and creativity of the trainees.
The effectiveness of the educational process depends most of all on the establishment of high-quality communication, interaction, and joint activity of the subjects of learning. That is why, according to the culture and nature of the interaction between the teacher and students in the proposed methodology for the adaptive development of diagnostic competence, the subject-subject interaction is defined, as involving active interaction, communication, and cooperation of all its subjects, which in the methodology of adaptive teaching is implemented through interactive teaching methods. Moreover, the face-to-face training of the HMEI FLTs was based on their cooperation with the teacher-facilitator, as he monitors progress, evaluates, and provides constant feedback. Right in the classroom and in the course of providing feedback and consultations, the teacher-facilitator evaluates the completion of tasks and the strategy of achieving the desired result for the students - HMEI FLTs. Such interactive cooperation during training is an important component of the development of diagnostic competence of HMEI FLTs and contributes to their motivation and active involvement in learning activities, as well as brings satisfaction from the results achieved. During the full-time study, the predominant type of training was practical training, which ensures the implementation of the didactic principle of linking theory with practice, deepening, systematisation, consolidation and specification of knowledge gained in lectures and the process of independent work; formation of practical skills and abilities necessary for professional activity; development of skills to observe and explain certain scientific, educational and scientific phenomena under study; formation and development of practical, professional thinking; development of independence in learning activities, etc. (Yahupov et al., 2020).
The final stage aimed to deepen the theoretical and practical knowledge, skills, and abilities of HMEI FLTs. It implies that HMEI FLTs can design, independently choose, and apply the necessary diagnostic tools, organise and conduct diagnostic activities, provide effective feedback, evaluate their achievements and correct them if necessary. The final stage of implementation of the author's methodology for adaptive development of diagnostic competence of HMEI FLTs aimed to:
promote the development of professional subjectivity, reflexivity, critical thinking, objectivity, tolerance, and organisational skills of university teachers of foreign languages;
summarise and systematise the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities for the development of diagnostic competence of higher education teachers of foreign languages;
mastering statistical methods for analysing test tasks to create valid, reliable diagnostic tools for measuring students' learning achievements.
An important component of this stage of the author's adaptive development methodology is the use of project-based learning technology, which enables the training of HMEI FLTs based on their independence, motivation, life, and practical experience. In addition, project activities, due to their developmental nature, perspective orientation, and practical orientation, contribute to the enrichment of the educational process and require the informed, systematically planned, and conscious involvement of HMEI FLTs in joint activities (Radkevych et al., 2020). At this stage of implementation of the methodology of adaptive development of diagnostic competence of HMEI FLTs, the training “Fundamentals of statistical analysis of test tasks” is provided. The training aims at mastering the practical skills of processing test results and ways of presenting the results depending on the purpose of diagnostics. The importance of this training is also determined by the need for HMEI
FLTs to be ready to provide feedback to the stakeholders of the educational process on the progress and achievement of educational goals by servicemen. A detailed analysis of the diagnostic results makes it possible to determine the goals and needs of the students, update the curriculum, and revise the methods and content of teaching. The training programme consists of two parts: Theoretical and practical. The theoretical part of the training aims to master the following issues: verification of test answers; calculation and conversion of results into a grading scale; approaches to converting assessment results; and interpretation of test results (interpretation methods). To test the effectiveness of the pedagogical modelling of the development of diagnostic competence of HMEI FLTs, which includes the author's methodology of adaptive development, a sequential pedagogical experiment was conducted, the integral results of which are shown for CG 1 and CG 2 Table 1, and for EG 1 and EG 2 in Table 2.
Table 1. The integral result of the development of diagnostic competence of CG1 and CG2 at the formative and formative stages of the experiment
No. |
diagnostic competence components |
CG1 (12 persons) |
CG2 (13 persons) |
before |
after |
before |
after |
1 |
Kvm (%) |
63.6 |
66.5 |
62.2 |
65.6 |
2 |
Kc (%) |
70.0 |
71.6 |
69.9 |
71.9 |
3 |
Ka (%) |
69.7 |
71.6 |
69.2 |
71.5 |
4 |
Kipq (%) |
72.5 |
74.4 |
69.3 |
71.7 |
5 |
Ks (%) |
61.8 |
65.8 |
62.3 |
66.3 |
KE |
67.5 |
69.9 |
66.5 |
69.4 |
Note: р < 0.05
Source: developed by the author
Table 2. The integral result of the development of diagnostic competence of EG1 at the formative and formative stages of the experiment
No. |
diagnostic competence components |
EG1 (12 persons) |
EG 2 (12 persons) |
before |
after |
before |
after |
1 |
Kvm (%) |
67.1 |
80.3 |
66.1 |
80.0 |
2 |
Kc (%) |
71.6 |
84.5 |
70.7 |
85.0 |
3 |
Ka (%) |
69.6 |
82.3 |
72.2 |
84.4 |
4 |
Kipq (%) |
70.1 |
80.0 |
68.9 |
80.5 |
5 |
Ks (%) |
62.8 |
76.7 |
62.3 |
77.7 |
KE |
68.2 |
80.7 |
68.0 |
81.5 |
Note: р < 0.05
Source: developed by the author
The analysis of the results of the ascertaining stage of teachers according to the established levels of diagnostic the pedagogical experiment made it possible to distribute competence (Table 3).
Table 3. Levels of forming the diagnostic competence of HMEI FLTs at the qualifying stage of the pedagogical experiment
Level |
EG 1 (12 persons) |
EG 2 (13 persons) |
EG 1 (12 persons) |
EG 2 (persons) |
persons |
% |
persons |
% |
persons |
% |
persons |
% |
Basic |
7 |
58.33 |
8 |
61.53 |
6 |
50 |
7 |
58.33 |
Intermediate |
4 |
33.33 |
4 |
30.76 |
5 |
41.46 |
4 |
33.33 |
Proficient |
1 |
8.33 |
1 |
7.69 |
1 |
8.33 |
1 |
8.33 |
Source: developed by the author
The analysis of the results of the formative stage of the pedagogical experiment was conducted to distribute HMEI FLTs by the established levels of diagnostic competence (Table 4).
Table 4. Levels of diagnostic competence development of HMEI FLTs at the formative stage of pedagogical experiment
Level |
EG 1 (12 persons) |
EG 2 (13 persons) |
EG 1 (12 persons) |
EG 2 (persons) |
persons |
% |
persons |
% |
persons |
% |
persons |
% |
Basic |
6 |
50 |
6 |
46.15 |
1 |
8.33 |
1 |
8.33 |
Intermediate |
4 |
33.33 |
5 |
38.46 |
5 |
41.46 |
4 |
33.33 |
Proficiency |
2 |
16.66 |
1 |
7.69 |
6 |
50 |
7 |
58.33 |
Source: developed by the author
The statistical significance of the obtained experimental results was confirmed by employing statistical calculations using Wilcoxon's T-test and Mann-Whitney's (7-test, which proved the effectiveness of the implementation of the improved pedagogical model, which includes the author's methodology of adaptive development and, accordingly, the increase in the level of development of diagnostic competence of HMEI FLTs of EG1 and EG2.
An analysis of the results of research and publications on the problem of developing the diagnostic competence of specialists shows that it has become the subject of research by many Ukrainian and foreign scholars who create various methods. At the same time, it should be noted that there is a lack of scientific research devoted to the problem of developing the diagnostic competence of foreign language teachers, in particular, of HME FLTs, and the development of appropriate effective methods for developing this competence in the system of postgraduate education. V.V. Ya- hupov and I.S. Plokhuta (2023) developed the diagnostic competence of future Doctor of Philosophy in the process of educational and scientific training by improving the contextual methodology for developing their competence by supplementing and improving the existing methods of developing the professional competence of future specialists to the specifics of developing diagnostic competence in the process of educational and scientific training. The methodology is based on a special remote learning course and four topics dedicated to the peculiarities of the diagnostic activity of future Doctor of Philosophy. It is worth supporting the scientist's opinion on the importance of taking into account the context when developing the methodology, but it should be noted that such a methodology does not reflect the specifics of the diagnostic function of HMEI FLTs, which consists, in particular, in the ability and willingness to choose and develop valid diagnostic tools for determining the level of formation and development of military personnel's foreign language communicative competence, specifications for various diagnostic tools. In addition, the peculiarity of the diagnostic activity of the teachers of foreign languages is the ability to moderate, test and statistically verify the effectiveness of diagnostic tools.
The opinion of O. Zastelo (2018), who developed the technology of integral assessment of the development of military personnel's FLC. It is worth agreeing with the scientist's opinion that the technology of integral assessment of the level of development of servicemen's FLC allows for a more accurate assessment of the integral level of formation and development of servicemen's FLC. The researcher defines the aforementioned technology as a methodological basis for the development of diagnostic competence of HMEI FLTs and is convinced that mastering the special OPINION software will increase the level of development of diagnostic competence of HMEI FLTs. However, it is worth noting that the diagnostic function of foreign language teachers is not limited to assessing the integral level of military personnel's FLC development, but includes such diagnostic measures as ongoing assessment of the level of foreign language proficiency during classroom lessons (input, current, self-control, module (milestone), semester, final), ability and willingness to determine the ability to master languages, provide effective feedback in compliance with ethical standards, build individual learning trajectories for mastering foreign languages for each serviceman and the training group as a whole.
The development of the diagnostic competence of HMEI FLTs according to the author's methodology of adaptive development in advanced training courses is carried out through the technology of blended learning, which consists of an effective combination of the full-time component of training (under the guidance of a teacher) and the remote component (mastering a remote course before starting traditional training, i.e. theoretical preliminary training). The technology of blended learning in the development of the author's methods was used by V. Krykun (2018), who developed the author's methodology of blended learning for the development of foreign language professional competence of future masters of military management; A. Tkachenko and T. Romanenko (2021), who outlined the peculiarities of organising the education of students of higher education institutions using blended learning technology and provided general methodological approaches to designing a training course using this technology; O. Spirin et al. (2019) investigated the use of blended learning as an effective methodology for promoting student collaboration in the process of solving practical problems and as a means of developing their key professional skills. K. Osadcha and V. Osadchyi (2021) analysed the foreign experience of implementing blended learning in higher education institutions and identified the best practices of blended learning in higher education: the phased application of blended learning modes (reading, seeing, listening, observing, acting, teaching); applying the
basic elements for a blended learning course - redesigning the course, defining goals and expectations, appropriate combination of classroom and online learning; V Bondar et al. (2018), who investigated the current practices of using blended learning in Ukrainian higher education. It was also found that NATO BILC actively uses blended learning technology in its professional development courses for language testing specialists. It is reasonable to agree with V. Krykun (2018) that the use of blended learning technology in the educational process of HMEI saves time, money, and equipment and at the same time improves the quality of training, developing independence, creativity, updating knowledge and acquiring additional knowledge.
The methodological basis for the creation of the author's remote special course was the technology of adaptive learning, which is the subject of research by both Ukrainian and international experts. Their methods involve the study of educational material that is presented through the use of adaptive algorithms. When creating the remote specialised course, adaptive learning technologies were used, thanks to which the study of educational material is carried out using adaptive algorithms for each student, considering their knowledge, skills and personal learning needs, i.e. adaptive presentation of the educational material of the author's remote specialised course. The learning content was divided into small chunks, and constant feedback and step-by-step assessment were provided. (Cavanagh et al., 2020; Mira- ta et al., 2020). O. Yeromenko (2021) developed an adaptive toolkit to provide scientific and methodological support for the functioning and development of an adaptive system of professional training of masters in educational institution management using adaptive learning technologies that allow learning in three modes: with a teacher, individually and independently under the guidance of a teacher. The adaptive system proposed by the author is based on a certain algorithm, which in turn functions through the use of adaptive tools (adaptive content, adaptive survey and assessment, adaptive learning scenarios). A. Nosenko (2018) in her study identifies the advantages of adaptive learning technologies, the main ones being: 1) the ability to adapt to the needs and progress of each student during learning and automatically adjust the learning material online; 2) to provide feedback and independently monitor progress in learning; 3) to assess, predict, adjust, and monitor progress based on real-time data. The adaptive learning technology was used to develop the diagnostic competence of the teachers of HMEI FLTs, considering the experience of Ukrainian and foreign scholars. This technology can be used to address the individual characteristics of students in the organisation of learning activities in the postgraduate education system and thus build an individual learning trajectory, considering the individual pace of work, the depth of learning and educational needs (Lyashenko, 2019). Improving the level of development of diagnostic competence of foreign language teachers at HMEIs requires a systematic and practically oriented approach based on the widespread use of modern innovative technologies and international experience. The introduction ofvarious technologies, forms, and methods of teaching, as well as the use or adaptation of the world experience gained by leading countries that have achieved significant success in developing the diagnostic competence of foreign language teachers, is important and relevant in the context of their implementation in the educational process of the higher military school of our country.
Therefore, the development of diagnostic competence of HMEI FLTs is a relevant and important task in the system of postgraduate education, the solution of which involves the implementation of systematic, comprehensive, consistent measures that can be implemented through the use of appropriate methods and an effective combination of remote and face-to-face education and training. The author's methodology of adaptive development of diagnostic competence of HMEI FLTs in the system of postgraduate education is developed and substantiated, which is a combination of competence, andragogical, systemic, contextual, subjective and activity methodological approaches, organisational forms and content of training, in particular, full-time education and training, types of training sessions, teaching aids, and the author's remote course, which are contextually and systematically implemented at the value-motivational (author's remote special course for the development of diagnostic competence of HMEI FLTs), basic (advanced training course on methods of teaching foreign languages) and final (training “Fundamentals of statistical analysis of test tasks”) stages. Improving the level of development of diagnostic competence of HMEI FLTs requires a systematic and practically oriented approach based on the widespread use of modern innovative technologies and international experience. The introduction of various technologies, forms and methods of teaching, as well as the use or adaptation of the world experience gained by leading countries that have achieved significant success in the development of diagnostic competence of foreign language teachers, is important and relevant in the context of their implementation in the educational process of the higher military school of our country, in particular in the system of postgraduate education to ensure the continuous development of HMEI FLTs. The methodology of adaptive development of diagnostic competence of teachers of foreign languages in higher education contributes to the development of values and motivation for diagnostic activities; development of professional knowledge of the theory and practice of pedagogical diagnosis, diagnostic skills based on the professional application of methods, methodological techniques, diagnostic methods, diagnostic tools; development of professionally important qualities, reflexivity and professional subjectivity.
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