Using of interactive worksheets (platform as a form of implementation of flipped classroom ideas

The use of interactive worksheets in the educational process and the method of "flipped classroom". Assessment of the acquisition of new material at the end of the lesson by performing tasks in a workbook, testing. Benefits of an interactive worksheet.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 23.09.2024
Размер файла 21,9 K

Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже

Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

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Taras Shevchenko specialized secondary school with in-depth study of foreign languages I-III degrees №1

Bukovinian state medical university


Obradovych Olena teacher of Ukrainian

Language and literature, senior teacher

Obradovych Anastasiia assistant of

Medical biology and genetic department

Berdichiv, Chernivtsi


The rapid expansion of the information field surrounding man in recent decades has led to the emergence of a post-industrial information society. In today's world, information and scientific knowledge have become determinants of society's overall strategic potential. The education system, despite its known conservatism, must respond to the challenges of the times. With this in mind, priorities in learning are changing and the task of the teacher is to teach students to learn: to independently find, compare and choose the knowledge necessary for a full life in the information society. The use of interactive worksheets in the educational process, in particular the method of "flipped classroom", allows for qualitative changes in the education system, opens wide prospects for deepening the theoretical knowledge base, strengthening the applied orientation of learning, creative potential of students according to their inclinations, requests and abilities.

Keywords. flipped classroom, interactive worksheets, distance education, online technology, updating knowledge.

The main text

"Flipped classroom" is a form of active learning, authored by chemistry teachers Aaron Sams and Jonathan Bergmann (USA). This technology is a pedagogical model in which the typical presentation of lectures and the organization of homework change places. Students watch short video lectures at home, master the theoretical material on their own and in the classroom time is spent on exercises, project discussions and discussions. Video lectures are often seen as a key component in the "flipped" approach; they are created by the teacher and posted on the Internet.

The idea of "flipped classroom" is to familiarize students at home with new educational material in the textbook, and in the classroom - a brief analysis of problematic issues, consolidation of theoretical knowledge and development of practical skills. Self-study material can be video-based, very concise (up to 8 minutes) and interesting.

Assessment of the acquisition of new material is carried out at the end of the same lesson by performing tasks in a workbook, computer testing, etc.

At the same time we have to look for ways to intensify training sessions. The proposed "flipped classroom" involves the rejection of the following methods: speeches by students at the board, face-to-face interviews, dictation of abstracts, watching long educational films and presentations, and so on. Instead, elements of collaborative pedagogy are introduced: the teacher acts more as a colleague and consultant, encouraging students to do independent research and work together. Students learn the material, largely through self-study, which promotes the development of cognitive activity and independence.

In the context of "flipped classroom" the question arises: how to interest students to study the material ahead of time at home, when the usual homework students do not always perform well. Perhaps the only way to solve this problem is that the video lessons, video lectures or textbooks used in this method should be interesting, rich and understandable not only to the teacher but also to the learner.

Every teacher dreams of ideal textbooks and workbooks that would explain complex material and shape the vital skills of the 21st century, namely:

- Critical thinking and the ability to solve problems comprehensively.

- Media literacy and knowledge of the basics of IT technology.

- Flexibility of mind and continuing education.

- High levels of emotional and social intelligence.

- Interdisciplinarity.

Every teacher dreams of teaching materials changing in a flash after any change in the curriculum, and dreams of having a flexible tool for all learning formats that meets the needs of all learners.

Thus, interactive learning materials are becoming popular and relevant. Interactive exercises are integrated into the learning process and are used to assimilate the material studied and achieve certain learning outcomes by students [1,2].

The purpose of interactive tasks is to provide an opportunity to learn the material, to achieve the results of classes on positive thematic-oriented learning tools.

One form of such training materials is interactive worksheets. It is one of the tools of distance and blended learning and formative assessment for learning, working out, repeating learning material and mastering new ways of acting. It has the appearance of a web page where you can post theoretical material and multi-level tasks for students. interactive worksheet flipped classroom

Benefits of an interactive worksheet:

- the ability to apply it many times;

- free use of any source of information (both paper and electronic) when working with an interactive worksheet;

- the ability to publish an online sheet on the teacher's personal website, blog or integrate into training courses created using Google Classroom, Edmondo or Microsoft;

- creative approach of the teacher (teacher) to the teaching of their discipline and, as a consequence, increase the motivation of students.

- saves teachers precious time;

- protects the environment because it does not need paper.

Teacher can use interactive worksheets in different occasions:

- in any class where it is possible to use personal devices or a computer class;

- for frontal work;

- for independent work with further verification;

- as an alternative homework;

- during the organization of mixed and distance learning formats;

- in activities outside the classroom [2]. is an online service that allows teacher to create interactive worksheets with exercises and tasks. They can be used both in class and remotely. With the tools, you can quickly create a variety of tasks: open-ended answering, multiple-choice answering, matching, ordering, filling in gaps in text, commenting on images, tables, video-based tasks, and more. The open gallery of the service has a wide collection of ready-made worksheets, but teacher can also create by their own. There are tasks for creative work or tasks with game elements - sorting, drawing, word search, discussion, reflection.

Registration in the service is mandatory and quite simple, however, this step allows you to identify students. In order to purposefully connect students to the required class, the teacher first creates such a class, and then invites users to it using the appropriate link or code.

Instructions for each task can be text or voice, as well as the answers of students. For each task the teacher can set the weight in points and the correct answer or a bank of options for open tasks.

Service with English-language interface, but the filling of the worksheet can be in any language and it does not affect the correctness of the answers. If you have difficulty with the interface, you can use the Google Translate plugin for browsers [3] (table 1).

Table 1

Advantages and disadvantages of the platform



Quick sign up with your Google Account.

Lack of site interface in different languages.

Different ways of distributing materials: automated publication of a link to a worksheet in Google Classroom;

distribution through social networks;

distribution through links; the ability to print materials and distribute in paper form.

There are some paid features: rescheduling questions, timer, scheduling, creating

classes, the ability to reset the student's answers, download a report with grades.

Opportunity to use didactic materials of teachers of different countries.

Ability to work with a worksheet using mobile devices.

Teachers and students can use worksheets from any mobile device, the most important condition - the availability of Internet access. However, when creating such a sheet, the teachers should take into account the features of mobile devices. For example, the block sizes in a matching task do not scale so all answer options may not fit on a small smartphone screen.


Thus, the service is a convenient tool for checking the level of knowledge acquired during the "flipped classroom". Correct filling of tasks and answer base provides correct automatic verification of students' answers. The use of worksheets is possible from any device with Internet access, which is an advantage if the participants in the educational process are limited in technical means of learning.


1. Кузмінська О.Г. (2016). Перевернуте навчання: практичний аспект. Інформаційні технології в освіті (26), 87-98.

2. Nouri J. (2016). The flipped classroom: for active, effective and increased Learning - especially for low achievers. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (13), 33-43.

3. Алексеенко В.В. Використання веб-ресурсів у професійній діяльності вчителя інформатики. Актуальні питання сучасної інформатики: матеріали доповідей IV Всеукр. наук.-практ. конферен. з міжнар. уч. «Сучасні інформаційні технології в освіті та науці» (Вип.7, с. 6-8). 7-8 листопада 2019 р., Житомир, Україна: Вид-во ЖДУ.

4. Франчук В.М. & Франчук Н.П. Проблеми автоматичного перекладу. Інформаційні технології в освіті, науці і техніці (ІТОНТ-2010): матеріали VII Всеукраїнської науковопрактичної конференції (Т.2, с. 75). 4-6 травня 2010 р. Черкаси, Україна: ЧДТУ.

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