The role of teachers in the formalization of "Self-image" in primary schools
Elucidation and presentation by the teacher of the conditions for the positive formation of "Self-image" in primary school. Creation of favorable situations during the lesson that develop in students a positive attitude towards themselves and others.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 05.09.2024 |
Размер файла | 21,3 K |
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Department of Social and Educational Psychology Baku State University
The role of teachers in the formalization of “Self-image” in primary schools
Guliyeva G.R., Doctoral student
The article elucidates and presents the conditions for the positive formation of the "Self-Image" in primary school settings. It is demonstrated that, during class time, creating favorable situations that develop positive attitudes in students towards themselves and others is crucial for the evolution of the elementary school student's self-concept. This involves establishing successful situations that foster positive relationships with oneself and others. Furthermore, the development of self-awareness in children and the formation of adequate self-relationships necessitate the creation of educational settings that allow for the identification of discrepancies between a child's behavior and ethical standards. These settings should facilitate efforts to identify and reduce identified discrepancies. The article also touches upon teaching speech etiquette to students and ways to create positive relationships with others.
Simultaneously, the article emphasizes the importance of the positive "Self-Image" for the formation of an active position in the teaching process for young students. It delineates and substantiates the conditions for the formation of a positive "Self-Image" in small primary school children. It is noted that teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the "Self-Image" of young children, especially in the formative years of primary education. Therefore, teachers should not only focus on academic indicators but also pay attention to the formation of the positive "Self-Image" in young students and address any challenges that may arise during the process.
It is highlighted that teachers hold a significant role in shaping the "Self-Image" of small primary school children, particularly in the evaluation of academic performance and interactions with classmates. As young students face the assessment of their academic work and interactions with peers, they begin to understand their strengths and educational opportunities. The teacher is a central figure in the school system, and psychological issues often crystallize around them. Primary school classes represent the foundational pillar of educational activities, where children take their initial steps under the guidance of the teacher. The teacher, working within the class, often operates individually and assumes the roles of both an educator and a mentor in the process.
Key words: "Self-image," primary school student, personality, teacher, pupil, education, training.
Роль вчителя у формалізації «Я-образу» в початковій школі
У статті висвітлено та представлено умови позитивного формування «Я-образу» у початковій школі. Показано, що під час уроку створення сприятливих ситуацій, які розвивають в учнів позитивне ставлення до себе та оточуючих, має вирішальне значення для розвитку Я-концепції учня початкової школи. Це передбачає створення успішних ситуацій, які сприяють позитивним стосункам із собою та іншими. Крім того, розвиток у дітей самосвідомості та формування адекватних стосунків із собою зумовлюють необхідність створення виховних установок, що дозволяють виявляти невідповідності поведінки дитини етичним нормам. Ці параметри мають полегшити зусилля з виявлення та зменшення виявлених розбіжностей. У статті також йдеться про навчання студентів мовленнєвому етикету та способи створення позитивних стосунків з оточуючими.
Водночас у статті наголошується на важливості позитивного «Я-образу» для формування активної позиції у навчальному процесі молодших школярів. Окреслено та обґрунтовано умови формування позитивного «Я-образу» у молодших школярів. Зазначається, що вчителі відіграють ключову роль у формуванні «Я-образу» дітей раннього віку, особливо в роки формування початкової освіти. Тому вчителі повинні зосереджуватися не лише на академічних показниках, а й приділяти увагу формуванню позитивного «Я-образу» у молодих студентів та вирішувати будь-які проблеми, які можуть виникнути під час цього процесу.
Підкреслено, що вчителі відіграють значну роль у формуванні «Я-образу» дітей молодшого шкільного віку, зокрема в оцінюванні успішності та взаємодії з однокласниками. Коли молоді студенти стикаються з оцінкою їхньої академічної роботи та взаємодії з однолітками, вони починають розуміти свої сильні сторони та освітні можливості. Учитель є центральною фігурою в шкільній системі, і навколо нього часто кристалізуються психологічні проблеми. Уроки початкової школи є основою навчальної' діяльності, де діти роблять свої перші кроки під керівництвом учителя. Учитель, працюючи в класі, часто діє індивідуально і бере на себе роль як вихователя, так і наставника в процесі.
Ключові слова: «Я-образ», молодший школяр, особистість, учитель, учень, виховання, навчання.
To foster a well-developed personality, it is imperative to cultivate the capacity to observe and accurately assess their own actions, relationships, qualities, and activities in children. This, in turn, holds pivotal significance for maximizing the realization of the potential of young primary school students. The key determinants influencing the formation of the "self-image" in young schoolchildren encompass the evaluative behavior of teachers and parents, as well as their attitude towards educational activities. In the realm of psychology, the concepts of "self" and "selfawareness" are frequently used interchangeably. However, the concept of "self" is more comprehensive than "self-awareness" because it encompasses conscious and unconscious processes, feelings, experiences, and knowledge about oneself, notwithstanding that "self" is an integral part of the self-aware structure. The "self" constitutes a unique, inseparable unity of biological, psychophysiological, and social- individual aspects. The sources of the former encompass physical well-being, self-perceptions, and feelings, while the social source in the "self" involves the child's mutual interaction with other people.
In the early stages of primary school age, a child can already formulate certain conclusions about oneself, and based on this, their "self-image" is formulated [4]. Consequently, a substantial issue negatively impacting the current and prospective personal development of the child is the formulation of a adverse self-perception. Hence, it is imperative to contribute to the affirmative formulation of your child's "self-image." To attain this, purposeful activities that instruct the child to appraise oneself and one's actions adequately should be implemented. In this regard, educators should not only concentrate on instructional activities in every class but also allocate attention to the formulation of the child's self perceptions. Primarily, the educator aids students in scrutinizing the lesson, assessing their level of activity, etc. Consequently, reflex movements are automatized, and young primary school students autonomously execute this activity.
Hence, the role of the educator is substantial in shaping the "self-image" of young primary school children, as education becomes salient at an early age, and the educator's opinion is crucial and influential for the child. Thus, the educator's evaluation significantly impacts the child's self-perceptions about the primary school itself. In this process, the educator must exhibit objectivity and, concurrently, consider the individual characteristics of the students. Granting attention to children who encounter difficulties in learning and furnishing positive reinforcement is particularly pivotal. Acknowledging even minor accomplishments, fostering the desire to improve the situation, and amplifying the results of educational activities positively influence the "self-image" of young primary school children. Engaging the child in diverse activities, dispensing instructions, involving them in group work during regular lessons is advantageous. Emphasizing the child's abilities, strengths, and developed skills by the educator is essential. The child's selfawareness and self-perceptions about oneself further develop, impacting their new role as a student and the success of educational activities. Thus, one of the components of self-awareness shaping subjective perceptions about oneself is the "self-image," which significantly influences an individual's situation and various aspects of life [5].
The degree of problem elaboration - Many authors have been engaged in the problem of the development of the "self-concept" and the creation of a success situation, and the problem of the development of the "self-concept" is currently actively studied in psychology according to its characteristics. Some researchers consider the "self-concept" as a mechanism for personality development and self-awareness (K. Rogers [5], A. Maslow [6], G. Allport [4]), while others determine its development according to the life stages of a person (E. Erikson) or emphasize it as a mutual relationship with the external world (T. Shibutani). Many psychologists argue that the "self-concept" is a fundamental component in the structure of personality.
Purpose and objectives. The development and scientific substantiation of an educational concept and technologies aimed at the formation of the "self-concept" in primary school-aged students, as well as the study of the nature and structure of the "self-concept" in young primary school children and the peculiarities of its formation.
self image primary school
During the research, a comparative analysis methodology among sources related to the topic, generally analytical research methods, was used. Depending on the tasks set in the research, methods such as generalization, transition from abstract to concrete, historical- comparative and systematic approach, analysis, synthesis, induction, and deduction were applied.
Factors Influencing the Development of the "Self-Image" in Early School Age
In the early school age period, the development and formation of the "Self-Image" is one of the earliest and most responsible stages, as primary school students are characterized by a tendency to develop and broaden their "self" sphere. Numerous studies in both foreign and local psychology have been conducted to observe how the structure of self-esteem is formed in primary school students. Researchers argue that at this age, children develop attitudes towards objects, people, including self-awareness in a timely manner. Central issues of this age include over-differentiated individuality, initiative, selfexpression, and issues related to personal resemblance. They view school, neighborhood culture, and the newly established family system as part of the general psychological environment that encourages the child to understand the social role within themselves [6].
In the early years of school, characteristics such as "I can be good," and "I want to be good" intensively develop. Researchers have identified that the early school age is a period of change in perceptions of past, present, and future time boundaries [8]. They also indicate that the majority of children have already formed a stable positive attitude towards themselves, which is evident in their acceptance of primarily positive evaluations from others. From his perspective, this can be explained by the need for recognition that can be realized in this way by children [6].
Young primary school children portray themselves through external features and indicators of physical traits; conversely, older children find it essential to emphasize their internal characteristics and the nature of their relationships with others. The outcomes of the investigation demonstrate that, during children's mutual interactions, body imitation emerges as a conspicuous factor influencing their reactions towards each other. Frequently, body type even serves as an instructional cue determining a teacher's attitude towards a specific child.
Research indicates that as children mature, their capacity to engage in increasingly nuanced and subtle self-judgments improves. A child now appeals to various psychological qualities, showcasing an understanding of their motives and motivations [9; 10]. The self-description of young school children is characterized by egocentrism, wherein egocentrically oriented activities play a central role in their "Self-Image." The explicit highlighting of skills and abilities holds significant importance for young school children. Subtle comparisons with their peers also manifest in their behavior.
Young school children exhibit a proclivity to depict themselves more expansively relative to others. Within the self-descriptions of young school children, indications of preferences and aversions can be discerned, yet such evaluative judgments are practically underutilized when delineating other individuals [8].
Young children commence an awareness not solely of the specifics of their conduct but also the attributes of character, experiences, sentiments, and cogitations. Conceptions pertaining to themselves undergo a deepening, and curiosity emerges in novel facets of the "self" image. These conceptualizations undergo individuation, and the diversity of traits ascertainable in themselves undergoes augmentation.
In contemporary psychology, the epoch of early school years encompasses the phase of 6-10 years, considering the structuring of psychic development. By reaching six years of age, the child's organism undergoes substantial anatomical-physiological advancement, and the process of maturation endures efficaciously during this age period.
Developmental ludic activities assume the secondary position subsequent to instructional endeavors during this age period, and they are now prepared for educational training in terms of anatomical-physiological, intellectual, volitional, personal, and socio-psychological aspects. The early school age functions as a transitional period, amalgamating the characteristics of pre-school age with the distinctive features of school life. Numerous underpinnings of psychological traits constitutive of personality are established during this period, and the initiation into school represents the most productive stage in the formation of their personality and psychological development. The predicaments confronted by the student at the culmination of the early school age ameliorate, and the training activity assimilates and shapes the distinct characteristics of play.
The Role of Social Relationships in the Formation of the "Self-Image" during Early School Age
During the initial phase of elementary schooling, a child's position within the social relational framework undergoes transformations, and the sphere of communication experiences an expansion. Active participation in collaborative endeavors with educators and peers necessitates engagement in interpersonal interactions, with the teacher assuming a pivotal role in this emergent domain. Upon entering the scholastic environment, the child systematically aligns their movements, gestures, and conduct in accordance with the internal regulations of the school, manifesting distinct behavioral patterns in interactions with peers and instructors, deviating from those observed during the kindergarten period.
The construct of identity, a foundational determinant of personality, articulates an individual's reflections on their essence, purpose, capabilities, and adaptive strategies in the world. Identity formation is not an inherent attribute but evolves gradually over time within the socio-physical milieu. In the developmental trajectory, parental influence plays a seminal role initially, while subsequently, peer communities in kindergarten and school exert substantial influence on the cultivation of identity and selfesteem.
The Role of Individual Characteristics in the Formation of "Self-Concept" during Early Elementary School Age
The comprehension of self-regard facilitates individuals to embrace alterations in their physical attributes, establish profound connections with peers, and prepare for professional and familial life. This concept offers the opportunity for selfevaluation and assessment during adolescence when the inquiry of "Who am I?" becomes significant, resulting in a state of self-assessment [7].
Consequently, self-respect signifies an individual's self-esteem and self-care. In conjunction with cognitive development, particularly around the age of 11, distinctive and symbolic thinking styles commence developing, and overarching judgments start to take form. The child distinguishes oneself from others based on psychological and physical characteristics. They formulate opinions about things they favor and are capable of, while becoming cognizant of talents and interests and making endeavors to cultivate and enhance them, thereby contributing to the advancement of self-concept [11].
During this age period, negative states such as excessive activity, a sense of tension, and an inability to concentrate on an activity are commonly encountered. To alleviate these states, organized programs should be implemented, informative training sessions should be organized for the parents of schoolchildren, the reasons for such behavior should be investigated, and the child's physical activity should be directed towards beneficial activities and regulated.
Self-awareness and self-evaluation play a crucial role in the development of the personality of young schoolchildren. Joining the school collective holds great importance in shaping their personality, as during this period, the foundation for a sense of collectivism and interpersonal relationships is laid. Educational activities gradually connect children, establishing the basis for mutual assistance, collaborative activities, and a culture of diligence among them.
The Teacher's Role in the Formation of the "Self-Image" in the Early School Years
School life quality, conceptualized as one of the benchmarks of children's overall well-being within the educational milieu, constitutes the allure of youngsters to scholastic existence and their seamless assimilation into this scholastic environment.
The affirmative emotion metric of school life quality encompasses the entirety of affirmative cognitions harbored by pupils concerning their academic institution. In this segment, their sanguine dispositions, affective states, in brief, emotions towards the educational institution are scrutinized. The adversarial emotion metric is contingent upon the negative scholastic encounters of children and mirrors the antithesis of the positive emotion metric [12].
The evolution of the educational milieu concurrently impacts the efficacy of managerial, pedagogical, and pupil activities, optimizing the efficacy of administrative functions, pedagogical endeavors, and the academic triumphs and conduct of pupils. The synergistic collaboration between educators and administrators augments the pinnacle of student success.
It is salient to underscore the significance of teacher-student relationships as one of the relational dynamics that assumes a pivotal role in the student's scholastic journey within educational environs. Pupils who cultivate favorable associations with their instructors, receive the anticipated rapport and evaluative input, amplify constructive comportment, and such associations contribute substantively to the augmentation of pupils' self-esteem. Per research findings, paramount determinants influencing students' proclivity or aversion to academic institutions are their cohorts and pedagogues [13].
Thus, it is possible to discern five typical content domains in the structure of the self-image of a child in the early school age: "resilience - the gentleness of character," "high level of physical activity - low level of physical activity," "social normativity - absence of social normativity," "high level of school competence - low level of school competence," and "child attractiveness - attractiveness for adults." However, the structure of the self-image becomes more distinct at the end of early school age. In this regard, changes occur in the content of the self-image at the end of early school age: the shift of interest from the eventful side of life to the internal world, as well as an increase in the degree of uniqueness in personal descriptions. Changes also occur in the utilization of attributive schemes of success and failure in the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities related to the child's school competence [6]. It is essential to highlight these personal qualities that strengthen, such as self-esteem, at this age. This directly depends on the nature of assessments given to the mature child and their success in various activities. In this context, the role of the teacher is of paramount importance in fostering the development of the mentioned qualities.
The configuration of the "selfimage" undergoes transformation under the impact of diverse external and internal stimuli. Among these influences, pivotal figures in a child's life, namely educators and parents, emerge as the most significant. An essential facet of shaping the "self-image" in youngsters at the early stage of formal education lies in its malleability, character's lack of stability, and perpetual alterations influenced by various factors. During this developmental phase, the child's capacities for exercising free will, critical thinking, and self-assessment burgeon. Nevertheless, the child's objectivity is not consistently present. Consequently, the child struggles to objectively evaluate the outcomes of their endeavors and their holistic self. It can be posited that offspring raised in a felicitous familial environment universally possess a positive "self-image." They can readily identify the favorable aspects, yet articulating them may pose challenges. The instantiation of a negative "self-image" in children emanates from their actions and interpersonal dynamics. Educators have the potential to employ a gamut of activities and exercises to ameliorate adverse facets and cultivate a positive "self-image" among young school-aged children within the pedagogical milieu. Therefore, while a medley of external and internal forces exerts influence over the formation of a positive "selfimage," the pivotal role of educators remains pronounced. Consequently, teachers ought to implement deliberate and systematic measures in both instructional and extracurricular realms to systematically nurture the positive development of the "self-image" in young school-aged children.
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