The modern teacher of the institution of higher education: challenges and innovations

The role of the teacher in the 21st century and the need to implement innovative approaches to ensure quality education. The study of concepts such as technological progress, globalisation, changes in approaches to learning, inclusiveness, competition.

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The modern teacher of the institution of higher education: challenges and innovations

Svitlana Nahorniak, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyubynskyi State Pedagogical University


In the 21st century, higher education is undergoing significant changes, and teachers are becoming key figures in this process. For a modern teacher, it is not enough to be able to adapt to the challenges of globalisation, technological progress, the development of intercultural communication and the development of critical thinking among higher education students, but it is necessary to anticipate all challenges in advance and become the initiator of changes in the educational environment. This article examines the role of the teacher in the 21st century and the need to implement innovative approaches to ensure quality education.

This article is devoted to the analysis of the challenges faced by teachers in higher education institutions, as well as to the study of innovative approaches that can be used to effectively address these challenges. Through the study of concepts such as technological progress, globalisation, changes in approaches to learning, inclusiveness, competition, scientific activity, mental health of higher education students and administrative burdens, because all of these directions affect the professional activity of teachers in the modern educational environment. Undoubtedly, the teacher of a higher education institution is influenced by technological progress, namely, the integration of modern technologies into the educational process, associated with changes in approaches to learning and assessment. In addition, the teacher has to focus on the competitive environment in higher education, strategies for filling groups and retaining students. At the same time, not forgetting about scientific activity and combining it with the educational process. In the article, the figure of a modern teacher of higher education in the 21 st century is considered through the prism of changes in pedagogical approaches, challenges that contribute to innovations and technologies, which, in turn, help to improve the educational process in a modern institution of higher education.

Keywords: modern teacher, higher education, challenges, innovations, technologies, globalisation, training, competition, scientific activity, mental health of students, administrative workload.


Сучасний викладач закладу вищої освіти: виклики та інновації

Світлана Василівна Нагорняк кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент; Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського

У ХХІ столітті вища освіта зазнає значних змін, а викладачі стають ключовими фігурами у цьому процесі. Для сучасного викладача замало вміти підлаштовуватися до викликів глобалізації, технологічного прогресу, розвитку міжкультурного спілкування та розвитку критичного мислення у здобувачів вищої освіти, а потрібно передбачати наперед всі виклики та ставати ініціатором змін в освітньому середовищі. Ця стаття розглядає роль викладача ХХІ століття та необхідність впровадження інноваційних підходів для забезпечення провадження якісної освіти. Ця стаття присвячена аналізу викликів, з якими стикаються викладачі закладів вищої освіти, а також дослідженню інноваційних підходів, які можуть бути використані для ефективного вирішення цих викликів.

Через дослідження понять, таких як технологічний прогрес, глобалізація, зміни у підходах до навчання, інклюзивність, конкуренція, наукова діяльність, психічне здоров'я здобувачів вищої освіти та адміністративні навантаження, адже всі перераховані напрями впливають на професійну діяльність викладачів у сучасному освітньому середовищі. Безумовно, що на викладача закладу вищої освіти справляє вплив технологічного прогресу, а саме, інтеграція сучасних технологій у освітній процес, пов'язані зі зміною підходів до навчання та оцінювання. Окрім того, викладачу доводиться зосереджуватися на конкурентному середовищі у вищій освіті, стратегіях наповнення груп та утриманні здобувачів освіти.

При цьому, не забуваючи про наукову діяльність та поєднувати її з освітнім процесом. У статті постать сучасного викладача вищої освіти у ХХІ столітті розглядається через призму змін в педагогічних підходах, викликах, що сприяють інноваціям та технологіям, а ті, в свою чергу, допомагають покращити освітній процес у сучасному закладі вищої освіти.

Ключові слова: сучасний викладач, вища освіта, виклики, інновації, технології, глобалізація, навчання, конкуренція, наукова діяльність, психічне здоров'я студентів, адміністративне навантаження

Statement of the problem

Institutions of higher education are important institutions for ensuring the development of society and the transfer of knowledge to the new generation. The role of a teacher in a higher education institution has acquired special importance in modern conditions, where scientific progress and technological shifts occur at an unexpected speed. The modern teacher is faced with numerous challenges that require new approaches, strategies and innovations.

Traditionally, the teacher's role was limited to the transfer of information and knowledge to students, but the modern context requires a wider range of competencies. Teachers need to become facilitators of knowledge that contribute to stimulating higher education students to independent thinking, critical analysis and problem solving. An important part of the teacher's role is the education of civic values, the understanding of diversity and promotion of the development of interpersonal and intercultural competences.

Analysis of recent research and publications showed that the study of the problem of measuring the levels of pedagogical competence of teachers of higher education institutions should be based on the domestic traditions of studying the competence of a specialist within the framework of pedagogical, psychological, economic, sociological and other sciences, in particular, on the theoretical and methodological works of Yu. Babanskyi, I. Bekha, B. Gershunsky, S. Honcharenko, I. Zyazyun, V. Kremen, etc.; works on didactics of professional education by R. Gurevich, O. Dubaseniuk, N. Nychkalo, V. Strelnikova, etc.; works on pedagogical psychology by H. Ball, H. Kostyuk, V. Semichenko, B. Fedoryshyn and others [7, p. 29]. Many scientists, both domestic and foreign, have dealt with the problems of forming the image of a modern teacher and higher education institution, but there are a number of unresolved issues that require urgent consideration. We would like to note the domestic scientists who deal with these issues, namely: V. Andrushchenko, I. Anosov, N. Boretska, O. Apilat, V. Voronkova, O. Kyvlyuk, R. Oleksenko, P. Saik, O. Sytnyk, O. Smilyanets, and others.

The purpose of the article. Research on the dependence of the professional training of future specialists in various fields on the personality of the teacher and his professionalism. After all, the mission of a modern teacher is not limited only to the high-quality organisation of the educational process, the teacher is called to perform a reference function - his professional image (impeccable appearance, personal and professional culture, innovative creative thinking, responsible attitude to his professional duties, etc.) should serve as a model of a positive image for future professionals.

Summary of the main material

In the conditions of reform, the education system of Ukraine is aimed at the standards of the European educational space, which significantly expands the functions and capabilities of the teaching staff of higher education institutions (HEIs). The above causes changes in the role positions of the modern teacher of higher education institutions - the transition from a single mentor and source of knowledge to the role of a coach, facilitator, tutor, moderator in the individual educational trajectory of a student of higher education. It is connected with the change of the teacher's functions, which are transformed in order to provide support aimed at creating conditions for the rational self-development of the individual.

This phenomenon is an important category that reflects the essence of the innovative activity of a modern higher education teacher and allows him to move from adaptation to changing the conditions of the educational environment on the basis of the key tasks of modern higher education and taking into account the needs of its students. Therefore, the transformation of the role of the teacher of higher education changes and complements the substantive basis of his professional competence. This requires the understanding and use of new concepts, which determines the relevance of our research [6, p. 157].

A teacher at a higher education institution must possess certain qualities and competencies in order to effectively fulfil his professional role and influence higher education students. The main competencies include:

Expertise in his/her field of expertise: A teacher must have deep knowledge of the educational component he/she is teaching and be aware of the latest trends and developments in his/her field.

The ability to communicate effectively: a teacher must understand and explain complex terms and concepts to students in an accessible manner, stimulate discussions and facilitate an active exchange of knowledge.

The ability to encourage learning: a teacher must be able to encourage learners to cognitive activity, promote formative interest and motivate independent study of the material.

The ability to quickly adapt: changes in society and education require the teacher to be ready to adapt to new technologies, methods and approaches to learning.

Supporting the development of students in higher education: a teacher should show interest in the academic and personal needs of students, promote their development and help them overcome difficulties.

Critical thinking: a modern teacher must own and promote the development of critical thinking in students, teach them to analyse and evaluate information from various sources.

Innovations in education: a teacher must be open to the introduction of new approaches and teaching methods, use interactive methods and modern technologies.

An example for students of higher education: a teacher should be an example of professional and ethical behaviour in relationships with students.

Self-improvement: a teacher must constantly improve his professional level.

Stress resistance and tolerance: a teacher must be ready to resolve conflict situations, understand the diversity of the student body and show tolerance for different views [3].

That is, a modern teacher must combine professional competence with social skills in order to become an influential figure in the educational process.

Teachers often complain that students today are not the same as before. And the base at the school is weaker, and they are not interested in anything except the Internet. But this is far from the case. There are a lot of acquirers who read not only e-books, and get knowledge not only from social networks. Yes, they are not what they used to be, but they are neither worse nor better, they are just different. And you just have to accept it. At the same time, teachers must firmly remember that today's students of higher education "see through" their mentors.

Therefore, today a teacher who teaches others simply needs to constantly learn and improve himself. It is necessary to establish oneself so that the student of higher education remembers the teacher as a highly erudite, highly professional lecturer or practitioner, and does not associate his memories with some not very correct or generally unacceptable act of the teacher. If the student has not developed a model of the correct authority of the teacher, and the teacher begins to communicate with the student as an equal, transferring his responsibility to him, then such freedom suppresses the personality of the student of education and turns him into an amorphous being with cynical morals. All over the world we are witnessing a catastrophic deterioration of what is called discipline in pedagogy. The desire to avoid authoritarianism turned into a complete loss of authority for teachers and adults. Educators and psychologists claim that in our country there are more and more nervous young people who are completely unmanageable [1].

Relations between teachers and students in the process of their education acquire great importance and there are absolutely no small things that should not be paid attention to: under no circumstances should a teacher's bad mood be reflected in his behaviour with students; greet students correctly; from the first classes, establish your rules of the game regarding lateness to class (for a start, don't be late yourself) and the use of mobile phones, smartphones and other wonders of modern communication technology; control the attendance of students in classes; address students to you; the teacher must always keep his word. Sometimes a teacher has the problem of knowing what to do when he is asked a question to which he does not know the answer. In no case should you pretend that this is an elementary question and refer the student to a book or other source. The teacher should admit that he does not fully understand this issue, and next time he must provide a detailed explanation. Learning is a two-way process. The teacher is simply obliged to "keep himself in shape". This is especially true of modern information technologies, when students are better versed in certain issues than some teachers, who have decided that their numerous diplomas and certificates cannot in any way question their professional level.

High-quality professional training of future specialists in various fields depends on the personality of the teacher and his professionalism. However, the mission of a modern teacher is not limited only to the high-quality organisation of the educational process, the teacher is also called to perform a reference function - his professional image (impeccable appearance, personal and professional culture, innovative creative thinking, responsible attitude to his professional duties, etc.) should serve as a model of a positive image for future specialists [1, p. 28].

Pedagogy as an art deals not only with formative forces, but also with the vital energy of a person who is undergoing formation. Pedagogy, like art, requires from those who are engaged in it professionally, an understanding of the laws of human development, because the correct development of each quality is the basis of the student's abilities.

Most of the experimental learning technologies not only do not solve the existing problems of education, but also deepen them even more. And this is because the main value of these technologies is what can be measured. The analysis of innovative learning technologies is only the first step towards creating the foundations for a psychological examination of pedagogical innovations. The primary task is to awaken in many "innovators" a sense of responsibility, the desire to do no harm, first of all, by starting experiments in the most mysterious field of our world, where the future of humanity is being created - in the field of higher education, personal and professional development of young people.

A modern teacher must actively use modern technologies in the educational process. Interactive whiteboards, video lessons, virtual labs and other innovative teaching methods help create engaging learning and student engagement in an electronic environment. In a world where information changes rapidly, it is important to teach students to think critically, analyse and evaluate the data they receive. Teachers should create educational scenarios that promote the development of critical thinking and the ability to draw conclusions from various sources of information.

In today's world, we deal with a variety of cultures, which are quite often found in higher education institutions. Teachers must be interculturally competent, understand cultural differences and be able to create a favourable educational atmosphere for all students of higher education without exception.

A modern teacher should combine traditional classroom learning with the use of electronic resources and interactive technologies. This approach makes it possible to optimise the educational process and ensure a student-centred approach for each student in higher education.

The education system needs the transformation of educational technologies that are able to ensure rapid adaptation, coordination and strategic orientation for the integration of the domestic education system into the international educational space. Educational technologies are designed not only to accumulate educational content, but to serve as a vector for the transformation of the content, methods and forms of education in the conditions of the modernization of electronic learning and the accumulation of human capital [5, p. 38].

The development of science and technology is fast; therefore, the professional competence of the teacher is crucial, and the teacher himself must be a reliable source of relevant knowledge and information for students, able to quickly update his knowledge and apply it in the educational process, which will undoubtedly contribute to the quality of the knowledge of students of higher education. The constant participation of the teacher in scientific conferences, the publication of articles, interaction with colleagues from other universities in Ukraine and around the world, and participation in project activities contribute to raising the professional level of both the teacher himself and the introduction of the latest ideas into the educational process.

A teacher is a person with a system of values that he is guided by in his social and professional interactions. The teacher's value system determines the nature and direction of interaction in the conditions of the educational process and is expressed in the ability to navigate freely in complex social and professional situations, to choose, and to carry out innovative processes [2, p. 150].

teacher innovative education


We are convinced that the realisation of the correct strategic course of the country, not populism, can be influenced only by people who are adequate to this task - cultural, moral, educated, socially active and caring. Thus, we return again to the main tasks of the education system. It is impossible to know your life abstractly or theoretically. To know life means to know oneself, this is the alpha and omega of education. After all, education is not just the accumulation of various kinds of knowledge or the collection and systematization of factors. Education is the knowledge of life as a holistic process. And the whole cannot be known through its parts, despite the fact that all rulers, religious figures and politicians prove the opposite.

A modern teacher at a higher education institution should become an active agent of changes and innovations in the educational environment. The changing role of the teacher, the use of technology, active learning, the development of interdisciplinary courses and self-improvement are just a few key aspects that must cope with the challenges of modem higher education and ensure the quality training of future generations.

The prospects for further research include the possibility of studying the role of a modern teacher in a


1. Plachynda T.S. (2019). Imidzh vykladacha zakladu vyshchoi osvity. [The image of a teacher at a higher education institution] International Journal of Education and Science. Vol. 2, № 4, 28.

2. Sultanova L. (2020). Tsinnisni oriientatsii maibutnoho vykladacha vyshu. [Value orientations of the future teacher of a higher education institution]. Hirska shkola Ukrainskykh Karpat. (22), 150-155.

3. Tereshchuk H.V. (2008). Shliakhy modernizatsii vyshchoi osvity v konteksti yevrointehratsii: materialy rehionalnoho-naukovo-praktychnoho seminaru. [Ways of modernization of higher education in the context of European integration: materials of the regional scientific and practical seminar]. Ternopil: Vyd-vo TNPU im.V. Hnatiuka, 235.

4. Akimova O.V., Slushnyi O.M., Kolomiiets A.M., Gromov I.V., Khamska N.B. (2020). Educational project «Pedagogical insight» as a technology of the future teachers' personal professional formation. Society. integration. education. (SIE-2020) International Scientific Conference. Academy of Technologies. Rezekne. Latvia. May 22-23.

5. Dmitrenko N.Ye., Voloshyna O.V., Kizim S.S., Mnyshenko K.V., Nahorniak S.V. (2023). Smart education in the prospective teachers' training. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 3364, 38-53.

6. Koteneva I., Karlova N. (2021). Modern Roles of the Teacher of a Higher Educational Institution. Bulletin of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. Vol. 1, № 1 (339). 157-166.

7. Lebedyk L. (2020). Measures of Pedagogical Competence Teachers of Higher Education Institution. Image of the higher education institution in the context of digitalization and gamification of the educational process. Modern Pedagogue. Vol. 1, № 1. 29-33.

Список використаних джерел

1. Плачинда Т.С. Імідж викладача закладу вищої освіти. International Journal of Education and Science. 2019. Т. 2, № 4.

2. Султанова Л. Ціннісні орієнтації майбутнього викладача закладу вищої освіти. Mountain School of Ukrainian Carpaty. 2020. № 22. С. 150-155.

3. Шляхи модернізації вищої освіти в контексті євроінтеграції: матеріали регіонального-науково-практичного семінару; за гол. ред. Г.В.Терещука. Тернопіль: Вид-во ТНПУ ім. В. Гнатюка, 2008. 235 с.

4. Akimova O.V. Educational project «Pedagogical insight» as a technology of the future teachers ' personal professional formation / Slushny O.M., Kolomiiets A.M., Gromov I.V., Khamska N.B. Society. Integration. Education. (SIE-2020) International Scientific Conference. Academy of Technologies. Rezekne. Latvia. May 22-23. 2020.

5. Dmitrenko N.Ye., Voloshyna O.V., Kizim S.S., Mnyshenko K.V., Nahorniak S.V. Smart education in the prospective teachers ' training. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2023, pp. 38-53

6. Koteneva I., Karlova N. Modern Roles of the Teacher of a Higher Educational Institution. Bulletin of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. 2021. Vol. 1, « 1 (339). P. 157-166.

7. Lebedyk L. Measures of Pedagogical Competence Teachers of Higher Education Institution. Image of the modern pedagogue. 2020. Vol. 1, № 1. P. 29-33.

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