Military patriotic education of school students in the new Ukrainian school: guidelines and pedagogical toolkit for implementation

The problem of military-patriotic education of schoolchildren in general secondary education institutions in Ukraine. Necessary of the development of the National Strategy of military-patriotic education of youth in the Ukrainian science system.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 04.09.2024
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Размещено на

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


RAGOZINA Victoriia Valentinovna - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

leading researcher of the Institute of Educational Problems

deputy editor-in-chief of the All-Ukrainian scientific

and methodical journal «Art and Education»



У статті актуалізується проблема військово-патріотичного виховання школярів у закладах загальної середньої освіти в Україні, що виступає нагальною потребою сьогодення. Це зумовлює розробку Національної Стратегії військово-патріотичного виховання молоді в системі науки України з метою його модернізації на базі Інституту проблем виховання Національної академії педагогічних наук України, членом авторської групи розробників є авторка статті. Елементи військово-патріотичного виховання учнів слід запроваджувати вже у початковій ланці школи: враховуючи вікові можливості й особливості першого рівня загальної середньої освіти, необхідно виховувати у молодших школярів готовність до захисту України як їхню ціннісно-мотиваційну й усвідомлену операційно-практичну придатність до військово-патріотичної діяльності.

Ключові слова: військово-патріотичне виховання школярів, заклади загальної середньої освіти, орієнтири військово-патріотичного виховання школярів, педагогічний інструментарій, форми роботи з учнями початкової школи.


military patriotic education national


The article updates the problem of military-patriotic education of schoolchildren in general secondary education institutions in Ukraine, which is an urgent need today. This leads to the development of the National Strategy of militarypatriotic education of youth in the Ukrainian science system with the aim of its modernization on the basis of the Institute of Educational Problems of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, the author of the article is a member of the author's group of developers.

The elements of military-patriotic education of students should be introduced already at the primary level of school: taking into account the age possibilities and features of the first level of general secondary education, it is necessary to educate younger schoolchildren to be ready to defend Ukraine as their value-motivational and perceived operational-practical suitability for military-patriotic activities. In accordance with the stated goal, tasks are provided that serve as guidelines for military-patriotic education for practicing teachers, as well as a pedagogical toolkit for implementation - forms of working with students - is presented.

It has been proven that the key goals of military-patriotic education in the elementary school level are the implementation of military-patriotic education of students in the conditions of the unity of educational and educational processes on the basis of the development and formation of key competencies, value orientations and attitudes in younger schoolchildren, which creates a positive motivation of schoolchildren to protect state in the future and preparation for it in the present time, as well as - ensuring partnership interaction of social institutions (school, family, community) in creating a resource environment and a supportive community for the implementation of militarypatriotic education in the elementary school.

Keywords: military-patriotic education of schoolchildren, institutions of general secondary education, orientations of military-patriotic education of schoolchildren, pedagogical tools, forms of work with primary school students.

Statement and justification of the relevance of the problem

Military-patriotic education of schoolchildren in general secondary education institutions in Ukraine is an urgent national need of today, which was actualized by challenges of a sociopolitical nature since 2014, when the integrity of its borders was violated in Ukraine and the war began in the east of the country. The problem of militarypatriotic upbringing of children and school youth became more acute with the beginning of a full-scale war in Ukraine (2022-2023), when the country suffers from the aggression of Russia, which uses all means to prove the legitimacy of its actions in the world political space. Observing the planting of anti-democratic social values and narratives instilled in Russians for many decades to have a powerful influence on their consciousness, we must understand the need for educational influences on modern youth, who must resist - physically and morally - the invaders, be able to defend their own values and their state.

Accordingly, such challenges require the attention of scientists and practitioners to review the content and means of military-patriotic education of schoolchildren, taking into account social requirements and with maximum use of the potential of each of the educational subjects and integrated courses in general secondary education institutions. The problem acquires particular relevance in view of the implementation of the provisions of the New Ukrainian School in the system of general secondary education of Ukraine on the basis of personal orientation, activity, etc. approaches.

The main legislative documents outlining the purpose, tasks and ways of military-patriotic education of students and school youth are the Concept of national-patriotic education in the education system of Ukraine until 2025 (2015), the Law of Ukraine «On the Basic Principles of State Policy in the Field of Establishing Ukrainian National and of civil identity» (2022) (Law of Ukraine «On the basic principles of state policy in the sphere of the establishment of Ukrainian national and civil identity», 2022), Order of the Ministry of Education and Culture «On some issues of national-patriotic education in educational institutions of Ukraine and recognition as having lost its validity, order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated No. 641» dated 06.06.2022 No. 527 and others) (2022) and other documents.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The specified problem is considered by domestic researchers from various aspects - the theoretical provisions of national-patriotic education of students and school youth are investigated (Zhurba, V Kyrychenko, B. Kobzar, O. Sukhomlynska, K. Chorna), the essence and content of militarypatriotic education of school youth (A. Afanasyev, Y. Krasilnyk, V. Miroshnichenko, L. Oliynyk, G. Piankovskyi), principles of initial training of pre-conscription youth for military service (G. Besa rabchuk, M. Zubalii, S. Motyka, O. Ostapenko, M. Tymchyk) etc. Researchers testify to the need to intensify work with schoolchildren in the direction of increasing the level of military and patriotic education of students, their awareness of the role of cultural, historical and national values, which will create a powerful motivation for the formation of patriotic beliefs and help in preparing for the defense of Ukraine in the future. Conceptual foundations of legislative documents and theoretical and practical provisions create the basis for further development of guidelines for military-patriotic education of students and pedagogical tools for their implementation.

The methodological basis of the study is the provisions of the Concept of National-Patriotic Education of Youth, the Law of Ukraine «On the Basic Principles of State Policy in the Field of Establishing Ukrainian National and Civil Identity» and others.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the research being carried out is the theoretical provisions on the importance of patriotic education in the formation of personality (M. Baka, K. Zhurba, Zakharenko, P. Ignatenko, V Kyrychok, B. Kobzar, A. Makarenko, V. Sukhomlynskyi, O. Sukhomlynska, K. Chorna, etc.); psychological theory about the leading role of activity in personality development (L. Vygotsky, O. Leontiev, S. Rubinstein); study of age characteristics of younger schoolchildren (L. Bozhovich, L. Vygotskyi, D. Elkonin); the theory of a personally oriented approach to education (I. Beh, Yakymanska); regulations on the essence and content of patriotic education (K. Chorna, K. Zhurba), principles of initial training of pre-conscription youth for military service (G. Besarabchuk, M. Zubalii, S. Motyka, O. Ostapenko, M. Tymchyk).

The purpose of the article

Justification of the main approaches to the military-patriotic education of schoolchildren in the new Ukrainian school: guidelines and pedagogical tools.

Presentation of the main research material

The author of the article carries out research work in the laboratory of national-patriotic education of the Institute of Educational Problems of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (theme: «Forms and methods of military-patriotic education of student youth by means of art» (2023-2024), the initial results of which reflected in a number of publications (Ragozina, 2023). Also, the author is a member of the working group at the Institute of Educational Problems of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, called to work on the development of the National Strategy for Military-Patriotic Education of Youth in the Science System of Ukraine (Order dated 04.27.2023) in order to modernize it.

We believe that the formation of values and value orientations of schoolchildren should be established in the elementary school. Therefore, we focus our attention on the initial stage of militarypatriotic education. Military-patriotic education of primary school students takes place in the process of educational and cognitive activity as a leading way of introducing valuable components into the content of educational subjects and integrated courses.

The main branch in the fulfillment of the tasks of patriotic education of younger schoolchildren is the linguistic and literary educational branch, which is implemented through the integrated courses «Ukrainian language. Teaching literacy» (1st grade), «Ukrainian language» (1st-4th grade) and separate subjects «Ukrainian language» (2nd-4th grade), «Reading» (2nd-4th grade), «Literary reading» (3-4 cl.). The content of the integrated course «I am in the world» (science education field) integrates the content components of a set of educational fields - natural, social and health care, civic and historical, etc., and is aimed at the formation of competences in the field of natural sciences, engineering and technology, environmental, civic and social competences, on the basis of which feelings of patriotism are nurtured and values significant for the Ukrainian people are instilled (the natural world for man as a part of nature; life, physical health and safety; mental, emotional and social health, charity (honesty, justice, honesty, responsibility, courage, loyalty); democracy and social justice, equality, dignity, mutual respect). The educational subject «Physical culture» (physical education branch) and such types of extracurricular activities as mass physical culture, sports and games, and physical culture have significant potential for patriotic education of younger schoolchildren. The technological field of education (integrated course «Design and technologies») in the context of patriotic education lays the foundations of ecological and patriotic behavior, so that younger schoolchildren: learn to use natural and other materials effectively and sparingly, interact ecologically with the surrounding world, familiarize themselves with and creatively apply traditional and modern crafts in one's own life and making products. Given the special receptiveness of younger schoolchildren to the beauty of art and the urge to create it with their own hands, this powerful tool should be used with the above-mentioned purpose (art educational branch) (integrated course «Art»). Thus, various types of artistic activity, namely: perceiving works of art of a corresponding theme, creating compositions on patriotic themes, performing musical creativity have a special potential in the military-patriotic education of schoolchildren, because through the influence on the emotional and sensory sphere of the personality, the young generation of Ukrainians is adjusted to understanding and appropriating the cultural values of one's country, preserving and promoting the artistic and cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people, readiness to defend them, which serves to fulfill the tasks of militarypatriotic education [4; 10; 11].

An effective continuation of militarypatriotic education in elementary school classes are extracurricular activities that contribute to the formation of Ukrainian-patriot traits, national consciousness and self-awareness of students through the creation of situations in which students experience their belonging to the country and their citizenship, language, history, traditions, and their own kinship. to national values and their multiplication through own actions in interaction with peers and adults in the family, school, community.

Therefore, the educational process should be aimed at the formation of «educated Ukrainians, comprehensively developed, responsible citizens and patriots», - this is exactly what the Concept of the New Ukrainian School says: «The goal of comprehensive general secondary education is the versatile development, education and socialization of the personality, which realizes himself as a citizen of Ukraine...» [6].

For this purpose - military-patriotic education of primary school students, taking into account the age possibilities and features of the first level of general secondary education, it is necessary to educate younger schoolchildren to defend Ukraine as their value-motivational and perceived operationalpractical suitability for military-patriotic activity.

In accordance with the specified goal, we provide the following tasks:

• Enrich students with knowledge about the highest values - justice, national identity, loyalty, altruism, unity, inherent in the patriot of Ukraine.

• Familiarize younger schoolchildren with the state and national symbols of Ukraine, promote students' awareness of their value and respect for them, educate students' legal culture.

• To actualize situations of students' emotional experience of their belonging to the country, language, history, traditions and their own connection to national values and their multiplication through interaction with peers and adults during the celebration of public holidays, events of state importance in accessible and appropriate forms for elementary school age (entertainment, games, excursions, enactments, theatricalizations).

• Integrate the value-content component of patriotism into the content of educational subjects and integrated courses in primary school (formation of key and subject competencies on the basis of studying literary and artistic works of patriotic themes, familiarization with local history, historical and other materials in the context of patriotic themes and content).

• Synthesize game practices with methods of teaching subjects and integrated courses in primary school (plot-role dialogues and games, staging, dramatization, theatricalization of patriotic themes).

• To introduce cognitive-research forms of work with younger schoolchildren with the possibility of their manifestation of the traits of dignity, independence, decisiveness, principledness and sincere openness, awareness of the dependence of their own activity results on individual willful efforts and in cooperation with peers and adults in the study of natural, historical, cultural places and sights of their country (projects, expeditions, trips).

• Conduct lessons of courage with students, commemorative events dedicated to significant dates (Day of Ukrainian Statehood, Day of the Unity of Ukraine, Day of the National Flag of Ukraine, Independence Day of Ukraine, Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Day of Victory over Nazism in the Second World War, Day of Defenders and defenders of Ukraine, the Day of the Chernobyl tragedy, the Day of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred, the Day of commemoration of the defenders of the Donetsk airport, etc.), commemorating the tragic events of the Russian-Ukrainian war of 2022-2023, its victims and all the people who died in the struggle for independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

• Guide students to model in real and digital space (dialogues, audio and video clips, cartoons), in particular, using virtual reality tools, situations and their own actions on the basis of acquired knowledge and skills during the study of subjects and integrated courses: safe behavior at home, at school and in the natural and man-made environment based on rules; use of personal protective equipment; elementary skills of providing self and other people with premedical assistance; appeals for help to relevant services in conditions of environmental crises and disasters, radiation threat, during the introduction of martial law in the country, war, etc.

• Facilitate the acquisition by younger schoolchildren of methods and techniques of protection against hostile information campaigns in the media (Internet, social networks), as well as the acquisition of digital security skills by involving students and their parents in joint familiarization with digital content specially developed by specialists in informational resources available to younger schoolchildren - practical formats (educational series and cartoons, educational simulators, online games, audio instructions, etc.), posted on official websites of state institutions (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, etc.).

• Initiate attractive and accessible sportspatriotic events (competitions, tournaments, holidays) for younger schoolchildren, cultivate the values of a healthy lifestyle in the forms of a military-sports orientation (health trails, children's camps, militarypatriotic quests) with the aim of forming in students of motor skills necessary for future military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as the formation of a healthy nation as a strategic resource of the Ukrainian state in its reconstruction in the post-war period.

• Develop an informational and practical digital resource for students to learn information and its practical processing about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, regular physical activity and training, body support in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war of 2022-2023 and in the post-war period as an additional digital case within implementation of the State Program «Healthy Nation».

• To interest students in information about military professions and service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, to encourage their interest and desire to learn about the specifics of this type of public service in the formation of motivation to protect the Ukrainian state, which is propaedeutics for the training of future defenders of Ukraine and accustoms younger schoolchildren to the fulfillment of public and constitutional duties ties, active participation in preserving Ukraine's security from external threats.

• To organize, with younger schoolchildren, forms of military-patriotic educational work accessible to their age: discussions based on literary and artistic works and watching theatrical performances of the corresponding theme, stories about the events of the heroic past and present in Ukraine, real or virtual excursions to historical museums of Ukraine, memorial complexes and places of military glory, patriotic quests and games, meetings with veterans of the ATO and the Russian-Ukrainian war of 20222023, patriotic flash mobs, a portfolio of family relics, the performance of patriotic songs, master classes on making amulets and souvenirs for soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, military-patriotic circles.

• Create a bank of interactive forms of patriotic education of younger schoolchildren (taking into account the age characteristics of students, their preferences and interests, the traditions of educational institutions and local communities, the possibilities of educational institutions, etc.) in order to promote and spread the successful experience of educational work in the specified direction with students in primary school

• To involve younger schoolchildren to participate in public and social life (class, school, community) in the format of charitable initiatives, charitable actions at the local, district, all-Ukrainian levels together with teachers, parents to meet the needs and development of the community, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the state (aid elderly people, migrants, families of those killed in the Russian-Ukrainian war of 2022-2023; participation in cleaning the territory and planting trees; care for animals, etc.).

Research conclusions and prospects for further development. Patriotic education of students in institutions of general secondary education is one of the priority tasks of the modern national education system, given the objective circumstances of today - the Russian-Ukrainian war of 2022-2023, which poses a threat of escalation to the world democratic community. Military-patriotic education of schoolchildren is defined in legislative documents as an equal and independent direction of education and development of Ukrainian citizens along with others, in particular, national-patriotic education. Military-patriotic education is aimed at the formation of defense consciousness among the citizens of Ukraine, readiness for national resistance, increasing the social importance and respect for military service, motivating citizens to acquire the necessary competencies in the field of security and defense.

The key goals of military-patriotic education in the elementary school level are the implementation of military-patriotic education of students in the conditions of the unity of educational and educational processes on the basis of the development and formation of key competencies, value orientations and attitudes in younger schoolchildren, which creates a positive motivation of schoolchildren to protect the state in the future and preparation for this in the present time, as well as - ensuring partnership interaction of social institutions (school, family, community) in creating a resource environment and a supportive community for the implementation of military-patriotic education in the elementary school. Educational subjects and integrated courses play an important role in military-patriotic education, taking into account their potential. Accordingly, short - and medium-term operational tasks were defined. Detailing the implementation of the tasks of militarypatriotic education of students of different age groups by means of various educational subjects and integrated courses provides a perspective for further research of this issue.

Список джерел

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