The case method as a technology for ensuring the quality of higher education during distance learning using ICT tools: work experience

The implementation of a complex of information and communication technologies into the organization of the educational process. Realization of process of distance learning in educational institutions in situations of natural and technogenic uncertainty.

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Дата добавления 20.07.2024
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Размещено на

Dragomanov Ukrainian State University


Valentyna Krotenko,

Hanna Afuzova, Ganna Naydonova



distance learning educational communication

Current socio-ecological and socio-political challenges dictate the implementation of a complex of information and communication (digital) technologies into the organization of the educational process. This makes it possible to implement the process of distance learning in educational institutions in situations of natural and technogenic uncertainty. The organization of the educational process is directed not only to the assimilation of individual blocks of theoretical information but also to the ability of students to make independent decisions and act in various situations, practically using the accumulated knowledge. To achieve such results, it is necessary to apply new approaches to the organization of the educational process, focusing on personal and professional individuality of each student, relying on a differential and creative approach in the learning process, and using variability of interactive forms and training methods. This approach not only increases the likelihood of knowledge assimilation but also allows going beyond them in the area of development of students' analytical skills and self-awareness, communication and leadership skills, and formation ofdecision-making in conditions ofuncertainty.

In this context, it is worth considering the problem of using the case method in professional training with an emphasis on the essence of the case method as an interactive learning method and as a form of organization of educational and cognitive activities of students; as a pedagogical technology used in the process of professional training; on the potential of the case-method as a powerful tool for interactive, personality-oriented student learning strategy aimed at developing their critical thinking, communication skills and interpersonal communication skills.

The most powerful are cases that make it possible to obtain a number ofreasonable estimates, which leads to variable, but equally plausible and proven conclusions. Also, an effective means of professional training in the system of continuous and open education is the use of case triggers, which are presented in the form of unresolved or provocative issues that require further searches and discussions. Particular attention is paid to developing cases specifically focused on the development of students' scientific skills (interrupted case).

The results of using the case method, as one of the most promising interactive methods of organizing vocational training, to ensure the quality of education during distance learning using ICT tools on the example of professional training of future specialists in the field of special and clinical psychology are analyzed.

Keywords: The case method, quality of education, higher education, vocational training, distance learning, knowledge control, ICT tools


Кротенко В., Афузова Г., Найдьонова Г.


Сучасні соціально-екологічні та соціально-політичні виклики диктують упровадження комплексу інформаційно-комунікаційних (цифрових) технологій в організацію освітнього процесу. Це дає можливість реалізувати процес дистанційного навчання в закладах освіти в умовах природної та техногенної невизначеності. Організація освітнього процесу спрямована не лише на засвоєння окремих блоків теоретичних відомостей, а й на вміння студентів самостійно приймати рішення та діяти в різноманітних ситуаціях, практично використовуючи накопичені знання. Для досягнення таких результатів необхідно застосовувати нові підходи до організації освітнього процесу, орієнтуючись на особистісно-професійну індивідуальність кожного студента, спираючись на диференційно-креативний підхід у процесі навчання, використовуючи варіативність інтерактивних форм і методів навчання. Такий підхід не тільки підвищує вірогідність засвоєння знань, але й дозволяє вийти за їх межі у сфері розвитку аналітичних здібностей і самосвідомості студентів, комунікативних і лідерських якостей, формування здатності приймати рішення в умовах невизначеності.

У цьому контексті варто розглянути проблему використання кейс-методу у професійній підготовці з акцентом на сутності кейс-методу як інтерактивного методу навчання та як форми організації навчально-пізнавальної діяльності студентів; як педагогічної технології, що використовується у процесі професійної підготовки; про потенціал кейс-методу як потужного інструменту інтерактивної, особистісно-орієнтованої стратегії навчання студентів, спрямованої на розвиток їхнього критичного мислення, комунікативних навичок та навичок міжособистісного спілкування.

Найпотужнішими є кейси, що дають змогу отримати низку обґрунтованих оцінок, що призводить до змінних, але однаково правдоподібних і перевірених висновків. Також ефективним засобом професійної підготовки в системі безперервної та відкритої освіти є використання кейс-тригерів, що представлені у вигляді невирішених чи провокативних проблем, що потребують подальших пошуків та обговорень. Особливу увагу приділено розробленню кейсів, спеціально орієнтованих на розвиток наукових навичок студентів (перерваний кейс).

Здійснюється аналіз результатів використання кейс-методу як одного з найперспективніших інтерактивних методів організації професійного навчання для забезпечення якості освіти під час дистанційного навчання з використанням засобів ІКТ на прикладі професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців спеціальної та клінічної психології.

Ключові слова: кейс-метод, якість освіти, вища освіта, професійне навчання, дистанційне навчання, контроль знань, засоби ІКТ


The modern reality is full of socio-economic, socio-ecological and socio-political challenges for the cohesion of society and the preservation of the course towards compliance with European values. In achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, the world community sees the important role of higher education in the context of training active, critical and responsible members of society aimed at professional, social and personal self-improvement throughout their lives [19].

On the other hand, international experience shows that the driving forces behind socio-economic development and/or economic recovery in many countries are digital technologies that determine the basis of sustainable development in the future. Digital solutions that "increase" their presence in everyday life actualize the need for systemic changes based on digital transformation in general and, in particular, in education systems. In the context of education, these new priorities and requirements have been transformed into the European Union's political initiative "Digital Education Action Plan" (2021-2027), which is based on a "long-term strategic vision for high-quality, inclusive and accessible European digital education" and an emphasis on "promoting the development of a highly effective digital education ecosystem" [7].

Accordingly, the potential of ICT in solving the problem of ensuring the quality of higher education in difficult social situations cannot be ignored, since, in modern conditions of numerous threats to global peace, democratic values and health (such as the world pandemic of Covid-19, the war in Ukraine and the aggravation of military aggression in other countries of the world), higher education faces the problem of preserving the quality of training future specialists in higher education institutions. The socio-ecological and socio-political challenges of today have exposed the problematic places of the world education system in ensuring the quality of educational services in accordance with the principles of continuity, accessibility and personal orientation - the principles of a conceptually new model of education, open education.

To bridge the gap between higher education institutions and recipients of their educational services during world cataclysms, a form of educational process organization is widely introduced, which involves the use of distance learning technologies - a complex of educational technologies (technologies of development, project, mixed, differentiated, programmable, modular learning, etc.), as well as information and communication (digital) technologies that make it possible to implement the process of distance learning in educational institutions during emergencies of natural and anthropogenic origin, quarantine, other circumstances that objectively make it impossible to visit educational institutions [26].

It can be argued that prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, the education sector in much of the world was often under-engaged both in the design and development of distance learning technologies and in discussing the ethical implications of using digital media and technology to actively address the demands of open education. However, ICT opportunities should not be ignored to promote more sustainable education systems that provide continuous and equitable learning opportunities for all. UNESCO experts note in the context of monitoring global education in the synergy of technology and education that achieving Sustainable Development Goal No. 4 - quality education - "depends on the opportunities and challenges associated with technologies" [6, p. 2].

New learning conditions demand that higher education institutions of Ukraine should be transformed in accordance with the European standards, whose determining criteria are:

• quality of specialist training;

• fundamentalization and individualization of learning;

• building trust between subjects of education;

• compliance with the requirements of the European labour market;

• mobility of students and teachers;

• compatibility of qualifications;

• increasing the competitiveness of HEI graduates, etc. [1].

This urges the search for such methods of training in higher education, which would allow a future specialist to form the skills of independent, critical, operational thinking, adaptation and orientation in the information-saturated space, based on the activity approach, focusing on the personal and professional individuality of each student, relying in the learning process on a differential and creative approach, using the variability of interactive forms and methods of preparation. In our opinion, the case method, aimed at developing critical and conceptual thinking, communication skills and interpersonal communication skills among future specialists, is a powerful tool for interactive, personality-oriented strategy in teaching students.

In that regard, we would like to look at the case method as a technology for ensuring the quality of higher education during distance learning using ICT tools. The platform for the creation and development of case technology was the American system of training specialists. In the twentieth century, on the basis of Harvard University, case situations began to spread widely for students studying in various areas of training. The case method is called learning "the art of managing uncertainty," in which the teacher acts as an author, organizer, moderator, judge and partner in a joint search with students for solutions to real problems and tasks [4, р. 35]. Unlike lectures and seminars, the case method unfolds without a detailed scenario, requiring the leader to be able to simultaneously manage both the content and the learning process, as well as careful preliminary preparation [13, р.68]. The literature describes the functions and educational capabilities of the case method [15] and proves the effectiveness of using the case method in the process of teaching the disciplines of the humanitarian cycle (M. Chumak, S. Nekrasov, N. Hrychanyk et al., 2022; Z. E. Skrypnyk, 2012; Manas Ranjan Tripathy, 2009; etc.). Today, the efforts of specialists are aimed mainly at developing modern, more effective case formats and methodological approaches to the training of professionals of the highest level (P. Sheremeta, H. Kanishchenko, 1999; O. Sydorenko, et al., 2001; Yu. Surmyn, et al., 2002; J. Mayo, 2004; I. Osadchenko, 2011; N. Lytvyniuk, 2020; etc.). C.F. Herreid proposes to use the so-called case triggers, which are presented in the form of unresolved or provocative questions that contain enough of information for the situation to be credible, but are not sufficiently described in detail to elicit a specific conclusion, without further searches and discussions [3, p. 67-70]. The development of cases specifically focused on developing students' scientific skills and increasing the level of student research was carried out by L.B. Barnes, C.R. Christensen, S. Grunwald, A. Hartman and others.

At the same time, issues of the general methodology for using case methods for educational purposes, typology and classification of cases, as well as the problem of developing and using means for assessing their effectiveness, especially in the conditions of distance learning, remain insufficiently studied. In addition, a large and rich arsenal of case methods for training specialists in certain fields remains the property of a very limited circle of specialists.

The main aim of the article is to deepen scientific ideas about the potential and characteristics of using the case method as a technology for ensuring the quality of higher education during distance learning using ICT tools on the example of professional training of future specialists in the field of special and clinical psychology.

Use of case method in professional training

The competence approach, on which the new educational standards of higher education are based, suggests that the organization of the educational process is directed not only at the assimilation of separate blocks of theoretical information, but also at the ability of students to make independent decisions and act in various situations, using the accumulated knowledge in practice. To achieve such results, it is necessary to apply new approaches to the organization of the educational process:

• focusing on the personal and professional individuality of each student;

• relying in the learning process on a differential and creative approach;

• using the variability of interactive forms and methods of preparation.

Specialists of American and European HEIs with a long tradition of using cases in training specialists in business, law, medicine, psychology, L.B. Barnes, C.R. Christensen, C.F. Herreid define the key principles of using the case method. The case method is a form of training based on a discussion in a group of students of a complex and often ambiguous real professional situation, for the solution of which, as a rule, its comprehensive research is necessary. In its content, the use of the case method contributes to the transition from a traditional, teacher-centered model to interactive education, whose central participant is a student playing a leading role in organizing his own learning and mutual learning. When implementing the method in practice, the teacher uses questions, dialogues, discussions and other analytical techniques to engage students in a complex process of educational interaction. Such an approach not only increases the likelihood of learning but also allows students to go beyond them into the zone of development of analytical skills and self-awareness, communication and leadership skills, and formation of decision-making ability in conditions of ambiguity. By organizing the discussion, the teacher does not try to cover all the material in the classroom, but directs students on the path of discovery, critical reflection and disclosure of the deeper meaning of the material through its active processing and discussion. It is important to note that the teacher himself should be well prepared both in terms of the contents of the material under discussion and in terms of the organization of the discussion process, focused on the knowledge and experience of its participants. In the case method, students are co-authors of the educational process, preparing for discussion in advance (first, individually and then in small groups). They take part in the work on the case as speakers and listeners, to increase their professional competence and train other group members. Discussion can also take place after classes, when students reflect on the results of group work and use them in the broad context of academic and professional life [5]. Scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists G. Bagiyev, M. Dolgorukova, O. Prutchenkova, O. Sydorenko, O. Smolyaninova, V Chuba, O. Shevchenko, P. Sheremeta, make it possible to outline the goals of using cases in teaching:

• the applied use of theoretical concepts and bridging the gap between science and practice; encouraging active learning and creating conditions for students to develop communication skills, skills to work in a group and solve professional problems;

• students' enjoyment of joint discussion and the growing desire to learn.

Case-method provides the development of key skills: group work skills; individual training and research skills; the ability to find and analyze information obtained from various sources (library, Internet resources, experimental results, expert reports); presentation skills; practical and management skills. As for the methods and techniques of organizing work with cases in the audience, they can be either: Socratic dialogues; planned discussions; symposia, debates; public hearings and approbations; work of research groups; thematic reports; discussion reports (for example, the exchange of arguments of supporters of two opposite positions with a final conclusion). The formal organizational basis for case classification can be the situational-content principle of case grouping proposed by Robert Yin [18, р. 48]. Describing the case as a promising method of qualitative scientific research, the author notes that it is advisable to use the case method to discuss and analyze at least four different professional situations:

1. To explain causal relationships that require interventions (actions) in a real situation.

2. To describe the actual conditions in which the action occurred.

3. To describe the action itself.

4. To study those situations in which the performed action did not bring the expected result.

Use of the case method in professional training of psychologists (special, clinical)

The term "case method" (case study) is literally translated from English as a method of one case, indicating its focus on a particular situation. Accordingly, generalizations and conclusions made on the materials of a particular case are not statistical, but are explanatory-logical, based on analogies with similar situations and therefore characterized by subjectivism. At the same time, K. Harrid notes that the use of a particular case for educational purposes implies its typicality and relevance to the relevant sphere of reality, requires taking into account the totality of external and internal conditions and factors, as well as the possibility of various, often alternative and unpredictable options for further developments [3, р. 68].

One of the effective ways to overcome subjective tendencies during the work of students with the case is to use the technique of interruption, the so-called Interrupted Case Method. For example, in the practice of our work, we used scientific articles on special psychology from the Scientific Journal of Dragomanov National Pedagogical University (Series 19. Correctional Pedagogics and Special Psychology). Students read out the description of the problem and the task of the study and formulated the task of developing a program of experiment aimed at solving the problem described. The work was carried out in small groups, after which each group presented its results and justified the choice of the proposed approach, diagnostic tools and research procedures.

At the next stage of the discussion, the teacher briefly describes the method of solving the problem used by the author of the article and asks students this time to predict the likely results of the study. After some time, the groups present and substantiate their assumptions, which the teacher accompanies with comments.

Then the teacher reads out the actual data published in the article and again sets tasks for group work, offering to analyze the results obtained by the author and draw a conclusion about the research hypothesis. The work ends with reading the description of the results and conclusions presented by the author of the article and discussing with students their validity and correctness.

The experience of conducting a case in this format makes it possible to conclude that this format best meets the conditions of scientific search: students work with incomplete data, put forward controversial hypotheses, collect additional information, make assumptions again, check and measure their position etc.

In the practice of teaching the disciplines "Psychodiagnostics and Selection of Children in Special Educational Institutions" and "Psychoprognostics in Special and Clinical Psychology," a case-trigger was used, in which an uncertain (and to some extent provocative) psychodiagnostic situation was proposed, which had different possibilities and options for its definition and needed diagnostic tools corresponding to these options. The task consisted of two parts. In the first part, students were offered to discuss the diagnostic situation with the variability of the possible causes of the described problem: "The degree of inattentiveness and disorganization of the child is impressive. Vika constantly forgets something at home on subjects, forgets to write down homework in a diary, often asks the teacher again. This is especially noticeable when the teacher explains what needs to be done (gives instructions). At such moments, the girl must repeat what was said several times before the instructions are accepted and executed. Such attention features affect the results of educational activities: the main mistakes from disorganization and inattentiveness". Students had to prognostically determine the cause of such inattentiveness and disorganization, carefully reading the text and taking into account all possible causes of the described problems. The age of the child is not indicated deliberately.

Part II: applying case technology, students working in small groups of two or three people had to collect a complete case to solve the proposed psychodiagnostic situation described in the first part of the problem: 1) if the child is eight years old and has a minor cognitive impairment (mental retardation); 2) if the child is nine years old and has ADHD; 3) if the child is seven years old and pedagogically neglected; 4) if the child is 13 years old and has a disharmonious mental development. To create a case, students needed to adhere to such structures: give an annotation, that is, a general description of the case; identify the key idea, that is, the problem for discussion; outline the purpose and target audience; to analyze the situation - all the factors that determine it; identify and plausibly describe the influence of all forming figures that may interact with the child; describe the plot of the case (its plot structure), that is, outline the range of issues that need to be resolved; determine the necessary diagnostic tools and argue the feasibility and sequence of using the selected methods; indicate possible types of dosed psychological assistance that can be provided to the child during the examination; based on the analysis of causal relationships to offer possible solutions to the problem (areas of psychological assistance) with a plausible forecast of their consequences; provide guidelines for working with the case.

In the practice of teaching the discipline "Psychological Correction," a case method was also used, in which students were offered, when summarizing knowledge of age psychology, special psychology, psychodiagnostics and psychological counseling, to draw up general correction programs to provide psychological assistance to children with different types of disorders of psychophysical development. The following components should have been included in the case structure: general characteristics of the disorder; psycho-corrective target; psychocorrectional tasks (taking into account the degree/variant/form/group of the disorder); types of activity, due to which psychocorrection of a particular type of disorder is possible; forms of work; methods and techniques that can be used taking into account the age, individual and physical characteristics of children.

To obtain a reliable and complete assessment of the effectiveness of the case method, we used tools that allowed us to analyze quantitative (test results, survey data) and qualitative (case discussion materials) information. Both direct indicators of assimilation of the content of the courses "Psychodiagnostics and Selection of Children in Special Educational Institutions", "Psychoprognostics in Special and Clinical Psychology", "Psychological Correction", "Psychocorrection of School Desadaptation in Inclusive Education", "Special Psychology", "Pathopsychology", "Clinical Psychology", and key intellectual, professional and communicative skills of students were analyzed. For this, standardized achievement tests and a series of specially designed booklet questionnaires can be used simultaneously.

Case materials are analyzed to evaluate:

• level of integration of theoretical knowledge;

• depth of analysis;

• reflective abilities of students.

In addition to individual results, it is possible to use expert assessments of the student's work by group members and observers according to a number of criteria: the degree of involvement in the discussion; the ability to produce ideas and hypotheses; ability to argue and persuade; willingness to participate in the work of the group, etc. Additionally, information obtained during the discussion and in the process of establishing feedback can be analyzed.

Use of ICT to ensure the quality of higher education during distance learning

As noted by Habibur Rahman (2014), ICT is a potentially powerful tool for expanding formal and informal educational opportunities. ICTs open access to professional, educational and social communities without geographical restrictions. «For developing countries, ICT have the potential for increasing access to and improving the relevance and quality of education» [8, p. 165].

Figure 1 Evolution of distance education (M. Mubasher Hassan & Tabasum Mirza, 2020)

A study by M. Mubasher Hassan & Tabasum Mirza (2020) indicated that distance learning had undergone several stages of evolution, and today its old models are often assimilated with modem ones, complementing them (for example, printed materials are still used together with video materials, VSAT, but "the Internet is mainly used"). The same situation is observed with the use of pedagogical methods, among which it is impossible to distinguish the dominant ones - in distance learning a synergistic approach is used, which combines various pedagogical methods in a complex way [16].

Among the advantages of using ICT to ensure the quality of higher education during distance learning it is worth mentioning the following as the main ones:

* scale, speed of content transfer, absence of any restrictions in time and space (full classes in real time from any access point);

• improving the quality and variability of teaching - the presentation of educational material and the use of pedagogical tools (assistance in creating new educational content, various teaching modes, ample opportunities for teachers to receive modern information through the Internet network and joining the network of a professional community etc.);

• wide access of higher education applicants to diverse and high-quality educational resources ("electronic manuals, videos, animations, lecture notes, encyclopedias, virtual laboratories, digital libraries, software for online simulation and other educational environments... various online modules, where educational material is provided in the form of interactive lectures or transcripts" [16], etc.);

• live online environment as a result of indirect communication in a professional, social and educational environment (the virtual classroom environment allows you to participate in real-time learning and provides synchronous interaction between teachers and students in educational activities [16], and also stimulates cooperation for productive interaction in the systems "student - student", "student - teacher", "group - teacher");

• discipline (openness and transparency of the distance learning management system allow you to track and control the student's educational activity, stimulate his discipline in the process of mastering the educational material) and quick feedback;

• optimization of the administrative activities of the institution ("ICT can be used for registration, admission, evaluation, distribution of certificates, since most institutions providing distance education conduct all actions online, eliminating the need for physical participation of the student" [16]);

• economic feasibility (reducing the cost of travel to the educational environment, material and technical preparation and distribution of educational material, etc.).

In a study by Yi Yang & Linda F. Cornelious (2004) 10 key tenets of quality online learning proposed by Allen et al. (2001) were reviewed. The authors suggested that online courses «will be high quality when they are student-centered and when:

1. Knowledge is constructed, not transmitted.

2. Students can take full responsibility for their own learning.

3. Students are motivated to want to learn.

4. The course provides “mental white space” for reflection.

5. Learning activities appropriately match student learning styles.

6. Experiential, active learning augments the Web site learning environment.

7. Solitary and interpersonal learning activities are interspersed.

8. Inaccurate prior learning is identified and corrected.

9. «Spiral learning» provides for revisiting and expanding prior lessons.

10. The master teacher is able to guide the overall learning process» [20, p. 853].

In our opinion, these postulates correspond to the case method as a technology for ensuring the quality of higher education during distance learning using ICT tools.

Use of the case method to ensure the quality of higher education during distance learning using ICT tools /on the example of professional training of psychologists (special, clinical)/

In addition to the requirements for ensuring the quality of educational services during distance learning (effective structure and organization of courses; interactive activities and formative evaluation based on practical, authentic material with examples and tasks based on experience; balance of individual and group work in the context of online interaction; constant guidance and support from the professor) [2], one of the urgent problems that we faced during the organization of the educational process using distance learning technologies in a higher education institution turned out to be an objective assessment of students' knowledge. First, the teacher does not have 100% ability to track the integrity of the task by the student, because it is limited in the ability to monitor how the student performs the task (using additional sources of information (other gadgets, artificial intelligence, compendium, tip someone around, etc.) or not), and prove the fact of cheating, for example. This applies as online testing (with options for closed and open questions), as well as the preparation of a report or presentation, an oral response, etc. Secondly, we observe a decrease in the motivation of Ukrainian students for successful learning, which, in our opinion, in current circumstances may be associated with a deterioration in their psychophysical and psycho-emotional functioning, a reassessment of values (existential crisis, professional crisis), lack of faith in a quality future, lack of proper material, technical and living conditions for training, the need to work to meet their basic needs, etc. Our observations are confirmed also by Zh. Bab'yak with co-authors [21] and partly by H.Thathsarani et al. [9].

Accordingly, in order to ensure the quality of higher education during distance learning using ICT tools, those methods of assessing students' knowledge that were effective during offline training (in the classroom, face to face) are not always effective. Therefore, the teacher is required to create a system of evaluation that would be based on the ability of the future specialist to demonstrate an understanding of the scope of his future professional activity, as well as the necessary skills associated with the implementation in practice of the theoretical knowledge gained.

As noted above, we consider this method a case method. The most powerful are cases that provide for the possibility of obtaining a number of reasonable estimates, which leads to several equally plausible and affirmative conclusions, each of which requires further actions of different directions (L.A. Mauffette-Leenders, J.A. Erskine, & M.R. Leenders, 1999). Here is an example from our practical experience of using the case method to assess the knowledge and skills of students during distance learning. During the study of the discipline "Special Psychology" in laboratory work to form the skills of differential diagnosis of various variants of disorders of psychophysical development and assess the ability of practical use of the acquired theoretical knowledge, students should analyze the training examples. As an example:

Paul, 12 years old. He got into the children's room of the police with a group of homeless people. During interrogation, he could not remember his home address, was confused about the date, and did not remember how much time he did not live at home. He said that he asked for money from passers-by, participated in thefts ("because Dimon said so" - the leader of the group, the undisputed authority for the guy), he did not see anything wrong with what he did ("he wanted to eat - he went and took"). The mood is high, there is no criticality to the events. On hearing accidentally the saying "The pussy knows, whose fat it ate", he asked if that pussy was in the station to play with and if he can have some fat, because he wanted to eat. He reads by syllables, score within 5, graphic samples are performed clumsily. His speech is poor and agrammatical; he could not remember the name of the thing often ("well, this... the one that... "). Generalization tasks are only available in elementary form. He could not classify the general group of wild and domestic living creatures into animals and birds. At the slightest difficulty, he tried to avoid the task, and he did not accept the help of a psychologist.

If there are more than 10 students in a group, a case study can be made public before the lab session for preview and analysis in Google Classroom | Moodle to save group discussion time directly in the class. Students carry out the analysis of the educational example according to the following scheme:


Subsequently, a group discussion of individual conclusions is organized on the Google Meet | Zoom platform, a constructive discussion is maintained to find an objective solution to a specific educational example.

In the discipline "Psychocorrection of School Desadaptation in Conditions of Inclusive Education," during the final control (exam), instead of classical tickets (to prepare a written answer and submit it in electronic format for verification) or online testing, students are also offered training cases with further public protection of their professional opinion in the group. For example:

A second-grade teacher turned to a psychologist with a complaint about a student, a girl of 8 years old. According to her, Mila (the name of the girl) goes to school without a desire, studies poorly, is undisciplined, is constantly distracted in class, does not listen to the teacher. When she gets tired of classes, she can stand up and walk around the classroom. During breaks, she is excessively hyperactive, often fights, and is aggressive. She has no distinct interests or predispositions. She occupies the position of class leader, and likes to command in joint games. Due to Mila's poor performance and inappropriate behaviour, the teacher and head teacher of the elementary school recommended that her mother consult a psychologist, but she did not. Being a child from an incomplete family, she never saw her father. The mother is busy solving her issues, and does not bother herself with her daughter's education. Towards adults trying to "educate" her, the girl shows violent negative reactions, gets rude and snaps.

Working with the case consists of several stages:

1. Conduct an etiopathological analysis of the situation.

2. Determine the key hypothesis - the cause of the signs of school desadaptation in this case.

3. Outline the range of issues that need to be addressed (an indicative plan for the work of a psychologist with a specific case).

4. Determine the necessary diagnostic tools and argue the feasibility and sequence of using the selected methods.

5. Taking into account all identified possible variants of developmental disorders (in this case - a) persistent intellectual disorders, b) minor cognitive development disorders, c) attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity, d) personality disorders) to propose possible directions of psychological assistance with specific practical examples of their implementation (types of activities due to which psychocorrection of a particular type of disorder is possible; forms of work; methods and techniques that can be used taking into account the age, individual and physical characteristics of children).

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