Content of TikTok as a motivator for teen reading

Analysis of publications of the book community "Buktok". Their impact on adolescent reading and determining effectiveness for adolescent reading culture. Development of strategies for literary education and cultural enlightenment among teenagers.

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Publishing Educational and Scientific Institute of Journalism Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Content of TikTok as a motivator for teen reading

O. Kovalova

graduate student of the Department


The purpose of the article is to analyze the publications of the «booktok» book community, their influence on adolescent reading, and the determination of the corresponding effectiveness for adolescent reading culture.

Research methodology. The research was conducted through media monitoring of TikTok publications from September 1, 2022, to August 31, 2023. The chosen period for media monitoring, covering the full academic year in Ukraine, allows for studying the impact of TikTok on adolescent reading habits during the school year. Considering the coincidence of this time interval with the beginning of the fullscale war between Russia and Ukraine, the research provides an opportunity to determine how political events influence media behavior and adolescent interest in reading. During the media monitoring, the content, themes, and characteristics of the content offered to adolescents on this platform were analyzed.

The results. Twelve cases were identified, confirming that «booktok» is a significant phenomenon in adolescent reading culture. Short videos on this platform contribute to the popularization of reading among adolescents, providing them with information about literary figures and books in a contemporary, understandable form. Booktok, as a social network, promotes interaction and discussion, and the analyzed cases confirmed a high level of audience engagement with this content (likes, comments, reactions). The analyzed cases formed a group of five problematic aspects: the role of books in adolescents' lives; the influence of circumstances on adolescents' choice of books to read; adolescents' perception of writers and their literary works; the role of creative methods of learning and promoting literature; reading as an indicator of adolescents' self-development.

Novelty. The obtained results refute the theory of the decline of reading culture among adolescents.

This study has practical significance for the development of effective strategies for literary education and cultural enlightenment among adolescents in the era of digital media.

Key words: teenage reading, reading culture, reading of adolescents, booktok, TikTok, social network.


Ковальова О. Д. Контент соціальної мережі ТікТок як мотиватор читання підлітків

Метою дослідження є аналіз публікацій книжкової спільноти «букток», їхній вплив на підліткове читання та визначення відповідної ефективності для читацької культури підлітків.

Методологія дослідження. Дослідження було проведене шляхом медіамоніторингу публікацій соціальної мережі ТікТок з 1 вересня 2022 р. по 31 серпня 2023 р. Обраний період для медіамоніторингу, який охоплює повний навчальний рік в Україні, дозволяє вивчити вплив TikTok на читацькі звички підлітків під час шкільного навчального року. Враховуючи збіг цього часового інтервалу з початком повномасштабної війни між росією та Україною, дослідження надає можливість визначити, як політичні події впливають на медіаповедінку та інтерес підлітків до читання. Протягом медіамоніторингу були проаналізовані зміст, тематика та характеристики контенту, який пропонується підліткам на цій платформі.

Результати. Ідентифіковано 12 кейсів, які підтвердили, що «букток» є вагомим явищем у читацькій культурі підлітків. Короткі відеоролики на цій платформі сприяють популяризації читання серед підлітків, надаючи їм інформацію про літературні постаті та книги в сучасній, зрозумілій формі. «Букток», як соціальна мережа, сприяє взаємодії та обговоренню. Аналізовані кейси підтвердили високий рівень залученості аудиторії до цього контенту (вподобайки, коментарі, реакції). Аналізовані кейси сформували групу з п'яти проблемних аспектів: яка роль книги в житті підлітків; вплив обставин на вибір книг для читання підлітками; сприйняття підлітками письменників та їхніх літературних творів; роль креативних методів пізнання та просування літератури; читання як індикатор саморозвитку підлітків.

Новизна. Отримані результати спростовують теорію про занепад читацької культурі серед підлітків.

Ця розвідка має практичне значення для розвитку ефективних стратегій літературної освіти та культурної просвіти серед підлітків в епоху панування цифрових медіа.

Ключові слова: читання підлітків, читацька культура, букток, ТікТок, соціальна мережа.


Researching effective approaches to shaping adolescent literacy remains a relevant task. Modern teenagers in Ukraine are increasingly immersing themselves in the world of social media, especially on platforms like Instagram and TikTok, which offer short, dynamic, and emotionally rich forms of content. This trend is confirmed by the results of sociological research, including the study «Health and Behavioral Orientations of School Youth». It showed that 72.7% of respondents (32.8% boys and 39.9% girls) use social media to cope with negative emotional states. Regarding expressing personal feelings and problems, 19.5% of respondents agreed that it is easier to do so online [12]. According to the results of the «European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs - ESPAD», 48.6% of adolescents spend up to 3 hours a day on social media, while 44.7% spend 4 hours or more on weekdays. On weekends, over half of the respondents (54.9%) spend over 4 hours a day on these networks [9].

These data indicate that social media is not only a means of communication for teenagers but also a mechanism for coping with stress and entertainment, especially on weekends. The significant amount of time spent by adolescents on these platforms suggests the possibility of online influence on their social and psychological well-being. book reading literary education

The findings are further supported by the results of the survey «Adolescents and Their Lives During War». Following the full-scale military aggression by the russian federation, the lives of Ukrainian teenagers have undergone significant changes: 38% of respondents use social media as a means to distract themselves from anxiety, bad news, and worry. Additionally, 14% of responses indicate that reading fiction books is one way adolescents cope with stress. Through activities such as blogging (6%) and writing (5%), surveyed teenagers maintain their interests and hobbies, even in stressful situations. Furthermore, 91% of respondents expressed a desire to acquire new skills, with 13% showing interest in accessing libraries with diverse literary works [3].

However, there is still concern, and at times outrage, in public discourse over the negative impact of social media on personal development and society as a whole. In Ukraine's national reading development strategy for the period up to 2032, titled «Reading as a Life Strategy», emphasis is placed on the fact that «reading for pleasure and personal growth as a life practice is declining in popularity in Ukraine, giving way to the consumption of 'quick' information from social media, readily available video content, and television» [15].

In our view, the current situation isn't indicative of a reading crisis but rather points to a transformation in reading habits. The rise of reading communities on social media platforms like `bookstagram', `book- tok', and `booktube' suggests that teenagers are still interested in reading and discussing literature, albeit in new ways of interaction and communication around books. Analyzing social media content (Instagram, TikTok, YouTube) related to reading culture will help us understand how this culture is evolving among teenagers in today's digital landscape. Monitoring social media content will show us how teenagers perceive and engage with literature online. This analysis will also reveal trends in teenagers' preferences for literary works and popular media formats. Such insights will be valuable for shaping strategies and policies in literary education and cultural enrichment for teenagers.

The theoretical underpinning of our research starts with the concepts of media culture and reading culture. According to the «Concept of Media Education Implementation in Ukraine», developing media literacy within society and equipping individuals to interact safely and effectively with modern media systems is a primary objective of media education. Scholars such as O. Baryshpolets, Ye. Hrabovskyi, T. Kraynikova, and L. Naydonova have contributed to the exploration of media culture.

Contemporary teenagers are inseparable from their active presence on social media platforms. Through their online activities, teenagers define their social standing. Developing personal media literacy and reading skills have become integral aspects of adolescent upbringing, given the impracticality of achieving complete control over media consumption. Media literacy encompasses skills such as searching, critical analysis, and evaluation of media content, as well as the ability to create personal content reflecting individual values and perspectives. Reading culture interacts significantly with media culture, especially in the interpretation of media texts.

Key concepts in our research include the definition of «reading culture», which has been explored by scholars such as V. Balyuk, T. Dovhan, I. Pohribna, V. Lutsykina, and K. Tuchak.

In defining reading culture, we draw on the definition proposed by V. Balyuk. Reading culture is seen as «a complex integrative formation of personality, encompassing elements such as a penchant for reading and a sustained interest in the process; erudition in reading, the ability to analyze literary works; a certain level of reading proficiency; the development of cultural communication through books; full comprehension of the text; the ability to identify its themes and main ideas, its purpose; possession of age-appropriate literary knowledge, skills, and abilities; the ability to use reading for acquiring new knowledge for further learning; a requisite level of theoretical and literary knowledge; creative abilities, and the capacity for evaluation and interpretation» [1].

The second theoretical foundation of our research is the theory of social networks. Teenagers are increasingly engaging with social networks, directing more of their interests into the online realm.

Researchers such as S. Skrybchenko, A. Petrushka, V. Donii, V. Dyachenko, M. Sologub have explored the cultural impact of the TikTok social network. The use of TikTok as an educational tool has also been studied by V. Donii, V. Dyachenko, M. Sologub. Research on book blogging has been conducted by V. Styahaylo, O. Pohribna, and O. Polytova. Our perspective resonates with the findings of A. Petrushka regarding the growing utilization of TikTok, particularly within the «booktok» community, and its role in engaging student populations to promote the consumption of printed publications.

The third theoretical foundation of our research lies in the developments in the fields of sociology, psychology, pedagogy, and social communications, which provide interdisciplinary insights into the cognitive peculiarities and motivations of teenagers. In Ukraine, new socio-psychological conditions are observed, brought about by various factors such as distance learning, initiated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the full-scale invasion of russia into Ukrainian territory. These circumstances create a serious need for psychological, social, and neurobiological adaptation, as the mental well-being of children and adolescents has been significantly affected by stressors, and society has not always been ready to respond to these challenges.

Problem statement and research methods

The research aims to analyze content from the book community on the TikTok platform based on engagement criteria.

Research objectives:

Identify the content, themes, and characteristics of content available on TikTok related to reading for teenagers.

Interpret the findings of media monitoring research and identify notable cases within the dataset.

Determine the potential benefits of the identified cases in terms of marketing, education, and nurturing an interest in reading among teenagers to foster constructive dialogue and engagement.

The research is focused on «booktok» - the segment of book blogs on TikTok. Trends in Ukrainian booktok attract not only active TikTok users but also become the subject of professional interest for reputable publishers and book forums. Publishers consider the spread of book blogging on TikTok as a «renaissance of reading» among the «zoomer» generation (individuals born between 2000 and 2012). In the publishing industry, TikTokers are viewed as influential figures who are saving literature [4].

It has been noted that social media gives rise to new phenomena, leading to the emergence and refinement of new concepts, including «cosplay» and «lipsync».

Cosplay is a form of performance art where individuals portray specific well-known characters or ideas in real-time using costumes and distinctive accessories [7]. Modern cosplay has become a global phenomenon, a significant component of popular culture, and has gained recognition as an independent form of art. Cosplay serves as a means of self-expression and creativity for enthusiasts, as well as a platform for connecting with like-minded individuals [17]. Cosplay is also popular on TikTok, where users showcase their cosplay costumes and impersonate characters from movies, cartoons, comics, video games, and other media works.

Lipsync, short for «lip synchronization», involves synchronizing lip movements with music or other spoken words, typically performing a song to a prerecorded track [10]. Lipsync has become a trend on TikTok, presenting a form of video content where users replicate or «lipsync» audio recordings of songs, monologues, or audio snippets from movies or TV shows, while their faces are usually synchronized with the original dialogue or music. Participating in lipsync videos is an effective method for expanding one's target audience on TikTok. This strategy holds significant potential as the TikTok platform algorithm often favors lipsync video content [18].

Research Methods

The research was conducted from September 2022 to August 2023 using the YouScan platform for social media and online media monitoring and analytics. YouScan, which leverages artificial intelligence and cutting-edge image recognition capabilities, assists businesses in exploring user opinions, uncovering valuable insights, and managing reputation [19]. Accounts featuring hashtags related to reading communities, including bookstagram (a collection of book blogs on Instagram), booktok (a collection of book vlogs on TikTok), and booktube (a collection of reading-related videos on YouTube), were analyzed, specifically focusing on the Ukrainian segment of these communities.

The analysis targeted posts in bookstagram, booktok, and booktube that included hashtags such as #українськийбукстаграм (Ukrainian Bookstagram), #українськийбукток (Ukrainian Booktok), and #буктьюбукраїнською (Booktube in Ukrainian). During the monitoring period, the YouScan system identified 50,622 mentions under these hashtags across social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

As a result of the selection process, a sample of the highest-rated TikTok posts was compiled. These posts were automatically selected by the YouScan system throughout the monitoring period. The selection of posts for analysis was objective, driven by automated criteria that considered audience engagement.

Quantitative content analysis using media monitoring revealed a total of 50,622 posts, comments, and replies to comments containing the hashtags #українськийбукток, #українськийбукстаграм, and #буктьюбукраїнською. These posts aimed to support and promote reading culture within the Ukrainian booktok, bookstagram, and booktube communities. They were identified predominantly on social media platforms such as TikTok (74%), YouTube (16%), and Instagram (10%) (Figure 1).

Figure 1.Distribution of sources

Therefore, the most influential book community is BookTok, which encourages subject analysis of its cases. The analysis of selected publications by the YouScan system was conducted based on the following criteria:

Audience engagement: the number of likes, comments, shares, and views for each publication were analyzed.

Content themes: topics related to reading, including book reviews, critiques, ways to integrate reading into daily life, and humorous content on literary themes were examined.

Content type: the format of publication data (video, photo illustrations, text) was analyzed, and the most popular format among them was determined.

Based on the quantitative data from the YouScan media monitoring system, a list of publications on TikTok with the highest engagement levels during the monitoring period was compiled. Sorting was done by engagement (sum of likes, shares, and comments), resulting in the selection of 12 cases that reflect various aspects of literary culture and reading habits among teenagers:

One reader did not notice the absence of background music, while another preferred a book over sleep.

Bloggers create reviews and book selections.

Teenagers prefer to read books they choose themselves.

A teenager reads if encouraged by parents.

Stephen King is “our” writer.

George Byron and his bear.

Teenagers are interested in the details of Taras Shevchenko's private life.

Teenagers interpret Simonenko's poetry as a reflection of their relationships.

Cosplay based on the fantasy novel "Cruel Prince" by American writer Holly Black.

A blogger purchased a valuable edition.

A girl has read 11 novels by Agatha Christie.

A blogger showcases books read over the year.

During the case study, the characteristics and potential of TikTok as a platform for promoting reading among teenagers were elucidated. Two main aspects were analyzed: the essence of the case and the conclusions arising from the case analysis for practice.


Key trends in today's reading culture include bookstagram, booktok, and booktube, which represent reader communities on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. In particular, booktok represents a community of readers on TikTok. The name of the community is formed by combining the words “book” and the name of the social network “TikTok”. Participants in booktok create short videos where they recommend, review, or discuss books. The popularity of booktok indicates that for the new generation of readers-- teenagers--it is more convenient to express their opinions about books through visual imagery (videos) than words [11].

A case study of 12 selected cases revealed the potential benefits of booktok content for enhancing teenage reading culture, including encouraging them to read actively, expanding literary preferences, and developing critical thinking through discussions and analyses of literary works in the TikTok media environment.

The first group of cases provides an answer to the crucial question: do teenagers read, and what role does a book play in their lives?

Case 1: One reader did not notice the absence of background music, while another preferred a book over sleep. The reader, engrossed in the book, did not set background music to play continuously [27]. The curiosity lies in the fact that the blogger was so engrossed in reading that she did not even notice the absence of music.

The video was posted by user @isabell_books to an audience of 1,500 subscribers. The video went viral, garnering 87.7 thousand likes, 306 comments, 5,539 saves, and 1,366 shares.

Another video shows a blogger reading a book while holding a dog, with audio from the cartoon «Petrik Pyatochkin», where the phrase «Petrik, it's bedtime now. You need to sleep» is heard. In response to this phrase, the blogger uses lipsync and «says»: «I can't sleep. I have insomnia». The video emphasizes that the book has captivated the reader so much that she cannot sleep at night and prefers reading to sleeping. The video also contains the text: “that feeling when it's 5 a.m. on the clock and your company is King's book, green tea, and the dog Sonya”. The video was posted by user @nikky.books (441 subscribers). The clip received 32 thousand likes, 112 comments, and was saved 2,034 times. The video was shared 570 times.

What do the cases teach us? They address the new «normalcy» - life in the whirlwind of many competing media that vie for human attention. It is known that teenagers eagerly listen to music - it is constantly in their headphones. The audience responds to what they see - they recognize themselves in the scenes depicted - thus, it is impossible to sleep if the book is so intriguing. By observing the girl in the video, teenagers reassure themselves of their «normalcy», better understand their feelings and behavior.

The videos depict real situations and emotions that teenagers may encounter, emphasizing the importance of reading as a means of embodying and expressing their inner experiences. The text on the screen of the second video creates associations between reading, comfort (tea), and relaxation (the dog), which may strengthen teenagers' desire to prefer books over other forms of entertainment. The use of audio and phrases from a popular cartoon adds popularity and clarity among the target audience. The video creates an emotional connection with the audience by showcasing a situation that is familiar and understandable to teenagers.

Case 2. Bloggers create reviews and book selections. The case consists of two videos:

A TikTok review presenting a selection of books that the blogger «couldn't tear herself away from.» She mentions novels such as «The Thirteenth Tale» by Diane Setterfield, «The Guest List» by Lucy Foley, «It Ends with Us» by Colleen Hoover, «Without Merit» by Colleen Hoover, «And Then There Were None» by Agatha Christie, and «The Secret History» by Donna Tartt [6]. The video was posted by the user @cusomia (10.7 thousand followers). The video garnered 40.5 thousand likes, 343 comments, and 24 thousand saves. It was shared 1726 times.

A video review of discounted items «by weight» from the bookstore chain Vivat was published on January 9, during the Christmas and New Year promotions. It is known that the Vivat bookstore chain offered a promotion for purchasing books «by weight». The blogger commented on the video as follows: «One downside is that books get sold out ridiculously fast». After reviewing several copies, the blogger showcased her book purchases [2]. The video was posted on TikTok by the user @vertola.svitlana (1255 followers). It garnered 38 thousand likes, 357 comments, and 6957 saves. It was shared 6893 times.

What does the case teach? The case emphasizes the significant influence of bloggers on teenagers' book choices. It is through blogger reviews that teenagers discover new books and authors. The case proves that the TikTok social network is undoubtedly a platform for promoting reading among teenagers. This underscores the importance of adapting marketing strategies to popular media channels among teenage audiences.

The second group of cases demonstrates the importance of circumstances under which teenagers choose books to read.

Case 3. Teenagers prefer to read books they choose themselves. The video shows two books with different texts:

A picture of a love novel for teenagers titled «EL AND EVA». Text on the video: «read the book in 3 days і і ІНФ ~ (emojis of support and positive mood)»;

A picture of a Ukrainian literature textbook for the 7th grade. Text on the video: «read two pages of school literature (emojis of disgust and repulsion)» [24].

Two approaches to reading fiction are contrasted: personal choice (freedom) and mandatory completion of the school curriculum (compulsion). Thus, teenagers demonstrate a protest reaction to works imposed on them by the educational system, which is strongly associated with the well-known «teenage rebellion» - aggression, irritability, nihilism, typical of the adolescent psyche. Therefore, everything offered in the school curriculum is highly likely to be rejected. At the same time, the teenager retains the right to choose literature independently.

The video was posted by the user @evvxas (1805 subscribers). It garnered 26 thousand likes, 482 comments, and was saved 1633 times. It was shared 1206 times.

What does the case teach? The case demonstrates: teenagers who have a habit of choosing something to read themselves are more enthusiastic about reading compared to those who are limited to mandatory school literature. Therefore, it is important to cultivate a culture of reading, in which a child will be accustomed to reading something at their own discretion and for pleasure, rather than seeing a book as a form of coercion.

Case 4. A teenager reads if encouraged by parents. The video is presented as a moment of real life. The blogger's mother says: «Dad and I talked and decided to give you a subscription for books worth 10,000 UAH». The next scene shows the surprised face of the blogger. The caption to the video says: «Happy Birthday to me * 17th chapter of my life)» [5].

The video is presented on TikTok by the user @kaitlyn_books (763 followers). The video received 31 thousand likes, 277 comments, and was saved 1217 times. It was shared 1232 times.

The video received a significant number of supportive comments. Users congratulate the blogger on the purchase, some claim that such a gift is their ultimate dream.

What does the case teach? Parental support for a child's reading intentions is an important factor in shaping and developing their reading habits. Giving a book or a subscription to books is a wise act of parents who wish for their child's growth. And setting an example of reading, purchasing, and discussing books with children is the basis for interpersonal connection and positive communication.

The third group of cases demonstrates how teenagers perceive writers who interest and attract them in literary characters.

Case 5. Stephen King is «our» writer. The video sequence is dedicated to the statements of the American writer Stephen King regarding the war in Ukraine. It features two illustrations: 1) an image of Stephen King with the caption «How does Stephen King comment on the situation in Ukraine?»; 2) a screenshot of a tweet from his official Twitter page containing the phrase: «Ukrainians are kicking some ass today. SLAVA UKRAINI» [26] . The video material is dated September 10, 2022. Presumably, Stephen King's comment relates to the liberation of the Kharkiv region (Vasylivka and Artemivka) by the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the russian occupier. The video material is presented on the TikTok platform by the user @bookling18 with 1,900 followers. It received 72 thousand likes, 240 comments, 3,209 saves, and was shared 723 times. Many comments express a desire to read Stephen King's works even more after his pro-Ukrainian statements.

What does the case teach? For teenagers, the political/civic position of favorite authors, such as Stephen King, is primarily important. TikTok users comment on this publication as follows: «NO WONDER I STARTED READING HIS BOOKS»; «I'll go buy his books»; «probably worth buying his book».

Case 6. George Byron and his bear. According to the plot, visitors are not allowed to enter the restaurant with dogs. Initially, the «visitor» asks if the restrictions apply exclusively to dogs. Then there is an illustration of the English poet George Byron and a brief story about an incident from his biography: during his admission to Cambridge, Byron was forbidden to keep a dog in his room. So the next day, he brought a bear [21]. The video is presented by the user @iss_ssara on the TikTok platform. The blogger has 6,680 subscribers. The video material is notable for the audience's reaction - 71 thousand likes, 360 comments, 6,191 saves, and 1,426 shares.

What does the case teach? Judging by the reactions, teenagers are interested in the biographies of writers, but primarily in their unconventional antics, curious life incidents. Thus, video content can stimulate teenagers' interest in literary figures, which can later serve as a «bridge» to their interest in their works.

Case 7. Teenagers are interested in the details of Taras Shevchenko's private life. The comedic video consists of two scenes. The first scene is accompanied by the text «Ukrainian literature teacher: Talking about Taras Shevchenko's difficult fate». In this part, the blogger displays Shevchenko's book and enacts a teacher's narrative in class. In the next scene, the blogger dances, hinting that Taras Shevchenko had various episodes in his life, including entertaining ones [25].

The video is published on TikTok by the user @ff.hatford (1,130 subscribers). It garnered 35.3 thousand likes, 290 comments, and 3,250 saves. It was shared 3,509 times.

What does the case teach? The video material illustrates the enthusiastic reaction of teenagers to the prominent name of Taras Shevchenko. However, teenagers show interest not so much in the meanings of his works but in scouring the internet for some provocations and sensationalism in his biography, often false. This once again indicates a lack of critical and mature thinking in adolescence and the need for wise and persistent education, consistent formation of values.

However, the problem also lies in the one-sided, «iconic» teaching of writers' biographies, which makes Ukrainian literature lessons boring for modern children. Comments from users under the mentioned video: «This is a problem with teaching, even when we studied foreign literature and learned about a writer with non-traditional orientation, the teacher didn't want to talk about it»; «It's really not okay that teachers whitewash writers»; «and so with all writers, they make them some kind of martyrs»; «I always want to send any video on this topic to my literature teacher, but I think it's better not to»; «if we were taught the real history without censorship, I would have been a straight-A student on a 20-point scale». Judging by the comments, teenagers are interested in learning about the «real person», not some cultural cliche, like «Shevchenko-the kobzar» or «Franko-the stonecutter».

Case 8. Teenagers interpret Symonenko's poetry as a reflection of their relationships. The video features ocean waves and a quote: «When he tells you, 'Don't bother me,' and V. Symonenko wrote: 'Get mad at me if you want, Despise me, hate me - I still love your eyes And your sad hair' V »¦ The caption of the video states: «Straight to the heart 'r (heart organ emoji)» [13].

During adolescence, girls and boys learn to build relationships, fall in love for the first time, and experience their first setbacks. The blogger expresses a typical girl's longing “for the perfect prince” when she compares the indifferent attitude of an average boy towards a girl with the profound attitude of poet Vasyl Symonenko towards a woman.

The video is posted on TikTok by the user @r.miryashina (307 followers). It has garnered 30 thousand likes, 58 comments, and was saved 5680 times. It has been shared 6422 times.

What does the case teach? Teenagers truly resonate with literary classics, but one needs to find the «right» works. Literary classics provide numerous wonderful lines for «reflection» and articulation of their emotional states, so finding a way to convey these images and words is crucial.

The fourth group of cases speaks to the importance of creative and prestigious ways of exploring and promoting literature.

Case 9. Cosplay based on the fantasy novel by American writer Holly Black, «The Cruel Prince». Three video publications featuring this cosplay were found, with similar storylines. Below is a summary of one of the cosplay-themed videos.

Two Ukrainian teenagers portray the roles of Jude and Cardan, the main characters of the novel. They act out a scene from the book: the heroine, holding a knife in her hand, initially threatens the boy, but it ends with hugs and a kiss. The characters are dressed in costumes, with appropriate accessories and makeup - all atmospheric. And safe, as indicated by the note: «FAKE BLADE» [16], which may indicate the use of props that are not real weapons.

This video generated significant interest from the audience: 102.5 thousand likes and 800 comments. The video was saved 17 thousand times and shared 8,457 times. For example, a poignant comment from user @fl0ridakilos11: «Started reading 'The Cruel Prince' and other books just because of this TikTok!! One of my favorite books of all time». This comment illustrates the influence of social media on teenage reading interests and literary choices.

This video was created by user @say_mari, who has 255 thousand subscribers.

What does the case teach? Cosplay is a form of fan content that allows for a new interpretation of the plot. The case shows that social media can be a powerful tool for popularizing literature among teenagers, as this genre stimulates the development of teenagers' creative abilities and helps them express themselves. Visual content is important: bright costumes, props, and the emotional performance of actors in the video make the book's storyline appealing to a potential audience.

Case 10: A blogger purchased a valuable edition. The unboxing video of the blogger's most expensive book purchase. The blogger opens a box of gifts from the bookstore (a pocket collection of poems by Pavlo Tychyna, a packet of instant coffee, and a postcard), as well as the purchase itself - the novel «A Little Life» by Hanya Yanagihara. The blogger comments, «I bought a golden book». During the unboxing, she notes, «I am happy, but my bank card is crying». It turns out that this purchase turned out to be too expensive for the teenage blogger. She repeatedly emphasizes the high cost of the purchased edition - 1300 hryvnias [20].

The video was posted on TikTok by user @susikliza (24.7 thousand subscribers). It garnered 32 thousand likes, 447 comments, and was saved 3023 times. It was shared 968 times.

What does the case teach? Firstly, it's about the “beautiful packaging” of the book-buying process - it's a little celebration that brings great joy and prestige.

Secondly, the choice of teenage readers between material and spiritual still leans towards spiritual value. Even through the lens of teenage materialism, where material values predominate in the social and cultural space, spiritual value for teenage readers is still more significant. The purchase of a valuable edition, albeit too expensive for the blogger, demonstrates her deep interest in reading. This confirms that teenagers consider reading not only as a means of entertainment but also as a source of emotional and spiritual satisfaction.

The fifth group of cases demonstrates the competitiveness in teenage reading culture, the importance of reading as an indicator of self-development and competitiveness.

Case 11: A girl has read 11 novels by Agatha Christie. The video depicts a reader holding a series of Agatha Christie's works published by KSD. The video features the text «I've read 11 Agatha Christie novels and never guessed the killer once», underscored by the blogger's ironic facial expressions [14]. Likely, the ironic comment is evidence of her own failure to guess the real culprit in each of the works or emphasizes the complexity and non-obviousness of Agatha Christie's plots.

The video was posted on TikTok by user @susikliza, who has 23.5 thousand subscribers. According to metrics, the video received 66.3 thousand likes, 678 comments, 8196 saves, and 1917 shares.

In the next video, the same blogger reads Agatha Christie's novel «And Then There Were None». The text on the video reads: «When Agatha Christie makes you start suspecting the dead» [22]. This video clip demonstrates the mysterious plot of the novel, which leaves the reader uncertain.

The video received 45 thousand likes, 315 comments, and 5833 saves. It was shared 972 times.

What does the case teach? The video shows how the user shares impressions of the Agatha Christie novels she has read through ironic comments, while also boasting about her reading achievements. Posting videos of reading achievements in various contexts, firstly, demonstrates the attractiveness of reading, and secondly, stimulates a certain competitiveness, encouraging other users not to lag behind - reading because it's incredibly engaging.

Case 12: A blogger showcases books read over the year. The video titled «Read in a year (al- most)» features the blogger holding a stack of books, each corresponding to a specific month. The number of books read amounts to dozens. The video was posted on TikTok by user @book.tamila (7900 subscribers). It garnered 42 thousand likes, 709 comments, and 2688 saves. It was shared 2270 times. The video sparked a lively reaction from users. They are impressed by where the blogger finds so much time for reading. Some users even envied her, while others suspected her of dishonesty [23].

What does the case teach? Reading involves not only analyzing the text but also managing one's time. The case emphasizes the importance of developing time management skills among teenagers. The audience's reaction indicates an increased interest among teenagers in mastering skills for effective time management, consequently, a desire to read a lot.


The conducted case study of 12 cases from the TikTok platform has demonstrated that booktok is a significant phenomenon in teenage reading culture. Short videos popularize reading, telling teenagers about literary characters, books, and more in a modern and understandable format. As a social media community, booktok stimulates dialogue and discussion - the analyzed cases have a high level of engagement (thousands of views, reactions, shares). Five problematic groups of the analyzed content have been identified.

The first group of cases has shown that reading remains an active welcoming practice among teenagers, competently competing with other forms of leisure (music, movies, socializing).

The second group of cases indicates factors influencing teenagers' book choices: independent choice, recommendations from authoritative bloggers, friendly encouragement from parents (for example, through gifting reading subscriptions). A negative reaction to the «school curriculum» has been detected, perceived by teenagers as a form of coercion, partly due to classic «teenage rebellion». The cases indicate that all participants in the educational process bear collective responsibility for engaging children and young people in reading in a light, interesting form, without mentoring, through personal example and participation.

The third group of cases reveals factors influencing the perception of writers and attitudes towards their work. A significant importance for teenagers is the civic and political position of writers: teenagers sympathize with authors who share their values. Teenagers are interested in the personal lives of writers, especially extraordinary biographical facts. Therefore, during the teaching of literature in schools and book events, it is recommended to present writers, avoiding cultural cliches, stereotypes, and well- known facts. Special responsibility lies with school teachers, who are capable of both awakening and destroying interest in literature.

The fourth group of cases encourages the search for modern creative ways to promote literature and engage teenagers in reading. Among the possibilities are, for example, cosplay and lip-sync, which encourage self-expression, playing out plots in interactive, theatrical forms.

The fifth group of cases has shown that reading in the teenage group is perceived as an indicator of self-development and competitiveness. Teenagers boast about their reading achievements, interpreting it as a source of emotional and spiritual satisfaction. Therefore, in implementing national cultural policy at various levels, it is necessary to emphasize the prestige of reading and create a «social lift» for those who have corresponding achievements.

The results obtained confirm that claims of a decline in teenage reading culture are hyperbolic. Instead, there is a need to search for new ways to engage teenagers in reading books.

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