Pedagogical innovations of training in the education sphere for national minorities (communities) in Ukraine and the countries of the European Union

Analysis of pedagogical innovations in the education of national communities of Ukraine and the countries of the European Union. The term "innovation" in education. Technological schemes, pedagogical technologies of innovative educational activity.

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Дата добавления 20.07.2024
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Pedagogical innovations of training in the education sphere for national minorities (communities) in Ukraine and the countries of the European Union

Kyrylo Tulin, PhD Student Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine

Background. The article is a study of pedagogical innovations in education for national minorities (communities) in Ukraine and the countries of the European Union.

Relevance. At the current stage of Ukraine's development, the problem of providing adequate education to representatives of national minorities is becoming particularly urgent, since an effective approach to this problem is of great importance for maintaining harmony between different nationalities in a multinational society. The positive experience of implementing pedagogical innovations in educational institutions of EU countries aimed at the needs of national minorities is particularly important for its integration in our country.

Purpose and objectives. The purpose of the study is to analyze pedagogical innovations in education for national minorities (communities) in Ukraine and the countries of the European Union.

To fulfill the stated goal of the research, the following objectives were set: to characterize the definition of the term "innovation" in educational activity; to determine pedagogical technologies used in innovative pedagogical activities; to consider pedagogical innovations in education for national minorities in Ukraine; to analyze the peculiarities of pedagogical innovations in education for national minorities in EU countries.

The research methods used in the work are the following: search based on the available methodical and scientific literature with analysis of the found material, comparison, systematization.

Results. In the context of the educational activity, the term "innovation" is used in a number of important meanings. The classification of pedagogical technologies, which are most often used in the educational environment, is given. It was emphasized that innovative educational activity in Ukraine is carried out at three levels. The spectrum of technologies, which today functions in general educational institutions in which education is conducted in the language of national minorities, is multiformat, which is connected with the introduction of new educational standards. Analyzing pedagogical innovations in education for national minorities in EU countries, some features of such countries as Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, and Lithuania are listed, since their views on the issue of education of national minorities are quite diverse.

Conclusions . Pedagogical innovations in education for national minorities (communities) in Ukraine and the countries of the European Union were analyzed. The definition of the term "innovation " in educational activity is characterized. Technological schemes and pedagogical technologies used in innovative pedagogical activities are also defined. Pedagogical innovations in education for national minorities in Ukraine are considered. Peculiarities of pedagogical innovations in education for national minorities in such EU countries as Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, and Lithuania are analyzed.

Keywords: pedagogical innovations, educational sphere, national minorities, national communities, Ukraine, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania.

Кирило ТУЛІН, асп.

Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, Київ, Україна


Вступ . Досліджено педагогічні інновації в освіті національних меншин (громад) в Україні та країнах Європейського Союзу. На сучасному етапі розвитку України проблема забезпечення належної освіти представників національних меншин набуває особливої актуальності, оскільки ефективний підхід до цієї проблеми має велике значення для збереження злагоди між різними національностями в багатонаціональному суспільстві. Позитивний досвід впровадження педагогічних інновацій у закладах освіти країн ЄС, орієнтованих на потреби національних меншин, є особливо важливим для її інтеграції в нашій країні.

Мета і завдання. Мета дослідження - проаналізувати педагогічні інновації в освіті національних меншин (громад) в Україні та країнах Європейського Союзу.

Для виконання поставленої мети дослідження були поставлені такі завдання: охарактеризувати визначення поняття "інновація" в освітній діяльності; визначити педагогічні технології, які використовуються в інноваційній педагогічній діяльності; розглянути педагогічні інновації в освіті національних меншин в Україні; проаналізувати особливості педагогічних інновацій в освіті національних меншин у країнах ЄС.

Результати . У контексті освітньої діяльності термін "інновація" використовується в ряді важливих значень. Наведено класифікацію педагогічних технологій, які найчастіше використовуються в освітньому середовищі. Було наголошено, що інноваційна освітня діяльність в Україні здійснюється на трьох рівнях. Спектр технологій, які нині функціонують у закладах освіти, у яких навчання ведеться мовою національних меншин, є багатоформатним, що пов'язано із запровадженням нових освітніх стандартів. Аналізуючи педагогічні інновації в освіті національних меншин у країнах ЄС, можна назвати деякі особливості таких країн, як Угорщина, Словаччина, Польща, Литва, оскільки їхні погляди на питання освіти національних меншин досить різноманітні.

Висновки . Проаналізовано педагогічні інновації в освіті національних меншин (громад) в Україні та країнах Європейського Союзу. Охарактеризовано визначення терміну "інновація" в освітній діяльності. Визначено також технологічні схеми та педагогічні технології', що використовуються в інноваційній педагогічній діяльності. Розглянуто педагогічні інновації'в освіті національних меншин в Україні. Проаналізовано особливості педагогічних інновацій в освіті національних меншин у таких країнах ЄС, як Угорщина, Словаччина, Польща, Литва.

Ключові слова : педагогічні інновації, освітня сфера, національні меншини, національні громади, Україна, Угорщина, Словаччина, Польща, Литва.


pedagogical innovations education

The relevance of the researched problem. At the current stage of Ukraine's development, the problem of providing adequate education to representatives of national minorities is becoming particularly urgent. An effective approach to this problem is of great importance for maintaining harmony between different nationalities in a multinational society and developing the competencies of democratic citizenship, in particular ethnic tolerance. The positive experience of implementing pedagogical innovations in educational institutions in the countries of the European Union aimed at the needs of national minorities is particularly important for its integration in our country.

The need to find effective ways to solve the national issue in education, the choice of optimal ways to ensure social justice and the quality of education of every citizen of the country is confirmed in the following international, European and national documents: the UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities (1992); European Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities (1995); Council of Europe Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education (2010); Law of Ukraine "On National Minorities in Ukraine" (l992); Law of Ukraine "On Education" (2017); Concept "New Ukrainian School" (2016) and others.

Literature review. The problems of education of national minorities in Ukraine were considered in scientific studies by such authors as O. Bystrytska, L. Voinalovych, O. Voinalovych, S. Ocheretianko, N. Krotik, A. Kuzmenko, L. Yakubova, B. Chyrko, and S. Shevchenko. The issue of the practical implementation of innovations in the education system and the study of advanced pedagogical experience is actively studied by the employees of the Institute for the Modernization of the Content of Education, in particular Ye. Bazhenkov, T. Berezhna, N. Divinska, Yu. Zavalevskii, S. Kyrylenko, T. Pushkaryova, Yu. Safonov, K. Shaposhnykov, and other scholars, such as K. Bakhanov, O. Pometun, O. Marynovska, I. Bekh, O. Savchenko, T. Vakaliuk, D. Bergman, D. Berney, D. Stivenson, R. Collwell, A. Crawford, W. Saul, D. Dewey, and D. Donchen. However, a comprehensive study of the implementation of pedagogical innovations in education for national minorities (communities) in Ukraine and the countries of the European Union has not been conducted.

The purpose of the study is to analyze pedagogical innovations in education for national minorities (communities) in Ukraine and the countries of the European Union.

The object of the research is pedagogical innovations in education for national minorities.

The subject of research is pedagogical innovations.

The presentation of the main material. Modern educational innovations include the following aspects: new scientific and theoretical knowledge, which is characterized by its uniqueness and originality; effective educational technologies that contribute to the achievement of new and excellent results in the educational process; developed and technologically described projects of effective innovative pedagogical experience, which are ready for implementation in practice.

In the context of educational activities, the term "innovation" is used in several important meanings: changes in the educational environment of the institution, arising due to modernized goals and values of education; introduction and distribution of ready-made and fully developed innovative pedagogical systems; conducting research on new educational technologies in educational institutions that already implement innovations, but constantly resolve emerging contradictions; integration of innovative institutions with new socio-cultural, informational and other structures and mechanisms; constant, creative and positively influencing all aspects of the educational process activity of the teacher (Rebukha, & Zhonghao, 2021, p. 49).

These aspects highlight the importance of innovation in the educational environment and highlight different aspects of its implementation and impact.

It should be noted that in modern scientific and pedagogical practice there are three different technological schemes for the organization of the educational process:

1. Productive technology, also known as subject- oriented. The main goal of this technology is to master the educational material, starting with the subject of study and progressing in a clear sequence: material - student - result. The main criterion for the success of training is the achievement of the planned goal at a certain level within a specific period. In this technology, the individuality of the student is not taken into account, since the quality control of the acquired knowledge is reduced to checking the acquired material from a certain educational discipline.

2. The technology of personally oriented training aimed at meeting the individual needs of the individual. The main purpose of this technology is to create conditions for selfrealization and progressive personal changes. The educational process is aimed at development, independence in one's own views, freedom in the personal "I", self-knowledge, self-determination, independence.

3. Partner technology (or cooperation technology) is an optimal combination of subject-oriented and personal-oriented learning technologies. It provides for three main tasks for the teacher: to ensure proper assimilation of knowledge, abilities and skills by students; develop and form students' own selfconcept, personal evaluative judgments and create conditions for their self-realization; to educate students in personal and socially significant professional qualities. This technology requires the teacher to clearly comply with the program and requirements for knowledge, abilities and skills of graduates of the educational institution (Pidlasyi, 2004, p. 70).

In turn, N. Androsova notes that the pedagogical technologies that are most often used can be classified in a certain way:

1. Structural and logical technologies provide for a systematic organization of learning with a logical sequence of forming and solving didactic tasks. They take into account the selection of content, forms, methods and means of learning at each stage, as well as the systematic diagnosis of results.

2. Integrative technologies implement the integration of interdisciplinary knowledge and skills, various types of activities at different levels, such as integrated courses, topics, lessons and training days.

3. Game technologies are based on the use of various didactic games (theatrical, business, role-playing, simulation exercises, individual training and solving practical situations), which help to form the ability to solve tasks through compromise choices.

4. Training technologies provide a system of activities for working out algorithms for performing typical practical tasks, including computer training.

5. Information and computer technologies involve the use of computer training based on the dialogue "human - machine" with the help of various types of programs.

6. Dialogue technologies are based on interaction between different educational subjects. They include various forms of dialogue, which are quite common among modern approaches.

The peculiarity of modern education is that various technologies can be successfully combined to achieve better learning results (Androsova, 2010, p. 31).

When considering pedagogical innovations in education for national minorities in Ukraine, it should be noted that innovative educational activities are carried out at three levels: all-Ukrainian, regional and at the level of an educational institution.

Innovative educational activity at the all-Ukrainian level is carried out within the framework of the country's educational system and includes such components as the development and use of: educational, training and management systems that comply with legislation; basic component of preschool education; an invariant component of the content of general secondary education; of the national component of the content of professional and technical education; content of extracurricular education; experimental educational programs, textbooks and manuals, which are developed during the experiment with the aim of improving the results of educational activities; educational technologies, forms, methods and means of teaching, education and education management; scientific- methodical, personnel, material-technical and financial support of the educational process in educational institutions; systems, technologies, forms and methods of improving the qualifications of managerial, pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers; forms and means of cooperation between education management bodies, the administration of educational institutions, teaching staff, students and parents; technologies of interaction with institutions of civil society; consideration and formation of public opinion regarding changes in the field of education.

Innovative educational activity at the regional level is implemented within the framework of the educational system of a specific territory and includes such aspects as the development and use of: a variable component of the content of preschool and general secondary education; of the regional component of the content of professional and technical education; content of extracurricular education; educational technologies, forms, methods and means of teaching, education and education management; scientific- methodical, material-technical and financial support of the educational process.

Innovative educational activity at the level of an educational institution is implemented in preschool, general education, extracurricular, vocational and technical, higher educational institutions (including institutions of postgraduate pedagogical education) and includes the use of educational innovations that have been tested during experiments at the level of the entire country or a specific region. In addition, such activity involves the development and experimental verification of a variable part of the content of higher education (in particular, postgraduate pedagogical education), which was developed based on previously conducted experiments at the national and regional levels (Dutchak, 2023, p. 283).

Noting the peculiarities of the introduction of pedagogical innovations into the educational process in Ukrainian schools in which education is conducted in the languages of national minorities, we will emphasize all levels of innovative educational activity: the development of an optimal model of the educational process, which allows students of national minorities to fully learn the Ukrainian language along with their native language; strengthening efforts to train teachers for general educational institutions where the languages of national minorities are used for teaching, especially in the field of Ukrainian language and literature; conducting monitoring studies on the achievements of students in the Ukrainian language and languages of national minorities in general education and vocational and technical educational institutions with teaching in the languages of national minorities; consideration of the possibility of providing teachers of general educational institutions where the languages of national minorities are used with the possibility of obtaining a free second higher education in the specialty "Ukrainian language and literature"; promoting the modernization of the educational and material base of general educational institutions where the languages of national minorities are used; replenishment of library funds of general educational institutions where the languages of national minorities are used with modern literature in Ukrainian and the languages of national minorities.

Emphasizing the use of innovative pedagogical technologies in general educational institutions in which teaching is conducted in the language of national minorities, we note that the spectrum of technologies that functions today is quite diverse. This variety of technologies is directly related to the introduction of new educational standards, such as the Concept of the New Ukrainian School (NUS) (2016), the State Standard of Primary Education (2019), and the State Standard of Basic Secondary Education (2020). This also happens due to the variety of forms of education in which you can get an education - from full-time (full-time) to distance, online, external, family (home) forms, as well as forms of pedagogical patronage, full-time (evening) and extramural forms at the levels of basic and specialized secondary education, dual, which were defined by Article 4 of the Law of Ukraine "On Comprehensive General Secondary Education" (2020).

For example, according to the order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine dated September 29, 2021 № 1033 "On the implementation of an innovative educational project on the topic "European integrated school model with teaching in the Hungarian language" on the basis of general secondary education institutions of the Transcarpathian region", an innovative educational project called "European school model with teaching in the Hungarian language". The main goal of this project is to create an effective integrative educational model that would be comfortable for students and ensure high quality education for representatives of the Hungarian national minority in the context of reforming the Ukrainian school system. The project envisages improving the quality of teaching the Ukrainian language, mathematics and other subjects, using a wide range of digital technologies and digitalization of the educational environment (Education of Ukraine under martial law. Innovative and project activity: Scientific and methodological collection, 2022, p. 29).

In addition, in 2021, the "Strategy for promoting the realization of the rights and opportunities of persons belonging to the Roma national minority in Ukrainian society until 2030" was adopted (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, 2021). One of the key goals of this strategy is to increase the access of persons belonging to the Roma national minority to quality education with the aim of successful further integration into Ukrainian society. In addition, innovative technologies in Roma education, according to scientists, should be based on partnership pedagogy - an approach to education that includes a complex of methods and techniques of education and training based on humanistic and creative principles of personal development. The basis of partnership pedagogy is interaction, communication and cooperation between the teacher, student and parents. Students, parents and teachers who share common goals and objectives act as voluntary and active co-partners, equal participants in the educational process, who bear joint responsibility for the result. The teacher should function as a friend, and the family should take an active part in shaping the child's educational path. Partnership pedagogy defines a real democratic way of cooperation between a teacher and a child, which does not reject the difference in their experience and knowledge, but is based on respect, mutual trust, benevolent attitude and mutual demands (Labosh, 2022, p. 92).

Innovations in the education of the Polish, Romanian and Moldovan national minorities correspond to the concept of NUS, and also emphasize the strategy of multilingual education in schools teaching in the language of national minorities and the development of curricula in order to improve the process of learning the state language in such general educational institutions (Tyshchenko, 2019, p. 24).

Analyzing pedagogical innovations in education for national minorities in EU countries, we will list some of their features, since this experience can be integrated into the Ukrainian educational system in the context of its entry into the European educational space.

Thus, in Hungary there are five different models of education in minority languages, covering the entire educational spectrum from preschool to high school: the model of education in the minority language involves teaching using minority languages, with the exception of Hungarian language and literature; bilingual education involves learning in two languages, with 50 % of compulsory classes conducted in minority languages; the model of education mainly in the Hungarian language with the teaching of minority language, culture and history subjects requires that schools have a "national education component" where the language and culture of the minority (for example, the Slovak language and culture or of another minority); additional education in the minority language is aimed at providing additional opportunities to learn a minority language; Roma minority education involves specialized training for members of the Roma minority. In particular, in the first three cases, additional training in minority languages is included in the national curriculum at different levels depending on local demand.

The model of additional education in minority languages involves the organization of separate mandatory classes on the study of languages, culture and history of minorities. This model is used when there is a demand for such training, but the number of students has not yet reached the required level. Education for the Roma minority involves mainly the teaching of Roma culture and history in Hungarian, as about 80% of Roma communicate in Hungarian. However, at the same time, teaching in the Romani language can be provided at the request of parents (Prina, Danbar, & Hurbo, 2020, p. 19).

Slovakia has a well-developed system of education in the languages of national minorities. According to Slovak legislation, minority languages have the right to be used in municipalities where representatives of national minorities live. However, Slovakia is undergoing a process of "school rationalization", which involves closing smaller schools to reduce education costs.

Representatives of the Hungarian, German, Romany, Ruthenian and Ukrainian national minorities of Slovakia take an active part in the process of monitoring the quality of education in minority languages. This process is organized through the National Minorities Education Council, which began operating in 2013 in cooperation with the Ministry of Education. The Council is a consultative expert body, the operation of which corresponds to the provisions of Articles 7 (4) and 8 of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. As part of its activities, the Council can express conclusions and recommendations regarding various aspects of education in minority languages.

In Slovakia, educational institutions are organized both with the teaching in the language of the national minority and "bilingual schools" in which both the language of the minority and the Slovak language are used, but education does not take place in parallel in the two languages. In such schools, groups of students function separately, and students attend all classes in the respective language (with the exception of Slovak language and literature). These bilingual schools were established in regions where two separate schools teaching in the Slovak language and the minority language would be economically feasible. The initiative of joint activity made it possible to reduce costs.

It should also be noted that in 2015 the Ministry of Education of Slovakia approved new state curricula for schools with teaching in minority languages at the first and second levels of primary school. These programs were implemented in September 2015. Minority language classes were scheduled at the level of 5 hours per week. In addition, since September 1, 2016, the Framework Curriculum for 2016 was introduced, which complements the Updated National Education and Training Program. This plan provided for an increase in the number of minority language classes from 5 to 8 (and in total, together with minority language and literature, from 21 to 24 in primary education). According to the state report, this dual model gives schools the opportunity to include additional subjects in their school curricula that are not part of the required curriculum. Such schools must independently provide funding for these additional subjects (Prina, Danbar, & Hurbo, 2020, p. 39).

The rights of national minorities in Poland are ensured by the Law "On National and Ethnic Minorities and Regional Languages" dated January 6, 2005, which contains the definition of the term "national and ethnic minorities", introduces the possibility of using the minority language as an additional language in community bodies, as well as the possibility of using, in addition to the government names of localities and physiographic objects and street names, additional traditional names in the language of national minorities, which directly indicates to which nationalities the constitutional guarantees are extended: Belarusian, Czech, Lithuanian, German, Armenian, Russian, Slovak, Ukrainian, and Jewish. As well as other laws of the Republic of Poland. In particular, in Art. 13 of the Law of September 7, 1991 "On the Education System" it is stated that the school will give students the opportunity to maintain their national, ethnic, linguistic and religious identity, including through the study of language, history and culture (Melnyk, & Hubytskii, 2017, p. 70).

It should be noted that according to the Law of the Republic of Poland "On National and Ethnic Minorities and Regional Languages", which was adopted on January 6, 2005 (with later amendments and additions), the Ukrainian language has the status of a national minority language. According to the interpretation of the Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Poland, this right to education using the Ukrainian language belongs exclusively to representatives of the Ukrainian national minority - citizens of Poland of Ukrainian origin. An important factor in this context is the status of Polish citizenship. Children from Ukraine who do not have Polish citizenship (or at least one of the minor's parents is not a citizen of the Republic of Poland) do not have the status of a national minority, and therefore do not have the right to state-funded education in the Ukrainian language in public schools. Since the legislation does not contain a direct prohibitive provision, the practical situation in this matter depends on the approach of local authorities and the management of specific school institutions.

According to Lithuanian legislation, national minorities have the right to free pre-school and general education in the languages of their national group in the regions where they live en masse. The Law on Education, as amended until 2015, also recognizes the possibility for students of national minorities to learn their mother tongue or study in it. To ensure access to education in minority languages, special financial conditions are provided for such schools that receive funding from the state budget, and these schools have strong support from the respective mother states.

The state language and languages of national minorities receive the same number of hours in the curriculum, which indicates equal treatment of both languages in the education system. Teaching of other subjects is usually carried out in the language of the national minority, but there is no mandatory number of hours for teaching other academic disciplines in the language of the minority or in Lithuanian.

In the education system for national minorities in Lithuania, there is a consistent decrease in the time devoted to the study of the Lithuanian language compared to Lithuanian schools. In 2011, this time was 800 hours, but by 2018 it was reduced to 300-400 hours, and by 2020 it is only 100 hours. In primary classes, more hours are allocated for learning the mother tongue. From the 5th to the 8th grade, the same number of hours is provided (5 hours per week). However, from the 9th to the 10th grade and at the stage of full secondary education, the number of hours for Lithuanian language and literature prevails over the number of hours for the language of the national minority. However, the number of hours of teaching subjects in the language of the national minority remains at a level higher than 50 %. In schools where the languages of the national minorities are taught, the curricula of the full secondary education are implemented in two languages: the language of the minority and Lithuanian. Each school provides teaching of a minimum number of subjects in the Lithuanian language. In the case, when parents or students express a desire for more subjects to be taught in Lithuanian than is required by law, the school must comply with this request.

In order to ensure the same standards for learning Lithuanian language and literature for students of Lithuanian schools and schools of national minorities, since 2013, a single final exam in Lithuanian language and literature has been introduced in all schools. Although the content of the exam is the same, students from minority schools are allowed to make more mistakes compared to students from Lithuanian schools (Dzhurylo, Hlushko, & Lokshyna, 2018, p. 88).


So, after analyzing the pedagogical innovations of training in the educational field for national minorities (communities) in Ukraine and the countries of the European Union, it was determined that the need to find effective ways to solve the national issue in education is confirmed by a number of official documents.

Discussion and conclusions

It was emphasized that innovative educational activity in Ukraine is carried out at three levels: all-Ukrainian, regional and at the level of an educational institution. In addition, the spectrum of technologies, which today functions in general educational institutions in which education is conducted in the language of national minorities, is quite diverse, which is connected with the introduction of new educational standards and the variety of forms of education. Innovations in education in schools for a number of national minorities are detailed. Pedagogical innovations in education for national minorities in such EU countries as Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, and Lithuania were analyzed, as their views on the issue of education of national minorities are quite diverse, and the experience gained can be integrated into the Ukrainian educational system in the context of its entry into the European educational space.


Androsova, N. (2010). Innovative technologies at school. Scientific notes of Volodymyr Vynnychenko Kirovohrad State Pedagogical University. Series: Pedagogical sciences, 91, 29-34 [in Ukrainian]. [Андросова, Н. (2010). Інноваційні технології в школі. Наукові записки Кіровоградського державного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Винниченка. Серія: Педагогічні науки. 91,29-34].

Dzhurylo, А. P., Hlushko, О. Z., & Lokshyna, О. І. (2018). Transformational processes in school education in the countries of the European Union and the USA. "CONVY PRINT' LLC [in Ukrainian]. [Джурило, А. П., Глушко, О. З., & Локшина, О. І. (2018). Трансформаційні процеси у шкільній освіті в країнах Європейського Союзу та США. ТОВ "КОНВІ-ПРИНТ"].

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