Theoretical basis of preparation of future teachers of physical education in institutions of higher education for future educational activities

The need to improve the professional training of teaching staff. Modernization of the educational process of professional training in higher education, taking into account modern trends in improving the educational process in comprehensive schools.

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Theoretical basis of preparation of future teachers of physical education in institutions of higher education for future educational activities


professional training teaching education

One of the important problems of higher education in Ukraine is to increase the professional training of teachers and, above all, future physical education teachers, the quality of training of which depends on the state of health and level of physical development of the younger generation. The solution of this problem is impossible without modernization in the higher school of the educational process of professional training, taking into account the current trends of improvement of the educational process in secondary schools. The general trend of high school development, in terms of Ukraine's integration into the European educational space, is its focus on specialized education, focus on differentiation, variability, multidisciplinary, integration of general and pre-vocational education [1, 8].

Scientific research was conducted in the following main areas: study of the peculiarities of personal development and professional self-determination; selection of certain types of pedagogical abilities; determination of features of pedagogical activity, etc. [2, 3, 11, 14].

Presenting main material

Successful vocational and educational activities of teachers physically her culture is determined by a combination of various components of an effective training without which it is not possible to perform high-level professional duties at secondary school level vocational training in the sports area, namely in the circle formed theoretical system of psycho-pedagogical , medical and biological knowledge and fundamental and applied knowledge of the theory, methods and history of physical culture and sports; methodical as the formation of professional skills and abilities to conduct various forms of physical education with different contingent; technical involves mastering the technique of performing physical exercises of different levels of complexity and motor structure and physical, which is aimed at the development of basic motor skills to master the content of sports and pedagogical disciplines. These components indicate the need to consider the process of training future physical education teachers for specialized training in high school in the context of modern general education technologies (continuing and advanced education, innovative education and information technology), which ensure the effectiveness of professional training in terms of creative activity [3, 10].

The training of a future physical education teacher is a process of personality formation that takes place in accordance with the process of professional and pedagogical activity. Significant results of training of future physical education teachers can be achieved only under the conditions of legal, software and regulatory support, which is expressed in specific documents and materials developed by public authorities in the field of physical culture.

An important factor in the formation of the personality of a physical education teacher is the awareness of the individual's own achievements, prospects for their spiritual and professional growth in accordance with the process of physical education [4, p. 33].

On the basis of scientific and educational publications [2,13], for we define Hainaut main objectives of physical education in schools, namely:

increasing the functional capabilities of the body of students by means of physical culture;

promotion of comprehensive harmonious development, abandonment of bad habits, improvement of mental and physical performance;

formation of students' interest in regular physical exercises, taking into account the peculiarities of their future profession, physical self-improvement and a healthy lifestyle;

obtaining by students the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of physical culture in order to prevent diseases;

mastering the methods of determining physical condition and self-control.

The basis of physical education is the acquisition of both theoretical and practical knowledge using motor skills and abilities in different living conditions. Based on the relevant knowledge, in the process of physical education, the tasks of systematic formation and improvement of motor skills and abilities necessary in life are solved.

The modern system of physical education is based on a wide range of scientific data, which is a prerequisite for understanding and rational use of the laws that govern physical education. An essential activity of higher education is the preparation of physical education teachers for professional activities, providing a system of professional skills that would allow deep understanding of pedagogical tasks, consistently solve complex educational situations, predict and model the next steps of educational impact.

In our study, we adhere to the traditional interpretation of the concept of «professional activity», namely: «versatile purposeful organization of student life during all years of study, which through programs ensures his professional readiness» [13].

In pedagogy and psychology, many scientific papers are devoted to the study of the peculiarities of pedagogical activity and the personality of the future teacher of physical culture. Analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature shows that the personality of a physical education teacher, the structure of his professional skills and abilities, features and ways to improve it are studied by many authors in different areas: studying the structure of professional qualities and abilities, formation of professional skills; educational institutions; formation of readiness for work on physical education.

It should be of and means ich that the preparation of future teachers of physical education cannot be separated from the issues and trends that span the global system of education and upbringing of the younger generation. The problem of preparing a physical education teacher for professional activity is not simple. Teacher training was improved together in the context of the development of physical culture as a subject in secondary school, as well as in the process of becoming a teacher of physical education, the development of his professionalism.

As a type of physical education, the process of preparing teachers for professional activities has three components: training, education and development. They form the structure of education and reflect its specific functions - the acquisition of knowledge, skills, abilities, the formation of personality and its versatile improvement. The structure of these components is unique, because the pedagogical process is a holistic phenomenon and some of its aspects are considered conditionally. In the context of reforming the national education system, new principles of preparing a physical education teacher for professional activity become important [5,7,9].

Confirming the information, L. Sushchenko emphasizes that «the main task of the higher education institution, which trains future specialists in physical education, is to form a professional who is able to increase their physical potential, learn about the organization of their own physical activity and social practice» [14].

And the analysis of scientific literature allowed to allocate problems of comprehension of preparation of teachers of physical training for professional activity. Analyzing the professional activity of a physical education teacher, in our opinion, a systematic approach has been established, and the idea of the image of the future teacher has also acquired a holistic, systemic character. In most studies [1-5; 7-14], scientists define the professional training of future teachers of physical culture as a unity of constructive, organizational, communicative and reflective activities, which are carried out through the appropriate skills.

Professional activity has two components: the first is a system of tools aimed at understanding the profession and the field of knowledge that are part of its theoretical basis; the second - a system of actions aimed at self-development, self-determination of the individual in order to gain self-confidence, which contributes to the development of competence in the practice of professional activity. The dictionary of foreign words states that «profession - a stable and relatively broad type of work that requires certain knowledge and work skills and is a source of livelihood».

Analysis of the normative documentation regulating the activity of educational institutions presented in the works of Ukrainian researchers [2, 3, 5, 11, 13, 14] allows us to determine the following stages of professional training of future teachers of physical culture:

updating curricula in the specialty in accordance with the level of training;

development of new curricula in methodological disciplines;

structuring the content of disciplines of professional training of future teachers of physical culture;

improving the organization of students' acquisition of methodological knowledge and skills in the educational process of higher education institutions and pedagogical practice, which is one of the important components of training future professionals.

Fragmentary involvement of students in the future profession does not solve the problems that are designed to solve practical training [9]. At the same time, it is known that the professional and pedagogical development of the future physical education teacher is not limited to working with symbolic information in the training process, and from the very beginning of training should be included in the context of further social life and activities. The true vocation of a teacher is determined only in practical activities, which allows to recommend an activity approach to learning in order to implement the professional orientation of training, as well as to use preprofessional skills as criteria for professional selection. And this applies not only to sports training of future teachers of physical culture, but also their pedagogical talents [3, 13].

The results of research in the field of physical education show that qualitatively new achievements in the training of physical education teachers for professional activities depend not only on the modernization of practice, but also on the learning process as a whole. A modern trained teacher must meet the following basic requirements: to have a thorough and diverse knowledge, broad erudition, which allow to adapt to rapidly changing social needs; to be flexible, to be proactive, to be creative [5]. An important role in training teachers of physical culture holds determining the content and structure of his career, he performed the amount of educational features, knowledge and skills necessary for the full exercise of professions role in the educational process belongs to the modern school teacher of physical activity culture, which must have perfect professional thinking, fundamental and special knowledge and skills, practical skills, actively promote a healthy lifestyle [2, 3]. Pedagogical activity of physical education teachers provides reproduction of intellectual potential and health of our society.

The profession of physical education teacher belongs to the professions in which a person without a vocation to this activity cannot work creatively, productively, become a master of his craft. Unfortunately, the issues of effective psychological and pedagogical training did not attract due attention of scientists and practitioners. The effectiveness of the teacher directly depends on the quality and totality of his pedagogical skills. Among the leading for the teacher of physical culture are: sports, didactic and pedagogical skills, organizational, methodological, constructive, communicative and cognitive (gnostic) skills. Graduates are required to be prepared:

know the didactic patterns in physical education;

have a method of training with different groups of the population;

know the anatomical and physiological, hygienic and psychological and pedagogical foundations of physical culture;

be able to formulate specific tasks of physical education of different groups of the population, have the technology to learn motor actions and the development of physical qualities;

be able to plan and conduct basic types of physical education classes with school-age children;

be able to plan and implement measures to prevent injuries and provide first aid;

be able in the process of self-education and self-improvement to master new types of physical culture and sports activities received in educational institutions;

have the means and methods of forming a healthy lifestyle based on the need for physical activity, regular exercise;

be able to provide first aid in case of injury to students during classes [1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 13, 14].


Qualitative training of future physical education teachers is impossible without students' awareness of the basics of teaching, which includes not only the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also the education of appropriate attitude to future practice, so the formation of professional and pedagogical competence should be based on a deep understanding physical culture. Analysis of the problem showed that the training of physical education teachers is a process that includes training, education and development and reflects the specifics of professional training at the level of mastering the system of knowledge, skills, abilities and personality formation of future physical education teachers.


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