Military education system: transformation and development in modern conditions

The strategic task of the educational policy of our state, which is formulated in the current normative documents, is the internationalization and ensuring the competitiveness of Ukrainian military education on the market of global educational services.

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Military education system: transformation and development in modern conditions

Karakurkchi H., National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi, Shutov O., National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi, Osaulenko V., National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi, Aksanov T., National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi


The strategic task of the educational policy of our state, which is formulated in the current normative documents, is the internationalization and ensuring the competitiveness of Ukrainian military education on the market of global educational services, the expansion of the participation of higher military educational institutions, students of military education and teachers in international educational and scientific projects, etc. [1-3]. The transformation and development of military education should ensure the construction of a modern model of education and training of military specialists based on their continuous professional development, taking into account the general trends in the development of the national and international security system, the principles and methods of conducting armed conflict, the requirements for the quality of military education based on NATO standards [4]. At the same time, military education is aimed at developing a military leader by providing a wide range of professional knowledge and developing creative thinking throughout a military career.

Consideration of issues of transformation and development of the military education system is extremely important and relevant. This is caused not only by changes in the legal framework [5, 6], but also by the fact that currently military educational institutions have accumulated some experience in implementing fundamentally new approaches to the organization of the educational process in accordance with the models of education systems of leading NATO countries.

An overview of the main material

On the path of integration into the European educational and Euro-Atlantic security space, the key vector of the development of the military education system in the security and defence sector is the implementation of NATO's doctrinal approaches and principles regarding the education and training of military specialists, as well as the internationalization of the higher education system of Ukraine [1, 4]. military education system

Issues of the development of the military education system are always in the focus of research by leading experts in the field of education and science, recognized experts in military affairs, such as Neshchadym M.I., Yagupov V.V., Telelym V.M., Poltorak S.T., Zelnytskyi A.M., Rusnak I.S. etc. A significant number of scientific publications on the development of military education [7, 8] and the formation of the system of professional military education [9, 10] attests to the demand and relevance of such research.The transformation of the military education system in modern conditions is primarily related to changes in the philosophy and mentality of military education, which have existed virtually intact since the end of the 90s and were rooted in the Soviet paradigm. At the same time, it should be noted that the introduction of models of military education based on the principles and approaches of NATO member countries actually entails significant changes in the organization of the educational process, in particular measures by types of support.

For the first time, these approaches were introduced by the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education and are the basis of the Regulations on the Accreditation of Educational Programs, according to which higher education applicants are trained [11], including military. However, the introduction of individual elements of the new system without a fundamental change in the basic principles of its functioning will not give a general and sustainable result.

Therefore, the Concept of the transformation of the military education system [6] defines the purpose and priorities of its development, in particular through the formation of a modern model of professional military education and the integration of the components of the military education system into a single complex. The implementation of the identified tasks in the coming years should, first of all, ensure the creation of a multi-level system of professional military education in accordance with NATO standards, the best domestic and foreign practices, our own experience of conducting combat operations, as well as the expansion of partnership cooperation between Ukrainian military educational institutions and military educational institutions of the states members of NATO and the European Union.

On the path of transformation and development of the military education system, a new philosophy of relations between the participants of the educational process and other stakeholders, built on the principles of student-centered education, should become the basis of the activities of the higher military educational institution. Another important aspect is the implementation of the principle of “Education during a military career” [12].

That is, the first fundamental step on the way to the implementation of the newest paradigm in the military education system is the development and implementation of the Educational Institution Development Strategy. The formation of the Strategy should take place along the lines of the educational component (higher education, professional military education, advanced training), scientific and innovative activities, and also include the components of digitalization and internationalization as integral components. Without a clear vision and mission, it is impossible to realize any ambitious goal. Given the complexity and scale of developing such a document, it is to him that significant attention should be paid at the first stage of transformation.

The study of the experience of the functioning of the military education system in the NATO member states allows us to assert that the scale, direction and depth of changes directly depend on the main provisions of the current legal framework on education and science. That is, the next important step should be to bring the governing documents of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine and other components of the defence forces on education into compliance with the specified provisions. A significant challenge for the military education system was the rapid “Europeanization” of state education legislation. There is no alternative to this process, as our education must be competitive on the European and world market. Currently, there is an intensive process of improving the educational legislation, which must be taken into account in the process of changes in military education in accordance with its characteristics. One of the key aspects of such transformations is increasing the independence of educational institutions in the development and implementation of educational programs for the needs of education seekers, as well as the creation of a comfortable and relevant educational environment.

In the context of military education, it is necessary to achieve a reasonable degree of implementation of the norms of the state legislation on education and specific elements inherent exclusively to military education, in order to exclude excessive overloading of military education with norms (primarily, optional) that are not critical from the point of view of training a specialist for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, to make military education less burdensome for the state budget, more flexible and suitable for supporting an officer's career, and at the same time attractive and modern.

In the context of adapting the national system of military education to the military education systems of NATO member countries, we are talking about the development of professional standards according to the levels of military education. The developed professional standards will become the basis for transformations in the military education system. They will determine the concept (vision) of the tactical / operational / strategic level officer. This concept should determine what kind of officer

we wanted to have in the future, and for whose training we should transform the military education system. At the same time, not only in the system of the Ministry of Defence, but also in other components of the security and defence forces that train military specialists at the appropriate levels of military education. This is a very critical factor, since without such compliance it will be impossible to achieve interdepartmental interaction and ensure coordination during joint actions and when resolving crisis situations.

Taking into account the new approaches laid down in the Concept of Transformation [6], the updated system of military education will consist of three functional components: higher education, professional military education and advanced training. According to new approaches, it is professional military education that should become the first priority of military educational institutions.

Therefore, the next stage should be the rapid and effective development of the system of professional military education, taking into account the experience gained by national military education institutions in conducting L-courses from 2019. The experience of approving professional military education courses shows that their implementation provides a high level of motivation for training and career growth of military specialists.

The areas of activity of military education institutions in the context of the development of professional military education courses of all levels are:

updating the content of the courses to ensure the relevance of the educational material, which increases the level of its attractiveness for those seeking education, which must be achieved at the expense of;

the use of modern training methods, current information solutions, a flexible approach to the organization of the training process (according to the needs of applicants);

involvement of opinion leaders in the military and related spheres;

deep internationalization of the educational process (both by involving representatives of NATO countries in participating in the activities of the educational process, as well as joint development of courses, exchange of experience and professional development).

A separate issue is related to the combination of formal and non- formal education through the synchronization of courses and the recognition of learning outcomes (documents). In our opinion, this issue requires a separate study with the development of a specific methodical apparatus. The same applies to the accreditation and certification of L-courses according to NATO standards.

The educational programs implemented must meet the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the context of further accession to NATO. At the same time, national operational standards will be studied in the content of educational programs for a long time (until their full adaptation to NATO procedures and standards, or a decision is made on the direct use of NATO standards) and, in parallel, individual NATO standards.

In any case, the system of professional military education that is being built should be very flexible and suitable for quick changes based on the results of testing and taking into account the recommendations of national and foreign experts.

It should be noted that a critical issue for the development of the military education system as a whole is the command of the English language by both teachers and students. The best option for increasing the number of English speakers among the participants of the educational process is a gradual transition to conducting L-courses of all levels in English, as determined by the Road Map [13].

An important aspect of this approach is the selection of candidates for training. At the same time, it is proposed to take into account the level of knowledge of the English language when selecting candidates for training and/or conduct a specialized course on its study for the selected persons. It is also important to understand the career prospects of candidates and their further employment.

There is no doubt that teaching L-courses in English will significantly expand the range of specialists, primarily foreigners, who can be involved in the course as guest speakers. In addition, topics, blocks, modules developed by partners or in cooperation with them can be quickly introduced into the content of the courses, which will significantly update the content of the courses and their competitiveness and validity, as well as speed up the process of transition to the Western model of military education.

The process of internationalization of military education can be significantly facilitated through the implementation of a complex of these measures through the exchange of experience, professional communication, mutual exchange and closer interaction at the level of educational institutions.

Thus, the introduction of a new system of military education is primarily a process of educating a new mentality, increasing the level of motivation, acquiring and developing new capabilities. The effective transformation of the military education system along certain lines should become the main task of military education institutions in the near future.

Among the main directions of development can be defined:

formation of the necessary educational environment, which involves the development of new L-course programs and their synchronization according to the levels of military education, the necessary educational and methodological support;

selection and professional development of personnel for teaching courses - teachers and instructors who have a level of knowledge of a foreign language and have undergone specialized training, in particular, in matters of planning and decision-making procedures according to NATO standards;

the creation of appropriate material support for the educational process, which will provide the necessary conditions and material means for the organization and implementation of the educational process;

development of a favorable educational environment - development and implementation of a policy of relations between participants of the educational process, including the daily schedule, rights and obligations of personnel and participants of the educational process;

ensuring the functioning of the system of guaranteeing the quality of the educational process in accordance with the NATO doctrine 075-007 “Education and individual training”.

To evaluate the results of the transformation of the military education system in accordance with the identified directions, we suggest using the following system of indicators that form the Vision of a modern military education institution:

the course programs are developed using the NATO Systemic Approach to Training (SAT), the content of the classes is formed and filled with educational material, the appropriate methodology for conducting classes is used;

a selection of teachers and instructors with an appropriate level of knowledge of a foreign language, experienced in combat operations, trained in foreign military institutions and/or trained in planning and decision-making according to NATO standards;

an institute of academic personnel with a defined function to ensure the educational process (directors, mentors, organizational unit) was introduced;

a comfortable learning environment has been created for the participants of the educational process with appropriate material support, current policies and regulations ensure the training of Ukrainian and foreign officers in joint groups;

the quality management system (QMS) is organized and operates in accordance with the requirements of NATO doctrine 075-007 “Education and individual training”.

An ambitious goal for military educational institutions should be to enter the developed professional military education courses into the catalog of education and training opportunities (ETOC) and their subsequent certification.


Thus, in modern conditions, the transformation and development of the military education system is designed to ensure the continuous educational and professional development of military specialists of the security and defence sector throughout their military careers and official activities for the performance of defence planning tasks, application, joint actions as part of the combined bodies of the military management, as well as to achieve interoperability with the relevant structures of NATO member states.


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