Application of developmental learning technology in the professional training of students of higher education institution
Justification of the technology of developmental training in the training of future specialists in institutions of higher education. Conditions for the development and implementation of new pedagogical technologies in the process of professional training.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.07.2024 |
Размер файла | 76,7 K |
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Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
Application of developmental learning technology in the professional training of students of higher education institution
Liudmyla Levytska
PhD (Ped.), Assoc. Prof.
training higher education pedagogical
National education is going through a stage of critical and at the same time constructive rethinking of reality, which is connected with a deep transformation of all spheres of social life. The cognitive-informational approach to the selection of the content of education is inferior to the socio-cultural one, and the monologic style of the teacher's pedagogical interaction is to the developmental one. In general, education is increasingly organized not according to the principles of acquiring certain knowledge, abilities and skills from the foundations of science (knowledge paradigm), but according to the laws of social-psychological interaction (personally oriented paradigm), the substantive basis of which is a developmental approach. Therefore, the theory and practice of developmental education acquires special importance.
Purpose and tasks. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the technology of developmental training in the training of future specialists in institutions of higher education.
Task: to reveal the essence of developmental learning technology, categories "developmental learning", "developmental learning technology"; to determine the organizational and pedagogical conditions of developmental education in institutions of higher education.
Results. Pedagogical technology of developmental training of future specialists in higher education is disclosed; the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of developmental training in the process of educational activity are substantiated; the content of the categories "development", "technology of developmental education", "developmental education" has been specified.
Conclusions. Developmental learning technology is defined as a systematic method of planning, implementation and evaluation of the entire learning process in higher education institutions. It was found that under the condition of development and implementation of new pedagogical technologies in the process of professional training in higher education institutions, the student becomes a participant in the process of constructing new knowledge with the help of their assimilation, awareness and application. The essence of the category "developmental training", "development", "technology of developmental training" is revealed. Developmental learning technology is defined as a systematic method of planning, implementation and evaluation of the entire learning process in higher education institutions.
The organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of students' educational activities are substantiated as such, which can determine the course and effectiveness of specially organized work on the development of students' educational activities and determine the technology of developmental education of students of higher education institutions.
Keywords: development, developmental learning technology, developmental learning.
Людмила Левицька, канд. пед. наук, доц., Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, Київ, Україна
Застосування технології розвивального навчання у професійній підготовці студентів закладу вищої освіти
Вступ. Національна освіта переживає етап критичного і водночас конструктивного переосмислення дійсності, що пов'язане з глибоким перетворенням усіх сфер суспільного життя. Пізнавально-інформаційний підхід до відбору змісту освіти поступається соціально-культурному, а монологічний стиль здійснення викладачем педагогічної взаємодії - розвивальному. Загалом освіта дедалі більше організовується не за принципами засвоєння певних знань, умінь і навичок з основ наук (знаннєва парадигма), а за законами соціально-психологічної взаємодії (особистісно орієнтована парадигма), змістовною основою яких є розвивальний підхід. Тому набуває особливої ваги теорія і практика розвивального навчання.
Мета і завдання. Мета статті - полягає в обґрунтуванні технології розвивального навчання в підготовці майбутніх фахівців у закладах вищої освіти.
Завдання: розкрити сутність технології розвивального навчання, категорій "розвивальне навчання", "технологія розвивального навчання"; визначити організаційно-педагогічні умови розвивального навчання в закладах вищої освіти.
Результати. Розкрито педагогічну технологію розвивального навчання майбутніх фахівців у ЗВО; обґрунтовано організаційно-педагогічні умови реалізації розвивального навчання у процесі освітньої діяльності; уточнено зміст категорій "розвиток", "технологія розвивального навчання", "розвивальне навчання".
Висновки. Технологію розвивального навчання визначено як системний метод планування, здійснення й оцінювання всього процесу навчання у ЗВО. З'ясовано, що за умови розробки й упровадження нових педагогічних технологій у процес професійної підготовки у ЗВО, студент стає співучасником процесу конструювання нових знань за допомогою їхнього засвоєння, усвідомлення й застосування. Розкрито сутність категорії "розвивальне навчання", "розвиток", "технологія розвивального навчання". Технологію розвивального навчання визначено як системний метод планування, здійснення й оцінювання всього процесу навчання у ЗВО.
Обґрунтовано організаційно-педагогічні умови розвитку освітньої діяльності студентів як такі, що можуть визначати перебіг і результативність спеціально організованої роботи з розвитку освітньої діяльності студентів і визначають технологію розвивального навчання студентів ЗВО.
Ключові слова: розвиток, технологія розвивального навчання, розвивальне навчання.
Developmental training technology is a systematic method of planning, implementation and evaluation of the entire process of training a future specialist in higher education through the implementation of personal and technical resources, interaction between them to achieve the most effective form of professional training aimed at solving the problems of personality development of a future specialist, using the laws of personal and professional development.
These aspects are especially relevant today, during the period of development of the Ukrainian education system on the basis of democratization, humanization, and the value of personal development of a person. Developmental training is based on the idea of personality development as a subject of personal activity. Therefore, the main goal of the teacher is to ensure development, to study the student's personal educational and cognitive abilities, to determine individual areas of his immediate development and to help the formation of not yet formed abilities. The task of developmental education is the formation of a personality with a flexible mind, developed needs for further knowledge and independent actions, with certain skills and creative abilities. A condition for success in the development of individual thinking is high cognitive activity. Effective assimilation of knowledge involves such an organization of cognitive activity, in which the educational material becomes the subject of active mental and practical actions of each student. The search for learning methods that would enhance the activation of the learning process leads to an increase in the relevance of developmental methods and their problems, independent work, and creative tasks.
Literature review
The conceptual foundations of this pedagogical technology are theories, ideas, principles of developmental learning (A. Aleksiuk, L. Vygotsky, D. Elkonin, L. Zankov, H. Kostiuk, A. Leontiev), which are substantiated as a set of innovative conceptual schemes for organising a holistic educational process.
It is generally accepted that the idea of development is a cornerstone in education, upbringing and personal development. It was first proclaimed by J.-H. Pestalozzi, claiming that education is designed to develop cognitive areas - memory, thinking, imagination. At the beginning of the 20th century the idea of developmental learning was transformed into a complex problem of the relationship between learning and development. It is believed that the most productive approach to its solution was proposed by Vygotsky, demarcating two zones of development - actual and immediate. As the scientist proved, learning is productive only when it precedes development. With such an approach, it awakens and brings to life a number of functions that are in the stage of maturation, or, according to L. Vygotsky, lie in the zone of immediate development.
It should be noted that the system of professional training of future specialists correlates with the social situation in society. At the same time, the leading goal of the educational process is the formation of a mobile and competitive specialist.
One of the shortcomings of the system of professional training of specialists is that the content of professional training is mainly focused on the assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge, abilities and skills, and very little on the formation of personal qualities of a specialist. In view of this, the task of creating conditions that ensure the development of the student's creative potential and his personality as a future professional is brought to the fore in Higher education institution. Developmental training technology is designed to implement these conditions.
It is appropriate to point out that the technology of developmental education is based on a number of specific didactic principles and requirements, in particular: meaningful generalization, according to which general knowledge precedes separate, specific knowledge; the leading role of theoretical knowledge; individualization and differentiation of education; learning difficulties; treatment of the student as a subject of activity; creating a positive emotional background in the audience; taking into account and using the patterns of the level of development and individual characteristics of the individual; implementation of training based on the solution of educational tasks in the zone of immediate development; organization of productive, business communication as a source of intensive development of feelings, emotional sphere of students; evaluation of educational achievements in view of the subjective cognitive abilities of students.
Aspects of the formation and development of the idea of developmental education were studied by V. Pavlenko (Pavlenko, 2012).
Regardless of the thoroughness of the development of the theory of developmental learning (in the works of L. Vygotsky, L. Zankov, D. Elkonin, A. Aleksyuk, G. Kostyuk, O. Leontiev, etc.), there are a number of aspects that require detailed research and are specified by such questions: the problem of selecting the content of the training of future specialists in order to ensure the proper development of the educational and cognitive activity of students taking into account their cognitive capabilities; definition of a set of teaching methods that would ensure the formation of students' creative thinking; the use of technological means of the educational and cognitive process; compliance with the requirements for educational and methodical provision of developmental classes, etc.
It should be noted that in order to understand developmental learning, it should be considered through person-oriented and personal-developmental approaches. Thus, the personal development approach is based on the leading principles of humanistic pedagogy and is reflected in the pedagogy of cooperation.
The leading idea of the personal development approach is the thesis of the creation of subject conditions for the development of all forms of self-esteem activity of students, that is, the creation and solution of such professional tasks and situations that would make it possible to make independent discoveries, acquire new independent experience, and build one's own professional communicative space.
V. Serikov singles out the basic principles that regulate the personal development sphere: the principle of the subject position of participants in the educational process; the principle of the sequence of events (the personal development process is a chain of events that become units of personal development); the principle of stimulating the individual to initiate his own additional activity, to reflection; the principle of the life-situational approach, according to which the personal development process can only be individualized; the principle of "living knowledge", that is, priority attention to self-acquired knowledge and life conclusions, etc.
The foundations of the personal development approach were reflected in the theoretical explorations of D.B. Elkonin, who wrote that "within the framework of developmental pedagogy, the main neoplasm of a participant in educational processes is a subjective attitude to the cultural form. Subjective attitude implies initiative and independence in approbation of cultural forms. ... Action is, in fact, a subject type of inclusion in educational processes and the main product of education built within the framework of development".
Based on the necessity of compliance with modern world and European trends, the state concept of education development with the goals, content, forms, methods and results of the developmental education system, we will point out the most important aspects of the implementation of a personal development approach to the professional training of pedagogic specialists in higher education: 1. Rejection of the traditional education system in which the future specialist is the object of external influences, thanks to the installation of ready-made knowledge, empirical type of thinking, authoritarian methods of organizing educational activities. Studies have shown that in such conditions two lines of abnormal personal development prevail: neurotic (following predetermined educational and social patterns) and antisocial (risk group). The personal development approach allows you to set and implement a completely different, humanistic model of personality development thanks to the construction of an educational activity in which the student is its subject, and the educational process itself is dominated by the methods of the subject-subject model of pedagogical interaction.
2. Taking into account the fact that the formation of the personality is carried out during the entire period of life (Rybalka, 2002), it is necessary to solve the problem of developmental education both at the theoretical and practical levels (the system of V. Davydov, D. Elkonin); the problem of the insufficient number of qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel of the developmental education system is particularly acute at the same time. Therefore, one of the primary tasks in the field of education is the wide implementation of the mentioned system of education in higher education institutions. The formation and development of a specialist's personality largely depends on the personality of the teacher, his own positions in relation to this education system. Therefore, the problem of training and retraining of teachers who are able to implement the developmental system of education in practice is urgent. The complexity of this problem lies in the fact that the named didactic system of learning involves pedagogical activities that are radically different from the traditional ones. Only with the personal perception of the educational development system by the teacher and the teacher, if they have the ability to organize an interpersonal dialogue between the participants of the educational process, the implementation of educational activities on the basis of the personal development approach becomes real. However, a more general problem related to the structure of the teacher's activity within the framework of the developmental education system needs to be solved first (Rybalka, 2002).
The system of developmental education witnessed fundamentally new characteristics of the student age in the understanding of educational activity based on the principles of a personal development approach. Therefore, the subject of research is limited to the student period of a person's life in his personal development and the influence of personal neoplasms of student age on further professional activity.
An important place in the personal development approach is occupied by the educational community, the microenvironment, the team, and the system of personal relationships. The practical implementation of the developmental training system shows that real development can take place in a specially organized small group. In this regard, the peculiarities of interpersonal relations of an academic group of students, their needs, interests, motives, values, emotions, which are formed in educational and professional activities organized in the system of developmental education, require research.
According to the concept of V. Davydov and D. Elkonin, the main obstacle to the development of the personality of a future specialist is the preservation of the empirical content of knowledge and the impossibility of subjective behavior in educational activities, which is one of the causes of neuroses, apathy, drug addiction, and youth crime. Therefore, the real state of development of the theoretical type of thinking of students of higher education institutions, the real ratio of internal and external factors in educational activity needs to be checked. The subject of the research should be the influence of the formed types of thinking (empirical and theoretical), organized in the higher educational institution (when the student is its subject and object), on the further professional development of the future specialist.
The question about the place of educational and professional activity of students in their further personal development and about its influence on the future professional activity of the specialist and on his personal development needs an answer. Such problems should be solved within the framework of a personal development approach. And for this, it is necessary to first find out what are the mechanisms of restructuring the student's personality at each of the stages: self-education - practical activity aimed at realizing oneself as an individual, subject management of this activity, which involves setting oneself up for self-improvement, objective self-evaluation; self-education - purposeful systematic educational activity managed by the individual himself; self-development - conscious activity aimed at personal improvement in accordance with the requirements of education and profession, based on subject, methodical, pedagogical, psychological training; self-actualization - the desire for fuller identification, development and realization of all potentials of the individual.
Despite the historical and pedagogical precedents of developmental education, its integral theory began to take shape in the 20th century. Near the origins of the domestic theory of developmental education stood L.S. Vygotsky In the 1920s and 1930s, the problem of the relationship between development and learning was hotly discussed in the psychological and pedagogical literature. A number of foreign authors proved that human development does not depend on education (A. Gesell, J. Piaget, Z. Freud). They consider learning as a process that must be coordinated with the course of development, but does not take a direct part in development itself. According to such a theory, development "has certain finished cycles; these functions must mature before the school can start teaching specific knowledge and skills to the child. Development cycles always precede learning cycles. Thus, any possibility to raise the question of the role of learning itself during the development and maturation of those functions that are activated by learning is excluded. Their development and maturation is a prerequisite rather than a result of learning. Learning builds on development without changing anything, strictly speaking" (Rybalka, 2002).
In the framework of the second approach (James, Thorndike, etc.), learning was equated with development, which was defined as the accumulation of various kinds of habits by a person in the process. According to this theory, any learning becomes developmental. In the third theory (Kafka, etc.), an attempt is made to overcome the limiting values of the first two approaches. At the same time, development is defined as a process independent of learning, namely learning, during which a child acquires new forms of behavior, is thought to be identical with development. On the one hand, development prepares and enables the process of learning, on the other hand, learning stimulates the process of development. This theory distinguishes the processes of learning and development and, at the same time, establishes their relationship. These three theories with some modifications also exist in modern psychological and pedagogical literature. L. S. Vygotsky did not agree with any of these theories and formulated his own hypothesis about the relationship between learning and development. According to the theory of L.S. Vygotsky, there is a unity, but not the identity of learning processes and internal development processes: "although learning is directly related to child development, however, they never go evenly and parallel to each other... Complex dynamic dependencies are established between the processes of development and learning, which cannot be covered by a single, predetermined, a priori hypothetical formula" (Andrushchenko, Mikhalchenko, & Kremin, 2002).
When substantiating his hypothesis, L.S. Vygotsky laid out the content of the basic genetic law on the development of human mental functions. This fundamental law is the basis of his cultural and historical concept. According to L.S. According to Vygotsky, any higher mental function in the development of a child manifests itself twice - first as a collective, social activity, and secondly - as an individual activity, as a child's internal way of thinking: "This law, it seems to us, is quite suitable for the process of children's education... An essential feature of education is that it creates a zone of immediate development, that is, it causes a child's desire for life, excites and gives movement to a number of internal development processes... From this point of view, it is not development. But, properly organized, it leads to children's mental development, brings to life a number of processes that would be impossible without education. Thus, education is an intrinsically necessary and general moment in the process of the child's development of not natural, but historical features of a person" (Andrushchenko, Mikhalchenko, Kremin, 2002).
For many years, this idea of L.S. Vygotsky remained only a hypothesis, although his followers sought to concretize, clarify and substantiate it with a certain objective content (O.M. Leontiev, P.Ya. Halperin, V.V. Davydov, L.V. Zankov, D.B. Elkonin). But this hypothesis is still at the center of all theoretical research related to the question of the relationship between learning and development, in terms of its prospective scientific and practical significance. This is recognized by specialists of many countries, who in the last decade have been intensively developing the issues of the zone of immediate development as an important component of developmental education. Since the end of the 1950s, the hypothesis of L.S. Vygotsky about developmental learning on a broad experimental basis are verified, substantiated and concretized by two scientific and practical groups created by L.V. Zankov and D.B. Elkonin. These collectives transferred the results of their many years of experimental work into the practice of the mass school and formalized it in the form of integral systems of developmental education.
It is known that education always affects the development of a person in some way. Four full-day intensive training sessions are allocated to them (for general didactic goals and tasks, tasks for personal development, included in pedagogical research and practice):
the development of language, memory, creative thinking in the course of students' activities related to the acquisition of knowledge;
business methods, types of educational materials;
the development of language, memory, creative thinking in the process of activity, based on the experience of emotional and value attitude to the surrounding activity and personal;
enrichment of experience of creative activity, formation of a kind of creative personality.
Thus, if the teacher focuses only on the memorization and reproductive creation by students of knowledge and known activities, then this method of ensuring the development of a culture of knowledge is permissible only at the full initial level. and an incomplete secondary school. Developmental education should be considered only that level of the year, which requires the development of the intellect and the corresponding personality qualities at the same time, that is, on the third and fourth days of the year. When considering the technology of developmental learning, first of all, they take into account its focus on solving the problems of the learner's development, using its regularities. The fundamental feature of this technology is that the direct basis of personality development in education is its educational activity aimed at changing oneself personally as a subject of education. The transformation of a person into a subject, interested in changing his own personality and capable of this, characterizes the leading essence of personality development in the learning process. Providing the conditions for such a transformation is the main goal of developmental education. This determines the peculiarities of its essence, methods, forms of communication, as well as parameters and criteria for successful learning. In order for the student, as a subject of the learning process, to independently find ways to solve the problems set before him, it is necessary to start learning not by mastering the methods of solving partial problems, but by mastering the general principle of solving problems of a certain class. For this purpose, the student must construct this principle in the process of identifying, analyzing and meaningfully summarizing the conditions of the task (especially the properties of the object of action), and fixing them in the form of a concept. In other words, the student reproduces the main points of scientific research. According to V.V. David's need to organize and deploy the "quasi-research" activity of students determines the uniqueness of methods of developmental education.
It is worthy of attention to consider the technology of developmental training as a systematic method of planning, implementation and evaluation of the entire process of training in higher education through the implementation of personal and technical resources and interaction between them to achieve the most effective form of professional training aimed at solving the problems of personality development of the future specialist, using the laws of the specified personal and professional development. The fundamental feature of this technology is that the direct basis of the student's personality development in education is educational and cognitive activity aimed at changing oneself personally as a subject of professional training.
Developmental learning technology is based on a number of specific didactic principles and requirements, in particular: meaningful generalization, according to which general knowledge precedes separate, specific knowledge; the leading role of theoretical knowledge; individualization and differentiation of education; the possibility of applying problem-based learning; treatment of the student as a subject of activity; creating a positive emotional background in the audience; taking into account and using the patterns of development, adaptation to the level and characteristics of the individual; implementation of the learning process based on the solution of educational tasks, in the zone of immediate development; organization of productive business communication as a source of intensive development of feelings, emotional sphere of students; evaluation of educational achievements in view of the subjective cognitive abilities of students.
Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development training of future specialists of higher education institutions include:
stimulation of students' motivation to develop the level of their educational activity by means of developmental training;
subordinating the content of professional training of students to the educational and qualification characteristics and the specifics of the future professional activity of specialists;
use of interactive methods of development of educational activity of future specialists.
The general research methodology consists of the ideas of the philosophy of general connection, mutual conditioning of the integrity of the phenomena and processes of the surrounding world; fundamental ideas of philosophical and pedagogical anthropology about the nature and essence of human activity; concepts of personality development in ontogenesis; dynamic principles that take into account the dialectic of external and internal conditions of its development; concepts of humanistic pedagogy; concepts of the activity of the subject of activity, a system of views on the relationship and interdependence of phenomena and processes based on spiritual universal values and their role in the education of students of higher education institutions.
In the study, we refer to the scientific provisions of the theory of professional and pedagogical activity; the dialectical unity of the actual and the potential in the development of the individual and the formation of his creative individuality; theories of socialization and social development of personality; theories of pedagogical innovation, development of innovative systems and innovative activity, which makes it possible to design a system of educational work with student youth; the concept of pedagogical interaction and support of subjects of pedagogical activity in achieving the goals of individual and personal improvement of the subjects of education as the basis of targeted systemic changes in its quality.
Pedagogical technology of developmental training of future specialists in higher education is disclosed; the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of developmental training in the process of educational and cognitive activity are substantiated; the conceptual-categorical apparatus of the investigated problem - the categories "developmental learning technology", "developmental learning" was specified.
Discussion and conclusions
It was found that the process of development of students' educational activity is complex, multifaceted, the leading goal of which is the gradual formation of educational and cognitive and special abilities and skills, creative thinking, cognitive independence as the main professional characteristics of future specialists of higher education.
The leading theoretical approaches to the research problem are singled out - technological, systemic, person oriented, personal-developmental. It is proved that the totality of the specified theoretical approaches ensures the integrity of the scientific analysis of the investigated problem. It has been found that under the condition of development and implementation of new pedagogical technologies in the process of professional training of students of higher education institutions, the student becomes a co-participant in the process of constructing new knowledge with the help of their assimilation, awareness and application. The importance of personal oriented and personal-developmental approaches in the design of developmental learning technology in the process of professional training of students of higher education institutions is substantiated.
The essence of the category "developmental training", "development", "technology of developmental training" is revealed. Developmental training technology is defined as a systematic method of planning, implementing and evaluating the entire process of training in higher education through the implementation of personal and technical resources and interaction between them to achieve the most effective form of professional training aimed at solving the problems of personality development of the future specialist, using the laws of the specified personal and professional development.
The organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of students' educational activities are substantiated as such, which can potentially determine the course and effectiveness of specially organized work on the development of students' educational activities and determine the technology of developmental education of students of higher education institutions:
stimulation of students' motivation to develop the level of their educational activity by means of developmental training;
subordinating the content of professional training of students to the educational and qualification characteristics and the specifics of the future professional activity of specialists;
use of interactive methods of development of educational activity of future specialists.
The research carried out does not exhaust the problems of professional training of future specialists of higher education. The issues of their methodical and scientific research training require further development; problems of using and adapting foreign experience of professional training of students of higher education institutions in the conditions of the domestic system of professional education; the possibilities of development and testing of interactive technologies in the professional training of future specialists of vocational education and training. The specifics of the formation of the motivational, value and instrumental spheres of the personality, the search for innovative didactic technologies for the development of students' cognitive abilities require an in-depth conceptual analysis.
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