To the concept of comunicative culture of future specialists of service sector: essence and basic criteria

Features of professional activity in the service sector. The role of feedback in the presentation of the service. Development of communicative culture of future specialists. The use of verbal and nonverbal means of converse when conducting a dialogue.

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Дата добавления 08.06.2024
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Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav

To the concept of comunicative culture of future specialists of service sector: essence and basic criteria

Tanana Svitlana Mykhaylivna PhD in Education,

Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Philology,

translation and Teaching Methods



To the concept of comunicative culture of future specialists of service sector: essence and basic criteria

The analyze of theoretical essence of concept of communicative culture of future specialists of service sector can be positioned as a personal need to interact with other subjects, the expression of the integrated and individual of a person, it is the manifestation of his creative potential in the ability to maintain a positive nature of the communication process and well-meaning to treat of interlocutors. It conditioned by the development and self-development of future specialists of service sector, which is manifested in the creative nature of altering of the best examples of communication activities.

The communicative culture provides the degree of social activity, social significance of norms of its behavior and the use of appropriate means of communicative activity is specified in the article.

The understanding of communicative culture as a means and conditions of personality formation is based on the knowledge of its adaptive capabilities that help a person to act in accordance with the cultural standards of the environment, it is important.

In this regard, modern professional training should be aimed at the formation of a spiritually developed of cultural personality with a holistic humanistic worldview. Solving the problem of the communicative culture of future specialists of service sector requires the creation of a training system based on functional responsibilities and modern features of professional activity in the industry.

This will make it possible to approach of the formation of their communicative culture as a component of professional culture of a developing socially and professionally important qualities, to develop of the abilities of constructively communicative at all stages of service, the skills of organization of contacts in the professional sphere, taking in account age, status and social-cultural.

Characteristics using of feedback and presentation of services, productive holds of dialogue through verbal and nonverbal means of communication.

Keywords: pedagogical conditions, motivation, integration, future specialists of service sector, modeling, language personality, means of communication.


До поняття комунікативної культури майбутніх фахівців сфери обслуговування: сутність та основні критерії

Танана Світлана Михайлівна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри іноземної філології, перекладу та методики навчання, Університет Григорія Сковороди в Переяславі, м. Переяслав

У статті здійснюється аналіз теоретичної сутності дефініції комунікативної культури майбутніх фахівців сфери обслуговування, який можна позиціонувати як особистісну потребу взаємодії з іншими суб'єктами, що виражається як цілісне та індивідуальне, є проявом її творчого потенціалу у здатності підтримувати позитивний характер комунікативного процесу й доброзичливо ставлення до співрозмовників.

Вона зумовлюється професійним розвитком і саморозвитком майбутніх фахівців сфери обслуговування, що виявляється у творчому характері освоєння кращих зразків комунікативної діяльності. Зазначено, що водночас комунікативна культура забезпечує ступінь соціальної активності, суспільну значущість норм її поведінки, застосування відповідних засобів комунікативної діяльності.

Розуміння комунікативної культури як засобу й умови формування майбутніх фахівців сфери обслуговування ґрунтується на пізнанні її адаптивних можливостей, які допомагають діяти відповідно до культурних стандартів значущого для них професійного оточення.

Вирішення проблеми комунікативної культури фахівців сфери обслуговування потребує створення системи підготовки, в основу якої покладені функціональні обов'язки та сучасні особливості професійної діяльності в галузі сфери обслуговування. Це дає змогу підійти до формування їхньої комунікативної культури як складової професійної культури: розвинути соціально та професійно важливі якості, виробити вміння конструктивного спілкування на всіх етапах обслуговування, навички налагодження контактів у професійній сфері з урахуванням вікових, статусних і соціально-культурних характеристик застосування зворотного зв'язку та презентування послуги, продуктивного ведення діалогу за допомогою вербальних і невербальних засобів спілкування.

Ключові слова: педагогічні умови, мотивація, інтеграція, майбутні фахівці сфери обслуговування, моделювання, мовна особистість, комунікативна культура, засоби спілкування.


The globalization and integration of our country, of world association and European community contributes to the rapid growth of the role of quality education for the further development of society, and in accordance its intensive reforms. Given this problem actualized improve the quality of process of preparation of future specialists; it requires the effective realization of the competence approach.

The quality of professional preparation of future specialists of service sector depends of the content to modern education, it should include of full orientation on purchase by students' of system the competencies and permanent updating by improving the mechanisms and their using in everyday practice. In the Common European Framework of Reference: Learning, Teaching and Assessment ( 9 ) , Common European Principles for Teacher Competences and Qualification (10) and other public document, «opportunities to study European languages, including subject-related vocabulary, during initial teacher education and in continuous professional development programmes should be available and promoted» (6)..

Ukraine wishes to commit to the European dimension of higher education by adopting measures from the Bologna Declaration. At the same time, some issues relating to the objectives of the Bologna Process remain to be addressed. One of the problems is developing learners' professional language competence (Burak, 2020). service professional communicative culture

The professional activity of future specialists of service sector is related to professional communicative culture that determines according to the goals and guarantees the interaction between the communication subjects in the process of solving professional tasks. Professional dialogue communication is the main professional, psychological-pedagogical, scientific activities. Such comprehensive universality determines the priority of its formation and development in the system of professional competence, first of all the competence of communicative dialogue as the key communication tool. This activity is marked by the needs of solving the communicative tasks that arise in the process of professional interaction, and solving such a task helps to fulfill the professional tasks of future specialists of service sector. We view professional self-fulfillment as an ongoing process focused on professional development and the achievement of professional skills and excellence.

Literature review. The problems of formation the professional speech of future specialists are considered in the works of M. Absatova (2021), A. Aituarova (2021), M. Ospanbekova (2021), M. Azhgaliyev (2021), E. Uanbayev (2021), L. Berezovska, Ye. Rusyn (2019), V. Burak (2020), O. Kovalenko, L. Yepyk, A. Yeromenko, A. Kashynska, Y. Bezruchenkov (2021), O. Povidaychyk, M.Popyk, M. (2020), D. Ushakov, D. Kiselev, A. Zezyulko, T. Imangulova, G. Kulakhmetova, R. Kulakhmetova (2021), S. Tanana (2022) and others.

Materials and methods. In the course of the study, a set of research methods was used, namely: theoretical (analysis of sociological, psychological, pedagogical, methodological foundation of the problem; systematization and generalization of the experience of using modern technologies; logical and structural analysis of the problem under study).

Results and discussions

The relevance of the research is due to the modem social requirements for future specialists of service sector with a high professional level of language training.

This, in turn, requires updating of the educational process in higher school and defining of the pedagogical conditions that will contribute to the effective formation of the future service sector specialists' readiness for dialogue communication in their professional activities and thereby improve the quality of their professional language education.

The purpose of the article is to analyze and determine the concept of communicative culture of future specialists of service sector in their professional activity.

In order to confirm the pedagogical conditions that will contribute to the formation of readiness for communicative culture of future specialists of service sector, it is necessary to clarify the concept of pedagogical conditions.

On the basis of a theoretical analysis of the researched problem, the system of pedagogical conditions of the professional formation of future service sector specialists in higher education institutions is determined by: integration of modern educational technologies in the educational process of training specialists in the future service sector (interactive, information, project, problem-based) and teaching methods, appreciation of students' academic achievements, teachers' readiness to implement the competent focused on the student approaches; comprehensive motivation of students' educational activity in the process of studying the special and optional disciplines; taking into account by teachers the level of development of psychological components of professional competence and the formation of important professional qualities in the future service sector of specialists during the period of study of students in higher school (educational activity focused on the personality of the future specialist; developing some personal and professional qualities in the tourism industry) (Tanana, 2022).

From a psychological point of view, the condition is understood as a set of phenomena from the external or internal environment, which probably influence the development of a specific mental phenomenon, which is mediated by the activity of the individual or a group of people (Berezovska, Rusyn, 2019).

It is important to consider the characteristics of the tourism industry when shaping the readiness of the future tourism manager.

The first feature of the professional development of specialists in the future service sector is the final self-determination of the student in the chosen specialty. The professional profile of an expert needs to be considered as a sign system that describes a specific profession and that includes a list of norms and requirements imposed by this profession or expertise on the worker; which can include a list of psychological characteristics (important professional qualities that representatives of certain professional groups must meet and can combine the qualities of leadership, efficiency, independence, self-confidence, resistance to stress, responsibility, tolerance, reflexivity, activity in the tourism business awareness of the level of their own achievements and motivation.

The second characteristic of the professional development of service sector professionals is the acquisition of the special knowledge and skills required in professional tourism. These include mastery of public speaking technique, the ability to conduct telephone conversations (the ability to work with clients); personal efficiency: self-presentation technique, self-management in a stressful situation, effective time management, communication techniques, the ability to counteract manipulative influence, the ability to persuade, master the language of business communication, the ability to use IT technologies and more.

The third feature of the professional development of service sector professionals is the professional knowledge of students: the basics of psychology (social and cognitive psychology, personality psychology); the basics of sales techniques and the characteristics of the tourism business (presentation of the tourism product, understanding of tourism business development patterns and foreign language skills, legal, economic aspects of tourism business) (Sala, 2009).

On the basis of a theoretical analysis of the researched problem, a system of pedagogical conditions of the professional development of future service specialists is determined in the higher education institutions which include:

- integration of the latest educational technologies in the educational process of future tourism specialists (interactive, informational, project, problem, etc.), teaching methods, assessment of students' academic achievements and teachers' readiness to implement competence and student-centered methods;

- comprehensive motivation of student learning activities in the process of studying special and optional disciplines;

- taking into account by tutors the level of development of psychological components of professional competence and the formation of important professional qualities in the service sector in the future of specialists who are already at the training stage in higher schools (personality-oriented educational activity of the future specialist; development of personal and professional characteristics specific; activities in the service area).

The results of a previous scientific study (Kovalenko ,2021 and others) are encouraged to determine the pedagogical conditions of the formation of readiness to communicate the dialog of the future tourism manager as a set of external circumstances and internal is necessary and sufficient for a deep and qualitative mastery of professional dialogue communication.

To pedagogical conditions that contribute to the successful formation of readiness for dialogic communication of future specialists of the service sector, we attribute the development of the motivation of future specialists of the service sectorto study the dialogic communication; integrating the different types of activities: speech, communicative, tourism training; modeling in the educational process of the real professional communicative situations; organize a favorable educational environment for the development of the tourism manager's linguistic personality in the future.

The basic condition, as we noted, is the development of the motivation of future service sector specialists to study dialogic communication.

The driving force behind the professional development of a specialist is the internal contradictions between the growing needs and the possibilities for their satisfaction, that is, the motivation that affects a person as a whole, as well as some aspects of his activity or his conduct. Motivation is the force behind the behavior of the individual, which permeates all its components: orientation, activity, emotions, character, and abilities.

The formation of motivation occurs under the influence of external and internal conditions. External conditions include training content, teaching methods, logistics, the psychological climate in the group, etc. Among the internal conditions of forming motivation is readiness for activity, for different types of interaction and communication with others, the active situation of the subject in different activities and communication, the immediacy of the individual quality (Telychko, Zavydovska, 2020).

In order to increase the interest of future experts to study dialogic communication, we have considered some factors such as the curiosity and novelty of the material on which the teaching is based; the teacher's personality and the methodical techniques he used; students' awareness of the practical need for subject knowledge, the study methods.

The decisive role in the development of future service sector motivation specialists belongs to the teacher, as motivation does not arise arbitrarily, and its successful support is a sign of the active activity and skills of the teacher. We believe it is important to find the material that would be of interest to future professionals and enable them to use the information in professional and daily communication (communication strategies and tactics, non-verbal communication methods). The choice of educational material was based on a professional centered approach.

The development of the future motivation of specialists of the service sector is realized by using the method of business games, the method of projects that increase cognitive interest and allow the use of different types of interaction, practical application of knowledge, the ability to cooperation, showing respect for each other, tolerance, and listening to the opinions of others (Kozhemiakina, 2020).

As a result, motivation is one of the fundamental factors of the educational process and the development of dialogue communication, as communicative activity meets a person's need in communication, aiming to achieve a communicative goal in the professional activity.

The second condition we defined as the integration of different types of activities of the future tourism manager: training and speech, communicative, tourism.

The combination of different activities in tourism management in the future means the integration of such activities as speaking and learning, communication, and tourism, which complement, reinforce, interpenetrate each other, and therefore creates the conditions for forming a willingness to communicate dialogue.

A speech training activity involves creating conditional, artificial situations that prepare the students for real, natural communication. This is sometimes called “false communication”. Its mission is to "bridge" between educational and real communication, develop the ability to formulate messages, and stimulate the independent speech activity. A speech training activity can be implemented in learning and speech situations, which is the effective way to develop reasoning skills and competencies.

The communication activity is a purposeful process of exchanging information if the feedback exists. It is the basis of human activity, the emergence and development of interpersonal relationships. The future success of service sector specialists in communicative activity depends on the availability of appropriate abilities, such as the ability of the individual to interact effectively at the current level of education, based on humanistic personal characteristics (sociability, openness, tact, empathy , meditation, etc.) taking into account the coordinator's communicative abilities.

In terms of tourism activity, we treat it as a process of providing services to users of tourism products in order to achieve the goal of a professional activity. The tourism activity is ensured in the educational process by using the appropriate vocabulary, reproducing real situations of the professional activity of a tourism manager, conducting classes in the conditions of a tourism company (Litovka- Demenina, 2019).

The integration of speech and learning activities, communication and tourism means using knowledge about linguistic and professional disciplines (tourism) in order to ensure the communicative activity of professionals. Therefore, students' speaking skills are supplemented with tourist knowledge to develop communication skills for dialogue communication.

The following condition of forming in future tourism managers the readiness for dialogue communication is defined as modeling in the educational process of real professional communicative situations.

The main characteristics of communicative situations for professional communication include:

1) modeling artificially created situations, which are as close as possible to the real process of professional communication;

2) the role positions of the communication subjects, their tolerant relationships, creating a favorable microclimate in the group;

3) using professionally oriented material (tourism) in communication actions;

4) adhere to speech culture, communicate manners according to the communicative situation (Ogui, 2019).

The modeling of professional communicative situations is aimed at future tourism managers' understanding of the role of dialogue communication in the professional formation of their personality, mastering its essentials for effective activity. The fourth condition is to organize a favorable educational environment for the development of the linguistic personality of the future tourism manager.

An important influence on the development of a student's personality is the environment as "the environment he perceives, responds to, comes into contact with and interacts with" (Steblyuk, 2020), reality such in terms of development the individuality occurs. Creating a favorable educational environment will facilitate the effective professional development of the expert's linguistic personality.

By educational environment, we mean a set of conditions of the educational process which contribute to the professional development of the linguistic personality of an expert, ensure his personal and professional development and his self-development, and facilitate free choice from a subjective point of view and adoption essential values and priorities.

The linguistic personality is a native speaker who possesses linguistic knowledge and a high level of communication skills and cares for the beauty and development of his own speech (Norquist, 2020).

The linguistic personality of a tourism expert is characterized by qualities such as adherence to linguistic norms, proficiency in language culture, and the availability of professional and communication skills to communicate under conditions of professional activity, the ability to solve communicative tasks in difficult and unpredictable situations of professional communication.

In our opinion, the main factors that make up a favorable educational environment include a favorable psychological microclimate, mutual interaction, cocreation and cooperation of teacher and student, pedagogical support, a friendly style of relationship between all the subjects of the process pedagogy, the use, pedagogical methods and problem learning based on the modern educational technologies [28].

The main condition in terms of forming a favorable educational environment for the development of the linguistic personality of a tourism manager is the active participation of students in communication in the form of a joint discussion about the urgent problems of the tourism industry, various presentations of the tourism product. , conducting interviews, discussions, discussions, meetings with experts.

The speech personality of an expert in the field of tourism is characterized by qualities such as adhering to linguistic norms, possessing language culture, the presence of professional communication skills in terms of professional activity, the ability to solve complex and unpredictable communication problems situations of professional communication (Nenko, 2020).

To the main factors that characterize the formation of a favorable environment, we attribute the favorable psychological microclimate, mutual interaction, creation and cooperation between the teacher and the student, pedagogical support, a friendly style of relationship between all subjects of the pedagogical process, the use of active methods and problem-based learning based on the modern educational technologies.


In our opinion, communicative culture is one of the most important characteristic of future specialists of service sector, which must be acquired in the course of professional training at higher education institutions. Therefore, communication culture is a very important socio-psychological aspect of any activity and only through communication can the true essence of the individual be revealed. The proposed complex of psychological-pedagogical conditions and the means of their application are to be appropriate for shaping the readiness of future specialists of service sector to participate in communicative culture during their professional activity as they are differentiated according to the nature of the phenomenon in question and the modern requirements regarding the training of a specialist in the service sector. The results related to the link between the communicative culture of future specialists of service sector and the characteristics of professional self-fulfillment testify to the needs of permanent and coherent development of professional self-fulfillment and the improvement of the communicative culture which is one of the importance of psychological tools in the process of self-fulfillment of these experts.


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1. Absatova, M., Aituarova, A., Ospanbekova, M., Azhgaliyev, M., Uanbayev, E., & Doshybekov, A. (2021). Experimental research of motivational and reflexive components of students' reading culture. Linguistics and Culture Review, 5(S 1), 670-683. lingcure.v5nS 1.1451.

2. Baez, A. B., Dominguez, D. C., & Terceno, J. R. (2020). Integration de la Education Emocional como Nuevo eje Conformador en el Grado Universitario de Turismo.

3. Bahno, Y., Serhiichuk, O., Tkachenko, L., Khmelnytska, O., & Tanana, S. (2021). Current trends in the establishment of innovative educational environment in higher education institutions in remote learning conditions. Laplage Em Revista, Sept.-Dec.: Conhecimento cientifico: certezas e incertezas, 7, 3D, 593-608.

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