Formation of volitional qualities of pupils in extracurricular sports institutions

The potential out-of-school sports institutions for the development of willpower of students has been analyzed. Training of the coaching and teaching staff for the implementation of physical culture and health activities and the educational environment.

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Дата добавления 08.06.2024
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Formation of volitional qualities of pupils in extracurricular sports institutions

Haharin Mykola Іvаnоvuch Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of Department Pedagogics and Education Management, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman


The article analyzes the potential of extracurricular sports institutions for the development of pupils' volitional qualities.

The formation of pupils' volitional qualities in extracurricular sports institutions is considered as a holistic educational and sports collective activity that involves the purposeful formation of the following qualities: endurance, determination, initiative, perseverance, determination; change of acquired negative values through ensuring coordinated interaction of all subjects of the training process and taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of pupils.

The purpose of the article is to characterize the potential of out-of- school sports institutions in the context of forming pupils' volitional qualities. The possibilities of out-of-school sports institutions in the formation of pupils' volitional qualities are that they: have an active complex influence on the formation of volitional qualities; ensure the use of differentiated (grouping depending on the level of physical fitness) and individual (taking into account individual characteristics) approaches to the formation of volitional qualities; purposefully influence the formation of individual volitional qualities through the active use of various methods that encourage pupils to overcome difficulties.

The formation of volitional qualities in the process of physical culture and recreation will be successful if the coaching and teaching staff is adequately trained to carry out physical culture and recreation activities; an educational environment is created that will promote the education of volitional qualities of the individual; pedagogical support is provided in the process of physical culture and recreation activities.

The volitional qualities of pupils formed in extracurricular sports institutions under the direct supervision of teachers and coaches are then consciously manifested in other types of life activities.

The materials of the study can be used in the process of forming the volitional qualities of a personality. The problem of studying foreign experience of forming volitional qualities of pupils in extracurricular sports institutions requires further research.

Keywords: willpower, pupil's personality, adolescence, extracurricular sports institutions, formation of willpower, process of formation of willpower.

Гагарін Микола Іванович доктор педагогічних наук, доцент, професор кафедри педагогіки та освітнього менеджменту, Уманський державний педагогічний університет імені Павла Тичини, м. Умань


Анотація. В статті проаналізовано потенціал позашкільних закладів спортивного спрямування щодо розвитку вольових якостей учнів.

Формування вольових якостей учнів у позашкільних закладах спортивного спрямування розглядається як цілісна навчально-спортивна колективна діяльність, що передбачає цілеспрямоване формування таких якостей: витримка, рішучість, ініціативність, наполегливість, цілеспрямованість; зміну набутих негативних цінностей через забезпечення узгодженої взаємодії всіх суб'єктів тренувального процесу та врахування вікових та психологічних особливостей учнів.

Мета статті - cхарактеризувати потенціал позашкільних закладів спортивного спрямування у контексті формування вольових якостей учнів.

Можливості позашкільних закладів спортивного спрямування у формуванні вольових якостей учнів полягають у тому, що вони: надають активний комплексний вплив на формування вольових якостей; забезпечують застосування диференційованого (групування залежно від рівня фізичної підготовленості) та індивідуального (облік індивідуальних особливостей) підходів до формування вольових якостей; цілеспрямовано впливають на формування окремих вольових якостей шляхом активного застосування різних методів, що спонукають учнів до подолання труднощів.

Формування вольових якостей у процесі фізкультурно-оздоровчої діяльності буде успішним, якщо буде забезпечена відповідна підготовка тренерсько-викладацького складу до здійснення фізкультурно-оздоровчої діяльності; створено виховне середовище, що сприятиме вихованню вольових якостей особистості; забезпечено педагогічний супровід у процесі фізкультурно-оздоровчої діяльності.

Вольові якості учнів, сформовані у позашкільних закладах спортивного спрямування під безпосереднім керівництвом педагогів, тренерів потім свідомо проявляються в інших видах життєдіяльності.

Матеріали дослідження можуть бути використані у процесі формування вольових якостей особистості. Подальших досліджень потребує проблема вивчення зарубіжного досвіду формування вольових якостей учнів у позашкільних закладах спортивного спрямування.

Ключові слова: вольові якості, особистість учня, фізичні вправи, позашкільні заклади спортивного спрямування, формування вольових якостей. teaching educational physical

Problem statement. The main tasks of extracurricular education include, in particular, the acquisition of social and public experience, creation of conditions for the creative, intellectual, spiritual and physical development of pupils, organization of meaningful leisure, in accordance with their abilities, talents and health status [1]. The problem of forming pupils' volitional qualities, as one of the tasks of moral education, actualizes the problem of effective use of the potential of out-of-school education in general and out-of-school institutions of various types, which are an integral part of the implementation of state educational policy and contribute to the comprehensive, harmonious development of the individual.

At the same time, in the modern system of extracurricular education, physical education and sports activities are considered mainly as a means of physical education and improvement of physical development of the individual. In general, it is common to consider sport as an activity that provides only physical development, but it is necessary to analyze the possibilities of out-of-school sports institutions to form the volitional qualities of pupils.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The formation of moral personality, development of will and moral and volitional qualities of pupils in the process of physical culture and sports were studied by H. Vashchenko, I. Dudnyk, V. Zhelanova, V. Lutsenko, D. Pigul, Y. Zaitseva, I. Taranenko, Y. Shmatko, E. Shostak etc. [2; 3; 4; 5; 6].

The features of manifestation of volitional qualities of a pupil's personality of adolescent age in physical-health improving activity are covered in works by A. Artyushchenko, O. Artyushchenko, G. Hryban, N. Kasich, V. Masol, M. Tymchyk, O. Trubenko and others. [7; 8; 9; 10].

Scientists Y. Shmatko, V. Lutsenko, D. Pihul analyze the content of education of moral and volitional qualities of primary school pupils during physical culture lessons and single out pedagogical conditions of effective organization of this process: professional training of physical culture teachers and coaches, application of pedagogically expedient content, forms and methods of work, ensuring interaction of family, school, public; creation of conditions for pupils' revealing moral and volitional qualities during physical culture lessons by teachers [5, p. 522].

The studies by Y. Zaitseva, I. Taranenko, E. Shostak substantiate the model of formation of pupils' moral and volitional qualities by means of sports games, characterize the principles of application of physical culture means (on the example of volleyball players): taking into account age and psychological peculiarities of adolescents, harmonious use of volleyball means for complex influence on formation of athletes' moral and volitional qualities, co-creation of a coach and an athlete in solving problems of formation of moral and volitional qualities, priority of safety rules in the use of physical culture means.

However, the problem of using the possibilities of out-of-school education institutions to form the volitional qualities of pupils needs to be studied.

The purpose of the article is to characterize the potential of extracurricular sports institutions in the context of forming pupils' volitional qualities.

Summary of the main material. Sports institutions in the system of out-of-school education include sports schools, children's and youth sports schools of the Olympic reserve, physical culture and sports clubs at the place of residence, physical culture and health clubs for people with special educational needs, specialized children's and youth sports schools of the Olympic reserve, circles, sections, clubs, sports and recreation clubs, associations based on training and production plants, general secondary, vocational (vocational-technical) and professional higher education institutions; clubs and associations at the place of residence regardless of subordination, types and forms of ownership, etc.

Physical exercises in the system of extracurricular sports institutions are of great importance for the formation of pupils' volitional and physical qualities, as they create good conditions for the full satisfaction of individual physical culture and sports interests, and encourage pupils to engage in independent physical education. In our opinion, extracurricular sports institutions that have certain specifics (flexibility of regimes and relationships, reliance on individual interest, voluntariness and freedom to choose sports of interest, a different code of relations between coaches and pupils compared to the classroom system) create the most favorable conditions for the moral and volitional development of pupils.

Relevant in the context of the research problem is O. Shamych's vision of the importance of functioning of children's sports associations at the place of residence for the formation of pupils' social activity, because "...pupils participate in them on a voluntary basis, without coercion; the presence of interest is closely related to the motivational sphere, therefore, on the basis of interest in physical education and sports, one can develop motivation for active work not only in sports, but also in the public sphere; at the place of residence, adolescents spend most of their free time, and children

According to R. Pavelkiv, volitional qualities are relatively stable, independent of a particular situation mental formations that testify to the level of conscious self-regulation of behavior, its power over itself achieved by a personality [12, p. 332].

Usually, a pupil comes to a sports section in early adolescence with a sense of curiosity, a desire to stand out among his/her peers and gain authority from them. Therefore, adolescence is defined as a period of active attempts aimed at realizing one's interests, abilities, and social values related to choosing one's place in society.

Different forms of sports activity create complex situations in relationships. On the one hand, sports activities are impossible without individual mastery of special skills; on the other hand, many types of sports training involve collective goals - interaction and partnership, struggle for the honor of a team, sports club, etc. In the process of building various relationships, sports activities have a great impact on the moral development of the individual.

The process of forming volitional qualities in pupils is interconnected with the processes of formation of social activity and moral education; it is characterized by contradictory, unstable, impulsive nature, includes the formation of social activity, needs, interests, motives for various activities.

We define volitional qualities as independent, stable mental formations of a personality, the content of which is determined by personal experience, formed motives and attitudes that determine the level of conscious self- regulation of a person's behavior, the ability to overcome difficulties that arise on the way to achieving a goal.

The main volitional qualities include persistence, determination, endurance, initiative, courage, discipline, perseverance, determination, and independence.

As noted in the studies of A. Bondar and M. Tomanek, today society is facing the urgent task of raising a healthy, strong, able-bodied younger generation with an active life position. These issues are implemented in the process of educating children and youth in educational institutions, at home and during leisure activities. Organized meaningful leisure activities for children and youth can significantly affect the harmonious formation of their personality, expand their motor potential, meet their needs for communication and self-expression, as well as fill their free time and distract them from the negative influence of the "street" and bad habits [13].

The tasks of volitional education in the process of physical education in out-of-school sports institutions are: formation of moral consciousness (moral concepts, views, judgments, evaluations); ideological conviction and motives of activity (in particular, physical education; formation of moral feelings (sense of collectivism, friendship, sense of intransigence to violations of moral norms, etc.); formation of moral qualities, habits of observance of ethical norms, skills of socially justified behavior (respect for the results of work and objects of spiritual and material culture, respect for elders, honesty, modesty, conscientiousness, etc.); education of volitional traits and personality qualities (courage, determination, courage, will to win, self-control, etc.)

The main tasks facing extracurricular sports institutions in the context of the formation of volitional qualities in the process of physical education are to ensure: the formation of motivational, intellectual and moral foundations that promote volitional manifestations in relation to the requirements of physical education and sports activities; comprehensive development of volitional qualities necessary in each type of activity, the formation of character traits that would be manifested not only in the conditions of physical education, but also in various situations of life.

Thus, the formation of pupils' volitional qualities in extracurricular sports institutions is a holistic educational and sports collective activity that involves the purposeful formation of such qualities as endurance, determination, initiative, perseverance, and determination; change of acquired negative values through ensuring coordinated interaction of all subjects of the training process and taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of pupils.

Skillful and competent organization of the training process is of great importance in the development of volitional qualities. The right choice of exercises of the appropriate amount of load with a certain intensity, saturate the classes so much that pupils have no time to be distracted, relax, or talk. Performing tasks, applying effort, demonstrating willpower and character contributes to the development of vital qualities. In the course of sports activities, with skillful pedagogical guidance, negative qualities can be counterbalanced by positive ones: physical and volitional fortitude, endurance, diligence, courage, bravery, determination, endurance, perseverance, will to win, self-control, restraint, self-confidence; ability to manage one's actions, independence; positive purposefulness, initiative and activity; discipline, respect for elders, peers and younger people; interest in labor, cognitive and social activities; habit of observing hygiene requirements; negative attitude to alcohol consumption and smoking. All of this suggests that properly organized pedagogical work in the process of sports activities can provide positive results in the moral education and re- education of pupils.

Therefore, we believe that the education of volitional qualities in the process of physical culture and recreation will be successful if appropriate training of the coaching and teaching staff for the implementation of physical culture and recreation activities is provided; an educational environment is created that will promote the education of volitional qualities of the individual; pedagogical support in the process of physical culture and recreation activities is provided.

The possibilities of extracurricular sports institutions in the formation of pupils' volitional qualities are that they

- have an active complex influence on the formation of volitional qualities;

- ensure the use of differentiated (grouping depending on the level of physical fitness) and individual (taking into account individual characteristics) approaches to the formation of volitional qualities;

- purposefully influence the formation of individual volitional qualities through the active use of various methods that encourage pupils to overcome difficulties.

The use of physical culture and sports factors in the education of pupils involves solving health, educational and upbringing tasks. Difficulties in sport contribute to the development of volitional characteristics of a personality. They are associated with the need to master complex exercise techniques, show volitional efforts, overcome fatigue, pain, maintain self- control, regulate emotional state, maintain performance in adverse environmental conditions and adhere to the established daily routine. All of these problems are most evident during sports competitions. They are one of the main means of developing morally oriented volitional qualities.

Thus, formation of pupils' volitional qualities in extracurricular sports institutions is a holistic educational and sports collective activity that involves purposeful formation of such qualities as endurance, determination, initiative, perseverance, determination; change of acquired negative values through ensuring coordinated interaction of all subjects of the training process and taking into account age and psychological characteristics.

Thus, the main tasks of extracurricular sports institutions are to improve the quality of general physical training, develop motor skills, educate volitional qualities, psychological stability, and form a healthy lifestyle.

The volitional qualities of pupils formed in extracurricular sports institutions under the direct supervision of teachers and coaches are then consciously manifested in other types of life activities.


Thus, on the basis of analysis of peculiarities of activity of extracurricular sports institutions we can state that pupils' classes in such institutions have potential opportunities in forming volitional qualities by means of active complex influence, as they allow to take into account age and individual peculiarities as much as possible: pupils' desire for physical improvement, imitation; desire to be like their idols, to be the first, to take a worthy place in the circle of peers, to achieve recognition, respect, to test themselves in overcoming difficulties The active use of game and competitive methods in the classroom also contributes to the purposeful formation of certain volitional qualities (endurance, determination, initiative, perseverance, determination).

This article does not exhaust all aspects of the problem. The problem of studying foreign experience in the formation of volitional qualities of pupils in out-of-school sports institutions requires research.


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    курсовая работа [30,2 K], добавлен 05.11.2013

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