Teaching of foreign language professionally oriented vocabulary to future spesialists of the security sector

Approaches contributing to the formation of skills in the use of specialized vocabulary and increasing the communicative competence of students of higher education. The value of foreign language professionally oriented vocabulary for specialists.

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National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine

Teaching of foreign language professionally oriented vocabulary to future spesialists of the security sector

Drach Oksana Ivanivna senior lecturer of the Department of Roman-Germanic Languages, Myronova Iryna Mykolaivna senior lecturer of the Department of Roman- Germanic Languages



The article presents the results of the study of the problem of teaching foreign language professionally-oriented vocabulary to future specialists in the security sector.

The authors of the article set themselves the goal of researching methods and approaches that contribute to the effective formation of skills in the use of specialized vocabulary and increasing the communicative competence of applicants for higher education. The importance of foreign language professionally oriented vocabulary for security sector specialists is considered. It is noted that students who plan to work in this field in the future must possess a specific professional vocabulary in order to communicate effectively and understand the requirements of their professional activities. The authors of the article present and analyze methodical approaches to teaching foreign language professionally-oriented vocabulary that help students master the necessary lexical units. The use of specialized training materials and exercises that cover professional terminology and specific situations is suggested. The authors also draw attention to the importance of using authentic materials, with a focus on safety aspects, which help higher education students immerse themselves in real professional situations and become familiar with relevant vocabulary and expressions. The authors offer a contextual approach to teaching professionally oriented vocabulary. It is noted that the use of situation-oriented tasks and exercises contributes to the use of vocabulary in real communicative situations. The importance of encouraging students to actively use professionally-oriented vocabulary in various speech situations through practical tasks and interactive exercises is also noted. Achieving security communication competence also depends on collaboration with security professionals. The article suggests inviting specialists to lectures and master classes, which provide higher education students with an opportunity to hear authentic language and receive practical cases that will contribute to a better understanding of professional aspects of the security sector.

Keywords: professional training, communicative competence, contextual approach, authentic materials, interactive technologies, situational context.


Драч Оксана Іванівна старший викладач кафедри романо-германських мов Національної академії Служби безпеки України, Національна академія Служби безпеки України, м. Київ

Миронова Ірина Миколаївна старший викладач кафедри романо- германських мов Національної академії Служби безпеки України, Національна академія Служби безпеки України, м. Київ


У науковій статті представлені результати дослідження проблеми навчання іншомовній професійно-орієнтованій лексиці майбутніх фахівців сектору безпеки. Автори статті ставлять перед собою мету дослідити методи та підходи, що сприяють ефективному формуванню навичок використання спеціалізованої лексики та підвищенню комунікативної компетентності здобувачів вищої освіти. Розглянуто значення іншомовної професійно-орієнтованої лексики для фахівців сектору безпеки. Зазначено, що студенти, які в майбутньому планують працювати у цій галузі, повинні володіти специфічною професійною лексикою, щоб ефективно спілкуватися та розуміти вимоги своєї професійної діяльності. Автори статті представляють та аналізують методичні підходи до навчання іншомовній професійно- орієнтованій лексиці, які допомагають студентам оволодіти необхідними лексичними одиницями. Запропоновано використання спеціалізованих навчальних матеріалів та вправ, які охоплюють професійну термінологію та специфічні ситуації. Автори також звертають увагу на важливість використання автентичних матеріалів, з фокусом на безпекові аспекти, що допомагають здобувачам вищої освіти зануритися у реальні професійні ситуації та познайомитися з актуальною лексикою та виразами. Автори пропонують контекстуальний підхід до навчання професійно-орієнтованої лексики. Зазначено, що використання ситуаційно-орієнтованих завдань та вправ сприяє використанню лексики в реальних комунікативних ситуаціях. Також відзначено важливість стимулювання студентів до активного використання професійно-орієнтованої лексики у різних мовленнєвих ситуаціях шляхом практичних завдань та інтерактивних вправ. Досягнення комунікативної компетентності у сфері безпеки також залежать від співпраці з фахівцями сектору безпеки. У статті запропоновано запрошувати фахівців на лекції та майстер-класи, що надають здобувачам вищої освіти можливість почути автентичну мову та отримати практичні випадки, що сприятимуть кращому розумінню професійних аспектів сектору безпеки.

Ключові слова: професійна підготовка, комунікативна компетентність, контекстуальний підхід, автентичні матеріали, інтерактивні технології, ситуаційний контекст.

Formulation of the problem

In today's world, where globalization and international cooperation are becoming increasingly important, future professionals in the security sector must have not only speaking competence, but also a specific professional vocabulary in order to effectively communicate and understand the requirements of their professional field. skill communicative competence vocabulary

The security sector, including law enforcement, the military, state security services, etc., has its own unique terminology and language. Learning professional- oriented vocabulary has a direct impact on the quality of communication and understanding between security sector professionals, as well as on the successful performance of their duties. The relevance of this article is also explained by the growing need for education and training of future specialists in the security sector with knowledge of foreign languages.

Nowadays, more and more universities and educational institutions offer special programs for graduates of higher education who want to work in the field of security. This challenges teachers to develop specialized methods and approaches to effectively teach students foreign professional-oriented vocabulary.

Analysis of recent research and publications

Important aspects of the organization of training foreign language professional-oriented vocabulary of future specialists are highlighted by such Ukrainian scientists as K. Bilokon, V. Vyshpolska, O. Horbach, L. Grebenyuk, V. Zhelyaskov. However, in the modern realities of scientific research of the outlined issues, it is worth noting the insufficient number of works devoted directly to the security sector, therefore it is advisable to pay increased attention to the training of foreign-language professional-oriented vocabulary of security sector specialists in the future.

The purpose of the article is to study he peculiarities of teaching foreign language professionally-oriented vocabulary of future specialists in the security sector.

Presenting the main material

The growing importance of learning foreign languages is explained by the rapid changes in the Ukrainian education system, the entry of our country into the European space and the implementation of integration reforms, which, in turn, require significant changes in the approach to language teaching.

One of the main conditions is raising the level of teaching to the European level, creating an effective system of professional training for students, and then for future specialists in the security sector, who would be able to successfully solve educational and professional tasks during interactive communication in a foreign language communicative environment [1].

Investigating the content and structure of professional competence as a basis for the use of foreign language professionally-oriented vocabulary of future specialists in the security sector, V. Vyshpolska introduces a communicative component, which includes the following skills: express thoughts clearly in native and foreign languages, convince, argue, analyze, convey rational and emotional information; establish interpersonal relationships, following the optimal style of communication in various professional situations, maintain a dialogue; the ability to conduct business meetings, business conversations and negotiations, business correspondence, telephone communication, discussing plans, participating in the creation of joint projects, making presentations, reports, etc [2].

A modern competent specialist must not only know business etiquette, national styles of conducting business negotiations, but also possess communication technologies.

According to the general classification of terms presented in modern studies in the field of law, all terms in this field are divided into commonly used and specialized ones. The so-called commonly used terms are used in a commonly known sense, and therefore are perceived by communicators as simple and understandable.

Specialized terms are divided into specialized non-legal terms and specialized legal terms. These are terms introduced into the legal vocabulary by the legislator and doctrine, as well as terms used to name a certain legal concept.

Special non-legal terms are terms used in legal science and practice, terms borrowed from other fields of science (economics, biology, medicine, technology, etc.) are used to name relevant concepts. The need for their use in the legal field is due primarily to the ambiguity of such terms. When including such terms in their active vocabulary, lawyers must follow the following rule: special non-legal terms are used in the meaning given to them by the field of knowledge from which they originate [4].

Future specialists of the security sector must know a foreign language to participate in international operations to maintain peace and security at the speech level CMP-2 (functional), in accordance with the international agreement STANAG 6001 on the level of foreign language proficiency [7].

First of all, they should know:

- the main features of the English language at all levels of the hierarchical structure (phonetic, morphological, lexical, syntactic);

principles of construction of narrative, interrogative, persuasive and exclamatory sentences;

grammatical constructions and peculiarities of their use;

principles of reading and pronunciation of basic military words and phrases;

modern terminology related to weapons and equipment;

minimum terminology for professional communication in a foreign language;

the specifics of the transmission of military, military-political and military-technical information;

common and distinctive features of various strategies for reading primary sources in English (familiarization, search, abstract), analytical and synthetic methods of processing the source of translation with the aim of further transmission of its content (summarizing, annotating, abstracting);

algorithms of actions of a future officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in various extreme speech situations during tasks;

principles of preparation and maintenance of documentation in English;

abbreviations and their meanings used in radiotelephone communication, radio exchange and in everyday communication;

the specifics of the national culture of communicating in English with foreign colleagues during participation in international operations;

linguistic culture, history and realities of countries and organizations where English is official or working language [5].

In the research process of learning a foreign language professionally oriented vocabulary of future specialists of the security sector, it is worth highlighting a set of pedagogical conditions that enable the implementation of this process at various stages of education. Among the pedagogical conditions, the following are highlighted:

creation of motivation for the conscious acquisition of new vocabulary for its further use in professional activities and everyday life; 2) creation of motivation for professional activity in everyday life; 3) introduction of innovative technologies and active pedagogical technologies; 4) content and continuity of philological education at all stages of professional training; 5) development of educational and methodological support for the process of teaching foreign-language professional- orientational vocabulary of future specialists in the security sector (methodical, didactic materials and methodological recommendations for teachers of philological disciplines) [6].

The modern system of management of the educational environment and personal resources of future specialists requires highly qualified specialists, trained in accordance with the modern requirements of the state's security policy, able to act effectively and professionally.

Pedagogical support plays an important role in the formation of any quality, including foreign language communicative competence, which coordinates professional education, provides coordination of curricula and programs, as well as improvement of joint activities between teachers and applicants for higher education.

It is important to take into account the specifics of the security sector and the specifics of the professional vocabulary used in this field. The development of specialized training materials and exercises that cover terminology, phraseology and specific security-related situations will help future professionals master the necessary vocabulary.

Thus, when studying the terminology of the security sector, students are provided with a list of terms related to the activities of the security sector, such as "counterterrorism", "intelligence gathering", and "emergency response".

Task. Choose the appropriate definition or explanation for each term. For example, "counterterrorism" can be defined as "efforts to prevent and respond to terrorist activities".

When learning new vocabulary, future specialists are introduced to expressions related to security or legal topics (for example, “maintain law and order”, “heightened security measures”, and “intelligence gathering operations”.

Task. Complete the text with appropriate lexical units. Compose dialogues using the given words and phrases. For example: “The police have implemented due to the increased threat level”.

The following specialized exercises are quite effective in teaching professionally oriented vocabulary:

Exercise "Understanding professional instructions."

Students receive instructions on how to operate a security system (for example, how to operate a video surveillance system or an access control system).

Task. Read the instructions and answer the comprehension questions. For example, "What are the steps to activate the alarm system?" or "What are the guidelines for granting access to authorized personnel?"

Exercise "Role situations".

Students gain roles related to the security sector (such as security guards, rescuers or intelligence analysts).

Task: Familiarize yourself with the scenario of a simulated emergency situation, play roles and use appropriate vocabulary and phrases in interaction.

Exercise "Analysis of professional texts".

Students are provided with an excerpt from a security policy document or government report related to security issues.

Task. Analyze the text and answer questions about the main objectives, recommended procedures, or potential problems discussed in the document. For example, "According to the text, what are the primary objectives of border security measures?"

These tasks will help applicants of higher education to actively use foreign language professionally oriented vocabulary in real situations related to the security sector. They will contribute to the practical application of speaking skills and the development of confidence in professional communication.

The use of authentic materials, such as text documents, recordings of conversations, videos or audio materials, with a focus on security aspects, allows students to immerse themselves in real professional situations and become familiar with the relevant vocabulary and expressions used in the sector.

Let's consider the peculiarities of using authentic materials on the example of exercises.

Exercise "Reading an authentic text."

Task. Read a text (an article, news or other authentic text related to the security sector, such as a professional publication on security measures at public events) and identify key terms, phrases or specific situations related to security. Applicants are asked questions to check their understanding of what they have read and to facilitate further discussion of the situation. For example, "What security measures have been put in place at this event?" or "What are the potential threats at this event?"

Exercise "Listening to authentic audio materials."

In the class, an audio or video recording is played, which includes a speech by an expert in the security sector (for example, a lecture on countering cyber threats).

Task. Students are invited to listen to an audio or video recording of a speech by a representative of the security sector, focusing on identifying specific terms, phrases or specific tips related to cyber security. The teacher asks questions about the understanding of audio and video information. For example, "What steps does the expert recommend to protect against cyber threats?" or "What consequences can arise from a cyberattack?").

Exercise "Role play based on real situations."

The teacher offers higher education students a scenario related to a security situation (for example, a situation of responding to a terrorist threat). Students are divided into groups and group members are assigned roles according to the scenario (for example, a security team leader, a response team member, or a law enforcement representative).

Task. Act out a scenario using the learned vocabulary and make a decision based on the situation.

These exercises will help students actively use foreign language professionally oriented vocabulary in real situations related to the security sector. They will contribute to the development of understanding, speaking and decisionmaking skills in professional situations and to the improvement of the general communicative competence of future security sector professionals.

It is important to take into account the contextual approach to teaching professionally oriented vocabulary. Instead of teaching individual words or expressions, it is recommended to use situation-oriented tasks and exercises that allow students to use vocabulary in real communicative situations.

Exercise "Contextual understanding of words and expressions."

Students are given a short security-related text or dialogue (eg, a scenario for visiting a high-security facility).

Task. Highlight and explain the meaning of certain words or expressions used in context. For example, "access control" can mean "access control system" or "procedures for checking authorized access".

Exercise "Contextual use of vocabulary".

Students are given a scenario of a real situation (for example, stopping an illegal invasion of a high-security facility).

Task. Using the learned vocabulary, formulate instructions, questions or commands in the context of the situation. For example, "Secure the perimeter" or "Verify the identification of all personnel".

Exercise "Contextual analysis of specialized material."

Students are given a short document or article related to safety (e.g., fire safety in the workplace).

Task. Analyze the text, identify key terms and use them in the context of creating questions, statements or advice. For example, "What are the recommended evacuation procedures?" or "Ensure the proper use of safety equipment".

These exercises will help higher education students learn foreign language professionally-oriented vocabulary in specific contexts related to the security sector. They will contribute to the development of comprehension, speaking and vocabulary skills in practical situations and increase the general communicative competence of future security specialists.

Cooperation with specialists involves inviting security sector specialists to lectures, seminars or workshops, where they can share their experience and practical cases. This will allow students not only to hear an authentic language, but also to gain unique insights into the professional aspects of the security sector. For example, let's consider various options for the thematic content of lectures, seminars and master classes with invited specialists.

Topic of the lecture: "Creation of a safe working environment".

Presentation of various aspects of workplace safety, including fire safety procedures, access control and safety measures as required by law.

Assignment: Research and prepare a short presentation on workplace safety focusing on important safety concepts and practices.

Topic of the lecture: "Crisis management and response to danger."

Discussing crisis management strategies and procedures in the event of a hazard or incident, such as evacuation plans, crisis communication, and the use of security technologies.

Task: Act out a crisis scenario where they use professional safety vocabulary for communication, planning and decision making.

Topic of the lesson: "Analysis of security incidents."

Presenting students with real security incidents such as data theft or physical abuse.

Task: Analyze the case, identify key security issues, propose solutions, and share your findings with the group.

Topic of the lesson: "Security technologies and their impact."

Presentation of various technological solutions and innovations in the security sector, for example video surveillance systems, biometric technologies or information systems.

Task: Debate the advantages and disadvantages of various security technologies and their impact on the security sector.

Topic of the lesson: "Practical use of safety procedures."

Demonstration and training in the practical application of security procedures such as entry clearance verification, hazard identification and access control.

Task: Simulation of a real situation where students apply safety procedures and make appropriate decisions.

Let's consider possible options for holding the "Creating a safe working environment" master class.

Demonstration of safety procedures.

Invited experts demonstrate safety procedures related to specific aspects of the safety sector (e.g. workplace safety, emergency situations, fire safety, etc.), break down each procedure, explain its steps and the vocabulary used. Emphasis is placed on effective methods and strategies for safe procedures.

Discussion of key vocabulary and exercises.

The teacher explains to the students the key vocabulary related to safety procedures with the help of examples and explanations. Students are offered various exercises to practice the practical use of vocabulary related to safety procedures.

Practical exercises and scenarios.

Provide students with scenarios of situations in which they must perform safety procedures. Divide students into groups or pairs.

Students perform role-plays, act out scenarios of situations, using the learned vocabulary and information about the skills of safety procedures.

Summary and discussion.

Holding a discussion with specialists and students about the importance of practical use of safety procedures and the study of professionally oriented vocabulary.

Invited experts and students exchange their observations, impressions and challenges they may encounter in the practical use of safety procedures.

Let's consider possible options for holding a master class "Training communication skills in crisis situations" using role-playing games, where students recreate crisis management situations and interact with various involved persons, such as rescuers, police or medical personnel.

Task: To communicate and solve problems in role scenarios, developing communication and cooperation skills in crisis situations.

Let's consider the practical aspects of training in more detail.

Showing examples of communication in crisis situations.

Invited experts must demonstrate audio or video materials that show communication in real crisis situations (for example, emergency messages, briefings, negotiations with hostages, etc.). At the end, you need to analyze the examples of communication, explain the important elements and the vocabulary used. Emphasize effective communication methods and strategies in typical situations.

Discussion of key vocabulary and exercises

Key vocabulary related to crisis communication is explained to students using examples. Candidates are offered various exercises to practice communication skills, such as role-playing, crisis simulations, communication scenarios, etc. Give them the opportunity to try out new vocabulary and communication strategies.

Practical exercises and scenarios

Students are divided into groups or pairs, and given crisis scenarios. Students perform role plays where they will be able to apply the learned vocabulary and communication skills in real situations.

It is important to encourage students to discuss and analyze their actions and results, to provide feedback and advice on how to further improve communication skills.

These examples of lectures, seminars and workshops will help students actively apply foreign language professionally-oriented vocabulary in real situations related to security. They will contribute to the development of communication skills, analytical thinking, critical thinking and cooperation in the field of the security sector.

Experience shows that independent work on training future specialists to participate in discussions and “round tables” has a great educational potential in learning a foreign language. Such forms of independent work in a foreign language are recommended at an advanced stage of education, when students of higher education have a sufficient level of understanding of the material in a foreign language and independence in acquiring knowledge.

Independent preparation for discussions and “round tables” will allow you to consolidate the skills already formed at the initial stages of learning a foreign language, the skills of communication in a foreign language (reading, writing, speaking and listening), and therefore will ensure the formation of a high level of communicative competence in a foreign language of future specialists of the security sector.

The selected material should correspond to the topics studied in accordance with the curriculum and model the situations of professional communication in a foreign language of future specialists in the security sector. Participating in a discussion is a complex intellectual process that involves free and concise expression of one's reasoned opinion [3].

In accordance with the methodological recommendations of the organization for teaching foreign language professionally-oriented vocabulary of future specialists in the security sector, it is worth noting the importance of observing the following points.

Analysis of students' needs includes:

conducting an introductory survey among students to find out their level of language proficiency and level of knowledge on security issues;

identification of specific professional areas in which students have an interest and the greatest need to improve their speaking skills.

The choice of materials involves:

conducting research and selecting authentic safety-related materials that meet the needs of students;

a selection of materials of different levels of difficulty to meet the needs of different groups of students.

Creating a context requires:

before using the lesson materials, introducing students to the topic, explaining its importance and application in real life;

presenting statistics, case studies or news related to safety to engage students and stimulate their interest.

Preliminary familiarization with the vocabulary involves:

before listening to the audio material, providing students with a list of key words and phrases from the safety vocabulary;

explaining the meaning and presenting examples of the use of these words and phrases so that students have a basic understanding before listening.

Listening and understanding audio material includes:

after playing the audio material, students are invited to listen to it for the purpose of general understanding;

writing down the key ideas, main information and details they heard.

Group and individual work includes:

dividing students into groups or pairs to discuss the content of the audio material and its impact on the security sector;

Active listening exercises allow:

offer students active listening exercises, such as filling in the blanks, creating questions or tasks with the connection of information;

support students in solving problems and give them the opportunity to check their answers.

Practical application covers students' use of new vocabulary and information from audio material in practical situations, for example, creating their own sentences, role-playing or writing assignments.

Evaluation and feedback includes:

assessment of students' knowledge and skills, using tasks that require the use of professional safety vocabulary;

providing feedback to students, highlighting their successes and providing constructive advice for improvement.

These methodological recommendations form the basis for the development of classes aimed at expanding the foreign language professionally oriented vocabulary of future specialists in the security sector. Using these approaches and recommendations will help students acquire the necessary professionally oriented vocabulary that is important for activities in the security sector. It is also important to encourage students to constantly improve their skills and independently study the vocabulary of this field.

Conclusions and prospects of further research

Therefore, it can be concluded that the formation of a foreign language professionally oriented vocabulary is an important aspect of the training of future specialists in the security sector. This allows them to communicate effectively and understand the specific language used in the field. The development of specialized learning materials and exercises that cover professional terminology and specific situations helps students master the necessary vocabulary. The use of authentic materials, with a focus on safety aspects, contributes to the immersion of students in real professional situations and familiarization with relevant vocabulary and expressions.

A contextual approach to learning professionally-oriented vocabulary involves the use of situation-oriented tasks and exercises that help students use vocabulary in real communicative situations. It is important to stimulate students to actively use professional-oriented vocabulary in various speech situations through practical tasks and interactive exercises. Inviting specialists from the security sector to lectures and master classes allows students to hear authentic language and receive practical cases that will contribute to a better understanding of the professional aspects of the work of the security sector.


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