Partnership interaction in forming a socially successful personality of a pupil

Pedagogical science actively considers problems of success and prospects of social success, productivity of individual and group activities, effective achievement of set goals, aspects of successful self-realization and professional self-realization.

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Partnership interaction in forming a socially successful personality of a pupil

Kyrychenko V.I., National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine; Necherda V.B., Laboratory of Physical Development and Healthy Lifestyle


Transformations in the socio-political, economic and cultural spheres, catalyzed by Russia's military aggression against the Ukrainian people, have prioritized the necessity to understand the values of life for society in general and the values of success for a safe and happy life. Currently, the attention of researchers is focused on understanding the origins of success, outlining the mechanisms of its achievement, developing the conditions for success in various spheres of human life. In the world of scientific discourse can be traced a large number of interdisciplinary researches of the problem field of personal success, carried out by sciences focused on the realization of human life and development of personality: philosophy, sociology, psychology, pedagogy.

It should be noted that in recent years pedagogical science has been actively considering the problems of success and prospects for social success, the productivity of individual and group activities, effective achievement of goals, aspects of successful self-realization and professional self-realization. Researchers emphasize that today's adolescent and youth environment is largely focused on the values of Western culture, which influences their perceptions of social success, however, adolescents and young people have a desire to achieve external aspects of success, such as high social status and material wellbeing must be complemented by the development of the younger generation of important components of socialization - moral responsibility, social initiative, social competence, social mobility and willingness to interact harmoniously with others. That is why one of the most important tasks of a modern educational institution is the formation of a socially successful personality of the pupil.

Based on the included observations of the educational process of experimental educational institutions, researchers show that an educational institution open to social partnership more effectively solves the tasks set by the education system, responds more quickly to social change, enriches greater resources and finds optimal ways for successful development. Therefore, it gives grounds to assert that the formation of a socially successful pupil's personality is more planned and complete through the establishment of a system of partnership, in particular, involvement in the educational process of pupils' families and the use of resources of public organizations, mainly those "peer education", according to it adolescents and young people are actively involved in working with peers. We are convinced that the result of a well-thought-out joint strategy of the educational institution and its social partners in forming a socially successful personality will be the appropriate level of intellectual and spiritual development of pupils, as well as their qualities and skills that will function effectively in society and be socially successful. pedagogical professional science

Presentation of the main material. Social partnership proves to be an effective mechanism for targeted mutual strengthening and enrichment, but only when a relationship of mutually beneficial cooperation, social dialogue and education is established, it is not an "grateful recipient" of assistance and material support, but an equal partner with resources useful for other participants in the interaction [1]. In this regard, the research of domestic scientists emphasizes that "partnership is aimed at systemic change, especially the change of people's worldview and should be reflected in their subjective activity. The result of the partnership is a successful cooperation of the parties in cooperation to form a highly developed person, worthy of trust" [2, p. 117].

The scientific position of American researchers is unanimous [3; 4], which call the pedagogy of partnership an innovative pedagogical method, its purpose is to form the ability of partners to equal and equal dialogue and personal development of its participants. According to Ukrainian scholars, the principles of partnership pedagogy are as follows: "respect the other person's personality; treat others kindly and positively; trust each other; work on the technique of "dialogue - interaction - mutual respect"; distribute leadership (proactivity, the right to choose and responsibility for it, the horizontality of ties); work on the principles of social partnership (equality of the parties, voluntary commitment, mandatory implementation of agreements)" [5, p. 7].

Reflection of scientific and methodological content concerning the research topic, in particular, the conceptual foundations of partnership pedagogy in modern educational institutions and features of organizing partnerships between schools, families and NGOs to form a socially successful personality allowed us to clarify the concept of "partnership in socially successful personality" as a combination of efforts and resources of teachers, parents and activists of public organizations to ensure the personal development of pupils, stimulate their internal motivation to make life and professional choices, support their aspirations for self-development and achieve the desired goal, forming readiness for positive social interaction and selfrealization of pupils.

An effective partnership of an educational institution is always the result of strategically sound and planned pedagogical interaction. We share the scientific views of the scientist Shigonskaya, who proposes to consider pedagogical interaction as "cooperation between educational institutions and social institutions to improve the efficiency of life, which is the formation of values, acquisition of key competencies, social experience" favorable to prosocial activities and personal success [6]. Its essence as a resource of competence enrichment is a purposeful process of coordinated activities of the participating parties, which regulates the areas of responsibility, equity contribution and the degree of influence of each of them on the formation of socially successful personality of the pupil.

It should be noted that in contrast to social interaction, which is characterized by both spontaneous contacts and specially organized, pedagogical interaction is always a specially organized process aimed at solving educational problems, and is considered a "systemic phenomenon in the pedagogical process social system in terms of status-role relations in society, regulated by regulations in the education system, determined by the practice of the educational institution" [7]. The structure of pedagogical interaction is formed by interdependencies: educational, pedagogical, socio-psychological, interpersonal systems; personalities and activities of teachers and students, their awareness of interactive experience; regulatory and executive elements of interaction [8].

The cornerstone of our research is the statement that the effectiveness of positive socialization and social success of the pupil is also directly proportional to the concerted actions of the educational institution and its social partners. The purpose of partnership between the educational institution, pupils' families and public organizations in the formation of a socially successful personality is to promote the personal development of pupils and assist tem to find their place in life; involving pupils in the process of organizing the environment of their life and mastering the ways of productive implementation of their own life project. The partnership is based on the unity of aspirations and views on the educational process, jointly developed goals, educational objectives and ways to achieve the outlined results, the opportunity to enrich the positive experience and knowledge.

Therefore, we consider it necessary to formulate a working hypothesis of our research. The system of partnership of the educational institution with social partners, in particular, families of students and public organizations can increase the effectiveness of the formation of socially successful personality of the student if:

- the provisions of personality-oriented, axiological, competence, environmental and project-technological approaches will be used as theoretical and methodological bases for solving the problem. The first and second approaches contribute to the awakening of the essential forces of the individual, the launch of "mechanisms of self", the internalization of socio-cultural values and facilitate the socio-cultural identification of pupils in the modern world. The third approach is seen as fundamental in modeling the mechanisms and means of adolescents and young people to acquire the qualities of a socially successful personality. The fourth approach plays a leading role in providing the educational environment of the institution, strengthening its educational potential for the formation of a socially successful personality of the student through partnership. The fifth approach allows the creation of modern scientific and methodological support of these processes, the development of innovative technologies for the formation of socially successful personality in the system of general secondary education and increase the professional competence of teachers concerning this issue;

- a method of forming a socially successful personality on the basis of partnership between the educational institution and its social partners will be elaborated, its implementation will be carried out according to the principles of constructive communication, cooperation, voluntary participation in prosocial activities, self-government in the educational environment;

- the effectiveness of the implementation of the methodology will be ensured by introducing monitoring of the activities of the educational institution and its social partners concerning this issue.

In order to fulfill the objectives of the research, we systematized the conceptual and methodological principles of "pedagogy of success" and analyzed the content of the concepts of "successfulness" and "social successfulness". Summing up the analysis of various scientific researches concerning the issue of success, we conclude that in general, success is considered as a positive result of the subject's activities to achieve meaningful goals, which reflect the social orientations of society. It is a form of self-realization of the subject, ensures its self-development and involves evaluation by society in the form of approval or recognition.

Similar, but not identical to success, is the concept of "succesfulness", which researchers find even more difficult to analyze and understand. Unlike success, successfulnes is a repeatedly verified productive experience. However, as in the case of "success", scientists do not have a single common definition of this concept. The subjective component of successfulness is conveyed by the emotional state of one's own success. The objective component is related to the assessment of a person and the results of his activities as successful on the basis of ideas about successfulness inherent in a particular socio-cultural environment. Therefore, a person's successfulness in any activity is determined by the specific structure of the integral and functional qualities of the individual, his knowledge, experience, competent actions for the development of certain activities that enable him to succeed.

Scientists consider social successfulness as a process and result of achieving the goal [9], some researchers consider it a systemic phenomenon characterized by positive approval from society, the presence of necessary qualities and skills for selfrealization and continuous human development [10; 11]. In general, the multiplicity of interpretations of the concept of "social successfulness" can be reduced to two views, considering it either as an internal state of the individual, achieved through regular concentration on their key desires and active actions to implement them, or as a dynamic socio-psychological characteristics of the individual availability of socially recognized achievements, focus on success, personal satisfaction with the process and results of social life. Characteristics of a socially successful personality, modern scientists believe: "the ability to achieve significant results and goals, plan, communicate effectively with people, profess a philosophy of positive thinking and perception of life, ability to make the right decisions, use or "feel" the moment, take reasonable risks, etc." [12, p. 180].

As a working concept "social successfulness" is considered by us as the acquisition of an individual, as a result of his involvement in the system of social relations, various social statuses and roles that are objectively important to society and, at the same time, meet the interests of the individual and personal satisfaction. We are convinced that the state of social success is important at all stages of human life, but it is especially important at school age, because the saturation of school life with attributes has a significant impact on self-actualization of potential opportunities for growing personality in both positive and negative directions.

Note that the above understanding of social successfulness captures mainly its external manifestations, is a characteristic of human achievement in social interaction. It is supplemented by another component - internal personality. In this case, social successfulness can be presented as a stable state of personality based on a positive self-concept, which reflects its inclusion in the system of social ties and relations as a socially full-fledged subject and contributes to its effective socialization and socially significant status. This allowed us to consider the pupil's socially successful personality as having basic knowledge of the phenomenon of social success and awareness of its own value, characterized by the desire for knowledge and self-realization, social initiative, activity and social competence, ability to selfimprovement and social mobility. Criteria and indicators of the formation of socially successful personality of a pupil in the system of general secondary education, we substantiate the following:

- knowledge-cognitive - a comprehensive view of socially successful personality (knowledge and understanding of the essential characteristics of socially successful personality; awareness of social success as a social value and self-need; understanding of ways to acquire the qualities of socially successful personality);

- motivational and value - increasing the personal significance of the need to succeed (positive attitude to themselves and their life prospects; health-oriented educational environment; building dialogue between participants in the educational process on the basis of partnership pedagogy);

- activity-practical - the ability of the individual to model and implement their own strategy of success (awareness of their capabilities and aspirations; the ability to work in a team for a positive result; professional self-determination in society; development and implementation of charitable projects).

In the process of research at its experimental and practical stage the following tasks were performed:

- developed a program and methodology of observational experiment, in particular, adapted questionnaires "Assessment of educational environment factors for the formation of socially successful student personality", "Partnership of educational institution with NGOs" and "Partnership of educational institution and student families";

- an entrance survey of 642 students and 73 teachers in 7 experimental secondary schools of Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Ivano- Frankivsk, Cherkasy, Kharkiv and Zaporizhia regions of Ukraine was conducted and its results were analyzed.

Reflection of the respondents' answers made it possible to formulate intermediate conclusions about potential opportunities, as well as problems and obstacles to partnership between the educational institution and families of pupils and representatives of public organizations to form a socially successful personality of a pupil, namely:

- partnership between educational institution and family and public organizations is potentially a powerful resource for the development of the child's personality, which aims to assist pupils to find ways of positive self-realization and support their intentions to become responsible, creative, competitive citizens and socially successful individuals;

- weak motivation of parents to partnership relations with educational institutions and teachers to partnership relations with NGOs due to low levels of psychological and pedagogical competence and can be increased by updating communication strategies of teachers and parents, teachers and representatives of NGOs and modernizing forms and methods of general education. secondary education with social partners;

- psychoneurological features of modern adolescents and young people and the sanitary and restrictive conditions of the pandemic situation have drawn increased attention to the necessity to accelerate the digitization of educational influences;

- low activity of bodies of parents' self-government of educational institutions leads to the renewal of regulatory and legal support of the educational process, activation of parents and students in determining the priorities of life and educational policy of general secondary education.

The results of the analysis of a comprehensive survey of subjects of the educational process directly related to the research topic: pupils, their parents, class teachers, administration of educational institutions became the basis for creating a program of formative experiment to form a socially successful pupil.

The method of forming a socially successful pupil's personality by means of partnership pedagogy is meaningfully based on the assumption that the formation of a socially successful pupil's personality occurs gradually from organizing pedagogical support in determining the strengths of the child's personality to understanding how they can be used for successful self-realization; from gaining the first experience of social success in certain matters and areas of activity to a developed willingness to develop and implement their own life projects. The end result of educational influences on the formation of a socially successful personality should clearly define value and semantic landmarks, developed life competencies of pupils, ie the opportunity to act successfully in specific life situations of a changing environment.

In the process of implementing the program of the formative experiment on the formation of socially successful personality of a pupil, the following activities were prepared and carried out:

- for pupils: webinars "Successful project writing"; practice of social service, in particular, educational volunteering "Successful hacker" (helping the elderly to master computer literacy) and excursion volunteering "Success of the architect Gorodetsky" (senior pupil); storytelling "The Most Incredible Success Stories for Motivation and Inspiration"; educational hour "Success is impossible without positivity!"; ethical conversations "Golden rule of morality, what does it mean for you?", "Social success - does the goal justify the means?", "Success - is loneliness?", "Be able to give joy to people", "Know yourself and make yourself better", "Not everything is bought for money. Not everything is sold for money ", "Life is the highest value of man"; discussion "Good or evil ... What wins on the road to success?"; round table "Open conversation about politeness on the way to success"; press conferences "Rights and responsibilities of a successful high school student", "Violence and success are incompatible!"; business game "Modeling the face of a successful school principal"; role-playing game "Successful Family Budget"; web-case "My success"; photo-video technologies;

- for teachers: webinars "Successful project: methods of creation and implementation algorithm"; web-quest "Socially successful student", discussion "Success and social success of a modern student"; pedagogical council with the participation of parents "School-family partnership - the child's path to success"; round table "Public resources in the formation of socially successful pupil personality"; seminar "Readiness for social partnership with public organizations"; seminar-training "Successful partnership for successful development"; round table "Partnership of educational institutions and families and public organizations in the formation of socially successful pupil personality"; final problem round table "Road to Success" for teachers, parents and members of NGOs.


Analysis of the results of the program of the formative experiment concerning the formation of a socially successful pupil's personality allowed us to determine the main advantages of partnership in the formation of a socially successful pupil's personality:

- creating situations of success that promote the development of socially successful personality of the student, in particular, purposefulness, perseverance, tolerance, assertiveness, responsibility, and the formation of necessary competencies of pupils, including communication skills with different age groups and social groups, interpersonal self-control and intergroup relationships, initiative and social mobility, as well as acquainting pupils with different social roles and prosocial patterns of behavior, which has a positive effect on the adaptation of pupils in society;

- introduction of new principles and approaches to the organization of school life and education of pupils in educational institutions through cooperation with NGOs, in particular, the use of their significant experience in writing and implementing projects with EU budget support;

- positive attitude of the territorial community and the parent community to the educational institution and improving its communication with government officials, as well as improving the image of the general secondary education institution.

Thus, as a result of partnership of general secondary education institutions with families of pupils and public organizations in the formation of socially successful personality: 1) the educational process has become modern and interesting for pupils, 2) created favorable conditions for pupils to internalize socially significant norms and values, strengthening the desire of pupils to be socially successful and the desire to participate in discussions and solutions to various complex and interesting life situations, 4) noted the intensification of reflection, self-control and self-education of pupils, as well as their choice of social success models positions to be successful.


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