Formation of basic professional competencies of non-philological university students using the teacher’s website

The formation of students' competence, i.e. their ability to mobilize knowledge in a real significant situation, is the most pressing problem of modern higher education. The main indicators and criteria of professional competence of students.

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Formation of basic professional competencies of non-philological university students using the teacher's website

Drozdova I.P.

Kirvas V.A.

Herasymchuk T.V.


The peculiarity of modern technological transformations associated with the informatization of society is that fundamentally new prerequisites for the universalization and globalization of human interaction are created. Scientific and technical progress, in particular in the field of communications, contributes to the growth of globalization, interdependence of the world, and creates the basis for the formation of a single global system of economic, political, socio-cultural ties. These processes intensified as a result of the relentless development of information and communication technologies.

An important task in this direction is to review and clarify the existing state programs in the field of education in order to make more use of information technology and electronic means of communication, in particular the methodology of creating websites of higher education teachers in the interests of innovative development of Ukraine. knowledge-based economy (Strategy of innovative development of Ukraine for 2010-2020 in the conditions of globalization challenges, 2010, p.199).

In the National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine for 2012-2021, 2013, p.23) it is noted that the priority of educational development is the introduction of modern information and communication technologies to ensure improvement of the educational process, accessibility and effectiveness of education, preparing the younger generation for life in the information society.

The formation of students' competence, i.e. their ability to mobilize knowledge in a real significant situation, is the most pressing problem of modern higher education. Competence approach - an alternative to the traditional; it can overcome the subject-centrism that dominates the learning process, able to bridge the gap between education and the needs of life (Sysoeva, 2011).

The problem of integrating Internet technologies, first of all, as it seems to us, as interesting as a teacher's website, into the process of training future specialists of non-philological specialties with the aim of forming professional competence is urgent and requires further research.

Analysis of scientific sources, empirical materials, our own pedagogical experience and experience of leading Ukrainian teachers shows the lack of systematic theoretical, methodological and scientific and technological support in the context of forming the professional competence of non-philological students by information technology, as evidenced by the contradictions between needs:

the world and European community in professionally competent specialists and the degree of development of the problem of formation of their professional competence by means of information technologies;

scientific substantiation of the specifics of the use of such information technologies in the Free Economic Zone of Ukraine as the teacher's website. This is due to the lack of theoretical and methodological support for the formation of professional competence of future professionals.

The research was conducted for the purpose of scientific substantiation and experimental verification of the method of formation of professional competence of non-philological students with the use of information technologies; in particular to determine the specifics of the organization of Web-sites as a way to implement Internet technologies in the educational process. At the same time, the control of students' educational activities was improved with the help of websites and the prospects of education were further developed in order to form the professional competence of students under the conditions of using information technologies.

Literature Review

It should be noted that the concept of "professional competence" is relatively new in linguodidactics, it indicates the appropriate professional training of students and is narrower than the concept of "communicative competence", as the criteria of professional activity determine the addressee of speech a number of communication skills.

In domestic science, the problems of the competence approach in education and professional competence are taken care of by many scientists (Demyanenko, 2020; Didkivska, 2014; Ovcharuk, 2004; Pometun, 2004; Lokshina, 2014; Nichkalo, 2002; Sysoeva, 2011; Shatkovskaya, 2014; Yagupov, 2011 ), define the concept of "professional competence" as a complex of multidimensional phenomenon. Informatization of society and education is considered in the works of Bykov (2012), Breskina (2020), Vorobyova. (2017); Pidgornaya (2017), in which the necessity of using network technologies is thoroughly proven.

In our study, these concepts are demarcated, hierarchically dependent, so we can say that professional competence is a more general pedagogical category than professional competence.

Despite the large number of works on the formation of professional competence of students of non-philological specialties, some important issues regarding the content and structure of the concepts of "professional competence", especially the use of modern information technology (such as website), were not sufficiently covered in pedagogical works. Most researchers of this problem have identified a number of sharp contradictions in the socio-professional development of the individual in the process of its socialization, which can not be solved by the traditional system of education.


To determine the content of the basic concepts of "professional competence" and "teacher's website as a means of organizing student learning", we developed a significant amount of psychological and pedagogical, methodological literature, regulations, took into account our own experience of teaching non- philological students using information technology to determine optimal approaches to solve the problem.

The answers to these questions are changing in the era of informatization of society, which brought new information technologies - technologies for processing, transmission, distribution and presentation of information using electronic computers. Hardware and software required for the implementation of these technologies are called means of new information technologies (Shevchenko, 2014, p.64). The hardware of new information technologies includes a personal computer, and software includes specially developed didactic materials, so-called software and pedagogical tools.

Empirical methods allowed to obtain data on the course of the pedagogical process in the higher school of Ukraine. Written works of students were considered, questionnaires of teachers and statistical analysis of experimental material were carried out.

The methodological support in four institutions of higher education of Ukraine on the possibility of using websites as an organizational tool in the educational process for the formation of basic professional competencies of students of non-philological universities is analyzed. The influence of the teacher's websites on the quality of the formation of the main professional competencies of students has its own peculiarities in different universities. However, there are general patterns inherent in the current level of development of information and communication technologies in Ukraine.

Research Instruments

The competence approach is the basic idea of education reform in the European Union and it is seen as a core constructive idea of continuing education (Lokshina, 2014). Competence- oriented education involves significant changes in the content, technological, educational, managerial paradigm of the Ukrainian school.

It is not only about updating the content of education, but also about radical changes in the educational and cognitive process and educational technologies. In the structure of education, the role and importance of mastering methods of activity is increasing, increasing their manufacturability, etc. (Zajchenko, 2017).

A detailed review of scientific sources allowed us to conclude that scientists have interpreted the meaning of the terms "competence", "competency", "professional competence", the content of which is constantly updated and new components are added.

In order to solve the problem to determine the content of the basic concepts of "professional competence" and "teacher's website as a means of organizing student learning", we developed a significant amount of psychological and pedagogical, methodological literature, regulations, took into account the experience of teaching non-philological students technologies.

The two terms “competence” and “competency” of foreign origin have one Latin root (Dictionary of foreign words, 2000, p. 541; Dictionary of foreign words, 2005, p.115), but the term “competence” has a broader interpretation in modern methodology as well as linguistic methodology. and linguodidactics [Mikitenko, 2011; Drozdova, 2010].

Ukrainian scientists (Lokshina, 2014, 2014; Ovcharuk, 2003; Pometun, 2004; Shevchenko, 2014; Yagupov, 2011) note that human competence refers to specially structured sets of knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired in the learning process. They allow a person to identify and solve, regardless of the context, problems specific to a particular field of activity. Formed competencies a person uses for needs in different social and other contexts, depending on the conditions and needs for different activities.

However, in our opinion, along with the main components of the structure, it is necessary to allocate a separate complex the process of formation of information technology communication and, therefore, to single out information competence as one of the elements of the structure of professional competence. This includes computer literacy, electronic, internet technology, etc. (Sysoeva, 2011).

The most important functions of forming the professional competence of students and specialists in a certain field can be reduced to the following functions:

cognitive, which involves meeting the intellectual, professional, and informational needs of students in the future specialty;

compensatory, which consists in the elimination of gaps in education, associated, for example, with the lack of knowledge, the need for deeper self-aware mastery of subject-professional knowledge and skills;

diagnostic, the meaning of which is to determine the inclinations and preferences of students, to identify the level of preparation, the level of individual psychological abilities and directions of personal development;

project-prognostic, with the help of which the opportunities and readiness of students for professional activities, their future creative potential are determined;

adaptive, consisting in the development of information culture, the basics of professional management, the ability to predict and design professional technologies and systems (Drozdova, 2010, p. 131)

In Scheme 1 we present the structure of these functions.

Scheme 1.

Note that the concept of "professional competence" of the future specialist in non-philology, in our opinion, also implies professional and communicative skills of the individual to communicate in typical conditions of professional activity, possession of the potential of professional discourse through information technology.

The main indicators and criteria of professional competence of students of non-philological specialties are determined by:

theoretical and practical professional knowledge;

organizational skills of the student;

communicative self-control; competence professional student

the ability to productively avoid conflict situations.

This allowed us to rethink the essence and directions of work on the formation of professional competence of future specialists in non-philological specialties as one of the components of their general competence, and also helped to understand the construction of technology for its improvement by information technology in higher education.

In the course of the research the results of the survey of teachers working in the field of organization and implementation of distance learning in the Free Economic Zone of different regions of Ukraine are summarized (according to the results of the authors' research).

Practitioners expressed their views on the priority issues that hinder the widespread introduction of websites in the educational process: 79% called the lack of modern means of delivery, 87% - problems in teaching and methodological support, 96% - imperfect control over student work.

We believe it is important to follow the position of the "golden mean" in the use of methods of influence at a distance (online) and real pedagogical influence. Such a view of the structure of activity allows us in the pedagogical concept to reconsider the logic of the content of vocational education, as well as to conclude that pedagogical tools and methods are designed, differentiated and saturated with pedagogical potential so as to irrationally (virtually) or rationally (really) develop each activity. which is an element of the linear structure of activity.

This will bring to a new level of formation and development of the personality of the specialist, to develop and improve the socio-applied aspect of the use of Internet technologies for educational purposes and to ensure a continuous professional dialogue.

The main factors influencing the formation of professional competence of a modern professional-non philologist are the requirements for the profession, professional mentality, operational and technical sphere, the possibility of creative self-realization in it, because the formation of the specialist and the development of the intellectual sphere is ontologically the only process (Andrushchenko, 2018 ; Demyanenko, 2020; Mikitenko, 2011).

Thus, the essence of the term "professional competence of the future specialist" is understood as a set of sufficiently formed professional knowledge, communication and organizational skills, ability to self-control, implicit culture of verbal and nonverbal interaction. However, the concept of "competence" of the specialist is broader and larger in scope.

We understand the category of "professional competence" as one of the components of the competence of the personality of the specialist, his general education and culture.

The effectiveness of using the "enriched" system of teaching methods developed during the study in order to form the professional competence of students largely depends on the quality of constructive and productive activities of the teacher on a precreated project of the educational process.

The use of the website in the functional system of methods of educational and educational-scientific cognition of the future language profession helps to increase the cognitive independence and intensity of individual group work of students. After all, the structure and services of the website allow you to adapt its content to the goals and objectives of the educational process in higher education, take into account the individual characteristics and specific needs of both students and teachers, as well as provide constant feedback to form a professional competence of students.

The website is addressed to those who use the learning process, primarily to teachers involved in the implementation of information technology in various forms of learning, and students. Creating Web-sites is one of the most important technologies for developing Internet resources.

A website is an information resource consisting of interconnected hypertext documents (Web pages) hosted on a Web server and having an individual address. A web page is a text file with the extension *. htm, which contains textual information and special commands - HTML-codes that determine how this information will be displayed in a browser window. All graphic, audio and video information is not included in the Web-page and are separate files with extensions *. gif, *. jpg (graphics), *. mid, *. mp 3 (sound), * .avi (video).

Teacher's website is a special type of educational website, namely: a specially designed and organized set of web pages, combined with one design in order to organize independent work of students and support the teacher in the process of teaching students to form professional communicative competence of students .

The most common advantages of using the website are the availability of the presentation of educational material, completeness of the presentation for a comprehensive consideration of the subject, lack of unnecessary detail, self-control, clarity, logic, typicality of educational material and more. To describe the level of technical conditions, quality indicators of learning technology are used: design features, user-friendliness of the interface, search time, etc.

The use of the teacher's website allows to identify additional advantages in the formation of professional competence of students, such as:

development of skills of independent work;

wide opportunities for true individualization of the educational process;

expanding the boundaries of the learning environment (learning both classroom and extracurricular);

organization of intercultural communication on professional issues (in particular on the Internet);

formation of information and professional competencies;

providing a significant amount of educational materials for the development of various types of professional activities of students;

reduction of psychological difficulties (this advantage is realized under the condition of the organization of individual educational activity in extracurricular time);

providing access to educational and extracurricular materials for training in the specialty;

Easy to use website.

At the same time, the control of students' educational activities was improved with the help of websites and the prospects of education were further developed in order to form the professional competence of students under the conditions of using information technologies.


The purpose of the experimental study was to create an author's method of forming the professional competence of future professionals. Based on the purpose of the study, we have identified the main educational objectives, which involves testing the effectiveness of the application in the educational process of the developed experimental program, presented on the Web-site of the teacher.

More than 300 students from four national universities of Ukraine took part in the experimental training. In order to respect the conditions of confidentiality, we do not provide their names. The formation of professional competence of students by means of information technology is introduced into learning in accordance with three stages.

Research Procedures.

Experimental training was conducted with the division of students into experimental (EG) and control (CG) groups, in which the study load and the level of formation of communicative skills were the same; training in EG was carried out in stages using the Web-site of the teacher. The main role was given to practical classes and independent work with the help of a Web-site.

At the first (communicative and formative) stage, the development of students' communicative abilities and skills took place during the mastering of the discipline "English Language (for Specific Purposes)".

The purpose of this stage is to increase the level of communicative and professional training

The tasks of this stage of training were: to form a sustainable motivation of students to improve their professional communication skills; ensure compliance with the communicative features of the culture of professional speech; to develop self-control skills in compliance with language norms in professional communication; to develop the skills and abilities of perception, reproduction, creation of coherent texts in oral and written forms, using professional terminology in accordance with the communicative situation.

At the second (professional-activity) stage, attention was focused on improving the acquired communication skills and abilities during the study of "English Language (for Specific Purposes)").

The second stage of experimental training was provided for the further development of communicative abilities and skills during the learning of English in a professional direction (as a professionally oriented discipline), the purpose of which was to correct and improve receptive and productive abilities and skills of professional communication for the further formation of professional and communicative competence .

The main tasks of the professional activity stage were to understand the role and place of communication skills and skills in future professional activity, to ensure perfect mastery of the culture of professional speech and to form creativity and independence of future engineers.

At the third professional activity stage, the work on improving communication skills and skills in writing scientific research papers, conducting a final English language test, based on the results of which admission to the master's program took place. The purpose of the third stage of experimental training is the formation of professional foreign language competence and the verification of the level of formation of professional communication skills and abilities.

The main tasks of the stage were as follows: to form a clear understanding of the role and place of communicative abilities and skills in the future professional activity; to improve skills and abilities to work with educational, scientific and professional information; to master the skills of correct and persuasive speech, argumentative proof; ensure perfect mastery of the culture of professional communication; to form creativity, independence and the further state of development of professional competence of future specialists by means of the English language. The main thing was the acquisition of communicative experience in professional and educational situations and the improvement of communicative abilities and skills. To conduct practical classes, teachers, using the Web site, worked on the formation of students' professional communication skills by presenting educational material in the form of monologues, dialogues and polylogues, competent presentation of thoughts in written works, using various types of text compression (theses, synopsis, abstract, annotation, etc.), assimilation of professional terminology (formation of active and passive vocabulary).

Comparative analysis of the results in CG and EG shows the positive dynamics of increasing the level of professional competence in EG students on all indicators after experimental training. The obtained results are a confirmation of the effectiveness of the method of formation of professional competence of future specialists with the use of information technologies.

As a result, we identified the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students in professional tasks, checked the level of formation of skills and abilities to navigate in the terminological complex of the specialty of students.

The results of this task by EG students were quite high: 26.67% of students were generally aware of the specifics of the specialty, Students' answers showed that they are free to operate with the terminology of their specialty. The last task caused the greatest difficulty, as the average level of knowledge was found by a minority of students (44.85%). This caused complications in the process of their work on the Web-site, because students did not understand the requirements of the task, did not realize the main idea. The teacher could not visually adjust the student's activities on the site, adequately pay attention to the correct use of material on professional topics. The results showed that EG students have significantly improved their level of elaboration of professional tasks, mastery of professional terminology, with the help of the Web-site of the teacher, constantly received advice and were in the circle of attention of teachers.


Indicators of the level of formation of skills and abilities of students in EG and CG after experimental training showed the corresponding positive changes in the professional and communicative training of future professionals. The analysis of the results of the test of knowledge, skills and abilities showed that 2nd year students who worked according to experimental methods have developed professional competence: acquired a theoretical basis in communication in the specialty, skills of control and correction of writing, familiar with professional terminology. This is evidenced by the high performance of test tasks, as well as the final control tasks.

The results of experimental training after the final stage are presented in table. 1.

Table. 1.

The results of the final stage of training

Performing tests

Final control tasks























Thus, the final control of the levels of formation of professional foreign language competence of students of EG and CG at the final stage of training revealed the effectiveness of experimental research training. Quantitative and qualitative indicators of the levels of development of EG students were higher than in the control one. During the research it was found that the formation of professional competence of students should be carried out on the basis of traditional teaching methods, on the basis of which actively implementing information methods and teaching methods, develops socio-cultural and professional personality.


Possession of knowledge, communication skills and abilities for the formation of professional competence of future professionals by means of the website is an integral part of modern requirements for the training of specialists defined by the industry standard of higher education in Ukraine.

For the successful implementation of experimental training, it was fundamental to take into account the student's activities for the systematic acquisition of professional knowledge using the latest technologies; directing students to master the content, forms and means of future professional activity.

The experiment proved that the formation of professional competence will be effective if it is carried out on the basis of a combination of competence-activity, professional and oriented approaches and will be the gradual development of professional competence, choose the best forms, methods, techniques, teaching aids; Innovative methods will be used, in particular a website that stimulates active communication and forms the personality of a competitive specialist.

The average indicators of the level of formation of professional competence, the results of control sections, the increase in the coefficient of development of skills and abilities of professional communication in EG by 8.45% proved the effectiveness of the website. At the final stage of the study, students showed a higher level of skills compared to the result that was before the experimental training. In EG, the majority of students reached an average level of 39.51% of the development of communication skills, and in CG 35.97% of students showed a high level, which indicates a positive trend in the formation of professional competence of EG students. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results of experimental training confirmed the sufficient effectiveness of the proposed structural- procedural model and experimental teaching methods.

Of course, as in every form of knowledge, the remote one has its drawbacks, but overcoming them is possible through years of practical use of this form is not only as an auxiliary and one of the side, but as, perhaps, equal to the classical form of education, as evidenced by the use of distance education during a pandemic.


It is not possible to solve all the problems related to the formation of professional competencies of non-philological students with the help of innovative technologies in one article. Our study is extremely relevant for the current stage of development of higher education in Ukraine. The main guidelines in the work of the teacher's website were indicated, with the help of which high- quality education of modern students is carried out and their professional competence is formed.

Therefore, clarifying the essence of professional competence as a concept and the main characteristic of a student's language personality, outlining its content and structure allows one to understand the task of education in higher education institutions: to substantiate the pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional foreign language competence, to organize the content and to determine the main methods, techniques, means of applying information technologies in the process of training future specialists in the non-philological field.

The problem of integration of Internet technologies, first of all, as it seems to us, as effective as a teacher's website, into the process of training future specialists of non-philological specialties with the aim of forming professional competence is urgent and requires further research. This contributes to the formation of the professional mentality of the individual as a new type of professional with qualities that meet the modern requirements of Ukrainian and world society and the labor market. However, beyond the interest of researchers and developers remains a large complex of issues due to the specifics of learning in the conditions of a developed information and educational environment, in particular, the classification of information technologies of learning.


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Drozdova, I. P. (2010). Scientific bases offormation of the Ukrainian professional speech of students of non-philological faculties of high school. monograph.

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Mikitenko, N. O. (2011). Theoretical bases of formation of foreign language professional competence of future specialists of natural specialties.

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