Pedagogical conditions and stages of effective implementation of the formation model of the future teachers’ readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master’s training process

Awareness by teachers and students of the need to form the readiness of future teachers to create an image of an educational institution. An environment for the conversion of knowledge acquired by students of education into an image-creating activity.

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Дата добавления 25.06.2024
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Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko

Pedagogical conditions and stages of effective implementation of the formation model of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process

Mykola Lokhonya


Pedagogical conditions that contribute to increasing the level of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process have been identified and substantiated (awareness by teachers and students of the need to form the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process; content orientation of the educational components of the Educational Pedagogical Programm (EPP) "Pedagogy of the higher school” and extracurricular activities for the formation of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image; creation of an environment favorable for the conversion of knowledge and skills acquired by students into image-creating activities and stages of formation of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process (motivational, cognitive, professional-functional, diagnostically relevant).

Key words: pedagogical conditions, stages, model, formation, future teachers' readiness, creation, higher educational institution image, master's training process.


teacher image educational institution

Лохоня Микола

Педагогічні умови та етапи ефективної реалізації моделі формування готовності майбутніх викладачів до створення іміджу закладу вищої освіти в процесі магістерської підготовки

Отже, виділені нами педагогічні умови (усвідомлення викладачами і студентами необхідності формування готовності майбутніх викладачів до створення іміджу закладу вищої освіти у процесі магістерської підготовки; спрямованість змісту навчальних дисциплін та позанавчальних заходів на формування готовності майбутніх викладачів до створення позитивного іміджу закладу; створення середовища, сприятливого для конвертації набутих здобувачами освіти знань і умінь в іміджетворчу діяльність) та етапи формування готовності майбутніх викладачів до створення іміджу ЗВО (мотиваційно-когнітивний, професійно-діяльнісний, діагностично-релевантний) на нашу думку, є результативно-оптимальними, бо спрямовані на вирішення поставленого завдання - формування готовності майбутніх викладачів до створення іміджу закладу вищої освіти у процесі магістерської підготовки.

Означені педагогічні умови, що сприяють підвищенню рівнів сформованості готовності майбутніх викладачів до створення іміджу закладу вищої освіти у процесі магістерської підготовки (усвідомлення викладачами і студентами необхідності формування готовності майбутніх викладачів до створення іміджу закладу вищої освіти у процесі магістерської підготовки; спрямованість змісту освітніх компонентів ОПП «Педагогіка вищої школи» та позанавчальних заходів на формування готовності майбутніх викладачів до створення позитивного іміджу закладу; створення середовища, сприятливого для конвертації набутих здобувачами освіти знань і умінь в іміджетворчу діяльність).

Ключові слова: педагогічні умови, етапи, модель, формування, готовність майбутніх викладачів, імідж закладу вищої освіти, процес магістерської підготовки


The second decade of the XXI century was marked by acceleration of globalization, strengthening of international interaction and competition, and innovative changes in the world. New forms of organization of various spheres of social life have become widespread. Among them are the educational and research spheres, which together are responsible for the creation of the humanity future, the human capital formation and social progress. These and other processes require understanding and conceptualization, terminological and conceptual certainty and coherence. Education is one of the criterion requirements for the modern society development, the driving force of progressive social changes, it integrates a certain individual into the cultural space and, as a result, contributes to his creative evolution and the environment creative evolution. The current development stage of the education in Ukraine - the fulfilment of social orders and the improvement of the educational system quality is considered rational only under the condition of the involvement of creative highly professional specialists with high spiritual potential, a creative style of thinking and the ability to innovate and a conscious need for creative self-realization.

Implementation of new areas of educational development requires use innovative technologies, creative search for new or improved ones concepts, principles, approaches to education, significant changes in content, forms and methods of teaching, education, management of the educational process, as well as involves defining a number of pedagogical conditions and stages of effective implementation of the formation model of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process.

Analysis of relevant research

The concept interpretation of readiness for a certain activity type is considered in their academic's improvements by S. Honcharenko (student's professional readiness), A. Derkach (readiness to pedagogical activity), S. Maksymenko and A. Peleh (readiness for activity) and others. Questions related to the disclosure of pedagogical conditions are analyzed in detail in the educational process R. Gurova, F. Fedorova, D. Kozlov, Ye. Khrykov, O. Kozlova, V. Manko, P. Podkasisty, A. Sbruieva. Thus, the issues of pedagogical conditions effective implementation of the formation model of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process are becoming relevant nowadays.

The aim of the article

To highlight the pedagogical conditions of effective implementation of the formation model of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process.

Research methods

During scientific work disclosure an arsenal of theoretical and research methods was used: study, analysis, generalization and systematization of psychological-pedagogical, social-pedagogical, methodological sources on the specified problem of pedagogical conditions effective implementation of the formation model of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process and domestic and foreign high educational institutions' experience.


It is common knowledge that scientists interpret the term “condition” in different ways. Conditions are often seen as a circumstance or requirement. There is an interpretation of this concept and, as a rule, etc.

Pedagogical conditions are conditions created by the efforts of the educational institution staff to optimize the educational and extracurricular process; it is a system of interconnected actions, both mental and practical; algorithmization of processes that are aimed at solving pedagogical tasks of educational or professional training (Korolyov, 1997).

Pedagogical conditions in the professional pedagogy dictionary are defined as circumstances. It is emphasized that the pedagogical holistic process takes place in certain defined circumstances. The professional training effectiveness of the future specialists depends on these circumstances (Skoryk, Hrytsik, 2020).

According to the scientist H. Hainiuk, psychological and pedagogical conditions will contribute to the teacher's image formation, namely: promotion of the formation of pedagogical skills; mandatory basic professional-pedagogical training of students; implementation of the principles of continuity in professional training; organization of pedagogical support for the personality professional development of the future teacher; processes activation of educational and professional self-organization and self-improvement; promoting the development of the future teacher's professional and pedagogical culture (Hainiuk, Yehorova, 2021).

Based on the analysis of the professional training content of the future teachers, taking into account the social order, trends in the pedagogical education development, T. Poyasok and O. Bespartochna “identify the following psychological and pedagogical conditions that will contribute to increasing the formation effectiveness of the future teachers' positive professional image: 1) use of elements of career-oriented development; 2) updating the educational information content with knowledge about the psychological manifestation features of the signal complex in the perception and understanding of each other by the participants of pedagogical communication; 3) the use of the imageology means for the ethical and aesthetic design of the individual's appearance and self-presentation” (Poyasok, 2020, P. 256).

In our pedagogical research context, “pedagogical conditions” are circumstances created by the educational process participants, which contribute to the effective formation of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process. Of course, the implementation of the pedagogical conditions identified in the study is determined by the professional activity of the participants in the educational process of the higher education institution, who direct their influence on the students with the aim of forming the specified future specialists' integrative quality.

Pedagogical conditions for the of effective implementation of the formation model of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process were determined in our research on the morphological analysis basis. This process was carried out in stages: 1. analysis of scientific literature on the practice of to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process; 2) compilation of a list of pedagogical conditions necessary for effective implementation of the formation model of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process; 3) a survey of experts to identify pedagogical conditions that are a priority in this process; 4) substantiation of the identified pedagogical conditions by experts.

Summarizing the findings collected in this study course, it should be noted that the level of professional pedagogical knowledge, abilities and skills is not only relevant in the process of effective implementation of the formation model of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process. During professional training in higher education institutions, students must acquire the skills to organize people (participants in the educational process) and perform the role of an education manager, making and implementing certain management decisions regarding the creation of the higher educational institution image where they will work.

Professional training of future teachers to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process should be aimed, among other things, at forming the readiness of the future educator to create a positive image of higher education institutions. In order to find out under which pedagogical conditions the specified process will take place effectively, a survey of participants in the educational process who are involved in the professional training of future teachers (47 people) was conducted. They formulated pedagogical conditions that, in their opinion, will contribute to of effective implementation of the formation model of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process.

According to the results of the survey, 12 pedagogical conditions were identified, which were indicated by the majority of respondents in the questionnaires, namely:

teachers' and students' awareness of the need to prepare future teachers to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process (64%);

orientation of the educational disciplines content and extracurricular activities to formation model of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process (56%),

creation of an environment conducive to the conversion of knowledge and skills acquired by those who acquire education into image creating activities (52%).

providing motivation regarding self-education of future teachers on the issues of creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process and their own readiness to carry out this activity (47%);

taking into account the specifics of the organization of the educational process in higher education institutions under modern conditions in terms of the formation model of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image (42%);

use of information and communication technologies in professional training of education searchers (38%);

a student-centered approach to the readiness formation of the specified quality of future teachers (37%);

inclusion of education searchers in image-creating activities (35%);

involvement of future teachers in various forms of self-education, including image-creating activities (34%);

ensuring subject-subject relationships between education searchers and teachers of higher education institutions (29%);

the use of an individual learning trajectory with a practical orientation (26%);

the use of literary sources and information resources in the process of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process (17%).

Undoubtedly, the presented pedagogical conditions influence the formation of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process. At the same time, it should be noted that it is not possible to take them all into account in our pedagogical research course. That is why the three highest-rated pedagogical conditions were singled out, namely:

teachers' and students' awareness of the need to form the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process;

orientation of the educational disciplines content and extracurricular activities to the formation of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process;

creation of an environment conducive to the conversion of knowledge and skills acquired by future teachers in the master's training process.

The first pedagogical condition. In its selection, they called for the priority role of the positive motivation of education searchers and teachers in obtaining high results of professional training during master's studies. It has been found that one of the important tasks of the educational process in higher education institutions is the awareness of teachers and students of the need to prepare future teachers to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process.

We are sure that the first pedagogical condition - the awareness by teachers and students of the need to form the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process - can be implemented through the Intra-departmental seminar “Pedagogical guidance for the formation model of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process", in which future teachers are also involved. The scenario of the event presents the objectives of its holding, defines the key points of the moderators preparation, presents general information for moderators, foresees opportunities and difficulties during the meeting, highlights possible distracting factors, general and detailed plan of the meeting, proposals for the premises, conclusions.

Other measures, presented in the Comprehensive plan for the formation model of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process, will contribute to the creation of the first pedagogical conditions, namely:

the current image analysis (discussions at student self-government meetings);

guest lecture “On the history of formation of modern mass communication space”;

guest lecture “On the history of formation of modern mass communication space”;

open microphone “Success factors of higher education institutions”;

seminar - workshop “Advertising activity as a component of an educator's activity”;

open meeting of managers of higher educational institutions “Positive image begins with the manager's image”;

mini-case “Persuasive word for an applicant”;

panel discussion of the participants of the educational process “The image of the personnel of higher education institutions as the image component of the educational institution”;

workshop “Functions of participants in the simulation of higher education institutions”;

panel discussion “Basics in the activity of an image maker in the higher educational institution as one of the main participants in the modern socio-communication process”;

introductory and informational lecture practice “Legal and ethical restrictions in the field of impersonation in Ukraine and in the world”;

briefing of the student asset “Comfort level of higher educational institution”;

own comment “Image of the higher educational institution - super!” (student self-government project) and others.

The second organizational and pedagogical condition - the orientation of the educational disciplines content and extracurricular activities to the formation of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process - provides for supplementing the disciplines content that have potential opportunities for the formation of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process, with topics related to image creation, the implementation of measures in the extracurricular activities of this direction, which involve deepening knowledge, provide an understanding of the main problems of the image creation process of higher education institutions and awareness of this process consequences in the presence of certain risks. Increasing the level of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image while studying the discipline of the cycle of practical and professional training.

Among the activities that ensure the creation of the second pedagogical condition are the following: the seminar “Evolution of image creation as a trajectory of development in education”; a round table with the involvement of experts-practitioners “Specifics of functioning of modern mass media”; competition of projects of student initiatives; student self-government in the action “Step by step by the steps of “pairs”: risks of image-creating activity; thematic event “Image of higher education institutions as a its success perspective”; guest lecture “Objections, cautions and false stamps of formation of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image” and “Objections, warnings and false stamps of formation of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image”; implementation of student initiatives “Image Express”; a communication hour with the curator of the academic group “Master student's plan of education on the readiness formation to creation of the higher educational institution image”; workshop “Peculiarities of marketing in social networks as a component of the toolkit to creation of the higher educational institution image”; debate “Transformation of the image of higher educational institution in mass media”; leaders' workshop “Managing the image formation of higher education institutions is a super task”; team building “Education searcher - opinion leader about higher education” and others.

The use of modern Internet technologies without appeal is one of the priority tools for image formation of higher education institutions. At the same time, of course, the higher educational institution website is one of the priorities. Currently, the web page of the educational institution is the “face of the higher educational institution”.

The third organizational and pedagogical condition - creation of an environment favorable for the conversion of knowledge and skills acquired by education searchers into image-creating activity - involves the development of a comprehensive plan as a basis for organizing the educational process in the presented process plan.

It should be noted that the process of formation of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process involves a systematic, purposeful influence on the personality of the student of education. The realization of pedagogical conditions is facilitated by the implementation in practice of the Comprehensive plan for the formation of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process. The activities planning related to the formation of the specified quality of education searchers is distributed in this document in accordance with the promotion of the formation of defined pedagogical conditions. Measures contributing to the formation of a certain pedagogical condition of the educational environment of higher education institutions are presented in accordance with the formation stages of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image, namely: motivational- cognitive, professional-active, diagnostic-relevant.

It is appropriate to note that the comprehensive plan focuses on the formation of structural components of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image (personally-motivational, cognitively-operational, results-evaluative). The comprehensive plan includes diagnostic activities. Activities that are mainly focused on the formation of the third pedagogical condition found their place in this plan: classes with elements of the training “Your own portfolio: a dossier or the new achievements start for higher education institutions” (with the involvement of stakeholders); discussion of the initiative group “Choosing the place and type of outdoor advertising”; workshop “Ethics of image-creating activity: a modern view”; a round table of participants in the educational process “Implementation of the information policy of higher education institutions”; the debate “Factors of a successful career” from the standpoint of one's own image and the image of higher education institutions; press conference “Corporate image as a reflection of the values of higher educational institution”; discussion of career orientation work of the institution from the standpoint of forming its image “Points of contact of higher education institutions with customers of educational services”; functioning of the higher educational institution website; formation of the image-creating case of higher educational institution “Image category as a comprehensive category”; student forum “Let's unite for the sake of a positive image of the Alma Mater!”; briefing “Pages of higher educational institution and their subsections in social networks”; master class “Case situations in action: initiate, implement!”; rating achievements evaluation “View from the side: alternative results”; team building “Navigator of one's own contribution to the formation of higher educational institution”; observations of independent experts “The image of higher education institutions in the eyes of the participants of the educational process”; interactive forum “Modern institution of higher education: image and social perspectives” and webquest “Formation of the higher educational institution image: the future teacher's view”.

The proposed Comprehensive Plan for the formation of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process ensures the activities unity of all participants in the educational process, education searchers, pedagogical and scientific- pedagogical workers, teachers of professional disciplines, managers of industrial practice, stakeholders, graduates institution, partners, etc… In general, implementation of the Comprehensive Plan developed by the author, the goals and objectives of the activities of all directions of the functioning of higher education institutions, which are aimed at the formation of favorable pedagogical conditions, are agreed upon.


So, highlighted pedagogical conditions (awareness by teachers and students of the need to formation of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process; the orientation of the educational disciplines content and extracurricular activities to the formation of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process; creation of an environment favorable for conversion of the knowledge and skills acquired by the students of education into image-creating activity), in our opinion, are optimal in terms of results, because they are aimed at solving the task - formation of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process. And conducting a ascertaining and formative experiment is a logical continuation of our research.

Prospects of the further research. The further research prospects include the scientific grounding of the innovative technologies of effective implementation of the formation model of the future teachers' readiness to creation of the higher educational institution image in the master's training process.


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3. Korolyov, O. (1997). Professional development of novice teachers of a military high school. Extended abstract of candidate's thesis. Khmelnytskyi, 1997. 18 p. [in Ukrainian].

4. Lafuente-Ruiz-de-Sabando, A., Zorrilla, P. and Forcada, J. (2018). A review of higher education image and reputation literature: Knowledge gaps and a research agenda. European research on management and business economics. 24 (1). 816. [in English].

5. Poyasok, T.B., Bespartochna, O.I. (2020). Formation of a positive image of the future teacher of a higher school as a component of his professional training. Bulletin of the Alfred Nobel University. Series “Pedagogy and Psychology”. No. 2 (20). P. 251-258 p. [in Ukrainian].

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