Formation of professional skills and business career management of future library students

Formation of professional skills and effective career management of future librarian students in the context of the modern information society. Competencies of future librarians: information literacy, organizational skills and communication skills.

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National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”

Department of Document Studies and Ukrainian Language

Formation of professional skills and business career management of future library students

Shlenova M.Н., PhD in Philol., Ass. Professor


In today's educational context, it is crucial to develop professional skills and effectively manage the career of future library students. This article analyzes various aspects of this problem, paying special attention to strategies aimed at successful career development in the library field. The authors substantiate the importance of these aspects in the context of the modern information society and the dynamic development of the library industry. This article explores the basic competencies re-quired by future librarians, including information literacy, technological, organizational, and effective communication skills. This article examines teaching methods aimed at developing these skills, such as practical exercises, advanced training courses, internships, and mentoring. This article analyzes the results of a study con-ducted among students majoring in Information, Library, and Archival Science, which aims to study the interest of future librarians in planning their careers. A total of 64 third- and fourth-year bachelor's and second-year master's students participated in the study. The survey, which was conducted in October 2023 using a Google form, was aimed at identifying students' intentions to find employment in their professional field, their professional skills, and motivation to learn additional competencies. The findings of this study indicate the need to focus on the management of future librarians' business careers. This involves developing educational programs that meet the current requirements of the labor market and providing students with opportunities to develop not only professional but also personal skills. This approach will help increase the competitiveness of graduates and the development of the library industry as a whole.

Key words: business career, business career management, professional skills development, future student librarians.


Формування професійних навичок та управління діловою кар'єрою майбутніх студентів бібліотечної справи

У сучасному освітньому контексті вирішальним є формування професійних навичок та ефективне управління кар'єрою майбутніх студентів-бібліотекарів. Стаття аналізує різноманітні аспекти цієї проблеми, звертаючи особливу увагу на стратегії, спрямовані на успішний розвиток професійної кар'єри в бібліотечній сфері. Автори обґрунтовують важливість цих аспектів в контексті сучасного інформаційного суспільства та динамічного розвитку бібліотечної галузі. У статті досліджується основні компетенції, необхідні майбутнім бібліотекарям, зокрема інформаційну грамотність, технологічні навички, організаційні здібності та вміння ефективно спілкуватися. Стаття розглядає методики навчання, спрямовані на розвиток цих навичок, такі як практичні вправи, курси підвищення кваліфікації, стажування та менторство.

У статті аналізуються результати дослідження, проведеного серед студентів спеціальності «Інформаційна, бібліотечна та архівна справа», яке спрямоване на вивчення зацікавленості майбутніх бібліотекарів у плануванні своєї кар'єри. Загалом у дослідженні взяли участь 64 студенти третього та четвертого курсів бакалавріату та другого курсу магістратури. Опитування, яке про водилося у жовтні 2023 року за допомогою Гугл-форми, мало на меті дізнатися про наміри студентів щодо працевлаштування у своїй професійній сфері, їхні професійні навички та мотивацію для навчання додаткових компетенцій.

Висновки дослідження вказують на необхідність акцентування уваги на управлінні діловою кар'єрою майбутніх бібліотекарів. Це передбачає розробку освітніх програм, що відповідають сучасним вимогам ринку праці, та надання студентам можливостей для розвитку не лише професійних, а й особистісних навичок. Такий підхід сприятиме підвищенню конкурентоспроможності випускників та розвитку бібліотечної галузі в цілому.

Ключові слова: ділова кар'єра, управління діловою кар'єрою, формування професійних навичок, майбутні студент-бібліотекари.

Formulation of the problem

In the context of modern realities associated with the martial law in Ukraine, effective management of archives and libraries personnel is important for the successful implementation of the state development strategy. Despite the importance of this sphere, we face significant problems in staffing. Most library staff are at or close to retirement age. The declining prestige of the librarian's profession among young people is partly caused by insufficient information policy.

Modern libraries are undergoing significant transformations in the digital environment, which places increased professional demands on librarians. However, these changes are not always reflected in public opinion, which affects young people's choice of profession. An effective solution to these problems involves not only improving information policy but also actively influencing the perception of the librarian profession in society. Strategies for attracting young people into the field should consider the current challenges and changes occurring in the professional environment of libraries.

In the context of research in the field of library science, especially among students of specialty 029 “Information, Library and Archival Studies”, it is recognized the need to begin the process of professional development and motivation from the first year of university is recognized. This process includes training in the skills of digitalization and interaction with neural networks and other modern technologies, which are necessary for successful activity in the field of library science. Fostering the formation of highly qualified professionals in the field of library science who are able to effectively manage information resources in today's digital society is the basis of this approach.

Publications analyses. Analysis of the literature on business career management has revealed the relevance of this topic, but there is a noticeably limited number of studies devoted to specialists in the field of librarianship. In our opinion, this is due to insufficient realization of the importance of business career management for the professional growth and development of library staff.

General issues of business career management have been investigated in the scientific works of Bil- ous [1], Grishnova [2], Ivantsevychi [3], Koloskova [4;5], Lukashevych [6], and Saveleva [18].

In the scientific literature, there are quite a few definitions of career. For example, Grishnova O. considers that “career is a fast, successful, progressive promotion by inverse labor (professional) way, which presupposes the achievement of esteem, popularity, fame in its own stake and/or material benefit by their own forces, for the maximum use of their skills, professional mastery and personal qualities” [2]. Management of business career for Saveleva V. is “purposeful activity of personnel service in the development of professional abilities of a person, accumulation of professional growth and its rational use, both for the benefit of the employee and for the benefit of the organization” [11].

Ivantsevychi D. considers several issues related to the human resource management system, workflow design, planning and staffing, selection of the most capable and suitable for work, formation of an effective training system, etc.

Bilous V. emphasizes the skills of a modern librarian, namely, the role and importance of project activities in the innovative development of the library of a higher education institution. The author also explores the experience of libraries in writing projects and implementing the results in practice.

Lukashevych M. investigate the main problems of management and self-management of a business career and propose social mechanisms and technologies for the management and self-management of a social worker's career.

Formulating the goals of the article. The purpose of our study is to consider the practical aspects of the management of the business career of future librarians, specifics of professional development activities of universities and libraries in this area in order to form and rejuvenate the staff, as well as to develop measures that will be aimed at motivating the graduate of specialty 029 “Information, library and archival law” for realization in professional activity.

Hence, we can conclude that a career is the sum of two factors: first, the desire of the employee to realize his/her professional goals and achieve success, and second, the interest of the organization in the promotion of its employees. We believe that it is necessary to lay the foundation from the first years of university, when students have just made their choice in favor of this specialty. We would like to note that the motivation of students in the first years of study is not high, so from the very beginning of training, the teaching staff needs to orient the student more to the future professional activity, to form a whole range of competencies that are laid down in the educational standard of specialty 029, to popularize a positive image of the profession, and to motivate self-improvement and self-education.

Presentation of the main material of the study

professional information organizational future librarian

In the modern scientific literature, there are two types of careers: horizontal and vertical. A career is an employee's life path that goes through several successive stages, from training and employment to professional development and retirement. An employee can also go through these stages both in the same organization and in different organizations. An intra-organizational career covers the continuum of stages of employee development within an organization. a vertical career is a rise to a higher level of the structural hierarchy; a horizontal career is a move to another functional area of activity or a specific job role at a stage in the organizational structure that is not strictly formalized (for example, as the head of a temporary task force, program, etc.).

Interest in planning the business career of future librarians led to a small study in the form of an anonymous survey, which was attended by 3rd and 4th year bachelor's and 2nd year master's students of specialty 029 “Information, Library and Archival Studies” of National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”. A total of 64 people took part in the survey, who provided written consent to participate in the survey and to process their personal data. The survey was conducted in October 2023 using a Google form. The questionnaire offered the following closed-ended questions:

1. Do you plan to work in your specialty after graduation?

2. Do you have certain professional skills that are in accordance with your future profession in the field of study?

3. Are you motivated to acquire additional professional skills in your specialty (through self-education or continuing education at the next educational level)?

The proposed answers were as follows: agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, neither disagree nor agree, and disagree.

The analysis of the answers to the questionnaire showed the following results:



neither agree nor disagree

neither disagree nor agree, disagree








neither agree nor disagree

neither disagree nor agree, disagree








neither agree nor disagree

neither disagree nor agree, disagree






Only 28% of students are definitely going to work in their specialty, 36% have developed professional skills, and 34% have motivation. However, among those who were undecided, the majority were still more inclined to answer positively than negatively. The survey results show that most students do not plan to work in their specialty, although they have developed skills and motivation for self-study. Their choice is probably influenced by the economic component (minimum wage in the industry) and the image component (low attractiveness of the profession).

Based on the results, we can conclude that more attention should be paid to managing the business career of future librarians, particularly the development of personal and professional skills. To do this, it is necessary to develop educational programs that meet the requirements of the modern labor market and teach the skills and knowledge needed in specific areas of activity.

Future professionals should set a career goal and outline the steps to be taken to achieve it. Teachers and stakeholders must develop the professional skills required in the chosen field. Programs and courses need to be built with the latest technologies, and scientific seminars and workshops need to be organized to help develop the professional skills of future specialists. Experience is an important vector in planning a business career, which is why representatives of educational programs need to introduce internships, volunteering, and participation in student organizations into the educational process. The main lever is networking-meeting people who work in the chosen field, they can help you find a job and give advice on career growth.


To manage and develop a future career, we have developed the following steps: gaining work experience in the specialty and developing interpersonal skills: students can work on developing communication, leadership, project management, etc. This will help to increase their professional value in the respective field; developing creativity: we try to develop creative approaches to working with information, in particular, by developing new methods and tools for organizing and storing information; following industry trends: students are aware of news and trends in the respective field.


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