Moderation techniques as an important component of successful foreign language teaching

Analysis of methods of moderation in foreign language classes (group projects, online discussions, role-playing games). Form of improving the professional competence of teachers. Role of self-control and consciousness in the process of its development.

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Moderation techniques as an important component of successful foreign language teaching

Shenderuk Olena Borysivna, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department, Perminova Vladyslava Anatoliivna PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department, Lytvyn Svitlana Volodymyrivna PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Foreign Philology Department, Chernihiv Polytechnic National University


The article explores the concept of moderation and its impact on foreign language learning. Moderation is considered to be an important component of successful learning in general and foreign language learning in particular, as it helps to find a balance between different aspects of learning, avoid extremism and exercise self-control. This article provides an interdisciplinary analysis of the concept "moderation". Thus, in the social sciences, this phenomenon means the process of controlling and regulating the influence of one factor on another. In the context of Internet technologies, this concept refers to the process of controlling and managing content posted on social networking platforms, forums, and chat rooms. In medicine, moderation can mean the body's ability to regulate certain physiological processes. In pedagogy and methodology, moderation is considered to be a method that, in a relaxed collegial atmosphere and with the independent participation of each participant, allows for purposeful, effective and constructive consideration of topics, problems and tasks, focusing on their content.

The article analyses effective methods of moderation in foreign language classes (discussion moderation, group projects, online discussions, role-playing games). It is established that moderation is a comprehensive form of improving the professional competence of teachers, which is interconnected with other forms of methodological work, which it does not reject, but only enriches. Relevant conclusions are drawn about the impact of moderation in foreign language classes; the role of the teacher and the student in this process in the process of learning foreign languages, as well as practical strategies that can be used to develop moderation skills and the role of self-control and consciousness in the process of moderation development.

Keywords: moderation, moderation methods, foreign language learning, the role of the teacher and the student, practical strategies, self-control and consciousness.


Методика модерації як важлива складова успішного навчання іноземній мові

Шендерук Олена Борисівна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри, Пермінова Владислава Анатолівна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри, Литвин Світлана Володимирівна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, завідувач кафедри іноземної філології, Національний університет «Чернігівська політехніка»

В статті досліджується концепція модерації та її вплив на вивчення іноземної мови. Модерація вважається важливою складовою успішного навчання взагалі та іноземної мови зокрема, оскільки допомагає знаходити баланс між різними аспектами навчання, уникати екстремізму та здійснювати самоконтроль. В статті здійснено міждисциплінарний аналіз поняття “модерація”. Так, у соціальних науках, даний феномен означає процес контролю та регулювання впливу одного фактора на інший. У контексті інтернет-технологій, це поняття відноситься до процесу контролю та управління вмістом, що розміщується на платформах соціальних мереж, форумах, чат-кімнатах. У медицині, модерація може означати здатність організму регулювати певні фізіологічні процеси. В педагогіці та методиці модерація вважається методом, який у невимушеній колегіальній атмосфері та за самостійної участі кожного учасника дозволяє цілеспрямовано, ефективно та конструктивно розглядати теми, проблеми і задачі, зосередившись на їхньому змісті. Проаналізовано ефективні методи модерацції на заняттях іноземної мови (модерація дискусій, групові проєкти, онлайн-обговорення, рольові ігри).

Встановлено, що модерація є комплексною формою підвищення професійної компетентності педагогів, що взаємопов'язана з іншими формами методичної роботи, які вона не відкидає, а лише збагачує. Зроблені відповідні висновки про вплив модерації на заняттях іноземної мови; роль викладача та студента у даному процесі під час вивчення іноземних мов, а також представлені практичні стратегії, які можна використовувати для розвитку навичок модерації та розкрито роль самоконтролю та свідомості в процесі розвитку модерації.

Ключові слова: модерація, методи модерацції, вивчення іноземної мови, роль викладача та студента, практичні стратегії, самоконтроль та свідомість.


In today's world, where consumerism and the constant search for instant gratification prevail, moderation is more necessary than ever before. It helps us to maintain sanity, find balance and make conscious decisions that contribute to our well-being and success. The method of moderation in foreign language classes is relevant and effective. It allows you to create a comfortable and favourable atmosphere for learning, where each student can freely express their thoughts and ideas. The moderation technique helps to ensure equal participation of students in the dialogue, promotes the development of communication skills and self-confidence. Moreover, moderation allows the use of creative teaching methods, such as role-playing, debates and project work, which makes classes more interesting and engaging. Thus, the method of moderation in foreign language classes is relevant and important for achieving success in learning.

The aim of the article is to explore the concept of moderation and its impact on foreign language learning.

The main part. Moderation is a concept that is used in different contexts and has different meanings in different scientific disciplines. Thus, in the social sciences, moderation means the process of controlling and regulating the influence of one factor on another. For example, in social psychology, moderation is used to study what factors can change the effect of one psychological factor on another. Research in this area may include studying the effects of age, gender, personality characteristics, etc. on the relationship between two psychological factors.

In the context of Internet technologies, moderation refers to the process of controlling and managing content posted on social media platforms, forums, chat rooms, etc. Moderators play the role of enforcing rules, removing inappropriate or harmful content, and ensuring the safety and comfort of users.

In medicine, moderation can refer to the body's ability to regulate certain physiological processes. For example, moderation in food consumption refers to the ability to control the quantity and quality of food.

Scholars from various fields, such as social psychology, information technology, and medicine, who have studied the concept of moderation include James A. Baron, Sheldon Cohen, John Lauckas, Kate Miller, Lorenzo Giorgi, and many others.

The term "moderation" comes from the Italian "moderare", which means "to soften", "weaken", "restrain". In the modern sense, moderation is understood as a special interactive learning technology that makes group work of the student audience more focused and structured. Or, more specifically, moderation is a method that, in a relaxed collegial atmosphere and with the independent participation of each participant, allows for purposeful, effective and constructive consideration of topics, problems and tasks, focusing on their content [1].

In the national pedagogical literature, the concepts of "moderation" and "moderator" first appeared in connection with the analysis of German practice and traditions of staff development. Moderation is described as an educational technology in the works of such scholars as T. Avetova, G. Borisova, S. Zhezlova, K. Klebert, L. Kosova, T. Panina, I. Schroeder and others. The theoretical analysis shows that the concept "moderation" can be used in several ways, namely:

1) as a form of adult professional development;

2) as a set of methods for organising work with students;

3) as an educational technology;

4) as a didactic method.

German researchers define moderation as "a certain principle of action that will help you keep your team together, systematise energy and ideas to work towards common goals".

According to the researcher I. Zarubinska, the main ideas and principles of interactive learning are most fully implemented in such a form of organisation of educational activities as moderation, which was developed in Germany in the 70s of the twentieth century and is still widely used in improving the professional competence of specialists, including teachers [2].

Moderation is focused on problem-based learning

This is a method that allows for purposeful, effective and constructive consideration of topics, problems and tasks in a free collegial atmosphere and with the independent participation of each participant, focusing on their content. Conducting a class in the form of moderation has a number of advantages over traditional forms. It allows all participants to concentrate on the essence, critically intervene in reality, and the results are clear to all participants. Moderation increases the level of communication and discussion culture, motivation of the student audience, and teamwork efficiency [1].

Moderation is a method that, in a relaxed collegial atmosphere and with the independent participation of each participant, allows for the purposeful, effective and constructive consideration of topics, problems and tasks, focusing on their content [1]. Moderator questions should be based on the experience of the participants, not on their knowledge. Moderation improves the level of communication and discussion culture, the motivation of the student audience, and the effectiveness of teamwork. It helps to eliminate the contradiction between those who teach and those who learn. This teaching method, despite its apparent simplicity, is focused on the integrity of knowledge and the possibility of applying it without leaving the classroom, and the principles on which it is based are somewhat different from those that are rooted in our education. The use of the moderation methodology offers a real opportunity to contrast self-expression and individual development with imposition from above; freedom of action with internal discipline; learning by experience with learning through teachers and textbooks; making the most of the opportunities of the present with preparation for the near or distant future; acquiring certain skills and abilities as a means to an end with acquiring them through exercises and training; and getting to know the dynamic world with unchanging goals and facts.

Through moderation, actively using the individual professional experience of the participants, an attempt is made to solve certain problems of the higher education institution, the teacher and to organise the process of improving the professional skills of the teacher and the student. One of the main tasks of moderation is to analyse, comprehend, assimilate best pedagogical practices, transfer them theoretically and informally, and develop them in a new situation.

The most important function of a moderator is to mediate between teachers and the content of modern relevant information, between people with different views on the educational process, between experts and amateurs. The term "moderator" is associated with such qualities as intuition, the ability to hold a conversation or discussion, flexibility, and diplomacy. A moderator prepares a scenario for discussing a problem in advance to focus the discussion on relevant issues. Their role is to initiate the processes of learning new things, to actualise teachers' desire to improve their pedagogical skills, self-education and management of these processes. The moderator may not be involved in the content of the discussion and may not be its leader or presenter, but he or she is responsible for its organisation, adherence to the rules, and maintaining a dynamic balance in the group.

The moderator's activity is characterised by some peculiarities. He/she - does not evaluate either the participants' statements or their style of behaviour. For him, there is no such thing as "right" or "wrong" when moderating, as he is not guided by his own opinion, purpose, or values;

- he asks questions rather than leads the discussion. With the help of questions, he/she activates the group, helps its members to be open to the topic and to each other;

- is aware of his/her own strengths and weaknesses, takes responsibility, and helps participants to respond with awareness of their own responsibility;

- does not discuss the moderation methodology, but applies it [3].

The authors of the idea of using moderation in the process of improving the professional competence of teachers (P. Braunek, U. Dauscher, R. Urbanek) propose the following algorithm of activity: 1. Introduction. 2. Orientation. 3. Processing the problem. 4. Fixing the results. 5. Summing up the results.

Based on the ideas of synergy and sharing the opinion of many scientists about the possibility of using moderation to improve the professional competence of modern and future teachers, we understand moderation as a complex phenomenon and believe that the advantage of this method is the possibility of using it in the process of teaching any discipline. Moderation has a number of common elements in comparison with group work, training forms of education, business games, but unlike them, it is conducted in a somewhat "softer" mode.

It should be noted that an important element of the moderation process is visualisation, which helps participants follow the conversation and summarise its results. In normal conversational situations, we use only one of the five channels of perception, and with the help of an additional visual representation, participants are given the opportunity to actively co-create by increasing their attention span, making it easier to understand complex relationships and retaining information in their memory for longer. There are no boundaries when using visualisations as they facilitate a better understanding of new information.

Moderation as a comprehensive form of improving the professional competence of teachers is interconnected with other forms of methodological work and does not reject them, but only enriches them. Methodological seminars remain one of the main forms of methodological work in higher education institutions, where new regulatory documents, learning outcomes, opportunities to improve the organisation of teaching and learning activities, modern teaching concepts and best pedagogical practices are discussed.

The moderation methodology is intended to actualise the need for teachers and students to analyse the work of an advanced teacher, highlight the essential aspects and, if possible, present it as a teaching technology.

The pedagogical direction in the work of the training laboratory is the ability of the moderator to influence the minds of teachers and students, to understand the need to master and use new pedagogical technologies in their work. The moderator should demonstrate the advantages of the educational process based on modern pedagogical theories, compare it with traditional education, which no longer allows to fully fulfil the task of developing the student's personality in accordance with his or her abilities.

The scientific direction in the work of the training laboratory arose in connection with the reform of the higher education system and requires the moderator's ability to organise the work on writing author's programmes, manuals, guidelines, materials for control and self-control of knowledge, as well as adaptation of standard programmes to the conditions of the educational process in the credit- module system of education.

It should be emphasised that the experience of the new model of the methodological service is still being formed, but it can already be argued that the described moderation methodology contributes to the growth of the professional competence of teaching staff.

We hope that the non-traditional model of the university methodological service, which uses the ideas of synergy and moderation, will allow us to radically change approaches to defining the goals, objectives and content of higher education, as well as shift the focus of teachers and students from direct knowledge acquisition to professional attitudes and development.

Moderation, as a teaching strategy, promotes students' active involvement in the language process, the development of their speech, vocabulary and grammatical skills. Studying a foreign language at university requires active participation of students in the language process and the development of their speech and language competences. The use of moderation in foreign language classes can be an effective tool for achieving these goals. The impact of moderation on the development of language competences: Research showing how moderation contributes to the development of language competences such as listening, reading, writing and speaking. Moderation is also important for the development of language confidence and communication skills.

Moderation helps to actively engage students in the language process, develop their speech, vocabulary and grammatical skills. The use of moderation in the foreign language classroom can help improve students' language confidence and communication skills. Understanding and implementing moderation can help teachers to create a stimulating and effective learning environment for the development of students' speech and language competences.

It can be useful in foreign language classes to ensure effective learning and stimulate student engagement. Here are some examples of how moderation can be used in such classes:

1. Moderating discussions: Use moderation to manage class discussions. Suggest a topic for discussion and then act as a moderator to keep the conversation flowing, the rules of communication in place, and the balance between participants.

2. Moderating group projects: Divide students into groups to work on projects together. Act as a moderator, providing direction and orientation to the groups, and monitoring the level of activity and the distribution of tasks among participants.

3. Moderation of online discussions: Use online discussion platforms where students can share their thoughts and ideas. Act as a moderator, answering questions, encouraging active participation and providing constructive feedback.

4. Moderating role-playing games: Use role-playing to practice speaking and use language skills. Act as a moderator, providing direction and control over the rules of the game, and ensuring balance between participants.

These examples demonstrate how moderation can be used to stimulate engagement and effective learning in a foreign language classroom. It is important to strike a balance between control and stimulation so that students have the opportunity to express their thoughts and ideas independently.

There are several studies that show how moderation can contribute to the development of students' speech and language competences. Here are some examples of such studies:

1. Research by Lindsay Harris (North Illinois University) has shown that moderating discussions in foreign language classes helps to develop students' critical thinking and speaking skills. Students who participated in moderated discussions showed better results in public speaking skills and the ability to argue their opinions. The study examined the impact of moderation and students' engagement and cooperation during discussion sessions. The results showed that moderation helps to increase student engagement, increase the level of cooperation and improve the quality of discussions. They also found that moderation helps to engage all learners in the discussion, regardless of their level of knowledge or skills [4].

2. A study by Wen Li, Ziying Huang (2016) found that moderating group projects in foreign language classes promotes learners' cooperation and communication skills. The students who worked in groups with a moderator showed better results in collaborative work and the ability to communicate effectively [5].

3. Chen Li's (2018) study found that moderating online discussions in foreign language classes promotes the development of writing skills and argumentation ability. Learners who participated in moderated discussions performed better in writing structured and argumentative texts [6].

These studies confirm that moderation can be an effective tool for developing students' speech and language competences in foreign language classes. It promotes active participation of students, stimulates their communicative interaction and facilitates the development of critical thinking and argumentation.

Presentation of specific strategies and methods that can be used to implement moderation in foreign language classes. Here are some practical strategies you can use to develop your moderation skills:

1. Set a goal: Set yourself a specific goal that you want to achieve in relation to your moderation. For example, perhaps you want to spend less time on social media or control your information consumption.

2. Create a schedule: Plan your time and determine when and how much time you will devote to different activities. For example, set time limits for social media or determine when you will watch the news.

3. Use technology: Use technology to help you with moderation. For example, there are apps that can help you monitor time spent on different websites or apps.

4. Practice mindful consumption: Be mindful of what you consume. Instead of reacting directly to news or messages, try to stop and ask yourself if you really need it and if it is beneficial.

5. Set boundaries: Set boundaries for yourself and be prepared to give up some things that don't meet your moderation goals. For example, you may decide not to browse social media during work hours or set time limits for smartphone use.

6. Engage in alternative activities: Instead of spending a lot of time on social media or watching the news, try engaging in other healthy activities such as reading, sports or art.

7. Constantly evaluate your progress: Regularly evaluate your progress and identify what is working for you and what needs to be improved. Don't be afraid to make changes to your strategies if you find that they are not working for you.

Fig. 1. Practical strategies for development moderation skills.

Self-control is the ability to control one's actions, reactions and impulses. In the context of moderation, self-control helps to refrain from overconsumption, spending too much time on social media or other activities that may interfere with achieving your goals. This may include the ability to say no to unnecessary things, the ability to manage your time and energy, and to focus on important tasks.

Consciousness is the awareness of one's thoughts, emotions and actions. In the context of moderation, mindfulness helps us recognise when we are in a state of overconsumption or spending too much time on a particular activity. It allows us to be attentive to our needs, values and goals, and to make conscious decisions about how we use our time and resources.

Developing self-control and awareness can be achieved through practice and the conscious use of various strategies. For example, regular meditation can help you focus and recognise your thoughts and emotions. Setting goals and creating a schedule can help you manage your time and resources. Using technology, such as time management apps, can provide you with additional support in meeting your moderation goals.

Overall, self-control and awareness are key factors in developing moderation skills. Combining these with the strategies I have previously outlined can help you achieve balance and control in your consumption and use of resources.

Language teachers and students play an important role in the moderation process. Foreign language teachers can be a source of information and support for students in learning a language with moderation. They can provide students with the necessary resources, materials and tools to help them develop moderation skills. Teachers can also use methods and strategies that promote a balanced and moderate approach to language learning, such as allocating time for different types of exercises, using a variety of information sources and varying the tasks.

Students should also play an active role in the moderation process. They need to be aware of their needs, goals and limitations and make wise decisions about how they use their time and resources for language learning. Learners can regulate their own activity, set goals, create schedules and use self-monitoring strategies to achieve balance in their learning. They can also turn to teachers and other students for support, advice and collaborative discussion of moderation strategies.

Therefore, language teachers and students have a shared responsibility in the moderation process [7]. Teachers can provide support, resources and techniques, while students need to be aware of their needs and use self-monitoring strategies to achieve balance and moderation in their language learning.

moderation language discussion self-control


In summary, moderation is a method that, in a relaxed collegial atmosphere and with the independent participation of each participant, allows for the purposeful, effective and constructive consideration of topics, problems and tasks, focusing on their content. This technique is an important element of our lives that helps us find balance and achieve success and happiness. This article shows that moderation has a positive impact on physical and psychological health, and provides practical advice on how to develop moderation skills. We consider moderation to be a complex phenomenon and believe that the advantage of this method is that it can be used in the teaching of any academic discipline in general and a foreign language in particular. Moderation has a number of common elements in comparison with group work, training forms of education, and business games. In foreign language classes, it contributes to the development of speech and language competences. Practical strategies that can be used to develop moderation skills (setting goals, creating a schedule, using technology, etc.) are presented. The role of self-control and consciousness as key factors in the process of moderation development is considered.


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2. Zarubinska I.B. (2010). Moderatsiia yak forma rozvytku sotsialnoi kompetentnosti studentiv vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv [Moderation as a Form of Development of Social Competence of Higher Education Students]. Theoretical and methodological problems of education of children and students, 14, 586-596 [in Ukrainian].

3. Bovt D., Losieva N. Zastosuvannia idei moderatsii u roboti navchalnoi laboratorii klasychnoho universytetu [Application of moderation ideas in the work of a classical university laboratory]. [in Ukrainian].

4. Harris L.N., Lech I.B. Language modularity. Encyclopedia of evolutionary psychological science. [in English].

5. Wen Li, Ziying Huang. The research of influence factors of online behavioral advertising avoidance. [ in English].

6. Baillon, Aurelien, Han Bleichrodt, Umut Keskin, Olivier l'Haridon, Chen Li. The effect of learning on ambiguity attitudes. Management Science, Vol. 64:5, 2181-2198: [ in English].

7. N.L. Yugan, S.E. Dvoryanchikova, Formation of "Critical Thinking" competence in Ukrainian students. Innovative university and leadership: project and micro-projects - III. Warsaw: Widzial "Artes Liberales" UW, 2019. P. 345-354.


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4. Harris L.N., Lech I.B. Language modularity. Encyclopedia of evolutionary psychological science.

5. Wen Li, Ziying Huang. The research of influence factors of online behavioral advertising avoidance.

6. Baillon, Aurelien, Han Bleichrodt, Umut Keskin, Olivier l'Haridon, Chen Li. The effect of learning on ambiguity attitudes. Management Science, Vol. 64:5, pp. 2181-2198.

7. Юган Н.Л., Дворянчикова С.Є., Формування компетентності «Критичне мислення» в українських студентів. Інноваційний університет і лідерство: проект і мікропроекти - III. Варшава: Widzial “Artes Liberales” UW, 2019. С. 345-354.

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