Principles of innovative pedagogical activity in higher education institutions

Challenges for higher education institutions related to technological changes and the needs of the labor market. Innovative pedagogical approaches in quality training of future highly qualified specialists. Creating a favorable environment for innovation.

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Дата добавления 17.06.2024
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Department of Humanities and Social Disciplines

Poltava State Agrarian University

Principles of innovative pedagogical activity in higher education institutions

Matviienko L.H., PhD in Ped., Ass. Professor



In today's educational environment, higher education institutions face challenges related to rapid technological change and growing labour market needs. An analysis of the problems of modern higher education has shown that innovative teaching is becoming a key factor in increasing the competitiveness of universities and ensuring high-quality training. However, there are problems related to the lack of approaches and methods that meet the needs of modern society, as well as insufficient preparation of teaching staff for innovative activities.

An additional problem is the lack of effective mechanisms for assessing the effectiveness of innovation initiatives and the lack of financial support for the implementation of innovations. Achieving success in this area requires a comprehensive approach and the interaction of all participants in the educational process.

To solve these problems, it is necessary to consider and systematize the principles of innovative pedagogical activity in the educational process. The key principles are creating a favorable environment for innovation, support from management and stimulating initiative, involving students in research activities and cooperation with practitioners. These principles are aimed at improving the quality of education and training competitive professionals capable of effectively implementing innovations in the learning process.

This article examines practical examples of the use of these principles in higher education, which contribute to the successful implementation of innovative pedagogical approaches. In addition, the author presents arguments about the benefits of using innovative pedagogical approaches in higher education, in particular, to increase student motivation, improve the quality of education and prepare qualified personnel for the labor market. It is noted that the successful implementation of these principles requires systematic support from the management of the educational institution, active participation of the teaching staff and involvement of students in the process of developing and implementing innovative ideas. Thus, the article provides not only a theoretical analysis of the principles of innovative pedagogical activity, but also practical recommendations for their successful application in higher education.

Key words: innovative pedagogical activity, higher education, principles, teaching, students, teachers, research, cooperation, efficiency.


Принципи інноваційної педагогічної діяльності у вищих навчальних закладах

Матвієнко Л.Г., к.п.н., доцент кафедри гуманітарних і соціальних дисциплін, Полтавський державний аграрний університет, Полтава

У сучасному освітньому середовищі вищі навчальні заклади стикаються з викликами, пов'язаними зі швидкими технологічними змінами та зростаючими потребами ринку праці. Аналіз проблем сучасної вищої освіти показав, що інноваційне навчання стає ключовим фактором підвищення конкурентоспроможності закладів вищої освіти та забезпечення якісної підготовки фахівців. Однак існують проблеми, пов'язані з відсутністю підходів і методів, що відповідають потребам сучасного суспільства, а також недостатньою підготовкою викладацького складу до інноваційної діяльності. Додатковою проблемою є відсутність дієвих механізмів оцінки ефективності інноваційних ініціатив та недостатнє фінансове забезпечення впровадження інновацій. Досягнення успіху в цій сфері потребує комплексного підходу та взаємодії всіх учасників освітнього процесу. Для вирішення цих проблем необхідно розглянути та систематизувати принципи інноваційної педагогічної діяльності в освітньому процесі. Ключовими принципами є створення сприятливого середовища для інновацій, підтримка з боку керівництва та стимулювання ініціативи, залучення студентів до науково-дослідницької діяльності та співпраця з практиками. Ці принципи спрямовані на підвищення якості освіти та підготовку конкурентоспроможних фахівців, здатних ефективно впроваджувати інновації в навчальний процес. У статті розглядаються практичні приклади використання принципів інноваційної діяльності у вищій освіті, які сприяють успішному впровадженню інноваційних педагогічних підходів. Крім того, автор наводить аргументи щодо переваг використання інноваційних педагогічних підходів у вищій освіті, зокрема, для підвищення мотивації здобувачів вищої освіти, покращення якості освітнього середовища та підготовки кваліфікованих кадрів для ринку праці. Зазначається, що успішна реалізація цих принципів потребує систематичної підтримки з боку керівництва навчального закладу, активної участі викладацького складу та залучення здобувачів вищої освіти до процесу розробки та впровадження інноваційних ідей. Таким чином, у статті представлено не тільки теоретичний аналіз принципів інноваційної педагогічної діяльності, а й практичні рекомендації щодо їх успішного застосування у вищій школі.

Ключові слова: інноваційна педагогічна діяльність, вища освіта, принципи, викладання, здобувачі вищої освіти, викладачі, дослідження, співпраця, ефективність.

Problem statement

The modem globalized world is constantly undergoing technological, economic and socio-cultural changes, which poses challenges to the higher education system that require innovative approaches. In this regard, there is an urgent problem of the need to develop and implement the principles of innovative pedagogical activity in higher education institutions. One of the key problems is the lack of approaches and methods that would take into account current trends in education and the needs of the lab our market. There is also a lack of a systematic approach to innovative development of education, which can lead to fragmentation and inefficiency of innovation efforts. An additional problem is the insufficient use of the potential of innovative technologies in the educational process and the mismatch of the content of education with the requirements of modern society and the labor market [6]. Thus, it is necessary to study and systematize the principles of innovative pedagogical activity in order to solve these problems and improve the quality of education at universities. This will increase the competitiveness of graduates and ensure their adaptation to the rapidly changing conditions of the market economy and society as a whole.

Analysis of the latest research and publications. Recent research and publications in the field of innovative pedagogical activities in higher education institutions point to a number of important aspects that have been the subject of research by studding scholars in this field. The researcher Lindsay Stiller [4] focused on analyzing the effectiveness of implementing interactive teaching methods in higher education institutions and their impact on students' academic achievement. Her research has confirmed the positive impact of these methods on student engagement and academic performance. On the other hand, Professor Michelle Robertson [3] analyzed the risks associated with rethinking the content of learning under the influence of new technologies in higher education. She drew attention to the possibility of losing valuable aspects of traditional education due to careless implementation of innovations. Studies also highlight the importance of developing and supporting research in this area to understand the potential benefits and limitations of innovation in higher education. Such analysis provides a basis for developing strategies for the effective implementation of innovative approaches and ensuring the quality of the educational process in higher education institutions.

The purpose of this article is to consider the principles of innovative pedagogical activity in higher education institutions and their importance for improving the educational process and training of qualified specialists in the modern world.

Summary of key material

Today's globalized world is full of challenges that require higher education institutions to constantly update and adapt. Innovative pedagogical activity is a key factor in ensuring quality education, as it allows the introduction of new teaching methods, technologies and approaches that meet the requirements of the present.

Innovative activity in higher education institutions is the process of introducing innovative ideas, methods, technologies and approaches to improve the educational process, research, administration and other aspects of educational activities in higher education institutions [2]. This activity is aimed at creating conditions for improving the quality of education, developing creativity and innovative thinking among students and teachers, as well as introducing advanced pedagogical and scientific practices.

Innovation activities in higher education institutions reflect current trends in education and include various aspects aimed at improving the learning process and its effectiveness. First and foremost, it is the introduction of the latest learning technologies, such as the use of virtual reality to enrich students' learning experience or the development of online courses to access knowledge anytime and anywhere [1]. In addition, innovations can be manifested in the development and implementation of new teaching and assessment methods, such as active learning methods, project work or portfolio assessment.

Innovative activities also include the creation of interdisciplinary programmed and courses that contribute to the comprehensive development of students and the formation of their universal competence. For example, combining courses from different fields to solve complex modern problems. In addition, innovation activities include the development of the institution's research base, which includes the creation of scientific laboratories, holding scientific conferences and engaging students in research. For example, higher education institutions can create specialised centers or laboratories for the development of innovative technologies, where students and faculty can work on projects in the field of robotics, artificial intelligence or biotechnology. In addition, it is important to support start-ups and innovative projects of educational participants, for example, by providing financial support, consulting services or opportunities for cooperation with business and industry. Thus, innovation in higher education institutions is a key factor in their development and success in the modern educational environment.

The main goal of innovation in higher education institutions is to ensure the creation of a favorable environment for the development of intellectual potential, research, formation of competitive specialists, and staff development.

Innovations in education are not only the introduction of new technologies or teaching methods, but also the development of new approaches to the organization of the educational process and the creation of a favorable environment for the development of creativity and intellectual potential of students and teachers [7].

One of the principles of innovative pedagogical activity in higher education institutions is constant adaptation to changes in society and the development of new requirements for student qualifications. This means that curricula and methods should be constantly updated and improved in line with the needs of the labor market and modern technologies.

This principle implies the readiness of higher education institutions to continuously update curricula, methods and approaches in line with current trends in the world of education and the labor market. Changes in society, technology, and new scientific discoveries require continuous improvement of the learning process. An important part of this principle is flexibility in curricula, which allows us to respond quickly to changing needs and requirements of the labor market. This approach also includes the development of new specialties and areas of study that meet the needs of modern society. The content of education should meet modern challenges such as globalization, digital technologies, sustainable and rapidly changing living and working conditions.

This principle can be implemented through the introduction of new learning technologies, such as video lectures, interactive exercises and tests, online platforms for sharing materials and distance learning. For example, a higher education institution can create its own virtual learning platform that allows students to access learning materials from any device, participate in remote classes and communicate with teachers through online conferences. In addition, this principle can be implemented by updating courses and study programmers in line with the current requirements of the labor market and society. For example, the introduction of new disciplines in digital technologies, information security, or courses in entrepreneurship and innovation can help students gain relevant knowledge and skills that they can successfully apply in their future professional activities.

The first principle of innovation in higher education - constant adaptation to change - involves a number of stages, including the following steps:

1. Analysis of current trends. The initial stage is a detailed analysis of current trends in education and science. This means studying the latest teaching methods, the development of technologies that can be used in the educational process, and the needs of the labor market for specialists in specific fields.

2. Assessment of the needs of participants in the educational process. The second step is to collect information on the needs of students, teachers and administrative staff. This includes conducting surveys, focus groups, and analysing feedback from participants in the educational process about their needs and expectations.

3. Development of adaptation strategies. Based on the information collected, an adaptation strategy is developed that involves the introduction of new teaching methods, technologies or programmes to improve the effectiveness of the learning process and meet current needs.

4. Pilot implementation. Before the innovations are fully scaled up, a pilot implementation is carried out. At this stage, a limited group of students or a course is selected to be used to implement the new approaches. During the pilot, feedback is collected and the strategy is adjusted.

5. Evaluation of results and strategy adjustment. After the pilot implementation is completed, its effectiveness is evaluated. The learning outcomes, satisfaction of participants in the learning process, and other indicators are analysed. Based on this assessment, adjustments are made to the adaptation strategy.

6. Scaling and integration. After a successful pilot project and the necessary adjustments have been made, the innovation can be scaled up to the entire higher education institution. This may include the introduction of new approaches in all curricula and courses, as well as the involvement of more teachers and students in their implementation.

Thus, the implementation of the first principle of continuous adaptation to changes in higher education includes a number of stages that include needs analysis, strategy development, pilot implementation, evaluation of results and scaling up of successful initiatives.

Another important principle is the priority of a student-centred approach. It focuses on the individual needs and capabilities of each student. This means creating a learning environment where students feel that they are active participants in the learning process, not just the transfer of information from the teacher to them. An important component of the student-center approach is to take into account the individual levels of knowledge, interests and needs of each student when planning and conducting classes [5]. Students should be involved in the process of self-assessment, setting and achieving their personal learning goals. This approach helps to increase motivation to learn and ensure better results. This principle can be implemented through the introduction of various teaching methods that actively engage students in the learning process and take into account their individual needs and interests. For example, the project-based learning method involves students independently determining the topic and the way to solve a problem, which promotes their independence and initiative. The teacher can also introduce interactive forms of learning, such as discussions, group projects and exercises, which stimulate active participation of students in the learning process and interaction between them and the teachers. In addition, individualised approaches to learning, such as through one- to-one consultations, can help to address the specific needs of each student and support them in achieving their personal academic goals. Such approaches not only increase students' motivation to learn, but also contribute to their more successful intellectual and personal development. innovative pedagogical quality specialist with higher qualifications

Implementing this principle requires several steps:

1. Analysis of student needs. The first step is to analyze in detail the needs and expectations of students. This can be done through surveys, focus groups, or other research methods that provide a clear picture of the student population and their individual needs.

2. Planning individual learning paths. At the second stage, teachers work with students to create individual learning paths based on their interests, needs and goals. This may include choosing courses, preparing individual study plans, developing projects, etc.

3. Providing individual support. At the fourth stage, it is important to provide students with individual support and assistance in addressing their academic and personal challenges. This may include counselling, mentoring, tutoring or other forms of support.

4. Assessment and remediation. The fifth stage involves the systematic assessment and correction of students' individual learning paths. It is important to continuously analyse learning outcomes, take into account feedback from students and make the necessary adjustments to ensure their success.

These stages help to create a favorable learning environment in which students feel supported and have the opportunity to realize their potential and succeed in their studies.

Another important component of innovative teaching is to stimulate creative thinking and active participation of students in the learning process. This can be manifested in the use of interactive teaching methods, project work, as well as in the organization of discussions and group discussions. Encouraging students to search for knowledge, experiment and draw their own conclusions is an important part of this principle [2]. The use of interactive teaching methods, project work, discussions and group assignments promote the development of creative thinking and an innovative approach to problem solving. This principle can be implemented through the use of practical examples and interactive teaching methods. For example, teachers can organize projects where students work on real-world problems in industry or society, finding new ways to solve them. Such projects may include the development of innovative technologies, social projects or business ideas. In addition, group discussions can be organized, where students together with teachers analyze and discuss contemporary issues and possible solutions. Another example is the use of active learning methods, such as project-based learning, role-playing or problem-solving, where students are involved in finding solutions and solving problems themselves. Such approaches help students develop creative thinking, critical analysis and independence, which are important skills for successful careers and personal growth.

The third principle - stimulation of creative thinking and active participation involves a number of stages that promote the active development of this approach in higher education institutions.

1. Analysis of needs and opportunities. The first stage involves studying the needs of students and teachers, as well as assessing the available resources and opportunities for the development of creative thinking. This may include questionnaires, focus groups, analysis of test results, etc.

2. Creating a stimulating environment. The second stage involves creating an environment that fosters creative thinking and active participation. This may include organising workshops, seminars, conferences, and competitions where students and teachers can exchange ideas and experiences.

3. Use of interactive teaching methods. The third stage involves the introduction of interactive teaching methods that promote active participation of students in the learning process. This may include the use of project work, discussions, group assignments, case studies, etc.

4. Stimulating independence and creativity. The fourth stage involves stimulating students' independence and creativity. This may include the development of their own projects, participation in research groups, publication of scientific articles, participation in competitions and olympiads, etc.

5. Evaluation and improvement. The fifth stage involves the continuous evaluation and improvement of the activities carried out to ensure their effectiveness and compliance with the set goals. This may include collecting and analyzing feedback from participants, evaluating learning outcomes, adjusting teaching methods, etc.

Each of these stages is important for the successful implementation of the third principle in the university environment, promoting the development of creative thinking and active participation of students and teachers in the learning process.

A prerequisite for successful innovation activity is support from the management of the institution and stimulation of the initiative and creativity of teachers and students. This principle implies active support of the management of the higher education institution in the development of innovation. The management should create conditions for the implementation of creative ideas of teachers and students, provide financial support for research and innovation projects [2]. Stimulating the initiative of teachers and students by providing opportunities to participate in competitions, grants, internships and other events is key to the successful implementation of innovations in higher education. In addition, it is important to create mechanisms for the exchange of ideas and transfer of experience between teachers and students, which contributes to the spread of innovative practices and their successful implementation. Based on these principles, a favorable environment for innovative pedagogical activities is created, which contributes to improving the quality of education and the formation of competitive specialists capable of effectively implementing innovative ideas and technologies in various fields of activity.

The fourth principle - supportive leadership and stimulation of the initiative - can be implemented through a variety of practical measures that promote active involvement of teachers and students in innovation. For example, a university can set up a fund or a competition for innovative projects where faculty and students can submit their ideas for implementation. The winners of this competition receive financial support and the necessary resources to implement their innovative ideas. It is important to organize workshops, seminars or trainings on innovation, where teachers and students can share experiences and learn best practices in this area. This creates a favorable environment for enrichment with innovative ideas and development of innovative thinking. An additional example is the creation of incubators or innovation centers at the university, where students and faculty can work together to develop their innovative projects and receive advice from industry experts. Such centers can become a hub of active innovation activity and contribute to the emergence of new ideas and technologies.

Implementation of the fourth principle, which involves support for management and stimulation of the initiative in the context of innovative pedagogical activities in higher education institutions, can go through several stages:

1. Activation of consciousness and motivation. At this stage, it is necessary to organise information events for the management, teachers and students to make them aware of the importance of innovative activities for the development of the institution and improvement of the quality of education. The events may include lectures, seminars, discussions, etc.

2. Establishing support mechanisms. At this stage, it is important to develop procedures and tools that will help identify, evaluate and support faculty and student initiatives in the area of innovation. This may include the creation of innovation project competitions, grant programmes for innovative research, and advisory support.

3. Provide training and support. At this stage, it is necessary to provide opportunities for learning and developing the skills needed to implement innovative ideas. This may include workshops, training, courses on innovation management, etc.

4. Monitoring and evaluation of results. At this stage, it is important to systematically monitor and evaluate the implementation of innovative projects, their impact on the learning process and results. This will help identify problems and adjust development strategies in time.

5. Disseminate experience and stimulate cooperation. At this stage, it is important to actively promote successful initiatives and experience in the field of innovation, as well as to stimulate cooperation between teachers, students and external partners for the joint implementation of innovative projects.

These stages form a comprehensive approach to the implementation of the principle of leadership support and initiative stimulation in the context of innovative pedagogical activities in higher education institutions, which contributes to the successful implementation and development of innovations in the educational process.

Thus, management support and stimulation of the initiative can be implemented through various measures that promote the active involvement of teachers and students in the process of innovation at the university.

As part of the teaching of the discipline «Innovative pedagogical activity» for PhD students, a set of developed principles of innovative pedagogical activity was implemented.

Creation of interactive learning environments. During the teaching of the discipline «Innovative pedagogical activity», active learning methods were used, such as the method of projects, discussions, case studies, role-playing games, etc. For example, the course included a discussion on current trends in higher education and their impact on pedagogical practice. The group method was also often used. Students were divided into groups and explored the practical aspects of introducing innovations into the educational process of various higher education institutions. Each group worked on its own project, developing specific innovative solutions and proposing their implementation. For example, one group studied the possibilities of using virtual reality in teaching a particular subject, another group studied the introduction of online courses, etc. Afterwards, the postgraduate students shared their knowledge and experience through discussions and presentations of their projects. This approach not only engages students in active learning, but also helps to develop their analytical and creative skills. It also allows the teacher to provide individualised learning, taking into account the interests and needs of each student. This approach stimulates students' independence and initiative, which is important for their further success in research and teaching.

Creating innovative curricula. Teachers can work with students to develop and implement new courses and programmes that meet modern requirements and needs in the field of pedagogy and psychology. As part of the course «Innovative pedagogical activity», students, together with the teacher, analysed different approaches to the organisation of teaching and assessment of students based on current trends in pedagogy and psychology of higher education. After the analysis, they jointly developed innovative approaches to the organisation of the educational process, such as the use of active learning methods, the development of digital learning platforms, etc. The lecturer also included courses and seminars in the curriculum using modern tools and technologies, such as open video learning, virtual laboratories, etc. Once new teaching approaches have been introduced, it is important to continuously monitor and evaluate their effectiveness. In the process of introducing new study programmes, we collected feedback from students on their satisfaction and learning outcomes. It is also important to take into account the needs of the labor market and involve representatives of practical industries to assess the relevance and feasibility of the curricula. Innovative approaches to curriculum development and implementation help to create an adaptive and effective learning environment that meets the requirements of the modern world and promotes the development of students' professional competences. This approach allows teachers and students to actively interact and jointly implement innovative ideas in the learning process, which contributes to improving the quality of education and training competitive graduates.

Active involvement of students in research activities. During the course «Innovative pedagogical activity», the teacher offered students to conduct research, write scientific articles, participate in scientific conferences, etc. They also participated in international scientific forums where they exchanged experiences and ideas with colleagues from other countries. In addition, students participated in scientific and practical seminars and workshops organised by the university. These events were dedicated to discussing current issues of innovative pedagogy, as well as demonstrating the latest pedagogical technologies and techniques. Another example of the introduction of innovation in the training of future specialists in various fields is the participation of students in research projects in the field of pedagogy and higher education. For example, students took part in research on the effectiveness of online learning and the impact of interactive methods on learning outcomes («Scientific and practical seminar: latest trends in higher education», «Masterclass on innovative pedagogical activities: implementing ideas into practice», etc.). Such research allowed students to gain practical experience in working with data, analysing and interpreting results. Such events allow students not only to acquire new knowledge and skills, but also to demonstrate their achievements and join an active scientific community in the field of pedagogy and higher education.

Collaboration with practitioners and use of case studies. The lecturer invited practitioners in the field of pedagogy and psychology as guests, and used real-life cases to analyse and discuss with students. For example, a case study on the implementation of innovative pedagogical approaches in a higher education institution. The students also had the opportunity to undertake internships at other higher education institutions or at institutions where innovative pedagogical approaches are already being successfully applied. Postgraduate students studying the discipline «Innovative pedagogical activity» have the opportunity to take part in the scientific and practical conference «Innovations in education: from theory to practice», where their research and scientific studies will have the opportunity to be presented and discussed with practitioners and other students. This experience will allow future professionals not only to learn how to use innovative pedagogical approaches in their practice, but also to enrich their knowledge and understanding in this area.

The implementation of innovative technologies and methods in the educational environment of higher education will help students not only to acquire theoretical knowledge, but also to gain practical skills and research experience, contributing to their professional development in higher education.


Improving the principles of innovative pedagogical activity of higher education institutions is an important step towards improving the quality of education and developing the modern educational process. They include continuous adaptation to change, a student-centered approach, stimulation of creative thinking and active participation, as well as supportive leadership and initiative. Implementation of these principles involves creating a favorable environment for innovation, using modern teaching and assessment methods, active student participation in the learning process, and collaboration with students, faculty and external partners. The implementation of these principles contributes to the training of highly qualified professionals who are able to work effectively in the modern world and implement innovative approaches in education.

Given the general requirements for the modern educational process, it is important to emphasize that the principles of innovative pedagogical activity are not only strategic guidelines for educational institutions, but also key factors in ensuring sustainable development of society. Thanks to their application, higher education institutions become centers of innovative development, which contributes not only to improving the quality of education, but also to the development of scientific research, support for entrepreneurial activity and enrichment of the cultural capital of society. This comprehensive approach to the pedagogical activity of higher education institutions contributes to the formation of flexible, creative and civic values in future generations, which plays a key role in the preparation of a competitive and adaptive social elite.


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