Formation of professional competence of a lecturer in an institution of higher education under inclusive conditions
The formation of professional competence of teachers in institutions of higher education in the process ofprofessional activity in the conditions of inclusive education. Now, competence is interpreted as the ability to implement the knowledge in activity.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 12.05.2024 |
Размер файла | 19,7 K |
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Formation of professional competence of a lecturer in an institution of higher education under inclusive conditions
Oleksandr Shevchuk
PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Lecturer ERIHE «Kamianets-Podilsky State Institute»
The article describes the process of formation of professional competence of teachers in institutions of higher education in the process ofprofessional activity in the conditions of inclusive education. Now, competence is interpreted as the ability or readiness to implement the acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities in real activity. Competence components are subject and operational knowledge, skills and abilities - ability and readiness to use them in activities and confidence in activities and responsibility for their results. In modern society, which is constantly undergoing changes, the high professionalism and professional competence of teaching specialists, teachers, has acquired an important importance, because the competitiveness of specialists is an urgent issue that is being prepared by a higher education institution. This directly applies to workers in the field of education with an inclusive population, because teachers must be competent in the scientific field of activity, because professional education has always been and continues to be aimed at the comprehensive development of the individual in order to prepare him for active and effective participation in public production with the greatest benefit for themselves and for society as a whole. In world educational practice, the concept of competence acts as a central, a kind of "nodal" concept, because the competence of an individual: combines the intellectual and practical components of education; the concept of competence contains the ideology of interpreting the content of education, which is formed from the result; the competence of the individual has an integrative nature, as it incorporates a number of homogeneous or closely related knowledge and experience belonging to broad spheres of culture and activity (informational, legal, etc.). Personal competence has a certain structure, the components of which are related to a person's ability to solve various problems in everyday, professional or social life. The structure of competence of a person includes: competence in the field of independent cognitive activity; in the sphere of civil and social activities; in the field of social and labor activity; competence in the household sphere; in the field of cultural and recreational activities. Among the knowledge and practical experience formed in the process of a person achieving a certain level of competence are the skills of self-education, critical thinking, independent work, self-organization and self-control, teamwork, the ability to predict the results and possible consequences of various solutions, establish cause-and-effect relationships connections, find, formulate and solve problems.
Key words: competence, competence, student, professionalism, teacher, expertise, inclusion.
Шевчук О. В.
кандидат педагогічних наук, викладач НРЗВО «Кам'янець-Подільський державний інститут»
У статті описано процес формування професійної компетентності викладачів закладів вищої освіти у процесі професійної діяльності в умовах інклюзивної освіти. Наразі компетентність трактується як здатність або готовність реалізувати набуті знання, уміння та навички в реальній діяльності. Компонентами компетентності є предметні та операційні знання, уміння та навички - здатність і готовність використовувати їх у діяльності, а також впевненість у діяльності та відповідальність за її результати. У сучасному суспільстві, яке постійно зазнає змін, важливого значення набуває високий професіоналізм та професійна компетентність педагогічних працівників, викладачів, адже конкурентоспроможність фахівців, яких готує вищий навчальний заклад, є нагальним питанням. Це безпосередньо стосується працівників сфери освіти з інклюзивним населенням, адже педагоги повинні бути компетентними в науковій сфері діяльності, оскільки професійна освіта завжди була і залишається спрямованою на всебічний розвиток особистості з метою підготовки її до активної та ефективної участі в суспільному виробництві з найбільшою користю для себе і для суспільства в цілому. У світовій освітній практиці поняття компетентності виступає центральним, своєрідним «вузловим» поняттям, адже компетентність особистості: поєднує в собі інтелектуальну та практичну складові освіти; поняття компетентності містить ідеологію інтерпретації змісту освіти, який формується від результату; компетентність особистості має інтегративний характер, оскільки включає низку однорідних або тісно пов'язаних між собою знань і досвіду, що належать до широких сфер культури і діяльності (інформаційної, правової та ін.). Особистісна компетентність має певну структуру, складові якої пов'язані зі здатністю людини вирішувати різні проблеми в повсякденному, професійному чи соціальному житті. Структура компетентності особистості включає: компетентність у сфері самостійної пізнавальної діяльності; у сфері громадянської та суспільної діяльності; у сфері соціально-трудової діяльності; компетентність у побутовій сфері; у сфері культурно-дозвіллєвої діяльності. Серед знань і практичного досвіду, що формуються в процесі досягнення людиною певного рівня компетентності, - навички самоосвіти, критичного мислення, самостійної роботи, самоорганізації та самоконтролю, роботи в команді, вміння прогнозувати результати та можливі наслідки різних рішень, встановлювати причинно-наслідкові зв'язки, знаходити, формулювати та вирішувати проблеми.
Ключові слова: компетентність, компетенція, студент, професіоналізм, викладач, досвід, інклюзія.
Problem statement. The professional qualities of educational professionals have been and continue to be the subject of study by researchers for a considerable period of time. Scholars such as V. M. Vvedensky,M. I. Zhaladak, I. O. Zyazyun, O. I. Lokshina,N. G. Nychkalo, O. V. Ovcharuk, A. V. Khutorsky, S. O. Sisoyeva, O. M. Semenog, among others, have examined and continue to explore the content of professional competence within the context of inclusive education. They have identified the pedagogical, psychological, and social conditions of its development.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Taking into account the variations in terminology and the research approach of the authors, it can be concluded that the structure of competence comprises three components: theoretical, practical, and personal. From a theoretical perspective, various authors have provided definitions of pedagogical competence, presented its structure, and formulated a classification of competencies.
Article objective. To investigate the peculiarities of forming pedagogical competence within the context of professional activities.
Presentation of the main material. The pedagogical profession is an integral part of the development of every citizen, as educators guide the individual's growth in the right direction of self-improvement and further professional activity.
According to V. Pelahaychenko, taking into account the opinion of O. K. Markova, a professionally competent educator is one who successfully solves the tasks of teaching and upbringing, prepares graduates with desired psychological qualities for society, finds satisfaction in the profession, achieves desired results in the personal development of students, envisions and pursues their professional growth, remains open to continuous professional learning, enriches the profession through personal creative contributions, is socially active in society, devoted to the pedagogical profession, strives to uphold its honor, dignity, and professional ethics even in challenging conditions, is willing to assess the quality and quantity of their work and capable of self-assessment [2].
In the view of S. V. Ivanova, professional competence is the ability of a specialist, from the start of their professional activity, to meet the societal requirements of the profession at the level of a state-defined standard through effective professional work, and to demonstrate appropriate personal qualities. This involves mobilizing knowledge, skills, abilities, emotions, and relying on inner motivation, attitudes, moral and ethical values, and experience, while being aware of limitations in knowledge and skills and accumulating other resources for compensation [1]. professional competence inclusive education
The term "competence" receives significant attention and is interpreted differently, as illustrated by the following examples:
This is an individual's ability to perform job responsibilities.
A measure of a person's awareness.
An indicator that allows determining readiness for professional activity.
In Latin, "competentia" translates to a range of matters in which a person is well informed, possessing knowledge and experience.
Experience, knowledge, and expertise.
A dynamic combination of knowledge, thinking styles, perspectives, values, skills, abilities, and other personal qualities.
The term "competence" is commonly used concerning individuals of a specific socio-professional status and characterizes the degree to which their understanding, knowledge, and skills align with the real complexity level of the tasks they perform and problems they solve.
The concept of "competence" (from Latin "competentia" - striving together, reaching, responding, fitting) is interpreted differently in various dictionaries. For instance, it can mean "possession of knowledge, experience, education in a particular field of activity," or it can denote awareness, correctness, authority, full rights. The ability to do something well.
H. S. Sukhobska defines competence as a system of knowledge and skills of an educator, manifested in solving professional-pedagogical tasks arising in practice. V. S. Bezrukova states it's the possession of knowledge and skills allowing the expression of professionally sound judgments, evaluations, opinions. E. F. Zeyer and O. M. Shakhmatova view it as a combination of professional knowledge and skills, ways of performing professional activities. V. G. Afanasyev sees it as a combination of functions, rights, and responsibilities of a specialist. T. G. Brazhia emphasizes in her research that professional competence encompasses not only professional (basic) scientific knowledge but also value orientations, motives for activity, self-understanding in the world and the surrounding world, interpersonal style, overall culture of creative potential.
Honorary Professor of the University of Edinburgh, Dr. John Raven, defines competence as a "specific ability required for effective performance of a particular action in a specific subject area. It includes specialized knowledge, specific subject skills, ways of thinking, as well as understanding responsibility for one's actions".
Competence can be viewed as:
a comprehensive personal resource enabling effective interaction with the surrounding world in a particular field and dependent on the necessary competencies;
the presence of intrinsic motivation in an individual for the qualitative execution of their professional activities, treating their profession as a value;
a psychosocial quality denoting strength and confidence;
the possession of appropriate competence by an individual, including their personal attitude towards it in the context of their activities.
Thus, competence is not just a simple collection of knowledge, skills, and abilities; it carries a somewhat different semantic range. It's a real attribute, specific to an individual and dependent on one's efforts. One might come to the somewhat somber conclusion that, in the most general sense, competence integrates cognitive (knowledge), operational (activity methods and readiness to perform actions), and axiological (presence of certain values) aspects. Competence "is a personal characteristic, a set of internalized mobile knowledge, skills, abilities, and flexible thinking, while competencies are certain detached, predefined requirements for graduate education, units of a curriculum that constitute the 'anatomy' of competence; a set of specific professional or functional characteristics".
Professional-pedagogical competence is an integrative quality of an individual expressed through a combination of competencies in the psychological- pedagogical domain of knowledge. It involves the ability to actively influence the process of development and self-improvement of socio-value characteristics, allowing for the execution of socio-value functions within a collective and preventing undesirable behaviors.
Competency can be understood as:
a fundamental characteristic of an individual, a deep and enduring facet of personality that can predict a person's behavior across a wide range of life and professional situations;
certain internal, potential psychological formations that later manifest in actions;
the ability to establish a connection between knowledge and situations, to formulate a problemsolving procedure;
an open system of procedural, value-based, and declarative knowledge that comprises interacting components activated during professional activities, a category of educational outcome;
an ideal and normative characteristic, a predetermined domain of knowledge in which people united by a profession should be knowledgeable;
"a combination of interdependent personal qualities (knowledge, skills, abilities, ways of acting) relevant to a specific domain of subjects and processes, necessary to act qualitatively and productively in relation to them".
Therefore, if we define competence in a generalized manner as a property (quality), competence can be seen as the possession of this property, manifested in professional activities. When leaving educational institutions, graduates must have certain competencies - professionally relevant qualities, the potential that will be actualized during the process of professional activities and indicate their competence. It's important to emphasize that the term "competence" will logically be used to characterize a specialist in their professional activities, while "competency" will denote a fundamental quality that makes a person "potentially" competent. Thus, it's not entirely correct to speak of mastering competence, as some studies suggest. One can become competent by acquiring specific professionally relevant competencies and implementing them in the context of concrete professional activities.
Now, let's characterize the components of the modern teacher's professional-pedagogical competence:
Competence in the realm of personal qualities: This reflects the distinct characteristics that describe a specialist capable of effectively managing pedagogical activities. Often, educators and students of pedagogical institutions list qualities such as love for children, general culture, the ability to organize work, dedication, and the motivation for choosing a pedagogical career. Within this component, three key indicators can be identified: empathy, self-organization, and general culture.
Competence in goal setting and task formation in pedagogical activities: This quality demonstrates the proficiency of a teacher at each stage of the goal-setting process, including creating a vision of the desired outcome, outlining the requirements for the educational process or extracurricular activities, describing methods to achieve results, and assessing both students' learning progress and the teacher's own activities in relation to goal achievement.
Competence in motivating students: This component represents a teacher's ability to cultivate motivation in students for educational and developmental activities. Any activity will be minimally effective or entirely ineffective if individuals lack interest in its execution. This interest is expressed in forming a positive educational motivation in the individual. Motivation encompasses a person's inclination and drive to do something, to be active, and during this process, various types of motives are realized: cognitive, social, and prospective motives. The function of motivation formation is a structural element of the teacher's overall activity system.
Competence in ensuring the informational foundation of activities: This aspect reflects the theoretical and methodological proficiency of the educator, their mastery of the subject matter, and the depth of knowledge about the professional activities. It involves the ability to acquire, process, and present professionally relevant information, an understanding of the conditions of the pedagogical situation, and insight into the characteristics of students and the interactions between the teacher and learners. Information is an essential component of the pedagogical process, forming a system. The more accurate, precise, and comprehensive the informational foundation is, the more effectively the professional pedagogical activities will be carried out. This pedagogical activity is revealed through three key indicators: competence in teaching methods, competence in the subject matter, and competence in the subjective conditions of activity.
Competence in curriculum development, methodological and didactic materials, and decisionmaking: This competence reflects the educator's readiness and qualifications to design and implement activity programs, make decisions in various pedagogical situations, and recognize the full extent of responsibility for these decisions and the consequences of their implementation.
Competence in Teaching Methods and Material Development: This competence enables effective teaching while considering students' preparedness levels and cultivating positive learning motivation. It involves selecting appropriate textbooks and educational materials, as well as developing personalized didactic and methodological resources. The key outcomes of educators' activities are significantly determined by how competently they implement educational programs, resulting in high academic and personal development indicators. This competence includes the ability to choose and implement standard educational programs, develop customized programmatic, methodological, and didactic materials, and make decisions in various pedagogical situations.
6. Competence in Organizing Pedagogical Activities: This competence highlights the educator's ability to organize interactions with students, communicate effectively, manage their activities, and assess their outcomes. It's demonstrated in the preparation and conduct of lessons and in the educator's skill in group management. Educators strive to organize individualized work for each student, create a conducive learning atmosphere, and establish a productive environment. This approach enhances the interest, attention, and cognitive engagement of learners. Such behavior from educators enables them to tailor their teaching approach to individual students, taking into account their unique abilities and helping them express themselves positively.
Therefore, the term "professionalism" encompasses a broader range of meanings than the concept of "competence," as it goes beyond the activity aspect to include specific characteristics of the professional's personality. Hence, pedagogical competence is just one facet of a teacher's overall professionalism.
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Pelagejchenko, V. (2009). Kljuchovi komponenty kompetentnosti vchytelja [Key components of teacher competence]. Vidkrytyj urok: rozrobky, tehnologii, dosvid. № 2. Р. 55-60. [in Ukrainian]
Іванова С. В. Функціональний підхід до визначення професійної компетентності вчителя біології та організація її вдосконалення в закладі післядипломної освіти. Вісник Житомирського державного університету ім. І. Франка. 2008. Вип. 42. С. 106-110.
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