The use of information technology and the internet in foreign language classes

Technological progress and constant development of IT area enhances different approaches for teaching foreign languages. To be on the move, any present teacher should use these technologies during classes. Such studies can vary routine studying.

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The use of information technology and the internet in foreign language classes


здобувач вищої освіти II курсу Науковий керівник - Марина ІРЧИШИНА,

старший викладач Дніпропетровський державний університет внутрішніх справ

Technological progress and constant development of IT area enhances different approaches for teaching and studying foreign languages. To be on the move, any present teacher should use these technologies during classes. Such studies can vary routine studying, motivate students to learn English while watching interesting videos, listening to different audio records, making game exercises in the Internet and be engaged in the enormous world of information technologies. teaching foreign language information

Information technology (IT) is a requirement of the present, which makes it possible to create a knowledge-based society. IT rapidly broke into all areas of our life, became as real as a phone call or a plane trip and facilitated communication and collaboration. A society that cares for its future must be aware of the enormous opportunities brought by the new information technology and learn how to apply them first and foremost in education. Introduction of information and communication technologies in education, except everything else is a prerequisite for the formation of information society in the broad sense. [1, p.4].

Thus, education in Ukraine is built on new features: computerization of the educational process encourages the revision of traditional forms and methods of teaching a foreign language, the emergence of new forms of lessons. Unlike traditional techniques, when the teacher is accustomed to provide certain knowledge and requires mastering it, when using interactive forms of learning, the student himself becomes the main figure and opens the path to learning for himself. The teacher is an active assistant in this situation, and its main function is to organize and stimulate the learning process.

Practical experience in teaching English indicates that at the present stage of learning foreign languages, considerable attention must be paid to the use of multimedia technologies in which they are simultaneously used texts, graphics, videos, sound effects, animation. All this is a collection of audio and visual effects along with interactive software that affect emotional and conceptual spheres, promote more effective absorption language material. [3]. The combination of visuals, text and audio renders opportunity for complex development of language skills of the student during learning a foreign language. It is well known that learning efficiency is increasing when visuals are used, and multimedia combines video, audio, illustrations, spreadsheets, etc. Computer lessons can be performed using a computer and a number of didactic tasks, in particular:

to develop reading skills using materials directly Internet networks of varying complexity;

to improve listening skills based on authentic audio texts, songs, movie episodes;

to improve writing skills, replenish vocabulary (both active and passive), vocabulary of modern foreign language that reflects a certain stage of development of the culture of the people, social and political system society;

to enrich the students with cultural knowledge that they include speech etiquette, peculiarities of behavior of different peoples in the context of communication, features of the culture and traditions of the language being taught;

to improve grammar skills through online tests;

to form a stable motivation of cognitive activity of students in lessons. [2]. During English classes it is important to provide clear support for the learning

process for the most part, to apply the educational potential of multimedia presentations. They differ in types of speech activity (teaching reading, writing), by aspects of language (vocabulary, grammar, phonetics), and by type supports (semantic, semantic, verbal, illustrative). Multimedia presentations are used when typing and pinning lexical, grammatical, country study material, as supports in learning monologue and dialogue speech. The use of presentations is conducive better learning of the material through the use of animation you can highlight the most relevant elements with colors, fonts, adding photos, diagrams, tables. [4].

Therefore, speaking about the benefits of learning English using ICT, it should be noted that they are a testament to the successful completion of basic educational tasks:

^ general cultural development of students;

^ improvement of computer skills;

^ increase of the English level;

^ creation of a favorable psychological climate;

^ increase of motivation and interest in the study of the subject;

^ possibility of realization of individual training;

^ enhancement of the aesthetic and emotional level of the lesson at the expense ^ use of music, animation;

^ raise of amount of work done in the lesson;

^ saving of materials by the teacher;

^ strengthening the authority of the teacher.

To conclude, it is essential to emphasize that currently owing to technological process and constant development of IT area, different approaches for teaching and studying foreign languages are proposed. To be on the move, any present teacher should use these technologies during classes. Such studies can vary routine studying, motivate students to learn English while watching interesting videos, listening to different audio records, making game exercises in the Internet and be engaged in the enormous world of information technologies.


Kremin V. Information and communication technologies in education and formation the information society. // Informatics and information technology in educational institutions, 2006. - № 6 - P. 4

Use of ICT in English lessons. URL:

Multimedia presentations as a means of development pupils of

information and communication competence. URL:

http ://

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