Media education and media influences on the audience

The world has responded to the need for media education, and this is reflected in a number of international documents. The person of the new era has become dependent on information, because every day it is necessary to adapt to new challenges and risks.

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Media education and media influences on the audience

Сергій Капустін, здобувач вищої освіти Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ Науковий керівник:

Ганна ДЕКУСАР, старший викладач кафедри українознавства та іноземних мов Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ

The person of the new era has become dependent on information, because every day it is necessary to adapt to new challenges and risks arising in connection with the media. media education influences

It is not for nothing that they say that modern conflicts have moved to the level of the people's consciousness. Few people check what they hear or see in several sources, most don't bother with it. The paradox is that there is access to information, it is open and available to everyone, but we do not want to deal with it, it is easier for us to trust someone who did it for us not very responsibly. Thus, the skills of searching, selecting, creating, distributing, perceiving and understanding information are not formed in society at all, and this is primarily the result of insufficient education, which does not provide people with a knowledge system of this type.

The world has responded to the need for media education, and this is reflected in a number of international documents. Among them are the UNESCO Paris Recommendation Program on Media Education (2007), the European Parliament Resolution on Media Literacy in a Digital World (2008), the UNESCO Fez Declaration on Media Information Literacy (2011) and the UNESCO Paris Declaration on Media Information Literacy in the Digital Age (2014).

Ukraine has also started implementing media education at the state level. In 2010, the Presidium of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine created the Concept for the Implementation of Media Education in Ukraine, and from 2011 to 2016, the experimental stage continued. As part of this stage, students of 10th grades in the schools that participated in the experiment were offered the elective course "Media Culture". More than 40,000 students from 250 secondary schools took part in studying this new subject. [1]

The purpose of this Concept is to promote the creation of an effective system of media education in Ukraine, which will become the basis of the country's humanitarian security, development and strengthening of civil society, and countering external informational aggression. The main task is the comprehensive preparation of children and youth for safe and effective interaction with the modern media system, the formation of citizens' media information literacy and media culture, taking into account their age, individual and other characteristics.

The main goals of media education are aimed at:

- development of media information literacy, which includes a set of skills, knowledge and understanding necessary for effective and safe use of media.

- the development of media immunity of the individual, which helps to become resistant to the aggressive media environment and destructive media-information influence.

- development of reflection and critical thinking as psychological mechanisms that allow conscious consumption of media products and self-regulation of interaction with the media.

In addition to the main goals, media education is also aimed at:

- development of creative skills and abilities in the media. This includes the ability to create your own media products such as videos, photos, blogs, podcasts, and more. It allows people to express their thoughts, ideas and create their own content, which promotes creativity and self-expression.

- supporting the understanding of media culture and its impact on society. This includes awareness of the media's role in shaping worldviews, values, stereotypes, and cultural norms. Media education promotes understanding of different media formats, genres and styles, and also exposes important aspects of the media industry, such as advertising, journalism, ethics, etc.

- support for the development of social responsibility in the use of media. This includes awareness of the media's impact on society, including issues of equality, human rights, stereotypes and discrimination. Media education contributes to the formation of a critical attitude to the negative aspects of the media and the support of positive changes in society through media activity.

- development of media competence in the use of technologies. This includes understanding the basic principles and skills of using media technologies such as computers, the Internet, social networks, etc. Media education contributes to the formation of critical thinking skills when using these technologies, protection of personal information and digital security. [3]

Media literacy is important in today's world where media influences many aspects of our lives. It helps to form a conscious and critical attitude towards the media, which is important for understanding the world around us and preserving personal freedom in the information society. [2]

We are facing problems such as children's addiction to social networks, the spread of gaming addiction as an official disease, the spread of propaganda and PR in journalism, the loss of reason by people under the influence of harmful information, the possibility of information wars and the victory of enemies without much effort.

Society becomes dependent on the destructive influence of information, and it needs to be treated, and a media-competent person shows effective resistance to misinformation, informational aggression, and terror. It is difficult to become a victim of information bombardment and is almost inaccessible to manipulation. Her critical thinking is developed through learning to analyze different sources, which gives her the ability to form independent judgments. She understands the importance of paying attention to the owner of the mass media, information about the author and the date of the message. She is also able to understand the purpose of the material, scrutinizing the key concepts of the text to detect possible neurolinguistic programming with a hidden purpose.

This person knows how to distinguish facts from comments and interpretations, detect propaganda in journalistic materials, and understands concepts such as alternative fact, post-truth, communication effects, and barriers to understanding. She carefully checks information that seems false or manipulative, does not panic about the spread of fake news, but simply judiciously compares it with reality. She has techniques for filtering information and does not allow anyone to influence her consciousness. She has the right to independently choose what to read, listen to and watch, and also knows how to independently create an information product. Such a person is healthy, armed and protected from the destructive effects of information.


1. Education for the Media and the Digital Age. Vienna: UNESCO, 1999, p.273-274. Reprint in: Outlooks on Children and Media. Gothenburg: UNESCO & NORDICOM, 2001, p. 152].

2. Concept of implementation of media education in Ukraine (new edition) [Electronic

resource] // Media detector. - April 24, 2016. - Access mode: _mediaosviti_v_ukraini_nova_redaktsiya.

3. Plakhta D. Why it is important to be media literate, or How to develop an informational "immune system" [Electronic resource] / D. Plakhta // Day. - February 3, 2017. - Access mode:

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