Knowledge of english as a necessary component of quality training of law enforcement bodies

Study of the necessity of learning foreign languages by law enforcement officers. Analysis of the specified discipline in mass institutions for the training of specialists. Study of teaching methods and the need to change them to more effective ones.

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Дніпропетровський державний університет внутрішніх справ

Knowledge of english as a necessary component of quality training of law enforcement bodies

Богдан Волошин здобувач вищої освіти ІІ курсу Науковий керівник - Марина Ірчишина, старший викладач

Today, we can speak with confidence that Ukraine is one of the states that makes maximum efforts for quality cooperation with other countries of the world. The law enforcement system is no exception, so cooperation with other countries, exchange of experience has long been an important component of developing the quality of training of cadets.

Today, in our opinion, one of the most important issues is the need for law enforcement officers to learn foreign languages. To begin with, we would like to draw attention to the fact that in accordance with Part 2 of Article 18 of the Law of Ukraine "On the National Police", an employee of law enforcement agencies must provide the necessary assistance in case of an appeal by any person [4]. However, how can we talk about protecting the rights of anyone, if the law enforcement officer may simply not understand such a person due to the language barrier.

In addition, we must understand that sometimes quickly obtaining information can save someone's life, and law enforcement officers who do not speak the language simply will not be able to find out the necessary information. We should also emphasize that despite the fact that a person has the right to an interpreter in accordance with Art. 29 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, he is not part of the staff of law enforcement agencies, and therefore his quick search becomes a difficult task [2]. Therefore, it is very effective to train future employees of law enforcement agencies in such a way that in the event of a foreigner contacting them, they can both obtain and provide the necessary information. language teaching officer

In addition, we would like to emphasize that in order to occupy a position in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in category "B" and above, it is mandatory to have a higher education of at least a master's degree [3]. At the same time, we would like to emphasize that in order to enter the master's program, it is necessary to pass the Master's comprehensive test, which includes a foreign language [5]. Based on the above, we understand that knowledge of the English language for law enforcement officers and in general for lawyers is as integral a part as knowledge of the legal framework of our country or the ability to communicate correctly with the population.

Thus, we understand that language learning is a necessity for law enforcement officers today. That is why it is necessary to pay special attention when studying the specified discipline in mass institutions for the training of specified specialists.

Therefore, while studying this topic, we could not ignore the fact that, despite the fact that Ukraine currently ranks 49th in the EF EPI rating. According to the criteria of the authors of the report, the level of knowledge of English in our country is assessed as "low" [1]. Based on this, we understand that the level of English proficiency in our country today is low, and this is a problem, because we can observe such a dynamic that the higher the specified level, the higher the development of a particular country, that is why we understand that today we have something to strive for and something to achieve.

Knowledge of the English language largely depends on the teaching of languages, in schools and further in higher education institutions. At the same time, we would like to emphasize that today we can observe the fact that there are people who spend most of their lives studying this language and still do not speak it. In such cases, we should pay attention to teaching methods and the need to change them to more effective ones, because only in this way we will be able to improve the level of understanding of a foreign language, both for law enforcement officers and for Ukrainians in general.

That is why we want to emphasize that upon entering a higher educational institution, cadets have a different level of foreign language proficiency, and that is why we want to note that an important aspect in this case is the quality acquisition of knowledge in higher education. Therefore, it is the teachers who have the main responsibility to provide the necessary level of knowledge. Therefore, in our opinion, the most important aspect in this matter is the correct division of cadets into groups according to the level of knowledge.

We would like to emphasize that the division of cadets by level of knowledge when entering a higher education institution can significantly improve their level of language proficiency, since this aspect will firstly create an environment conducive to learning, since the level of knowledge will be the same and cadets will not feel uncomfortable due to gaps in knowledge or vice versa they will not be bored, because they already know the specified subject. In addition, we would like to note that the division into groups according to the level of knowledge should be carried out exclusively on the basis of the results of the interview, since the test version of checking the knowledge of applicants is not always reliable and can show a complete picture.

In addition, when studying the specified topic, we should pay attention to the fact that the ability to listen and speak is an important aspect of learning English. The specified aspects are the most common and important in the training of a law enforcement officer, as we understand that document management and writing in general are only additional for law enforcement officers.

Therefore, we insist on a more attentive approach to the study of foreign languages in higher education institutions that train future law enforcement officers, since the level of knowledge acquired in such an institution often depends on the level of English proficiency.

To sum up, we can come to the conclusion that today knowledge of the English language is a very important factor for every employee of law enforcement agencies, which is why it is necessary to pay attention to this aspect when training cadets. Thus, following the above tips, we will be able to improve not only the level of language proficiency of law enforcement officers, but also of other citizens of our country.


1. Dynamics of English language proficiency in Ukraine over the past 7 years: article

2. Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine: Law of Ukraine dated 18.04.2010 No. 4651-VI, current version 10.09.2022

3. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine announces a closed competition to fill a vacant civil service position of category "B": announcement

4. List of master's degree exams in 2022

5. About the National Police: Law of Ukraine dated 02.07.2015, No. 580-VIII, current version 15.06.2022

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