Peculiarities and content of professional training of border police officers in the Czech and the Slovak Republics
Conditions that citizens of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic must fulfill for admission to their departmental educational institutions, and the procedure for admission to study. Features of professional training of border guard specialists.
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Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Service of Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
Peculiarities and content of professional training of border police officers in the Czech and the Slovak Republics
Oleksandr Didenko
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Professor Deputy Head of the Department
of Psychology, Pedagogy and Socio-Economic Disciplines
Svitlana Shumovetska
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology,
Pedagogy and Socio-Economic Disciplines
Marko Palahniuk
Senior Teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages
study professional training specialist
The article analyzes the experience of professional training of police officers of the Czech and Slovak Republics. It has been established that the functions of state border protection are performed by the Border Police in Slovakia and the Foreign Police in the Czech Republic. The conditions which citizens of these states must fulfill to enter their departmental educational institutions and the procedure for admission to study are specified. The peculiarities of professional training of future border guard specialists in these countries are revealed, the training content and the educational workload of students are characterized. The main attention is paid to the characteristics of educational levels of professional (police) education. It has been established that training in the above-mentioned countries has much in common. In particular, the basic, specialized, and secondary vocational training of future police officers is provided by secondary vocational schools, namely five regional schools in the Czech Republic and three in Slovakia. Border guard specialists are trained centrally by some of the previously mentioned institutions, in particular, at the the Higher and Secondary Police School of the Ministry of the Interior in Holesov in Czechia and the Secondary Vocational School of the Police Corps of the Ministry of the Interior of Kosice in Slovakia. It has been found that basic training generally includes the following stages: introduction to the specialty, direct training, practice, and the final stage of training. Future border guards receive higher police education at academies: The Police Academy in Prague (Czech Republic) and Academy of the Police Corps in Bratislava (Slovakia). These institutions provide training at all three levels of education. The academic workload is 60 credits for each academic year. The curricula usually consist of three blocks of academic disciplines: compulsory, compulsory professional and elective disciplines. Compulsory disciplines are common to all specializations. Compulsory professional disciplines are studied in accordance with the specialization. Elective disciplines are offered to applicants to complete the required number of credits.
Keywords: professional training; border police officers; Border Police; Police Corps of the Slovak Republic; police of the Czech Republic.
Background. In the process of Ukraine's integration way to the European Union and NATO, including the European and Euro-Atlantic system of common security, the necessity to study the positive experience of training specialists of law enforcement agencies of EU member states and the Border Police in particular is becoming increasingly important.
Due to that, it became necessary to discribe the peculiarities and content of the professional training of border guards of such European countries as the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. In addition, these countries are located near our country and have border realities similar to Ukraine and they have implemented the best European practices in their activities.
Analysis of recent research and publications. There has been accumulated a certain amount of scientific studies in the national and foreign literature which consider various aspects of the professional training of law enforcement specialists. The foreign experience of professional training of border police officers is described in the works of many scientists: I. Isaieva [1], N. Bhinder [2], N. Ryndenko [3], N. Bidiuk [4] and others. I. Bloshchynsky, O. Komarnytska, A. Balendr, O. Didenko [5]-[8] dedicated their scientific researches to the problem of border guards' training in the EU and the application of ICT in the educational process. Other scientists studied the peculiarities of the implementation of NATO standards for the professional training of military men [9]--[11].
Furthermore, our research has proven that the organization, content of professional training and forms of specialists' training of the Border Police of the Czech Republic and Slovakia remain neglected in modern pedagogical science and require further research.
The objective of the article is to reveal the peculiarities and content of the professional training of border police officers in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic.
The research methods: general scientific methods - analysis, synthesis and generalization - for the purpose of studying the guiding, educational and methodological, planning documents regulating the organization and content of professional training of border guards of the Czech Republic and the Slovac Republic; empirical methods - study and generalization of Slovak and Czech experience of professional training of border police officers.
Research results
Each country has its own unique system of training the border police officers which has developed under the influence of historical, political, territorial and socio-economic factors and peculiarities of national legal systems. Besides, in a number of European countries, departmental police training institutions are within the national education system. Accordingly, the training of police officers in some countries is carried out on the basis of general state standards of professional education, in others the training of specialists (except for the management level) is focused on narrowly professional police training.
According to the basic laws “On the Police” in the Czech Republic [12] and “On the Police Corps” (hereinafter - PC) in the Slovac Republic [13], the police of these countries are armed formations to ensure law and order in the country. The purpose of their activities is to protect the safety of persons, property and public order, conduct criminal proceedings, as well as perform other tasks of law enforcement in the field of order and security, which are defined by the laws of the Czech Republic and Slovakia, EU regulations or international treaties that are part of the national legislation of the countries. The police body in the Czech Republic is managed by the President of the Police, in the Slovac Republic it is managed by the President of the PC. The central apparatus of the police departments of both countries is called “Presidium”. The tasks of police bodies are performed by staff police officers and employees. The general structure of the police system of the specified countries includes: the Presidium, police units with state-wide competence, regional departments (there are 14 departments in the Czech Republic, and 4 departments in the Slovac Republic) and units created within the framework of the regional management.
The Czech Republic. The service of Czech police officers, in particular specialists of the Police for Foreigners (Czech: Sluzba cizinecke policie), who perform the functions of protecting the state borders of the Czech Republic, is regulated by the Law “On Service Relations of Security Forces Personnel” dated September 23, 2003 [14]. This law regulates social relations involving natural persons who serve in the police, fire and rescue, customs, penitentiary services of the Czech Republic, etc., and also defines the minimum level of education required for each position of police officer in the Czech Republic.
To join the police, a candidate must have at least a complete secondary education. Immediately after joining the service, the officer undergoes basic training, which gives him the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform police duties. The focus is mainly on legal aspects of police duties, tactics, mastering technical equipment and administrative procedures.
Moreover, five educational institutions in the cities of Brno, Pardubice, Jihlava, Holesov and Prague (in each regional department) currently provide basic training for the Czech police officers. The educational institution in the city of Brno also conducts qualification courses for heads and deputies of police bodies in matters of public order. Professional foreign language course is held at the Pardubice educational institution. In the cities of Jihlava and Holesov, there ia an advanced training course for the police in matters of foreigners and a course on professional communication for police officers.
In the city of Prague, the departmental institution provides basic training for police officers, extreme driving course, information and communication technologies. Educational institutions in the cities of Prague and Holesov are essentially units of secondary and higher police schools of the Czech Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Basic training of Czech police officers (in Czech: Zakladni odbordna privlaca) is provided to future police officers in one of the police schools under the Ministry of Internal Affairs and is of two types: shortened and regular.
The ordinary basic training is professional training carried out in departmental police training institutions. The main disciplines studied by police officers during such training are: Jurisprudence; Criminology; Law enforcement activities of the police; Medical training; Special physical training;
Information Technology; Psychology; Police ethics. The total term of regular basic training is 12 months. It consists of the following stages of training:
Introduction to the specialty (the main stage of training) lasts 1 month and is the same for all recruits.
The main cycle of training (Direct training) lasts 6 months, it is aimed at forming the professional and social competencies of a police officer by working out the practical exercises and cases created in real situations. Throughout the training, considerable attention is paid to the implementation of coercive measures, fire training and police service tactics.
Practice (3 months duration) involves police officers performing actions under conditions of mental and physical load, psychological adaptation to the police system, as well as obtaining basic skills necessary for further service. After completion of the practice, police officers are awarded with the certificates for keeping the service firearms.
The final cycle of training, the final exam (2 months duration) includes practical performance of service duties in police departments with the participation of instructors and passing the final exam [15].
Shortened training is provided to individuals who are graduates of secondary and higher vocational schools (specializing in the field of law, law enforcement and public administration) and the Police Academy in the city of Prague in the specialty No. B-60 “Jurisprudence in the field of security”. The duration of practice is half as long as usual. The specified category of citizens, when joining the police, take only an exam in the form of testing, which lasts 90 minutes and includes 90 questions of the closed type (on jurisprudence, the basics of law enforcement and the field of crime prevention and relevation).
The content and scope of testing are based on the Framework educational program (state education standard) No. 68-42-M/01 “Security and law enforcement activities”.
After completing training and successfully passing the final exam, a police specialist is usually assigned to serve in a district police department or police unit.
The secondary professional (vocational) education of the police officers of the Czech Republic is organized according to the educational program 68-42-M/01 “Security and law enforcement activities” in the secondary vocational schools of the police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the cities of Prague, Holesov and others.
For admission, the applicant writes an application and chooses the priority of the place of study. In the future, he passes entrance tests: single entrance exams (the Czech language and literature test; math test); physical education test. The average score of the certificate is taken into account during admission. Individuals beginning from the ninth grade are admitted to study.
The duration of study is 4 years on a full-time basis. The training includes the study of such disciplines as: “Language training” (“the Czech language”, “the Second foreign language”), “Social sciences”, “Natural sciences”, “Mathematics”, “Aesthetic education”, “Health care”, “Information and telecommunication technologies”, “Economics”, “Legal education”, “Law enforcement activities”, “Pedagogical and psychological education”, “Self-defense tactics”, “Geography”, “Life safety”, “Independent work”, etc.
The learning process in the curriculum ends with taking an exam to obtain a certificate of complete secondary education (the order of taking the exam is regulated by the Law of the Czech Republic “On Education”). The school headmaster determines the list of mandatory exams in such a way that at least two of the three exams are from the field of professional education. One of the mandatory exams must be conducted in the form of a practical exam or in the form of a project defense in front of the examination board.
After successful completion of studies, the graduate obtains a full secondary education certificate. The education received enables the graduate to apply for admission to higher vocational schools or universities, in particular to the Police Academy.
Higher professional education for police officers with the specialty “Security Sciences and Law” is provided in accordance with the Law of the Czech Republic No. 111/1998 of the Collection of Laws. “On Higher Educational Institutions” [16] in two Higher and Secondary Vocational Schools (hereinafter - VS) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the cities of Holesov and Prague. The school in Prague has the status of a UNESCO educational institution. It also has a branch in the city of Sokolov and an educational center in Krystofovy Hamry, which is used for trainings, field educational events, work meetings, sports competitions, etc.
At the educational institution in the city of Holesov, cadets can study for a bachelor's degree in the following specializations: “Public Security Police and Transport Police”, “Criminal Police and Organization of Pre-Trial Investigation”, “Police for Foreigners” and “Public Official of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Police of the Czech Republic”. The term of study lasts 3 years.
Education is organized according to the modular principle and consists of compulsory, compulsory (professional) and optional subjects. Compulsory disciplines are common to all specializations. Compulsory (professional) are studied according to specialization. Optional correspond to the specific interests of individual cadets and are taught in the second and third academic year. Each cadet must choose at least 2 optional disciplines in the second and third years of study. At the end of the second year, the cadet chooses the theme of his thesis.
The educational program “Security and law enforcement activities” includes the following academic disciplines: “Foreign language”, “Criminal law”, “Labor law”, “Administrative law”, “Civil law”, “Criminology”, “Fundamentals of management”, “Integrated rescue system”, “Organization of protection of classified data and work with information”, “International car transportation and supervision of their safety”, “Psychology”, “Sociology”, “Philosophy”, “Informatics”, “Applied informatics”, “Transaction analysis “, “Practical training”. The compulsory professional subjects are:
“Professional ethics”, “European law and European police cooperation”, “Drug crime”, “Activities of security services”. Optional subjects can be: “Spoken foreign language”, “Police tactics” (by specialization), “Electronic file processing”, etc.
Higher education is provided by the Police Academy under the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the city of Prague. At the bachelor's degree, the study period is 3 years. At the master's degree, studies last 2 years in the specialties “Sciences of security and law”, “Public administration”. The graduate school lasts 3 years according to the speciality “Legal Sciences”. Cadets at the first and second level of education can study on a full-time or combined form of education. At the third level, students are educated only in the combined form of education.
Within the framework of the program “Sciences of Security and Law” training is carried out in the following specialties: at the bachelor's level - No. B-60 “Sciences of Security and Law” (both full-time and part-time), No. B-62 “Police activity” (part-time study), No. B-61 “Criminal science and other forensic disciplines” (both full-time and combined form of study); at the master's level - No. N-61 “Police management and forensics” and No. N-62 “Security and strategic studies” (full-time and part-time).
Within the framework of the “Public Administration” educational curriculum, the institution provides training in the following specialties: at the bachelor's level - No. B-71 “Security Management in Public Administration”; at the master's level - No. N-71 “Safety management in public administration”.
The Czech Police Academy offers the specialty “Security Management and Forensics” as part of the “Security and Law Sciences” doctoral program.
The conditions for admission to the Academy are: having a secondary education certificate; successfully passed entrance exams (testing with 100 questions to choose from certain fields of knowledge); compliance with the requirements for service according to medical indicators; an application indicating the desired specialty (with a certified copy of the certificate).
A bachelor's degree cadet must earn 180 credits in all types of subjects during the entire period of study - 60 credits each year. If he receives more than 60 credits in the first and second years, he can use them later in the third year to supplement the required total number of credits. Curricula for all academic undergraduate programs consist of compulsory, compulsory professional and optional subjects. Compulsory professional subjects make up most of the curriculum.
The remaining compulsory and optional academic disciplines improve the acquired knowledge and skills. Compulsory subjects make up approximately 60% of the total number of credits. Compulsory (professional) disciplines make up approximately 40% of the required credits, of which at least 18 credits are from the legal block of disciplines, 34 credits are from the security discipline block, and 18 credits are from the block of other compulsory optional disciplines. Optional disciplines are offered to cadets to complete the required number of credits.
So, during the first and second year of study, studets must receive at least 60 credits each. If the number of credits obtained is greater, he/she can use them in the third year to obtain the required total number of credits. The study ends with the defense of a bachelor's thesis.
At the master's degree, the curricula of the programs are compiled on the basis of the main theoretical subjects of the profile block of disciplines. Other compulsory, professional and optional disciplines expand the acquired knowledge and skills. Compulsory subjects make up 50% of the total amount of credits. Compulsory professional disciplines make the basis of the required number of credits together with compulsory disciplines, in particular the legal block consists of 20 credits, the security block - 25 credits and the block of other compulsory optional disciplines - 15 credits).
In general, the cadet must make at least 120 credits from all types of disciplines during the entire period of study, which lasts 2 years.
At graduate school, compulsory subjects make up approximately 50% of the total number of credits. Compulsory professional disciplines consist of a legal block (20 credits), a security block (20 credits) and a block of other compulsory optional disciplines (17 credits), which together with the compulsory disciplines form the basis of the required number of credits. A graduate cadet must make at least 120 credits from all types of disciplines during his studies.
The Slovak Republic. The service of Slovak police officers, including the Border Police (Slovak: Hranicna policia) that perform the functions of ensuring the protection of the state borders of the Slovac Republic, is regulated by Chapter 14 of Law No. 73/1998 Coll. “On the Sate Service of Specialists of the Police Corps, the Slovak Information Service, the Penitentiary and Court Guard Corps of the Slovak Republic and the Railway Police [17].
As in the Czech Republic, in Slovakia, the police department provides basic and vocational secondary education at the Secondary Vocational Schools of Police Corpse in the cities of Bratislava, Kosice (which is the training center of the Police Corpse Border Police) and Pezinok, and higher vocational education at the Police Corpse Academy in Bratislava.
The Entrants must submit the following documents for admission to school: a written application, a completed questionnaire, a biographical certificate, a document on education and personal data (name, surname, birth number), a military ID card or a conscript card, a sworn statement in accordance with Article 14 of the aforementioned Law.
According to the Slovak legislation, a Police Corpse cadet can be a citizen of the Slovac Republic who meets the following conditions: older than 18 years, honest, reliable, has a complete general secondary education, is fit in terms of physical and mental health to perform official duties, speaks the state language, permanently resides on the territory of the Slovac Republic, is not a member of a political party or political movement on the day of entry into public service, is fully capable; on the day of entry into public service he/she has ceased activities prohibited in accordance with Article 48 of this Law.
During the entry, a citizen passes an exam on the state language, a physical fitness test, a psychological examination and a medical examination.
The exam on knowledge of the state language consists of two parts: a dictation (to test knowledge of the spelling of the state language) and a composition (to test the ability to concisely, clearly and succinctly express thoughts in words and build a coherent speech). A candidate fails the state language exam if he/she scores less than 20 points, which is 50% of the passing point.
The physical fitness test consists of a test on motor skills and the ability to swim. For each age category, the year of birth is decisive. Initial physical tests include:
running (100 meters for men, 50 meters for women),
standing long jump (for men),
complex strength exercise for 2 minutes (for both categories),
pull-ups (for men),
endurance pull-ups (for women),
running for 12 minutes (for both categories),
swimming for 100 meters (for both categories) [18].
The above-mentioned educational institution implements post-graduate qualification education for future border police officers of the lower level in the field of knowledge No. 9210 “Law enforcement service” in the specialty: 01 “Law enforcement service - basic police training” and 05 “Law enforcement service - Border police and police for foreigners”.
Specialty 01 “Basic police training” is divided into two specializations: “General training” and “Border police and police for foreigners” and is carried out according to two educational curriculums (depending on the category of police officers).
For specialty 01, police officers study for 10 or 12 months, depending on which service they are in: preparatory, temporary or service as a Police Corpse cadet. Policemen who are in the preparatory or temporary public service and are appointed to the position of warrant officers must study for 10 months on a full-time basis. Specialists enrolled in the public service as Police Corpse cadets study for 12 months on a full-time or part-time basis. Training is organized in four educational stages: basic police training - 150 hours, theoretical and practical training - 836 / 1020 hours, professional (practical) training - 168 / 160 hours, professional practice - 80 hours [19].
The first stage of police training usually lasts five months. During this time, the cadet masters the educational discipline “Basic police training” and the related educational disciplines defined by the curriculum. Successful mastering of this stage of basic training is a necessary condition for the cadet to continue further training, which is accompanied by the teaching of individual specialties.
The second stage includes practical classes conducted in accordance with the educational program of individual disciplines. Theoretical and practical training is supplemented by complex (integrated) classes. All subject groups of instructors participate in their implementation. In order to strengthen the reinforcing component of the educational process, Police Corpse school provides consultations for cadets at least once a week.
The third stage usually consists of 80 study hours and is held at the end of studies.
The fourth stage starts after the completion of professional practice, educational blocks are included within the framework of individual disciplines (in the amount of at least 38 educational hours), the purpose of which is the final repetition of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by cadets during training, as well as during their passing of professional practice. After that, cadets are given five study days for self-preparation before the final exams in professional disciplines. The final exam on receiving the certificate of maturity (Slovak: Maturitna skuska) on professional subjects is held at the end of the course of study.
Specialized police education is provided in specialty 05 “Border Police and Police for Foreigners”, which is divided into two specializations: “Border Police” and “Police for Foreigners”. Specialized training of police officers is carried out on a full-time basis.
Theoretical and practical studies of specialized police training includes practical classes conducted in accordance with the curriculum of the specialty. All departments are involved in conducting classes. After the completion of theoretical and practical training, cadets have self-preparation during two training days. These days provide an opportunity for cadets to prepare for final exams.
The specified curiculum includes the study of the following disciplines: “Border Police” (120 hours), “Law” (30 hours), “Criminal Science” (20 hours), “Service Training” (20 hours), “Police Communication” (30 hours).
Upon completion of training, future specialists of the Border Police receive the right to serve in the units of the Border Police and the Police for Foreigners of the Police Corpse, with an emphasis on the activities of the border control sections of the Police Corpse and asylum section of the Police Corpse.
Police officers can receive higher police education at the Police Corpse Academy in Bratislava [20]. This educational institution provides education in the field of knowledge 9205 “Sciences in the Field of Security” under two educational program: 7170 “Protection of People and Property” and 7172 “Security and Legal Services in Public Administration”. Future specialists of the Border Police are trained under the first program in the following specializations: “Police for the Protection of Public Order”; “Traffic Police”; “Border Police and Police for Foreigners”; “Criminal Police”/ “Search”; “Police for the Protection of Facilities”.
A cadet of the Academy can be a citizen of the Slovak Republic over the age of 18 who meets the following admission conditions: physically and mentally fit for service, honest, reliable, speaks the state language, meets the level of education (passed the high school certificate exam), permanently resides on the territory of the Slovac Republis, is not a member of a political party or political movement on the day of entry into public service, has full capacity, does not have another paid job [21].
Studies at the first level of education (according to the 7170 program) lasts 3 years for full-time and 4 years for part-time education. The main condition for admission to a bachelors degree is the presence of a complete general secondary education, higher education or a complete general secondary vocational education. In addition to submitting an application, the applicant submits: an application for admission to the public service of a Police Corpse cadet; biography; a document on payment for entrance tests; a medical certificate of fitness for study. The entrance exam consists of two parts. The first part is a test on physical fitness, knowledge of the state language, psychological selection. The second part is knowledge testing.
The curriculum of the educational program consists of 35 compulsory, 31 compulsory professional (optional depending on the specialty) and 7 optional educational disciplines. The educational program separately specifies the list of specialized disciplines for which future graduates will take state exams. Each academic year ends with professional training, it has 2 credits each year. The final work of a bachelor's degree cadet is a qualification, in particular, a bachelor's work.
Successful defense of the research work and completion of the educational component of the training gives the cadet the right to complete the training and be assigned to the position of the head of the basic level of management of Police Corpse units or to continue studying at the master's degree at the Academy of Police Corpse [22].
Master's degree studies last 2 years for full-time studies or 3 years for part-time studies. Education is carried out according to the above-mentioned specialties (the same as at the bachelor's level). The curriculum of the educational program includes 23 compulsory, 23 compulsory professional and 3 optional educational disciplines and has a number of profile disciplines studied in certain specializations. The cadets undergo professional practice once during their studies - in the first year. The qualifying work for the master's degree is a master's thesis, which cadets must defend.
After completing their studies and having obtained the second level of education, Police Corpse specialists are assigned the right to get positions at the middle and higher management levels and to enroll in doctoral studies.
The doctoral study lasts 3 years full-time and 4 years part-time, respectively. The curriculum of the educational program includes 10 compulsory and 17 compulsory professional disciplines. The final work of a doctoral student is a thesis. The students must write and defend their scientific work and pass an oral exam to receive a Doctor of Philosophy.
After the completion of the educational and scientific component of training, as well as the defense of work, graduates of doctoral studies are awarded the academic degree “Doctor of Philosophy” and are given the right to get the position of senior management, instructor of a departmental educational institution, etc.
Conclusions and prospects for further research
The Czech Republic and Slovakia are members of the European Community and the Schengen Area. This affected the peculiarities of the organization of the protection of their state borders and the formation of law enforcement agencies of these countries. In particular, in Slovakia, the task of protecting the external and internal borders of the European Union was assigned to the Border Police, in the Czech Republic - to the Police for Foreigners (it guards the internal Schengen borders).
Particular attention was paid to the peculiarities of the professional training of specialists of the Border Police of the Slovac Republic and the Police for Foreigners of the Czech Republic. The content of the programs and forms of cadets training in the Czech Republic and the Slovac Republic have been revealed.
Thus, secondary vocational schools located in the regional centers of these countries provide basic, specialized and secondary vocational training for future police officers. There are three such schools in Slovakia and five in the Czech Republic. The training of future border guards is carried out centrally by legally defined educational institutions: the Secondary Vocational Police School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the city of Holesov (CR) and the Secondary Professional School of the Police Corps of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the city of Kosice (SR). Basic training covers four stages of training: introduction to the specialty, direct training, practice and the final stage of training.
The peculiarities of the cadets' training for higher police education at departmental academies are outlined: the Police Academy in Prague (Czech Republic) and the Police Corps Academy in Bratislava (Slovakia). These higher educational institutions provide training of police specialists at all three levels of higher education. Curricula, as a rule, consist of three blocks of educational disciplines: compulsory, compulsory professional and optional. Compulsory academic disciplines are common to all specializations.
Compulsory professional educational disciplines are studied in accordance with the specialization and form the basis of the required number of credits together with the compulsory disciplines. In particular, this block includes legal, security and other compulsory optional diciplines. Optional subjects are offered to cadets to complete the required number of credits.
Throughout the service, police officers also have the opportunity for professional development through training and specialized courses organized by police training centers and schools, or through training in higher departmental educational institutions.
The prospects for further scientific research in this direction are the implementation of a comprehensive comparative analysis of the professional training of specialists in border protection of the law enforcement agencies of Slovakia, the Czech Republic and the border agency of Ukraine.
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Oxford is the oldest English-speaking university in the world and the largest research center in Oxford more than a hundred libraries and museums, its publisher. The main areas of training students. Admission to the university. Its history and structure.
ïðåçåíòàöèÿ [1,6 M], äîáàâëåí 28.11.2012Direction of professional self - development. Features of emotional sphere. Personal qualities of the social teacher and teacher of self-knowledge. The concept of vital functions as a continuous process of goal-setting, operations and human behavior.
ïðåçåíòàöèÿ [2,5 M], äîáàâëåí 08.10.2016Transfer to profile training of pupils of 11–12 classes of 12-year comprehensive school its a stage in implementation of differentiation of training. Approaches to organization of profile education and their characteristic, evaluation of effectiveness.
êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [39,4 K], äîáàâëåí 26.05.2015Features of training of younger schoolboys and preschool children. Kognitivnoe development of preschool children. Features of teaching of English language at lessons with use of games. The principal views of games used at lessons of a foreign language.
êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [683,5 K], äîáàâëåí 06.03.2012Planning a research study. Explanation, as an ability to give a good theoretical background of the problem, foresee what can happen later and introduce a way of solution. Identifying a significant research problem. Conducting a pilot and the main study.
ðåôåðàò [26,5 K], äîáàâëåí 01.04.2012Problems of child's psychological development. "Hot-Cold" games (for children till 7 years old). Intellectual Eye Measurer. Definitions and classification. Assessment. Computer, teacher's version. Mathematics. Statistics (for training of banking workers).
ðåôåðàò [46,3 K], äîáàâëåí 19.09.2015The education system in the United States of America. Pre-school education. Senior high school. The best universities of national importance. Education of the last level of training within the system of higher education. System assessment of Knowledge.
ïðåçåíòàöèÿ [1,4 M], äîáàâëåí 06.02.2014Involvement of pupils to study language as the main task of the teacher. The significance of learners' errors. The definition of possible classifications of mistakes by examples. Correction of mistakes of pupils as a part of educational process.
êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [30,2 K], äîáàâëåí 05.11.2013Reading is the foundation on which academic skills of an individual are built. The importance of teaching reading. Developing reading skills and strategies. Stages of conducting reading and reading activities. Rules of training of the advanced readers.
êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [36,2 K], äîáàâëåí 10.04.2012Modern education system in the UK. Preschool education. The national curriculum. Theoretical and practical assignments. The possible scenarios for post-secondary education. Diploma of higher professional education. English schools and parents' committees.
ïðåçåíòàöèÿ [3,3 M], äîáàâëåí 05.06.2015