Formation of social-communicative competence of future officers as a pedagogical problem

Humanization of Ukrainian criminal legislation. Increasing the role of interaction between representatives of the penitentiary service and citizens. Stimulating the cognitive activity of future officers. Structural components of communicative competence.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 15.04.2024
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Transport University

Formation of social-communicative competence of future officers as a pedagogical problem

Olena Moskalenko Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,

Professor of Foreign Philology and Translation Department National

Kyiv, Ukraine


The article analyzes the scientific approaches to the definition and structure of social and communicative competencies, offers the author's definitions of these concepts, as well as the concept of complex competence - social and communicative.

It is established that the problem of formation of social-communicative competence is the subject of research of psychology and pedagogy, communicative linguistics, psycholinguistics, ethnolinguistics, communication theory. Researchers consider social and communicative competence to be one of the most important for life in society. criminal legislation communicative competence penitentiary

However, today the problem of a comprehensive study of the formation of social and communicative competence in future officers of the penitentiary service in the study of the humanities is not fully resolved.

It was found that the attention to the problem of formation of social and communicative competence of future officers is associated with a number of socio-political changes, management methods, expanding the scope of human contacts, speed of information exchange and increasing the role of interpersonal interaction. The importance of professional humanitarian training of future officers is due to the fact that they manage the staff of the penitentiary service, deal with representatives of different worldviews.

It is established that the formation of social and communicative competence of future officers is a scientifically sound system of organization and stimulation of students' cognitive activity on qualitative changes in all components of their social and communicative competence.

Based on scientific definitions, the author's interpretation of the concept of “social and communicative competence” is a professionally important property that includes social and communicative knowledge, skills, basic values ??and personal qualities necessary for effective interpersonal interaction of penitentiary service specialists.

Key words: social competence; communicative competence; social and communicative competence; structural components of competence; penitentiary service, future officers.


Problem statement. Nowadays, the humanization and democratization of penitentiary institutions is important, taking into account international norms and standards for the treatment of prisoners, including the requirements of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Minimum Standard Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, European Penitentiary Rules, etc. Officers of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine must operate from the standpoint of humanism, respect the rights and fundamental freedoms of prisoners, have professional knowledge, skills and abilities not only in law, penitentiary management and professional sphere, but also in social work, penitentiary psychology and pedagogy, socio-communicative interaction. Particular importance is given to the ability to establish constructive relationships with colleagues, communicate with convicts and their relatives, apply the experience of social interaction to solve professional and life problems, achieve mutual understanding, prevent and resolve conflicts, etc. In general, it is necessary to have knowledge, skills, abilities and properties that are components of social and communicative competence.

Recent research and publications review. There are many approaches to understanding and classifying social-communicative competence. The results of the analysis of scientific publications on the formation and development of social-communicative competence are highlighted in the works of F. Batsevich, L. Nasilenko, V. Rozova, O. Semenog, O. Timofeeva, A. Tokarska, L. Frankiv and others. Scientists O. Bodalov, S. Makarov, S. Nikitina, V. Tsvetkov, I. Zimnya, V. Kunitsyna, G. Bilytska, V Maslennikova, L. Shabatura, L. Svirska studied the phenomenon of social competence. Also I. Zarubinska, V Romek, M. Doktorovych, E. Koblyanska, P. Damogray, O. Didenko, O. Duka, O. Sheremeta and others study some aspects of the formation of professional competence of law enforcement officers.

Some scholars, namely M. Karpushyna, I.Bloshchynskyi, V. Zheliaskov, V. Chymshyr, O. Kolmykova, O. Tymofeeva revealed the issue of foreign language training of specialists as component of communicative competence [1].

Some topical aspects of training of penitentiary personnel on the basis of competence approach were considered by scholars, namely: V. Barkovskyi studied the formation of communicative culture in future criminal police officers [2]; I. Ra- domskyi revealed the peculiarities of formation of culture of professional communication of future officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the process of training [3]; O. Togochynskyi studied the formation of socio-economic competence of future specialists of the penitentiary system [4]. Other scholars, namely

O. Didenko, O. Moskalenko, S. Bilyavets, D. Kuprienko, Yu. Sychevsky deal with various aspects of the future officers' professional training including using computer and information technologies, such as blended learning, tests and electronic books [5], [6]. At the same time, there is no comprehensive study of the problem of forming social-communicative competence of future officers of the State Penitentiary Service. In view of this, the experience of forming this professionally important property and highlighting the results of its consideration in scientific works needs to be generalized.

The purpose of the article is to generalize theoretical approaches to the concept of “social-communicative competence”, substantiate the author's definition of social-communicative competence of future officers of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine.

Research methods. In the article the following methods were used: theoretical analysis, comparison, generalization, systematization of theoretical and practical approaches on social-communicative competence.

Research results

Researchers believe that dialogue culture is a prerequisite for the survival of modern civilization, which, in turn, determines the importance of human ability to interact with other people, to achieve mutual understanding, to establish the “ethics of consent”. Representatives of communicative philosophy talk about the nature of interpersonal relationships, motivating people to live together, strengthen the spiritual ties between members of the human community. Scientists are unanimous that a person can realize and self-identify only in constant contact with others. In pedagogy, attention was paid directly to social and communicative competence in the second half of the twentieth century, when the competence approach in education became relevant. The term “competence” is used to denote specially structured and organized knowledge, skills, and attitudes acquired in the learning process, as well as to denote the results of educational activities. Competences allow a person to identify and solve problems, regardless of the context (situation) specific to a particular field of activity [7, p. 17].

O. Ovcharuk also draws attention to the importance of the ability to cooperate, the ability to solve problems in different life situations, skills of mutual understanding, active participation in public life, established social and civic values, communication skills, including mobility (in different social conditions), the ability to determine personal roles in community [7].

In pedagogy social and communicative competence is considered to be one of the key ones. In particular, S. Chernova conducted a research of the communicative competence of a border guard officer and defined it as an integrative personality trait that encompasses his motives and needs in the professional field of communication, communicative personal abilities and characteristics, knowledge, skills, abilities and communicative experience necessary to ensure effective professional activity [8, p. 56].

Peculiarities of communicative training of future law enforcement officers were studied by O. Semenog and L. Nasilenko [9], N. Tsenko [10], and others. In particular, O. Semenog and L. Nasilenko believe that the communicative competence of the future lawyer is his integral personal qualitative characteristics, covers values, communicative knowledge, skills, abilities, abilities necessary for effective dialogue with the subjects of legal relations in certain professional legal situations on the basis of free possession of verbal and nonverbal means of legal communication in accordance with moral and ethical norms [10, p. 69]. According to N. Tsenko, communicative competence of future lawyers as an integral personal education is a set of knowledge, skills and abilities, values, awareness of ethical, deontological norms and rules of communicative interaction. M. Tsenko believes that to characterize communicative competence it is necessary to use not only linguistic approach, but also ethical and socio-psychological, as the effectiveness of communication directly depends on the moral and positive atmosphere [10, p. 45].

The issues of professional, social and communicative training, formation of social and communicative competence of future officers were the subject of attention of V. Barkovskyi [11], I. Radomskyi [3], O. Togochynskyi [4] and others. For example, V. Barkovskyi believes that the communicative culture of criminal police officers directly affects the ability to solve many social and legal problems, creates favorable conditions for establishing the necessary links with different categories of the population, allows consistent and effective development. to connect complex professional tasks of psychological and interpersonal nature [11, p. 1]. Scientist O. Togochynskyi considers the social competence of law enforcement officers as an integrated property that covers the system of their social values, social and psychological knowledge, skills, abilities, abilities for professional and social adaptation and self-realization, joint team work, providing effective communication and fulfillment of social roles in the professional and criminogenic environment [4].

O.Timofeeva emphasized that social communicative competence of future navigators can be considered as professionally important ability containing the system of social communicative knowledge and skills as well as personal qualities required for efficient interaction and cooperation to ensure the safety of the vessel and proper professional activities [12].

In the psychological aspect of communication V. Nazarenko researched the competence of officers of State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. The scientist singled out business communication as a separate type of professional communication of the body (unit) officers of State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, as well as identified and experimentally verified the psychological conditions that affect the development of communicative competence of different management levels in the service business communication [13, p. 6].

Based on the former definitions, it was suggested to consider social-communicative competence in accordance with the requirements of the professional activities of penitentiary service officers, which is multifunctional. Officers of penitentiary institutions have to solve a whole set of multilevel tasks directly manage all the lives and activities of subordinate units and prisoners. The penitentiary service officer performs criminal-executive, social-pedagogical activity, organizes labor activity of convicts, as well as conducts operational and investigative measures. The set of these activities can be considered as a system of interdependent managerial activities that ensures the proper level of organization of daily activities of the penitentiary institution.

According to O. Yevsiukov, communicative skills and abilities are necessary for an officer to establish the desired style of interaction with subordinate personnel [14]. So, communicative skills are necessary for establishing communication between officer and convicts, it is the style of relations between the subject and object of influence, i.e. between the officer of the penitentiary institution and the convict, determines the dynamics of the correction process. As a rule, an officer for establishing effective communication should not only give orders, but often explain, prove, persuade. He must be able to do it properly use language and speech tools in personnel management, basic means of convincing and influence upon thoughts and beliefs.

In addition, penitentiary officers must be able to decide professional tasks in various, standard and extraordinary conditions. The activity of a penitentiary officer is permanent solving a continuous chain of professional and pedagogical tasks, concerning the organization of work of penitentiary institution and education prisoners, etc. An officer must be able to quickly orientate in a situation that is frequent contains elements of uncertainty, given the various circumstances and relationships between people, choose the only right decision from several options.

According to the results of the analysis of psychological and pedagogical research works, it can be stated that scientists associate social and communicative competence mostly with knowledge, skills and abilities of interpersonal communication, the ability to orientate in various situations of professional interaction. Important characteristics of social and communicative competence are: adherence to the system of moral norms, willingness to cooperate and conduct dialogue, the ability to organize joint activities, reconcile personal interests with the needs of the organization, society. Based on the scientific approaches on the given problem, social-communicative competence of future officers is considered as professionally important property, which includes social and communicative knowledge, skills, basic value orientations and personal qualities necessary for effective interpersonal interaction of penitentiary service officers.


Thus, scientists note that social and communicative competence is a person's ability to establish and maintain the necessary contacts with other people. Components of social and communicative competence are the ability to analyze and transmit information, listen and dialogue, act and work with others (work in a group, team, team, recognize the contribution of others to work together, adequately assess their contribution to common cause). The ability to empathize with other people, including understanding their feelings, needs, and concerns, is important. Separately, scientists point to the ability to behave adequately under pressure, to resolve conflicts constructively.

The issue of social and communicative competence is the subject of attention of various fields of knowledge, including philosophy, sociology, linguistics, psychology and pedagogy. According to the philosophical approach, the main thing in defining communicative competence is that communication is a process that creates community of people. Sociologists focus on social and communicative competence as a result of learning the experience of interacting with other people. Linguists consider socio-communicative competence in the context of personal mastery of the language system. Pedagogics explores ways to form social and communicative competence, the factors influencing this process. Regarding the penitentiary service, it is important to ensure effective communication and fulfillment of social roles in the professional environment. Prospects for further research are to highlight the practical methods and tools of training of social and communicative competence of future officers of the State Penitentiary Service Ukraine.

Список використаних джерел

1. Karpushyna M., Bloshchynskyi I., Zheliaskov V., Chymshyr V., Kolmykova O. & Tymofieieva O. (2019). Warm-Up as a Means of Fostering Target- Language Performance in a Particular English Gass. Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 11(2), 141-159. URL: 10.18662/rrem/122

2. Barkovskyi V P. (2003). Formation of communicative culture of future criminal police officers : avtoref. dis. ... cand. of ped. science : 13.00.04; National Academy of State Border Service of Ukraine named after B. Khmelnytskyi. Khmelnytskyi, 18 p.

3. Radomskyi I. P. (2006). The use of socio-psychological training as a means of forming a culture of professional communication among cadets of universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Bulletin of Zaporizhia National University, 1, 165-171.

4. Togochynskyi O. (2021). Socio-economic training of officers of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine in the system of continuing education. Collection of scientific works of the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. Series: Pedagogical Sciences, 22(3), 193-212.

5. Moskalenko O., Didenko O. (2018). A computer tool for training pilots' listening skills in Aviation English. Information Technologies and Learning Tools, Vol 67(5), P. 187-198, 2018. URL: view/2434/1406

6. Bilyavets S. Ya., Didenko O. V., Kuprienko D. A., Moskalenko O. I., Sychevskyi Y. O. (2019). Application of information and communication technologies in the preparation of future border guards for the identification of vehicles and persons.. Information Technologies and Learning Tools, Vol 70, № 2, P. 86-103. URL:

7. Competence approach in modern education: world experience and Ukrainian prospects / ed. O.V. Ovcharuk. Kyiv : KIS, 2004. 112 p.

8. Chernova S. V (2019). Development of communicative competence of border guards in the process of professional development : dis. ... cand. ped. sciences in the specialty : 13.00.04. Bohdan Khmelnytsky National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Khmelnytsky. 256 p.

9. Semenog O. M., Nasilenko L. A. (2015). Professional communicative training of future lawyers: theory and practice : monograph. Sumy: Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko. 324 p.

10. Tsenko M. B. (2014). Formation of communicative competence of future lawyers. Bulletin of the National University “Yaroslav Mudryy Law Academy of Ukraine”. Series: philosophy, philosophy of law, political science, sociology. Kharkiv : Pravo, 4(23) 41-50.

11. Barkovskyi V P. (2003). Formation of communicative culture in future employees of the criminal police : avtoref. dis. ... cand. ped. science : 13.00.04; Khmelnytsky : NADPSU. 18 p.

12. Timofeeva O. Ya. (2018). Formation of social and communicative competence of future drivers in the process of studying humanities : dis. ... cand. ped. science : 13.00.04; Khmelnytsky : NADPSU. 221 p.

13. Nazarenko V. O. (2007). Psychological conditions for the development of communicative competence of the heads of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine : avtoref. dis. ... cand. psychol. science : 19.00.09 / Nat. Academy of State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytsky. Khmelnytskyi. 20 p.

14. Yevsyiukov O. F. (2006). Pedagogical conditions of formation of professional competence of future officers in the educational process of a higher military educational institution : dis. . cand. ped. sciences : 13.00.04 / Yevsyiukov O. F. Kharkiv. 170 p.


Формування соціально-комунікативної компетентності майбутніх офіцерів як педагогічна проблема

Москаленко О.

У статті проаналізовано наукові підходи до визначення та структури соціальної та комунікативної компетентностей, запропоновано авторські визначення цих понять, а також поняття комплексної компетентності - соціально-комунікативної.

Встановлено, що проблема формування соціально-комунікативної компетентності є предметом досліджень психології та педагогіки, комунікативної лінгвістики, психолінгвістики, етнолінгвістики, теорії комунікації.

Дослідники вважають соціально-комунікативну компетентність однією із найважливіших для життя в соціумі. Однак на сьогодні проблема комплексного дослідження формування соціально-комунікативної компетентності у майбутніх офіцерів пенітенціарної служби у процесі вивчення гуманітарних дисциплін не вирішена повною мірою.

З'ясовано, що увага до проблеми формування соціально-комунікативної компетентності майбутніх офіцерів пов'язана з низкою суспільно-політичних змін, методів управління, розширенням сфери людських контактів, швидкістю інформаційних обмінів та підвищенням ролі міжособистісної взаємодії. Важливість професійної гуманітарної підготовки майбутніх офіцерів обумовлена тим, що вони здійснюють управління персоналом пенітенціарної служби, мають справу з представниками різних світоглядів.

Установлено, що формування соціально-комунікативної компетентності майбутніх офіцерів - це науково обґрунтована система організації і стимулювання пізнавальної діяльності студентів щодо якісних змін усіх компонентів їх соціально-комунікативної компетентності. На підставі наукових визначень, запропоновано авторську інтерпретацію поняття “соціально-комунікативна компетентність” - це професійно важлива властивість, що охоплює соціально-комунікативні знання, уміння, базові ціннісні орієнтації та особистісні якості, необхідні для ефективної міжособистісної взаємодії фахівців пенітенціарної служби.

Ключові слова: соціальна компетентність; комунікативна компетентність; соціально-комунікативна компетентність; структурні компоненти компетентності; пенітенціарна служба; майбутні офіцери.


1. Karpushyna M., Bloshchynskyi I., Zheliaskov V., Chymshyr V., Kolmykova O. & Tymofieieva O. (2019). Warm-Up as a Means of Fostering Target-Language Performance in a Particular English Class. Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensional, 11(2). P. 141-159. URL: 10.18662/rrem/122 [in English]

2. Barkovskyi V P. (2003). Formuvannia komunikatyvnoi kultury u maibutnikh pratsivnykiv kryminalnoi militsii [Formation of communicative culture of future criminal police officers] : avtoref. dys. ... kand. ped. nauk : 13.00.04; Nats. akad. Prykordon. viisk Ukrainy im. B. Khmelnytskoho. Khmelnytskyi, 18 s. [in Ukrainian]

3. Radomskyi I. P. (2006). Vykorystannia sotsialno-psykholohichnoho treninhu yak zasobu formuvannia kultury profesiinoho spilkuvannia u kursantiv VNZ MVS Ukrainy [The use of socio-psychological training as a means of forming a culture of professional communication among cadets of universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine]. Visnyk Zaporizkoho natsionalnoho universytetu, 1, 165-171. Bulletin of Zaporizhia National University, 1, S. 165-171. [in Ukrainian]

4. Togochynskyi O. (2021). Sotsialno-ekonomichna pidhotovka ofitseriv Derzhavnoi kryminalno-vykonavchoi sluzhby Ukrainy v systemi bezperervnoi osvity. [Socio-economic training of officers of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine in the system of continuing education]/ Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Natsionalnoi akademii Derzhavnoi prykordonnoi sluzhby Ukrainy. Seriia: pedahohichni nauky, 22(3), S. 193-212. [in Ukrainian]

5. Moskalenko O., Didenko O. (2018). A computer tool for training pilots' listening skills in Aviation English. Information Technologies and Learning Tools, Vol 67(5), P. 187-198, 2018. URL: view/2434/1406 [in English]

6. Bilyavets S. Ya., Didenko O. V., Kuprienko D. A., Moskalenko O. I., Sychevskyi Y. O. (2019). Zastosuvannia informatsiino-komunikatsiinykh tekhnolohii u pidhotovtsi maibutnikh ofitseriv-prykordonnykiv do identyfikatsii transportnykh zasobiv ta osib. [Application of information and communication technologies in the preparation of future border guards for the identification of vehicles and persons]. Information Technologies and Learning Tools, Vol 70, № 2, S. 86-103. URL: https:// [in Ukrainian]

7. Kompetentnisnyi pidkhid u suchasnii osviti: svitovyi dosvid ta ukrainski perspektyvy [Competence approach in modern education: world experience and Ukrainian prospects] / ed. O. V. Ovcharuk. Kyiv : KIS, 2004. 112 s. [in Ukrainian]

8. Chernova S. V. (2019). Rozvytok komunikatyvnoi kompetentnosti ofitseriv-prykordonnykiv u protsesi pidvyshchennia kvalifikatsii. [Development of communicative competence of border guards in the process of professional development] : dys. kand. ped. nauk zi spetsialnosti 13.00.04. Natsionalna akademiia Derzhavnoi prykordonnoi sluzhby Ukrainy imeni Bohdana Khmelnytskoho, Khmelnytskyi. 256 s. [in Ukrainian]

9. Semenog O. M., Nasilenko L. A. (2015). Profesiina komunikatyvna pidhotovka maibutnikh yurystiv: teoriia i praktyka [Professional communicative training of future lawyers: theory and practice] : monohrafiia. Sumy : SumDPU imeni A. S. Makarenka. 324 s. [in Ukrainian]

10. Tsenko M. B. (2014). Formuvannia komunikatyvnoi kompetentnosti maibutnikh yurystiv. [Formation of communicative competence of future lawyers]. Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu “Iurydychna akademiia Ukrainy imeni Yaroslava Mudroho”. Seriia : filosofiia, filosofiia prava, politolohiia, sotsiolohiia. Kharkiv : Pravo, 4(23). 41-50. [in Ukrainian]

11. Barkovsky V. P. (2003). Formuvannia komunikatyvnoi kultury u maibutnikh pratsivnykiv kryminalnoi militsii [Formation of communicative culture in future employees of the criminal police] : avtoref. dis. ... cand. ped. science : 13.00.04; Khmelnytsky : NADPSU. 18 s. [in Ukrainian]

12. Timofeeva O. Ya. (2018). Formuvannia sotsialno-komunikatyvnoi kompetentnosti maibutnikh sudnovodiiv u protsesi vyvchennia humanitarnykh dystsyplin. [Formation of social and communicative competence of future navigators in the process of studying humanities] : dys. ... kand. ped. nauk :

13.0. 04; Khmelnytskyi : NADPSU. 221 s. dis. ... cand. ped. science : 13.00.04; Khmelnytsky : NADPSU. 221 s. [in Ukrainian]

13. Nazarenko V. O. (2007). Psykholohichni umovy rozvytku komunikatyvnoi kompetentnosti kerivnykiv Derzhavnoiprykordonnoi sluzhby Ukrainy [Psychological conditions for the development of communicative competence of the heads of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine] : avtoref. dys. ... kand. psykhol. nauk : 19.0.09 / Nats. akademiia Derzh. prykordonnoi sluzhby Ukrainy im. Bohdana Khmelnytskoho. Khmelnytskyi. 20 s. [in Ukrainian]

14. Yevsyiukov O. F. (2006). Pedahohichni umovy formuvannia profesiinoi kompetentnosti maibutnikh ofitseriv u navchalnomu protsesi vyshchoho viiskovoho navchalnoho zakladu [Pedagogical conditions of formation of professional competence of future officers in the educational process of a higher military educational institution] : dys. ... kand. ped. nauk : 13.00.04 / Yevsiukov Oleksandr Feliksovych. Kharkiv. 170 s. [in Ukrainian]

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  • The problem of linguistic abilities of a child. Goals and objectives of foreign language teaching preschoolers. Number of pupils in a group, the frequency, duration of sessions. The game as the leading method of teaching preschoolers. Learning vocabulary.

    курсовая работа [39,5 K], добавлен 26.06.2015

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