Theoretical substantiation of the model of education of a responsible attitude in future primary school teachers to the design of a safe educational environment

The author's model of nurturing a responsible attitude in future primary school teachers towards the design of a safe educational environment. Elements of each block of the model, the effectiveness of its use in the training of qualified specialists.

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Дата добавления 27.02.2024
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Theoretical substantiation of the model of education of a responsible attitude in future primary school teachers to the design of a safe educational environment

Misiak Yuliia Volodymyrivna mark, Municipal establishment "Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy" of the Kharkiv Regional Council


The article presents the theoretical justification of the author's model of educating the responsible attitude of future primary school teachers to the design of a safe educational environment. Because security is a state of protection of an individual or group, the availability of ways to satisfy the individual and protect his rights. In turn, taking into account the challenges of modern times, in particular the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, ensuring safe conditions for students of general secondary education is a priority task of all employees of the educational institution. Heads of educational institutions, pedagogical workers, in particular primary school teachers, parents, the public should deal with this issue. It is extremely important now to master the rules of safe behavior and teach children about it, as well as to educate future teachers of a responsible attitude to the creation of a safe educational environment in an educational institution. The work focuses on the importance of developing a responsible attitude in future teachers towards the design of a safe educational environment, because the current stage of the development of pedagogical education requires the training of highly qualified specialists who are able to responsibly fulfill their professional duties. The article examines and analyzes the main methodological approaches to the development of the model: competence-based, axiological, cultural-based, system-based. The meaning of the concepts of "model" and "modeling" is revealed. The article highlights the main elements of each block of the model: regulatory-legal, target, content-procedural, and effective. Based on the importance of this problem, it is worth noting that the use of the model of nurturing a responsible attitude in future primary school teachers towards designing a safe educational environment can be effective in the process of training qualified specialists.

Keywords: model; modeling; competence approach; axiological approach; cultural approach; system-activity approach; a model of nurturing a responsible attitude to the design of a safe educational environment.


primary school teacher safe educational environment

Місяк Юлія Володимирівна викладач, Комунальний заклад "Харківська гуманітарно-педагогічна академія" Харківської обласної ради


У статті подано теоретичне обґрунтування авторської моделі виховання відповідального ставлення в майбутніх учителів початкових класів до проектування безпечного освітнього середовища. Бо безпека - це стан захищеності особи чи групи, наявність способів задоволення особистості та захисту її прав. У свою чергу, враховуючи виклики сучасності, зокрема військову агресію з боку російської федерації проти України, забезпечення безпечних умов для здобувачів загальної середньої освіти е пріоритетним завданням усіх працівників закладу освіти. Цим питанням мають займатися керівники закладів освіти, педагогічні працівники, зокрема вчителі початкових класів, батьки, громадськість Вкрай важливим нині є опанування правил безпечної поведінки та навчання цьому дітей, а також виховання в майбутніх педагогів відповідального ставлення до створення безпечного освітнього середовища закладу освіти. У роботі звернено увагу на важливості виховання відповідального ставлення в майбутніх педагогів до проєктування безпечного освітнього середовища, адже сучасний етап розвитку педагогічної освіти вимагає підготовку висококваліфікованих фахівців, здатних відповідально виконувати свої професійні обов'язки. У статті розглянуто та проаналізовано основні методологічні підходи щодо розроблення моделі: компетентнісний, аксіологічний, культурологічний, системно-діяльнісний. Розкрито зміст понять «модель» та «моделювання». У статті висвітлено основні елементи кожного блоку моделі: нормативно-правового, цільового, змістово-процесуального, результативного. Виходячи з важливості даної проблеми, варто зазначити, що використання моделі виховання відповідального ставлення в майбутніх учителів початкових класів до проектування безпечного освітнього середовища може бути ефективним у процесі підготовки кваліфікованих фахівців.

Ключові слова: модель; моделювання; компетентнісний підхід; аксіологічний підхід; культурологічний підхід; системно-діяльнісний підхід; модель виховання відповідального ставлення до проєктування безпечного освітнього середовища.

Formulation of the problem

The modern stage of the development of human civilization puts forward new requirements for the content and forms of youth education. Taking into account the demands of modern society, an important task is the upbringing of physically perfect, highly moral, highly cultured and educated youth.

In the education of higher education seekers - future primary school teachers, considerable attention should be paid to the development of pedagogical self-awareness, love for children and the chosen profession, awareness of professional interest and responsibility.

Future teachers must realize that they are responsible for their actions, that every step they take will be morally assessed. Only under this condition will they be ready to work in the children's collective [1, p. 107].

Therefore, it is urgent to introduce into the practice of the educational institution the model of educating the responsible attitude of future primary school teachers to the design of a safe educational environment.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The following scientists investigated the issue of professional education in their findings: Aystrakhanov [2], S. Belyaev [3], S. Goncharenko [4], L. Koval [5], N. Nychkalo [6], L. Shevchenko [7] etc.

At the current stage of the development of psychological and pedagogical science, questions of the methodology of designing an educational environment remain relevant. The modeling method is considered in the scientific findings of the following researchers: (O. Bida, K. Gnezdilova, S. Gurov, G. Yelnikova, K. Zhitnukhina, O. Kapustina, Kovalchuk, A. Kozyr, S. Parshuk, M. Pyvovarenko, A. Prokopenko, G. Ponomaryova, O. Semenova, S. Sysoeva, O. Stolyarenko, Y. Sikora, Stepanov, A. Kharkivska, etc.) The author's models of training future specialists are presented in the works of O. Kapustina [8], V. Lytvyn [9], M. Maievsky [10], O. Molchaniuk [11], G. Ponomaryova [12]. Despite considerable attention from researchers to the problem of modeling in the educational process, there is a need to study the main approaches to the development of models for the training of future teachers, as well as to specify the main components of modern models.

Based on the above, the aim of the study is to characterize the model of education of a responsible attitude in future primary school teachers to the design of a safe educational environment.

Presentation of the main research material

The process of education involves the unity of all components of the comprehensive development of the personality. The use of methodological approaches is an important stage in the development of a structural and logical model of education of a responsible attitude in future primary school teachers to the design of a safe educational environment.

The effectiveness of the organization of a safe educational environment is determined by the implementation of the main methodological approaches: competence, axiological, cultural, systemactivity. We will use them in the development of a model for educating future primary school teachers in a responsible attitude towards the design of a safe educational environment.

The modern development of school education is associated with the introduction of a competence approach to the formation of content and organization of the educational process. Therefore, a modern pedagogical institution of higher education is faced with the task of training a teacher who possesses modern competencies, methods and technologies that would allow him to rebuild the educational process in accordance with new requirements and approaches. The issue of fostering a responsible attitude in future primary school teachers towards the design of a safe educational environment should be investigated in the context of the competence approach. The analysis of the State standard of basic and comprehensive general secondary education, the State standard of primary education, as well as scientific publications gives reasons to testify to the ambiguity of the use of the concept of "competence", which can appear as a quality of the individual that is added to knowledge, abilities and skills, or as their ability update.

The issue of the application of the competence approach in the process of education and training was dealt with by scientists (S. Belyaev, Yu. Bludova, O. Gulai, V. Yehorova, L. Zdanevich, O. Kapustina, O. Molchaniuk, L. Mykhaylova, G. Tovkanets, Yu. Shapran, G. Shevchenko).

Nowadays, there is an active rethinking of the ideas of outstanding teachers from the point of view of the competence approach in education.

Scientist O. Molchaniuk considers the competence approach as a set of general principles for determining the educational goal, selecting the content of education, organizing the educational process, and evaluating educational results [11, p. 260].

V. Lugovy emphasizes the system-forming role of competencies in designing educational programs and organizing the educational process [13].

Researcher O. Kapustina notes that the use of a competence approach in the education of social values in future teachers of preschool education will make it possible to ensure the construction of a personal value development strategy for each student of education and will contribute to the strength of assimilation of knowledge about social values [8].

One of the key competencies that a modern teacher should possess is social, aimed at the intellectual and cultural development of the individual, the ability to quickly respond to the demands of society. It is related to the readiness to take responsibility, forms not only complex skills, but also contributes to the education of personality qualities that are extremely important in modern life [14].

One of the key competencies that a modern teacher should possess is social, aimed at the intellectual and cultural development of the individual, the ability to quickly respond to the demands of society. It is related to the readiness to take responsibility, forms not only complex skills, but also contributes to the education of personality qualities that are extremely important in modern life [14].

Having analyzed the above-mentioned views of scientists on the competence approach in education, we consider it important to note that in the process of nurturing a responsible attitude in the individual towards the design of a safe educational environment, communicative, digital and creative competence is also important, thanks to which a modern specialist is able to interact and cooperate in society. navigate in the information space, thinks creatively, responds adequately to modern challenges, chooses the optimal way to solve educational problems and achieves the desired result.

The use of the axiological approach in the process of educating future specialists is considered in the works of O. Borzyk, S. Vitvytska, O. Zolotaryova, O. Molchaniuk, G. Ponomaryova, M. Roganova, N. Tkacheva, and N. Funtikova.

From the point of view of the axiological approach, the personality of the teacher should be considered as the highest value of society.

S. Vitvytska notes in her research that the leading place belongs to "responsibility" as one of the basic values of the individual. The scientist notes that the recognition of the future teacher as a subject of culture requires not only the readiness to learn special theoretical and practical professional knowledge and skills, but above all the ability to take responsibility for the socio-cultural functions of the profession, to understand the social purpose of professional activity, to perceive the profession of a teacher as a life value. Therefore, an axiological approach in the education of a future primary school teacher is important [15].

S. Vitvytska notes in her research that the leading place belongs to "responsibility" as one of the basic values of the individual. The scientist notes that the recognition of the future teacher as a subject of culture requires not only the readiness to learn special theoretical and practical professional knowledge and skills, but above all the ability to take responsibility for the socio-cultural functions of the profession, to understand the social purpose of professional activity, to perceive the profession of a teacher as a life value. Therefore, an axiological approach in the education of a future primary school teacher is important [15].

Researcher O. Borzyk notes that the axiological approach will significantly strengthen the effect of methodological approaches (civilizational-anthropological, cultural-synergistic, system-synergistic) due to the realization of the idea that values are the meaning-making basis of human existence, activity, actions, deeds, behavior, and future specialists is an absolute value in the educational process of a pedagogical institution of higher education, educational in particular [16, p. 140].

According to O. Zolotaryova, the peculiarity of the axiological approach is the study of the significant role of values in a person's life, the technology of transforming universal, socially significant values into individual, personal possessions [17].

G. Ponomaryova [12, p. 375] notes that when implementing an axiological approach in the system of educational work in pedagogical institutions of higher education, the attention of researchers focuses on the study of values as the meaning-making foundations of education, it makes it possible to understand the values of education as its cultural content, socially approved and passed down from generation to generation as a model of pedagogical culture, reflected in the spiritual life of a person, patterns of educational relations, in pedagogical theories, systems, and technologies.

Scientist O. Molchaniuk [11, p. 80] draws attention to the fact that the axiological approach determines the process of general development of future specialists, orients today's youth to awareness of modern problems, the internal laws of human life, promotes the reorientation of pedagogical institutions of higher education into centers where the harmonious development of the personality and its general culture actively takes place, a system of value orientations is formed, etc. Under the axiological approach, the researcher understands the theory of the highest achievements of man and civilization, which can be useful to a modern teacher during the implementation of educational activities.

We share the opinion of O. Molchaniuk, who notes that by implementing an axiological approach during the educational process (educational in particular), each participant is an active value-motivated subject of activity, with such an approach it is possible to establish subjectsubject relations and ensure a favorable psychological climate.

The cultural approach to education and in the process of educating future specialists, in particular, was studied by O. Borzyk, O. Kapustina, O. Molchaniuk, G. Ponomaryova, H. Shaparenko.

O. Borzyk, considering the cultural approach in his research, notes that it is thanks to culture that education, upbringing and development of a worthy individual and the nation as a whole takes place [16].

Researcher O. Molchaniuk notes that the cultural approach defines the cultural problems of education, which are based on a human-centered picture of the world, a person-oriented approach, ideas of the development of education in the context of culture, national-cultural identification, humanization of education and education [11].

Scientist H. Shaparenko understands the cultural approach to education as a cultural-historical paradigm that is replacing developmental education. It consists in recognizing the priority of culture in education, upbringing and social development [18].

The use of the system-activity approach in the training of future specialists was investigated by V. Vasylyuk, D. Hnatiuk, V. Lavruk, A. Shiba, and others.

D. Hnatiuk understands the system-activity approach as the organization of the educational process, during which the main attention is paid to active, versatile, productive, maximally independent educational and cognitive activity [19, p. 33].

Researcher V. Lavruk notes that the system-activity approach is a methodological direction of management of socio-pedagogical systems, which assumes the presence of interconnected and mutually determined types of activity of the subjects of the pedagogical process: training, education, development, learning and others [20, p. 77].

We share the opinion of V. Vasylyuk [21, p. 104], which emphasizes that the system-activity approach should be considered as the achievement of the result provided there is feedback.

We will use the methodological approaches described above (competent, axiological, culturological, system-activity) when developing a model of education.

Modeling is the study of an object (original) by creating and researching its copy (model), which replaces the original from certain aspects that are of interest to knowledge and subject to study, an indirect, indirect method of scientific research [22].

Scientist O. Molchaniuk understands the concept of "modeling" as a method of scientific knowledge, thanks to which objective reality is reproduced. The essence of modeling is to reproduce the characteristics of a certain object on another, specially created object, called a model [11].

G. Ponomaryova notes that modeling is a creative-analytical systematic process of reproducing the researched activity, the criterion for the truth of which is the stability of the existence and development of the object with the preservation of its characteristic components, which determine the functional orientation [12].

Researcher O. Semenova interprets the concept of "modeling" as a method of scientific knowledge, which reproduces objective reality [23].

S. Goncharenko notes that pedagogical modeling is a scientifically based design that meets the specified requirements and the intended construction of the future model of the studied pedagogical process, taking into account the properties that are studied during the pedagogical experiment. The goal of pedagogical modeling is to identify opportunities for improving the educational process, finding reserves for increasing its efficiency and quality based on model analysis [24, p. 213].

In pedagogical science, the model can simultaneously act as a project of the educational process, regularities and principles of its organization, the process itself, forms of its organization, system, methods, means, techniques, macro- or microstructure of the educational process and other characteristics.

Analyzing these definitions, we can say that the model acts as some kind of ideal state of simplified real reality, as the most important element of the structure of the scientific picture of the world.

Model - model (lat. modulus - measure, rhythm, tact) - reproduction of some phenomenon, situation, scheme according to an ideal model [22, p. 98].

Researcher V. Lytvyn interprets the definition of the term "model" as a conditionally created system that reflects the object of research [9, p. 78].

P. Sikorsky understands a model as an imaginary or materially implemented system that can replace the reproduced object of research in such a way that as a result of its study, new information about the object can be obtained [25].

In the research of O. Semenova, it is stated that the pedagogical model is a consistent system of elements, which include goals, content, the process of designing pedagogical technologies, means of managing the educational process, curricula and programs [23, p. 302].

G. Ponomaryova understands a real system as a model, which provides new information about the object of research and the opportunity to determine or predict connections and interrelationships of the educational process in a pedagogical institution of higher education [1, p. 223].

There is no single definition of the term "model" in the scientific literature. However, after analyzing the definitions, it can be noted that the model is an artificially created system that partially or fully reproduces the essence and quality of the original.

We are impressed by the opinion of American researchers who draw attention to the fact that friendly relations between the subjects of the educational environment play a significant role in ensuring the safety of the educational environment, reducing cases of violence against the participants of the educational environment and preventing dangerous situations [26].

Having analyzed the above, we have developed a model for fostering a responsible attitude in future primary school teachers towards the design of a safe educational environment.

The main elements of the model are: regulatory component, goal, task, content, pedagogical conditions, forms of educational work, criteria and indicators, and the level of formation of a responsible attitude in future primary school teachers to the design of a safe educational environment.

Taking into account the specifics of the professional training of the future primary school teacher and the peculiarities of the organization of pedagogical activities in institutions of higher education, in the model of nurturing a responsible attitude of future primary school teachers to the design of a safe educational environment, we have selected the following blocks: normative-legal, target, content-procedural, effective The regulatory and legal block is determined by: the social order of society, the requirements of the Laws of Ukraine, national concepts, regulatory and legal acts, state and professional standards, the code of a safe educational environment.

The target block involves setting a specific goal and defining the tasks of the model of educating a responsible attitude in future primary school teachers to the design of a safe educational environment.

The purpose of the model is to foster a responsible attitude in future primary school teachers towards the design of a safe educational environment. The main tasks of the model of education of a responsible attitude in future primary school teachers to the design of a safe educational environment are: formation of students of higher education with a holistic idea of the structure and conditions of designing a safe educational environment; formation of future primary school teachers' responsible attitude to the design of a safe educational environment; development of professional and personal qualities of students, which will contribute to the successful design of a safe educational environment; mastering by future primary school teachers the methods and technologies necessary for designing a safe educational environment and their implementation in the educational process.

The content-procedural block is represented by: a system of education regarding the education of a responsible attitude to the design of a safe educational environment when studying the disciplines of the normative and selective parts and passing various types of practices. This block of the model describes the pedagogical conditions, content, forms and methods that encourage the student of higher education to engage in active educational and cognitive, professional activities, inculcate in him positive motivation, a responsible attitude towards this activity; includes the selection of methods, methods and organizational forms of training.

The content of this model is the process of educating future primary school teachers in a responsible attitude to the design of a safe educational environment.

We singled out the following pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the education model: ensuring positive motivation in future primary school teachers to acquire knowledge and skills in designing a safe educational environment; modernization of the content of the training of future primary school teachers by introducing the methodology of designing a safe educational environment through the block system of innovations and improving the content, forms, methods and means of educational interaction; activation of the process of professional and personal development and self-development of students of higher education by means of creative research and practical work.

We consider it expedient to characterize the forms, methods and methods of learning that will be used during the educational process to achieve the tasks described above.

Lectures and practical classes are the main forms of educational activities in institutions of higher education.

The main didactic purpose of the lecture is to form an approximate basis for further learning of the educational material by students of higher education [27].

However, along with lectures, it is worth using practical classes that will contribute to the development of a responsible attitude in future primary school teachers to the design of a safe educational environment.

Researchers L. Kabakova and N. Myronchuk understand the concept of "practical class" as a form of educational class, during which the teacher organizes a detailed examination of certain theoretical provisions of the educational component by students of higher education, and also forms the skills and abilities of their practical application during the performance of individual tasks. The main task of practical classes is: consolidation and memorization of theoretical knowledge, abilities and skills of a certain educational component and mastering the apparatus of scientific research [27].

In order to discuss controversial issues and develop the ability of students of higher education to defend and argue their own point of view, it is advisable to use dialogue technologies. The main methods used during dialogue technologies are: debate, press conference, project defense.

Solving the problem of a safe educational environment can be done by using training technologies to improve interpersonal interaction, such as: "Emotion Management Technology" training; training "Algorithm of actions during a conflict situation"; "Stop Bullying" training.

The use of game technologies during the training of higher education students makes it possible to simulate conflict situations and teach how to solve them using various means.

The resulting block of the model highlights the criteria and indicators and corresponding levels of formation of a responsible attitude in future primary school teachers to the design of a safe educational environment; control over the assimilation of knowledge by future primary school teachers, the acquisition of skills and abilities, making the necessary corrections to the content and teaching methods in order to increase efficiency; identifying the level of knowledge, abilities and skills of each student of higher education, the reasons for failure in each specific case and appropriate work on their elimination.

A responsible attitude to pedagogical activity as a result of professional training has its own criterion-evaluation apparatus, which is considered using the concepts of "criterion" and "indicator". Analyzing different ideas of scientists regarding the design of a safe educational environment of an educational institution, we determined the following criteria: motivational and valuable; cognitive-cognitive; emotional and active. Each of them is determined by the appropriate structure of the teacher's pedagogical consciousness, personal orientations and functional readiness and includes assessment criteria and indicators [28]. In a generalized form, the criteria for the formation of a responsible attitude to the design of a safe educational environment are revealed through the relevant indicators.

Conclusions and prospects for further research

So, summarizing all of the above, the expected result of the interaction of the components of the model of education of a responsible attitude in future primary school teachers to the design of a safe educational environment is the achievement of the goal, namely, the positive dynamics of the formation of a responsible attitude to the design of a safe educational environment in future primary school teachers.

Prospects for further research in this direction consist in experimental verification of the model of education of a responsible attitude in future primary school teachers to the design of a safe educational environment.


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28. Sirenko PO, Istomin AH, Sirenko RR, Khorkavyy BV, Rybchych IE. Special and preventive exercises for hamstring muscles in the training process of experienced football players. Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports, 2022;26(5):344-352.

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