The current state of physical education in higher educational institutions of Ukraine
The main driving force of today's sport is to raise the quality of life, including the means of physical culture, should be a priority in activities of educational institutions. Ability to engage in sports for pleasure for improving physical abilities.
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Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 31.01.2024 |
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The current state of physical education in higher educational institutions of Ukraine
Sabirov Oleksandr
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at the department of health and sports technologies,
Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” Kyiv, Ukraine.
Mokhunko Oleksandr
Senior Lecturer at the department of health and sports technologies, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” Kyiv, Ukraine.
Havrylova Nataliia
Senior Lecturer at the department of health and sports technologies, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” Kyiv, Ukraine.
The main driving force of today's sport is to raise the quality of life, including the means of physical culture, should be a priority in the activities of educational institutions. Ability to engage in sports for pleasure - for improving physical abilities. In modern sports, there have been many changes caused by scientific and technical progress. Also, at the current stage of the developme nt of society in the conditions of worsening problems with the health of the population and the demographic crisis, the formation of a healthy lifestyle of young people, including through the education system, is of particular importance. [1,3,4, etc.]. The training process is now built only on a scientific basis, with the involvement of doctors, physiologists, psychologists, and many other specialists. It is not enough to simply pump up the muscles, increase the speed, make a jump - the athlete must be brought to the competition at the "peak" of his form, when he can show the best of what he is capable of. Changes in the physical culture of educational institutions require the immediate development of various types and forms of physical activity for active recreation and leading a healthy lifestyle, the formation of a person's personality and health, as well as the corresponding learning outcomes. It is a pity that the improvement of physical education in the life of students is not a priority in the activities of higher educati onal institutions. The main goal can be considered the indicator of the development of physical culture in the totality of the achievements of society in the creation of the development of our state and the rational gradual modernization of special methods, methods and conditions and the preparedness of various sports. sport educational institution
Key words: sports, physical education, development, physical culture.
Сабіров Олександр, Мохунько Олександр, Гаврилова Наталія. Сучасний стан фізичного виховання в вищих навчальних закладах України. Головна рушійна сила сьогоднішнього спорту - це підвищення якості життя, в тому числі засобами фізичної культури, має бути пріоритетом у діяльності закладів освіти. Можливість займатися спортом заради задоволення - для вдосконалення фізичних здібностей. В сучасному спорті багато сталося змін, зумовлених науково-технічним прогресом. Також, на сучасному етапі розвитку суспільства в умовах загострення проблем зі здоров'ям населення і демографічної кризи, особливе значення має формування здорового способу життя молоді, в тому числі через системи освіти. [1,3,4 та інших.]. Тренувальний процес тепер будується лише на науковій основі, із залученням лікарів, фізіологів, психологів та багатьох інших фахівців. Мало просто накачати м'язи, збільшити швидкість, поставити стрибок - спортсмена треба підвести до змагань на «піку» форми, коли він може показати найкраще, на що здатний.
Для нас спорт - це певна система, що включає в себе змагання, які збирають глядачів, а також цілеспрямовану підготовку майстрів - спортсменів шляхом найобдарованіших для якогось певного виду спорту людей і спеціального їх тренування. Головна мета занять спортом - досягнути високих результатів, виявити переможців різноманітних змагань, а найкраще - подолати рекорд. Ще одна важлива прикмета сучасного спорту - його професіоналізм. Якщо змагання збирають глядачів, котрі купують місця на трибунах, отже, для спортсменів, які виступають на аренах, спорт - це насамперед робота. Це, звичайно, зовсім не виключає можливості займатися спортом заради задоволення - для вдосконалення фізичних здібностей. Зміни в діяльності фізичної культури закладів освіти, потребують негайної розробки різних видів та форми рухової активності для активного відпочинку та ведення здорового способу життя, формування особистості та здоров'я людини, а також відповідних результатів навчання. Шкода, що у діяльності вищих навчальних закладів освіти не являється пріоритетом, вдосконалення фізичного виховання у житті студентів.
Ключові слова: спорт, фізичне виховання, розвиток, фізична культура.
Formulation of the problem. sport educational institution
Ancient China developed its own system of ideals in the field of physical education and physical perfection of a person. It manifested itself in the so-called "san -mei" principle.
According to this, physical education was directed to the fact that a person could bring the maximum benefit to society, nurture will and taste in himself.
"San" expressed internal perfection, and "Mei" - external. In competitions - or wrestling, or the game "Zhe Ku" - nobility was especially valued. If their participant deliberately violated the rules, the judges and the audience branded him as "xiao Jia n". This meant a high level of contempt.
The most important thing for a person is to realize the very possibility of development, adopting the experience of others and constantly repeating exercises that improved the necessary skills. You must use your physical capabilities to the maximum for various purposes. Gradually, a person needs to find out that it is possible to practice certain techniques that will help to perform hard work with less effort.
Acquired skills need to be consolidated and further improved. Of course, this can be achieved in one and only way - through constant exercises.
A person has an eternal desire to always and in everything be a winner, to be ahead of others. There is nothing wrong with this, on the contrary, such a desire largely reveals progress. Of course, it appeared at the dawn of humanity, including when performing physical exercises. Everyone wanted to prove that it was he who ran faster, jumped further, swam better, shot more accurately, could lift more weight.
This competitive spirit was only beneficial to a person, it increased the effectiveness of physical exercises. For thousands of years, conscious physical training has become an integral part of human life. In all our sports, even the most modern ones, you can see the trace of a primitive competition, and at the basis of them is the desire of man to conquer nature and fight for survival [2].
Analysis of literary sources. We can note the presence of a wide circles of research on the problem of physical education of higher education students' educational institution, including works Bashovets N.A. [1], Varvaruk N. [2], Maksimenko A. M. [3], Chermen K. D. [4].
A negative factor should be considered the implementation of laws that regulated certain structures of the system of state regulation of market relations in the direction of physical culture and sports. Physical culture is also adversely affected by the absence of a system of professional development of specialists and teachers in the country from the point of view of educatio n of physical culture and sports, which would allow them to renew their professional qualities in a timely manner in accordance wi th new social conditions.
The increase in wages and the level of interest of specialists in physical education and sports will be well reflected in the process of raising the level of culture among students. Currently, the salary of specialists is many times lower than the sta ndard of living. The development of physical culture and sports through the provision of physical culture and sports services serves to spread a healthy lifestyle in society [1].
The creation of appropriate conditions for the development of physical education and sports in general will contribute to the improvement of the norms of the organizational and normative-legal mechanism. Attention should be paid to various factors of physical culture to achieve the level of physical culture and increase the rational use of a special work plan, in the use of methods and conditions for personal improvement, and in the purposeful development of a healthy human lifestyle. The degree of the level of physical culture is determined by the method and method of preparing the tasks of the program and the motivational purposeful ness of the preparation of physical culture and health and sports and mass work in all higher educational institutions. Ensuring the improvement of skills in the development of Olympic, Paralympic, sports through structural sports, higher achievements [2] .The use of physical education in the development of amateur mass sports, the training of several specialists to promote the level of security of qualified students, the level of implementation to achieve scientific and technical progress, the growth of the indicator in the development of mass physical culture in the mass media, in the creation of masterpieces of creative image and literature. Restructuring of students' consciousness, an important component that allows to radically change the way of life of modern yo uth. Forming an attitude towards health as an important value, providing knowledge necessary for the life of everyone, teaching to adhere to a healthy lifestyle is the main task of modern physical education [4].
First, it is necessary to pay special attention to the modernization and innovation of physical education and the development of student sports, as an important factor in recognizing the achievements of the institution in Ukraine.
The main goal can be considered the indicator of the development of physical culture in the totality of the achievements of society in the creation of the development of our state and the rational gradual modernization of special methods, methods an d conditions and the preparedness of various sports.
The purpose of physical education in higher educational institutions is the development and reception of highly qualified specialists for the formation and improvement of basic vital motor skills, abilities, and related knowledge, ensuring the stu dent's readiness for active participation in social, industrial activities and cultural life. Thus, the organization of regular physical education classes, considering the characteristics of each student, should be as mandatory for a person as the ability to read and write. Means of physical culture should be a priority in the activities of educational institutions.
Forming the European face of a higher school in Ukraine, it is necessary to remember that physical education is an integral part of the general culture of the individual. At the same time, in recent years, there has bee n a trend of deliberate destruction of the system of physical education in higher education institutions formed in Ukraine. Legislative state institutions for the refor m of physical education of student youth are not properly implemented in more than 80% of state and 90% of private higher education institutions of the country. According to Ukrainian scientists in many higher educational institutions [1, 3]: the volume of training hours for physical education of the main contingent of students is sharply reduced; it lacks the necessary personnel, medical, scientific- methodical, informational, material-technical, and financial support; departments of physical education are liquidated; processes of commercialization of physical education are developing; there is no proper health and physical therapy work with students who have health disorders; receives unjustified priority resource support for sports improvement of small groups of student-athletes, to the detriment of creating conditions for basic physical education, which solves the task of strengthening the health of the main mass of students.
There are several reasons for the destruction of the effectiveness of the national system of physical education in higher education institutions and, as a result, the catastrophic deterioration of the health of student youth. Main of them - uncritical (without considering national experience and traditions) imitation of the leadership of several higher education institutions of highe r education practices in European countries, were physical education of students transferred to sports clubs, so it is not actually financed by the state, and is carried out in mainly on a commercial basis.
However, such a setting of physical education is not acceptable currently for our country due to many factors. Including: weakening of the health of a new generation of young people from childhood due to a number of factors objective and subjective factors of economic and social development of Ukraine; lack of motivation among the majority of student youth regarding the formation, preservation and strengthening of their health; unsatisfactory material support of student youth; low development of physical education and sports infrastructure; formed mentality of our students; lack of a reliable source of funding for the club system of the ZVO; the specific orientation of sports clubs to sports of higher achievements, which covers no more than 3-4% of the total number of students of a higher educational institution.
Educational and health-training classes, as well as independent classes in physical exercises in the hours free from studies, are important for strengthening health and increasing motivation for improving the physical fitness of student youth [4]. After all, in Ukrainian higher education institutions every year there is a decrease in study hours by Physical Education. In other countries of the world, the number of hours provided by the physical education curriculum significantly exceeds the indicators of Ukrai nian universities. So, for example in the USA, 384 hours are provided, in Kazakhstan - 450 hours, while in Ukraine only 216 hours are provided, which decrease annually.
The main cause of the crisis is the health of Ukrainian students and physical health education, which provides it, is also a low level of management of the latter by the Committee of Physical Education and Sports of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, which is the focus in its activities, it devotes only the highest achievements to the development of sports.
The state of health of the population of Ukraine worries even the international community. It came to the fact that UNESCO
declared Ukraine "a country of an endangered ethnic group".
Students who suffered from one or another disease are in a difficult situation is usually a consequence of limited motor activity [2]. This category of students for several weeks or even months are deprived of active classes in physical education and in in the best case, they receive a small physical load, which is not satisfactory the body's need At the same time, modern knowledge in the field of human physiology, hygiene and classical of medicine indicates that such students especially need motor activity, and no only for solving educational tasks - for full-fledged development and mastery of the future by profession, but also for solving curative and preventive tasks, for preservation and strengthening somatic and mental health affected by the transferred disease [4]. Indicators of functional capabilities of the body, work capacity, development of physical qualities and motor abilities of student youth in Ukraine in comparison with developed countries of the world are at a low level, which is characterized by a tendency to ac celerate the rate of aging of their bodies, an increase in various types of deviations in their state of health, unsatisfactory physical fitness, an increase in the number of missed classes for illness, a decrease in the number of young men who cannot be called up due to th eir health ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, etc.
In the mode of educational work of students, physical education regulated by curricula and programs developed by are approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. State program of physical education determines the compulsory amount for students at all universities physical education knowledge, motor skills and skills and the level of physical devel opment qualities [3]. In the program of physical education of students, three are distinguished main parts: theoretical, practi cal, control.
Yes, the theoretical part provides for students' mastery system of scientific and practical and special knowledge necessary for understanding of the processes of functioning of the physical culture of society and individuals, in particular, the ability to use them actively, creatively for personal and professional development, organization of a healthy lifestyle life while performin g educational, professional, and socio-cultural activities. The main forms of theoretical development of the basics of physical culture are defined lectures in addition, students receive and deepen knowledge on practical classes and by independent study of the recommended literature [2].
The practical part of the program is aimed at raising the level functional and motor abilities of students regarding formation the necessary qualities and attributes of the personality, to master the methods and means of physical culture and sports activities, for the acquisition of personal in it experience that provides the opportunity to be independent, purposeful, and creative use means of physical culture and sports. Basic form training - practical and training classes, which are called to teach new motor actions, to educate students' physical qualities [1].
Control block of the program of physical education of students aimed at differentiated and objective accounting of the process and results of students' educational activities. Control classes provide operational, current, and summary information about the level mastering theoretical, practical, and methodical knowledge and skills, about the state and dynamics of physical development, physical and professional-applied preparedness of each student. As performance criteria credit requirements and practical standards, tests are being developed [4].
Conclusions. Outdated forms and methods of organizing and conducting educational classes on physical education with students of special medical groups not only lead young people to neuropsychological overloads, but also limit their creative development, level their individuality, unjustifiably use far from limitless resources of the body [2].
A ban (the so-called "exemption" from practical classes in physical education) or partial restriction of certain exercises from the motor regime without sufficient grounds for this. It is well known that those physical exercises to which the body is poorly adapted (for example, running) turn out to be most valuable in conditions of careful, strictly dosed use. Any physical exercise can b e excluded only for a while, after which it should be gradually included in occupation. Prohibition of any exercise on medical grounds due to poor fit of the body to their execution may refer to those movements that do not have an applied meaning, for example, some gymnastic exercises, like "twins". No physical exercise that has an applied value can be contraindicated in general, without determinin g the period during which the ban is valid, due to unsatisfactory adaptation body to this exercise. The only correct solution i n this case is the gradual improvement of the body's adaptation to this type of exercise. The main tool that ensures development adaptation processes, the exercise itself should be "contradicted". Do not exclude, but dosed, with considering the degree of existing violations and adaptive capabilities of the body to use this exercise, which is one of the important tasks of physical education classes in special medical groups [1]. Mastering new physical exercises and motor skills is certainly important for students. However, the immediate, closest in terms of time "reward" from health-improving educational and training classes in physical education should be an increase in mental and physical capacity, as well as the elimination or reduction of the impact of residual phenomena after the disease. It is known that properly organized (in accordance with modern achievements in the theory and methodology of physical education and therapeutic physical culture) physical exercise classes and hardening significantly increases mental and physical performance.
The role of physical education and other forms of directed use of physical culture in universities is multifaceted. Technological progress, rapid the development of science and the ever-increasing amount of new information do the student's educational process is increasingly intense and stressful. Accordingly, the importance of physical culture as a means of opti mization is increasing mode of life, active recreation, preservation, and improvement students' work capacity during the entire period of study at the university. Together with by means of physical culture, general and special are provided physical training in the context of the conditions of the future profession. So, deciding specific tasks, physical education of students plays a significant role in moral, volitional, and aesthetic development, makes a significant contribution to training of qualified and comprehensively developed specialists [4].
Bashovets N.A. Formation of the health care culture of students during physical education classes / N.A. Bashovets //Physical education at school. - 2010. - No. 6. - P. 29 - 30.
Varvaruk N. Self-assessment by student youth of readiness to strengthen thear own health / N. Varvaruk // Young sports science of Ukraine. Collection of science. Works-Lviv: LDIFK, 2006.- Issue 10. - Vol. 3.-P.100-104.
Maksimenko A. M. Theory and methodology of physical culture: for of university students / A. M. Maksymenko. - M.: Phys. culture, 2005. - 544 p.
Chermen K. D. Theory and methods of physical culture: reference schemes: study guide / K. D. Chermen. - Soviet sport, 2005. - 127 p.
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