National-patriotic education of students in english classes

The problem of national and patriotic education of students in the process of learning English, its role, searching for new forms, methods, principles and approaches to national and patriotic education in higher educational institutions of Ukraine.

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Дата добавления 13.12.2023
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National-patriotic education of students in english classes

Національно-патріотичне виховання студентів на заняттях англійської мови

Sivkovych H.M.,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

Boichuk A.P.,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

Tytun O.L.,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

The article highlights the problem of national and patriotic education of students in the process of learning English, points out the importance of rethinking its role, searching for new forms, methods, principles and approaches to national and patriotic education in higher educational institutions of Ukraine during the period of our nation's participation in the war waged by Russia on the territory of our country. The essence of the concepts of "national education" and "patriotism" is revealed. It is noted that students express their patriotism by understanding the history and culture of their country, their family origin, observance of folk customs and traditions, respect for the symbols of Ukrainian sovereignty, a high level of mastery of their native language, readiness to defend their people, a developed sense of civic duty, national pride and spiritual development. It has been proved that the educational purpose of the subject is achieved through its communicative function, while the means of its implementation are modern textbooks, teaching aids, methodical development of teaching, which adequately present the content of national studies, devoted to national culture, traditions, knowledge of history, geography, economy, literature, art, etc. The importance of using multimedia and Internet resources in the process of learning English is emphasised, in order to create a student's language environment with the use of modern tools for searching and processing foreign language information, authentic literary works, educational platforms, training courses, etc. The usefulness of involving students in cultural and educational events held in foreign languages, English discussion clubs, olympiads, competitions, clubs, exchange programmes, especially in English-speaking countries, is emphasised. The role of the foreign language teacher as a key figure in the formation of students' national and patriotic feelings is emphasised.

Key words: national and patriotic education, the English language, the communicative function, modern methods of teaching and education, new technologies. national patriotic education

У статті висвітлено проблему національно- патріотичного виховання студентів у процесі вивчення англійської мови, вказано на важливість переосмислення його ролі, пошуку нових форм, методів, принципів та підходів до національно-патріотичного виховання у вищих навчальних закладах України в період участі нашого народу у війні, яку веде росія на території нашої країни. Розкрито сутність понять «національне виховання» та «патріотизм». Зазначено, що студентська молодь виражає свій патріотизм через розуміння історії та культури своєї кра'ни, свого родинного походження, дотримання народних звичаїв і традицій, повагу до символіки, яка уособлює укра'нський суверенітет, високий рівень володіння рідною мовою, готовність захищати свій народ, розвинене почуття громадянського обов'язку, національної гордості та духовного розвитку. Доведено, що навчальна і виховна мета предмету «Англійська мова» реалізується через її комунікативну функцію, в той час як засобами для її реалізації є сучасні підручники, навчальні посібники, методичні розробки занять, в яких гідно представлений країнознавчий контент, присвячений національній культурі, традиціям, знанням історії, географії, економіки, літератури, мистецтва тощо. Наголошується на важливості використання в процесі опанування англійської мови мультимедійних засобів, інтернет ресурсів для створення мовленнєвого середовища студентів з застосуванням сучасних засобів для пошуку та опрацювання іншомовної інформації, автентичних літературних творів, освітніх платформ, навчальних курсів, тощо. Вказується на доцільність залучення студентів до участі в культурно-освітніх заходах, які проводяться іноземними мовами, англомовних дискусійний клубах, олімпіадах, конкурсах, гуртках, у програмах обмінів, особливо в англомовних країнах. Вказано на роль викладача іноземних мов як ключової фігури у формуванні національно-патріотичних почуттів студентів. Ключові слова: національно-патріотичне виховання, англійська мова, комунікативна функція, сучасні методи навчання й виховання, новітні технології.


The tragic events caused by Russia's aggressive war and propaganda aimed at destroying Ukraine's identity, language, culture and history have highlighted the importance of national and patriotic education. Currently, the legal framework for national-patriotic education is under active research and requires further development

Theoretical framework and research methods. Some aspects of the problem of national-patriotic education of students have been studied by such experts as L. Chernysh, А. Maksiutov, E. Miz- yurova, N. Moroz, L. Odynchenko O. Osaulchyk, V. Ternopilska, and others. During our research we applied the following research methods: analysis, synthesis, generalisation of the results of scientific research in the literature; analysis of the methodological literature, regulatory and legal documentation.

Novelty of research. Although scientists have shown a lot of interest in national-patriotic education, a thorough review of scientific literature indicates that not enough research has been conducted on the aspects of higher education that concentrate on national-patriotic education for students studying foreign languages. Consequently, the above-mentioned problem remains relevant.

The aim of this research is to clarify the fundamental principles of national-patriotic instruction for students and analyse the techniques, strategies, and practices used to integrate it in English lessons.


There are different interpretations of the concept of national and patriotic education in scientific literature. According to S. Honcharenko, national education is a collection of historically determined ideals, views, beliefs, traditions, customs and other social behaviours created by the population with the aim of organising the life of the younger generation and assimilating the spiritual and material culture of the nation. Its purpose is to promote national consciousness and cultural unity between generations [2, p. 229].

Patriotism is a feeling of attachment and commitment to a country, nation or political community [12]. It is reflected in a person's behaviour and activities, in a certain way of acting.

We believe that students express their patriotism by understanding the history and culture of their country, their personal family background, observing their cultural customs and traditions, recognising the attributes that represent Ukrainian sovereignty, mastering their mother tongue, readiness to defend their nation, a well-developed sense of civic duty, national pride and spiritual development [11, p. 2].

Students' patriotism is manifested in their love for the Motherland, concern for the welfare of its people, support for the establishment and strengthening of Ukraine as a sovereign, legal state, readiness to defend its independence, respect for its customs and traditions, a sense of belonging to this country and a high level of command of the state language. [8, p. 36].

The basic documents defining the principles of national-patriotic education of Ukrainian youth are The Constitution of Ukraine (sets the basis for the educational system in the country and emphasises the importance of national identity, cultural heritage, and the development of a sense of patriotism among citizens) [4], the Law of Ukraine MOn EducationM (provides a comprehensive legal framework for the Ukrainian educational system) [9], The National Concept of Patriotic Education (outlines the principles, goals, objectives and methods for fostering patriotism and national identity among Ukrainian youth) [5], The National Programme MSpiritual and Patriotic Education of the Ukrainian Society" (aimed at strengthening the spiritual and patriotic foundations of Ukrainian society, including the younger generations. It contains measures, goals and initiatives for promoting national and patriotic education) [3].

Teaching English is a valuable and powerful tool in the education of young people. It allows the development of language skills to be integrated with the moral and ethical education of students. In higher education institutions, the study of a foreign language plays an important role in fostering patriotism among students. The study of English provides students not only with academic knowledge, but also with the skills and abilities to communicate effectively in a foreign language and to acquire valuable new information. Teaching English also provides teachers with many opportunities to promote patriotism and good citizenship. The demand for foreign languages by the state, society and individuals is reinforced by the communicative aspect of language study, which focuses on the study of the life, customs, traditions and especially the language of foreign nations. The strengthening of international relations and the provision of opportunities for Ukrainian education to join the global academic landscape further fuel this need for foreign language skills. At the same time, a foreign language is seen as a tool for communication, fostering mutual understanding and interaction between individuals, promoting knowledge of other cultures and personal growth. A modern university graduate should have a well-rounded development, advanced education, active social engagement and a sense of national identity. They should also have a strong sense of social responsibility, high ethical and moral standards, and family and patriotic values [10].

The objective of the English language course is determined by the teaching materials and techniques provided and the overall organisation of the educational process. The effectiveness of the course is ensured by using the pedagogical potential of the study material together with special teaching methods that contribute to the formation of relevant sociopolitical views, emotional feelings, attitudes towards moral and ethical principles of the students.

From the educational point of view, it is useful to introduce into the curriculum special country study materials about Ukraine. This will enable students to develop a comprehensive understanding of their homeland, expand and consolidate their knowledge and, most importantly, cultivate patriotic feelings. Through this course, students will learn to appreciate, respect and love their country, which will foster a sense of national pride with every English class. Therefore, foreign language teachers should give priority to the preparation and development of lessons on Ukraine, as the quality of such lessons has a great impact on the development of civic competences and patriotic education of young people. The study of holidays and traditions should include elements of the culture of the English-speaking countries. The knowledge that students acquire in foreign language classes should be presented through the prism of the knowledge they have gained in the process of mastering their own culture. Therefore, when studying holiday traditions of foreign countries, it is necessary to discuss family traditions and celebrations in the students' families. The appropriate level of foreign language skills will give students the opportunity to engage in dialogue with foreign colleagues via the Internet or through project activities in which they can identify themselves. The learning resources promote an understanding of the importance of teamwork and communication with international partners. They improve the ability to talk about local areas, regions, the country, national holidays, the capital, landmarks, education and other related topics.

For example, when talking about travelling, students can be offered trips to historical places of our country, a trip to the Carpathians with a focus on the features of green tourism, to the Black Sea, to the national parks of Ukraine. When studying the topic "Ukraine" students should present the capital in order to encourage foreign tourists to come to Kyiv, be able to tell about famous, the legend of the foundation of Kyiv and explain the route using a map of the capital of Ukraine. In the same section students learn about Ukraine and its historical and memorable places, describe photographs of picturesque corners of our homeland, information about national holidays also promotes a sense of patriotism [7, p. 4-5].

The effectiveness of patriotic education in foreign language teaching depends largely on the focus of the educational process, as well as the forms, means and methods of its organisation. Teaching resources are the cultural and material achievements implemented in the application of a particular pedagogical approach. These resources include textbooks, manuals, audio and video materials, multimedia presentations, authentic texts, music videos and audio recordings, photographs and biographies, as well as patriotic images such as national and religious holidays, landmarks and historical sites. Internet resources are also used. Such teaching aids are essential and valuable in promoting effective learning. Certainly, the use of contemporary communicative teaching resources, educational platforms and training courses in the English classroom increases motivation, stimulates interest in language acquisition and reinforces the acquisition of knowledge. Involving students in cultural and educational events held in foreign languages, English discussion clubs, olympiads, competitions, clubs, exchange programmes, especially in English-speaking countries is worth taking into considering.

The principle of teaching English through texts creates opportunities to use a wide range of teaching and learning materials. Through the study of written materials, young people are taught to value their country and traditions and to respect the customs and symbols of the Ukrainian people, other nationalities and their traditions. It is also important to develop a sense of pride in the famous figures of Ukraine and a considerate approach to the achievements and values of our country.

English-language materials showing positive perceptions of Ukraine by people from other countries, impressions of foreign tourists and patriotic attitudes of Ukrainian citizens towards their homeland serve as language examples and means of promoting patriotic consciousness. The integration of cultural elements into language teaching at all levels is a leading trend in modern methodology. Students overcome cultural and linguistic barriers by acquiring knowledge about the country they are studying, including its culture, traditions, values and way of life.

V. Burenko believes that the education of a morally sound individual through a foreign language requires the selection of teaching materials, the use of problem-solving tasks to promote the expression of opinions, critical evaluation and personal views. In addition, students must demonstrate self-organisation, respect for discipline and an intellectual work culture to ensure appropriate learning structures. Finally, teachers need to model appropriate pedagogical behaviour for students. For example, objectives such as cultivating respect for the traditions of the people whose language is being studied, instilling a love of work and developing a sense of pride in one's country should be achieved simultaneously and closely linked to the content of the training [1].

When preparing for an English lesson, teachers go through the purpose and stages of the lesson and choose the teaching materials. At this stage it is important to consider the purpose of the lesson and the most effective methods to achieve its educational potential. Teaching methods serve as purposeful activities for both the teacher and the students with the aim of fulfilling educational, developmental and control functions. Since teaching methods have an educational function in the classroom and teaching methods are used not only for education but also for teaching purposes, they often overlap. Therefore, it is necessary to study the modern means and methods used to promote national patriotic education of students in foreign language teaching.

The technique of persuasion proves to be an incredibly powerful educational tool. The means used include the teacher's guidance, written texts, personal examples and experiences. English lessons should include interactive discussions, informative activities about Ukraine, its people and events, oral and written composition on patriotic themes, as well as creation and presentation of practical projects with nationalist content.

Conversation is another traditional and effective teaching tool. Effective interviewing requires establishing a psychological connection with the interviewee. The teacher should facilitate the students' expression, questioning and answering during the development of the interview process. It is important to note that information gathered through interviews may be subjective and may require additional clarification and verification through alternative methods.

In group discussions, it is important to ensure the active participation of all members and to encourage them to tackle complex issues while providing constructive feedback. Emphasis should be placed on sharing individual perspectives rather than limiting the conversation to mere questions. Language training effectively immerses students in the context of the foreign language. The psychological basis of this component lies in the need to cultivate students' auditory and articulatory skills and to facilitate their translation from their mother tongue into a foreign language. Speaking exercises take the form of a conversation focused on a specific situation, with the aim of incorporating the material acquired, but also with a psychological motivation. A discussion can be triggered by a significant event, an incident, a piece of news or a reaction to a statement that creates the emotional atmosphere necessary for communicative activity. You can also use this stage of the lesson to review current events.

The method of indirect personal example would be appropriate here: discussion of information about the heroic deeds of Ukrainian border guards, military personnel, fighters of volunteer battalions during the Russian-Ukrainian war, volunteers and other citizens who made a significant contribution to strengthening Ukraine's defence capabilities. Among the methods and forms of patriotic education, priority is given to active methods based on a democratic style of interaction, aimed at independent search for truth and contributing to the formation of critical thinking, initiative and creativity. Traditional methods such as discussions, exercises, various forms of work with books, magazines, etc. can also be used.

It is important to involve all students in the work and in active discussion, encouraging them to express and justify their own opinions. The sense of national dignity is strengthened when young people can freely tell foreign guests about their home, family, country, land, its history, interesting geographical routes, scientific achievements of their compatriots, works of art, traditions and customs of Ukrainians.

Monologues develop the ability to express one's personal attitude to the facts or events discussed by the student, to formulate a critical assessment and prove the correctness of any fact, to include elements of reasoning and argumentation in one's speech. At this stage, students learn to present Ukrainian realities in a foreign language. For example, when studying the topic of Ukraine, they have to present the capital city in order to encourage foreign tourists to come to Kyiv.

The students' answers shouldn't be limited to two or three sentences. Moreover, you may employ the project approach to encourage group creativity to explore topics concerning Ukraine and Kyiv. Creative learning activities effectively stimulate students' activities in the classroom. We think it's important to teach modern youth about the historical traditions of the Ukrainian army's victories and self-sacrifice in defending their country. This will contribute to the formation of patriotic qualities. It's impossible to know and follow the traditions of the people without knowing the history of our country. Learning by example is an effective teaching method. The way we see things often influences the way we think, and patriotism is no exception. Seeing someone performing a patriotic act, behaving patriotically or living a patriotic life can serve as a concrete example for others to follow, actively shaping feelings, beliefs and behaviour related to patriotism [6, p. 177].

In the process of patriotic education of students various examples from the lives of famous celebrities, scientists, public figures, scholars and teachers should be used. Awareness of the positive image of Ukraine in the world is promoted by learning about the success of our outstanding contemporaries (inventors, scientists, sportsmen, writers, etc.). Historical examples of peer patriotism are necessary for the education of young people. Such examples inspire a sense of respect and personal involvement, encourage active living and stimulate a desire to do something meaningful for their nation. In foreign language teaching, it is advisable to draw a parallel with English-speaking countries where patriotism is promoted at the level of government policy.

Of course, the success of teachers in promoting national and patriotic values among students depends to a large extent on their personal conduct, behaviour and cultivation of patriotism. It is also crucial for foreign language teachers to have a deep passion for their subject and knowledge of the culture and life of the countries where the language is spoken. These qualities are essential to a teacher's professional ability, but they must also support their country's patriotism and encourage their students to do the same. Praising and supporting patriotic actions through educational methods promotes a positive attitude towards patriotism, which leads to public appreciation and recognition. It motivates students, strengthens their leadership among their peers and instils a sense of self-respect and commitment to their group and community (6, p. 178).


National-patriotic education of students is a fundamental aspect in English language classes. The outcome primarily depends on the means, techniques and methods used, as well as the personal example of the teacher.


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