Current tendencies of foreign languages teaching

Transformation the content of education, implementation of the European experience of learning foreign languages, introduction of universal levels of acquired foreign language competence, taking into account the recommendations of the Council of Europe.

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Current tendencies of foreign languages teaching

Kuleshova Karyna Igorivna PhD in Political Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Social Communications and Regional Studies, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University


At the current stage of Ukraine entering into the European educational space, foreign language knowledge serves as an element of cultural interaction that contributes to the formation of interest in different mentality, increases motivation, and expands the scope of cooperation. Foreign language becomes a tool and at the same time a cultural instrument of any international interaction.

Considering that today the education system in Ukraine is oriented towards entering the unified world information and educational space. Among the tendencies in foreign language teaching were identified the following, such as transformation of the content of education, implementing European experience in learning foreign languages, introducing the universal levels of acquired foreign language competences, taking into account the recommendations of the Council of Europe and other authoritative organizations; increased role of discursiveness and online communication, subject-subjectivity, deduction, spreading of multimedia, competence and interactive approach and stimulation of consistent use of the foreign language.

The formation of foreign language communicative competence of the future specialists is an integral component of professional training, which is a complex personal resource that enables effective interaction in the process of using a foreign language as a means of solving professional tasks. Modern state of education determines the importance of the formation of foreign language communicative competence as a means of professional communication. Nowadays foreign language acts as a means of increasing the students' professional competence and personal development and is a necessary condition for the successful professional activity of a specialist-graduate of a modern higher school, who is able to navigate in the new international space, critically consider both professional and communicative processes, take the right decisions.

Keywords: foreign language teaching, tendency, highly educational institution, foreign language competence, educational space.

Кулешова Карина Ігорівна кандидат політичних наук, доцент кафедри суспільних комунікацій та регіональних студій, Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова


На сучасному етапі входження України в Європейський освітній простір знання іноземної мови не тільки виступає елементом культурної взаємодії, а й сприяє розумінню іншої ментальності, підвищує мотивацію професійної діяльності, розширює сферу співпраці. З іншого боку, іноземна мова стає культурним інструментом будь-якої міжнародної взаємодії.

Враховуючи, що в умовах сьогодення система освіти в Україні зорієнтована на входження в єдиний світовий інформаційно-освітній простір, серед тенденцій навчання іноземних мов було виокремлено такі, як трансформація змісту освіти, впровадження європейського досвіду вивчення іноземних мов, запровадження універсальних рівнів набутої іншомовної компетентності з урахуванням рекомендацій Ради Європи; підвищення ролі дискурсивності та онлайн-комунікації, суб'єкт-суб'єктності, дедукції, поширення мультимедійності, компетентнісного та інтерактивного підходу. Формування іншомовної комунікативної компетенції майбутніх фахівців є невід'ємною складовою професійної підготовки, яка виступає комплексним особистісним ресурсом, що забезпечує ефективну взаємодію у процесі використання іноземної мови як засобу вирішення професійних завдань.

Встановлено, що сучасний стан освіти визначає важливість формування іншомовної комунікативної компетенції як засобу професійного спілкування. Іноземна мова виступає засобом підвищення професійної компетентності та особистісного розвитку здобувачів вищої освіти, а також є необхідною умовою успішної професійної діяльності фахівця-випускника сучасного закладу вищої освіти, здатного критично мислити та вільно орієнтуватися в новому міжнародному просторі, враховувати як професійні, так і комунікативні процеси, приймати адекватні рішення.

Ключові слова: викладання іноземної мови, тенденції, заклад вищої освіти, іншомовна компетентність, освітній простір.

Formulation of the problem in general. Today, the education system in Ukraine is oriented towards entering the unified world information and educational space. This process is accompanied by radical changes and corrections in the pedagogical theory and practice, as well as in the implementation of the educational process. In connection with European integration, there is a tendency to review the traditional approaches to teaching foreign languages at universities.

Innovative trends in teaching foreign languages have a legal basis and general framework principles that have long been present in the European Union and around the world. Thus, at the current stage of Ukraine entering into the European educational space, foreign language education is an element of cultural interaction, contributes to the formation of interest in different mentality, increases motivation and expands the scope of cooperation. Foreign language becomes a tool and at the same time a cultural instrument of any international interaction. The possession of linguistic abilities becomes a necessity to achieve a certain goal and objectives. foreign languages competence

Analysis of recent research and publications. Significant theoretical and practical achievements in domestic methodology were implemented by such scientists as O. Bihich, N. Borysko, L. Chernovaty, B. Labinska, R. Martynova, L. Morska, N. Mykytenko, S. Nikolay eva, O. Parshikova, O. Petrashchuk, V. Plahotnyk, V. Redko, whose works are dedicated to modern technologies of learning foreign languages. Methods of learning foreign languages within the framework of European integration, European standards for studying foreign languages for the purpose of their implementation in our educational space were considered in the works of O. Ishchenko, Zh. Nikolayeva, etc. The issue of general preparation of students for professional activity was investigated by V. Hrynyova, L. Kondrashova, I. Zyazyun, etc.

The purpose of the article is to highlight modern tendencies in foreign language teaching at higher educational institutions.

Presentation of the main material. The formation of intercultural competence, which enables cooperation in international project groups and organizations, as well as professional competence, which is a synthesis of professional knowledge, abilities, skills and personal professionally important qualities, is an indispensable component of professionally-oriented training at higher educational institution. The formation of language competence should be aimed at developing the ability to use language material in the process of obtaining certain information during intercultural communication.

The formation of the future specialists' foreign language communicative competence is an integral component of professional training, which is a complex personal resource that enables effective interaction in the process of using a foreign language as a means of solving professional tasks. As a result of learning a foreign language at the higher educational institution, the leaners primarily expand their professional ideas by means of speech. Knowledge that is part of linguistic competence is one of the professional skills. Among the content components that are part of linguistic knowledge, the following are distinguished: professional terminology system with the character of its connections, the relation of equivalence / non-equivalence between lexical units of foreign and native languages, filling the lexical material with a socio-cultural component.

Communicative competence of an individual is the ability to fluently use the language in communication, in particular, to exchange thoughts in the process of interaction with various participants, to be capable to convey them; apply an appropriate system of speech norms and choose communication, adequate to the proper communication situation. In this context, the most important students' competencies to be formed are: to possess practical skills of speaking, reading, and translating; use the foreign language at everyday and professional levels as well as to be able to solve practical communicative tasks, have a need for constant foreign language knowledge improvement.

Language education cannot be separated from general educational and intellectual context as it has appeared since the birth of education system. The main tasks of studying the discipline Foreign language are mastering practical skills in foreign language communication; actualization of grammatical structures in different contexts, translations of foreign language professional and country studies texts; search for a new text, graphic, audio and video information presented in foreign languages branch materials; to be able to use different types of text reading, original literature by specialty, in accordance with the tasks that consist in understanding the content and obtaining information from the original source, to develop automatism for the use of grammatical phenomena in the language, to take possession of coherent dialogic and monologic speech at the level of self-prepared and unprepared speech, to write a summary, an essay and an annotation, to understand dialogic and monologic speech within the limits of the language material learned during individual work, to be able to make a selective translation, to express one's own opinion, to enrich the vocabulary.

The assimilation of speech material in the educational process involves strengthening of the meaningfulness of the material with the help of images, associations, for mobilizing thinking and feelings, which contribute to memorization, training, repetition, activation of all analyzers (auditory, visual, speech) for the more effective study of the material, implementation of creative tasks, control of mastered material.

The main conditions for effective formation of foreign language professional dialogic speech include the following: providing positive motivation for mastering foreign language professional speech, implementation of productive strategies (cognitive, communicative, responsive) into the educational process, understanding of dialogic speech as a responsive speech act, induced creation of professionally oriented educational situations for plunging into the language environment [1].

In the basis of the communicative content line, it is possible to single out speech activity, formation of listening, reading, speaking, writing skills. Students' mastery of professional and communicative skills is impossible without purposeful formation of the conceptual and terminological apparatus of the specialty; expansion of the information and analytical base based on the material of authentic texts, including through proper research work; mastering learning strategies; interpretation skills; lead discussions; substantiate, solve typical professionally oriented tasks. This, in turn, is possible if modern IT technologies are used in the educational process, based on the principles of problem-solving, interactivity and situationality: modeling professional-contextual situations that are as closely related to the students' future professional-practical activities as possible.

An innovative trend in the methodology of teaching a foreign language at higher educational institutions can be considered a mutual partnership approach, under which the closest possible subject-subject relationships are established between the teacher and students, and therefore, the student also has an influence on the course of the lesson or even the learning process in general.

Partnership pedagogy, democratic cooperation between teachers and students, which is the conceptual basis of the European education system, creates a favorable psychological climate in classes, contributes to the optimal organization of educational activities and ensuring the educational autonomy of everyone, the result of which is an increase in the student's responsibility for the results of training, and also motivates to comprehensive personal development, as well as provides an opportunity to fully reveal one's potential [5]. Therefore, the teacher's role is not diminished, but transformed (teacher-interlocutor, teacher-consultant, teachermoderator).

With the total spread of multimedia and the Internet, the concept "interactive technologies" has become more relevant, as gadgets significantly expand their methodological scope. The interactive possibilities of electronic boards, projectors, touch panels are virtually unlimited and require not so much the development of new methods as a creative approach in every working situation of the educational process.

Multimedia tools are versatile, since they can help learn a foreign language in the extracurricular virtual space (searching for a job, internship abroad, sending resumes, communicating in foreign language networks and creating special groups in them), Consistent use of English outside of classes as much as possible (during breaks, while solving household and current life tasks) makes it possible to direct the student to stay in English-language communication and provide discursiveness as most related to the practice (use of language), rather than the ability to translate or paraphrase a non-situational text.

The principle of consciousness plays an important role in learning a foreign language, it is called the most important principle of the methodology of learning a foreign language. This principle is aimed at the selection of educational material, as well as at work, from implementation of certain speech skills to the formation of individual elements of speech activity. Conscious learning of the speech phenomenon is organized according to certain directions: modeling of communication situations, during which students have the opportunity to understand the acquired knowledge in practice; reference to the context; identification of certain signs of the phenomenon; the use of rules-instructions that would help and facilitate students' assimilation of knowledge.

The variety of methods makes it possible to work effectively in different formats: "teacher - student", "teacher - group", "student - student", "student - group":

- lecture (5% of assimilation) - one of the ways of presenting the necessary information, students play the role of passive listeners;

- reading (10% of assimilation) - most useful for the students in combination with other methods of learning;

- audiovisual means (20% of assimilation), which must be combined with further discussion;

- use of visual aids (30% of assimilation) - with the help of visual study guides (handouts, slides, diagrams) the teacher can effectively teach students with any type of perception;

- discussion in groups (50% of assimilation) enables students to express their thoughts, share impressions and emotions, contemplate, draw conclusions;

- learning through the practice of action (70% of assimilation) - students are offered to imagine themselves in a certain role when solving life situations; this method involves the extensive use of role-playing games, such as "Translator", where one student reads a sentence in native language, and his / her partner translates it into a foreign language; it forces the person who formulates sentences for translation, to trace not only the content, but also the correct pausation, intonation, accessibility of perception;

- playing the role of a teacher and a researcher (90% of assimilation) - consulting and teaching group-mates, researching a problem as effective teaching methods [4].

The principle of scientificity implies that the educational process has to incorporate the peculiarities of modern communication, the regularities of the appearance of speech and linguistic phenomena. The principle of activity in the formation of foreign language competence consists in the intensification of activities and the use of a foreign language as a means of communication. The principle of educational training provides for the organization of the educational process, which enables the balanced and comprehensive development of abilities. Special attention is directed to the students' involvement in independent research activities.

The implementation of the principles as a whole provides the integrity of in-depth mastering of professionally oriented academic disciplines with an emphasis on foreign language dialogic speech; requires the organization of activities from simple to complex; promotes adequate understanding with interlocutors; helps dynamic and solid assimilation of language and speech material for the implementation of professionally oriented tasks; involves the conscious choice and use of educational communication strategies for foreign language training, independent overcoming of possible complications in professional communication and providing self-education throughout life. T. Zubenko claims that along with one's own positive attitude, the implementation of a complex of these principles ensures a non-standard organization of the educational process, diversifies the spectrum of the forms, methods and techniques of work [2].

Conclusions and perspectives

Nowadays foreign language acts as a means of increasing the students' professional competence and personal development and is a necessary condition for the successful professional activity of a specialistgraduate of a modern higher school, who is able to navigate in the new international space, critically consider both professional and communicative processes, make adequate decisions.

There is a tendency for implementing new approaches to the educational process in foreign language teaching at higher educational institutions, namely implement European experience in learning foreign languages; transformation of the content of education; implementation of universal levels of acquired foreign language competences; taking into account the recommendations of the Council of Europe and other authoritative organizations; spreading of multimedia, increased role of discursiveness and online communication, subject-subjectivity, deduction, competence and interactive approach and stimulation of consistent use of the foreign language.

Further investigation of this problem should contribute to the improvement of the content base of professionally-oriented foreign language teaching.


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6. Література:

7. Барсук С.Л. Формування іншомовної комунікативної компетентності шляхом навчання комунікативних стратегій. Педагогічний альманах: зб. наук. праць / редкол. : В.В. Кузьменко (голова) та ін. Херсон: КВНЗ "Херсон. акад. неперерв. освіти", 2015. Вип. 25. С. 64-68.

8. Зубенко Т.В. Комунікативний підхід до навчання іноземної мови учнів початкової школи як стратегічна проблема у підготовці майбутнього вчителя. Науковий вісник Миколаївського держ. ун-ту імені В.О. Сухомлинського. Миколаїв, 2008. Вип. 23, т. 1 : Педагогічні науки. С. 146-152.

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