Diagnostic apparatus of researching the results of preparing teachers to use virtual visibility tools in professional activities
The article aim to develop criteria and indicators for teachers' readiness to use virtual visualization tools in professional activities. To determine the effectiveness of the system of training future teachers of mathematics and computer science.
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Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 12.12.2023 |
Размер файла | 984,4 K |
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Diagnostic apparatus of researching the results of preparing teachers to use virtual visibility tools in professional activities
Mulesa Pavlo
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Head of the Department of Cybernetics and Applied Mathematics State University «Uzhhorod National University», Uzhhorod
Yurchenko Artem
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Department of Computers Science Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, Sumy
Semenikhina Olena
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Department of Computers Science Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, Sumy
To define the pedagogical system effectiveness, it is necessary to develop the criteria and indicators of its effectiveness and characterize the learning subjects by levels. The article aim: to develop criteria and indicators for teachers' readiness to use virtual visualization tools in professional activities. Theoretical analysis of scientific sources was used to clarify the possible diagnostic apparatus of the study, generalization of scientific approaches to define essential criteria and indicators, structural and logical analysis of the concept of "teacher's readiness to use the tools of virtual visibility in professional activities" to clarify the links between the components of readiness, the criteria and indicators of their formation, comparison for characterization teacher's readiness levels to use virtual visibility tools in professional activities. To determine the effectiveness of the system of training future teachers of mathematics and computer science to use the means of virtual visibility in professional activities, the criteria and indicators have been developed: value-orientation criterion (indicator - value orientations on virtual visibility use in professional activities); cognitive criterion (indicator - digital awareness in virtual visual aids); technological criterion (indicator - skill use virtual visualization tools to create didactic materials); professional activity criterion (indicators - the ability to develop lessons using tools; the ability to critically evaluate the means of virtual visibility, involving the needs of the educational activities organization); personal criterion (indicators - the ability to critical analysis, self-education, reflection). The developed diagnostic apparatus allows to empirically confirm the effectiveness of the developed pedagogical system for training of future mathematics and computer science teachers to use virtual visibility in professional activities.
Key words: diagnostic apparatus, criterion, and indicators, teacher's readiness, means of virtual clarity, teacher training, teacher of mathematics, teacher of computer science.
Мулеса Павло Павлович
кандидат технічних наук, доцент завідувач кафедри кібернетики і прикладної математики ДВНЗ «Ужгородський національний університет», м.Ужгород, Україна
Юрченко Артем Олександрович
кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедра інформатики
Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А.С.Макаренка
м.Суми, Україна
Семеніхіна Олена Володимирівна
доктор педагогічних наук, професор кафедра інформатики
Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А.С.Макаренка
м.Суми, Україна
Мета статті: розроблення критеріїв та показників для визначення рівня готовності вчителя до використання засобів віртуальної наочності у професійній діяльності. Використано теоретичний аналіз наукових джерел для уточнення можливого діагностичного апарату дослідження, узагальнення наукових підходів з метою виокремлення суттєвих критеріїв та їх можливих показників, структурно-логічний аналіз поняття «готовність вчителя до використання засобів віртуальної наочності у професійній діяльності» для уточнення зв'язків між компонентами готовності та критеріями і показниками їх сформованості, порівняння і зіставлення для характеристики рівнів готовності вчителя до використання засобів віртуальної наочності у професійній діяльності. Для визначення ефективності системи підготовки майбутніх учителів математики та інформатики до використання засобів віртуальної наочності у професійній діяльності розроблено критерії та їх показники: ціннісно-орієнтаційний критерій (показник - ціннісні орієнтації на використання засобів віртуальної наочності у професійній діяльності); пізнавальний критерій (показник -цифрова обізнаність у засобах віртуальної наочності); технологічний критерій (показник - уміння використовувати засоби віртуальної наочності для створення дидактичних матеріалів); професійно-діяльнісний критерій (показники - уміння розробляти уроки з використанням засобів; уміння критично оцінювати засоби віртуальної наочності з урахуванням потреб організації освітньої діяльності); особистісний критерій (показники - здатність до критичного аналізу; здатність до самоосвіти; рефлексія). Розроблений діагностичний апарат дає можливість емпірично через педагогічний експеримент підтвердити ефективність розробленої педагогічної системи підготовки майбутніх учителів математики та інформатики до використання засобів віртуальної наочності у професійній діяльності.
Ключові слова: діагностичний апарат, критерій і показники, готовність вчителя, засоби віртуальної на-очності, підготовка вчителя, вчитель математики, вчитель інформатики.
Formulation of the problem
preparing teachersvirtual visibility tool
Conducting any pedagogical research involves its implementation in the practice of the educational process. However, it may only sometimes have the desired effect on learning outcomes. A pedagogical experiment confirms the call sign dynamics in a specific characteristic, involving the preliminary diagnostic apparatus development. In other words, to determine the effectiveness of any innovative methodology, it is necessary to develop/ assess its effectiveness criteria and indicators and give the characteristics of the student learning level.
We researched the issue of professional training of future mathematics and computer science teachers and determined the contradiction between society demand for the trained teachers of mathematics and computer science, focused on teaching the generation of visual learners, and the need to create visual content to accompany educational activities. The limited theoretical ideas on the models of their appropriate professional training have been recorded. The solution to the contradiction highlighted the need for anticipatory training of future mathematics and computer science teachers to use virtual visibility tools (VVT) in their professional activities. P.Mulesa et al. [1; 17] provide the theoretical model of training future mathematics and computer science teachers to use VVT in professional activities. At the same time, the theoretical model requires empirical confirmation, so developing a diagnostic apparatus to test its effectiveness has become relevant.
Analysis of current research
Criterion makes allows to assess a certain quality or result. An indicator is a marker that allows to talk on the quantitative measure of a result. Requirements for criteria and indicators are presented in Fig.1. [14].
The analysis of the criteria and indicators that characterize the future teachers training for various aspects of professional activity or the formation of readiness for a specific type of activity revealed the following.
Fig.1. Requirements for criteria and indicators
According to I.Dychkivska [13], the teacher training is to involve the presence of motivational attitudes for activities. According to A.Fedorchuk [22] and O.Semenikhina [19], the main criteria of teachers' readiness are the motivation for pedagogical activity and professional knowledge, skills, and means of pedagogical activity. The importance of motivation, theoretical training, technological-analytical skills for the teacher's readiness to use dynamic mathematics programs is topical.
In the study [21], the design, constructive, organizational, communicative, and gnostic criteria are substantiated for external evaluation of the effectiveness of the methodological system of basic professional training of computer science teachers.
The article authors have generalized scientists' approaches to characterizing teachers' readiness for a specific type of activity:
- Training a mathematics teacher at a specialized school [8];
- Preparing mathematics teacher for innovative educational activities [9; 12];
- Training of teachers of natural and mathematical courses to use visualization technologies in subject- professional activities [10];
- Training of teachers of computer science in pedagogical universities [16];
- Training of teachers to visualize in the professional activities [4; 5];
- Training of computer science teachers to use the specialized software [3];
- Preparing future teachers to develop of mathematical abilities in high school [18];
- Preparing teachers to use social media [2; 23];
- Preparing physics teachers to use virtual physics laboratories [6; 7; 20].
The cognitive criterion allows you to test the knowledge of future teachers of mathematics and computer science about the The criteria for the quality of pedagogical activity, are described in [15].
However, the generalization of the criteria and indicators proposed by scientists, which characterized the levels of readiness for a specific type of activity, and presented in the work [11, р.434-435] the criteria and indicators of the quality of pedagogical activity did not give us a systematic idea of the criteria and indicators of mathematics and computer science teachers' readiness to use VVT in their professional activities. Therefore, this article aims to develop criteria and indicators for determining teachers' level of preparedness to use VVT in professional activities.
Materials and methods
To achieve the goal, a theoretical analysis of scientific sources - to clarify the possible diagnostic apparatus of the study, a generalization of scientific approaches to identify essential criteria and their potential indicators, a structural and logical analysis of the concept of «teacher's readiness to use VVT in professional activities» to clarify the links between the components of readiness and the criteria and indicators of their formation, comparison and comparison to characterize the levels teacher's readiness to use VVT in professional activities.
The readiness of future mathematics and computer science teachers to use VVT in their professional activities is understood as their personal quality, which is characterized by a complex structure (Fig.2).
Means of virtual visibility and the ability to use them in practice, understanding of the essence of information technologies, the Considering the structure of readiness of a mathematics and computer science teacher to use VVT in professional activities, we distinguish criteria and indicators.
Fig.2. Structure of readiness of future teachers of mathematics and computer science to use VVT in professional activities
he value-oriented criterion allows to study the interest of students in future professional activities and motivation to organize the educational process using virtual visibility. Prospective mathematics and computer science teachers have an idea of personal and social value of future professional self-disclosure using knowledge of future professional activity. The formation of positive motivation to use virtual visibility, the ability to self-knowledge and self-realization, and the usage of VVT in professional activities. Professional and personal self-determination of future teachers is essential for the preparing for professional activities and the ability to use virtual visibility in their work. Therefore, the indicator of the value-oriented criterion for the readiness specifics of their application in the general educational process, knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of their use, knowledge of the technical characteristics of VVT, knowledge of the peculiarities of the use of visualization tools in mathematics and computer science lessons, as well as their and its impact on the activities of teachers and students in the classroom. Assessing the existing and acquired theoretical knowledge of future mathematics and computer science teachers determines the general awareness of the importance of using visualization. It means the ability to rationally select materials, tools, and devices (equipment) and possess the basic techniques (operations, techniques) of creating virtual visibility in applying high-level skills for their professional needs. Therefore, the criterion indicator is the «Ability to use virtual visual aids to create visual didactic materials».
The professional activity criterion is determined by the professional skills that teachers of mathematics and computer science should have:
- ability to use visualization tools to organize students' learning effectively.
- ability to determine which visualization tools are best suited for use in the classroom according to their content, purpose, and implementation method.
- ability to create your virtual tools and constantly improve them to move to higher levels of pedagogical excellence and demonstrate initiative, independence, and creativity in learning organization.
This criterion a priori assumes that students know that future mathematics and computer science teachers should acquire successful visual support in their professional activities (Fig.3).
We have chosen "Ability to develop lessons using VVT" and "Ability to critically evaluate VVT, taking into account the educational activities organization needs" as indicators of professional activity criterion of future mathematics and computer science teachers readiness to use VVT in the professional activities.
Fig.3. Knowledge and skills to provide visual support for professional activities
The personal criterion allows us to characterize the qualities and abilities of the teacher that will contribute to the successful organization, implementation, and analysis of educational activities using VVT with students in mathematics and computer science lessons, the ability to self-study and self-assessment, teaching students using VVT in mathematics and computer science lessons and finding personal guidelines for future teachers in resolving contradictions in the educational process through the proper organization of activities. It also includes the ability to exercise control for further self-improvement, self-management, and recognition of the results of one's performance. Therefore, we have chosen "Ability to Critical Analysis", "Ability to Self-Education," and "Reflection"
Fig.4. Levels of teacher's readiness to use virtual visual aids in professional activities
To determine the effectiveness of the system of training of future teachers of mathematics and computer science for the use of VVT in professional activities, we developed the criteria and their indicators: value-oriented criterion (indicator - value orientations on VVT in professional activities); cognitive criterion (indicator - digital awareness of VVT); technological criterion (indicator - skills use VVT to create didactic materials); professional and activity criterion (indicators as indicators of the personal criterion of professional readiness to use VVT in professional activities.
- the ability to develop lessons using tools; the ability to critically evaluate VVT, taking into account the needs of the organization of educational activities); personal criterion (indicators - ability to critically analyze, ability to self-education, reflection). The developed diagnostic apparatus makes it possible to empirically confirm the effectiveness of the pedagogical system for training future mathematics and computer science teachers to use VVT in professional activities vis a pedagogical experiment.
Criteria and indicators of readiness of future mathematics and computer science teachers to use VVT in their professional activities allow us to characterize the levels of such readiness (Fig. 4).
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