Program standards of physical education in the USA
Review of physical education in the US education system. Program and normative standards of this process. Algorithm for determining school programs, sources of their funding. Stages of development of the physical education curriculum at the local level.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 25.11.2023 |
Размер файла | 83,8 K |
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Program standards of physical education in the USA
Leleka Vitalii Mykolayovych Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports, V.O. Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolai
The article reveals the peculiarities of physical education in the US education system. The program and normative standards of physical education in the USA are theoretically substantiated. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the program standards of physical education in the USA. School boards determine school programs and determine the sources of their funding. About 85% of children study in public schools, the rest attend paid private schools, most of which have a certain religious orientation. The programs of primary and secondary schools provide for compulsory physical education. High school is the last stage of secondary education in the United States. Norms are differentiated depending on age and gender.
Free public schools are usually governed by democratically elected school boards, each of which has jurisdiction over a school district. All states are divided into school districts; each is headed by a school committee (council), whose function includes consideration of all issues that determine the work of schools and the size of the school budget, the hiring and dismissal of teachers, their salaries, the selection and recommendations of textbooks, etc.
In practice, the education departments of state administrations are engaged in drawing up school programs, and in most states (more than 60%) the programs are drawn up at the level of the schools themselves, based on the recommendations of leading organizations in this field. The first stage of curriculum development at the local level is carried out by a specially created commission consisting of physical education teachers, a school administrator, a district curriculum coordinator, and parents.
This commission determines the goals of the programs and the range of types of motor activity recommended in the training courses for each grade. At the second stage of compiling the program, each teacher makes it more specialized, one that meets the needs of each class, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the students.
Keywords: education seekers, physical education, program standards, educational institutions, material and technical support.
Лелека Віталій Миколайович кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри фізичної культури та спорту, Миколаївський національний університет імені В.О. Сухомлинського,
У статті розкрито особливості фізичного виховання в системі освіти США. Теоретично обґрунтовано програмно-нормативні стандарти фізичного виховання у США. Метою статті є обґрунтування програмних стандартів фізичного виховання в США. Шкільні ради визначають шкільні програми та визначають джерела їх фінансування. В державних школах навчається близько 85% дітей, інша частина відвідує платні приватні школи, більшість з яких мають певне релігійне спрямування. Програми початкової та Середньої шкіл передбачають обов'язкове фізичне виховання. Старша школа, є останнім етапом середньої освіти в США. Нормативи диференціюються залежно від віку та статі.
Безкоштовні державні школи зазвичай управляються демократично обраними шкільними радами (school boards), кожна з яких має юрисдикцію над шкільним округом. Усі штати поділений на шкільні округи; на чолі кожного стоїть шкільний комітет (рада), у функції якого входить розгляд всіх питань, що визначають роботу шкіл і розмір шкільного бюджету, прийом і звільнення вчителів, їх зарплата, відбір і рекомендації підручників тощо.
На практиці складанням шкільних програм займаються відділи освіти адміністрацій штатів, а в більшості штатів (понад 60%) програми складаються на рівні самих шкіл на основі рекомендацій провідних організацій в цій сфері. Перший етап розробки навчальної програми на місцевому рівні здійснює спеціально створена комісія, що складається з викладачів фізичного виховання, адміністратора школи, координатора навчальних програм на рівні округу, батьків. Ця комісія визначає цілі програми та спектр різновидів рухової активності, що рекомендуються в навчальних курсах для кожного класу. На другому етапі складання програми кожен викладач робить її більш спеціалізованою, такою, що відповідає потребам кожного класу, з врахуванням вікових та індивідуальних особливостей учнів.
Ключові слова: здобувачі освіти, фізичне виховання, програмні стандарти, заклади освіти, матеріально-технічне забезпечення.
Formulation of the problem
The peculiarity of physical education in the USA is the presence of national standards in this field, as well as recommendations of leading organizations in physical culture and sports, which relate to the development of school programs in physical education. Each school district, school, and physical education teacher must create their own program, taking into account the provisions and recommendations of government programs, adapting existing scientific theoretical concepts to the conditions of a specific community, school or class.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Differentiation of learning takes place with the help of an externally democratic way of choosing subjects. A small number of subjects are compulsory for all students: native language, social studies, physical education, natural science and mathematics. The program of optional (elective) subjects includes up to a hundred different courses [1-4].
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the program standards of physical education in the USA.
Presenting main material. In practice, the education departments of state administrations are engaged in drawing up school programs, and in most states (more than 60%) the programs are drawn up at the level of the schools themselves, based on the recommendations of leading organizations in this field. The amount of instructional time devoted to physical education in various states is approximately as shown in Figure 1.
The first stage of curriculum development at the local level is carried out by a specially created commission consisting of physical education teachers, a school administrator, a district curriculum coordinator, and parents. This commission determines the goals of the program and the range of types of motor activity recommended in the training courses for each class [2, 3].
At the second stage of compiling the program, each teacher makes it more specialized, one that meets the needs of each class, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students [3, 4].
Fig. 1. Quantitative indicator of conducting physical education classes in different states of the USA
In 1996, the National Association of Sports and Physical Education developed standards for the level of training of physical education teachers. The same standards are a criterion for accreditation of university programs for training physical education teachers. Among the regulatory documents in the field of education in the United States, it is worth mentioning such as: "The Nation is Ready: Teachers of the 21st Century", "Report of the National Commission on Teaching and the Future of America", "Health of the Nation 2010", "National Standards in Physical Education" and others.
Among the positive aspects of the liberal approach to the formation of school programs for physical education can be attributed the following [1,3]:
^ ^ each school independently determines the amount of time allocated to physical education of each class;
*a school district, a school, a physical education teacher or even an individual class can choose sports and physical activity for classes in physical education classes and optional classes.
When drawing up relevant programs, the following factors are taken into account as much as possible [2, 4]:
4-the relevant state's policy on physical education; socio-cultural, ethnic and other features of the community living in the relevant territory;
^ !¦ available material and technical base; the level of physical fitness of a specific group of schoolchildren;
^ ^ needs, interests, motor abilities of children; sports specialization of a physical education teacher.
The possible negative aspects of this approach to the development of physical education programs in the United States are related, first of all, to the fact that in some schools a rather small number of hours can be allocated to physical education lessons. In particular, certain educational institutions practice conducting such lessons only 1-2 times a week, or refuse compulsory classes altogether [2, 3].
Table 1 Priorities in physical education programs in US educational institutions
Software Elementary School |
Software Elementary School, % |
Software Elementary School, % |
Software Elementary School, % |
Software Elementary School |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Character formation, personal and social culture |
14 |
14 |
14 |
14 |
Motor skills and forms of movements |
55 |
19 |
17 |
30 |
Number of schools |
526 |
312 |
304 |
1142 |
Preparation for the competition |
6 |
13 |
12 |
10 |
In general, the issue of physical education, in particular, the development of relevant recommendations and programs is dealt with by a fairly large number of structures whose competence includes activities in other areas as well (Table 2). For example, such organizations as the American Cancer Society, the American Diabetes Association, as well as the American Heart Association conduct their own research on the basis of which recommendations are developed regarding physical activity. The mentioned organizations consider physical education as an integral part of school education aimed at ensuring the health and well-being of secondary school students. Physical education is also recognized as a central component of school health care programs, the purpose of which is, first of all, prevention of obesity and related diseases of the cardiovascular system [3, 4].
Table 2. The most common types of physical activity in US schools
Software Elementary School |
Software Elementary School, % |
Software Elementary School, % |
Software Elementary School, % |
Software Elementary School, % |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Basketball |
94 |
89 |
83 |
94 |
Volleyball |
85 |
19 |
17 |
87 |
Personal fitness |
86 |
83 |
92 |
87 |
Football (European) |
86 |
82 |
84 |
84 |
Jumping with a rope |
89 |
87 |
68 |
81 |
American Football |
67 |
84 |
82 |
78 |
Baseball/ softball |
68 |
82 |
78 |
76 |
Dancing |
85 |
71 |
57 |
71 |
Disc sports (throwing Frisbee plates) |
64 |
72 |
75 |
70 |
Types of hockey |
65 |
67 |
69 |
67 |
Weightlifting |
21 |
65 |
89 |
58 |
Bowling |
72 |
53 |
47 |
57 |
Tennis |
52 |
57 |
61 |
57 |
Athletics |
57 |
62 |
43 |
54 |
Handball |
23 |
52 |
64 |
46 |
Golf |
32 |
25 |
41 |
33 |
The organization of republican importance is the NCPPA (National Coalition for the Propaganda of Movement Activity). This organization oversees the organization of rational leisure, including among schoolchildren. A large-scale document developed with the participation of NCPPA is the "National Physical Activity Plan". A significant number of physical education programs are systematized on a special web portal called PHYSICAL EDUCATION CENTRAL. This electronic resource allows any user to find a training program that would suit their age, gender and preferences. The mentioned programs, again, resemble rather a simplified version of the outline of a lesson in physical education on a certain topic (gymnastics, basketball, volleyball, etc.) that is familiar to us [1, 2].
In addition to general education programs, there are several national programs for testing the level of physical fitness of children and youth in the USA, which were developed by leading organizations in the field of physical education and sports and the Presidential Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. These are programs such as "President's Challenge", "Fitnessgram", "Physical Best", etc. [2, 4].
A significant achievement in the field of testing in the USA is the work on standardization of tests and verification of the objectivity and reliability of the obtained results. The objectivity of the test implies the possibility of obtaining similar results when it is applied by two or more teachers in the same group. The results are recognized as reliable only when the subjects in two or more attempts consistently show approximately the same results, which characterize their true capabilities. These criteria are determined using statistical methods [1, 3].
In addition to the results of the test standards for assessing the level of physical fitness, in particular in the state of California, the features of the physique are also taken into account. At the same time, the percentage of adipose tissue and the harmonious development of the muscle component are evaluated. According to this, the "Physical best" program was created, which is a comprehensive educational and health program developed by physical education teachers for physical education teachers and focused on [2, 4]:
i- education of all children, regardless of motor abilities, physical and mental abilities, or children with certain disabilities;
i- the transition of students to independent motor activity for their own level of health and fitness;
i- promote regular physical activity for pleasure and entertainment. The test programs mentioned above are also the basis of a special program of physical training, which is built on tests and developed for children and adolescents aged 6 to 17 years. The President's Challenge program was launched in 1986 by US President Ronald Reagan. Today, the program includes 10 test exercises. It specifies three variants of standards depending on the level of physical fitness. Norms are differentiated depending on age and gender. If the student is able to perform all the test exercises at a high level, he can receive a special presidential award, which is given in the form of a name certificate signed by the president [1, 3].
In addition to the division into streams based on test selection, the students of the class are often divided into different groups depending on the level of knowledge of a particular subject. The fact is that in American schools there are no transfer exams and all students move from class to class regardless of their success. When it turns out that some students of the class cannot learn the new educational material, they are combined into separate groups [2, 4].
In secondary school, compulsory subjects are taught according to programs that are uniform for all schools in the state. The order of passing various topics, the speed and method of teaching the educational material will be determined by the teacher. There are no textbooks as such. Large catalog books list many manuals for each subject. The teacher can choose 5-6 books, after a careful study of them, an order is made for all students. The lesson lasts 40 minutes, the breaks are short. The number of classes is 20-25, and in special classes - no more than 12-15 students. Many schools limit the weekly workload of students to 18-19 hours, instead, a lot of time is given to electives [1, 4].
Oral answers are unpopular, the dominant form of verification is a test; the exam is just a big test. There are no final exams. Instead, in the 11th grade, students take the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) - a three-hour test consisting of two parts (native language and mathematics). During the 12th grade, students send the results of this test (in points) to universities together with a list of the subjects they passed (with grades) [2, 3].
Thus, education in the USA is mostly public. It is controlled and funded by federal, state, and local governments. Free public schools are usually governed by democratically elected school boards, each of which has jurisdiction over a school district. All states are divided into school districts; each is headed by a school committee (council), whose function includes consideration of all issues that determine the work of schools and the size of the school budget, the hiring and dismissal of teachers, their salaries, the selection and recommendations of textbooks, etc.
School boards determine school programs and determine the sources of their funding. About 85% of children study in public schools, the rest attend paid private schools, most of which have a certain religious orientation. The programs of primary and secondary schools provide for compulsory physical education. High school (English high school) is the last stage of secondary education in the USA, which lasts from the 9th to the 12th grade. At the same time, 1-2 years are allocated to physical education.
physical education school programs
1. Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs: Helping All Students Achieve 60 minutes of physical Activity Each Day [Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs: Helping All Students Achieve 60 minutes of physical Activity Each Day]. (2013). American Alliance for HEALTH Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 3-31 [in English].
2. Davis B., Bull R., Roskoe D. (2002). Physical Education and Study of Sport [Physical Education and Study of Sport]. Harcourt Health Sciences. 698 [in English].
3. Frank K. A. (2002). Ways in which intercollegiate athletics contribute to university success [Ways in which intercollegiate athletics contribute to university success]. North Carolina State University, 47-55 [in English].
4. Fullan R. (2000). Change forces with a Vengeance-Routledge Farmer, Taylor and Francis Group [Change forces with a Vengeance-Routledge Farmer, Taylor and Francis Group]. London and New York, 260 [in English].
[Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs: Helping All Students Achieve 60 minutes of physical Activity Each Day-American Alliance for HEALTH Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 2013. P. 3-31.
2. Davis B., Bull R., Roskoe D., Physical Education and Study of Sport. Harcourt Health Sciences. 2002. 698 p.
3. Frank K. A. Ways in which intercollegiate athletics contribute to university success. North Carolina State University, 2002. Р. 47-55.
4. Fullan R., Change forces with a Vengeance-Routledge Farmer, Taylor and Francis Group. London and New York, 2000. 260 p.
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