Interactive technologies as a means of forming the creative skills of senior preschool students
Dialogue as the element of an interactive lesson. Principles of creative development of older preschoolers, its methods. The content of interactive learning, the role of specially pedagogical conditions in the organization of the educational process.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 25.11.2023 |
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Communal institution «Kharkiv humanitarian and pedagogical academy» of the Kharkiv regional council
Interactive technologies as a means of forming the creative skills of senior preschool students
Yefymenko Liudmyla Mykolaivna,
doctor of philosophy, teacher of the department of theory and methodology of preschool education
The use of interactive technologies in education contributes to the development of the information society, which is determined by a number of factors. First of all, interactive technologies in preschool significantly accelerate the transfer of knowledge and provide technological and social experience not only from generation to generation, but also from one person to another. At the same time, interactive technologies significantly increase the quality of education, contribute to successful adaptation to the environment, in particular to social changes. The systematic implementation of interactive technologies in modern education becomes an important factor in the formation of the education system, meets the requirements of society and the process of reforming the established system. Interactivity develops a child's responsibility, self-criticism, a creative approach to solving problems, teaches them to correctly and adequately assess their strengths, to see «white spots» in their knowledge. It was found that the main element of an interactive lesson is dialogue. During interactive learning, children actively communicate, argue, disagree with the interlocutor, defend their opinion. It was found that interactive interaction excludes the dominance of one participant in the educational process over another, one opinion over another. During such communication, older preschoolers learn to be democratic, communicate with other people, think critically, and make informed decisions. We consider the priority direction of preschool education to be the creative development of older preschoolers, which finds its embodiment in various forms, methods, and content of learning and requires specially created pedagogical conditions for the organization of the educational process, the introduction of interactive technologies. It has been proven that the use of interactive technologies makes it possible to make the most of the opportunities, knowledge and interests of older preschoolers, to develop their creative abilities.
Keywords: creative skills, interactive technologies, preschool children, older preschoolers, educational process, preschool education institution.
Єфименко Людмила Миколаївна доктор філософії, викладач кафедри теорії та методики дошкільної освіти, Комунальний заклад «Харківська гуманітарно-педагогічна академія» Харківської обласної ради, м. Харків
Інтерактивні технології як засіб формування творчих умінь старших дошкільників
Використання інтерактивних технологій в освіті сприяє розвитку інформаційного суспільства, що визначається низкою чинників. Першочергово, інтерактивні технології в дошкіллі суттєво прискорюють передачу знань та забезпечують технологічний і соціальний досвід не лише від покоління до покоління, а й від однієї людини іншій. Водночас, інтерактивні технології значно підвищують якість навчання, сприяють успішній адаптації до навколишнього середовища зокрема до соціальних змін. Системне впровадження інтерактивних технологій в сучасну освіту стає важливим чинником формування системи освіти, відповідає вимогам суспільства та процесу реформування усталеної системи. Інтерактивність розвиває в дитини відповідальність, самокритичність, творчий підхід до розв язання проблем, вчить правильно й адекватно оцінювати свої сили, бачити «білі плями» у своїх знаннях. З5ясовано, що основним елементом інтерактивного заняття є діалог. Під час інтерактивного навчання діти завзято спілкуються, сперечаються, не погоджуються із співрозмовником, відстоюють свою думку. Виявлено, що інтерактивна взаємодія виключає домінування одного учасника освітнього процесу над іншим, однієї думки над іншою. Під час такого спілкування старші дошкільники вчаться бути демократичними, спілкуватися з іншими людьми, критично мислити, ухвалювати обґрунтовані рішення. Пріоритетним напрямом дошкільної освіти вважаємо творчий розвиток старших дошкільників, який знаходить своє втілення в різноманітних формах, методах, змісті навчання та потребує спеціально створених педагогічних умов організації освітнього процесу, впровадження інтерактивних технологій. Доведено, що застосування інтерактивних технологій дозволяє максимально використовувати можливості, знання та захоплення старших дошкільників, розвивати їхні творчі здібності.
Ключові слова: творчі вміння, інтерактивні технології, діти дошкільного віку, старші дошкільники, освітній процес, заклад дошкільної освіти.
Main part
interactive preschool educational pedagogical
Formulation of the problem. The development of modem society, dynamic changes in all areas of human life lead to a growing need for the formation of a creative personality with a high level of intellectual development, capable of nonstandard, often unexpected and original solutions. The need to introduce interactive technologies into the educational process is obvious because: today, more than ever before, the requirements for updating preschool education of pupils are increasing; there is differentiation and individualization of preschool education; the requirements for the quality of preschool education are changing, its assessment is not only based on the level of cognitive preparation, but also the elementary life competence of the graduates of preschool education, their ability to apply knowledge in their own lives, to constantly update and enrich it.
The variety of innovative technologies includes interactive technologies that involve the interaction of all participants in the educational process, which is carried out using methods that activate pedagogical communication as an equally active intersubjective interaction. Interactive technologies help to intensify independent creative and research work, which contributes to the development of preschoolers' creative abilities and their cognitive activity. Therefore, the problem of formation and development of creative abilities of preschool children is an urgent problem in the theory and practice of a modern preschool education institution.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The problem of the development of a creative personality is highlighted in the studies of H. Kostyuk, О. Kulchytska, V. Rybalka, S. Sysoeva and others. K. Avramenko, L. Akpinar, І. Dychkivska, V. Yevdokimov, I. Zyazyun, L. Kybardyna, H. Kobernyk, O. Komar, E. Kryukova, O. Kuznetsova, M. Mykhailichenko, O. Pehota, O. Pometun, L. Pirozhenko and others. In recent years, scientists such as: O. Martynchuk, Yu. Nosenko, Zh. Matyukh, O. Yankovych, L. Romanyshina, M. Boyko and others have been investigating the problem of introducing interactive technologies into preschool education institutions. The relevance of the raised problem lies in the justification of the features of the introduction of interactive technologies in modern educational institutions, which becomes one of the means of increasing the motivation and individualization of children's education, the formation of their creative abilities and the creation of a favorable emotional environment.
The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of the implementation of interactive technologies in the educational process of a preschool education institution as a means of forming the creative skills of older preschoolers.
Presenting main material. The development of modern society dictates special conditions for the organization of preschool education, intensive implementation of innovations, new pedagogical technologies, forms and methods of working with preschool children.
It should be noted that the success of any activity depends on the ability to perform it. This applies to various types of activities: reading, writing, drawing, playing a musical instrument, etc. The overwhelming majority of scholars in interpreting the concept of «skill» focus on the willingness and ability to successfully perform activities based on knowledge and skills, and emphasize the dependence of the success of activities on the formation of skills. All skills are characterized by the following common features: awareness, purposefulness, generalization, and creativity. Therefore, a skill is the ability to perform certain actions in a self - controlled manner based on theoretical knowledge in both familiar and changed conditions.
Senior preschool age is a sensitive period for the intensive development of thinking, imagination, and fantasy. The child, learning about the world around him or her, seeks to assert himself or herself as a person, and it is easiest for him or her to express himself or herself in creativity, to realize his or her knowledge and skills.
Н. Ilyina notes that in preschool education, the ability to work outside the box is most effectively formed through the development of intelligence. We emphasize the peculiarities of the manifestations of creativity in the senior preschool age, identified by the scientist:
- research inclination - curiosity, desire for new experiences, desire to experiment in all spheres of life;
- subjective novelty of a creative product - a child's proposal of a known solution, which he or she came to independently, which is a creative process based on the preschooler's independent thinking;
- contradictory imagination - on the one hand, the rapid, powerful development of imagination, fantasy at this age, which manifests itself mainly in games, stories, conversations, on the other hand, the development of reproductive imagination, which helps to understand and learn the material;
- thinking of artistic plot type - combining objects, characters depicted by senior preschoolers into one plot, situation [1, P. 130-131].
The considered scientific positions (M. Baditsa, K. Nechyporenko, I. Protsenko, O. Romanovska, N. Syrotych, O. Sokolenko, etc.) make it possible to define the concept of «creative skills» as a qualitative characteristic of a personality, its ability to perform conscious actions based on simple skills and abilities when it generates new, original ideas, creates unique, unique products of creative activity, a new final product in normal and changed conditions.
It should be noted that creative skills belong to intellectual skills in terms of the structure of mental activity and the form of cognitive activity. Thus, I. Malafiik emphasizes that in order to form creative skills in older preschoolers, children should participate in various activities that involve such processes as: analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, specification, comparison, contrast, recognition, design, dismemberment, unification, restoration, transfer, establishment of a skill skill complex skill of similarities and differences, transformation, regrouping, examination, application, reproduction in memory, etc. [2, P. 149].
T. Ravliuk makes an interesting distinction between creative skills, emphasizing the importance of the ability to research, overcome stereotypes of thinking, interpersonal communication, concentration of creative efforts, and the ability to create original images [3, P. 434].
In our opinion, in order to achieve a high level of skills formation, a person should develop a positive motivation to perform activities, interest in its content and results, and be psychologically prepared for the formation of skills.
Thus, the formation of creative skills using interactive technologies is a systematic exercise of preschoolers in performing creative tasks using a set of interactive methods under the guidance of a teacher, which contributes to the improvement of simple skills and learning activities in general.
It is worth noting that a prerequisite for the development of creative skills in senior preschoolers is the desire to overcome difficulties, which focuses creative activity on its quality performance, namely: the need to carry out creative activities, the ability of children of this age to show their originality in the creative process, the need for sudden creative expression, focus on the cognitive process, development of divergent thinking.
Important conditions for the child's creative activity are:
- selection by the educator of tasks that require creative processing, generalization, systematization, skills and abilities to compare and analyze what is already known, experimentation, and search;
- maximum individualization and differentiation of the educational process;
- preschoolers' activities should not be regulated;
- teaching children without coercion, developing a strong interest in knowledge and the need to seek it independently;
- solving creative tasks.
However, it should be borne in mind that the same task can stimulate the development of creative abilities of some children and inhibit others. It depends on the development of preschoolers. The skill of the teacher is to involve all older preschoolers in solving various creative tasks.
Given the above, we identify and follow the following stages in the development of creative skills of senior preschoolers using interactive technologies: - creating a positive motivation to perform creative actions (performing introductory exercises: motivational, cognitive; using interactive technologies for original, non-standard ideas: «Circle of Ideas», «Microphone», «Unfinished Sentence»);
- outlining the purpose of the actions (using interactive technologies of problem vision: «Brainstorming», «Problem Solving»);
- explanation by the educator of the way of performing (algorithm, plan, instruction) actions (use of interactive technologies of thinking activity: «Situation Analysis», «Discussion»);
- children's acquisition of knowledge about the ways of performing actions (senior preschoolers' performance of explanatory, demonstration exercises; use of interactive technologies of thinking activity: «Situation analysis», «Discussion», «Synthesis of thoughts»);
- performance by senior preschoolers of a new skill, based on the learned theory, with explanation and commenting on each action (children performing trial exercises: explanatory and commentary; use of interactive technologies of original, non-standard ideas: «Microphone», «Unfinished sentence»);
- consolidating and practicing a simple skill (children performing training exercises based on a model, consolidating exercises - reproductive; using interactive technologies to develop imagination and fantasy: «Dramatization», «Role play», «Playing a skit»);
- integrated use of simple skills by preschoolers to form complex creative skills (performing reconstructive - variable and creative - non-standard exercises; using interactive technologies to create creative activity products: work in pairs, work in small groups, «Joint Project»).
In solving the problem of forming the creative skills of senior preschoolers, the use of innovative technologies is becoming increasingly important, as they aim to improve the educational process, nurture a creative personality who wants to constantly learn, and in the future - to work and live creatively. Therefore, the priority of the modern education system is to ensure the comprehensive development of the child through the technologicalization of the educational process, which will allow to maximize his or her creative potential.
It should be emphasized that the main conditions for conducting classes in preschool education institutions are: correct definition of the topic of the class, careful selection of program content and tasks; inclusion of children's previous experience in the educational process (using the method of apperception); optimal combination of individual and group forms of work with children, change of activities of preschoolers; use of interactive teaching methods, activation of children's mental activity at all stages of the class; availability of high professional qualities of the teacher, which will ensure creative abilities.
Interactive learning is learning to dialogue, during which the participants of the educational process must find a solution to the problem through mutual understanding, developing their personal qualities such as tolerance for the opinions of others, attentiveness, and goodwill.
Interactive learning contributes to the formation of general and subject - specific skills, creates an atmosphere of interaction and cooperation, develops communication skills, critical thinking, and activates the creative potential of senior preschoolers.
In the context of our study, the following features of interactive learning are important, namely:
- common goal and specific, pre-planned learning outcomes;
- taking into account the subjective experience of preschoolers;
- mandatory dialogic communication between all subjects of the educational process;
- formulation of the problem to be solved by children, exchanging ideas, plans, knowledge, ways of activity;
- cooperation, creativity, activity and initiative;
- achievement of personal success only if all participants in the educational process achieve success;
- no preference for the opinions of one opponent over the opinions of another; - availability of different forms of organization of educational activities: individual, pair, group, collective and their successful combination [4, P. 46-47].
Thus, the essence of interactive learning is that the educational process takes place under conditions of constant, active interaction of all children. This is co-learning, mutual learning (collective, group, cooperative learning), where the child and the teacher are equal, equivalent subjects of learning. The teacher takes on the role of the organizer of the educational process, the leader of the group.
The organization of interactive learning involves modeling life situations, using role-playing games, and joint problem solving. It effectively promotes the formation of values, skills and abilities, creates an atmosphere of cooperation, interaction, and allows the teacher to become a real leader of the children's team.
Under interactive technologies, we consider a clearly structured, orderly system of interactive methods and techniques focused on the acquisition of knowledge, the formation of a set of simple skills, which involves active intersubjective cooperation and co-creation of senior preschoolers with each other and with the teacher in the process of cognition, to achieve a common goal.
The use of interactive technologies in the educational process of preschool education contributes to the development of the information society, which is determined by a number of factors. First of all, interactive technologies in preschool significantly accelerate the transfer of knowledge and provide technological and social experience not only from generation to generation, but also from one person to another.
The purpose of using interactive technologies is to create a single information educational space, a system in which all participants in the educational process are involved and interconnected at the information level: administration, teachers, students and their parents.
It should be emphasized that the introduction of interactive technologies in the educational process of preschool education in a form interesting for older preschoolers makes it possible to solve the problems of speech, logical, environmental, aesthetic development, and also helps to develop memory, imagination, creativity, spatial orientation skills, logical and abstract thinking.
In the concept of the problem under study, we propose a classification of interactive technologies according to the creative skills of senior preschoolers they are aimed at developing:
- interactive technologies for creating products of creative activity (work in pairs, work in small groups, «Joint Project»);
- interactive technologies of problem vision («Brainstorming», «Problem Solving», «Decision Tree», «Take a Position», «Change Position», «Carousel», «Two - Four - All Together», «Dialogue», «Aquarium»);
- interactive technologies for the development of imagination and fantasy (role-playing situations: «Dramatization», «Role play», «Playing a skit», imitation games, «Simplified court hearing»);
- interactive technologies of thinking activity («Situation Analysis» - case - method, «Discussion», «Synthesis of thoughts», «Openwork saw», «Teaching - learning», «Rotating (changing) trios»);
- interactive technologies for original, non-standard ideas («Circle of Ideas», «Microphone», «Unfinished Sentence»).
Н. Leonova emphasizes the need to introduce interactive technologies into the educational process of preschool education, as this will allow preschool children to
- creatively learn educational material by analyzing and systematizing information;
- listen to and respect the opinions of others;
- model and solve life situations, find a way out of them, enriching their own cognitive and social experience;
- learn to build constructive relationships in a group, determine one's place in it, avoid conflicts, seek compromises, strive for dialogue, and find a common solution to a problem;
- develop skills of independent work, project activities, and creative work [5, P. 7].
Let's consider the most effective, in our opinion, interactive technologies for the formation of creative skills of senior preschoolers in the conditions of a modern preschool education institution.
Microphone is a method of work in which children, together with the educator, form a circle and, passing a simulated or toy microphone to each other, express their thoughts on a given topic. For example, a child takes the microphone, says a few sentences about himself or herself, and passes the microphone to another child. All children's statements are accepted, approved, but not discussed.
Debate - a method of work in which children stand in a circle, express their thoughts on a given topic, passing the microphone to each other, but the statements are discussed: children ask each other questions, answer them, looking for a way to solve the problem. (For example, Sergiy is in a bad mood, so children suggest ways to cheer up or eliminate the problem that affected the boy's mood).
Together - a method of work in which children form working pairs and perform a proposed task, for example, take turns describing a picture.
Chain - a method of work in which children discuss the task and make their suggestions in a simulated chain. For example, they compose a fairy tale according to a table that presents the course of the future fairy tale in pictures or in symbols. Another way to use this method is for the first child to name an object, the second to name its properties, and the third to name a new object with the same properties. For example, carrot - carrot is sweet - sugar is sweet - sugar is white - snow is white… and so on.
Snowball is a method of work in which children are organized into small groups and discuss a problematic issue or perform a common task, agreeing on a clear sequence of actions for each group member. For example, they build a house, where they agree in advance on the order of actions of each team member and the color with which a particular child will work.
Thought synthesis is a method of work in which children are united in small groups, performing a specific task, for example, drawing on a piece of paper. When one group has drawn, it passes the drawing to another group, whose members finalize the task. When the work is completed, they make a joint story about what they have drawn and why.
Circle of ideas - a method of work in which each child or each group performs one task, for example, composing a fairy tale in a new way, discussing it, then making suggestions or ideas (for example, how else can the fairy tale be completed so that Kolobok remains alive; how to help Kolobok outwit the fox, etc.)
A common project is a method of work in which children are organized into several groups (3-4). Groups receive different tasks, each of which is aimed at solving a specific aspect of one problem, for example, drawing their favorite winter activities and telling about them. Each group presents its «project» - a collective work «Winter Activities» and discusses it together.
An associative flower is a method of work in which children are organized into several groups to solve a common task: the «middle» of a flower with a picture of a certain concept is fixed on the board, for example, «toys», «flowers», «fruits», «animals». Each group selects words-associations or pictures-associations that they put around this concept. The team that creates the largest flower (with the largest number of selected association pictures or association words) wins.
Decision tree is a method of work that includes several stages:
1. Choosing a problem that does not have an unambiguous solution, for example, «What does a tree need to be happy?»
2. Looking at a diagram in which a rectangle is the «trunk» (denoting the problem), straight lines are the «branches» (ways to solve it), and circles are the «leaves» (solutions to the problem).
3. Solving the problem: In subgroups, children agree, discuss and draw, for example, a butterfly, a bird, etc., placing them on the «decision tree» and explaining their choices.
Discussion is a method of collective discussion of a complex issue. All participants in the educational process prepare for the discussion and all children are actively involved. «Discussion» in English means something that is subject to discussion, controversial. At the end of the discussion, a single collective solution to a task, problem or recommendation is formulated. No more than five questions (tasks) should be proposed. They should be formulated in such a way that it is possible to express different views on the problem. Children learn to express their own opinions: «I think…», «I believe…», «In my opinion…», «I agree, but…», «I disagree because…».
Brainstorming is one of the methods that promotes the development of creativity in both children and adults. This method is convenient to use when discussing complex problems or issues. Time is given for individual reflection on the problem (even up to 10 minutes), and after a while, additional information is collected on the decision. The children participating in the brainstorming session have to express all possible (and logically impossible) solutions to the problem, which need to be listened to and the only correct decision made.
A quiz is a methodological and cognitive game that consists of speech tasks and answers to topics from various fields of knowledge. It expands the general cognitive and speech development of children. Questions are selected based on the age, program requirements, and level of knowledge of children.
Conversation-dialogue is a method aimed at involving children in the conversation with the speaker. In the process of presenting knowledge and consolidating the material, the educator asks accompanying questions to the children to check their understanding of the information presented.
Modeling problem situations is a method of interaction between adults and children to solve a problem. The situation is modeled by the educator on purpose.
«What? Where? When?» is an active method, which is based on cooperation, creative problem solving, mutual exchange of opinions, knowledge and skills, etc.
«Pros and cons» is a method of working with children in which children are asked to solve a problem from two sides: pro and con. For example, the task is to tell why they like winter (pro argument) and why they do not like winter (con argument).
Prediction is a method of working with children in which it is suggested to «predict» possible solutions to a problem. For example, ask children to name all the autumn months and tell you what they expect from each month. Later, imagine yourself in the place of one of the months and talk about your predictions: «I am the first month of fall - September. I am a very warm month. All children love me because they start going to school…». The next child continues to talk about the same month (work in pairs).
Show-and-tell is a method of work in which children are asked to divide into teams, each of which conceives a word and, using non-verbal means, presents this word to another team, which has to guess it.
«What would happen if…?» is a method of work that invites children to think and express their assumptions, for example: «What would happen if all the trees on the Earth disappeared?», «What would happen if the predatory animals in fairy tales became vegetarians?», etc.
Imaginary picture - a method of work in which children are asked to stand in a circle and each child in turn describes an imaginary picture (the first child is given a blank sheet of paper with an allegedly drawn picture, then he/she passes the sheet with an imaginary picture to another participant of the game and he/she continues the imaginary description).
«What can you do…?» is a method of work in which children learn to realize the multifunctional properties of objects. For example: «Imagine how else you can use a pencil?» (as a pointer, a baton, a thermometer, a baton, etc.).
Transformation is a method of work in which children are asked to divide into teams and imagine themselves in the place of an object (book, pen, table, doll, etc.) and present themselves in terms of the chosen role.
A fairy tale, on the contrary, is a method of work in which children are asked to divide into two teams and compose their fairy tale in a different way, replacing the main concepts with the opposite ones. Each team is given the task of making up their own fairy tale and guessing the other team's fairy tale, made up differently. Example: «Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a grandmother. And they had a dog named Beetle. And the Beetle brought them a bone, not a simple one, but a sugar bone. The grandmother cooked it and cooked it, but it didn't cook. Grandpa cooked and cooked, but did not cook it. The cat jumped, overturned the pot, took the bone and carried it away. The grandfather laughs, the grandmother laughs, and Zhuk barks merrily: «I'll bring you another bone, but not a sugar one, a simple one, so that it can be cooked quickly.»
Collage is a method of work in which children are asked to divide into two teams and draw their own picture (for example, an irregular shape) on a sheet of paper with all the materials at hand and tell about it in 2-3 sentences.
Advertising is a method of work in which children are encouraged to divide into two teams, each of which chooses an object and tries to name all its positive qualities and functions that will help attract the attention of others.
In addition to the above-mentioned interactive methods of teaching older preschoolers, the following are actively used in the practice of preschool education institutions: creative tasks, work in small groups, educational games (role-playing and business, imitation games), competition games, intellectual warm-ups, work with visual video and audio materials, thematic dialogues, analysis of life situations, etc [6].
Thus, interactive learning in the classroom (including integrated classes) takes place: in pairs (2 children), in microgroups (3-4 children), in small groups (5-6 children) together with the teacher. When evaluating children's statements, you should not use the word «correct», but say: «interesting», «unusual», «good», «wonderful», «original», which stimulates children to make further statements.
We emphasize that interactive technologies are subject to a certain system of principles that ensure their effectiveness. One of them is the principle of feedback, which involves encouraging discussion of arguments and objections. This principle can also be called reflection, which allows you to get as much information from children as possible. In work with older preschoolers, reflection is used as a summary of the information learned. Methods such as «Assessment», «Basket», «Wreath», «Pyramid of Positive Feelings», «Spider Web» are aimed at analyzing the level of knowledge acquired by children. To get a separate independent answer, you can use the «Basket» and «Web» chips.
Reflection does not have to be conducted at the end of the lesson: this method is appropriate both at the beginning and in the middle of the lesson («Microphone», «Interview», «Unfinished Sentence»). The principle of experimentation is at the heart of the multichannel activity method, which makes it possible to get a holistic view of the subject of the examination. The inclusion of all types of analyzers ensures the development of perception and cognitive interest as a stage in the development of cognitive activity. The games «Guess the Taste», «Magic Bag», «Advertising», «What Do You Hear?», which are known to children, enrich children's understanding of the subject (object) and ways to establish interdisciplinary connections. At the same time, we used the multichannel method to examine both living and nonliving nature objects, etc.
In addition, the emotional form of presentation of theoretical material, creation of problem situations, the use of creative tasks, various types of visualization, innovative technologies, including interactive ones, by the educator also make the form of presentation of educational information and the content of creative activity interesting [7, P. 141].
The most important factors in the formation of positive motivation for creativity in senior preschoolers are the following: humanization of interaction, ensuring the subjectivity of learning, fair assessment, problematic and emotional content of creative educational and cognitive activities; diversification of organizational forms.
Conclusions. Thus, interactive technologies play an extremely important role in the educational process of a modern preschool education institution, as they contribute to the formation of creative skills of senior preschoolers, conscious assimilation of knowledge, development of creativity, imagination, logical thinking, and increase interest in cognitive activity.
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