Projecting and organizing the training process for future border guard officers of communication units during the internship
Analysis of the training process for future stationed officers at the time of their internship. Upgrading of professional skills and time for completing the duties of the head of the group of operational and technical activities of information systems.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 25.11.2023 |
Размер файла | 24,8 K |
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Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National academy of the state border guard service of Ukraine
Department of foreign languages
Department of psychology, pedagogy and socio-economic disciplines
Projecting and organizing the training process for future border guard officers of communication units during the internship
Hrishko-Dunaievska V.A., PhD in Psych.,
Ass. Professor
Zhuravlov V.V., C. Psych. Sci., Ass. Professor
Miroshnichenko V.I., Dr Ped., Professor
The article is devoted to determining the features of projecting and organizing the training process for future border guard officers of communication un its during the internship.
The authors draw attention to the direct dependence of the content of the training for future border guard officers of communication units on the specifics of the future professional sphere in modern conditions.
The content of the projecting includes the definition of options for solving the tasks of the unit's activities based on the general goal, the development of an appropriate system of interaction, and the order and deadlines for the implementation of complex or individual measures. The projecting result is a project as a type of management decision, the content of which is a system of interrelated, united by a common goal, specifically defined tasks and measures that must be performed in the specified sequence and set deadlines for specifically selected performers.
According to the authors, the continuity of projecting and organizing the training process for future border guard officers of communication units, involves not only the staged organization of this process during training activities, but also its continuation during internships in communication units.
The purpose of practical training (internship) is determined by deepening and consolidating theoretical knowledge in practice, acquiring and improving professional skills and abilities to perform the duties of the information systems group chief, as well as assessing the ability of cadets to perform the tasks of operational and technical activities, specified by the positions of the communication unit.
Among the features of the project, the authors single out the following: solving a certain problem; focus on achieving a specific goal; coherence of actions, which leads to obtaining the desired result; planned nature of activity; uniqueness and originality. The role of projecting is seen in ensuring the purposefulness of the activity of both an individual border guard in particular and the unit as a whole, promoting its effective functional use; interaction of units and individual servicemen; creation of new ideas; structuring and detailing the content of activities: creating a favorable psychological climate.
The peculiarity of projecting and organizing the training process for future border guard officers of communication units during their internship is determined by the presence of goals, namely: preventive - eliminating the negative effect of uncertainty and situational changes in professional activity; prognostic - defining the main tasks of the activity and focusing attention on them; productive - achieving high results of the unit's activity; control - simplification of control measures.
Key words: projecting, organizing, educational process, training, future border guard officers of communication units, internship in communication units, higher military educational institution
Проектування і організація процесу підготовки майбутніх офіцерів-прикордонників підрозділів зв'язку під час стажування
Грішко-Дунаєвська В.А., к. психол. н., доцент, ст. викладач кафедри іноземних мов; Журавльов В.В., к. психол. н, доцент; Мірошніченко В.І., д.п.н., професор; кафедра психології, педагогіки та соціально-економічних дисциплін Національна академія Державної прикордонної служби України імені Богдана Хмельницького, м. Хмельницький
Стаття присвячена визначенню особливостей проектування і організації процесу підготовки майбутніх офіцерів-прикордонників підрозділів зв'язку під час стажування.
Звертається увага авторів на пряму залежність змісту підготовки майбутніх офіцерів-прикордонників підрозділів зв'язку від специфіки майбутньої професійної сфери в сучасних умовах.
Зміст проектування містить визначення варіантів вирішення завдань діяльності підрозділу на основі загальної мети, складання відповідної системи взаємодії та порядку і термінів виконання комплексних або окремих заходів. Результатом проектування є план як різновид управлінського рішення, змістом якого є система взаємопов'язаних, об'єднаних загальною метою конкретно визначених завдань та заходів, які потрібно виконати у вказаній послідовності та встановлені строки конкретно визначеним виконавцям.
Безперервність проектування і організації процесу підготовки майбутніх офіцерів-прикордонників підрозділів зв'язку, на думку авторів, передбачає не лише поетапну організацію цього процесу під час навчальних занять, але й його продовження під час стажування в підрозділах зв'язку.
Метою практичної підготовки (стажування) визначається поглиблення та закріплення теоретичних знань на практиці, набуття та вдосконалення професійних навичок і вмінь для виконання обов'язків за посадою начальника групи інформаційних систем, а також оцінка здатності курсантів виконувати завдання оперативно-технічної діяльності, передбачені посадами підрозділу зв'язку.
Серед ознак проекту автори виділяють такі: розв'язання певної проблеми; спрямованість на досягнення конкретної мети; узгодженість дій, що призводить до отримання запланованого результату; плановий характер діяльності; унікальність та оригінальність. Роль проектування вбачається в забезпеченні цілеспрямованості діяльності як окремого прикордонника зокрема, так і підрозділу загалом, сприянні його ефективному функціональному використанню ;взаємодії підрозділів та окремих військовослужбовців; створенні нових ідей; структуризації та деталізації змісту діяльності: створенні сприятливого психологічного клімату.
Особливість проектування і організації процесу підготовки майбутніх офіцерів-прикордонників підрозділів зв'язку під час стажування визначається в наявності цілей, а саме: превентивної - недопущення негативного ефекту невизначеності та ситуативних змін в професійній діяльності; прогностичної - визначення головних завданнях діяльності та зосередження на них уваги; результативної - досягнення високих результатів діяльності підрозділу; контролюючої - спрощення заходів контролю.
Ключові слова: проектування, організація, освітній процес, підготовка, майбутні офіцери-прикордонники підрозділів зв'язку, стажування в підрозділах зв'язку, вищий військовий навчальний заклад.
Statement of the problem and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks
Training of a future specialist for a certain activity is a process of readiness formation for productive participation in this activity. The professional activity of border guard officers consists of many aspects and is performed in the context of three types of operational-service activities: border service, border control and operational and search activity as well. For future border guard officers of communication units, this is, as a rule, the border service.
The process when it is possible to create a prototype of the future activities of border guard officers of communication units is projecting, in particular, during internships in the relevant units. Therefore, we consider it as one of the directions of the process of training this category of servicemen. So, the need for its development is undeniable. This constitutes the relevance of the study of the outlined issues.
Analysis of the latest research and publications. The problem of projecting and organizing the educational process of future specialists is not new nowadays. The theoretical and methodological basics of projecting are considered in the works of O. Danchenko, L. Kobyliatskyi, O. Prydatko, L. Rudenko and others.
Understanding certain aspects of the readiness of future specialists to use educational projects is carried out in the works of V. Babaiev, O. Krainik, and V. Morozov. Researchers L. Dovgan, G. Mohonko, and I. Malik summarize the material of the subject area of projecting, outline the principles, methods and tools of projecting, they study how to plan, control, organize and coordinate activities within the project.
The training of military specialists is related to the sphere of public administration, and therefore the concepts of project management are of interest for military educators. The works by V. Bakumenko, V. Volobuiev, V. Dyiak, V. Martynenko, K. Tushko, V. Yagupov, and othersarethe examples of this research. In their studies, it is not only about the essence of project management in the state sphere, but also about the problems of training qualified specialists.
The scientists draw attention to the fact that a future officer should be able to carry out project activities as an important component of professional activities aimed at ensuring the protection and defense of the state border" [1].
Researchers mainly focus on the issue of projecting and organizing the educational process during training activities (V. Volobuiev, O. Lemeshko, L. Rudenko). At the same time, the peculiarities of projecting and organizing the training process for future border guards of communication units during internship require a more detailed study.
The purpose of the article is to determine the features of projecting and organizing the training process for future border guard officers of communication units during internship.
Presentation of the main material of the study
While studying at a higher military educational institution, future border guards of communications units have the opportunity to acquire a wide range of professional knowledge and develop creative thinking, which they will need throughout their military career. The Concept of the transformation of the military education system states that "the professionalization of military education involves the formation of a modern model of professional military education, which ensures the training of military specialists on the basis of their continuous professional development; it takes into account the general trends in the development of the national and international security system, changes in the principles and methods of conducting armed struggle, new requirements for the quality of military education, formation of integrity based on NATO standards" [2]. Among the main tasks of the transformation of the military education system, it is important to "develop and implement in the educational process of higher military educational institutions updated educational programs aimed at the formation of a new style of military leadership" [2].
The analysis of normative legal documents and the content of the professional activity of border guards shows that the content of the training of future border guard officers of communication units is determined by the specifics of the future professional sphere in modern conditions, the importance of mastering a set of professional knowledge, skills and competencies.
Projecting plays an important role in the future professional activity of future border guard officers of communication units. First, the projecting is an indicator of their purposeful activity as future chief of the unit in maintaining these units in readiness for action, their combat and mobilization readiness, determining the sequence and methods of performing tasks for the protection of the state border of Ukraine. Secondly, projecting is one of the functions of management.
The content of the projecting includes the definition of options for solving the tasks of the unit's activities based on the general goal, the development of an appropriate system of interaction, and the order and deadlines for the implementation of complex or individual measures. The projecting result is a plan as a type of management decision, the content of which is a system of interrelated, united by a common goal, specifically defined tasks and measures that must be performed in the specified sequence and set deadlines for specifically defined performers.
Scientists believe that one of the conditions for forming the readiness to projecting of future border guard officers is "mastering the study material of the discipline "Projects Management". The purpose of this discipline for future specialists is to acquire the appropriate practical skills and abilities to apply universal tools for the development and implementation of management decisions in any projects (activities) to achieve effective functioning and development of the organization" [3, p. 214].
In the context of our study, the scientific position of N. Benkovska is of fundamental importance. The scientist states "that deepening the motivation of professional formation of future specialists and the formation of professional qualities is facilitated by their immersion in professional activities through imitation of situations of professional interaction in order to effectively solve professional problems" [4, p. 85]. The variety of simulated forms of work can be represented by a complex of special educational situations, the simulation of which provides a certain goal.
In educational and methodical literature, it is noted that "theoretical training of cadets is carried out during lectures, group classes, individual and independent work" [5]. The practical component is implemented by solving situational tasks according to borderline scenarios of realistic situations of operational and service activity of communication units. The professional situations close to real-life ones, requiring the future border guard officer to use their professional competencies, were created and carried out during practical classes in the pre-internship training.
Continuity of the projecting and organizing the training process for future border guard officers of communication units involves not only the staged organization of this process during training sessions, but also its continuation during internships in communications units.
As noted in reference sources, the term "internship" comes from the Latin word "stagium", which means "temporary stay" [6, p. 785]. It means a professional learning experience that offers meaningful, practical work related to a cadet's (student's) field of study or career interest. An internship gives a young person the opportunity for career exploration and development, and to learn new skills. According to the definition given in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary of Ukrainian language "internship" is:
1) passing an examination period before being enrolled in the staff of an organization, institution, etc.;
2) passing professional practice to gain experience and master the profession [7, p. 828].
We took into account the opinion of T. Vytko that "internship is an effective form of continuous education, which helps to synthesize what has been learned, consolidate acquired theoretical knowledge and gain additional knowledge; it contributes to the acquisition of practical skills" [8, p. 55].
In our study, internship is a type of training in communication units at a specific position in the form of an independent type of practical training from the educational program "Telecommunications and Radio Engineering", which provides education for future border guard officers of communication units. This corresponds to the features of the specified educational program, "implementation in an active research environment, focused on the implementation of real projects of specialized application, with the introduction of practical training in border guard units" [9]. officer internship operational technical information system
The purpose of practical training (internship) is deepening and consolidating theoretical knowledge in practice, acquiring and improving professional skills and abilities to perform the duties of the chief of the information systems group, as well as assessing the ability of cadets to perform the tasks of operational and technical activities, stipulated by the positions of the communication unit.
Before starting practical training, cadets study their duties and make individual plans for practical training, which are subsequently approved by the chief of the communication unit and agreed by the chief of practical training from the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. In fact, the individual plan for passing practical training is one of the (first) projects developed by a cadet as part of an internship (practical training) in communications units.
During the preparation and organization of the internship in the communication units, we took into account the methodological recommendations of N. Usachyk, that "during practical classes, more attention should be paid to solving problematic issues that arise: in the process of the emergence of circumstances that require independent resolution; decision-making in difficult conditions, including time-limited ones; conflict resolution, etc. When conducting individual educational work with cadets during the internship, attention should be paid to the formation of a sense of personal responsibility for the assigned task; readiness to quickly make independent and grounded decisions [10, p. 151].
It is known that the features of a project include the following: solving a specific problem; focus on achieving a specific goal; coherence of actions that leads to the esired result; planned nature of activities; uniqueness and originality.
The role of projecting is that it ensures the purposefulness of the activity of both a separate border guard in particular and the unit in general, promotes its effective functional use; interaction of units and individual servicemen; generation of new ideas; structuring and detailing the content of activities: creating a favorable psychological climate.
The peculiarity of projecting and organizing the training process for future border guards of communication units during internship is manifested in the presence of goals, namely: preventive - eliminating the negative effect of uncertainty and situational changes in professional activity; prognostic - defining the main tasks of the activity and focusing attention on them; productive - achieving high results of the unit's activity; control - simplification of control measures. Since the project can be considered a type of management decision, the design is based on the principles according to which projecting must comply with the principles of validity, legality, relevance, practicability (effectiveness), concreteness, timeliness and informativeness.
Both perspective and current projecting can cover all issues of professional activity of future border guard officers of communication units. Guided by the approach that the design methodology is understood as a set of certain methods, forms, stages and approaches to the development of the project, the following stages can be distinguished in its structure: development of the project preparation task; preparation of proposals for the project; generalization of proposals and drafting; specification and approval of the project; finalization of the project and its approval.
The methodology of project development involves determining the basis for projecting; time available for projecting; projecting methods and tools; performer of the project planning document; the degree of confidentiality (secrecy), the amount of necessary information, the form of its collection, processing and generalization; the form and structure of the project; number and form of attachments to it, etc.
The project development methodology increases the reliability of communication units when personnel are faced with the need to make decisions in a rapidly changing environment. Projecting for the deployment of forces and means during the search and detention of violators of the state border legislation, armed criminals, various measures, in emergency circumstances, etc. are stipulated by current departmental regulations. The importance and expediency of such special projects is due to the fact that they make it possible not only to estimate and deploy forces and means in advance, but also to prepare the personnel for the implementation of these projects through training and exercises.
Projecting and organizing the training process for future border guard officers of communication units during the internship is aimed at acquiring skills in projecting and organizing the work of a group of information systems of communication units, using existing means of communication and automation, performing technical maintenance of communication means and informatization, etc.
Conclusions and prospects for further research in this direction
Therefore, the projecting and organizing the training process for future border guard officers of communication units during internship is an important and mandatory element of their education at a higher military educational institution. The goals of this process are: preventive, prognostic, effective and controlling.
The importance and expediency of the projects is determined by the fact that they allow not only to estimate and deploy forces and means in advance, but also to prepare personnel for the implementation of these projects by conducting training sessions and exercises. The methodology of project development involves determining the basis for projecting; time available for projecting; projecting methods and tools; performer of the project planning document; the degree of confidentiality (secrecy), the amount of necessary information, the form of its collection, processing and generalization; the form and structure of the project; number and form of attachments to it, etc. A detailed description of such a technique is a prospect for further research in this direction.
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курсовая работа [35,8 K], добавлен 03.04.2011Motivation to learn a foreign language in Kazakhstan. Motivation in the classroom. The role of games on language lessons. Examples of some games and activities which had approbated on English language lessons. Various factors of student motivation.
курсовая работа [25,0 K], добавлен 16.01.2013The development in language teaching methodology. Dilemma in language teaching process. Linguistic research. Techniques in language teaching. Principles of learning vocabulary. How words are remembered. Other factors in language learning process.
учебное пособие [221,2 K], добавлен 27.05.2015Oxford is the oldest English-speaking university in the world and the largest research center in Oxford more than a hundred libraries and museums, its publisher. The main areas of training students. Admission to the university. Its history and structure.
презентация [1,6 M], добавлен 28.11.2012Problems of child's psychological development. "Hot-Cold" games (for children till 7 years old). Intellectual Eye Measurer. Definitions and classification. Assessment. Computer, teacher's version. Mathematics. Statistics (for training of banking workers).
реферат [46,3 K], добавлен 19.09.2015Main part: Reading skills. A Writing Approach to–Reading Comprehension–Schema Theory in Action. The nature of foreign-language teaching. Vocabulary teaching techniques.
курсовая работа [23,8 K], добавлен 05.12.2007Роль субъектной позиции обучающегося в процессе освоения образовательных программ. История и перспективы движения World Skills в России, его эффективность для формирования профессиональных компетенций, повышения престижа и популяризации рабочих профессий.
статья [20,9 K], добавлен 07.08.2017