Approaches to accelerate communication in the process of students foreign language teaching of the non-linguistic faculties
The theoretical and methodological basis to increase the effectiveness of using foreign language for professional business communication in non-languages specialized higher educational institutions, guidelines forming in the field of communication.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 18.11.2023 |
Размер файла | 26,9 K |
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Approaches to accelerate communication in the process of students foreign language teaching of the non-linguistic faculties
V. YA. Chorniy
PhD in Pedagogics, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages for Natural Sciences,
Lviv Ivan Franko National University, Lviv, Ukraine
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages for Natural Sciences,
Lviv Ivan Franko National University, Lviv, Ukraine
PhD in Pedagogics, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages for Natural Sciences,
Lviv Ivan Franko National University, Lviv, Ukraine
кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри іноземних мов для природничих факультетів, Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка, м. Львів, Україна
кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри іноземних мов для природничих факультетів, Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка, м. Львів, Україна
кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри іноземних мов для природничих факультетів, Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка, м. Львів, Україна
кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри іноземних мов для природничих факультетів, Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка, м. Львів, Україна
У статті характеризуються теоретичні основи та методологічні основи до підвищення ефективності використання іноземної мови для професійного ділового спілкування у немовних ЗВО, а це сприятиме формуванню соціальних настанов у сфері спілкування. Використання колективних форм організації пізнавальної діяльності на етапі підготовки студентів до професійного спілкування сприяє ефективності досягнення мети. Важливим аспектом підготовки студентів до спілкування є процес формування в них соціальних цінностей у сфері ділового спілкування: ставлення ко кожного учасника спілкування як до цільового користувача, а не як до засобу; зацікавлення власне процесом спілкування, а не тільки його результатом; ставлення до спілкування як до діалогу, а не монологу; толерантність до ідей партнерів; орієнтація на те, щоб під час спілкування не тільки отримувати, але й віддавати якомога більше партнеру. Формування соціальних установок у сфері спілкування стає реальним лише тоді, коли воно впроваджується в процесі усієї викладацької роботи, закладом вищої освіти в цілому. Воно безпосередньо пов'язане з установками, які викладачі реалізують під час спілкування із студентами, тобто в процесі педагогічного спілкування. Метод комунікативного підходу до вивчення іноземних мов, зокрема для використання її у професійній сфері вважається одним із найбільш дієвих. Зокрема, акцент здійснено на колективних формах роботи із студентами, таких як рольові ігри, групові дискусії, соціо-драми. Завдяки соціо-драмі можна відпрацьовуватися граматичний матеріал (когнітивна основа комунікативних умінь), коли у студентів виникає здатність, уміння продукувати граматичні речення у процесі комунікативної взаємодії. Суть комунікативного підходу полягає в тому, що комунікативне завдання вирішується учасниками рольової гри завдяки імпровізації, де моделюється певний приклад із реальної професійної сфери. Надзвичайно важливим, власне із професійної точки зору для фахівця, є також уміння «читати» невербальні рухи партнера- співрозмовника. Було експериментально доведено ефективність впровадження на заняттях із іноземної мови використання як текстового, так і аудіо матеріалів. Нами було також використано та перевірено значущість колективних форм співпраці студентів, які спрямовані для поглиблення розвитку усного ділового та професійно- орієнтованого мовлення.
Ключові слова: комунікативний підхід, уміння, рольова гра, групова дискусія, соціо-драма.
The article investigates theoretical and methodological basis to increase the effectiveness of using foreign language for professional business communication in non-languages specialized higher educational institutions. This will contribute to the guidelines forming in the field of communication. The use of collective forms of organizing cognitive activity at the stageof preparing students for professional communication contributes to the effectiveness of achieving the goal. An important aspect of preparing students for communication is the process of forming their social values in the field of business communication: attitude to each partner of communication as an aimed user, not as a means; interest in the process of communication, not just its result; attitude to communication as a dialogue, not a monologue; tolerance to the ideas of partners; orientation to not only receive in the communication process, but also to give as much as possible to the partner. The social attitudes forming in the sphere of communication becomes real only when it is carried out in the course of the entire educational job of the entire higher educational institution, directly related to the attitudes that teachers implement in theircommunication with students, that is, in the process of pedagogical communication. communication foreign language
The method of communicative approach to learning a foreign language, in particular, for its use in the professional sphere, is considered to be one of the most effective. Namely, the emphasis is provided on collective forms of students' cooperation, such as role-playing, group discussions, socio-dramas. Due to socio-drama it is possible to practice grammar (cognitive basis of communication skills) when the need to respond appears and the ability to produce grammatical sentences in the process of communicative interaction follows. The essence of this means of teaching communication is that the communicative task is solved by the participants of the role-playing game through improvised acting out of a certain situation, in particular from the real professional sphere. The ability to “read” non-verbal movements of a partner-interlocutor is also extremely important from a professional point of view for a specialist. It was experimentally proven the effectiveness of implementing in foreign language classes the use of both: text and audio materials, as well as collective forms of students' cooperation. We also used and verified the significance of collective forms. They were aimed at strengthening the development of business and professionally oriented speech.
Key words: communicative approach, abilities, role-play, group discussion, socio-dramma.
The study and analysis of scientific sources represent that the theory and methodology of professional education of future specialists in both linguistic and non-linguistic higher educational institutions has accumulated some positive experience in learning a foreign language, which has its own specific approaches, in particular at non-linguistic university faculties. There is a wide variety of didactic approaches and methods of teaching a foreign language in a non-languages specialized university. However, in recent years, the tendency to dominate and consolidate the means, forms and methods of the communicative approach to teaching and learning foreign languages, in particular for the use in the professional sphere, has been gaining its proof [Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Learning, Teaching and Assessment : 9-15].
Therefore, our aim will be to 1) analyze the importance and effectiveness of such cooperation with students, which is related to the creative thinking of a person who skillfully uses the latest technical means and developments;
prove the extreme necessity of mastering a foreign language at the professional level not only for the functioning of a person in the field of communication but also in other spheres of life.
In our opinion, the use of collective forms of organizing cognitive activity at the stage ofpreparing students for professional communication contributes to the effectiveness of achieving the goal. An important aspect of preparing students for communication is the process of forming their social values in the field of business communication: attitude to each partner of communication as an aimed user, not as a means; interest in the process of communication, not just its result; attitude to communication as a dialogue, not a monologue; tolerance to the ideas of partners; orientation to not only receive in the communication process, but also to give as much as possible to the partner.
The social attitudes forming in the sphere of communication becomes real only when it is carried out in the course of the entire educational job of the entire higher educational institution, directly related to the attitudes that teachers implement in their communication with students, that is, in the process of pedagogical communication.
Analysis ofthe latest research andpublications
An effective way to form (change) students' social attitudes in the field of communication is a group discussion. Its essence is based in the fact that with a students' group discussion of specific problems that arise in the process of communication, conflicts between partners are organized in order to find solutions. The following stages of group discussion can be distinguished:
defining and formulating the problem;
consideration of the facts from which it arises;
criteria selection for evaluation the solution;
reviewing and evaluating of the decision;
steps to implement the solution discussion;
The group discussion method is of great importance and impact because it allows students to express their own point of view, enrich themselves with information, and gain experience to find a solution to a problem within a group.
A special part of the job in preparing students for communication at the professionally oriented level is the development and communication skills forming: a) the ability to transfer the knowledge and skills, solutions, communication techniques known to students to a new situation, transforming them in accordance with the peculiarities of its particular conditions; b) the ability to find a solution to a communication situation from a combination of ideas, knowledge, skills and techniques already known to the student; c) the ability to create new ways and build new techniques to solve a specific communication situation.
From a professional point of view, it is also extremely important for a specialist to be able to “read” the non-verbal movements of the interlocutor partner: his/her facial expressions, looks, postures, gestures, voice tone, its modulations and transitions, voice saturation, speech speed, etc. A set of expressive movements (gestures, posture, facial expressions) or, as defined by modern semiotics, extralinguistic means of communication can tell a lot about the mental state and mood of a partner. Some scholars denote that non-verbal means of communication perform the function of saving speech, clarify or change the meaning of message that is being said, and enhance the emotional aspect of speech [Kul'tura : 55-118].
Thus, one of the most effective ways to develop and form ( “ shape”) students' professional skills required in interpersonal communication is provided through role-playing. Role-playing games are widely used in teaching practice. They are profoundly and theoretically researched in pedagogics (L.M. Ivanova,
O. Fomin, S.O. Shmakov, M.G. Yanovska). The Department of Foreign Languages for Natural Sciences of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv also discussed and supported this approach.
The essence of this means of teaching communication is that the communicative task is solved by the participants of the role-playing game through improvised acting out of a certain situation, in particular from the real professional sphere. (For example, how to transfer money abroad, to apply for a loan, how to make an agreement during negotiations, etc.).
Role play creates conditions for its participants to: a) understand not only the essence of the social and psychological situation they propose but also their own social attitudes and feelings, thoughts related to a particular role; b) develop the ability “to pretend be in the position of other people”, to better understand their positions and feelings; c) try out new roles and forms of communication in situations that simulate real life. All this contributes to the awareness of role-playing participants of the importance of social and psychological factors in their daily professional activities, communication with other people in business, promotes the forming of the ability to analyze more correctly and, accordingly, to better understand their own behavior and the behavior of other people.
The development of communication skills that students need in the field of role- playing communication goes through several stages:
mastering standard techniques and bringing them automatic (subconscious) use;
improvisation development in their application;
process of transferring skills from one situation into another.
Students' ability to cooperate in a group is developed in three stages: At the first stage, the teacher provides students with detailed instructions which include a set of standard actions necessary for successful communication between group members. This set includes information on what group task is, how groups should be arranged in the classroom, instructions on the sequence of task stages within the group: familiarizing process with the material, planning of work, distribution of tasks within the group, individual tasks performing, discussion of individual results of work in the group, discussion of the overall task as a whole. This allows the teacher to offer students the next set of more complex, but also quite standard techniques necessary for roleplaying communication in a group.
When the techniques are mastered, the third stage of training begins. The students are taught the most complex techniques necessary for rolebased communication between group members, related to the perception of each group member's activities by partners and the process of interaction starts.
Thus, we are quite satisfied with the roleplaying method in terms of intensifying educational and cognitive activity because it includes group interaction as a necessary condition for its implementation, which, in our opinion, will contribute to the effectiveness of the process of communicative skills forming. We will consider these ideas as optimal conditions for organizing activities in ESP classes.
The use of the Internet and multimedia teaching tools is a special area of improvement in teaching methods. The theoretical foundations and practical implementation of this area are also combined with the intensifying process of student learning [Chorniy : 102-106].
There is another, in our opinion, effective direction - Roles/Dramatizing. This direction is a continuation process in ideas developing and promoting (Teacher/Individual and Social/Therapeutic) while activating educational and cognitive activity in the process of mastering a foreign language for professional purposes, represented by S. Stern, R. Di Pietro, R. Rodriguez, R. White [Bezpalova : 55-59] and others. These scholars defend the view that role play and drama are powerful methods of stimulating the production of communicative acts and mobilizing and intensifying students' competence to carry them out [Vyshniakova : 12-13]. These aspects are well studied and used in domestic foreign language teaching practice.
We are interested in the ideas of Robin Scarsella, whose research focus is on stimulating the communication skills forming through sociodrama, which, in his opinion, is the most effective way to do this [Scarcella : 58-64]. Scholars consider that in the student's age, the value-oriented activity, which is applied in the form of unity of views, attitudes, positions of people in relation to objects that are important to them, is the approval of the goals of the activity they perform, etc [Harmer : 394-400]. According to the researcher Kapska, this feature of students' conscious activity often remains non-launched in foreign language classes, which, in her opinion, significantly weakens the results of the educational process [Kapska : 12-18]. We completely share this opinion.
Therefore, it is important to compare the methods of stimulating the communication skills forming with the domestic research of Kyseliuk, who considers that role-playing is the most effective way to develop communication skills. In our opinion, foreign colleagues have moved much further in this direction, replacing the concept of “role-playing game” to sociodrama”. All the considerations previously discussed are the theoretical basis for us to prove it in practice [Kyseliuk : 88-94].
According to Robin Scarsella, socio-drama is a type of role-playing game that includes a series of role-playing actions for students to solve problems of social significance. This takes the process of an unfinished story with a clear and easily identifiable conflict and it should relate to the student and his/her experience. The scientist promotes the following technology for organizing socio-drama in the classroom for the development of communication skills:
Warm-up. The teacher suggests the topic of the drama and stimulates interest to it while creating a relaxed atmosphere in the student group.
Presentation of new words (minimum number of new words and expressions).
Presenting a dilemma. The story should be directed to students, include a clearly defined problem and a climax. The story is interrupted at the point of dilemma. Students are asked to focus on the conflict of the socio-dramatic story.
Discuss the situation and assign roles.
Study-room activity on preparation. Students who are not selected become the audience. They are given special tasks. For example, they may be asked to determine the reason for a solution or not.
Playing roles. Players offer their solution to the problem.
Discussion of the situation and selection of new players. Alternative ways of solving the problem are considered.
Repeated performance of roles. Students perform again the problem situation and try to solve the socio-drama dilemma using new strategies. At this stage, steps 5, 6, 7 can be repeated until a variety of solutions are presented in a sequence for discussion.
Making conclusions. The teacher asks the students to summarize what has happened and enquire about final comments or deductions about the problem and the solutions proposed.
Follow-up. These activities can include writing exercises, extended discussions, also reading on similar topics sources.
There is another consideration of this scholar that needs attention. Namely, that socio-drama can be used to practice grammatical material (the cognitive basis of communicative skills) when students acquire the ability to produce grammatical sentences in the process of communicative interaction.
Presentation of the main material of the study. Having analyzed domestic and foreign methods of activating students' educational and cognitive activity, in particular in the professional orientation of teaching, we decided to determine the level of professional communication skills of 4-th year students of all qualifications of the Faculty of Economics of Lviv Ivan Franko National University. For the methodological basis we used the Syllabus of the Discipline of “Business Communications - English (B2)”. [Syllabus : 5]. The aim was to:
To determine the foreign language skills development and the level of students' cognitive abilities condition in the process of foreign language professional communication.
To identify the nomenclature of foreign language communicative and speaking skills. The preliminary experimental research solved the following problems:
to draw up diagnostic tasks to determine the current condition;
to define the real condition of foreign languages skills level.
The first group of tasks was aimed at identifying the condition of foreign language speaking skills forming (behavioral level of communicative skills). When diagnosing communicative skills through foreign language speaking skills, we proceed from the position that since the activity of foreign language professional communication is interative in nature, the linguistic skills are produced through the activity of communication in a specific professional situation. Therefore, there is a close connection between communicative skills and foreign language professional speech skills. The more successfully they are produced in the activity of communicative interaction, the higher the level of communicative skills,
e. the ability to implement the system of professional communication through speech.
The other group of tasks was aimed at identifying the levels of self-assessment forming (the cognitive basis of communication skills). The latter were determined by several factors:
First, skills are not external actions but internal models. One of the most reliable sources of information about one's internal capabilities can only be the student himself or herself;
Secondly, if skills are based on professional knowledge in the broad sense, then lexical and grammatical knowledge is the basis of the activity forming. In other words, to know in order to be able to do it is not only necessary to have descriptive, operational, problem-solving, heuristic and other knowledge but also to know and be aware of your capabilities;
Thirdly, among the skills that can be diagnosed, there are many that are not sufficiently assessed on the basis of activity alone. These are skills that occur only on the mental level and are manifested externally as refraining from action. It also will be difficult to determine the degrees and levels of mastery of these skills by underestimating selfassessment itself.
Cosiquently, the results of professional foreign language proficiency and self-assessment are a significant source for determining the degree and level of communication skills, which is the most important prerequisite and driving force for students to improve their overall foreign language level.
We selected a group of tasks to determine the students' ability to speak at the level of dialogue and monologue (testing the behavioral level of communication skills).
The students were given an assignment:
To supplement the dialogue with one of the speakers' lines. Create a dialogue on a topic offered.
To write a story.
These tasks did not cause any particular difficulties. Almost everyone coped with the task, but the quality of performance varied.
90% of the students were able to complete the dialogue with the remarksof one of the speakers. Only 10% demonstrated the ability to carry on a conversation. These students' remarks not only answered the question but also included appeals to the interlocutor to continue the conversation.
All students were able to make up a dialogue but most of them were short in length with short, monosyllabic remarks. As a rule, the dialogues are constructed in accordance with the question-and- answer principle, with the question formulated in such a way as to imply a single-syllable answer of “yes” or “no”. There were also a large number of questions to which answers should be offered in a detailed way and the vast majority of students coped with this task. The product of the students' speech activity met the necessary criteria for proficiency in a foreign language as a means of communication: content and semantic richness, logical completeness; linguistic correctness was at the appropriate level. There were means of addressing, initiative, emotionality and spontaneity.
When analyzing the results of the second task, the instruction for which was to write a story, revealing the topic. We trace that a significant majority of students correctly used figurative and expressive means which we combined into one word such signs of communication as addressing, initiative, emotionality and spontaneity. In general, students' speech was varied and expressive: many sentences presented logical emphasis which made their expressions not monotonous but multifaceted. It was particularly interesting for the students to reveal the topic of the statement. As a rule, all the sentences corresponded to the proposed topic. This indicates that students are able to produce a speech.
The data on the use of figurative and expressive means represent that there are enough epithets, metaphors, similes, cliches and other figurative and expressive means in the speech of a significant majority of students and almost 65% of them use them successfully (Pic. 1).
Total number of students |
They use imaginative and expressive means |
Used sometimes |
Not used |
100% |
65% |
25% |
10% |
Pic. 1. Data on the use of figurative and expressive means
Total number of students |
Complemented the dialogue |
Made up a dialogue |
Wrote a story |
Good |
With mistakes |
Did not make up |
Good. |
With mistakes |
Did not make up |
Good. |
With mistakes |
Did not make up |
100% |
80% |
19,1% |
0,9% |
85% |
14,5% |
0,5% |
56% |
34% |
10% |
Pic. 2. Pre-check data to make up the dialogue in %
Total Students /100%/ |
Definition. theme and main idea |
Answer to the Question |
Making a plan |
Translati on |
It worked with the task |
86,6% |
85% |
91% |
62% |
Pic. 3. Data on preliminary listening comprehension test in %
The results of the preliminary test investigation of the ability to complete and make up a dialogue, write a story on a topic offered reflected in the following picture (Pic. 2).
The second group of tasks was aimed at testing listening skills, as we proved in practical exercises that misunderstanding of the interlocutor (business partner) is the cause of complications in the act of communication between partners, in particular when negotiating at the primary (initial) level.
The students were asked to listen to the text, answer questions, identify the topic and main content of the passage, give it a title, make a plan and summarize it.
They were also asked to understand the text from an audio file read by a native English speaker. The students coped well with the reading task. Almost all students were able to answer the questions. Most of them gave full, detailed answers. A significant number of them were able to identify the main idea of the text and give it a title. The data on the pre-test of the ability to perceive the text “by ear” (listening skills) are represented in the picture (Pic. 3).
Thus, we have proved the effectiveness of introducing into ESP classes the use of textual material aimed at deepening the development of oral communication and reading, which are directly related to the students' future qualification at the initial stage. The majority of school and lyceum leavers enter Ivan Franko National University of Lviv with a good basis of foreign language proficiency. Therefore, our task has been and it will continue to be: 1) to promote students speaking skills and knowledge of the language in general; 2) to increase ability to communicate in a foreign language within the framework of professional topics.
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Sylabus navchalnoi dystsypliny «Dilovi komunikatsii (persha inozemna mova, anhliiska, riven B2)» dlia zdobuvachiv pershoho (bakalavrskoho) rivnia vyshchoi osvity za spetsialnostiamy: 07 «Upravlinnia ta administruvannia», 073 «Menedzhment» IV kursu ekonomichnoho fakultetu [Syllabus of the discipline «Business communication (English, level B2)», for applicants of specialties: 07 «Management and administartion», 073 «Management» for the IV-year students of Economics Faculty]. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Lviv. 2021. 5p. [in Ukrainian]. ekonomichnoho-fakultetu
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