Theoretical analysis of educational and professional motivation of future aviation specialists

Theoretical analysis of the educational and professional motivation of future aviation professionals. The motivation of professional cognitive activity of cadets/students is outlined as a key factor for learning and independent choice of profession.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 27.10.2023
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Theoretical analysis of educational and professional motivation of future aviation specialists

Ternavska Tetiana

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Methodologist of the Department of Licensing and Accreditation of the Center for Higher Education Quality Assurance Flight Academy of the National Aviation University

Danylko Oksana

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Physical and Mathematical Disciplines and

Application of Information Technologies in Aviation Systems Flight Academy of the National Aviation University

Radul Serhii

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Associate Professor of the Department of Professional and Aviation Language Training Flight Academy of the National Aviation University

The article presents a theoretical analysis of the educational and professional motivation of future aviation professionals. The motivation of professional cognitive activity of cadets/students is outlined as a key factor for learning and independent choice of profession, the field of activity and self-realization, and identification of conscious motivation for mastering regulatory priority disciplines. The aim of this research is the theoretical analysis of the educational and professional motivation of future aviation specialists.

The analyses of references, and theoretical research methods, which are based on the analysis of scientific and methodical literature on the problems of the educational and professional motivation formation process of future aviation specialists, were used as research methods. The levels of motivation are summarized. The meaning of the criteria of the factors of its formation is disclosed. The cardinal positions of the motivational aspect of effective educational and professional activity of future aviation specialists were formed and theoretically substantiated. These positions are of practical importance in order to avoid the problems associated with the current influx of energetic, promising young people to the faculties of prestigious intellectual professions (specialities), while there is a great need for personnel in aviation specialities.

Key words: Educational and Professional Motivation, Motivation Levels, Motivation Criteria, Cadet / Student, Aviation Specialists.


Тернавська Тетяна Анатоліївна

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, методист відділу ліцензування та акредитації Центру забезпечення якості вищої освіти Льотна академія Національного авіаційного університету

Данилко Оксана Григорівна

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри фізико-математичних дисциплін та застосування інформаційних технологій в авіаційних системах Льотна академія Національного авіаційного університету

Радул Сергій Григорович

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри професійної та авіаційної мовної підготовки

Льотна академія Національного авіаційного університету

Постановка проблеми у загальному вигляді. Бурхливий розвиток авіації спричинив збільшення якості світових стандартів щодо професійної підготовки фахівців авіаційного профілю, бо той, хто обирає собі цю спеціальність, готується до виконання широкого кола завдань в авіації, пов'язаних з розробленням нормативних документів, підготовкою екіпажів до польоту, взаємодією з іншими службами і організаціями. Проблема надійності в авіації може бути реалізована з урахуванням належної професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців авіаційного профілю, високої інтелектуальної працездатності в екстремальних умовах професійної діяльності, їхньої загальної високої працездатності, а також високого рівня мотивації до майбутньої навчально-професійної діяльності.

Можливість здобувати освіту та робити самостійний вибір професії, сфери діяльності та самореалізації, виявлення свідомої мотивації щодо опанування нормативних пріоритетних дисциплін стає ключовим у виборі майбутніх фахівців авіаційного профілю.

Метою дослідження є теоретичний аналіз навчально-професійної мотивації майбутніх фахівців авіації.

У ролі методів дослідження використано теоретичні методи, що базуються: на аналізі наукової та методичної літератури, шляхом узагальнення проблеми навчально-професійної мотивації, з якою зіштовхуються майбутні фахівці авіаційного профілю; моделюванні теоретичної моделі формування навчально-професійної мотивації майбутніх фахівців авіаційного профілю.

Основні результати дослідження.

Основними показниками сформованості цілеспрямованого мотиваційного впливу можна виділити: володіння основними теоретичними знаннями про основи вивчення предметів, які є основними для майбутньої спеціальності як життєформувальний чинник; осмислення суспільної та індивідуальної діяльності як реалізації кожним здобувачем вищої освіти себе як особистості; уміння вибирати напрями діяльності при постановці конкретного завдання, передбачати її результат; уміння визначати рівень розв'язання і закінчення і, при необхідності, спрямування наступних необхідних кроків для розв'язання поставленого завдання вчителем, визначати комплекс домінантних і підпорядкованих завдань, планувати свою індивідуальну роботу.

Постійне самовиховання сили волі, що виявляється в здібності створювати допоміжне спонукання до дії через зміну її смислової сторони, є обов'язковою умовою будь -якої діяльності, а також самовдосконалення особистісних якостей. Готовність до самопізнання, уміння організовувати власну діяльність, формування установок на самоосвітню діяльність є невід'ємною частиною самореалізації майбутнього авіафахівця в процесі професійної підготовки. Тому мотивація професійного саморозвитку має ґрунтуватися саме на досягнення цієї мети.

Ефективна навчально-професійна мотивація прямо залежить від престижу будь-якої професії. Головною метою ефективної навчально-професійної мотивації є виявлення індивідуальних та особливих особистісних психологічних характеристик, здатності до навчання і безпосередньо навчатися, застосування особистісних пізнавальних стилів та адекватній самооцінці, які б сприяли максимальній самореалізації особистості в будь-якій вибраній професії та відповідній пізнавальній діяльності.

Наукова новизна результатів дослідження:

- теоретично визначено, що зі здобуттям професії авіаційного профілю змінюються і мотиви поведінки майбутніх професіоналів: у період професійної підготовки мотиви, зазвичай, закріплюються та розвиваються;

- теоретично узагальнено, що від особливостей динаміки мотивацій залежить у цілому ставлення до навчальної, а пізніше до професійної діяльності;

- використання результатів аналізу навчально-професійної мотивації майбутніх фахівців авіаційного профілю через регулювання законодавчого характеру зможуть стабілізувати розподіл державного замовлення на фахівців різних галузей, відреагувати відповідно на проблему і враховувати наслідки, до яких може призвести перенасичення ринку праці кадрами з освітою за незатребуваними спеціальностями.

Висновки та конкретні пропозиції автора.

Проаналізовано види навчально-професійної мотивації, які поділяються на: пізнавальну, досягнення, саморозвитку, комунікативну, емоційну та зовнішню. Відповідно до виду навчально - професійної мотивації визначається стиль інтелектуальної поведінки особистості, мета, процес і кінцевий результат будь-якої пізнавальної діяльності.

Узагальнено рівні мотивації здобувачів вищої освіти, а саме: негативного ставлення до науково - педагогічного / педагогічного працівника; нейтрального ставлення до здобування освіти; позитивного, але аморфного, ситуативного ставлення до навчання; позитивного ставлення до процесу здобуття освіти; активного, творчого ставлення до пізнавальної діяльності; особистісного, відповідального, активного ставлення до навчання.

Розкрито значення критеріїв чинників та стимулів формування мотивації: змісту; досягнення; особистого результату; значущості; особистої участі; визнання; інформації; розвитку; справедливого розподілу навантаження; задоволення від роботи.

Сформовано та теоретично обґрунтовано основні позиції мотиваційного аспекту ефективної профорієнтації майбутніх здобувачів вищих навчальних закладів та теоретичної моделі формування навчально-професійної мотивації майбутніх фахівців авіаційного профілю, які мають практичне значення для уникнення проблем, пов'язаних із сучасним напливом енергійної, багатоперспективної молоді на факультети престижних інтелектуальних професій (спеціальностей), в той час як відчувається потреба в кадрах прикладних спеціальностей.

Ключові слова: навчально-професійна мотивація, рівні мотивації, критерії мотивації, здобувачі вищої освіти, фахівці авіаційного профілю.


Competent specialists are the driving force for the rapid development of any State sector. The most important trend is the high demand for specialists who are trained in higher educational institutions that offer educational programs in these «unpopular» specialities (quantitatively in the minority) than other educational institutions that propose professions that are often duplicated by other higher educational institutions. Energy industry engineers, cartographers, pilots, and vehicle engineers are the most in-demand today. There are few applicants for these specialities and there are often shortages even for State places. A highly qualified and competent specialist from a rather specific specialty field, which is currently in demand in the labour markets of Ukraine and/or European countries, will always find a highly paid and prestigious job.

The rapid development of aviation has led to an increase in the quality of world standards for the professional training of aviation specialists. Whoever chooses this speciality prepares to perform a wide range of tasks in aviation related to the development of regulatory documents, training crews for flight, and interaction with other services and organizations. The problem of reliability in aviation can be implemented by taking into account the proper professional training of future specialists in the aviation profile, high intellectual capacity in extreme conditions of professional activity, their general high capacity for work, as well as a high level of motivation for future educational and professional activities.

The opportunity to become a full-value member of society, a happy and socially significant individual is a priority factor in the personality upbringing in a prosperous family. The responsible sphere of human activity is the educational process. During this process, the personality develops, studies, is brought up, acquires a profession and is socialized. Along with the main research of national and foreign scientists on the characteristics of pro-social behaviour, it becomes relevant to consider the main motivational factors of the adolescent personality in their leading educational-cognitive activities and future professional training. The opportunity to get an education and make an independent choice of profession, the field of activity and self-realization, identifying conscious motivation to master normative priority disciplines becomes key in the future aviation specialists' choice.

Recent studies review

educational professional motivation specialist

During the last three years, aviation professions have become more popular. Aviation and cosmonautics are considered strategically important for every state. Pilots, air flight controllers, flight support specialists, flight attendants, and mechanics are considered promising for the job market. The field of space aviation has always been relevant and advanced in scientific and technical development.

Despite all the preponderances of aviation-related professions, cadets/students also understand the risks, namely: high responsibility, lack of right to make mistakes, and work associated with constant physical and psychological stress. The issue of the relevance of aviation specialities became especially acute during the state of martial law when the demand for qualified specialists in the aviation industry grew at the maximum speed. The parallel dual orientation in the training of aviation engineers, flight controllers, and pilots in both military and civil applications allows for obtaining the effect of the universality of aviation and aviation training [11].

The profession of a pilot is the first in the top ten most risky professions. A prestigious, high-paying aviation occupation involves daily travel. The colossal responsibility requires the strict selection and meticulous preparation of the speciality by the international level requirements. There are also high demands on the psychophysical condition of an aviation worker. Daily stress, emotional tension, understanding and coordination of important algorithms, readiness for any situation in controlling an aircraft, changing time zones, and development of sensor neural deafness can negatively affect the health of the pilot and all aircraft workers.

The key incentives research for the professional activity of the individual and the possibility of positive motivation at different age stages, according to neuropsychological characteristics, was carried out by Jason J. Barr, Ann Higgins-D'alessandro; Gustavo Carlo та Laura Padilla-Walker; Veenstra, R., S. Lindenberg, A.J. Oldehinkel, A.F. DeWinter, F.C. Verhulst and J. Ormel, etc.

The authors of the study «Adolescent empathy and pro-social behaviour in the multidimensional context of school culture» Jason J. Barr and Ann Higgins-D'alessandro (2007) compare the influence of the life activities, desires, plans of the young person and the educational process of regular educational institution and alternative one (with regulated specialities ). It is believed that the motivational means of the teaching staff of the educational institution with non-standard teaching methods have more effective ascendancy on the professional formation, motivation and socialization of teenagers [2].

R. Veenstra, S. Lindenberg, A.J. Oldehinkel, A.F. DeWinter, F.C. Verhulst and J. Ormel offer an analysis of motivational actions at the level of society, namely: according to data from the latest global studies of values; respectably to cold or hot climate; regarding the assessment of cooperative inculturation of an individual to the extent that their society is richer, but selfish inculturation to the extent of society's poverty [3].

Gustavo Carlo and Laura Padilla-Walker's research of prosocial behaviour - actions that benefit others - proves that motivated behaviour continues to evolve in complex ways. Motivated actions are consequential for understanding moral development, as well as health and well-being, the future life and professional path of an adolescent, and also have an impact on solving societal and global problems (for example, hate crimes, cooperation, and responsibility for actions, victory, and peace). The authors turn to the study of prosocial behaviour during the professional orientation of the individual, the period of age-related changes in these actions. This period is considered considerable in the progress of moral identity and harmonization of the motivational-volitional sphere formation [4].

The analysis of scientific sources with the study of the applicants' motivation and students of high educational institutions will make it possible to note the interest of scientists and practising educators in the problem of motivating the subjects of the educational process to active educational and professional activities.

O. Danylko, L. Herasymenko, A. Mudryk, V. Shagar, O. Shaumian, and A. Yudina study the problems of the motivational sphere and the regularities of its formation in youth.

Let's consider different approaches to defining the term «motivation». Motivation as a system of factors that determine behaviour, needs, motives, incentives, goals, intentions, and aspirations is a characteristic of the process that supports and encourages behavioural activity at a specific level of the motivational sphere development. A. Mudryk presumes that motivation is not only motives but also situational factors that are quite dynamic and changeable. Motivation explains effective purposefulness, sustainability of this activity, organization, and orientation to the achievement of the conclusive outcome [5].

A. Yudina describes motivation as a complex of factors that direct and concuss human behaviour. Also, motivation is considered a set of stimuli or motives that have a certain hierarchy and express the orientation of the individual. Motivational orientation is a mediated process of reflecting the subjective behaviour of a person at present and with the prospect of continuing the desired reality [6].

In the psychological dictionary, the term «motivation» is defined as a set of impulses that cause the activity of the organism and determine its orientation. V. Shagar, the author of the explanatory dictionary, defines a motive as an incentive to act, a conscious reason underlying the choice of actions and deeds. Then the author defines motivation as a complex, set of motives [7].

Based on the results of the verbal representations analysis of the personality motivational attitudes during educational and cognitive activities, a group of modern scientists led by O. Shaumian argued the following. If cooperation between the mentor and the acquirer is monitored and there is a common desire for success, then high motivational attitudes of effective cognitive and scientific activity prevail, in particular, the category «hope for success» [8].

L. Herasymenko believes that specially developed professional orientation tasks for future aviation specialists stimulate and guide thinking and speaking. Tasks that are based on factual information help to create «real» situations in the audience. Graduates are even more interested in their future fields of interest. This encourages them to study professionally oriented subjects. Critical thinking strategies teach cadets/students that other people may have a different perspective on a problem [9].

O. Danylko, G. Tymoshenko, L. Saganovska, and A. Ivliev reveal the peculiarities of independent training of future flight support specialists. Scientists emphasize the relevance of the motivational aspect in the organization of cadets' independent training in the pandemic conditions. Since deep, solid knowledge and stable skills can be acquired only under the condition of sufficiently active and purposeful independent educational and cognitive activity [10].

The analysis of the scientific and pedagogical sources on the motivation of personal activity in the process of professional training allows us to note that the problem was studied by a significant part of the scientific community both in the last century and by modern researchers. They claim that a mandatory and indispensable condition for achieving success in an activity, regardless of the general and mental potential of a person, is positive motivation, deep and active interest, and the desire to achieve the goal of this business. It is a motivated educational and professional activity that is an important stipulation for the progress of professional self-improvement of future aviation specialists. The totality of needs and motives, as well as the purposefulness of the activity of the cadets/students, determines the meaning of educational and professional work.

Purpose. The purpose of this study is a theoretical analysis of the educational and professional motivation of future aviation specialists.

Results. Learning motivation consists of several impelling forces (needs and meaning of education, its motives, goals, emotions, and interests), which constantly change and enter into new interactions with each other. Motivation is the only possible basis for professional learning. At each stage of professional training, it is necessary to, first of all, stimulate the motivational sphere (value orientations of the profession, the meaning of the profession, motives, goals, and attitude to adaptation, which determine the orientation of the individual). Then, on its basis, it is necessary to stimulate the operational sphere (professional knowledge, abilities, actions, thinking, and technologies, including methods of cooperation in compatible professional activities, etc.).

Scientists draw attention to the need to identify the conditions associated with positive attitude formation towards the profession that cadets/students have decided to master, and the development of motivation that ensures the individual's self-development and self-education. The motivation for educational activity consists of several constantly changing and interdependent incentives. Therefore, the formation of motivation is not a simple growth of positive or negative strengthening attitude to educational and professional activity, but an impediment of the structure of the motivational sphere, impulses.

The comprehension of the important role of motivation in educational and professional activity is reproduced in the principle of motivational support of the educational process. This involves a certain amount of stress. Psychologists express an opinion about the need for the purposeful formation of positive motivation for educational and professional activities. At the same time, they emphasize the complexity of managing this process.

Educational motivation is characterized by stability, orientation and dynamism. The stability of educational and professional motivation was studied within the framework of the concept of professional and educational knowledge. The motivation for educational activity is provided by the development of professional and cognitive needs. Thus, there is a dialectical interdependence between the evolution of this need and the effectiveness of activities that are possible in the context of problem-based learning. Theoretical interest is formed in activity (expanding, generalizing and becoming more stable). The result of educational and professional activity has a double character, i.e. the need for theoretical knowledge and the ability for scientific and theoretical thinking are formed.

In psychological scientific resources, achievement motivation is mostly defined: as a desire to compete with oneself in achieving higher results; as a general desire to improve any activity; as experiencing success in any matter that is significant for the cadet/student and avoiding failure.

Despite the differences in the reasoning of educational motivation by scientists, these approaches can be amalgamated through an attempt to empirically demonstrate the role of motivational-cognitive structures (various aspects of the structural organization of mental experience) as a human behaviour determinant.

Firstly, there is a need to distinguish between content (the subject's ideas about the world) and actual cognitive (mechanisms by which ideas appear and are transformed) aspects of motivational-cognitive reflection. The content of cognition is available to the subject in self-observation and self-motivation to cognition. Whereas cognitive structures cannot be directly observed either by the subject or the experimenter.

Secondly, there is a need to understand the facts of trans situational variability of behaviour, which has again given special relevance to the issue of the legality degree of human behaviour. We draw attention to the fact that neither the factor of personal traits nor the factor of the situation could explain the causes of individual behaviour. It was necessary to find such a mechanism of its regulation, which would simultaneously present the subject characteristics, the situation characteristics, and the motivating factors for intellectual activity.

Thirdly, there is an orientation towards explaining the high creative potential of all the main forms of motivational activity. The strange flexibility, unpredictability and productivity of human intellectual behaviour led to the emergence of the idea of existence «in the middle» of the subject of some mental formations. Such formations are independent of the environment and are capable of generating their reasons and rules for organizing information (selection, structuring, and transformation).

Psychological studies of the educational motivation dynamics testify to significant changes in their concernment and effectiveness in ontogenesis. Thus, at a young age, the motives of self-affirmation, selfdevelopment, and self-improvement play a leading role in educational activities. So, it was determined that the common thing in the analyzed sources is that motivation is considered as a certain might that forces a person to act and achieve the set goals. It also forms many aspects of behaviour that are responsible for performing certain actions. The motivation of cadets/students, mostly of the first (bachelor's) level, is apprehended as a system of organized methods and means of encouraging the individual to productive cognitive activity, and active mastering of the consequential content of education.

Motivation is one of the principal factors of efficient intellectual activity. But the specifics of motivation differ at miscellaneous stages of the educational process from the first to the last course. The educational and professional activity itself is also changing.

Educational activity, which is motivated by external motives, does not involve the goal of mastering the content of the educational subjects. Such activity has other goals, namely: obtaining a good grade, diploma, or scholarship; approval and recognition of friends and lecturers; obedience to the requirements of the educational institution. In this case, the study material and educational disciplines will not become internally accepted and motivated. The content of education will not be a personal value. In this case, we cannot talk about the full-fledged development of the personality and the formation of a real professional.

Experience demonstrates that the professional motivation of cadets/students is actively formed in the pre-last and last courses of study when professionally oriented disciplines are intensively studied and practice is carried out.

It is known that educational motivation is based on a need that stimulates the cadet/student's cognitive activity and his/her readiness to master knowledge. The incentive (motivational) component of educational activity covers cognitive needs, motives and meanings of learning. The need does not determine the activity's nature, its subject is defined when the cadet/student begins to act.

The motivation of the educational activity of future aviation specialists requires mastering professional knowledge in the future activity; creation of conditions for the development of motives; the student's interest in the educational material; organization of practical and other educational and professional activities; maintaining the desire for self-development and self-education.

Thus, the priority in the process of professional training of future aviation specialists is independent goal setting and awareness of the performed activity's importance; independent development of basic knowledge and skills; formation and development of intellectual and cognitive processes, and professional motivation to achieve success.

Motives of (educational and professional) self-realization are a factor in that activity (educational or professional) in which the cadet/student seeks to realize him/herself during his/her studies at a higher education institution. The educational activity of the cadets/students is motivated by a complex of reasons. This complex may be dominated by internal motives related to its content and implementation or broad social grounds related to the need to occupy a certain position in the system of social relations. The inadequacy of the motives of cadets/students' educational and professional activity may be the reason for their academic failure.

Researchers believe that the mechanism of motivation for individual professional self-development during studies at higher education institutions makes it possible to elaborate the requisite procedures for managing educational and professional activities. In this way, aviation higher education institutions properly emphasize the development and application of the necessary means to increase the motivation of future aviation specialists' educational activity. The guiding component of future aviation specialists' reasoning is purposeful motivational influence.

The main indicators of the formation of purposive motivational influence can be distinguished: possession of basic theoretical knowledge about the basics of studying subjects that are fundamental for the future speciality; understanding of social and individual activities as the realization by each cadet/student of him/herself as the personality; the ability to choose courses of activity when setting a specific task and to predict its result; the ability to determine the level of resolution and ending. If necessary, we direct the next steps for solving the task set by the

teacher, define a complex of dominant and subordinate tasks, and plan our work.

Constant self-education of the strength of will, manifested in the ability to create an auxiliary incentive to action by changing its meaning, is a prerequisite for any activity, as well as self-improvement of personal qualities. Readiness for self-discovery, the ability to organize one's activities, and the formation of attitudes towards self - education activities are integral parts of the future aviation specialist's self-realization in the process of professional training. Therefore, professional self-development motivation should be based on the achievement of this goal.

Effective educational and professional motivation directly depends on the prestige of any profession. The main goal of effective educational and professional motivation is the identification of individual and special personal psychological characteristics, the ability to study and learn directly, the use of personal cognitive styles and adequate self-evaluation. They would contribute to the individual maximum self-realization in any chosen profession and relevant cognitive activity.

The basic component of cognitive activity, the formation level of which - is the final result of effective educational and professional motivation, is «cognitive styles». This implies the need for cognitive activity. Due to the vision and awareness of the valuable content essence, the cadet/student gives preference to certain ways of cognitive and intellectual behaviour that most correspond to the educational and professional motivation and capabilities of this subject. At the same time, not only activity motives are meant, but also the grounds of the entire motivational sphere of the individual. During professional training, a person takes a certain place in the system of academic group social relations. Thus, it is obvious that for aviation specialist training effectiveness, an appropriate motivational sphere must be formed. The field should be adequate to the content of professional training and the social conditions.

The group of skills of this component includes prognostication, specifying and justifying ways of forming one's activity; an open demonstration of the need to study, learn something new, and use the acquired knowledge. Also, no less important is the ability to set attitudes and goals - to formulate aims and consistently implement them in the course of activities. Regardless of the content and nature of the question or task, the manifestation of initiative and independence is characteristic.

Cognitive styles imply personal organization manifestation. Individual ways of processing life impressions, desires, and direction of future activity (style) are closely related to needs, motives, and affects.

Cognitive styles also involve giving preference to certain ways of intellectual behaviour that most correspond to the informative inclinations and capabilities of a given subject. The concept of «cognitive styles» characterizes the individual difference in the reason, need, desire and method of obtaining, processing and using information. Cognitive style describes the method of motivating educational and professional activities.

Depending on the type of educational and professional motivation (cognitive, achievement, selfdevelopment, communicative, emotional and external), the style of intellectual behaviour of the individual, the goal, process and final result of any cognitive activity is determined.

Cognitive motivation takes place in all cases when the need, intention, desire or hope to learn something new and to use the acquired knowledge is openly expressed.

Achievement motivation is revealed when a cadet/student sets a positively formulated activity goal and strives to achieve essential results and success in activities.

The motivation for self-development is expressed in the following aspects: the tendency of the subject of an educational activity to self-analysis; selection of positive and negative personal qualities, on which the quality of education depends; formation of aspirations and skills to set high, but adequate goals; striving to improve the intellectual level.

Communicative motivation arises from the desire to associate. Similar to the need for activity, a person needs communication. Satisfaction from communication is a necessary condition for the normal mental development of the individual and the evolution of cognitive activity. The cadets/students, scientific and pedagogical employees, and group mates are all subjects of communication.

Emotional motivation implies mental satisfaction from the educational process. States of joy, delight, and delectation (i.e., positive emotions) within the framework of leading activities related to certain work are considered positive.

External stimulation is revealed through external praise. This happens when someone approves notes or rewards the subject of educational activity for good work or achieving positive results.

It is known that the success of any activity depends not only on abilities and knowledge but also on motivation. That is, success depends on the desire to assert oneself, to achieve high results. After all, the higher the level of motivation, the more factors that encourage students to work, and the greater the results they can achieve.

When characterizing the motivational aspects of higher education applicants, the following levels can be distinguished:

- the level of negative attitude towards the scientific-pedagogical/pedagogical worker, when the student's motives to avoid trouble or punishment, explaining failures by external reasons, self-doubt and mistrust of the mentor preponderate;

- the level of neutral attitude towards getting an education, unsustainable interest in external learning results, lack of curiosity and lack of interest in educational activities, predominance of boredom;

- the level of positive, but amorphous, situational attitude to learning, unstable interest in the scientificpedagogical/pedagogical worker, in the results of training, greater interest in the personality of the scientificpedagogical/pedagogical worker, rather than the content of the discipline;

- the level of positive attitude towards the process of obtaining an education, the cadet/student's manifestation of the self-education motive, and interest in acquiring knowledge methods;

- the level of an active, creative attitude to cognitive activity, the manifestation of the self-education motive, independence in choosing the ratio of goals and motives;

- the level of personal, responsible, active attitude to learning; motives for improving methods of cooperation in educational and cognitive activity overwhelm, public demonstration of an internal attitude towards the responsibility of obtaining education and the results of joint activities.

The motivation of cadets/students' educational and professional activities belongs to the list of professionally significant personal characteristics. It is both an indicator and a criterion of success and efficiency in the formation of a future aviation specialist. It also determines the content and selectivity of educational activities. Motivation as a strategy for achieving a successful work level is based on internal forces, on the awareness, understanding and feeling of the need for one's value orientations and interests, and the formation of an approp riate special state that ensures readiness to perform professional activities. And on this basis, further professional activity develops.

So, based on the factors and motives of the motivation formation, the following criteria were distinguished:

- the criterion of content - any actions of the cadet/student in the process of educational activities at the aviation higher education institution must be considered;

- the criterion of achievement - every cadet/student, when completing tasks related to professional aviation activities, strives to show what he/she is capable of (lowering the requirements reduces motivation);

- the criterion of personal result - every cadet/student strives to prove him/herself in the educational process and to be involved in the outcome, especially when the results are positive (depersonalization (of both the cadet/student and the group) reduces motivation; when evaluating the results of future aviation specialists, scientific and pedagogical workers usually notice mistakes, and what is done with accuracy is considered the norm; it undoubtedly demotivates cadets/students, therefore, when rating the work of cadet/student, first of all, you need to focus on what is done well);

- the criterion of significance - a cadet / student likes to feel his/her importance, to realize how consequential his/her learning process is for overall success (scientific and pedagogical workers have to remember that there cannot be insignificant cadets/students in an academic group);

- the criterion of personal participation - the cadet student will gladly invest more personal energy and effort in the realization of those goals, in the formation of which he/she is involved;

- the criterion of recognition - success without recognition leads to disappointment. Every cadet / student who fulfils his/her educational and professional obligation well has every right to count on recognition and encouragement;

- the criterion of information - according to what way, in which form and at what speed future aviation specialists receive information, they evaluate its real significance. It is worth paying attention to the fact that if access to information is limited and cadets/students receive it late, they feel humiliated;

- the criterion of development - in the process of learning, cadets/students increasingly strive to master new knowledge. Therefore, increased requirements, which give a chance for further development, are accepted with greater zeal than underestimated ones;

- the criterion of fair load distribution - students react very sharply if their aspirations and obtained better results only lead to a greater load, especially if it is not compensated in any way. Therefore, it leads to a decrease in initiative;

- the criterion of job satisfaction - scientific and pedagogical workers need to create such conditions that the future aviation specialist comes to study with pleasure, curiosity and greater eagerness.

Today, there are a large number of models of the modern organization of the educational process. They are introduced into the world's educational and scientific environment in various interpretations and are operational.

In the course of the study theoretical analysis, it was substantiated that the model of educational and professional motivation of future aviation specialists should meet the following requirements: to give a correct description of the foundations of the students' motivation formation; the postulates used in the construction of the model must correspond to the real properties, elements of research work and the interdependence of these elements with the ways of increasing the level of cadets/students' educational and professional motivation; to bring the model to a level that makes it possible to conclude the effectiveness of increasing the level of educational and professional motivation of future aviation specialists in the process of professional training.

The main component models of the educational and professional motivation of future aviation specialists, by the main positions of the activity approach, should be formed on the following basic provisions: the model should be practically oriented, and consistently solve the task of introducing the cadet/student to the aviation profile profession, his/her specialization, stimulating his/her self-development and further education; the result of modelling should reflect the process of motivation formation as a single system, not only the theoretical base but also the acquisition of practical competencies for solving occupational tasks related to the aviation profile.

The complexity of modelling is explained by the need to create not just a theoretical, but an effective functional model. Such a model would most accurately, completely and adequately show all the necessary components of the complex process of educational and professional motivation formation of future aviation specialists and would ensure the effectiveness of its application and effectiveness.

We believe that the main system-forming factor of the model is the orientation of all its constituents to increase the motivation components and levels in the training process of future aviation specialists. In this way, the model is open and can be supplemented if necessary. This will make it possible to coordinate the programs of educational disciplines, to combine theoretical training with practical training. And as a result, a positive motivational component of the future specialist personality with a high level of professional aviation training is formed.


During the study of educational and professional motivation, it was determined that the educational process, that is, the study of aviation theory and professional (practical) training, namely the solution of aviation tasks, make up a significant part of the factors. Under the influence of these factors, the professional interests of future aviation specialists are formed.

It is known that the motives of future professionals' behaviour also change with the aviation profession acquisition. In the period of professional training, motives are usually fixed and developed. The general attitude towards educational and later towards professional activity depends on the specifics of the motivation dynamics.

Types of educational and professional motivation are analysed. They are divided into cognitive, achievement, self-development, communicative, emotional and external. According to the type of educational and professional motivation, the style of individual intellectual behaviour, the goal, process and final result of any cognitive activity is determined.

The motivation levels of cadets/students are summarized, namely: a negative attitude towards a scientific- pedagogical worker; neutral attitude to education; a positive, but amorphous, situational attitude to learning; a positive attitude towards the process of obtaining an education; active, creative attitude to cognitive activity; personal, responsible, active attitude to learning.

The meaning of the criteria of factors and incentives for the motivation formation is revealed: content; achievement; personal result; significance; personal participation; recognition; information; development; fair load distribution; job satisfaction.

The main positions of the motivational aspect of effective career guidance and the theoretical model of formation of educational and professional motivation of future aviation specialists were formed and theoretically substantiated. They are of practical importance for avoiding the problems associated with the current influx of energetic, promising young people to the faculties of prestigious intellectual professions (specialities), while there is a need for personnel of applied specialities.

These recommendations can be used by higher education establishments, state institutions and authorities. These organizations, through legislative regulation, will be able to stabilize the distribution of state orders to specialists in various fields, respond accordingly to the problem and take into account the consequences that may result from the oversaturation of the labour market with personnel with education in undemanding specialities.


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