Contents of pedagogical support for the formation of the innovation-oriented personality of the future teacher of physical culture

The content of pedagogical support for the formation of an innovation-oriented personality of the future teacher of physical culture as a subject of innovative activity. The content of the physical culture teacher's readiness for pedagogical activity.

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Дата добавления 22.10.2023
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Contents of pedagogical support for the formation of the innovation-oriented personality of the future teacher of physical culture

Зміст педагогічного супроводу формування інноваційно-зорієнтованої особистості майбутнього вчителя фізичної культури

Dmitriieva N.S.,

PhD student at the Department of Educology and Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

The purpose of the article is to highlight the content of pedagogical support for the formation of an innovation-oriented personality of the future physical culture teacher. The training of the future teacher of physical culture as a subject of innovative activity is carried out in the process of general professional training and has common components with it. At the same time, it has its own specific features, determined by the nature of the innovative activity and the requirements for the individual who carries it out. For a correct understanding and adequate consideration of the researched process, it is necessary to reveal the meaning of the concept of "readiness of the physical culture teacher for pedagogical activity". Our approach to forming the physical culture teacher's readiness for innovative activities is activity-based. It means that the professional qualities of the future physical culture teacher are formed and manifested in the activity, through the systematic solution of various tasks that arise in the process of carrying out professional activity. The determining factor in the physical education teacher's readiness for innovative activity is the specifics of this activity and the conditions of its course. Therefore, the content of the readiness component is determined by the features of innovative pedagogical activity. We considered the essence, content and structure of the innovative activity of the physical culture teacher in the third paragraph of the first chapter. The analysis of the features of the innovative pedagogical activity, its structure and the conditions of its occurrence determined the structure of the physical education teacher's readiness for its implementation. By the readiness of a physical culture teacher for innovative activity, we understand a special personal state that includes interconnected and mutually determined components: motivational- value, cognitive, creative and procedural. Thus, as a result of the author's research and educational technologies existing in the literature, it is possible to note their effectiveness and the absolute expediency of using them in the system of physical education in educational institutions of various profiles. Innovative technologies in education should be used as a tool to promote students' motor learning. Smart use of technology consists in creating a learning environment where students can take a more active part in their own learning process (motor learning of the student). Technology-enhanced learning environments can increase student engagement in complex cognitive tasks, expand opportunities for complex and personalized feedback, and build communities of interaction among teachers, students, parents, and other stakeholders. Technology, in general, has positively restructured physical education lessons. With video analytics, apps, online videos, monitors, smart watches, and trackers, PE teachers can create personalized and smart goals for their students. In the process, students felt more engaged and committed to physical activity, which is important for building healthy habits. How physical education teachers use technological support to improve student knowledge during classroom learning. As it stands, physical education needs much more exposure to the latest technologies to enrich classroom teaching as well as field work. Key words: pedagogical education, physical education, personality, innovativeness, innovative direction, professional training.

Метою статті є висвітлення змісту педагогічного супровіду формування інноваційно- зорієнтованої особистості майбутнього вчителя фізичної' культури. Підготовка майбутнього вчителя фізичної культури як суб'єкта інноваційної діяльності здійснюється у процесі загальної професійної' підготовки та має спільні з нею компоненти. У той самий час вона має свої специфічні особливості, зумовлені характером інноваційної діяльності та вимогами до особистості, яка її здійснює. Для правильного розуміння та адекватного розгляду досліджуваного процесу необхідно розкрити зміст поняття «готовність вчителя фізичної культури до педагогічної діяльності». Наш підхід до формування готовності вчителя фізичної культури до інноваційної діяльності - діяльнісний. Він означає, що професійні якості майбутнього вчителя фізичної культури формуються і виявляються у діяльності, через систематичне вирішення різноманітних завдань, що виникають у процесі здійснення професійної' діяльності. Визначальним чинником готовності вчителя фізичної культури до інноваційної діяльності є особливості цієї діяльності та умови її перебігу. Отже зміст компонента готовності визначається особливостями інноваційної педагогічної діяльності. Сутність, зміст та структуру інноваційної діяльності вчителя фізичної культури ми розглянули у третьому параграфі першого розділу.

Аналіз особливостей інноваційної педагогічної діяльності, її структура та умови протікання визначили структуру готовності вчителя фізичної' культури до її здійснення. Під готовністю вчителя фізичної' культури до інноваційної діяльності ми розуміємо особливий особистісний стан, що включає взаємопов'язані взаємозумовлені компоненти: мотиваційно-ціннісний, когні- тивний, креативний і процесуальний.

Таким чином, в результаті дослідження автора та існуючих у літературі освітніх технологій можна відзначити їх ефективність та неодмінну доцільність використання у системі фізичного виховання у навчальних закладах різного профілю. Інноваційні технології в освіті слід використовувати як інструмент для сприяння моторному навчанню учнів.

Розумне використання технологій полягає у створенні навчального середовища, де учні можуть брати активнішу участь у власному навчальному процесі (моторне навчання учня). Навчальні середовища, вдосконалені технологіями, можуть збільшити участь студентів у складних когнітивних завданнях, розширити можливості для отримання складного та індивідуального зворотного зв'язку та побудувати спільноти взаємодії між викладачами, студентами, батьками та іншими зацікавленими групами. Технологія, загалом, позитивно перебудувала уроки фізкультури.

Завдяки відеоаналізу, програмам, онлайн-відео, моніторам, смарт-годинникам і трекерам вчителі фізкультури можуть створювати індивідуальні та розумні цілі для своїх учнів. У процесі студенти відчули більше залученості та відданості фізичній активності, яка є важливою для формування здорових звичок.

Як вчителі фізичного виховання використовують технологічну підтримку для покращення знань студентів під час навчання в класі. У нинішньому стані фізичне виховання потребує набагато більшого впливу на наявність новітніх технологій, щоб збагатити викладання в класі, а також роботу на місцях.

Ключові слова: педагогічна освіта, фізичне виховання, особистість, інноваційність, інноваціне спрямування, професійна підготовка.

Problem statement in general form and its relation to important scientific or practical tasks

The need to actualize and form an innovation-oriented personality of the future physical culture teacher in a scientific and educational environment is due to the growing demands of society for the competent inclusion of a specialist in the teaching profession with a high level of need for innovative pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical activities, personal and professional development and self-development, development of students by means of physical education. Today, Ukraine is at the stage of reforming the education system. Educational standards are updated, new strategies for the development and improvement of the teaching profession are introduced. In this regard, the emphasis in the learning process changes, it becomes important not only to acquire knowledge and "hard" skills, but it is extremely important to develop personal qualities and to form relevant competencies in a student of higher education [1].

An analysis of recent research and publications. Many studies of the innovative potential of the individual consider only some components, do not touch on the issues of formation and development of the innovation-oriented personality of the future physical culture teacher, different approaches to determining the structure of the innovation-oriented personality of the future physical culture teacher. The analysis of the philosophical, psychological, and pedagogical literature shows that, in relation to our research, there are not enough works that reveal the sign of the concept of "formation of the innovation-oriented personality of the future teacher of physical culture" [4; 5] Research is mainly devoted to revealing the essence of the teacher's personal and creative potential, the potential of the educational process, the potential of the educational environment and educational institution [7; 10].

Emphasizing previously unresolved parts of the common problem. Disclosure of the issue of formation of an innovation-oriented personality of the future teacher of physical culture requires an analysis of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical scientific literature.

Formulation of the article's goals. The purpose of the article is to highlight the content of pedagogical support for the formation of an innovation-oriented personality of the future physical culture teacher.

Presentation of the basic research material

The training of the future teacher of physical culture as a subject of innovative activity is carried out in the process of general professional training and has common components with it. At the same time, it has its own specific features, determined by the nature of the innovative activity and the requirements for the individual who carries it out. For a correct understanding and adequate consideration of the researched process, it is necessary to reveal the meaning of the concept of "readiness of the physical culture teacher for pedagogical activity".

In general theory, professional readiness is understood as a system of integrative qualities, properties, knowledge, and personality skills [2].

The content of professional readiness is, in her opinion, the awareness of a high role and social responsibility, the desire to actively fulfill a social task, the determination to implement knowledge, skills and personal qualities [8].

Professional readiness is a prerequisite for the effective activity of a teacher, but it is not an innate quality, but the result of special training. In his research, the author comes to the conclusion that readiness is a natural result of professional training, which is broadly understood: the development of professional orientation, professional education, upbringing and self-education, professional self-determination. Professional readiness is not only the result, but also the goal of professional training, the initial and main condition for realizing the potential of each person. This is the dialectical nature of readiness as a quality and as a state [3].

Our approach to forming the physical culture teacher's readiness for innovative activities is activity-based. It means that the professional qualities of the future physical culture teacher are formed and manifested in the activity, through the systematic solution of various tasks that arise in the process of carrying out professional activity.

The determining factor in the physical education teacher's readiness for innovative activity is the specifics of this activity and the conditions of its course. Therefore, the content of the readiness component is determined by the features of innovative pedagogical activity.

We considered the essence, content and structure of the innovative activity of the physical culture teacher in the third paragraph of the first chapter. The analysis of the features of the innovative pedagogical activity, its structure and the conditions of its occurrence determined the structure of the physical education teacher's readiness for its implementation.

By the readiness of a physical culture teacher for innovative activity, we understand a special personal state that includes interconnected and mutually determined components: motivational-value, cognitive, creative and procedural.

The motivational and value component of a physical culture teacher's readiness for innovative activity is the core around which the main properties and qualities of a teacher's personality as a professional are constructed.

This is explained by the fact that the motivational and value component performs a regulatory function in the process of teacher preparation for innovative activities. We believe that the motivational and value component of the future physical culture teacher's readiness for innovative activity is a content-forming component, as it is aimed at forming a future teacher's constant desire for development and improvement of his innovative activity.

Motivation refers to everything that prompts actual activity, generalized and more specific life goals, for the sake of which a person acts. A motive is a verbalization of a goal and a program that enables this person to initiate a certain activity. A motive can also be understood as a desired target state within the framework of the "individual - environment" relationship, and motivation as something that explains the purposefulness of an action [7].

The problem of motivational readiness, receptiveness to pedagogical innovations is one of the central ones in teacher training, since only motivation adequate to the goals of innovative activity ensures harmonious implementation of this activity and self-disclosure of the teacher's personality.

The well-known provision about polymotivation of activity is practically not taken into account during the training of an innovative teacher, which reduces the further efficiency of his work.

Due to the fact that the diverse relationship of a person with the environment is represented in a relatively stable motivational sphere of the individual, any activity, including innovative pedagogical ones, is usually correlated with more than one motive and is, thus, polymotivated.

The motivational component of a physical culture teacher's readiness for innovative activity should be considered in two directions. Firstly, from the point of view of the place of professional motivation in the general structure of motives and, secondly, by assessing the future teacher's attitude to changes, that is, in the needs for pedagogical innovations, their receptivity, which determines the meaningful side of the creative direction of professional activity.

The formation of an innovation-oriented personality of a teacher of physical culture is largely determined by the public environment, the collective of teachers - the pedagogical community. The personality of each teacher is unique, as well as determines the degree of receptivity to pedagogical innovations, the nature and peculiarities of the author's concept, the level of its implementation and others [6].

The action of the cognitive component is aimed at enriching future physical education teachers with psychological and pedagogical knowledge and information about the essence of innovative activity in the field of education, its structural components, signs and features [10].

One of the important factors in the implementation of innovative activities, as mentioned above, is the teacher's creativity, which is necessary for creating a new program, textbook, as well as for modifying this new one at the level of implementation. Therefore, pedagogical creativity is a necessary component of the formation of the physical culture teacher's readiness for innovative pedagogical activity. The action of the creative component of readiness for innovative activity is manifested in the original solution of pedagogical tasks, in improvisation and impromptu both in instant creativity and in prepared [4].

We distinguished the following levels of pedagogical creativity:

1. Creativity in the broadest sense is the discovery of a new self, that is, the teacher's discovery of variable, non-standard ways of solving tasks. Here the teacher makes a transition from algorithmic, stereotypical techniques to subjectively new ones. Examples of this level: choosing the optimal level from a range of possible ones, using an old technique in new conditions that have changed during improvisation in the lesson.

2. Creativity in the narrower sense - discovery of new things for oneself and others, innovation.

We see the main function of the procedural component of readiness for innovative activity in the ability of future teachers of physical culture to use a certain amount of specific knowledge and skills necessary for the effective implementation of innovative activities.

The application of innovative physical culture technologies during the teaching of disciplines that form professional competences is the most important condition for the formation of an innovation-oriented personality of the future physical culture teacher. Let's consider such technologies in detail.

1. Differentiated technologies of physical culture.

Differentiated physical culture technologies are the most important component of the process of modernization of physical education. They are comprehensive physical education of students, provide differentiated pedagogical training, formation of relevant knowledge, motor abilities and skills, education of motor abilities.

Differentiated learning of motor actions. Differentiated learning of motor actions or differentiated solution of any Formation of necessary knowledge and methodical skills in schoolchildren.

Differentiated technology of formation of knowledge and methodical skills involves:

- determining the level of education of schoolchildren using diagnostic tests (this is the basis for dividing students into groups of different levels of preparation);

- division of tasks of the studied topic according to the level of education and preparedness of students;

- Distribution of the theoretical material of the program. Pupils are offered tasks of different content, scope and complexity. They can be in the form of lecture materials, articles, reports, abstracts, project activities, compilation of sets of general developmental exercises, etc.

In the process of practical classes, the impact of exercises on the body should be explained to the students. Special attention should be paid to exercise technique and safety rules. It is necessary to conduct a pedagogical analysis of the lesson, taking into account errors and shortcomings.

Differentiated evaluation of physical and technical preparation of students. When evaluating students, it is necessary to take into account not only the level of their physical fitness, but also the degree of mastery of the skills and abilities of performing physical exercises, compliance with the rules of a healthy life, the level of theoretical knowledge, diligence, and the ability to perform physical and recreational activities. It is necessary to encourage and inspire those who are engaged, to instill confidence in their capabilities. In some cases, it is necessary to restrain excessive exertion. All this forms a positive attitude of students towards completing tasks, creates prerequisites for a socially active life.

It is inappropriate to evaluate the physical fitness of schoolchildren only by the results of the implementation of specific standards, but by the dynamics and shifts of individual results.

Children who are temporarily exempted from lessons and involved in a special group due to their health condition also take part in classes - they help in the preparation of sports equipment, refereeing, as well as get acquainted with theoretical material and the technique of performing motor actions. With children of a special medical group, classes are usually held outside of school hours according to a program recommended by a specialist. This work is also graded.

A comprehensive study of work carried out with schoolchildren, comparison of various data makes it possible to identify the reasons for children's lagging behind, to determine the main reason and to provide pedagogical influence based on differentiated teaching methods.

2. Information and communication technologies.

A major educational challenge is to achieve a true methodological value for curriculum development, thus breaking the preconceived notion that information and communication technologies (ICT) are an external element, especially in the field of physical education. This requires specific training that involves empowerment to take full advantage of the potential of ICT to manage teaching, professional development and lifelong learning.

Supplements in health and physical education are available and can be used to enrich and enhance curricula at most colleges. Numerous technological applications related to the promotion of physical activity and fitness are available and readily available.

Today, the use of various technologies by students and teachers requires new competencies. Students must demonstrate motor skills and use technology primarily through a self-directed learning process. It is important to learn to manage the organization of activities together with the use of various equipment. Physical education curricula and health promotion programs are designed to provide students with better opportunities instead of the traditional way of learning in gyms.

One of the main requirements for the modernization of the educational process in educational institutions is the use of information technologies, which helps to increase the effectiveness of the lesson. Modern education should not only ensure the instillation of certain knowledge in students, but also form their ability to independently acquire this knowledge. The assimilation and generalization of the acquired knowledge become the goal of mental development of those engaged in it, and also contributes to this development as a means.

The use of computer technologies in the educational process makes it possible not only to mechanically learn the received material, but also to acquire the ability to independently obtain the necessary knowledge.

At this stage, the traditional model of teaching the subject "Physical Culture" in secondary schools always meets the requirements of the modern education system. The results of the author's practical research and the generalization of numerous literary sources make it possible to determine the following ways of using information technologies in the process of pedagogical activity of a physical education teacher:

- in the process of studying the basics of the subject and preparing for exams;

- in the process of load distribution taking into account individual characteristics;

- during independent information gathering work;

- in the process of conducting extracurricular activities in the form of sports quizzes, various competitions, etc.;

- in the process of developing projects for the development of creative and intellectual abilities of schoolchildren, as well as self-expression and teamwork skills;

- when working with children with physical disabilities;

- while teaching students to use the Internet for homework;

- in the organization of communicative works with the aim of inculcating communication skills;

- in the process of preparing work programs, instructions, didactic materials, test tasks, various reports and methodical works.

Active methods of learning using computer technologies are multimedia presentations made with the help of the Power Point computer program. This type of modern communication includes digital images, texts of various formats, pictures, animations, as well as audio and video images, which make it possible to use textual, graphic, audio and/or video information in a new way, which contributes to increasing the productivity of the educational process. Presentations provide an interesting presentation of a large amount of information in a short time.

It is also noteworthy that they can be used in the process of all types of classes, such as the explanation of new material, practical and laboratory work, as well as in the assessment of students' knowledge. In the explanation of new material, such presentations can become indispensable, because key parts of the material in a certain amount are given on slides, and the teacher supplements and explains the most difficult points. The use of this program in the assessment of knowledge significantly reduces wasted time and contributes to increasing objectivity. Thus, it can be concluded that the implementation and appropriate use of such technologies in physical education lessons enable the teacher to present the studied material in a more accessible way, and help students to learn this information more easily according to their individual characteristics.

3. Health technologies.

The improvement of the educational paradigm leads to a change in the status of physical culture as a humanitarian educational subject. This is due to the actualization of the content of physical education, as well as a significant change in the position of the physical culture teacher, the view of his professional and personal qualities, which leads to a rethinking and restructuring of the essence of his professional activity [7]. Therefore, the personality of the teacher plays the most important role in the actualization of physical education, because his professionalism and competence are a necessary condition for ensuring the necessary results. It is the teacher who is responsible for the actualization of physical education and must create conditions conducive to the productivity of the educational process.

The physical education teacher is also responsible for the health of students, their physical, mental, moral and social development. Therefore, special importance in physical education lessons should be given to health technologies, which are a complete complex, including means of teaching physical exercises and methods of organizing students' activities. The purpose of health technologies is to ensure the preservation of students' health, to form their knowledge, abilities and skills in the field of ensuring a healthy lifestyle, as well as to teach them the correct use of acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Strict accounting of age and gender characteristics, optimal distribution and rationing of workload and rest are at the basis of health technologies.

At the same time, health technologies in the pedagogical activity of a physical culture teacher should include the following:

- clear knowledge of the results of medical examinations of students and their strict accounting in the process of educational work,

- accounting for age and gender characteristics, the state of health of the student, the level of his development and preparedness in the learning process,

- close cooperation with the student's parents in order to ensure a healthy lifestyle in the family,

- Creating conditions that contribute to increasing students' interest in the subject,

- Ensuring a healthy moral and psychological environment in the lesson,

- Creation of favorable conditions for each student,

- Ensuring the necessary conditions in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards (lighting, ventilation, thermoregulation mode).

4. Technology of project activity.

The essence of this technology lies in the organization of research activities. In the past, it was possible to live relatively well, relying on proven rules, repeating activities that have already brought success, relying on the experience and knowledge of previous generations, it was only necessary to learn the essence and form of application of these norms [8]. Today, the situation has changed radically. Only theoretical knowledge is not enough for the future citizen. The rapid development of science leads to the fact that theoretical knowledge becomes irrelevant. Competitiveness in the labor market depends on the activity of a person, the flexibility of his thinking and his ability to improve his knowledge and experience. The basis of social success is the ability to easily adapt in a constantly changing world. And this should be taught at school.

The use of this technology leads to the fact that the role of the physical culture teacher changes, he ceases to be the only source of knowledge. The teacher only tells the students how to find the necessary information and experience. The use of project technology makes it possible to involve students in independent cognitive activities. The project gives the student the opportunity to show his creative abilities in the brightest way. This is a type of activity that allows you to express yourself both individually and in a group, test your strength, invest your knowledge and show the results obtained. In particular, in the process of physical education, this project is the development of students' cognitive interest in physical culture and sports, and the expansion of their horizons contributes to the development of creative abilities, the formation of interdisciplinary connections, in particular, with such subjects as mathematics, physics, computer science, chemistry, biology, history.

Pupils apply their computer technology skills and knowledge gained in lessons in various subjects to prepare project works, essays and presentations. The project participant collects information from a personally drawn up plan, which allows to consider or evaluate this or that process from different points of view. During the preparation for the defense of the project, high school students study relevant material, conduct surveys and presentations, publish newspapers, booklets, and information leaflets.

It is extremely important that students understand the content and meaning of the exercises performed and thus master the ways of performing various physical exercises.

This is precisely the path to independence and self-improvement. It is necessary not only to develop certain skills of schoolchildren, but also to teach them independent learning. This will be facilitated only by the joint activity of the teacher and the student.

It should be noted that there are projects: creative, informative, role-playing, research, practical, etc.

Creative projects should usually end with sporting events, such as the presentation of the Olympic Games. In the process of preparing informational projects, students, according to the proposed topic, use data from the Internet and various literary sources, and ready-made materials in the form of drawings, tables or booklets are placed in a special corner of the sports hall or on the school website. In the process of preparing role-playing projects, students develop communication skills. In this case, the authors of the project establish feedback with the audience.

Research projects can be carried out during various excursions, hikes and sports events, and their results can be presented in educational films or computer presentations.

The practical project is aimed at consolidating already acquired abilities and skills. The physical education teacher instructs each group of students to make a synopsis of different parts of the lesson: introductory, majority and final. At the next lesson, in the presence of the teacher, they independently organize and conduct the lesson, having previously agreed with the teacher on the content of his outline. Thus, in the process of this project, students are presented as individuals who can independently complete a set of physical exercises for training various motor skills.

The use of these technologies makes the educational process more complete, interesting and rich.

5. Game technologies.

Game technologies occupy an important place during lessons in various educational disciplines, because game activity as such is a special area of educational activity. When using game technologies, it is necessary to take into account the psycho-pedagogical type of the child, his age and gender characteristics, requirements and interests. The use of game technologies in the process of physical education of schoolchildren leads to an increase in the interest of students in the subject "Physical Culture", promotes their cohesion, develops the desire for competitiveness, instills a sense of responsibility and ingenuity, and even motivates the achievement of better results.

Game technologies during physical education lessons perform the following functions: educational, health-improving, restorative, social, communicative, educational, entertaining, psychological, developmental.

The potential of students during team games, such as volleyball, basketball, handball, football, and others, increases several times compared to those activities aimed only at performing individual exercises. Thus, the use of game technologies contributes to a more productive and purposeful involvement of students in the process of physical education.

These technologies make it possible to ensure effective and harmonious development of a person's mental, physical and emotional load, as well as to charge with positive emotions, improve mood and bring joy from the process of overcoming difficulties. Game technologies contribute to the restoration of physical and mental strength, give birth to the spirit of healthy sports fighting and are a source of inspiration.

6. Actual technologies in physical culture.

The processes of learning motor skills (physical literacy) develop according to successive interdependent stages and constitute qualitative aspects important in teaching physical education.

The implementation of technology in the teaching of physical culture is motivating for students. This contributes to monitoring the progress of students, identifying gaps in the repertoire of motor skills, and strengthening perceived physical self-efficacy.

Thanks to technology, particularly mobile, physical education teachers now have a wide range of tools they can use to test and improve their students' physical skills. The list includes video analysis, wearable technology, programs for physical education, game systems, virtual classrooms, as well as monitors and trackers.


Thus, as a result of the author's research and educational technologies existing in the literature, it is possible to note their effectiveness and the absolute expediency of using them in the system of physical education in educational institutions of various profiles. Innovative technologies in education should be used as a tool to promote students' motor learning. Smart use of technology consists in creating a learning environment where students can take a more active part in their own learning process (motor learning of the student). Technology-enhanced learning environments can increase student engagement in complex cognitive tasks, expand opportunities for complex and personalized feedback, and build communities of interaction among teachers, students, parents, and other stakeholders. Technology, in general, has positively restructured physical education lessons. With video analytics, apps, online videos, monitors, smart watches, and trackers, PE teachers can create personalized and smart goals for their students. In the process, students felt more engaged and committed to physical activity, which is important for building healthy habits.

How physical education teachers use technological support to improve student knowledge during classroom learning. As it stands, physical education needs much more exposure to the latest technologies to enrich classroom teaching as well as field work.


teacher of physical culture pedagogical

1. Dmitriieva N.S. Ways of organizing the process of forming the innovation-oriented personality of the future teacher of physical culture. Innovative Pedagogy. 2022. 52. 2. P. 103-106. DOI: 085/2022/52.1.19

2. Isozaki T. Science teacher education in Japan: past, present, and future. Asia Pac. Sci. Educ. 2018. 4. P. 10.

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4. Heidig S., Muller J., Reichelt, M. Emotional design in multimedia learning: Differentiation on relevant design features and their effects on emotions and learning. Computers in Human Behavior. 2015. 44. Р. 81-95.

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