Virtual learning environment (VLE) on the ukrainian language as a foreign language for students of the 4th course of technical high schools
The main advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of the Virtual Learning Environment during distance learning of Ukrainian as a foreign language in a group of fourth-year foreign students at the National University "Lviv Polytechnic".
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 17.10.2023 |
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Virtual learning environment (VLE) on the ukrainian language as a foreign language for students of the 4th course of technical high schools
Boyko G.I.,
Junior Research Fellow International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations of Lviv Polytechnic National University
The article highlights the main advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) during distance learning of Ukrainian as a foreign language (UFL) in a group of fourth-year foreign students at the National University «L'viv Polytechnic». The focus is on clarity and consistency in the presentation and use of textbooks and manuals on UFL, the use of tasks and exercises for different types of speech activities: listening, reading, writing, speaking. Possible programs for distance learning and methods of information transfer during virtual learning are described. The definition of distance learning in the VLE as one of the forms of realization of interdisciplinary connections and integration of knowledge in several subjects is clearly outlined. It is also a means of increasing the motivation to study the subject, as they create conditions for the practical application of knowledge; develop self-education skills, because most of the preparation for classes foreign students carry out independently and in extracurricular activities; online classes transfer skills to new areas that have not been studied before, which helps students make decisions about creative production situations. An unconventional type of lesson is considered, which is rather one of the forms of the project, which allows to integrate knowledge from different areas to solve one problem. The article presents important principles of understanding, mastering and accumulation of vocabulary on the basis of popular science and technical texts, which are the basis for the development of analytical skills, ingenuity and competence of foreign students. Various types of falls have been proposed for the study of the Ukrainian language in a foreign language environment. Examples of exercises for writing and reading are described with examples that help foreign students to learn the vocabulary of the Ukrainian language. There are also samples of tasks that were difficult to work with in a practical lesson in a group of fourth-year students at the National University «L'viv Polytechnic». The focus is on the problems of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language in technical universities. The article presents observations on the use of modern pedagogical technologies as a form of learning organization.
Key words: Ukrainian as a foreign language, online tutorials, distance learning, integration of knowledge, popular science texts, foreign language environment.
У статті висвітлено основні переваги та недоліки при впровадженні Віртуального навчального середовища (ВНС) під час дис-танційного викладання української мови як іноземної (УМІ) у групах студентів-іноземців четвертих курсів Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Зосереджено увагу на чіткості і послідовності у поданні і використанні підручників та посібників з УМІ, застосуванні завдань і вправ для різних видів мовленнєвої діяльності: слухання, читання, письма, говоріння. Описані можливі програми для дистанційного навчання та способи передачі інформації під час віртуального навчання. Окреслено місце дистанційного заняття у ВНС як однієї з форм реалізації міжпредметних зв'язків й інтеграції знань з кількох предметів, як засобу підвищення мотивації до вивчення предмету, оскільки він створює умови для практичного застосування цих знань, розвиває навички самоосвіти. Значну частину часу підготовки до заняття студенти-іно- земці здійснюють самостійно і позаурочно. На онлайн-заняттях відбувається перенос уміння в нові області, що не вивчалися раніше. Це допомагає студентам приймати рішення у творчих виробничих ситуаціях. Розглянуто нетрадиційний вид уроку, який є радше однією з форм проекту, що дозволяє інтегрувати знання з різних областей для рішення однієї проблеми. У статті презентовані важливі принципи розуміння, засвоєння і накопичення словникового запасу мови на основі науково-популярних та технічних текстів, які є базою для розвитку аналітичних здібностей, винахідливості й компетентності студентів-іноземців. Запропоновано різні види вправ для вивчення української мови в іншомовному середовищі, описані приклади вправ для письма і читання із прикладами, які є допомогою студентам-іноземцям для засвоєння лексики української мови. Також наведено зразки завдань, з якими було важко працювати на практичних заняттях у групах студентів четвертих курсів. Зосереджено увагу на окремих проблемах викладання української мови як іноземної у технічних вишах. У статті подані результати спостережень щодо застосування сучасних педагогічних методик як форми організації навчання.
Ключові слова: українська мова як іноземна, онлайн-уроки, дистанційне навчання, інтеграція знань, науково-популярні тексти, іншомовне середовище.
Statement of the problem in a general form and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks
virtual learning ukrainian language
The modern needs of studying the Ukrainian language as a foreign language in technical universities are primarily related to the development and preservation of the Ukrainian language, the qualitative development of the Ukrainian language space, and the search for new methods of presentation and presentation of language material to foreign students [4, p. 253].
Let us emphasize that learning a language is a difficult and painstaking process. Everyone who studies and teaches is looking for the most effective methods of learning and presenting it. The virtual learning environment (VLE) of the L'viv Polytechnic National University has become a significant step forward, particularly in the search for new methods of learning Ukrainian as a foreign language in technical universities. It is such a search and implementation of modern pedagogical technologies as a form of organization of education and the combination of theory and practice that is the task of each of us. This will allow to integrate knowledge from different areas to solve one problem, to apply the acquired knowledge in practice [5, p. 1].
Analysis of recent research and publications
Implementation of distance education in Ukraine is very heterogeneous. Many teachers and students have accepted the new challenge and are coping with it, but there are also those who are not up to it, because they do not have the necessary technical means, knowledge, skills or even the desire for it. For Ukrainian educational institutions in general and teachers in particular, distance learning has become a test of how quickly they can respond to these challenges, how flexible and effective they are in uncomfortable conditions, as well as computer literacy and the ability to work on modern educational online platforms. The basis of effective distance learning is the self-organization of students, the desire to learn, regardless of anything. There are problems with this: low motivation to study among students of Ukrainian higher education institutions is a real pain point [7, p. 1].
Studying during online classes (not only in the Ukrainian language) in a foreign language classroom is a fairly common and often researched issue. In the process of learning the Ukrainian language as a foreign language, special attention needs to be paid to mastering its vocabulary and terminology, in particular the field in which the student is preparing to become a specialist. Therefore, the study of methods of working with foreign students of Ukrainian terminology is relevant and very necessary, according to Z.Y. Kunch [3, p. 198]. A foreign student's acquisition of Ukrainian vocabulary and terminology of his profession is complicated by several circumstances. First of all, in the process of everyday communication of a foreign student in the Ukrainian-speaking environment, the terminological vocabulary does not sound. Secondly, the assimilation of Ukrainian terms by foreigners causes difficulties due to the irregularity and lack of stability of individual term systems. Thirdly, the student's study of the professional language takes place in parallel both in online classes on the Ukrainian language and during the study of professional disciplines remotely. Therefore, the acquisition of professional terminology takes place both under the guidance of a philologist teacher and through lectures or comments by teachers of professional disciplines. The advice and instructions of dif-ferent teachers may differ, and this, of course, does not contribute to a better assimilation of the relevant terminology. Fourth, while acquiring professional work skills during industrial practice, a foreign student may come across industrial-professional jargon, in which certain concepts have their own names, different from terminological ones, which are often not even recorded in textbooks or dictionaries [3, p. 199]. One of the effective methods of learning the Ukrainian language as a foreign language is the study of its lexical composition by means of word formation, according to N. Dzendyura [1, p. 79].
Create conditions for motivated practical application of knowledge, skills and abilities, give foreign students the opportunity to see the results of their work and get joy and satisfaction from it, interest them in studying the vocabulary, grammar and terminology of the Ukrainian language based on popular science and technical texts, conduct classes exciting, to improve communicative and cognitive skills aimed at systematization and deepening of knowledge and exchange of this knowledge in conditions of cooperation - all this is the goal of every specialist [2, p. 127].
Highlighting the previously unresolved parts of the general problem is to find out the most accessible way to transfer knowledge of the Ukrainian language as a foreign language to students during distance learning at the National Academy of Sciences and how to help them learn it in the most interesting way.
Forming the goals of the article. To investigate the possibilities of using various types of exercises and tasks for popular science and technical texts from the Ukrainian language in a foreign language audience, to reveal one of the forms of implementation of interdisciplinary connections and integration of knowledge from several subjects. To ensure the possibility of faster formation of lexical and semantic skills in the process of teaching the Ukrainian language to foreign students of technical specialties; show a system of possible methodological techniques and materials aimed at studying vocabulary, grammar and terminology in a wide variety of programs; to indicate ways of implementing communicative and functional-stylistic approaches in the formation of language, speech and communicative competence in Ukrainian language classes in a foreign-language audience in four types of speech activity.
Presentation of the main research material
The language of instruction is one of the most important job criteria, especially for foreign citizens. But learning a language remotely and listening to lectures online is twice as difficult.
The L'viv Polytechnic National University has developed the VLE program, where every student and teacher can receive professional help while studying a certain specialty. All study programs, work calendar plans, topics of lectures, notes, dictionaries and tests - everything is freely available. For each employee and student, separate logins and passwords have been created in the National Security Service. This program clearly prescribes the system of assessment and verification of homework and tests. Everything can be seen in the so-called «Evaluation Log», which is enough to download from the VLE to any device and demonstrate or save for further work or checking. At the same time, a certain drawback is that the program may periodically «hang» and not open when a large number of users access it at the same time, and this creates an additional burden on each teacher, who must quickly react to the problem and find a solution. Each teacher, together with his colleagues, made every effort to select interesting and important material for filling the site, received useful recommendations on what to do in the program and the creation of the course «Ukrainian as a foreign language, part 1» (and there are 7 such parts, i. e. seven semesters), documented this course, supporting it with reviews and approval by the relevant commission, and received a certificate.
During the quarantine period and the state of war, distance learning became an impetus for learning new teaching and learning opportunities not only for teachers, but also for students. The process of sharing experience was mutual. Everything new is always scary, but at the same time, it clearly shows who is ready for challenges and who is not. Quarantine and war have become the main obstacles to studying at L'viv Polytechnic University and in Ukraine in general. Out of 200 students, only 15 remained and only in the last years. It must be admitted that, unfortunately, for foreign students (first year), online education in Ukraine becomes a continuous race and test:
First, it is their inability to learn and disorganization. Especially students from Congo, Morocco, Jordan, Turkmenistan, etc.
Secondly, there are certain shortcomings in the organization of the educational process itself and the formation of groups: students who have entered cannot have the same level of preparation «at the start», but are often enrolled in the same educational group.
Thirdly, there is an opinion about the temporary nature of the stay at the university itself. Many students plan to go to a third country in the future, maybe even change their major, and as a result, there is a reluctance to delve not only into the everyday life, customs and culture of Ukraine, but also into the edu-cational process itself: investing time in it, completing assignments, buying books, manuals, etc. The practice of distance work has shown that a certain number of students do not want to learn to work on different platforms. They barely understood Messenger because they were familiar with Facebook (Congo, Nigeria, Egypt).
Fourthly, the lack of culture on the part of individual students during online classes often dominates. They are late (i.e. join the pair late), do not do their homework. The desire to write off and mislead the teacher becomes almost a norm for them, they are very noisy and impatient, have no respect for the teacher and their colleagues; stronger students try to answer instead of weaker ones. Often, under various pretexts, the cameras are not turned on, and therefore it is not clear who is actually working and how to evaluate such a student (Turkmenistan).
Fifth, working with online materials is not used enough, because students often do not know how to (or do not want to) work independently with a book, especially if there is no translation in their native language. At the same time, the English language skills of many are also very low (Egypt).
Since, in view of the above-mentioned realities, it is clear that the full assimilation of the new material provided by the program becomes a problem in such a situation.
The distance learning process in groups of fourth- year, second- and third-year students is already taking on a more stable form, turning into real distance learning with bright and informative video lessons, during which the teacher manages not only to convey concise information or check homework, but also, quite often, to conduct an educational a conversation, explain a grammatical topic, read a listening lesson, and even interview students, because there is enough time and desire for everything. To improve the process, students are sent the necessary information on the organization of studies on Messenger, Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp.
I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the online course of the National Academy of Sciences for students of the fourth year of study at UMI - «Ukrainian language as a foreign language, part 7» (preparation for the qualifying exam). The distance course is designed for one semester (Sep- tember-December), which ends a series of courses with an exam with a final grade that will determine the foreign student's level of language proficiency and lead to a diploma. During the semester, students have two pairs each week, which are called «Topics» in the VLE. For each academic week there is a «Lesson Plan», two «Topics», a «Glossary» (dictionary of unknown words) and «Tests». The number of weeks is 15 (this is 60 hours plus 4 hours for the exam). Most of the matches take place on the Zoom platform. Since foreign students left Ukraine during the war and are in their own countries (Morocco, Jordan, Ecuador, Egypt, etc.), we can perfectly meet at a practical lesson and work online. If there are problems with the Internet, light, printed materials, there is the emergency services; all copies and notes are there, so the student can work independently and upload completed homework or presentation there. An important point of this semester is that students do not have Control Papers № 1 and № 2, which are in previous courses and are valued at 30 points. UMI, part 7 is divided into: 1. Practical work of the student (40 points): attending online classes with a teacher or completing tasks in the VLE and 2. Examination control (60 points): listening (7.5 p.), grammar (10 p.), reading (7.5 p.), writing (15 p.), speaking (20 p.).
Each practical lesson during the week should contain and work out all types of speaking activities, therefore the first lesson of the course begins:
1. Listening to a text for a specialty or popular science and performing exercises for them (30 min.), for example:
Text «Mobile culture» («Мобільна культура»).
Task 1. Listen to the text and complete the tasks for it. Українцям бракує культури користування мобільними телефонами. До такого висновку дійшли соціологи, провівши опитування у найбільших містах України. Пересвідчитися у цьому можна і без досліджень. Їдучи у маршрутці, часто можна почути, що ваш сусід їстиме на вечерю, або під час вистави стати свідком ділових переговорів. В Україні ще не увійшло у звичку обмежувати спілкування по мобілці у громадських місцях, на відміну від деяких європейських країн, де обговорюють можливість впровадження великих штрафів за користування мобільним у непризначених для того місцях...
Task 1.1. Mark С (correct) or I (incorrect) next to each statement.
1. Фахівці не вважають, що є потреба пропагувати мобільну культуру.
2. Українці здебільшого дотримуються всіх правил мобільного етикету.
3. В Україні швидко звикають обмежувати телефонні розмови у громадських місцях.
Task 1.2. Choose one correct answer (A, B or C).
1. У який режим слід переводити мобільний у громадських місцях за правилами мобільного етикету?
A. тихий. B.голосний. C. типовий.
2. Що хочуть запровадити в деяких європейських країнах за користування мобільними в непризначених місцях?
A. мобільний етикет. B. заборону. C. штрафи.
3. Хто проводив опитування в найбільших містах України?
A. соціологи. B. політологи. C. журналісти.
2. Lectures on professional disciplines with various types of exercises that will be offered on the exam (30 min.), for example: 1. Read the text and insert one of the proposed options (A, B or C) in the blanks:
Наше сторіччя можна справедливо назвати добою хімії. Штучні хімічні (1) змінили наше життя. У помешканнях, в офісах та на заводах - сила-силенна аерозолів, штучних замінників цукру, косметичних засобів, барвників, друкарських та інших (2) , пестицидів, ліків, пластмас, охолоджувальних речовин, синтетичних тканин; перелік цих хімікатів (3) ... зайняти дуже багато сторінок.
(1) A. сполуки; B. сполучення; C. злуки;
(2) A. фарб; B. фарбів; C. фароб;
(3) A. був би; B. міг би; C. буде могти.
3. Speech on a free topic or consultation on writing a presentation in a specialty (30 min.). For example topics for a quick answer: 1. Розкажіть про одне з місць, де ви любите проводити час (його розташування, особливості, як часто ви його відвідуєте). 2. Що потрібно зробити, щоб стати успішним? 3. Які технологічні розробки займають важливе місце у вашому житті?
The second lesson is:
1. Processing grammar tests (20 min.) and repeating the grammar topic (25 min.), for example: Choose ONE correct answer option - the letter A, B, C or D.
1. У котрому рядку є слово, протилежне за значенням до слова спрощувати?
A. вирощувати; B. збільшувати; C. ускладнювати; D. полегшувати.
2. Що означає слово сумнів?
A. зміна, заміна чого-небудь; B. безлад, хаос, метушня;
C. смуток, сумний настрій; D. невпевненість щодо правильності, можливості чого-небудь.
3. У котрому рядку є найближче за змістом висловлювання?
Внаслідок підняття рівня води в річці регіон потерпає від повеней.
A. Через те, що вода в річці піднімається, регіон страждає від повеней.
B. Підняття води в річці є наслідком потерпання регіону від повеней.
C. Регіон терпить повені, наслідком яких є підняття води в річці.
D. В результаті того, що підняли воду в річці, район потерпає від повені.
2. Writing an essay (1 hour - 200-250 words) on one of the topics for the exam: 1. Що, на вашу думку, означає бути героєм? Хто є героєм у вашому житті?
2. Справжній друг: який він? Що таке дружба?
3. Ви - власник фірми (підприємства). Опишіть, якими ви бачите людей, котрі працюватимуть з вами (під вашим керівництвом).
The content of the site and the entire learning process is based on the following guides, according to four types of speech activity: 1. Listening: A) Palinska O. M., Kachala O. A. Hitchhiking across Ukraine (Level C1) [9]. 2. Reading: А) Boyko G. I. et al. Science and technology in the modern world [8]. B) Boyko G. I. et al. City of the Lion [6]. 3. Writing: А) Synchak O. Yabluko: a textbook on the Ukrainian language as a foreign language (higher level) [10].
During the semester, which was held in distance learning conditions, we worked with students on a large number of written exercises and tasks and allocated time for listening and speaking and conducted the maximum number of practical classes in accord-ance with the university program. In remote mode, students learned to work in different programs, with different educational material. However, as is known, during the class in the classroom, the process of learning goes much better and faster. I would also like to note that with distance learning, students perceive information worse, read and understand more slowly, and writing in general takes an extremely long time to check. Interruptions with the Internet often result in attempts to simultaneously read and answer students, which leads to a strong distortion of the sound, it is necessary to return to the beginning of the question and repeat the task. In the first period of remote work, we had to spend a lot of time to overcome students' fear of the camera and independent answers. Each student sometimes had to be listened to two or three times or given individual consultations. In general, the remote form significantly slowed down the learning process. If we take into account all the above-mentioned points, we can say that the number of shortcomings during online education played a significant role in the number of positively acquired clear practical skills and abilities of foreigners. They were never able to grasp the university program and make full use of the VLE platform. At the same time, the implementation of remote classes in the Ukrainian language for foreign students of various courses and specialties took place in practice very heterogeneously. For many (representatives of Ecuador, Congo, Azerbaijan, Morocco; majors: applied mathematics, biotechnology, architecture, tourism, cyber security, bioengineering, international relations) it was a good test. They were able to actively group together in Viber and Messenger, corresponded about the organization and conduct of classes. The work continued harmoniously and according to the schedule formed at the beginning of the semester (of course, with small adjustments). Students helped each other using all possible languages of communication. It is clear that they spent more time on their own (in particular, doing writing tasks and reading exercises), since due to poor communication we could not always hear and see them well. But we practiced the main grammar topics and listening together precisely during remote classes. Most of the foreigners (although, as we have already noted above, not all) coped with the tasks at the National Emergency Service, in general, quite well, which indicates their readiness for new conditions of study.
Conclusions from this study and further prospects in this direction
The rapid integration of distance education into the educational process, due to the introduction of quarantine restrictions and the war, became a serious impetus for its further development. There is also no doubt that the realities in which we find ourselves today will be a good incentive for the development of creative and creative capabilities of Ukrainian teachers. It is in the process of approbation and development of certain methodical developments that a scheme is clearly outlined that will be able to help foreign students learn the language and direct teachers to search for the most diverse methods of presentation and presentation of language material. Remote classes have become one of the directions for solving important problems in conducting practical classes on the Ukrainian language as a foreign language. They provide an opportunity to develop analytical abilities, ingenuity and competence of students, have significant educational potential, and are also a means of increasing motivation to study subjects, as they create conditions for the practical application of knowledge and develop self-education skills. But even a perfectly thought-out lesson will always have certain shortcomings, clarifications, etc. Therefore, only in communication and understanding the needs of the student can the teacher achieve the truth in learning and teaching.
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