General characteristic of the didactic system of information competence formation for medical students in the educational environment of university
Considers some conceptual and categorical aspects of the development of the didactic system of information competence formation for medical students in the educational environment of university. It is noted that there is no single approach to definition.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 10.10.2023 |
Размер файла | 20,5 K |
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General characteristic of the didactic system of information competence formation for medical students in the educational environment of university
Zhanna Davydova, Ph.D. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of the Humanitarian and Social-Economic Disciplines Department, PIHE “Kharkiv International Medical University”, Associate Professor of the Professorship for Learning Sciences and Higher Education, ETH Zurich
Mania Lisova, Ph.D.(Medical Sciences), Professor of the Professionally-Riented Disciplines Department, PIHE “Kharkiv International Medical University”
The article considers some conceptual and categorical aspects of the development of the didactic system of information competence formation for medical students in the educational environment of university. It is noted that there is no single approach to definition, development and content of the components of a didactic system. It's noted that a didactic system can be attributed to simple, artificially created; open, probabilistic systems, as well as one that is a set of hierarchically related components. Several models of the developed didactic systems are analyzed. Ideas of scientists became the theoretical basis for the development and scientific substantiation of the author's pedagogical system offormation of information competence of medical students in the educational environment of the university, consisting of the following blocks: predictive and targetive, containing the purpose and objectives of the system; conceptual and methodological, which includes the concept of research and defines scientific and methodological approaches of research, properties, functions and principles of formation of information competence of students of medical specialties; theoretical and content-oriented, which integrates the structural components of information competence ofmedical students; activity-procedural, containing three stages of formation of information competence of students of medical specialties, pedagogical conditions, methods, forms, means that ensure the success of this process; resultful and evaluation-oriented, which reflects the criterion-diagnostic base of the study: criteria, levels of information competence of students of medical specialties, appropriate diagnostic tools, special diagnostic methods, as well as the expected result of the implementation of the developed system.
Keywords: didactic system; medical students; information competence; educational environment; university.
Жанна Давидова, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри гуманітарних та соціально-економічних дисциплін, ПВНЗ “Харківський міжнародний медичний університет ”
Марія Лісова, кандидат медичних наук, професор кафедри професійно-орієнтованих дисциплін, ПВНЗ “Харківський міжнародний медичний університет”
У статті розглядаються концептуально-категоріальні аспекти розробки дидактичної системи інформаційної компетентності студентів медичних спеціальностей в освітньому просторі університету Проаналізовано декілька моделей, як теоретична основа для розробки та обгрунтування авторської дидактичної системи, що складається з таких компонентів: прогностично-цільовий, концептуально- методологічний, теоретико-змістовий, діяльнісно-процедурний, результативно-оцінювальний. Представлено змістове наповнення компонентів.
Ключові слова: дидактична система; студенти медичних спеціальностей; інформаційна компетентність; освітнє середовище; університет.
Іntroduction and statement of the problem
Formation of the information competence of international students in the process of medical training is a complex multidimensional process aimed at life-long education.
Information competence formation is to be based on the theoretically-grounded didactic system that can be realized in the educational environment of university.
Aim of the research and methodology
didactic medical student educational
The purpose of the research paper is to provide the general characteristic of the developed didactic system of information competence formation for international medical students in the educational environment of university. The methodological background of the research is based on theoretical study, analysis, interpretation of scientific literature.
Literature review
Scientific studies of S. Belyaeva, T. Sobchenko, A. Tkachev, O. Vyazov described the basic approaches for designing the didactic system, determining the content and functions of each component. Such researchers as L. Dobrova, O. Drokin, R. Tarasenko, I. Volodko paid special attention to the development of didactic system of information competence formation in certain fields.
Results and discussion
A problem of information competence formation for medical students should be studied as the holistic didactic system. Such an approach allows one to recall its essence in more detail, determine the basic connections between the structural components of the didactic system and to find out their signific for optimal functioning.
Analysis of literature shows that the structure of each didactic system is constituted of a chain of interconnected invariant components such as:
- students (persons who are taucht and educated);
- purpose of the training and education (what for to teach and educate);
- content of training and educating (what to to teach, what qualities to educate);
- pedagogical processes;
- teachers (or technical means of teaching and educating);
- organizational forms of training or educating [6, 649-650].
A didactic system can be attributed to a simple, artificially created, open, probabilistic one, as well as one that is a set of hierarchically related components. In order to find out the basic properties of the outlined system and the requirements for its construction, the relevant scientific and pedagogical literature was elaborated. Thus, in this regard, the scientific achievements of R. Tarasenko can be applied, namely the model developed by the author of the formation of information competence of future translators for the agricultural industry. The developed model is aimed at systematizing the process of professional training of future translators in order to meet the needs of society for qualified specialists with a high level of information competence formation [12, 82]. This model contains the purpose, content, methods, means, forms, principles, stages, which make up six main blocks: targetive, strategic and regulatory, theoretical and methodological, organizational and content- oriented, diagnostic, reflexive [12, 83]. In particular, the targetive block of the model reflects the purpose and objectives of forming the information competence of future translators. Strategic and regulatory ensures the coherence of the process of forming the information competence of future translators with international and national educational programs and standards in the context of compliance and employers' requests. The theoretical and methodological block of this model reflects the approaches and principles that underlie the formation of information competence of future translators. The organizational and content-oriented block of the model regulates the meaningful filling of the process of formation of information competence at all stages of preparation of applicants, defines forms and means of training according to the content. The diagnostic unit involves assessing the achievements of applicants for the formation of information competence in accordance with the tasks set on the basis of different methods, defined indicators and criteria. The reflexive block involves the result of the process that describes the developed model, namely the formation of information competence of future translators for the agricultural sector [12, 83-85].
О. Osova has developed a didactic system of teaching foreign languages students of philological specialties with the use of technological innovations, which contains five components of this system: targetive, organizational-motivational, substantive, procedural, evaluation-oriented. We emphasize that in the system an important role is played by the procedural component, which is aimed at the introduction of technological innovations, tools, methods, forms of training, search for new educational paradigms, principles, approaches of organizing the educational environment of students [10, 256-260].
1. Volodko identified the structural components of the model of formation of information and communication competence for specialists of physical education and sports in professional activity, which consist of targetive, theoretical, methodological, substantive, organizational-technological and evaluation-oriented blocks. The model of formation of information competence of students of technical university, developed by L. Dobrova, includes the following components: target (definition of social order of society); purpose (formation of information competence of students of technical university); tasks (ensuring pedagogical conditions of formation of information competence of students of technical university); content (content of education); functional (realization through projecting, organization, motivation, control, communication); evaluation (levels of defined competence) [3; 4]. The model of formation of information and communicative competence of future family doctors, which contains the purpose, stages, pedagogical conditions, forms, methods and means of their realization, components, criteria and the end result, was developed [9]. The system of formation of information competence of future elementary school teachers, proposed by O. Drokin, contains a set of components that form the structure of the pedagogical system, determine its development and improvement. Thus, the developed system is implemented through the close interaction of the following structural components: methodological-targetive (purpose, methodological approaches, principles of implementation of the process of formation of information competence, function); content-technological (components of information competence, stages, technological measures, content of education, independent work, forms and methods of formation of information competence, etc.); control and diagnostic (pedagogical diagnostics of the process of formation of information competence) [5, 3].
The pedagogical system of forming the educational environment in the aviation higher education institution, developed by O. Marchenko, was also useful. This system is a holistic entity that consists of interrelated components (subsystems): purposeful, theoretical, substantive, technological and analytical- evaluational. The introduction and implementation of the pedagogical system made it possible to improve, first of all, the state of formation of the educational environment of the institution of higher education, to improve the quality of professional training of specialists, to increase the indicators of educational activity [8, 228-237]. It should also be noted that the model of methodological system of practical and technical training of future teachers of informatics in the conditions of blended learning, which contains the purpose, content, methods, means, organizational forms that make up the targeted, content, operational- activity, control-regulatory and evaluative components, competencies of applicants [4, 187-191].
In the context of the organization of mixed form of training in higher education institutions for the last three years, the didactic system of blended education of students of philological specialties in higher education institutions, developed by T. Sobchenko, is of interest. This system includes the following blocks: conceptual and targetive (purpose, tasks, scientific and methodological approaches, functions of the system, principles of realization of mixed learning of students of philological specialties); content and technological-oriented (structural components of educational achievements of applicants, stages and organizational and didactic conditions of realization of their blended learning, corresponding didactic tools: models, methods, forms, means of training); diagnostic and evaluation-oriented (criteria, indicators, levels, methods of diagnostics and diagnostic methods, as well as the expected result of implementation of the system) [11, 312-329].
As noted above, the structure of the pedagogical system implies the mandatory presence of interrelated components (elements) that contribute to the integrity of the system, as well as its proper functioning in accordance with the goal and objectives. O. Vyazov believes that such functional components (elements) of the pedagogical system should be the basic links between the initial state of its structural elements and the expected end result. But, according to the researcher, the content of functional components can change under the influence of purposeful pedagogical influence [11; 2]. We agree with S. Belyaev's opinion, who determined that any pedagogical system should be rearranged “as a set of objectively scientifically sound structural elements, the interaction of which reflects objective pedagogical patterns” [1, 32]. Particular attention for our research is the approach proposed by O. Bilyk, which describes the structural and functional system of social and pedagogical support for the socialization of foreign students in the educational and cultural environment of higher education institutions in Ukraine, as the author studies the problem of socialization of foreign students in the educational environment. The developed system includes the following interrelated components: subject-object (entities and objects); conceptual target (purpose, methodological approaches, principles, regulatory framework, conditions, factors); environment (structure of educational and cultural environment of higher education institution); content- technological (content, directions, stages, forms, methods of work); evaluation (criteria, indicators and levels of formation of sociality of foreign students).
In the scientific works of S. Belyaeva, O. Vyazova, T. Sobchenko, A. Tkachov, the main functions of the pedagogical system are distinguished, such as: intersocial (formation in the personality of such qualities and properties that will contribute to the use of its potential to solve global problems of humanity, formation of a high level of social responsibility, etc.); social (preparation of young people for full-fledged life in modern society); systemic (combination of theoretical and practical knowledge of the subjects of learning, substantive and procedural aspects of the educational process through the interpenetration and interconnection of all components of the system); predictive (strategy of further development of the system, its interaction with external environmental factors, with general socio-economic conditions of social development); research (definition of educational and cognitive needs of subjects of educational activity and study of factors of optimization of functional-structural system); informational (broadcasting to the subjects of pedagogical interaction of necessary knowledge and creation of appropriate educational content); methodical (appropriate methodological support of the educational process, which contributes to improving its efficiency); technological (active use in the process of implementation of the developed system of modern educational technologies); motivational (providing stimulation and motivation of educational and cognitive activity on the basis of consideration of needs, motives, attitudes, interests of higher education applicants); managerial (principles of management of the developed system) [11; 2; 1]. It should be noted that
N. Zhitenova identifies several other functions of the pedagogical system within the intensification of the educational process, including: increasing the information saturation of the educational process; compression of educational material; adequacy of presentation of educational material in accordance with the psychophysiological characteristics of applicants; reduction of low-efficiency phases of the educational process; rational organization of educational and cognitive activity of students [11, 325; 7, 188-189]. Functions of the model of formation of information competence of A. Drokina were developed: information-searching (consists in forming and activating students' ability to navigate a wide flow of information, find the necessary information and distinguish it, evaluate the reliability and significance of new information); informational and methodical (involves the implementation of critical analysis and synthesis of information, evaluation of teaching staff, network resources, services, technologies that ensure the success of professional activity); developmental (aimed at the development of professional thinking, the ability to reflect, abilities and qualities that are related to the perception, comprehension and translation of professionally important information, stimulating the interest in organizing activities in the information sphere) [5, 82].
Let us clarify that within the framework of the above mentioned data, it should also be noted that S. Trishina and A. Hutorsky highlighted the following functions of information competence, such as: cognitive (epistemological) - systematization of knowledge and directing of a person to cognition and self-knowledge; communicative - interaction with different variants of media, intelligent and automated training programs, telecommunications, hypermedia systems; adaptive - adaptation to fast-changing living conditions and requests of the information society; normative - conformity of the set of generally accepted norms and requirements of society, professional activity; evaluative (informative) - formation and activation of human skills to navigate and filter into wide flows of information, assessing its importance; developmental - involves the integration of all defined functions [5; 14].
Thus, the above ideas of scientists became the theoretical basis for the development and scientific substantiation of the author's pedagogical system of formation of information competence of medical students in the educational environment of the university, consisting of the following blocks:
- predictive and targetive, containing the purpose and objectives of the system; conceptual and methodological, which includes the concept of research and defines scientific and methodological approaches of research, properties, functions and principles of formation of information competence of students of medical specialties;
- theoretical and content-oriented, which integrates the structural components of information competence of medical student;
- activity-procedural, containing three stages of formation of information competence of students of medical specialties, pedagogical conditions, methods, forms, means that ensure the success of this process;
- resultful and evaluation-oriented, which reflects the criterion-diagnostic base of the study: criteria, levels of information competence of students of medical specialties, appropriate diagnostic tools, special diagnostic methods, as well as the expected result of the implementation of the developed system.
Theoretical analysis of scientific research gives an opportunity to design the didactic system of information competence formation for medical students in the educational environment of university and to ground its components: predictive and targetive, theoretical and content-oriented, activity-procedural, resultful and evaluation-oriented.
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