Methodology of conducting dictations in lessons of Serbian language in an English-speaking audience
European recommendations for teaching foreign languages in higher education institutions. Practicing writing as a type of speaking activity in studying Serbian language. Dictation as an important method in the teaching of the writing of foreign students.
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Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 24.09.2023 |
Размер файла | 46,9 K |
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Размещено на
National University “Lviv Polytechnic”
Khrystyna OSIDACH,
Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages
Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages
foreign language serbian education
The article pays attention to practicing writing as a type of speaking activity in studying Serbian language. It distinguishes dictation as an important method in the teaching of the writing of foreign students. Dictations are carried out in a certain system, in compliance with the relevant methodological requirements, help students of higher education institutions to strengthen their spelling and punctuation literacy, contribute to the consolidation of writing skills.
It should be noted that the value of various types of dictation lies in the fact that they enable the teacher to organize the entire group for certain purposeful work, activate the mental activity of students, and instill skills of collective, and at the same time individual, independent work, which is regulated and coordinated by the teacher. Such work teaches foreign students to fast and accurate performance of tasks and educates their will and responsibility for independent work.
European recommendations for teaching foreign languages in higher education institutions provide for levels of abilities and skills for creating written texts in several scales - general written production, practical and creative writing. Examples of writing activities include: filling out lists of questions, questionnaires, forms, writing reports, articles and reviews, making notes for future use, creative and imaginative writing, recording speech under dictation, as well as writing personal or business letters.
It is worth emphasizing that modern methodical literature offers a large number of different types of dictations, which are performed depending on the purpose and stage of studying a particular grammatical topic in higher educational institutions. The article examines main types of dictations, which are common, mainly in groups with an average and higher level of knowledge.
Teaching practical writing in the form of dictations contributes to the growth of literacy of foreign students, their professional growth, better orientation in society, improvement of language and communication competencies.
Key words: writing as a type of speaking activity, practical writing, Serbian language, writing skills, dictation.
Христина ОСІДАЧ, викладач кафедри іноземних мов Національного університету «Львівська політехніка» (Львів, Україна)
Сергій ЯРЕМЧУК, викладач кафедри іноземних мов Національного університету «Львівська політехніка» (Львів, Україна)
У статті приділено увагу практичному письму як різновиду мовленнєвої діяльності у навчанні сербської мови. Виокремлено диктант як важливий метод у навчанні письма студентів-іноземців. Проведені в певній системі, з дотриманням відповідних методичних вимог, диктанти допомагають студентам закладів вищої освіти зміцнити їх орфографічну, пунктуаційну грамотність, сприяють закріпленню навичок письма.
Слід зазначити, що цінність різних видів диктантів полягає в тому, що вони дають можливість викладачеві організувати всю групу для певної цілеспрямованої роботи, активізують розумову діяльність студентів, прищеплюють навички колективної, а разом з тим індивідуальної та самостійної роботи, яку регулює та координує викладач. Така робота привчає студентів-іноземців до швидкого і точного виконання завдань, виховує їх волю і відповідальність за самостійну роботу.
Загальноєвропейські рекомендації щодо викладання іноземних мов у вищих навчальних закладах передбачають рівні вмінь і навичок для створення письмових текстів у кількох шкалах - загальної письмової продукції, практичного і творчого письма. Приклади письмової діяльності включають: заповнення списків запитань, анкет, формулярів, написання доповідей, статей та звітів, складання записів для майбутнього використання, творче та образне письмо, запис висловлювання під диктування, а також написання особистих чи ділових листів.
Варто наголосити, що сучасна методична література пропонує велику кількість різних видів диктантів, які виконуються залежно від мети та етапу вивчення тієї чи іншої граматичної теми у вищих навчальних закладах. У статті розглядаються основні види диктантів, які на практиці зустрічаються досить часто, переважно в групах із середнім та вищим рівнем знань.
Навчання практичного письма у формі диктантів сприяє зростанню грамотності іноземних студентів, їх професійному зростанню, кращій орієнтації в суспільстві, вдосконаленню мовної та комунікативної компетенції.
Ключові слова: письмо як вид мовленнєвої діяльності, практичне письмо, сербська мова, навички письма, диктант.
Writing, like other types of speech activity in learning Serbian as a foreign language, plays an active role in forming communicative competence in foreign students. Its most important components are linguistic, sociolinguistic, pragmatic, subject, formal, and logical competencies (Tarnopolskyi, 2008: 59). The mastery of these types of competence and their development during learning a foreign language involves written productive activity in various genres and functional styles of the language.
The European recommendations for teaching a foreign language in higher educational institutions present the levels of formation of skills and abilities to create written texts in several scales - generally written production, practical and creative writing. Examples of types of writing activities include: completing forms, questionnaires, and lists of questions, writing articles, reports and speeches, making notes for future use, creative and descriptive writing, writing personal or business letters, as well as a recording of speech under dictation (Nikolayeva, 2003: 61).
Review of recent research
Currently, a lot of attention is paid to the methodology of teaching writing in foreign languages, in particular English and German, in general education and higher educational institutions (Svyrydiuk, 2006; Tarnopolskyi, 2008; Yahontova, 2002), but very little - teaching writing in the course of Slavic languages (Yaremchuk, 2018), especially Serbian as a foreign language (Desic, 2002; Jokanovic-Mihajlov, 2004; Piper, 2014).
The purpose of the article is to consider the peculiarities of the methodology of teaching practical writing through the writing of various types of dictation in classes on Serbian as a foreign language.
Presentation of the main material
Dictations occupy one of the important places in the system of language exercises when teaching the Serbian language to foreign students at the elementary and secondary levels. Dictations help students to strengthen their orthographic, punctuation, and stylistic literacy and contribute to the consolidation of the skills of competent writing, conducted in a certain system, in compliance with the relevant methodical requirements.
The value of various types of dictations lies in the fact that they enable the teacher to organize the entire group for certain purposeful work, activate the mental activity of students, instill the skills of collective, and at the same time individual and independent work, which is regulated and coordinated by the teacher. This kind of work accustoms foreign students to the fast and accurate performance of tasks and strengthens their will and responsibility for independent work.
Modern methodological literature recommends many different types of dictations, which are carried out depending on the purpose and stage of studying particular grammar topics. It is necessary to consider the main types of dictations, which are most often used during the teaching of the Serbian language by foreign students.
Warning dictation is introduced for the purpose of studying and consolidating spelling and punctuation skills. Its peculiarity is that the text of the dictation is preliminarily reviewed by the students together with the teacher, and all difficult spellings are clarified. The work done before the dictation helps students to consolidate the studied material, understand it well, and, according to the rule, remember the spelling of words or punctuation marks. Thus, the warning dictation prevents possible mistakes of students on a certain rule.
A sample of the warning dictation. Topic: “Slozeni glagolski oblici. Futur I (buduce vreme). Futur egzaktni (futur II)”.
1. Nakon izvesnog vremena budu oni vraceni kucama. 2. Goste ce uvek ljubazno docekati. 3. Tada on bude unapreden za vodu. 4. Knjigu ces odmah procitati i vratiti. 5. Javicu se cim stignem. 6. I pred njegovom kucom ce mecka zaigrati. 7. Naljuti se na druga, pa ce mu preci: dosta vise nismo drugovi. 8. Pozdravices svoje drugove.
An explanatory dictation is also introduced to study and consolidate grammatical and orthographic material. However, the explanation of the studied spellings and punctuation marks does not take place before writing the text, but after it is written down. Such dictation can be complicated by repetition of previous material (spelling of words, punctuation).
Grammatical analysis can be carried out in different ways, depending on the preparation of students: a) after writing each sentence or word; b) after writing several sentences or a paragraph; c) after writing the entire text.
It is important to preserve the independence of students in writing when conducting explanatory dictation because this type of dictation can turn into copying. It should be added that explanatory dictation is more difficult than warning dictation and is distinguished by the greater independence of students. Therefore, it is especially important to organize and direct the attention of students to control and check what is written during dictation.
A sample of an explanatory dictation. Topic: “Trpni (pasivni) glagolski oblici”.
1. Svako biva nagraden prema zaslugama. 2. Marko je pohvaljen. 3. Obuzet radoscu, sve nas je pocastio picem. 4. Danas se otvara skola za strane jezike. 5. Staklo je premazano zastitnim slojem. 6. Baci se spremaju. 7. Posao ce biti uraden na vreme. 8. Milan je bio ucen covek, jer je dugo godina proveo nad knjigom.
Dictionary dictation is distinguished by the fact that it consists of separate words selected according to a certain grammatical rule. This dictation is used at the beginning and during the study of any spelling topic. Dictionary dictation is also used during the “spelling five-minute” to repeat the spelling of difficult words. The expediency of dictionary dictation is that you can repeat and consolidate many spelling rules in a short time.
The number of words in the dictionary dictation is as follows: at the beginner level - 10-15 words, at the intermediate level - 25-30 words.
A sample of dictionary dictations. Topic: “Pridevski sufiksi”
1. Skolski, morski, bogataski, junacki, kaluderski, zenski, fabricki, bioloski, rumunski, redakcijski, pariski.
2. Suncev, kraljev, predsednikov, uciteljev, borov, jabukov, Mesecev, orahov, hrastov, Marsov.
3. Tuzan, slobodan, plodan, mracan, radostan. strasan, formalan, muzikalan, aktivan, hronican.
Topic: “Pravopis reci stranog porekla”
1. Ikona, freska, manastir, andeo, metal, gimnazija, hiljada, biblioteka, ideja, gramatika, hor.
2. Krompir, sminka, lajtmotiv, buter. vaga, majstor, pegla, madrac, farba, moler.
3. Jastuk, megdan, kalup, secer, dugme, kutija, cilim, tepsija, papuca, carapa.
Dictation with comments is based on the principle of explaining the text written during the recording process. The purpose of such dictation is to develop in students the ability to quickly navigate the text and briefly formulate grammatical rules, highlighting its most important feature (glagolski oblici nepravilnog gradenja, duzi i kraci oblici licnih zamenica, veznik, etc).
The method of conducting this dictation is as follows: the teacher dictates sentences, and a predetermined student slowly pronounces each word and explains spellings, and punctuation marks.
A sample of dictation with comments. Topic: “Duzi i kraci oblici licnih zamenica” 1. Njima cu pokloniti knjige. 2. Secam te se. 3. O svemu ce tebe obavestiti. 4. Ovaj novac dajem tebi. 5. Dodi nam cesce. 6. Od njih je stiglo mnogo pisama, ali nista za mene. 7. Dali smo joj sav novac. 8. Videli smo ga.
Creative dictation. Creative dictations are those in which students independently make certain changes, reworking the text in the process of writing it (expanding the given sentences with the help of adjectives or adverbs, adding secondary clauses or expanding simple sentences into complex ones; changing grammatical constructions; composing the text using supporting words).
A sample of creative dictations. Topic: “Glagolski oblici nepravilnog gradenja”. Use the given words to make sentences:
1. Reci, puci, dici, leci, dici, crci, vrci.
2. Imati, slati, moci, zreti, zeti.
3. Dati, valjati, trebati, znati, zaspati.
Topic: “Imenica”
1. Put the given words in the Dative case of the singular. Banjaluka, Pozega, novinarka, Olga, Lika, autorka, Amerika, Afrika.
2. Put the given words in the Instrumental case of the singular. Kralj, mis, muz, slavuji, mac, golac, smud, toranj.
3. Put the given words in the Genitive case of the plural. Dete, drvo, ime, cudo, nebo, jaja, uvo, vreme, rame, pleme, podne, prezime.
Topic: “Veznik”
Make sentences with conjunctions.
1. Dok, jako. 2. І, kad. 3. Ako, odakle. 4. Nego, sta. 5. Jer, mada.
Control dictation. Conducting a control dictation is aimed at checking the grammar, spelling, and punctuation knowledge and skills of students on a certain topic, as well as the ability to apply this knowledge in practice. Control dictations, as a rule, are held at the end of the studied topic, at the end of the semester, or the end of the academic year and allow concluding the degree of assimilation of the completed grammar topic or section by students.
It should be remembered that the control dictation is carried out only when the teacher is sure that the students have thoroughly mastered the material and acquired permanent spelling and punctuation skills.
It is necessary to take a coherent text for control dictation, which is saturated with 50-60% spellings. The number of words in the dictation is recommended as follows: for the beginner level - up to 100 words, for the intermediate level - up to 150 words.
The teacher first reads the entire text when conducting control dictation, and then dictates individual sentences, if necessary dividing them into parts of 3-5 words each. The teacher reads the whole text again when all the sentences are thus dictated and written down, pausing after each sentence to allow the students to carefully check and correct what they have written. After that, students immediately submit their work to the teacher for review.
Control dictation is aimed at checking the correct spelling of adjectives and degrees of comparison of adjectives. A sample of the control dictation. Topic: “Pridev”
Mrtvo more... voda bez zivota
Mrtvo more je slavno jezero u jugozapadnoj Aziji. Ono se na zapadu granici sa Izraelom, a na istoku sa Jordanom. Mrtvo more predstavlja deo izraelskojordanske granice. Povrsina Mrtvog mora, 408 metara ispod nivoa mora (1996), najniza je vodena povrsina na Zemlji. Dugacko je 50 km, najveca sirina mu je 18 km, a povrsina mu iznosi 1.020 km2. Duboko je 399 metara. U njega se uliva Jordan, kao u nekoliko manjih reka.
Obicna morska voda sadrzi 4% soli, a u vodi Mrtvog mora ima citavih 26%! U takvoj vodi mozemo lepo sedeti i citati novine - necemo potonuti. Ovo neobicno vodeno prostranstvo dobilo je ime Mrtvo more jer je tolika so u vodi unistila svaki zivot.
Control dictation involves checking the spelling of verb forms in the Serbian language. A sample of the control dictation. Topic: “Glagolski oblici”.
Slobodno vreme
Zdravo! Ja sam, kao stoznate, Marko. Imam dvadeset godina i studiram turizam. U slobodno vreme sviram bubnjeve u lokalnoj rok-grupi i amaterski se bavim fotografijom. U fotografisanju zaista uzivam. Obicno vikendom, jer samo tada imam dovoljno slobodnog vremena, odlazim u prirodu i fotografisem svaki interesantan, neobicajen prizor. Obozavam i da se druzim, da idem sa prijateljima u pozoriste, bioskop, na koncerte, zurke. Volim da putujem i zeleo bih da jednog dana obidem ceo svet. Ne volim obaveze i ucenje. Ne podnosim da ustajem rano. Obozavam dugo da spavam.
Ovih dana padam s nogu od posla. Imam obaveza preko glave i nemam dovoljno vremena ni za sta. Svaki dan idem na fakultet, puno ucim jer uskoro pocinju ispiti. Bend u kojem sviram imace koncert za dve nedelje, tako da svako vece imamo probe. Poludecu! Ovakav nacin zivota mi vec ide na zivce. Ne mogu vise. Zeljan sam provoda i odmora. Muka mi je od obaveza i ucenja. Zelim da se bavim onim sto me zaista interesuje.
U subotu je veliki koncert u Beogradu i ceo moj u drustvu ide a ja ne znam sta da radim Ne znam da li da idem sa prijateljima na koncert ili da ostanem kod kuce i ucim.
Conclusions and prospects for further research
Therefore, teaching practical writing in the form of dictation contributes to the growth of literacy of foreign students, their professional growth, better orientation in society, and improvement of language and communication competence.
The article does not cover all available types of dictations. Therefore, they need further analysis, methodical understanding, and more detailed attention from scientists-methodists.
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