Practical usage of Internet resources for students of higher educational establishments
The issue of improving the methods and forms of teaching foreign languages. Improving of the quality and efficiency of foreign language professional training of specialists. Features of using Internet resources in the process of learning English.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 12.09.2023 |
Размер файла | 2,9 M |
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Uman State Pavlo Tychyna Pedagogical University
Malvina KOLOMIIETS, Lecturer at the Department
of English and methods of its Teaching
Yulia BILENKA, Lecturer at the Department
of English and methods of its Teaching
internet teaching foreign language
The issue of improving the methods and forms of teaching foreign languages is always important for education in the light of improving the quality and efficiency of foreign language professional training of specialists in any field. In the article it is claimed that in the modern methodology of teaching foreign languages, the emphasis has shifted from the formation of students strong systematized knowledge to form the ability to act independently. Internet resources help in foreign language classes to implement personal-oriented approach to education, to ensure individualization and differentiation of education, take into account students' abilities, their level of education, inclinations, interests, etc. The main aim of this article is to define forms and methods of using Internet resources in the process of learning English with students and during their own practice.
Such tasks as determination of the means of Internet resources, establishing the main directions of using Internet resources for the formation of language competences; characterization the directions of using Internet resources for the formation of reading and writing competencies are stated in the scientific work.
The expediency is substantiated and the experience of using various Internet sources as a means of intensifying foreign language learning is presented in the article. The variability of the use of different Internet sources with directfilling is described, which can be used not only in the training of foreign language students, but also in practice in general secondary education institutions and directly independently in the process of self-education and practice at schools.
The results of an experiment conducted among university teachers and students while using the same sites are presented and their effectiveness is determined.
Key words: website, resource, education, student, language.
Мальвіна КОЛОМІЄЦЬ, викладач кафедри англійської мови та методики її навчання Уманського державного педагогічного університету імені Павла Тичини (Умань, Черкаська область, Україна)
Юлія БІЛЕНЬКА, викладач кафедри англійської мови та методики її навчання Уманського державного педагогічного університету імені Павла Тичини (Умань, Черкаська область, Україна)
Питання вдосконалення методів і форм навчання іноземних мов завжди є актуальним для освіти в світлі підвищення якості та ефективності іншомовної професійної підготовки фахівців будь-якого профілю. У статті стверджується, що в сучасній методиці викладання іноземних мов акцент зміщено з формування в учнів міцних систематизованих знань на формування вміння діяти самостійно. Інтернет-ресурси допомагають на заняттях з іноземної мови реалізувати особистісно-орієнтований підхід до навчання, забезпечити індивідуалізацію та диференціацію навчання, врахувати здібності студентів, їх освітній рівень, нахили, інтереси тощо. Основна мета статті - визначити форми та методи використання Інтернет-ресурсів у процесі вивчення англійської мови зі студентами та під час власної практики у закладах загальної середньої освіти чи приватній практиці.
Такі завдання, як визначення засобів Інтернет-ресурсів, встановлення основних напрямів використання Інтернет-ресурсів для формування мовних компетенций; характеристику напрямів використання Інтернетресурсів для формування компетенций читання та письма викладено у науковій роботі.
У статті обґрунтовано доцільність та представлено досвід використання різноманітних Інтернет-джерел як засобу інтенсифікації вивчення іноземної мови. Описано варіативність використання різних Інтернет-джерел з прямим наповненням, які можна використовувати не тільки в навчанні іноземної мови учнів, а й на практиці в закладах загальної середньої освіти та безпосередньо самостійно в процесі самоосвіти та практики в школах.
Наведено результати експерименту, проведеного серед викладачів і студентів університету на базі використання одних і тих же сайтів, та визначено їх ефективність. Вказано ймовірні причини різниці результатів між вчителями та студентами. Визначено більш популярні види завдань для здобувачів освіти.
Ключові слова: вебсайт, навчання, студент, освіта, ресурс, мова.
Formulation of the problem
The issue of improving the methods and forms of teaching foreign languages is always important for education in the light of improving the quality and efficiency of foreign language professional training of specialists in any field. It is worth paying attention to the fact that in the modern methodology of teaching a foreign language, the emphasis has shifted from the formation of students strong systematized knowledge to form in them the ability to active independent activity. Achieving this goal is facilitated by the rapid development of Internet resources, which makes it possible to involve a wide variety of authentic content in the language learning process. This is relevant precisely because nowadays the priority in learning foreign languages is given to learning the language in cultures context, communicativeness and interactivity of learning, the use of information and communication technologies that contribute not only to the formation of speaking, reading, and listening skills and written speech, but also become the main means of developing independent cognitive activity of students.
In recent years, the question of use of Internet resources for learning foreign languages has risen. Internet resources help in foreign language classes to implement personal-oriented approach to education, to ensure individualization and differentiation of education, take into account students' abilities, their level of education, inclinations, interests, etc.
The possibilities of using Internet resources are enormous. Special attention acquires the use of Internet resources in English classes. You can use Internet resources in English classes to solve a number of didactic tasks: to form competences of all kinds speech activity - listening, reading, writing, speaking, form and deepen, develop phonetic, lexical, grammatical competences, using the materials of the global network; form students have stable motivation, interest in learning English. In addition, such work is aimed at studying the possibilities of Internet resources to expand the horizons of students, the skills to adjust and maintain business connections and contacts with young people in English-speaking countries.
Analysis of the latest research and publications
The issue of introducing modern information technologies into the process of teaching a foreign language in institutions of higher education was in focus researches of such scientists as M. Akopova, Baranova, N. Hez, I. Gritchenko, E. Zaitseva, O. Kryukova. B. Lapud, I. Podlasy, L. Podymova, E. Polat, M. Rogers, P. Sysoev, N. Talizina, and others. Scientists emphasize the undeniable role of information technologies in the intensification of the process teaching a foreign language in both methodological and presentational aspects. Recently, there has been an interest of researchers in the possibilities of using podcasting technology in teaching a foreign language. The works of compatriots (Zh. Anikna, O. Betsko, O. Danylyuk) are devoted to the consideration of this very issue (Pidlasyy, 2010).
Modern leading scientists on the use of Internet resources emphasize the necessity their implementation to accelerate and facilitate the study of the English language. Some usage experiences have been highlighted in recent studies Internet resources in the process of learning various aspects of the English language. However, the analysis of the use of Internet resources remains unresolved in the process of learning English.
The purpose of the article is to define forms and methods of using Internet resources in the process of learning English with students. In order to solve the specified goal, the following tasks arose: to determine the means of Internet resources, to establish the main directions of using Internet resources for the formation of language competences; to characterize the directions of using Internet resources for the formation of reading and writing competencies.
Рresenting main material
As an information system, the Internet offers its users a variety of information and resources. Modern teaching of the English language is provided by means of the Internet. The main means of the Internet can include various communication channels, for example, e-mail, Viber, etc.; video conference; creating your own home page and placing it on the Web server; access to information resources; reference catalogs; search engines.
There are many different online resources and courses that you can use to learn English. We concider that there is a problem of selecting the right material. We shall observe resources that, on the one hand, can be used for communicative purposes in class, and on the other - as references (with copyright protection) when creating your own training courses for the Internet.
The description of the site gives information about the usage of resources given. In this bank of speeches you can find hundreds of specially selected videos of real-life speeches and tailor-made pedagogical material. The Speech Repository is a free resource exclusively for non-commercial purposes. If you are an interpretation student or teacher at a DG SCIC partner university, a member of a partner organisation or a professional conference interpreter working for the European Institutions.
The activities presented can be used in the point of level, usage, domain, real-life situations or pedagogical materials. Different videos can be used through topics. For example you have students of second or fourth year of bachelor's degree. Let's take topic “Tourism”. On the interface of the website you can choose all characteristics of your students and after you will be given different videos. There is a variety of materials that can be used during educational process in the engaged topic in any relevant way.
This website contains quality English speaking language audio files, videos, interactive quizzes and printable worksheets (3). All things topics has its own alphabetical list of topics that simplifies teacher's search and preparation for the lessons. Furthermore, this resource depicts the level of each activity (from beginner to advanced). All materials are free. The teacher chooses the topic from the list and there are a lot of activities that can be used during the lesson. Every activity includes a short description, a level and time the students need to cope with it. Additionally some exercises have suggestions from the authors how to use them more productively.
This Internet resource makes the lessons interactive, interesting, useful and entertaining. 85% of the 4th year students use it during their pedagogical practice at school, while teaching English.
Pic. 1 Homepage of the Speech Repository (2)
Pic. 2 Homepage of the Allthingstopics
This website contains resources and tools for teachers and students. There are 3563 ESL worksheets, 4392 multimedia resources and more then 855 686 users all over the world. The teacher can choose the type of English: business or general, American or British English, IELTS exam preparation, English for special purposes, medical English, legal English, English for kids, English for teenagers. To find an appropriate material you just need to type keywords, lesson time, a level, a type of English. Every lesson has a general description. For example: the lesson “Why do people love?”. “This lesson focuses on a TED-Ed video which explores the reasoning behind love and why humans feel such an emotion. Students will discuss love in relation to their own lives and watch a video that offers philosophical arguments for why humans experience romantic love. Exercises will focus on useful and interesting vocabulary and there will be a debate task where students try to explain the meaning of love”, told Peter Clarkin (Clarkin, 2023).
This website supports your attempts in studying and teaching English grammar. It includes different topics from adjectives and adverbs to zero conditionals. There are various activities: exercises, word searches, crosswords, tests, quizzes, board games, grammar games, videos, worksheets (6).
This website provides you with free downloadable practice material for students and teachers. All worksheets are in PDF format and can be viewed and printed on all devices. Worksheets are divided into B1 (Intermediate) and B2 (Upper-Intermediate) levels. There are the following sections: Grammar, Vocabulary, Articles for reading tasks, Writing. This Internet resource will be useful for high school students and university students. It can be also used for a self-studying as it contains answers to all exercises. Teachers can take it as a part of test for checking grammar and vocabulary (7).
It is a useful resource for improving listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. There are four levels: Elementary, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate and Upper-Intermediate. This website provides you and your students with materials for preparation to the KET, PET and FCE exams. It contains tests with answers and audio scripts.
Pic. 3 Homepage of Linguahouse Website (5)
Pic. 4 Homepage of All Things Grammar Website
Pic. 5 Homepage of English-Practice Website
This website includes materials for different grades: preschool, kindergarten, from 1st to 8th grade. It has categories: Printable Worksheets, Games, Guided Lessons, Lessons Plans and More (Hands-on Activities, Interactive Stories, Online Exercises, Printable Workbooks, Science Projects, Song Videos). All materials you can sort by popularity, most recent, title, relevance.
Grammar tests are available. A teacher or a student types keywords and the site presents a grammar test. This resource is excellent for exam preparation. A student gets an immediate answer.
According to our resource we propose to your attention two diagrams to compare the popularity of websites among students and teachers. We asked 80 students of the 4th year of studying at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and 80 teachers from schools to put the websites in order they used them at their school practice and work.
The list of the websites are the following:
1. All Things Topics
2. Linguahouse
3. All Things Grammar
4. English Practice
7. Grammar
The results presented in the diagrams can give us information about the popularity of using presented resources. We may follow that there are some websites that are interesting for both students and teachers practically the same. Our interest is focused on the issue of the difference. As it can be seen teachers more often use some materials for grammar activi-
Pic. 8 Homepage of GrammarQiuz.Net
Fig. 1 ^e popularity among students
Fig. 2 The popularity among teachers
ties than students and it is not strange. Approximately 60% of students of different age range prefer rather doing some reading or listening tests than grammar.
Speaking of “” website we were surprised a lot to find such a big difference in using it by students and teachers. Students used it twice more often that can be caused by different reasons. We may find some objective reasons but there were not any negative feedback from teachers. There can be such an easy thing that sometimes we just get used to take some resources from several websites and just then there is no reason to find more and use wide variety of links in preparing some topics and activities for students.
Recent four years have brought people new trials. Firstly we supposed to find new ways of improving online education sitting in isolation, then we were forced to cope with military and political situation in the question of education. The process of gaining skills and knowledge cannot be influenced negatively, despite of all the troubles. However, our main goal is to provide students with high-quality materials and access to getting knowledge.
Taking the results, presented in our research, there can be made a conclusion of efficiency of sources that are given. Based on the calendar planning, subject matter and own objective reasons, the teacher should choose those materials or websites that will be most effective at a certain stage of learning.
The use of convenient and effective “Google Meet”, “Google Qassroоm”, “Zoom” in combination with sources filled with useful and functional materials will bring effective learning results at a high level. It is also very convenient way as student have the access both during classes and at home preparing their homework.
1. Підласий І. П. Продуктивний педагог. Настільна книга вчителя. Х.: Основа, 2010. 360 с.
2. Speech Repositary. URL:
3. Allthingstopics Website. URL:
4. Lesson plan for english teachers “WHY DO WE LOVE?” URL: general-english/why-do-we-love
5. INNOVATION IN LEARNING. Resources and tools for ESL teachers, students and language schools. URL: https://www.
6. All Things Grammar Website. URL:
7. English-Practice Website. URL:
8. Website. URL:
9. GrammarQuizz.Net Website. URL:
1. Pidlasyy, I. P. Produktyvnyy pedagog. Nastil'na knyga vchytelya [The Productive Teacher. Tabletop Teacher's Book]. Kharkiv, 2010, 360 p.
2. Speech Repositary. URL:
3. Allthingstopics Website. URL:
4. Lesson plan for english teachers “WHY DO WE LOVE?” URL: general-english/why-do-we-love
5. INNOVATION IN LEARNING. Resources and tools for ESL teachers, students and language schools. URL: https://www.
6. All Things Grammar Website. URL:
7. English-Practice Website. URL:
8. Website. URL:
9. GrammarQuizz.Net Website. URL:
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