Didactic principles of information competence formation in international students of medical specialties
The definition of the concept "didactic principle". Determination and substantiation of basic general and specific didactic principles. Analysis of various systems of didactic principles of information-communication and information competence formation.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 24.08.2023 |
Размер файла | 51,3 K |
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H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University
ETH Zurich
Z. V. DAVYDOVA Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Doctoral Student at the Department of Education Science and Innovative Pedagogy, Postdoctoral Researcher of the Professorship
of Learning Science and Higher Education
Kharkiv, Zurich
information competence didactic communication
The article analyzes the didactic principles of information competence formation in international students of medical specialties. The definition of the concept “didactic principle” is presented. Basic general and specific didactic principles are determined and substantiated. Theoretical background on the basis of scientific research review is provided. Various systems of didactic principles of information-communication and information competence formation are analyzed. It is concluded that the formation of information competence of foreign medical students should be implemented on the basis of taking into account two groups of principles: leading general didactic and specific. The following principles are included into the first group: system-orientation and systematicity (organization of the submission of educational material in a certain order, that is, the logical connection of each new element of its content with the previous and subsequent element, as well as ensuring the systematic assimilation of educational material by the applicants through the implementation of systematic actions of all participants in the educational process); awareness (leads to a thorough acquisition of students' knowledge on the basis of awareness of their close connection with practical activities, ensuring the integration of the knowledge, skills acquired in the educational process, skills for successful completion of tasks in quasi-professional and professional activities); scientific-orientation (points to the existence of a regular link between scientific information and educational material in different disciplines, and also involves the disclosure of the objectivity of scientific facts, concepts, laws, theories, coverage of modern achievements and prospects for the development of various scientific fields, including medical); individualization and differentiation of training (provides consideration of individual characteristics and educational opportunities of each foreign medical student). The specific principles are identified: professional orientation (the process of forming the specified competence of the applicants is closely related to their professional development); taking into account the mental and cultural characteristics of foreign students (involves taking into account their socio-cultural characteristics: cultural, ethnic, religious, linguistic, as well as cultural traditions, customs, social value orientations, which allows to counteract the communicative barriers that arise in the environment, different cultures); activity and interactivity-orientation (encourages students to participate actively in the educational process through the organization of the teacher of an interactive educational environment, in particular through the widespread use of active and interactive methods, teaching aids, which will promote better perception and assimilation of educational material, the formation of their positive attitude to the learning; updating the subjective position of the applicants when working with information (aimed at selecting a set of methods, forms, training tools that ensures the transformation of the future specialist into an autonomous subject of information activity).
Key words: pedagogical principles, didactic system, international medical students, general principles, specific principles.
Ж. В. ДАВИДОВА кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, докторант кафедри освітології та інноваційної педагогіки, Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г. С. Сковороди, м. Харків, Україна; старший дослідник лабораторії педагогіки та вищої освіти, Вища технічна школа, м. Цюрих, Швейцарія
У статті проаналізовано дидактичні принципи формування інформаційної компетентності іноземних студентів медичних спеціальностей. Представлено визначення поняття «дидактичні принципи». Визначено та обґрунтовано загальні та спеціальні педагогічні принципи. Представлено теоретичне обґрунтування на основі огляду наукових досліджень за темою. Проаналізовано декілько систем дидактичних принципів формування інформаційно-комунікаційної та інформаційної компетентності. Визначено, що формування інформаційної компетентності іноземних здобувачів медичної освіти має реалізовуватися на основі врахування двох груп принципів: провідних загальнодидактичних та специфічних. Так, до першої групи були віднесені такі принципи: системності й систематичності (полягає в організації подачі навчального матеріалу в певному порядку, тобто логічне пов'язання кожного нового елементу його змісту з попереднім та наступним елементом, а також забезпечення системності засвоєння навчального матеріалу здобувачами за допомогою здійснення планомірних дій усіх учасників освітнього процесу); усвідомленості (зумовлює ґрунтовне засвоєння студентами знань на основі усвідомлення їх тісного зв'язку з практичною діяльністю, забезпечення інтеграції набутих в освітньому процесі знань, умінь, навичок для успішного виконання завдань у квазіпрофесній та професійній діяльності); науковості (вказує на наявність закономірного зв'язку між науковою інформацією та навчальним матеріалом з різних дисциплін, а також передбачає розкриття об'єктивності наукових фактів, понять, законів, теорій, висвітлення сучасних досягнень і перспектив розвитку різних наукових галузей, зокрема медичної); індивідуалізації й диференціації навчання (забезпечує врахування індивідуальних особливостей та навчальних можливостей кожного іноземного студента-медика).
Специфічними принципами формування інформаційної компетентності іноземних здобувачів-медиків в межах реалізації розробленої дидактичної системи є такі: професійної спрямованості (вимагає, щоб процес формування зазначеної компетентності здобувачів був тісно пов'язаний з їхнім професійним становленням); урахування ментально-культурних особливостей іноземних студентів (передбачає врахування їхніх соціокультурних особливостей: культурних, етнічних, релігійних, мовних, а також культурних традицій, звичаїв, суспільних ціннісних орієнтацій, що дозволяє нівелювати комунікативні бар'єри, які виникають у здобувачів в освітньому середовищі, а також попередити конфліктні ситуації між представниками різних країн і носіями різних культур); активності й інтерактивності (спонукає студентів до активної участі в навчальному процесі через організацію викладачем інтерактивного освітнього середовища, зокрема через широке використання активних та інтерактивних методів, засобів навчання, що сприятиме кращому сприйняттю та засвоєнню здобувачами навчального матеріалу, формуванню в них позитивного ставлення до навчальних дисциплін і до інформації, що опрацьовується суб'єктами навчання під час їх вивчення); актуалізації суб'єктивної позиції здобувачів під час роботи з інформацією (спрямований на відбір комплексу методів, форм, засобів навчання, який забезпечує перетворення майбутнього фахівця в автономного суб'єкта інформаційної діяльності).
Ключові слова: дидактичні принципи, дидактична система, іноземні студенти медичних спеціальностей, загальні принципи, специфічні принципи.
Medical training of international students at universities is concerned with acquiring loads of professionally-oriented information that requires the improvement of their information competence. The didactic system of information competence formation in international medical students is to be developed.
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the system of didactic principles of information competence formation in international medical students.
Analysis of the latest research and publications
Such scientists as M.Bondarev, A.Trach, A.Tkachov, N. Zhuravleva and L. Shkerina, S. Dotsenko, T.Sobchenko and others paid attention to the development and theoretical substantiation of the system of didactic principles.
Presentation of the main material of the study
Implementation of each didactic system, regardless of its type and components, implies adherence to certain principles of learning, both general and specific. Let us clarify that the principles (from the Latin Principium - the beginning, the basis) of learning derive from the objective pedagogical laws and laws of learning and are determined by the goals and objectives of this process and are “the basic starting points of any scientific system, theory, ideological direction, etc.” [Kin; Sobchenko]. According to the views of M. Bondarev and A.Trach, the principles of teaching are understood as the normative provisions that should be used in the educational process. After all, they make it possible to successfully resolve the question of what content of education to select and what materials and techniques to use in mixed learning of students [Bondarev: 43].
In determining the principles of forming the information competence of foreign medical education students, we relied on the findings of scientists who have explored various aspects of the problem outlined for our research. Thus, A.Tkachov defined the following principles of formation of key competences of the subjects of learning:
- the principle of scientific (ensuring the conformity of the educational process with the organization and content of the latest scientific achievement);
- the principle of taking into account age and individual characteristics (formation of key competences based on high individual abilities of applicants);
- the principle of practical orientation of training (involvement of capable applicants in different types of pedagogically expedient active educational and cognitive activity, shifting the emphasis in the educational process to increase the amount of information intended for learning, to form the ability of the applicants to independently obtain, process and use it in practice);
- the principle of differentiation of learning (differentiated realization of training on different grounds);
- the principle of optimal combination of pedagogical leadership with the initiative and amateur activity of applicants (gradual change of roles of teacher and applicants);
- the principle of ensuring objective diagnosis of educational achievements (requires the use of not traditional subject matter, but complex criteria, which allow to determine the level of formation of key competences of applicants) [Tkachov: 325-326].
The conclusions of N. Zhuravleva and L. Shkerina on the definition of the following basic principles of formation of key competences in the applicants of education were also used:
- expediency (the formation of key competences in the personality should not be detrimental to its major training );
- consistency (mastering these competences by the applicants involves the consistent mastery of each competence component according to its composition);
- continuity (formation of key competences should occur throughout the life of students in the educational establishment);
- integrativeness (ensuring the mastery of key competences by the subjects of training should include the allocation of existing integrative links between these competences);
- awareness and activity (mastering key competences requires purposeful and active involvement in this process of the individual, as well as providing a conscious understanding of her that these competences will really be needed in her later life) [Zhuravleva: 32].
In her scientific work, S. Dotsenko distinguished the following didactic principles: continuity and prospectiveness, consistency and systematicity, fusionism, applied orientation, clarity, co-creation, learning activity, novelty [Dotsenko: 260-269].
The scientific views of T. Sobchenko, who singled out and characterized the general and specific principles of blended learning of students-philologists, also became useful. In particular, the author highlights the following general principles:
- integrity, systematicity and consistency;
- accessibility;
- individualization;
- clarity;
- strength of learning;
- scientific-orientation;
the optimal combination of different methods of teaching students [Sobchenko: 336-337].
In addition, T Sobchenko defines the following specific principles of blended learning of applicants for philological profile:
- interactivity (organization of the educational environment through the use of various interactive methods and teaching aids to ensure the activity of applicants and to form in them a positive attitude to the information provided);
- flexibility and adaptability (completing the learning tasks at the optimum pace for the student, at a convenient time, anywhere according to his individual needs and capabilities);
- professional orientation (acquisition of relevant professional competences by applicants);
- structure-orientation (creation of educational content, which should logically combine all its semantic components);
- providing effective direct connection and feedback (creating feedback sites, ie “triangle of communication” teacher - applicant - computer);
- orientation to cloud services, active use of ICT in the learning process (taking into account the current state of development of ICT and digital technologies in education);
- joint activities of the facilitator teacher (teacher-tutor) and students (changing the roles of the teacher and students who manifest themselves as an instructor, expert, organizer, etc.) [Sobchenko: 348-349].
Some interest in the research was aroused by the scientific views of M. Bondarev and A.Trach, who distinguished the following principles of training:
- orientation to specific students (taking into account the personal and age characteristics of applicants, as well as the direction of their professional training);
- motivation of student learning, stimulating the development of a positive attitude towards this process (the success of the educational activities of its subjects depends to a large extent on the level of their interest in mastering new knowledge and skills in the study of certain educational disciplines);
- priority of self-study (independent activity of students, being an important type of their educational activity, involves not only the implementation of different types of independent work, but also the independent organization of the process of their learning within the framework of studying specific training courses);
- joint activities of the teacher-tutor and students (planning, organization, implementation of the educational process, evaluation of its results and, if necessary, correction); individualization of training (provides for the possibility of creating an individual educational trajectory of the applicant in accordance with the direction and profile of his professional training, focused on meeting his specific educational needs and achieving individual learning goals based on taking into account current educational achievements, psychophysiological and cognitive characteristics of the individual);
- updating the learning outcomes (involves the application in practice within the various training courses acquired by students in the process of learning knowledge, skills, qualities, etc.);
- awareness of learning (awareness, comprehension by all participants of the educational process of their actions regarding its organization and implementation);
- professional orientation of training (in the context of the future profession allows to form and improve the professional competences of a specialist to a level sufficient for effective professional activity);
- necessary and sufficient fundamentalization of vocational training (related to the tendency of fundamentalization of education in general, which directs learning to understand and use the essential system-forming links between different processes of the outside world and, accordingly, cross-curricular links);
- autonomy of learning (achievement of the student's goals);
- flexibility of training (individual pace of work, way of teaching material, optimal management of the learning process);
- interactivity (involves the organization of effective feedback and the use of an active form of interaction of the subjects of the educational process both within the classroom and in the process of independent study of the course materials);
- expediency (determines the importance of rationalization of students' learning activities, activation of their independent work, achievement of educational goals in the most productive way, facilitating the work of the teacher, reducing the time of study only if it allows to increase the efficiency of this process);
- convenience (due to the requirement of comfortable interaction of the subjects of the educational process with the help of such elements ofthe educational system as the educational portal, network resources, training modules, etc.);
- adequate distribution of educational activities (combination of elements of independent, distance (online) training and classroom, which meets the goals and objectives of the course);
- permanent support for the student's independent educational activity (involves the organization of active interaction of students and the teacher throughout the study on the educational portal of the university or in the educational social network);
- the integrity of the educational environment (requires a systematic combination of all components of the learning system, including learning tools that perform various functions, such as: electronic / printed textbook, mobile application, student portfolio, additional network resources, control materials, etc.);
- multimodal presentation of educational information (involves active use both within the framework of self-study and in the classroom lessons of educational materials of different modality according to the logic and features of the course);
- ensuring the autonomy of students `educational activities (related to the important role of students' independent work in modern education, implies that they can take over their educational activities, implement its assessment and adjustment, as well as capable of independently obtaining, processing and interpreting information, critically comprehending it);
- elective learning (consists in the application of elements of asynchronous learning, when students are given a certain freedom to choose the content, forms, methods, sources, means, time, place of study) [Bondarev: 43-48].
As it was found out, O. Spirin, while studying the problem of formation of information communication and informative competence of students, expressed his opinion on the choice of the optimal system of didactic principles [Spirin 2006; Spirin 2009]. In particular, the author distinguishes such principles as: organization of training, selection of content of educational material, differentiation and individualization of learning, strength of knowledge, principle of intellectual skills of mental work, professional skills, principle of relevance of professional knowledge and skills, principle of providing creative independence and activity of students, principle of profitability in learning, methods, teaching aids, the principle of combining the individual and the collective.
We also consider the thorough scientific works of the researcher O.Mokroguz, which studies the problem of using multimedia tools, which include information and communication technologies in the educational environment, which are important for the study of the problem of research. In particular, this researcher has identified the following general principles of the use of multimedia tools in the educational process:
- scientific orientation (providing enrichment of educational material with modern fundamental provisions on information technologies of training, as well as their active use in this process, in particular for the formation of scientific concepts in the applicants);
- conscious attitude to learning (awareness of all participants in the educational process of learning goals and objectives based on widespread use of ICT);
- creative activity (selection of independent, creative, problematic and search tasks);accessibility, taking into account the age characteristics of students (transition from the principle of general accessibility to the principle of individual accessibility of training for each applicant with active assistance and control by the teacher);
- complexity of the educational flow of information (choice of the optimal pace of training of the applicant);
- clarity (disclosing the essential connections of the object, visualizing those knowledge that requires higher degrees of abstraction);
- systematicity and consistency (organizing the submission and assimilation of new educational material by students through the implementation of systematic actions of all participants in the educational process);
- communications or cognitive communication (organization of communication between the computer and the student) [Mokroguz: 37-39].
With regard to the specific princes of the study identified by O. Mokroguz, let us clarify that they are somewhat similar to those of T.Sobchenko's specific principles of blended learning by the author. However, O.Mokroguz supplemented them with such principles as: individualization, systematicity, minimization, aesthetics-orientation [Mokroguz: 61-62].
The point of view of O. Marchenko, who in the study of the problem of forming the educational environment in the institution of higher education, identified the following specific principles of learning: nature-orientation, rational organization, integrity, openness, selforganization, subjectivity, professional context, sectoral self-identification, self-development, self-identification of inner resources in extreme situations [Marchenko: 236].
In the context of the raised scientific problem, attention should also be drawn to the conclusions of O.Bilyk, who, during the development of the author's system of social and pedagogical support for the socialization of foreign students in the educational and cultural environment of the institution of higher education, distinguished and substantiated the general social and pedagogical (humanistic orientation, integration, harmonization of social and individual), special (informativeness, cultural conformity, social activity and subjectivity, continuity, complexity) and taking into account the specifics of the contingent of foreign students - specific principles (dialogue of cultures and productive intercultural interaction, tolerance) [Bilyk: 262].
Based on the stated above, it is concluded that the formation of information competence of foreign medical students should be implemented on the basis of taking into account two groups of principles: leading general didactic and specific. Thus, the following principles are included into the first group:
- system-orientation and systematicity (organization of the submission of educational material in a certain order, that is, the logical connection of each new element of its content with the previous and subsequent element, as well as ensuring the systematic assimilation of educational material by the applicants through the implementation of systematic actions of all participants in the educational process);
- awareness (leads to a thorough acquisition of students' knowledge on the basis of awareness of their close connection with practical activities, ensuring the integration of the knowledge, skills acquired in the educational process, skills for successful completion of tasks in quasi-professional and professional activities);
- scientific-orientation (points to the existence of a regular link between scientific information and educational material in different disciplines, and also involves the disclosure of the objectivity of scientific facts, concepts, laws, theories, coverage of modern achievements and prospects for the development of various scientific fields, including medical);
- individualization and differentiation of training (provides consideration of individual characteristics and educational opportunities of each foreign medical student).
The study also identified that the specific principles of forming the information competence of foreign medical seekers within the implementation of the developed didactic system are as follows:
-professional orientation (the process of forming the specified competence of the applicants is closely related to their professional development);
- taking into account the mental and cultural characteristics of foreign students (involves taking into account their socio-cultural characteristics: cultural, ethnic, religious, linguistic, as well as cultural traditions, customs, social value orientations, which allows to counteract the communicative barriers that arise in the environment, different cultures);
- activity and interactivity-orientation (encourages students to participate actively in the educational process through the organization of the teacher of an interactive educational environment, in particular through the widespread use of active and interactive methods, teaching aids, which will promote better perception and assimilation of educational material, the formation of their positive attitude to the learning;
- updating the subjective position of the applicants when working with information (aimed at selecting a set of methods, forms, training tools that ensures the transformation of the future specialist into an autonomous subject of information activity).
It should be noted that the characteristic conceptual and technological block plays an important role in the further development of the didactic system of formation of information competence of foreign students of medical specialties in the educational environment of the university.
So, the didactic system of information competence formation in international medical students should be based on two groups of didactic principles - general (system-orientation and systematicity, awareness, scientific-orientation, individualization and differentiation of training) and specific (professional orientation, taking into account the mental and cultural characteristics of foreign students, activity and interactivity orientation, updating the subjective position of the applicants when working with information). These principles are interconnected with each other and make the foundation of the conceptual and technological block of the developed didactic system.
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