Innovative methods of training lawyers: theoretical and legal aspects

Overview of the problem of implementing innovative methods of training lawyers. Reforming the system of Ukrainian higher legal education. Implementation of innovative information and communication technologies of education in accordance with social needs.

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Дата добавления 06.08.2023
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Innovative methods of training lawyers: theoretical and legal aspects

Olha Chepik-Trehubenko

Ph.D. (Law), Associate Professor

(Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Dnipro, Ukraine)


У статті проведено теоретико-правовий аналіз проблематики впровадження інноваційних методів навчання юристів. Наголошено, що трансформація політичних, правових, економічних, соціальних, духовно-культурних складових сучасного конституційного ладу України потребує сучасних підходів до виховання та навчання майбутнього покоління. Враховуючи високу роль правників у державотворенні та правотворенні, особливої уваги потребує підготовка висококваліфікованих правників у вітчизняних закладах вищої освіти, спроможних реалізовувати складні фахові та дослідницькі завдання.

Акцентовано, що сучасна система української вищої правничої освіти в нових реаліях потребує активних змін та оновлення змістовного наповнення на всіх рівнях, враховуючи умови навчання під час воєнного стану та в післявоєнний період. Пріоритетним завданням є пошук та впровадження інноваційних методів навчання правників відповідно до нових суспільних потреб та запитів. Взаємозалежним до ефективного впровадження інноваційних технологій навчання є системне підвищення та вдосконалення свого рівня знань та навичок науково-педагогічними працівниками.

Зазначено, що в умовах активного розвитку та інформатизації всіх сфер суспільства, все більшого впровадження інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій у життя людини, що безперечно стосується і освітньої сфери, доступність інформації збільшується з неймовірною швидкістю. Наголошено на перевагах та недоліках цього явища.

Підкреслено, що з метою вдосконалення системи впровадження інноваційних методів та технологій у закладах вищої освіти важливим є забезпечити підготовку кваліфікованих фахівців у сфері розробки інновацій для впровадження в навчальний процес, враховуючи фахову специфіку, на загальнодержавному рівні та на рівні окремих закладів вищої освіти. Окремо слід звернути увагу на механізм поширення інноваційних методів та технологій серед закладів вищої освіти, їх аналіз, надання відгуків щодо їх ефективності - цей напрям потребує окремого дослідження та уваги вчених-правознавців та інших наук.

Ключові слова: юридична освіта, правники, конституційний лад, інноваційність, інноваційні методи.


The article provides a theoretical and legal analysis of the problems of implementing innovative methods of training lawyers. It is emphasised that the transformation of the political, legal, economic, social, spiritual and cultural components of the modern constitutional system of Ukraine requires current approaches to the education and training of the future generation. Furthermore, considering the high role of lawyers in state-building and law-making, training highly qualified lawyers in domestic institutions of higher education, capable of implementing complex professional and research tasks, requires special attention. It is emphasised that the modern system of Ukrainian higher legal education in new realities needs operational changes and renewal of content at all levels, considering the conditions of education during martial law and in the post-war period. The priority task is to find and implement innovative methods of training lawyers for new social needs and requests. Systematic improvement and improvement of the knowledge and skills of scientific and pedagogical workers are interdependent on the practical implementation of innovative learning technologies.

It is noted that in the conditions of active development and informatisation of all spheres of society, the increasing introduction of information and communication technologies into human life, which undoubtedly also applies to the educational sphere, the availability of information is increasing at an incredible speed. The advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon are emphasised.

It is emphasised that to improve the system of introducing innovative methods and technologies in institutions of higher education, it is essential to ensure the training of qualified specialists in the field of innovation development for implementation in the educational process, taking into account professional specifics, at the national level and the level of individual institutions of higher education. Furthermore, particular attention should be paid to disseminating innovative methods and technologies among higher education institutions, their analysis, and providing feedback on their effectiveness. This direction requires independent research and the attention of legal scholars and other sciences.

Keywords: legal education, lawyers, constitutional system, innovativeness, innovative methods.

Relevance of the study

innovative methods training lawyers

The systematic transformation of the political, legal, economic, social, spiritual and cultural components of the modern constitutional system of Ukraine requires the latest and innovative approaches to education and training of the future generation and older people who continue their education or improve their qualifications. Education and upbringing are of fundamental importance worldwide for preparing a person for a whole life in society and specialists for any sphere of life. The higher the complexity of the profession and its system dynamics, the more attention is needed to developing and implementing the most effective training methods. Considering the increased role of lawyers in state-building and law-making, training highly qualified lawyers in domestic institutions of higher education, capable of implementing complex professional and research tasks, requires special attention.

So, the problem of implementing full-scale and effective innovative activity in the training of lawyers in Ukraine has both a theoretical and applied nature.

Recent publications review. Within the pedagogical science framework, innovativeness in the field of education is represented by the works of such researchers as V. Kremen, V. Ilyin, S. Proleev "The phenomenon of innovation: education, society, culture", 2008 [1], I. Dobroskok, V. Kotsur, S. Nikitchyna and others "Innovative pedagogical technologies: theory and practice of use in higher education", 2008 [2], P. Saukh, O. Antonova, O. Berezyuk, S. Vitvytska, O. Vlasenko, O. Vozniuk, and others "Innovations in higher education: problems, experience, prospects", 2011 [3], S. Tolochko "Theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of scientific and methodological competence of teachers in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education", 2019 [4]; "Innovative learning technologies", 2021 [5], H. Ochkan "Innovative learning technologies", 2016 [6], V. Vykhrusch, S. Humenyuk, O. Vykhrusch-Oleksyuk "Psycho- didactics of the higher school: innovative teaching methods", 2017 [7], H. Bakhtiyarova and others "Innovative learning technologies", 2016 [8], G. Kaletnik, R. Kravets, N. Lazorenko, V. Tymkova, L. Shapovalyuk "System of pre-university training in the countries of Western Europe and innovative methods of learning in universities of Ukraine", 2013 [9], N. Chen "Didactic conditions for the organisation of innovative learning in higher pedagogical educational institutions", 2010 [10], M. Skladanovska "Innovative learning: activation of cognitive activity of students", 2007 [11] and others. Among philosophers, M. Lysenko dealt with the innovativeness of education "Innovative paradigm of higher education of Ukraine under the conditions of transition to the information society", 2013 [12] and others.

Scientific and pedagogical workers of institutions of higher education in conditions of "digitalisation" of jurisprudence and to create an innovative scientific and educational climate in higher education institutions systematically introduce innovative technologies into the educational process, which as a result increases the creative initiative of students of higher education, helps to combine their academic and scientific research work optimally, etc. Thus, the legal aspects of innovative technologies in the training of lawyers are presented in the results of L. Nalivayko, L. Martseniuk's "Determination of the expediency of using business games in the training of students of higher education institutions, including future police officers", 2021 [13], V. Simonenko "Innovative methods in training of judges", 2014 [14], O. Fathutdinova "Introduction of new technologies in the process of training legal specialists", 2012 [15] and others. However, the lack of an effective internal system for ensuring the quality of education in institutions of higher education, the inadequate level of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of graduates and several other aspects contribute to the need for further research into innovation issues in the higher education system of Ukraine.

The article's objective is a theoretical and legal study of implementing innovative teaching methods in legal institutions of higher education in Ukraine.


Increasing the competitiveness of any country in the modern world involves a transition from the extensive use of human resources with a low level of basic professional training to the intensive use of a highly qualified workforce adapted to the conditions of a socially oriented, innovative economy. This requires the formation of a comprehensive system of effective transformation of modern knowledge into new technologies, products and services that find their real consumers on national or global markets; that is, it requires the development of an effective national innovation system [16]. In an age where technological advancements and innovations are at their peak, there are many opportunities for innovative learning and teaching methodologies. Traditional teaching methods were primarily based on the teacher's explanation of the textbook topic, and students were not active participants in the lesson. New teaching methods encourage students to actively participate in the classroom to awaken their curiosity and creativity [17, 18].

The goal of any educational system is training, education and personality development, and its indicator is a positive result, which today in professional education is considered through high-quality training of a specialist [19, p. 40]. The system of higher legal education is no exception, and innovation is an integral part of it.

Innovation in education is considered as an implemented innovation in the content, methods, techniques and forms of educational activity and personality education (such as methods and technologies), in the range and forms of organising the management of the educational system, as well as in the organisational structure of educational institutions, in the means of training and education and approaches to social services in education. This significantly increases the educational process's quality, efficiency and effectiveness [20]. It is important to emphasise that this approach is relevant for every level of education because if a child did not receive proper training in a secondary education institution, then getting a profession already in a higher education institution will be much more difficult due to the lack of quality basic knowledge and skills.

The concept of "innovative activity" in the educational system is the development of new content and new teaching methods. Although innovations in education are a natural phenomenon, dynamic in nature and developmental in results, their introduction allows for resolving contradictions between the traditional system and the need for qualitatively new education [21]. Innovative activity in Ukraine is provided for by the Laws of Ukraine "On Priority Areas of Science and Technology Development" dated July 11, 2001, "On Priority Areas of Innovative Activity in Ukraine" dated September 8, 2011, other laws of Ukraine and several secondary legal acts.

Pedagogical innovation, by the features of innovative processes in education, should include the following theoretical blocks of concepts and principles: the creation of new things in the system of education and pedagogical science, perception of new things by the socio- pedagogical community, application of pedagogical innovations, a method of recommendations for theorists and practitioners regarding knowledge of innovative educational processes in education and their management [19, p. 40].

Furthermore, the introduction and approval of the new in educational practice are conditioned by positive transformations. Therefore, it should become a means of solving the actual tasks of a specific educational institution and withstand experimental verification for the final application of innovations. This should consist of modern modelling, organisation of nonstandard lecture-practical, seminar classes; individualisation of teaching aids; office, group and additional training; optional, at the choice of students, deepening of knowledge; problem- oriented learning; scientific and experimental when studying new material; development of a new knowledge evaluation control system; application of computer, multimedia technologies; educational and methodical products of the new generation [22, p. 28].

In the conditions of active development and informatisation of all spheres of society, the increasing introduction of information and communication technologies into human life, which undoubtedly also applies to the educational sphere, the availability of information is increasing at an incredible speed. This certainly has both advantages and disadvantages. Suppose the benefits are apparent among the drawbacks. In that case, one should single out the inability to find the correct information, the endless information flow, the lack of skills to systematise information, etc. In this connection, the challenge for the whole society, and the educational sphere in particular, to master the techniques and methods of finding and using primary sources, critically analysing national and foreign legislation, etc., becomes apparent. All this requires the active integration of innovative approaches into the training of future lawyers.

There is no doubt that traditional learning is key, but computer technology is a beneficial supplement and sometimes the only way to conduct training sessions. We could observe all this in the conditions of implementation of quarantine restrictions in almost every state of the world, in the conditions of the introduction of martial law in Ukraine from February, 2022.

Introducing new conceptual approaches to obtaining a higher legal education requires a new comprehensive system of receiving and diagnosing students' knowledge. Yes, with help programs for organising video conferences Zoom, which is already traditionally used in higher education institutions for conducting training sessions, teachers and students of higher education can create joint materials (tables, diagrams, etc.) during the course of the lesson, as well as save the developed materials using the "Messageboard" functions in various formats for further use. This approach makes it possible to maximally involve students in collective work and better master the relevant topic.

In addition, today, it is appropriate to use various applications, such as "Kahoot! " - through the application, you can conduct quizzes and testing in an interactive form.

In the context of the implementation of innovative methods, it is essential to turn to foreign experience. The main goal of legal education in Great Britain, the countries of North America, Australia and New Zealand is to train a practising lawyer-advocate who can successfully solve complex practical tasks and represent the client's interests in court soon as possible after receiving a higher education diploma. In this regard, the training of lawyers at law faculties of Anglo-Saxon countries is based on such teaching methods as consideration of theoretical material with the help of court precedents [23].

It is fair to note that studying academic material using court precedents primarily takes place in countries belonging to the Anglo-American legal system. However, we note that the modern legal system of Ukraine is actively modified and incorporates certain features of the general legal system, which is expressed in the introduction of the "model case" institute into the administrative judiciary. Thus, moving away from the absolute theorisation of educational material and more active implementation of the study of various legal cases will contribute to much better preparation of future lawyers for practical activities.

We would like to emphasise that an additional powerful element in the education of students of higher education at the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs is the acquisition of practical skills at the Istina legal clinic, where students can advise citizens on specific legal issues under the guidance of mentor teachers.

On the one hand, it is pretty common to use an already traditional method - the project method. Still, on the other hand, it is a method that is also constantly updated in the conditions of the development of information and communication technologies. Thus, this method allows higher education students to strengthen their theoretical knowledge by researching this or that legal phenomenon to make discoveries at their level.


Education is a driving factor in the state's and society's development, enabling the strategic solution of tasks and ensuring national security. The modern system of Ukrainian higher legal education in new realities needs operational changes and renewal of content at all levels, considering the conditions of education during martial law and in the post-war period. For every democratic legal state, it is essential to create an effective system of legal regulation, improving the quality of rule-making and law enforcement activities. In this regard, the priority task is to find and implement innovative methods of training lawyers for new social needs and requests. Systematic improvement and improvement of the knowledge and skills of scientific and pedagogical workers are interdependent on the practical implementation of innovative learning technologies. Modernity offers a large number of opportunities to ensure this. The main thing is the quality of these services and the lack of formality in improving the teacher's qualifications.

To improve the system of introducing innovative methods and technologies in institutions of higher education, including the legal field, it is essential to ensure the training of qualified specialists in the field of innovation development for implementation in the educational process, taking into account professional specifics, at the national level and the level of individual institutions of higher education. Furthermore, particular attention should be paid to disseminating innovative methods and technologies among higher education institutions, their analysis, and providing feedback on their effectiveness. This direction requires independent research and the attention of legal scholars and other sciences.

Conflict of Interest and other Ethics Statements The author declares no conflict of interest.


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