Features of patriotic education of primary school students under the conditions of today’s challenges

Raising a child as a patriot and citizen has always been at the center attention of state policy in the field of education, theory and practice of Ukrainian education. This problem is especially relevant under the conditions of Russian-Ukrainian war.

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Features of patriotic education of primary school students under the conditions of today's challenges

Halyna Bilavych, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)

Veronika Ozarko, student, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)

Diana-Mariia Krainyk, student, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)

Yulia Litvin, student, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)


patriotic education school student

Raising a child as a patriot and citizen has always been at the center attention of state policy in the field of education (The concept of national-patriotic education of children and youth, 2015), theory and practice of Ukrainian education and pedagogical science. This problem is especially relevant under the conditions of Russian-Ukrainian war. In the conditions of challenges that Ukraine has faced, in particular, Ukrainian school, the educational process must be built taking into account the conditions of one of the most brutal wars in modern history: the education of civil patriotism should be based on statesmanlike positions. Today, it is necessary to build a new model of a young patriot. It is worth giving up generally accepted beliefs and build active state-oriented patriotism. Examples of national heroes should be those who gave his life for the freedom of Ukraine, especially in its confrontation with Moscow during more than four hundred years of struggle. Educational process in new Ukrainian school should be based on the approval of Ukrainian statehood idea. Nowadays it is necessary to teach national history at the appropriate level, where priorities should be clearly set, national figures that led to the establishment of statehood ideals, for whom Ukraine was above all else (Ukrainian Cossacks, Legion of Ukrainian Sich Riflemen, Ukrainian Insurgent Army and etc.), actualized. Today's soldiers, who are on the front lines fighting for independence of Ukraine with the Russian aggressor, are those national heroes who are to become an educational ideal for Ukrainian children. It is necessary to remember about commemoration of those who died for the freedom of Ukraine, emphasize the meaning of national liberation struggles in the aspect of the civilizational development of Ukraine throughout its history. It is worth taking into account the pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of patriotic education of younger students in the educational process of primary school: it is about the systematic work of teachers on the formation of patriotic feelings of education seekers on solid statesmanship positions; impact on consciousness of younger schoolchildren using various means for the formation of patriotic ideas and concepts, the organization of various educational activities; involvement of younger schoolchildren in various forms of practical patriotic activities (volunteering, charity), participation in "adult" patriotic events, the purpose of which is to help the Armed Forces, internally displaced persons, people in the de-occupied territories; the common activities of teachers and families on patriotic education of younger schoolchildren; actualization of the regional component of patriotic education; etc.

Keywords: patriotic education, primary school students, educational work, volunteering, charity, patriotism, war.



Галина Білавич,

доктор педагогічних наук, професор, професор кафедри педагогіки початкової освіти, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)

Вероніка озарко, студентка

Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)

Діана-Марія Крайник, студентка

Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)

Юлія Літвін, студентка

Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)

Виховання дитини як патріота і громадянина завжди було в центрі уваги державної політики у сфері освіти, теорії і практики української освіти та педагогічної науки. Особливо ця проблема актуальна за умов російсько-української війни. B умовах викликів, перед якими опинилася Україна, зокрема й українська школа, виховний процес потрібно будувати з огляду на умови однієї з найжорстокіших воєн новітньої історії: виховання патріотизму, громадянськості повинно відбуватися на державницьких позиціях. Сьогодні треба будувати нову модель юного патріота.

Варто відмовитися від загальноприйнятих переконань і будувати патріотизм активний, державницький. Прикладами національних героїв мають слугувати ті, хто віддав своє життя за волю України. Виховний процес у новій українській школі повинен ґрунтуватися на утвердженні української державницької ідеї, на належному рівні потрібно сьогодні викладати вітчизняну історію, де чітко розставити пріоритети, актуалізувати національні постаті, які спричинилися до утвердження державницьких ідеалів, для яких Україна була понад усе (українське козацтво, УСС, УПА та ін.). Сьогоднішні воїни, які на передовій здобувають незалежність Україні в боротьбі з російським агресором, є тими національними героями, які мають стати виховним ідеалом для українських дітей. Необхідно пам'ятати про вшанування загиблих за свободу України, підкреслювати учням сенс національно-визвольних змагань в аспекті цивілізаційного розвитку України протягом усієї її історії. Варто врахувати педагогічні умови ефективності патріотичного виховання молодших школярів в освітньому процесі початкової школи: ідеться про систематичну роботу педагогів щодо формування патріотичних почуттів здобувачів освіти на виразних державницьких позиціях; вплив на свідомість молодших школярів із використанням різних засобів задля формування патріотичних уявлень та понять, організацію різноманітної виховної діяльності; залучення молодших школярів до різноманітних форм практичної патріотичної діяльності (волонтерство, благодійництво), участі в «дорослих» патріотичних акціях, метою яких є допомога ЗСУ, внутрішньопереміщеним особам, людям на деокупованих територіях; спільна діяльність педагогів та сім'ї з патріотичного виховання молодших школярів; актуалізація регіонального компонента патріотичного виховання; тощо.

Ключові слова: патріотичне виховання, учні початкової школи, виховна робота, волонтерство, благодійництво, патріотизм, війна.


Formulation of the problem. Raising a child as a patriot and citizen has always been at the center attention of state policy in the field of education (The concept of national-patriotic education of children and youth, 2015), theory and practice of Ukrainian education and pedagogical science. This problem is especially relevant under the conditions of Russian-Ukrainian war, when the Russian army terrorizes the people of Ukraine, as a result of which civilians and children die. In addition of this, the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022 also caused the destruction of the energy system, natural resources, chemical soil and water pollution, etc., that is why it is important today to take care of it, so that students are brought up as active patriots who are not in words, but on practice led to victory over Russian occupiers, aid to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, families of soldiers who protect the native land from the enemy, temporarily internally displaced persons who are currently in Prykarpattia, families who lost their relatives in the war, etc.

It is also worth educating students as active environmentalists, who in the post-war period will take care of the restoration of the environment, will become active ecologists on their native land.

Given this, it is worth reviewing the model of patriotic education of a primary education seeker. Educators and scientists should develop a large-scale complex of educational activities of national and patriotic, civic, statist, and environmental education. These components we consider as integral components of patriotic education, which is response to the challenges of the war in Ukraine.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Different aspects of the complex concept of "patriotic education" at different times were researched by pedagogues, psychologists, sociologists, literary critics, philosophers and representatives of other sciences. Results of literature analysis in the field of pedagogy science, in particular the creative achievements of Ukrainian scientists (I. Bekh, N. Bondarenko, E. Vaskovskaya, S. Kosianchuk, M. Boryshevsky, P. Ignatenko, M. Kachur, Yu. Rudenko and others.), as well as foreign scientists (Belowski, 2018; RondomaQska, 2007; Sawinski, 2007), testify that "patriotism" as a term (Bekh, 2016; Bilavych, Vysochan, & Borys, 2022; Bilavych, 2018; Bondarenko, Vaskovskaya, & Kosianchuk, 2021; Education of a citizen. Psychological-pedagogical and ethnographic aspects: teaching method. Manual, 1997; Kachur, 2010; National education of students by means of Ukrainian folklore: A guide for teachers, 1995) is a multidimensional and complex concept (Philosophical dictionary, 1986), which has a complicated structure; here a number of components can be singled out, the key ones being citizenship, statehood; etc. Ukrainian scientists are actively studying problems of patriotic upbringing of the individual, but there is no separate research devoted to the formation of patriotic feelings of junior students under conditions of Russian aggression.


The purpose of the article is to substantiate the specifics of the implementation of patriotic education of primary school students in the process of educational work under war conditions.


Research methods: theoretical - analysis of scientific literature of research problems; experimental and empirical - pedagogical observation, conversation, interviewing, surveying students to determine understanding the essence of the concept of "patriotism", the state of patriotic education of primary school students; its systematization and generalization results.


Under the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the way to a high level patriotic education lies through effective primary education, through "Ukrainization" of the consciousness of primary school students. Time for a reorientation the content of educational work in the New Ukrainian School (NUS) in terms of measurement social and state education of students of primary education as conscientious Ukrainian citizens-patriots who will find it important and difficult mission is to build Ukraine after the war, and today to help in every possible way to win.

Citizenship, patriotism, state ideals are the values that must occupy a key place in the education of a junior student. Under the war conditions, patriotic education is a priority link in NUS: precisely in elementary school it lays the foundations for the formation of patriotic feelings in students. The theses of an outstanding teacher, scientist, director of the Institute of Problems of Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine I. Bekh about the importance of state education of students (Bekh, 2016), are more relevant than ever. However, as noted by researchers (Bilavych, Vysochan, & Borys, 2022; Bilavych, 2018), in pedagogical science and education practice, a statist approach to patriotic education is not always corresponds to realities of the modern stage of social development of Ukraine, implementation of the Concept of the New Ukrainian School; this aspect is not sufficiently reflected in current educational programs and textbooks.

Patriotism is a concept closely related to the identity of a nation. The concept of "patriotism" is defined in different ways. However, most scientists, teachers, public, educational, religious figures, etc. claim that patriotism should be interpreted as a state in which a person who has a feeling of love to his Motherland, nation and state, tries to express them in their own behavior. Today, the words of Ivan Paul II about "active patriotism" are of particular importance: "...patriotism means love for the native, history, traditions, language or the native land itself... Every threat to the homeland becomes a test for this love... The motherland is the common good of all citizens..." (John Paul II, 2005, p. 71-72).

This statement coincides with the idea of teaching children and youth of patriotism - active, expressed in specific cases. Patriotism should grow from an abstract concept into a national one. Ukrainian patriotism is a feeling of a strong connection with the Ukrainian nation, which today chooses the right to be called a sovereign state; statist patriotism, which means a close connection with the Ukrainian state, within which - small homeland; civilization patriotism - a sense of connection with the whole human civilization; after all, spiritual and religious patriotism is a deep connection with religion, the Ukrainian Church.

Patriotism is a socio-historical phenomenon. The word `patriotism' (from `patris') is of Greek origin, which means `homeland' (Philosophical dictionary, 1986). It first arose during the Great French Revolution (1789-1793). People's fighters, defenders of the republic called themselves patriots. In Pedagogical dictionary edited by S. Honcharenko (Honcharenko, 2011) and Pedagogical dictionary edited by M. Yarmachenko, patriotic education is considered as education, the content of which is love for the Motherland, devotion to it, pride for its past and true desire to protect the interests of the state. This definition actualizes the role of patriotic education under condition of modern challenges, because it is through the activity of a person for the benefit of the Motherland its true feelings are revealed.

In educational work on patriotic upbringing with children of the younger age attention should be paid to their age characteristics. Junior students do not yet have permanent interests; they need constant help and teacher's advice in the organization of studies, his leisure time (Kachur, 2010). These and other age-related, psychological features must be taken into account during educational work with junior students. Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature (Bekh, 2016; Bilavych, Vysochan, & Borys, 2022; Bilavych, 2018; Bondarenko, Vaskovskaya, & Kosianchuk, 2021; Education of a citizen. Psychological-pedagogical and ethnographic aspects: teaching method. Manual, 1997; Kachur, 2010; National education of students by means of Ukrainian folklore: A guide for teachers, 1995; Belowski, 2018; Rondomanska, 2007; Sawinski, 2007 etc.) showed that patriotic feelings in children of primary school age do not arise by itself. They are the result of purposeful educational influence on the child's pedagogical ideas, ideology, literature, art, social system, educational work

of the family, school and extracurricular institutions, etc. Leading role in the formation of personality belongs to the family, which is responsible for social reproduction of the population, for its national, moral, spiritual development, for creating a certain way of life (National education of students by means of Ukrainian folklore, 1995, p. 38-45). The educational mission of the school is especially important, because it is in it that the child's character is formed, as well as its attitude to the surrounding world, to people, to life, to the Ukrainian language and history, to Ukrainian customs and traditions, to the native land and Ukraine as Motherland in general.

So, patriotism is not only a pedagogical category, but also a social and political position and form of ideology that combines commitment to one's Motherland, a sense of social connection with one's nation, loyalty to its people, respect for other peoples, nations, respect for their sovereign rights, etc.

The concept of "patriotism" is interpreted differently not only by scientists, but also by schoolchildren themselves, however, they look at this concept through the dimension of wartime. Here are some statements of students of the 4th grade of the Yamnytsia Lyceum in Yamnytsia territorial community of Ivano-Frankivsk region: "Patriotism is love for Homeland and pride for one's people", "Patriotism is when a person speaks Ukrainian", "Patriotism is love for the land, where one was born", "A patriot should celebrate all national holidays with dignity, respect symbols of their country, speak its name with pride", "Patriots are those who liberate the occupied territories and return people to a peaceful life", "Patriot - the one who protects Ukraine from the Russian enemy", "Patriotism is love to Ukraine", "A patriot is someone who does not leave Ukraine today, where the war continues", "Patriots are volunteers", "Patriots are our Armed Forces of Ukraine", "Patriots are those people who used to speak Russian, but now switch to the Ukrainian language", "Patriots are those who return to defend native land from the Russian occupier", "Patriotism is when you give something for the needs of the army", "Patriots are every Ukrainian who fights against Russian enemies", "A patriot is one who helps the defense and volunteers", "Patriotism is when you give shelter to those fleeing from war", "Patriotism - daily prayers for the soldiers of the Armed Forces, for those who are in captivity, under shelling", "Patriotism is the actions of our soldiers", "Patriots are everyone: the President of Ukraine, state leadership, military leadership, Armed Forces, volunteers, doctors, energy workers, firefighters, military chaplains" and others.

For generations of students who lived in independent, peaceful Ukraine, patriotism was associated exclusively with the "peaceful" aspects of this complex concept. As we can see, today, under the conditions of war, in its content, primary school students include such concepts as "protection of the Motherland from the enemy", "volunteerism", "charity", "help to internally displaced persons", "support population in the de-occupied territories" etc. So, we are talking about "active" love for Ukraine, which is based on "real" love, reinforced by specific actions aimed at helping the Armed Forces, temporarily displaced people, volunteering, etc. The concept of "patriotism" obtained a specific dimension expressed in the formula: a patriot is the one, who is ready to sacrifice one's life for the sake of one's Motherland; who is actively fighting for its independence, who sacrifices something for the sake of victory over the enemy; who contributes to the liberation of Ukraine from the Russian occupation.

So, the modern dimension of patriotism is significantly different from the one prevailing in the pre-war Ukraine, say, until 2014 - the beginning of the Russian aggression on the territory of Ukraine: Crimea and Donbas. Nothing teaches patriotism better than a living lesson of history, even a tragic one. After all, only today you can fully understand the importance of Ukraine's independence, realize the deep meaning of national symbols (coat of arms, anthem, flag), the importance of using the Ukrainian language in all spheres of life, including everyday life, etc. Analysis of Ukrainian history, its tragic events, is taking place in a new way as a consequence of the communist regime (the Holodomor of 1932-1933, the "red terror" that Moscow staged on the territory of Ukraine in 1918, which continues to this day, mass deportations of residents of Western Ukraine in 1947, terrorist actions of the communist regime in Prykarpattia during 1939-1950s), national liberation struggle of Ukrainians, figures of national heroes (Ivan Mazepa, Stepan Bandera, Yevhen Konovalets and others, who fought against Moscow tyranny, starting from the 17th century; Taras Shevchenko and other Ukrainians writers, composers, artists, performers who through the means of arts affirmed the Ukrainian idea), as well as the feat of today's heroes - soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and all those who gave their lives for the will of Ukraine in the fight against the Russian occupier, are being thoroughly contemplated.

Ukrainians have many national heroes, such as Ivan Mazepa, who was one of the first to justify and practically implement the idea of liberation of the Ukrainian state from under the influence of Moscow. It is known that the Russian Orthodox Church keeps anathema of the Ukrainian hetman: on November 12, 1708, the Moscow autocrat Peter I due to the transfer of I. Mazepa to the side of Charles XII, the Swedish king during the Great Northern War, he issued the order to excommunicate the hetman of the Zaporizhzhia Cossack Army Ivan Mazepa from of the Moscow Orthodox Church (Borshchak, 1992). Perhaps this is the greatest recognition of the Ukrainian national hero. When telling primary school students about I. Mazepa, it is worth emphasizing that the Ukrainian hetman was one of the first to witness that the Russians, especially Peter I, were actively destroying the foundations of Ukrainian statehood and violated the agreements given in 1654 during Pereyaslav Council, which was initiated by B. Khmelnytskyi. State interests of Ukraine were above all else for I. Mazepa, so he decided to take advantage of the conditions that developed during the Northern War and return the real statehood for Ukraine. "Get away from the Moscow!" - the leading slogan, which can be read between the lines of the oath in front of the closest entourage, which Ukrainian hetman I. Mazepa gave on September 17, 1707: "for the common of the motherland, poor Ukraine", "of the entire Zaporozhian army and the people of Little Russia", "to expand the freedoms of the military", "so that the motherland with Zaporozhian troops from both the Moscow and Swedish sides did not die". So, for the Ukrainian nation, I. Mazepa is the great hetman of Ukraine, a symbol of its independence and statehood, a hero who tried to liberate Ukraine from Moscow's influence.

In this aspect, we need to tell younger students about the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen, the heroes of Kruty, Bazar, Hetman P. Skoropadskyi, Ye. Konovalets, S. Bandera, soldiers of the Ukrainian insurgent armies for whom the slogan from the Decalogue of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists "You will win the Ukrainian State, or you will die fighting for it" (Ponomaryov, 2011, p. 398), became the life principle and its goal; as well as the most recent heroes - fighters for the independence of Ukraine in the war that was started by Russia in 2014 and is still ongoing. Today, Ukrainian history is enriched with thousands of names of real fighters for Ukrainian statehood: these are not only Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred, participants of the anti-terrorist operation in Donbas, defenders of the Donetsk airport, and thousands of Crimean Tatars, who were political prisoners of the Russian Empire and who did not come to terms with the Russian annexation of Crimea, this includes the Armed Forces of Ukraine, volunteers, doctors, military chaplains, defenders of Mariupol and Azovstal, unknown patriots, murdered in Russian torture camps in Kyiv region, Kharkiv region, Kherson region, Ukrainian energy workers, municipal officials, drivers, state and military leadership, the diplomatic corps of Ukraine, the Ukrainian diaspora, in short, everyone who contributes to victory today.


Therefore, in the conditions of challenges that Ukraine has faced, in particular, Ukrainian school, the educational process must be built taking into account the conditions of one of the most brutal wars in modern history: the education of civil patriotism should be based on statesmanlike positions. Today, it is necessary to build a new model of a young patriot. It is worth giving up generally accepted beliefs and build active state-oriented patriotism. Examples of national heroes should be those who gave his life for the freedom of Ukraine, especially in its confrontation with Moscow during more than four hundred years of struggle. Educational process in new Ukrainian school should be based on the approval of Ukrainian statehood idea. Nowadays it is necessary to teach national history at the appropriate level, where priorities should be clearly set, national figures that led to the establishment of statehood ideals, for whom Ukraine was above all else (Ukrainian Cossacks, USR, UPA and etc.), actualized. Today's soldiers, who are on the front lines fighting for independence of Ukraine with the Russian aggressor, are those national heroes who are to become an educational ideal for Ukrainian children. It is necessary to remember about commemoration of those who died for the freedom of Ukraine, emphasize the meaning of national liberation struggles in the aspect of the civilizational development of Ukraine throughout its history.

It is worth taking into account the pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of patriotic education of younger students in the educational process of primary school: it is about the systematic work of teachers on the formation of patriotic feelings of education seekers on solid statesmanship positions; impact on consciousness of younger schoolchildren using various means for the formation of patriotic ideas and concepts, the organization of various educational activities; involvement of younger schoolchildren in various forms of practical patriotic activities (volunteering, charity), participation in "adult" patriotic events, the purpose of which is to help the Armed Forces, internally displaced persons, people in the de-occupied territories; the common activities of teachers and families on patriotic education of younger schoolchildren; actualization of the regional component of patriotic education; etc.


Bekh, I. D. (2016). Patriotic and civic education within one's own borders. Available at: https://lib.iitta.gov.ua

Belowski, A. (2018). Why and how to teach patriotism? Teacher and School, 4(64), 13-20. Available at: https://czasopisma.ignatianum.edu.pl/nis/ article/view/996

Bilavych, G. V. (2018). Literature of the native region in the system of education of spiritual values of the younger schoolboy. Mountain School of Ukrainian Carpaty, 17, 58-63.

Bilavych, G., Vysochan, L., & Borys, U. (2022). Formation of civic competence of elementary school students of the New Ukrainian School in the process of studying the integrated courses "I explore the world", "Ukrainian language and reading". Pedagogical almanac, 52, 42-49. Bondarenko, N. V., Vaskovskaya, E. E., & Kosianchuk, S. V. (2021). Dialogization as a resource of language learning in the context of updating traditional teaching methods. Humanitarian Balkan Research, 5, 1(11), 10-15.

Borshchak, I. (1992). Ivan Mazepa is a person and a historical figure. Kyiv: Veselka.

Education of a citizen. Psychological-pedagogical and ethnographic aspects: teaching method. Manual. (1997). / P. R. Ignatenko, V. L. Popluzhny, N. I. Kosareva and others. Kyiv: IZMN.

Honcharenko, S. U. (2011). Ukrainian pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary. The second edition, supplemented and corrected. Rivne: Volynski oberegy.

John Paul II. (2005). Memory and Identity. Wydawnictwo Znak, Krakow.

Kachur, M. M. (2010). Patriotic education of younger schoolchildren by means of artistic local history: autoref. thesis Ph.D. Sciences: 13.00.07 Theory and method of education. Kyiv.

National education of students by means of Ukrainian folklore: A guide for teachers. (1995). / Ed. R.P. Skulsky Ivano-Frankivsk: Scientific Method. Center "Ukrainian Ethnopedagogy and Folklore" of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Prykarpattia University named after V. Stefanyka.

Philosophical dictionary / edited by V. I. Shinkaruk. (1986). Kyiv: Holov. ed. URE.

Ponomaryov, V. (2011). Stepan Volodymyrovych Lenkavskyi. Political encyclopedia. Ed.Yu. Levenets (head), Yu. Shapoval (deputy head) and others. Kyiv: Parliamentary Publishing House. p. 398.

Rondomanska, Z. (2007). Are patriotic education lessons necessary? Music Education at School, 1, 5-6.

Sawinski, P. (2007). Why and how to teach patriotism at school? Everything for the School, 10, 22-29.

The concept of national-patriotic education of children and youth. (2015). Available at: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/rada/show/v0641729-15#Text

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  • Transfer to profile training of pupils of 11–12 classes of 12-year comprehensive school its a stage in implementation of differentiation of training. Approaches to organization of profile education and their characteristic, evaluation of effectiveness.

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  • The basic tendencies of making international educational structures with different goals. The principles of distance education. Distance learning methods based on modern technological achievements. The main features of distance education in Ukraine.

    реферат [19,1 K], добавлен 01.11.2012

  • Study the history of opening of the first grammar and boarding-schools. Description of monitorial system of education, when teacher teaches the monitors who then pass on their knowledge to the pupils. Analysis the most famous Universities in Britain.

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