Combination of the art of origami with Ukrainian traditions in the educational process of primary school
Features of the art of origami; the history of development; aspects of introduction into the educational process of primary school. It is described how the technique of origami in combination with Ukrainian traditions has an emotional impact on students.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 26.07.2023 |
Размер файла | 448,2 K |
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Combination of the art of origami with Ukrainian traditions in the educational process of primary school
Maria Klepar, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Department of Primary Education Pedagogy, Maria Kopchuk-Kashetska, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University; Oleksandr Chinchoy, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Physics, Biology and Methods of Their Education, Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Vinnichenko
Поєднання мистецтва оригамі з українськими традиціями в навчально-виховному процесі початкової школи
Марія Клепар, доктор педагогічних наук, професор, пофесор кафедри; Марія Копчук-Кашецька, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри педагогіки початкової освіти, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника; Олександр Чінчой, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри фізики, біології та методик їхнього навчання, Центральноукраїнський державний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Винниченка
У статті акцентовано на використанні українських національних традицій у поєднанні з культурою народів світу, а зокрема технікою оригамі. Визначено сутність та види традицій, проаналізовано наукові підходи до їх змісту та значення у вихованні юного покоління. Розкрито особливості, специфіку мистецтва оригамі; проаналізовано історію становлення та його розвитку; виокремлено напрями впровадження в навчально-виховний процес початкової школи задля поглибленого вивчення національних традицій. Зауважено, що сукупність різних форм роботи з молодшими школярами, використання українських народних та світових культурних надбань слугує формуванню естетичних смаків особистості, розвитку почуття причетності до національної культурної спадщини, прагнення оберігати її та примножувати. Описано, як техніка оригамі в поєднанні з українськими традиціями емоційно впливає на учнів початкових класів, підвищує самоооцінку та вселяє віру в себе, виховує позитивні їх риси та якості, що є вкрай важливими для формування гармонійної людини.
Розмежовано переваги такого варіювання форм, методів та прийомів роботи з учнями в контексті їх національного виховання. Зроблено акцент на необхідності використання оригамі в початкових класах школи, під час уроків (рідної мови та літератури, математики, малювання та ін.). Дослідження демонструє, що через систему традицій кожен народ продовжує себе, відтворює власну духовну культуру, характер, психологію. Установлено, що культура українського народу - це його внутрішній світ, духовне начало, чарівні струни серця, переплетені з низкою, століттями сформованих, звичаїв та традицій. У звичаях, традиціях, обрядах українців відображено моральні цінності, моральну свідомість, ціннісні орієнтири, ментальність та історію, життєву мудрість та світовідчуття, які можна й потрібно доповнювати та демонструвати за допомогою інших форм, засобів, традицій. Наголошено на позитивному впливі оигамі на розвиток дрібної моторики, уяви, уваги, впарвності, відповідальності учнів початкових класів.
Ключові слова: оригамі, традиції, художньо-естетичний розвиток, творчість, мистецтво, національна свідомість.
The article defines the essence and types of traditions, analyzes scientific approaches to their content and significance in the education of the younger generation. The features and specifics of the art of origami are revealed; the history of the formation and development of this art is analyzed; the aspects of introduction into the educational process of primary school for the in-depth study of national traditions are highlighted. It is described how the technique of origami in combination with Ukrainian traditions has an emotional impact on students, increases their self-confidence, educates their positive traits and qualities, which are extremely important for the formation of a harmonious person. Emphasis is placed on the need to use origami in elementary school classes, during lessons (literature, mathematics, drawing, and others). showed that through the system of traditions, each nation continues itself, reproduces its own spiritual culture, character, and psychology. The culture of the Ukrainian people is their inner world, spiritual principle, magical strings of the heart. The customs, traditions, and rites of Ukrainians reflect moral values, mentality and history, life wisdom, and worldview, which can and should be supplemented and demonstrated with the help of various other forms, means, and traditions. The importance of origami as one of the educational tools for younger schoolchildren is indicated and the advantages of this art form are described. Further ways and prospects of using origami in combination with traditional forms of working with students for the formation of a nationally conscious citizen of Ukraine are outlined.
keywords: origami, traditions, artistic and aesthetic development, creativity, art, national consciousness.
Relevance of research
The use of the latest technologies in combination with traditional means, forms and methods, which provides the education of a harmonious personality is of particular importance at the present stage of the development of science and education in Ukraine. Family customs and traditions, Ukrainian folklore, multifaceted heritage of our people are a source of inspiration, formation and comprehensive development of youth. On the other hand, we actualize variation of traditional and innovative pedagogical tools, which have a positive impact on personal development. In the context of the above, we turn to the art of origami - an attribute of national holidays of the peoples of the world, an element of design, a children's toy.
The aim and research tasks
The purpose of the article - to uncover the meaning of origami, determine the features of its use along with traditional methods in working with children.
The analysis of updated sources suggests that the problem of using folk traditions and innovations is not new, but it has been repeatedly violated by scientists, such as: L. Artemova, G. Belenka, A. Bohush, N. Havrysh, L. Kaluska, N. Lysenko, T. Ponimanska and others. Researchers unanimously argue that the use of folk traditions is of particular importance in the formation of the national consciousness of the younger generation, acquaintance with artistic creativity, folklore and world cultural heritage. For example, scientist V. Borysenko argues that "the experience of the people, norms of behavior, views, ideas, customs, rituals and other forms of social and cultural phenomena become traditional" (Borysenko, 2000). In general, scientist V. Borysenko distinguishes the concept of "tradition" into: a) family; b) school. It is important that the researcher believes that family traditions are "a set of customs and norms of behavior adopted in the family, which are passed down from the older generation to the younger" (Borysenko, 2000). Generally, traditions are defined as a process of non-biological transmission from generation to generation of stable cultural and household features."
Scientists V. Kuz, Yu. Rudenko, and Z. Serhiychuk considered that national traditions are those traditions that have the originality of the age-old spiritual foundations of the development of the people, the nation, which reflect the best achievements" (Kuz, Rudenko, Serhiychuk, 1993, p. 92). However, scientists are inclined to think that in every country the most influential teacher is the people who have accumulated experience for centuries and formed the rules for educating the younger generation. Traditions are a phenomenon of philosophical, socio-psychological, and pedagogical phenomena that have developed historically and reflect the continuity of the social experience of the Ukrainian people (Kuz, Rudenko, Serhiychuk, 1993, p. 92). It is clear that folk traditions perform as a peculiar form of functioning of public relations between people of a certain nationality and ensure their strengthening, development and transmission to new generations in the process of generally accepted norms of social behavior.
Results of the research
It is characteristic that the transmission of traditions and their activity is influenced by the historical period during which certain norms, the system of customs and rites, which is a component of the people's culture, are actualized are updated. Each nation has historically developed its own unique system of national and cultural traditions, which is based on a strong mentality, cultural and spiritual treasure of the past and present. Education of the younger generation is the main task at any stage of the state's development and is carried out in a certain cultural space, so it should be implemented in a combination of ethno-cultural peculiarities not only of a specific region, but also with the help of dialectical connections between national and universal traditions. Our research showed that through the system of traditions, each nation continues itself, reproduces its own spiritual culture, character, and psychology. The culture of the ukrainian people is their inner world, spiritual principle, magical strings of the heart. The customs, traditions, and rituals of Ukrainians reflect moral values, mentality and history, life wisdom, and worldview, which can and should be supplemented and demonstrated with the help of various other forms, means, and traditions (Vyshnevsky, 1994; Hapetchenko, 2014). For example, origami is one of the most famous arts that can be implemented in practice during the performance of habitual rites, reproduction of the traditions of the ukrainian people. Instead, the use of origami allows students to get to know ukrainian folk customs and traditions better, stimulates artistic thinking, and forms an awareness of the importance of origami in relation to technical, artistic, social and other spheres of human activity. At the same time, it is advisable to enrich young people with knowledge about the history, culture, and lifestyle of their native people, to study and continue ukrainian traditions with the help of origami tools.
Practice demonstrates that the use of origami in working with children has a positive effect on their psycho- emotional state, creates an atmosphere of comfort and positive mood, stimulates mental activity, and develops creative potential. Making products using this technique develops children's fine motor skills, forms sensorimotor skills and abilities; educates accuracy, attentiveness, concentration, restraint; increases memory potential and stimulates imaginative, critical thinking, spatial imagination, intelligence. Teachers-practitioners note that classes using origami increase the self-esteem of the individual, serve as a means of stimulating self-development and self-assertion, expanding the circle of communication and creating new friendships. Of course it has a positive effect not only on the relations between schoolchildren, but also on students and teachers, which in turn provides the effectiveness of the educational process. Considering origami in a historical and pedagogical aspect, it should be noted that it originates from ancient China, where references to this form of art appeared for the first time in 105 year.
The first sheets of paper, compiled in interesting figures, first appeared in monasteries, playing the role of participants in religious actions and ceremonies, means of decorating the walls of the temple. So, at the moment, humanity uses the first origami figures - "sanbo" boxes, which were used to make a donation. Over time, the art developed and became more and more famous and in the 20th century it gained its recognition and blossoming. During this period, A. Yoshyzawa created the "Origami Alphabet", which contained unique marks and symbols, graphic signs. A. Yoshyzawa's discovery allowed origami to gain recognition as a universal international language, with the help of which information can be transmitted to each other about feelings, events, the surrounding world, etc. In the 40s of the XX century in the USA (New York) the first origami schools and centers were created (founded by L. Oppenheimer), which became the beginning of a new life for this form of art.
In scientific circles, the issue of using this type of art is raised in various aspects. So, scientists claim that origami is useful for teaching young people, stimulating their minds and educating them, revealing their inner potential.
The relevance and demand of origami in our country is confirmed by the creation of the Kyiv Origami Center, which carries out educational and pedagogical work with the population, creative activities with young people, organizational activities with various categories of people in order to determine the meaning of this art, its positive impact on personal development. Step by step, teachers-innovators, lovers of origami introduce into the consciousness of the general public an understanding of the necessity of its use in the education system, demonstrating the positive results of educational, cognitive, socially useful, creative activities of pupils. In particular, this type of art is reflected in a number of educational programs, such as: "Paper plastic", "Paper construction", "Paper craft master", "Handwork" and others. Modern pedagogues-practitioners are inclined to the opinion that in elementary school classes it is advisable to use origami classes in labor training lessons and in extended day groups, and in senior classes - in the form of electives, circles. Along with that, the popularization of origami is carried out in the form of revealing its advantages during the combined lessons of origami, drawing and application at school. So, as we can see, this art is quite well- known and popular, has its advantages and can be used for in-depth study of the traditions of the Ukrainian people for the purpose of education and upbringing, development and socialization of growing youth.
Origami is a wide palette of educational influence on the spiritual, moral and ethical, aesthetic, creative development of the individual. On the one hand, it allows you to immerse yourself in the creative legacy and heritage of the peoples of the world, learn about Eastern and Western culture, spiritual and everyday traditions and customs, language, and on the other hand, it is a motivation for the child's self-development (it affects the desire to learn well, increases cognitive interest, develops artistic thinking, cultivates perseverance, equanimity, diligence, independence, develops skill) (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. The influence of origami on the harmonious development of pupils
In the context of the above, the achievement of positive results regarding the formation of national values of pupils, which is carried out through the use of Ukrainian themes in artistic works with origami, is of particular importance for our research. It should be noted that the combination of two types of cultures of the Ukrainian and Chinese peoples makes the synthesis of artistic and aesthetic, national values possible and creates opportunities for the integration of ukrainian arts and crafts art along with origami. This is served by the specific features of origami, namely: visuality; visibility of artistic material; imageability; the emotional component of a creative product.
Instead, the ability of origami to combine the national and the artistic is enhanced by its inseparable connection with other types of creative activity, such as: drawing, sculpting, arts and crafts, literature, etc.
Practice shows that in the process of making thematic compositions with origami, the child's inner world, his potential and creative abilities, opportunities to perform a certain type of work or task, interests and inclinations are revealed. On the other hand, there are opportunities to use motives of national culture and art, which enrich pupils with new knowledge, expand their outlook, and form key skills and abilities. These include: folk tales and songs, fables, legends, poems. With the help of Ukrainian folklore, it is possible to spiritualize feelings, to educate a complete, multifaceted and unique personality, a worthy citizen with a national awareness, which is reflected not only in love for one's native land, but also in respect for the culture, lifestyle, traditions and heritage of other peoples of the world.
Origami technique in combination with Ukrainian traditions and culture have an emotional impact on schoolchildren, increase their faith in their own strength, and bring up their positive traits and qualities, which are extremely important for the formation of a harmonious person (Vyshnevsky, 1994). It is advisable to use origami in elementary school during lessons (literature, mathematics, drawing, etc.). For example, when studying a fairy tale (according to an elementary school textbook), it is worth using various additional and visual material, including origami as a means of depicting the heroes and their feelings, scenes of events and phenomena. In such a bright form, it is better for children to learn new material, to demonstrate their own feelings and attitudes to what they have read or heard, to make generalizations and conclusions about the deeds of the characters. The activation of the emotional sphere of the child under the influence of the fairy tale and the origami elements that reproduce it promotes the manifestation of moral and ethical feelings of pupils, the expansion of the horizons, the awareness of social laws (about the relationship between people, person and nature), the formation of a full-fledged personality on this basis with their own and universal values.
Making origami, which can be used in lessons or during educational activities (mornings, educational hours, holidays "Mother's Day", "Autumn Festival") serves to create an atmosphere of friendship, mutual understanding between participants, brings students closer, immerses them in the world of folk traditions. This affects the subconscious of schoolchildren, their emotional and volitional sphere, desires, interests and, most importantly, creates opportunities for schoolchildren to get acquainted with the national culture. Therefore, the emotional-sensual component represents the pupils' attitude to various traditions and customs of their own and other peoples (labor, family, cultural), which are clearly reflected in the emotions and feelings of children. In the educational process, the general criterion for identifying the emotional-sensual component during the combination of ukrainian traditions and origami is stability, awareness of the motives of their artistic and labor activity. For example, students perceive elements of folk art not only as an object of everyday life, an object of play, but as a work of art that requires study, analysis and creative imitation. And, therefore, this attitude to the elements of folk art serves not only to preserve and increase them, but also to enrich the students spiritually, to involve them in artistic-aesthetic, musical, choreographic, visual and other types of activities.
Our research allows us to assert that the use of origami along with elements of ukrainian national culture increases the emotionality of the perception of works of art, polishes the feelings and subtle aspects of children's souls, which are reflected in creative work, namely:
• highlighting expressiveness of images;
• creating patterns based on ukrainian painting;
• forming a sense of rhythm in colors and lines;
• the use of the appropriate range in embroidery, Easter eggs, painting;
• the use of pattern elements, dots, circles during the execution of painting;
• mastering the techniques of decorative painting;
• development of emotional and figurative thinking, imagination, rhythm, etc.
Artistic and labor activity, initiated in national crafts, is a component of the spiritual heritage of our people and, in general, acts as a means of involving young people in work, socially useful work, which bring up moral traits and qualities, aesthetic tastes, form a culture of student behavior. It should be carried out by combining traditional forms and methods with origami means (Fig. 2):
Fig. 2. Technique of execution of the product origami
Ukrainians have always honored traditions, calendar holidays and ceremonies. For example, the main symbols of the Christmas holidays are the Christmas star, didukh, holy dinner, vertep and carol. The star is identified as a symbol of the birth of Christ, a symbol of faith and light, love, sun, God. In general, the star can be made using the origami technique, combining traditional ukrainian art and the art of another people of the world. Another national tradition is the Stritennya, for which the youngsters baked cookies in the form of a bird.
This tradition symbolizes faith in the coming of spring (which this bird will bring on its wings). As well using origami can make figurines of birds, larks, play with them and talk about ukrainian traditions related to the meeting of winter and spring. Schoolchildren can make and use various figurines made as origami (characters of fairy tales, symbols of the state, religious symbols, decoration of the festive table, etc.) in the lessons in the elementary grades of the school (Kotelyanets, 2002).
Pupils can learn how to decorate and set a table with the help of origami (laying out napkins in different ways, creating artificial flowers and leaves, boats, tents, butterflies and birds) and use it during traditional holidays (Easter, Christmas) in labor training lessons. With the help of origami, due to the existing specific features of this art, key features and qualities are formed in younger schoolchildren. In particular, the specifics of origami include:
1) combination of artistic and aesthetic, national values;
2) the use of ethnographic, moral-ethical, decorative-applied and other material;
3) universality;
4) the possibility of creating a figurative and meaningful basis for the formation of pupils' national self-awareness;
5) a wide range of advantages (the ability to visualize the historical existence of the ukrainian people, reflect the spiritual ties of the individual with the nation, the spiritual unity of generations, etc.).
Conclusions and prospects of further research
Therefore, the combination of origami with ukrainian culture and traditions serves to optimize the educational and upbringing process of primary school and acts as an effective means of national education of schoolchildren. Regardless of its foreign origin, origami has a powerful potential for the harmonious development of students, the formation of their national consciousness, the education of patriotism, a sense of freedom and independence, love and respect for the cultural experience of the peoples of the world. The great possibilities of origami in terms of integration with ukrainian fine art serve to combine the cultural and historical experience of the nation and the personality of the younger pupil, it is a translator of national ideas, images and symbols, values, cultural and historical heritage, historical memory, ideals on which the New Ukrainian School is based.
origami ukrainian tradition educational
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2. Hapetchenko R.Yu. (2014). Folk traditions, customs, holidays and ceremonies as components of cultural and leisure activities. Bulletin of NAKKiM, 2, 107-111.
3. Kotelyanets N. (2002). Origami - development of creative and intellectual abilities of children. Native school, 12, 36-38.
4. Kuz V.G., Rudenko Yu.D., Serhiychuk Z.Yu., and others. (1993). Basics of national education: conceptual provisions / In general ed. V.G. Kuzya and others. Kyiv. Vol. 1. Pp. 92-93.
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