The strategies of English speaking skills teaching in higher education institutions

Identifying strategies that help develop students' communication skills. Implementation of the communication-based approach in the process of foreign language teaching. Teaching a foreign language for the development of students' speaking competences.

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Дата добавления 23.07.2023
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Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University


LELEKA Tetiana Oleksandrivna

Candidate of Philological Sciences/PhD,

Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the

Department of Translation, Applied and General Linguistics


ЛЕЛЕКА Тетяна Олександрівна - кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри перекладу, прикладної та загальної лінгвістики Центральноукраїнський державний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Винниченка


Основною метою вивчення іноземної мови є вміння спілкуватися, тобто розуміти інформацію та передавати її. У час глобалізаційних процесів, коли англійська мова набула статусу мови міжнародного спілкування, все більше уваги приділяється її вивченню, незалежно від профілю навчання. Безперечно, розвиток усіх видів мовленнєвої діяльності потребує великої уваги, але особливої актуальності сьогодні набуло вміння спілкуватися іноземною мовою. Визначення стратегій, які допомагають розвивати комунікативні навички студентів, стало основним завданням викладачів вищих навчальних закладів.

Реалізація комунікативно-орієнтованого підходу в процесі викладання іноземної мови базується на таких принципах: особистісна орієнтація процесу навчання; автентичність навчальних матеріалів; спрямованість на формування комунікативних умінь, релевантних для розуміння іншомовної культури та інші.

Сьогодні пріоритетними завданнями для викладача є вивчення основних стратегій викладання іноземної мови для розвитку мовленнєвих компетенций студентів. Особлива увага також приділяється інтерактивним методам навчання, зокрема залученню студентів до мультимедійних проектів, створенню проблемних ситуацій, роботі в групах для створення комунікативної ситуації.

Вимоги сучасного суспільства, де все активніше проявляються глобалізаційні процеси, змушують викладачів по-новому підходити до навчання англійській мові. Вища освіта має бути комунікативно орієнтованою і надавати можливість студентам вільно спілкуватися іноземною мовою у повсякденному житті та у професійній діяльності.

Таким чином, розвиток комунікативних навичок студентів на заняттях з іноземної мови є пріоритетним завданням сучасної освіти, що зумовлено вимогою часу. Навчання мовленнєвої діяльності є необхідною умовою оволодіння іноземною мовою, що відповідає вимогам сучасного світу.

Серед подальших питань, які потребують ретельного дослідження, є розвиток навичок діалогічного мовлення, оскільки спілкування найчастіше відбувається у формі діалогу.

Ключові слова: мовлення, глобалізація, мовленнєва компетенція, види мовленнєвої діяльності, мовленнєві стратегії.


LELEKA Tetiana Oleksandrivna - Candidate of Philological Sciences/PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Translation, Applied and General Linguistics, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University


The main goal of learning a foreign language is the ability to communicate, understand information and transfer it. At the time of globalization processes, when the English language has acquired the status of the language of international communication, more and more attention is paid to its learning, regardless of the study profile. Undoubtedly, the development of all the types of speech activity requires a lot of attention, but the ability to communicate in a foreign language has become especially relevant today. Identifying strategies that help develop students' communication skills has become the main task of the teachers at higher educational institutions.

The implementation of the communication-based approach in the process of foreign language teaching is based on the following principles: personal orientation of the teaching process; the authenticity of the educational materials; focus on the formation of communicative skills which are relevant for understanding foreign culture and others. communication skill student language

Today, the priority tasks for the teacher are the study of the main strategies of teaching a foreign language for the development of students' speaking competences. Special attention is also paid to the interactive learning methods, including involving students in multimedia projects, creating problem situations, and working in groups to create a communicative situation.

The requirements of the modern society, where globalization processes are becoming more and more active, make the teachers give a new approach to the study of the English language. Higher education should be communicatively oriented and provide the opportunity for the students to communicate in a foreign language fluently in everyday life and in the professional activities.

Thus, the development of communicative foreign language skill of the students is a priority task of the modern education, which is caused by the demand of the time. Speech activity teaching is a prerequisite for mastering a foreign language that meets the requirements of the modern world.

Among the further issues that need the careful research is the teaching of dialogic speaking skills, since communication often takes place in the form of a dialogue.

Keywords: speaking, globalization, speaking competence, types of speaking activities, speaking strategies.

Statement and substantiation of the problem relevance

The knowledge of the English language is becoming a mandatory requirement. This is caused by the fact that fluency in a foreign language, along with good professional skills, allows a specialist to get a decent job and achieve a successful career.

Today, the competence paradigm of education implies the mastery of the students to have a set of competencies (communicative, pragmatic, general, cognitive, intercultural, compensatory, and professional) [7, p. 14]. The communication involves the implementation of the principles of speech orientation of training, stimulation of speech-thinking activity, ensuring individualization, taking into account the functionality of speech, creating situational learning, observing the novelty of the educational process [5, p. 172].

The discussed effectiveness of teaching oral speech to students is connected with the conditions of the digitalization of the teaching process at the higher school as well as possessing methodical orientation, and checking its effectiveness in practice.

English has become the language of international communication, and great importance is attached to the methods, forms and means of teaching it. The modern education should be based on the involvement of the students in oral and written communication [18, p. 3568].

Analysis of recent research and publications

There are different types of speech activity - speaking, understanding foreign language speech (listening), writing and reading comprehension. At the same time, the successful development of speaking skills poses a major challenge, particularly in situations in which the learners have scant access to the target language outside the classroom [Majer, 2003; Ortega, 2007; Pawlak, 2006], which, despite all the technological advances, is still the most important part in the foreign language contexts. Teng H. (2012), for example, states that the ability to produce oral language is the most complex and difficult to master [18], whereas other scientists comment that learning speaking involves developing subtle and detailed knowledge interaction and imposes a number of other demands, such as listening and understanding focusing on the attainment of the intended communicative goal [2, p. 198].

The questions of teaching speaking and listening are reflected in the works of such researchers, as Derwing, 2017; Kormos, 2006; Muranoi, 2007; Pawlak, 2011; Pickering, 2012 and others. Based on the works of the scientists, who studied the problems of teaching speaking and listening, as well as own theoretical and practical searches [6; 7], we note that the effectiveness of this training depends on the personality of the teacher, the individual characteristics of the students, and the linguistic features of the texts and.

With the aim of optimizing the process of teaching oral foreign many interactive methods have been tested: role-playing games, project method, case studies, work in small groups, etc.

The purpose of the article

The present paper is aimed to characterizing the strategies of speaking practice because the researchers have been primarily concerned with different speaking aspects, relatively little attention has been given to investigating more broadly conceptualized strategies that can be applied to develop speaking skills and enhance speaking performance.

The defined goal requires solving the following tasks:

- the identification of the main competencies that students need to master in order to learn speaking skills;

- the analysis of the teaching methods for speaking skills developing, taking into account the latest education innovations.

The main material of the study

The task of forming speaking competencies is to have a significant impact on the placement of emphasis in terms of content and technology in the process of teaching a foreign language. The implementation of the competence-based approach in the process of foreign language training of the students is based on the following principles: personal orientation of the process of teaching and learning a foreign language; the authenticity of the educational materials used (auditory, visual, graphic); the focus on the formation of communicative skills relevant for understanding foreign cultural discourse and independent generation of foreign language discourse; reliance on the independence and responsibility of students; the use of reflection and self-assessment in the educational process, which contributes to the development of students' autonomy; integrativity of mastering speech skills and means; inclusion of elements of professionalization; interdisciplinary links [4, p. 75].

Students are encouraged to constantly improve their knowledge of the English language translating from their native language into English looking for a specific word, rather than using simple language to describe what is meant, reproducing the conversation in English and speaking to the peers.

The task of the teacher is to make students communicate in English, creating certain situations that will help them in life and teach them how to find the best solution [17, p. 174].

The experience of teaching English in a higher school shows that in most cases, at the initial stage of education at the university the reproduction, complete or partial, is dominated in the oral foreign language students' speech. By the habit acquired in the process of studying at school, the students build oral statements on the topic being studied, not caring about the novelty of its form and content, as a rule, repeating any source text, which can be a vivid example of reproduction of foreign language speech, but not its productivity [10, p. 181].

However, the modern society needs the specialists who can see themselves in the global market of innovative ideas. This requirement is thought as the starting point for the development of the methods for the oral foreign speech teaching, contributing to the formation of the skills that allow students to create a full-fledged independent product of oral speech in a foreign language [3, p. 156].

The communicative method is aimed at the simultaneous development of the main language skills (oral and written speech, grammar, reading and understanding) in the process of live, relaxed communication. Vocabulary, grammatical structures, expressions of a foreign language are presented to the student in the context of a real, emotionally colored situation that contributes to fast and durable memorization of the studied material. The situation is a vital condition for learning colloquial speech. It is a system of relationships between the speakers. It is necessary both for the formation of speech skills and for their development.

The competence paradigm of education implies the mastery of a set of competencies (communicative, pragmatic, general, cognitive, intercultural, compensatory and professional) [12, p, 67].

As the research has shown, the use of roleplaying games offers wide opportunities for the activation of the educational process. The roleplaying game includes such types of activities as game and speech. When including game forms of activity in the language teaching practice of students, some factors should be taken into account. First of all, the role-playing game should be organized accordingly with the abilities and interests of the students, which will stimulate the enrichment and strengthening of the vocabulary [11, p. 227]. In addition, the game should imply the principle of spontaneity of its execution. The roles are not prepared in advance, but the improvisation takes place.

Thus, the role-playing game contributes to the development of partnership and personal involvement in what is happening. Being a direct model of the communication, it implies the use of the skills and abilities of both verbal and nonverbal communication, which, in turn, contributes to the formation of foreign language communicative competence among the students [15, p. 179].

Numerous studies within the framework of the considered question show that the project method contributes to the solution of the problems of foreign language education. The project work is directed, first of all, to the solution of many problems. At the same time, the students are given a wide range of opportunities to use not only a foreign language, but also other academic disciplines [14, p. 155]. The implementation of projects implies information and practice-oriented forms of work.

Similar methods of foreign language training are aimed at the interaction of all the participants in the educational process. They help practise all the types of speech activity (speaking, writing, reading, listening). Their use contributes to the creation of such a class atmosphere in which learners feel free and actively participate in the process of communication with each other [13, p. 86].

In the created interactive situations, the teacher is a facilitator who ensures a certain level of effectiveness of communicative interaction in the group. In addition, such innovative teaching methods provide for various forms of work (individual, pair, group) that contribute to the realization of the student's involvement in the work.

It is necessary to take into account that interactive methods presuppose thorough, timeconsuming preparation of the teacher [9, p. 172]. First of all, he must analyze all the details of the innovative technology proposed in practice, prepare the course of the lesson step by step aimed at achieving the set goals of foreign language education of the students. In addition, efficiency of the application of the similar methods of practical activity is impossible without the presence of a high level of foreign language professional training and different pedagogical skills. The speech orientation means the practical type of the lesson, as well as learning in general. It refers to the speech nature of all the exercises.

Teaching oral speech in a foreign language is used as a means of teaching communication for its intended purpose, where the communication includes the people who speak and the reason why they do it [17, p. 84].

The popular multimedia technologies that facilitate the learning process account of visualization of educational content can be effective in different situations [16, p. 154]. The structure of foreign language teaching can be divided into some levels: adaptive (mastery and consolidation of lexical and grammatical skills) and professional (quality control studying the necessary materials in practice).

Creating multimedia projects, providing interactive methods the teacher can offer thematic presentations, interactive presentations, the background conditions for teaching listening, accompaniment of retellings and presentation of the text fragments, the construction of a dialogue [1, p. 249].

The emotional impact on students creates a comfortable learning environment, help form a model of the real communication [2, p. 199], especially since students' independent creation of interactive content successfully increases their selfesteem and self-motivation.

Therefore, the use of interactive tasks, which are defined as academic classroom work with the teacher, as well as the student's independent extracurricular activity, is necessary at the present time for the formation of the oral speech of the students.

To create the necessary conditions for the successful speaking it is important to follow the next principles: to divide students according to the level of training; to take into account the personal and professional interests of students; to use the necessary organizational techniques; to create motivation of the students for comprehensive development [8, p. 35].

In addition, according to the monologic speech formation, the students, perceiving online speech, acquire listening skills, and they also have to develop dialogue skills, since any monologic statement can generate many questions. Of course we should admit that the Internet provides limitless possibilities in the field of foreign language education: teachers can use a large number of the sites, including free programs that offer oral foreign language training course.

Conclusions and prospects for further researches of directions

Summarizing everything, we should note that according to the modern educational realities there are innovative methods of presenting language material opening up the prospects to look for the most effective approaches to teach a foreign language. The wide variety of forms and methods of training, implemented in practice, enriches students with new knowledge from various fields of activity, including professional ones, significantly increases the time of communication in a foreign language, and contributes to the formation of a foreign language communicative competence in the context of globalization.

The further research can be connected with the problem of using the dialogues in the process of speaking skills development. The dialogic speech needs the careful research because live speech occurs precisely thanks to the situational communication.

Список джерел

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15. Naughton D. Cooperative strategy training and oral interaction: Enhancing small group communication in the language classroom // Modern Language Journal, 2006. № 90. P. 169-194. URL:

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1. Benson, S., Fischer, D., Geluso, J., von Joo, L. (2013). Effects of communication strategy training on EFL students' performance in small-group discussions. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 3, 245-269. 17/f2806431d25c0d0729552806cffee0e9e67a.pdf?_ga=2.9 6378716.1158240649.16606571701168220578.1659013770

2. Burns, A., Seidlhofer, B. (2010). Speaking and pronunciation. An introduction to applied linguistics (3rd ed.). London: Hodder Education.

3. Carter, R., Nunan D. (2001). Teaching English to speakers of other languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

4. Cohen, A. D. (2014). Strategies in learning and using a second language. London and New York: Routledge.

5. Cohen, A. D., Wang, I. K.-H. (2018). Fluctuations in the functions of language learning strategies. System, 74, 169-182. https://www. sciencedirect. com/science/article/pii/S0346 251X17309715

6. Douglas, H. (2007). Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy. New York. Pearson Education.

7. Faucette, P. (2001). A pedagogical perspective on communication strategies: Benefits of training and an analysis of English language teaching materials. Second Language Studies, 19, 1-40. content/uploads/2014/09/F aucette.pdf

8. Gregersen, T., & MacIntyre, P. M. (2014). Capitalizing on language learners' individuality: From premise to practice. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

9. Izumi, S. (2003) Comprehension and production processes in second language learning: In search of the psycholinguistic rationale of the output hypothesis. Applied Linguistics, 24, 168-196. omprehension_and_Production_Processes_in_Second_L anguage_Learning_In_Search_of_the_Psycholinguistic_ Rationale_of_the_Output_Hypothesis

10. Kormos, J. (2006). Speech production and second language acquisition. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

11. Majer, J. (2003). Interactive discourse in the foreign language classroom. Lodz: University of Lodz Press.

12. Mesgarshahr, A., & Abdollahzadeh, E. (2014). The impact of teaching communication strategies on EFL learners' willingness to communicate. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 4, 5176.'_Willingness_to_Communicate1

13. Nakatani, Y. (2005). The effects of awareness raising training on oral communication strategy use. Modern Language Journal, 89, 76-91. The-Effects-of-Awareness-Raising-Training-on-Oral- Communication-Strategy-Use-pdf

14. Nakatani, Y. (2006). Developing an oral communication strategy inventory. Modern Language Journal, 90, 151-168.

15. Naughton, D. (2006). Cooperative strategy training and oral interaction: Enhancing small group communication in the language classroom. Modern Language Journal, 90, 169-194.

16. Oxford, R. L. (2017). Teaching and researching language learning strategies. Self-regulation in context. New York and London: Routledge.

17. Pawlak, M. (2006). The place of form-focused instruction in the foreign language classroom. Poznan - Kalisz: Adam Mickiewicz University Press.

18. Teng, H. C. (2012). A study on the teachability of EFL communication strategies. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 46, 3566-3570.

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