The content and stages of physical education teachers’ professional development at multydisciplinary hei
Improving professional skills and competence in the Ukrainian academic environment. Harmonization of the content of training at all stages of professional development of physical education teachers of multi-disciplinary institutions of higher education.
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Дата добавления | 22.07.2023 |
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Lviv Ivan Boberskyi State University of Physical Culture
The content and stages of physical education teachers' professional development at multydisciplinary hei
Fedir Zagura, Ph.D. (Physical Training and Sports),
Head of the Athletic Sports Department
The article highlights the problem of harmonizing the content and stages of professional development of physical education teachers at multidisciplinary institutions of higher education. An analysis of the scientific and pedagogical literature on the research problem, which highlights forms, methods, and models of professional development, professional development content, and the impact of professional development on ensuring the quality of education in a modern university, was performed.
The content of the professional development of physical education teachers at the stage of adaptation in the academic environment of a multidisciplinary institution of higher education, the stage of professional competence improvement, the stage of experience accumulation, the stage of professional mastery and expertise is presented.
Examples of forms of professional development (trainings, round tables, and webinars) covering the specifics of various types of activities (organizational, scientific, educational, educational-methodical, international, health-prophylactic, sports-leisure, and sports activities) are provided.
A conclusion was made the results of harmonization of the content of professional development of physical education teachers with the needs of professional activity and the interests, interests of department, faculty, multidisciplinary institution of higher education at various stages of professional development are as following: the awareness of the importance of professional development throughout the entire professional activity of physical education teachers, the formed competence to reflect on one's own activity, the integration of theoretical and practical knowledge, formation of experience in various types of professional activity of a physical education teacher, the actualization of one's own potential, development of creativity and initiative, mastering and using various forms and models, methods of professional development. Prospects for further scientific research are presented.
Keywords: physical education teacher; multidisciplinary institution of higher education; professional development; stage of adaptation in the academic environment; stage of professional competence improvement; stage of experience accumulation; stage of professional mastery and expertise; professional development content.
Зміст та етапи професійного розвитку викладачів фізичного виховання багатогалузевих ЗВО
Федір Загура, кандидат наук з фізичного виховання і спорту, завідувач кафедри атлетичних видів спорту Львівського державного університету фізичної культури імені Івана Боберського
У статті висвітлено проблему гармонізації змісту та етапів професійного розвитку викладачів фізичного виховання багатогалузевих закладів вищої освіти. Виконано аналіз науково-педагогічної літератури з проблеми дослідження. Представлено змістове наповнення професійного розвитку викладачів фізичного виховання на етапі адаптації в академічному середовищі багатогалузевого закладу вищої освіти, етапі удосконалення професійної компетентності, етапі накопичення досвіду, етапі професійної майстерності і експертизи. Наведено приклади форм професійного розвитку (тренінги, круглі столи, вебінари), що охоплюють специфіку різних видів діяльності. Зроблено висновок про результативність гармонізації змісту та етапів професійного розвитку викладачів фізичного виховання багатогалузевих закладів вищої освіти. Представлено перспективи подальших наукових розвідок.
Ключові слова: викладач фізичного виховання; багатогалузевий заклад вищої освіти; професійний розвиток; етап адаптації в академічному середовищі; етап вдосконалення професійної компетентності; етап накопичення досвіду; етап професійної майстерності та експертизи; зміст професійного розвитку.
Problem statement. Nowadays, the problem of professional development attracts the attention of theorists and practitioners in the field of higher education.
Selection of its content, appropriate forms and models, methods, as well as considering the stage of professional development of university staff is important for ensuring the effectiveness of professional development.
Professional development of physical education teachers' professional development at multidisciplinary institutions of higher education is the subject of our research.
Each stage of professional development of physical education teachers has its own specificity, which determines the modes of professional development implementation.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature shows that scientists research various aspects of professional development: forms, methods and models of professional development (Г. Кравченко [5], М. Ілляхова [4]); professional development content (K. Broad, M. Evans [8]); the impact of professional development on ensuring the quality of education in a modern university (В. Дрижак, С. Єрмак [1]).
However, such studies have a generalizing nature, or are devoted to the coverage of individual cases.
Therefore, it seems logical to consider the problem of content at different stages of professional development of physical education teachers' professional development at multidisciplinary institutions of higher education.
The goal of the article. The goal of the article is to present the content of physical education teachers' professional development at multidisciplinary institutions of higher education and its harmonization at various stages of professional development.
To achieve the defined goal, the following objectives are identified:
1) to perform an analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature on the research problem;
2) to present content at various stages of professional development of physical education teachers at multidisciplinary institutions of higher education.
Research results
The generalization of the results of scientific research and reflection of our own experience provide an opportunity to summarize that several stages of physical education teachers' professional development at multidisciplinary institutions of higher education should be singled out. There is important to harmonize the content of professional development of physical education teachers with the needs of professional activity and their interests, interests of the department of physical education, faculty, multidisciplinary institution of higher education at various stages of professional development
The first stage - adaptation in the academic environment of a multidisciplinary institution of higher education - involves the introduction of a specialist into the academic environment of the university, adaptation to its conditions, which is important from the perspective of his further professional activity and continuous professional development.
During this stage, the specialist familiarizes himself with the structure of a multidisciplinary educational institution; spheres of activity at university; university authorities; the history of its development and the strategy for HEI's further development; regulatory documents in the field of higher education and the system of ensuring the quality of educational activities at university; information about educational programs, curricula, their development, revision, and improvement. It is important to familiarize physical education teacher with the documents that regulate various aspects of the organization and implementation of the educational process in university, the evaluation of learning outcomes and the attestation of students, etc.
We emphasise the familiarization with the requirements for professional competence and activity of physical education teachers in a multidisciplinary institution of higher education, because their understanding and critical analysis of one's own competence allows teacher to project his professional development and determine which area needs improvement. It should be noted that a higher education institution can employ yesterday's graduates of specialized higher education institutions, as well as scientific and pedagogical employees who previously worked in other higher education institutions, as well as specialists who came from sports. Therefore, drawing up a professional development plan and its implementation based on considering the interests of the individual teacher, department of physical education is carried out on the basis of individualization and a personality-oriented approach.
During the first stage - adaptation in the academic environment of a multidisciplinary institution of higher education - it is important to acquaint physical education teachers with the features of:
- university infrastructure, covering educational, scientific, social, sports and recreation, psychological, leisure spheres (educational buildings, laboratories, centres, sports clubs, sports and gyms, sports complexes, physical culture and recreation complexes, playgrounds, stadiums, swimming pools, educational and recreational camps, canteens, etc.);
- resources of an informational, educational, and scientific nature (scientific and technical library, media library, publishing house, various departments (scientific, international, educational, and methodological, project, legal, psychological assistance, labour protection, fire safety, human resource department), virtual learning environment, etc.
Regarding adaptation in the professional community, it should be noted here that scientists have proven the effectiveness of professional development, which is implemented in conditions of active learning and practical activities, in a collegial format [9; 10; 11]. Therefore, we consider it expedient to use non-formal and informal learning, which is implemented in cooperation with colleagues in the department and involves familiarization and mastering the knowledge necessary for organizing the work of a novice teacher.
Extrapolating the results of scientific research in the context of our study, we consider it appropriate to emphasize the need for organizing mentoring for novice teachers in several areas: organizational, scientific, educational, educational-methodical, international, health- prophylactic, sports-leisure, sports activities, as components of physical education teachers' professional activity at a multidisciplinary institution of higher education; the educational component “Physical education” in the structure of educational and professional training programs for specialists with higher education: essence, structure, purpose and main tasks, role and significance in the professional training of students; specifics of educational process organization regarding “Physical Education”: number of credits, subject matter, methods of active learning, student-centred approach in the organization of the educational process, etc.; the academic environment, its possibilities and means in the process of health-prophylactic, sports-leisure, sports activities, which are integral components of physical education teachers' professional activity at a multidisciplinary institutions of higher education.
The second stage - professional competence improvement - involves the coordination and harmonization of professional competence level of a physical education teacher with the requirements of the national level and the specifics of professional activity in a multidisciplinary institution of higher education (at the institutional level). professional competence physical education
Physical education teachers learn in the process of professional functions performance, experimenting and reflecting on their own experience. A critical analysis of one's own professional competence (as a complex of general and professional competences) and its comparison with general and professional competences defined in regulatory documents [7] provide the possibility of drawing up an individual professional development plan.
We believe that the second stage (professional competence improvement) involves mastering/updating of knowledge, forming abilities and skills, professional values and attitudes, as well as developing one' s own pedagogical style and pedagogical mastery [3; 6], which are implemented in the curricular and extracurricular activities. As it is noted in the scientific and pedagogical literature, “acmeological conceptualization of the teacher's professional activity involves the construction of such a fundamental model of professionalism, which considers in a dialectical unity the manifestation of the activity and personal - the professionalism of the individual and the professionalism of the activity, and also provides for the relationship of the communicative activity of team members and their individual - psychological and personal characteristics” [2, 62].
During this stage, physical education teachers of multidisciplinary institutions of higher education analyse their own knowledge, abilities and skills, realize the level of their compliance with professional competence declared by normative documents of the national and institutional levels, adopt the experience and best practices of colleagues in the department, observe classes, projects, manage sports clubs, sections, participate in the implementation of sports and leisure, sports, health- preventive measures with the help of collegial planning and implementation, identify gaps and form the plan to eliminate them, search for new ideas, innovative methods of student-centred learning, learn to manage one's own professional activities and professional development, familiarize themselves with the latest scientific and pedagogical, as well as educational and methodological literature, establish connections with professional organizations, participate in conferences, seminars, webinars, round-tables, networks, etc.
During our research, the webinars “Student-centered- ness in physical education”, “Physical activity and health care”, round-tables “Healthy nutrition: challenges and opportunities”, “Inclusive physical education at university: today's realities” were organized. The physical education teachers of multidisciplinary institutions of higher education, as well as Ivan Boberskyi Lviv State University of Physical Culture took part in them. The main purpose of the events was to exchange the experience, to present best practices and discuss opportunities for further cooperation in the field of physical education teachers' professional development.
The third stage (experience accumulation) of physical education teachers' professional development at multidisciplinary institutions of higher education is characterized by the manifestation of interest in new ideas, the search for and use of new resources, the application of theories, concepts, innovative ideas in the educational process, the establishment of one's own position and place in the department staff and professional community, performing the functions of the leader of a club, sport section, scientific or educational project, implementing the functions of a leader, mentor, facilitator, applying a creative approach in various types of professional activity, etc.
Among the effective tools, which we used here there was the mentoring program for physical education teachers to perform the roles listed above. In particular, a plan for organizing the activities of the sports section was developed, trainings “Educational project: planning and implementation”, “Leadership: inspire and create” were held, the mentoring program “Learning by teaching!” was organized and implemented, etc.
In particular, within the framework of the training “Educational project: planning and implementation”, physical education teachers had the opportunity to develop the skills necessary for analysing the situation, determining the need for educational project development, formulating its goal and objectives, evaluating available resources (time, financial / material, human) and determining the need to attract additional resources, developing a project implementation strategy, forming a project implementation plan with a clear division of functions between its participants, identifying potential risks and challenges, as well as predicted ways to overcome them, developing project evaluation tools during its implementation and after its accomplishment, etc.
The training “Leadership: inspire and create” provided for the development of knowledge about leadership and its essence, the role and significance of leadership for the development of teacher's personality, a department of physical education, a multidisciplinary institution of higher education in general. During the training, scientific and pedagogical employees had the opportunity to develop the skills and abilities of critical analysis of their own professional behaviour, establish interpersonal communication and cooperation, build trusting relationships with colleagues that contribute to joint overcoming of difficulties, make decisions supported by knowledge, professional values and attitude, that inspire colleagues and students for further development, etc. The fourth stage - professional mastery and expertise - contains the involvement of physical education teachers in programs for the development of the field of physical culture and sports, programs of professional development, mentoring, teaching methods of physical education, participation in the activities of expert councils, commissions for the development of educational and professional standards, etc. Such activity is aimed at improving the educational process in a multidisciplinary institution of higher education, ensuring the quality of various types of professional activity, forming a positive image of the department of physical education and the institution of higher education in general. The webinar “Expertise in the field of physical education, physical culture and sports: opportunities and prospects” was held for experienced teachers of physical education of multidisciplinary higher education institutions. The experts from the Lviv School of Higher Sports Mastery were involved. The purpose of the seminar was as following: to discuss the possibilities and prospects of physical education teachers' participation in the organization of sports events and in the training of athletes in various sports.
Conclusions and prospects for further research
We conclude that the results of harmonization of the content of professional development of physical education teachers with the needs of professional activity and the interests, interests of department, faculty, multidisciplinary institution of higher education at various stages of professional development are as following:
- the awareness of the importance of professional development throughout the entire professional activity of physical education teachers, as well as their role in the professional training of students, ensuring the quality of educational activities of a multidisciplinary institution of higher education, implementing its educational, scientific, innovative, social, economic functions in the knowledge society;
- the formed competence to reflect on one's own activity, determine its advantages and disadvantages, which justify the logic of building further professional development;
- the integration of theoretical and practical knowledge, formation of experience in various types of professional activity of a physical education teacher;
- the actualization of one's own potential, development of creativity and initiative for the purpose of continuous professional development, enrichment of professional community and the academic environment of a multidisciplinary institution of higher education;
- mastering and using various forms and models, methods of professional development, as well as performing various roles - learner, organizer, facilitator, mentor, etc.
We determine the development of scientific and methodical support of physical education teachers' professional development at multidisciplinary higher education as prospects for further research.
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