Role and the place of practical content in the context of quality training of higher education specialists
The essence of practical training of students as an integral component in modern technologies of graduate education. Increasing competition in the market of educational and scientific services. Integration of Ukraine into the European educational space.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 17.07.2023 |
Размер файла | 24,5 K |
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Размещено на
Харківський державний професійно-педагогічний коледж ім. В.І. Вернадського
Визначення ролі та місця практичної складової у контексті якісної підготовки здобувачів вищої освіти
Вікторія Акмен, кандидат технічних наук, доцент
Cвітлана Сорокіна, кандидат технічних наук, доцент
Валентина Сорокіна, викладач
м. Харків, Харківська область
Valentyna SOROKINA, teacher-methodologist
Kharkiv State Professional and Pedagogical College named after V.I. Vernadsky, Kharkiv
VictorMa AKMEN, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Associate Professor
Svitlana SOROKINA,
Candidate of Technical Sciences
State Biotechnological University,
Kharkiv, Kharkiv region
This work considers the issues of students' practical training as an integral component in modern technologies of degree education. This issue acquires particular relevance at the present time, when there is an increase in competition in the market of educational and scientific services, and Ukraine is advancing through integration into the European educational space.
It is noted that without radical changes in the system of higher education, including without matching the labor market, without increasing the professional level of the nation, it is impossible to ensure the innovative development and competitiveness of educational activities in the country. Besides, innovative development of economy requires high level of education and practical training of specialists. Lagging of content and quality of education from labor market needs, from trends of world economic
development leads to growth of unemployment and dissatisfaction of domestic employers. It is suggested to establish a hereditary relationship between educational approaches and labor market demands: what students master in educational technology should materialize in practice or in the production sphere. The main role in this should play practical skills, which the student acquires at the enterprises during the internship at all stages of education.
The study showed that a specific system of training can play a big role in the issue of forecasting the needs of the labor market. The necessity of introducing new directions of marketing strategy was noted. The main of which is determined by the expediency of introducing gradation of master's education level according to three reasonable variants of master's programs, in accordance with the future vision of learning outcomes, the role of future specialist in the labor market and aspiration for direction of self-realization in the life space. Each of these stages should shape the student's specific skills, mindset. It is shown that at all learning levels attention should be paid not only to theoretical-methodological tasks and expert methods of their substantiation, but also not to leave unattended the approaches aimed at activation of students' creative search. The peculiarity of such approach during the practical work of students is emphasized
The possibility of forecasting the needs of the labor market, taking into account general educational trends through the implementation of a model for the development of systemic partnership: government, business and higher education, with the active participation of employers is proposed.
Key words: higher education levels, student, practical training, employment, euro-integration, labor market.
У роботі розглянуто питання практичної підготовки студентів як невід'ємного складника в сучасних технологіях ступеневої освіти. Це питання набуває особливої актуальності, коли спостерігається зростання конкуренції на ринку освітніх і наукових послуг, а Україна просувається шляхом інтеграції до європейського освітнього простору.
Відмічено, що без радикальних змін у системі вищої освіти, в тому числі без її відповідності ринку праці, без підвищення професійного рівня нації неможливо забезпечити інноваційний розвиток і конкурентоспроможність освітньої діяльності в країни. Крім того, інноваційний розвиток економіки вимагає високого рівня освіти і практичної підготовки фахівців. Відставання змісту та якості освіти від потреб ринку праці, тенденцій світового економічного розвитку призводить до зростання безробіття і відвертої незадоволеності вітчизняних роботодавців. Запропоновано встановлення між освітніми підходами і вимогами ринку праці спадкоємного взаємозв'язку: те, чим оволодівають студенти в освітній технології, повинне матеріалізуватись на практиці або у виробничій сфері. Основну роль у цьому мають відігравати практичні навички, яких студент набуває на підприємствах протягом проходження практики на всіх етапах навчання.
Дослідження показало, що велику роль у прогнозуванні потреб ринку праці може відіграти конкретна система підготовки кадрів. Відзначено необхідність запровадження нових напрямків маркетингової стратегії, основним з яких визначено доцільність введення градації рівня освіти магістр за трьома обґрунтованими варіантами магістерських програм відповідно до майбутнього бачення результатів навчання, ролі майбутнього фахівця на ринку праці та прагнення до напрямку самореалізації в життєвому просторі. Кожний з цих етапів має формувати в студента особливі навички, склад мислення. Показано, що на всіх рівнях навчання увагу слід приділяти не тільки теоретично-методологічним завданням та експертним методам їх обґрунтування, а й не залишати поза увагою підходи, спрямовані на активізацію творчого пошуку студентів. Підкреслено особливість такого підходу протягом практичної роботи студентів.
Запропоновано можливість здійснювати прогнозування потреб ринку праці з урахуванням загальноосвітніх тенденцій через реалізацію моделі розвитку системного партнерства: держави, бізнесу і закладу вищої освіти, активної участі роботодавців.
Ключові слова: ступені вищої освіти, студент, практична підготовка, працевлаштування, євро інтеграція, ринок праці.
Higher education plays an important role in the management of the social and political, economic and cultural infrastructure of society. In all developed countries of the world, higher education is becoming an increasingly indispensable condition for employment. At the present time, there is an intensive development of international economic cooperation between Ukraine and foreign countries and their associations, international economic and commodity organizations. Therefore, in recent years the political orientation of Ukraine towards integration with the European Union had a significant impact on the quality of training of specialists, which contributed to the imbalance of vacancies for professions and caused changes in the methods and directions of practical training of students [1 ].
Now, at the heart of the latest educational technologies used in the educational process should be based on such concepts as industrialprofessional order, professional interests of future specialists, taking into account individual, personal characteristics of students, corresponding to the legislation of Ukraine [2].
Education in our time is effective when it is aimed at the establishment in the country of a close connection of training with the enterprises of future professional activity of students as an organizational form of providing new requirements of material and non-material production. This is necessary in the period of training personnel who can invent, improve and use new technologies, which will contribute to the economic position of the country and strengthen the position in the world market. It is the building of the human potential of the nation through modernization of the education system and scientific potential that has helped a number of countries around the world to successfully overcome the crisis phenomena [3].
The problems of professional training of pedagogical staff were addressed by such scientists as N. Onishchenko, I. Drach, G. Dzyuba and others [4-7]. It has been noted that the lag of the content and quality of education from the labor market needs, from the trends of the world economic development leads to the growth of unemployment and frank dissatisfaction of domestic employers.
The changes in the means and forms of professional training of specialists of different profiles in domestic HEIs have already had some results. But the practical training of students, as one of the basic components of the quality educational process at the institutions of higher education in Ukraine, remains still relevant and requires further research and improvement. This is of particular importance under the conditions of reorganization of the educational system in the Ukrainian HEI and integration of Ukraine into the European educational space.
Purpose of work
According to the above, the purpose of the work is to determine the role of practical training of students as one of the qualitative components in the implementation of the educational process in higher education institutions in Ukraine.
Research methods and techniques
In methodology of research on the specified problems were used: theoretical and methodological, empirical methods, the method of system analysis and observation on the subject of research. To achieve the goal the following principles were applied: objectivity, consistency, interrelation of phenomena and processes, unity of historical and logical, cause-effect relationships and the content of substantive analysis of normative legal acts (domestic and European) and scientific publications on the impact of socio-economic conditions for the development of specialist training [8].
Results and discussion
Traditional educational approaches ensure sustainable acquisition of basic knowledge, abilities, skills, serving as a basis for the formation of skills of their creative application, necessary in modern professional activity. At the same time, the development and implementation of new technology approaches is a necessary and obligatory condition of innovative educational process. It is the innovative educational technologies that constitute the conditions for training specialists on an activity-based basis. It is important that there is a legacy relationship between educational approaches and industrial technologies: what students learn in educational technology (knowledge, skills, abilities, personal qualities) should materialize in practice or in the production sphere. The main role in this is played by practical skills, which the student acquires at the enterprises during the internship at all stages of education.
That is, there is a need to create a structural logical organization between the educational process and enterprises, which can be organized with the application of marketing systems. In turn, marketization requires higher education to provide quality educational services and train specialists in accordance with the requirements of the labor market. In a market economy, ensuring balanced interaction between higher education and the labor market is a logical prerequisite for effective and sustainable economic development of society.
In order to build a logistical system of training in the HEI, according to the principles of marketing, it is proposed to prepare for practical activities, to be carried out in specialized universities, while the training of specialists intended to work in the field of basic sciences, should be conducted at universities. And it is necessary to strictly adhere to this division, but without cutting off the possibility of each person to obtain the highest degree of education - «master».
At the same time, university-eligible applicants will study programs that provide for a deeper study of the basic sciences and receive an appropriate development of their way of thinking. University training should be more mobile, which requires the above-mentioned marketing of HEIs, in order to identify a more appropriate construction of the educational process in each institution. One of the areas of marketing strategy, in education, can be the introduction of gradation of the level of education «master» in reasonable directions, according to the future vision of the results of training, the role of the future specialist in the labor market and the desire for the direction of selfrealization in the life space
Also, in relation to the master's degree, it should be said that not all students have talent and agree to devote their lives to scientific activities. Among the talented young people there are those who aspire to master engineering and be developers, in the full sense of this direction. Therefore, it is reasonable to divide the master's level into three variants of master's programs. At the same time, the program characterizing the master's level received by the students after the Bachelor's level should be divided into two directions, following the example of Poland and other European countries. One of them is an engineering one, which can last from 1.5 to 2 years. The second one is humanitarian or scientific (depending on the specialty), where the duration of training is 2 years or more.
Engineering students have to undergo a more continuous practical training, in enterprises and positions that are directly close to their future activities. More appropriate is the distribution of students to practice the enterprises that give orders for the specialists of certain qualification.
Under the third option of the master's level, it is appropriate to develop a program of study that is a single continuous process in an undivided, degree- by-degree master's program. According to it, there is no separate «bachelor's» degree for the subjects of study. A person who has a high school diploma studies for 5...6 years at a time, before receiving a «master's» degree, which would reduce to some extent the duration of university studies.
Colleges and other institutions that qualify for the third level of accreditation are encouraged to take a different approach. Students who have been selected for production training are encouraged to study on a four-level system, whereby deepen their understanding of how to perform specific production tasks and during the practical exercises, to gain skills by participating in the real work of enterprises.
In order to provide the college student with the opportunity to develop his or her intellectual potential in a planned manner, a certain integration and interaction of institutions of higher education of different levels is advisable, but excluding the complete dependence of institutions of the 3rd level on institutions of higher accreditation level.
In our opinion, the system of interaction between the college and the university should provide for the development of a specialist of a certain professional specialty, which within the framework of receiving education can gradually increase its level and move to each subsequent degree of education both immediately after the previous one, and within a set period of time, except for the stage that provides additional testing, examinations, etc.
According to the developed proposal, which meets the views of a number of teachers, should not completely reject the previously acquired experience of specialist development in the training of specialists of higher qualification, and carry out as follows:
young bachelor specialist - student who has acquired strong basic skills in their specialty and learns a part of the fundamental applied disciplines to that extent, which is necessary for the beginning of the labor activity and provides the opportunity for further professional growth, and if you want to move to a higher level of training;
Bachelor - a student who has mastered the applied and scientific disciplines in the amount sufficient for teamwork, as well as for self-motivated production activities.
Specialist-facilitian (engineering level)-which is deeply aware of the practical and social issues of their profession, first and foremost, the practitioner-manufacturer; in the process of teaching should make a special emphasis on the core fundamental problems of this or that specialty.
Master Scientist - who has received theoretical training for the continuation of scientific activity with a thorough knowledge of the applied aspects of their profession.
Each of these stages should form the student's special skills, a mindset. But at all stages, during the training period, attention should be paid not only to theoretical-methodological tasks and expert methods of their substantiation, but also not to leave unattended the approaches aimed at activation of students' creative search. The creative search acquires a special development during the practical work of students, at enterprises of different forms of ownership. That is, the sphere of education now has to fulfill the tasks set before it by the new economy. And as a consequence, it should meet the new demands of the labor market, and this implies the training of socially and professionally mobile citizens.
When training students, all degree levels, it should be taken into account that the theoretical course of science teaching and improvement of skills, in the process of their practical training, to date, are closely linked and usually almost impossible to clearly distinguish where the end of the profile science and begin production sphere. In this connection, it is important to address the issue of the regularities of the development of creative thinking of specialists. The teacher has to influence the student by the appropriate organization of classes so that he/she not only becomes an active participant of the educational process, but also a knowledgeable competent specialist or manager in the field/trade, material production, etc.
A specific system of training in demand and the participation of employers in the development of the material base of universities, in the organization of practical training, in social support for students, graduate students and employees can play an important role in the issue of forecasting labor market needs.
At the same time, the relationship between the structural elements, multi-stage learning process indicates the subordination of forms of training to certain tasks, methods and techniques. Such methods and techniques are chosen for the organization of carrying out not only the educational process, in accordance with a certain system of training, but also for the final stage - the embodiment of acquired knowledge, during work, in any sphere: in manufacturing enterprises, in retail trade, in customs or expert structural units or other objects of economic management. This indicates the level of professional training of students. The program of practice in HEIs should provide approximation of professional training of future experts to real conditions of the future activity. This should take place on the basis of active use of a special training complex. The content of such a training complex is both the subject side of future professional activity determined by a system of special tasks, models, situations, and the social side, which is conditioned by the peculiarities and specifics of forms of joint activity and communication. That is in the process of mastering theoretical knowledge the future specialist develops a certain personal position, according to the interaction of participants in the educational process and then masters the existing norms of future industrial relations. graduate education competition integration
To solve this problem, higher education institutions should offer more communicative disciplines related to the acquisition of leadership skills, psychological and moral stability in the circle of the team. Especially the production program of training future specialists directly in operating business companies, production plants, or shopping malls should not be neglected.
This approach will allow education through personal intelligence, because after successful completion of each educational degree, the professional receiving education can receive a diploma, which gives him an opportunity for employment. The student himself, having undergone professional training directly at the workplace, will be able to solve his economic problems and issues of further education or employment. That is, such a student is able to make a conscious choice regarding scientific or engineering direction of further education.
Positive results concerning the training of a specialist who has no problems with employment are given by the introduction of the concept of dual education, which provides a combination of training in an educational institution and an internship at enterprises, which promotes the integration of education, science and business, and is widely spread in European countries. According to this principle of education, students defend their term and graduation theses at the enterprises, and specialists take an active part in forming the content of disciplines and the structure of curricula. Students under the dual system learn more actively, strive to master the professional skills of their future specialty, become more independent, confident and more likely to adapt to the conditions of life and work in the team.
That is, the following trend is clearly traced - in conditions of growing competition in the market of educational services, the main task for higher education institutions is a continuous search for ways and methods to improve not only the educational process, but also to bring the content of higher education to the requirements and needs of the market from a practical point of view.
However, along with the desire of specialists in the field of education to form a trained specialist, many higher educational institutions in Ukraine have certain difficulties with the conclusion of contracts for internship, due to the lack of centralized distribution and assignment of universities for industrial enterprises, the presence of enterprises of different forms of ownership, lack of funds to pay for the work of internship managers from companies.
In the countries of Europe, in this regard, successfully operate special program mechanisms. It is known that in European countries, certain legislative acts and ways of their implementation have been developed, which contribute to the regulation of multistage interaction between education and the labor market. Thus, the authors of the European Commission's reports among the most common mechanisms of higher education and labor market regulation in the EU highlight the following: regular labor market forecasting; involvement of employers in higher education management; involvement of employers in education quality assessment; consulting services for students in HeIs; activities to improve the employment of graduates (internship and training); regular surveys of HEIs graduates [9, 10].
Therefore, the further transformation of the Ukrainian labor market, on the one hand, should be carried out taking into account time and adaptation to the means used by the EU in the employment sphere, and on the other hand, should be based on the most effective use of the labor potential available in the country. This necessitates the need to study the experience of regulating the interaction between educational institutions and the manufacturing and business sector of the economy in foreign countries.
Findings. Thus, the conducted work and experience show that in order to ensure the quality of specialists on the way of transformation into the international system of education a promising technological approach should be: 1) modernization of educational technologies and introduction of gradation of education level «master» in reasonable directions of master's programs, which is expedient in conditions of educational system transformation to EU requirements and, certainly, requires new innovative approaches to combine educational process with students' internship at enterprises; 2) cooperation between educational institutions and enterprises, which considers mutual economic interests and contributes to solution of employment problems. Moreover, the technological aspects of such approaches should be laid down already at the stage of curriculum development in both colleges and universities.
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