Designing a Distance Course for Developing the Art Teachers’ Media and Information Literacy

The article highlights the process of designing the distance course - "Media literacy in art classes" for teachers of general secondary education institutions that teach the disciplines of the art cycle, in particular the integrated course "Art".

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Designing a Distance Course for Developing the Art Teachers' Media and Information Literacy

Liudmula Havrilova

Dr. Hab. in Pedagogics, Professor,

Head of Primary Education Theory and Practice Department,

SHEI "Donbas State Pedagogical University", 12, Universytetska St, Sloviansk, Donetsk region, 84100, Ukraine

Olena Beskorsa

Hab. in Pedagogics,

Professor at Primary Education Theory and Practice Department, SHEI "Donbas State Pedagogical University", 12, Universytetska St, Sloviansk, Donetsk region, 84100, Ukraine

Olena Ishutina

PhD of Pedagogical Sciences,

Associate Professor at Primary Education Theory and Practice Department, SHEI "Donbas State Pedagogical University", 12, Universytetska St, Sloviansk, Donetsk region, 84100, Ukraine


Currently, media literacy is a necessary component of the general information culture of a person, which becomes absolutely crucial in the conditions of Russia's military aggression and the harsh realities of the Ukrainian information space with numerous examples of spreading untrue, unverified, and "fake " information.

In recent years, the concept of "media information literacy" (MIL) has become normalized in scientific circulation. It implies recognition of the leading role of information and media in everyday life, enables citizens to understand the functions of mass media and other information providers, critically evaluate their content and make informed decisions. In the documents of UNESCO and the European Commission, the concept of MIL is used as a universal term that denotes a set of knowledge, attitudes, abilities, and skills that allow access to information and knowledge, analyse, evaluate, use, create and disseminate them with maximum productivity in accordance with legislative and ethical standards and with respect for human rights.

The article highlights the process of designing the distance course "Media Literacy in Art Classes " for teachers of general secondary education institutions that teach the courses of the art cycle, in particular, the integrated course "Art". Scientific sources and legal documents were analysed to clarify the essence and modern interpretation of the concept of "media information literacy"; a number of mass open online courses on media literacy were considered; a survey of art teachers was conducted. According to the results of the survey, 6 topics, which were the most interesting to the respondents, were selected and the structure of the distance course, designed for 30 hours, 1 ECTS credit, was formed. The content of the course includes the study of the peculiarities of perception and critical evaluation of visual and audiovisual arts, as well as various aspects of the impact of media arts on the content of media messages. The course can be offered to teachers, especially teachers of primary school and courses in the educational field "Art", as a certification programme in the system of advanced training.

Keywords: distance learning; media and information literacy; teacher training; distance course design.

Проєктування дистанційного курсу з розвитку медіаінформаційної грамотності учителів мистецтва

Людмила Гаврілова

доктор педагогічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри теорії і практики початкової освіти, ДВНЗ "Донбаський державний педагогічний університет", вул. Університетська, 12, м. Слов'янськ Донецької області, 84100, Україна

Олена Бескорса

доктор педагогічних наук, професор кафедри теорії і практики початкової освіти, ДВНЗ "Донбаський державний педагогічний університет", вул. Університетська, 12, м. Слов'янськ Донецької області, 84100, Україна

Олена Ишутіна

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри теорії і практики початкової освіти, ДВНЗ "Донбаський державний педагогічний університет", вул. Університетська, 12, м. Слов'янськ Донецької області, 84100, Україна


Медіаграмотність на сьогодні є необхідним складником загальної інформаційної культури особистості, що набуває особливої актуальності в умовах військової агресії Росії та жорстких реалій українського інформаційного простору з численними прикладами поширення неправдивої, неперевіреної, "фейкової" інформації.

У науковому обігу останніх років унормованим стало поняття "медіаінформаційна грамотність" (Ы 1Г). Воно передбачає визнання провідної ролі інформації і медіа в повсякденному житті, дає змогу громадянам зрозуміти функції засобів масової інформації та інших постачальників інформації, критично оцінювати їхній зміст, ухвалювати обґрунтовані рішення. В документах ЮНЕСКО та Європейської комісії концепт МІГ вживається як універсальний термін, яким позначається сукупність знань, установок, умінь і навичок, які дають змогу отримувати доступ до інформації та знань, аналізувати, оцінювати, використовувати, створювати й поширювати їх з максимальною продуктивністю відповідно до законодавчих та етичних норм і з дотриманням прав людини.

Стаття висвітлює процес проєктування дистанційного курсу "Медіаінформаційна грамотність на уроках мистецтва" для вчителів закладів загальної середньої освіти, які викладають дисципліни мистецького циклу, зокрема інтегрований курс "Мистецтво". Було проаналізовано наукові джерела та нормативно-правові документи для з'ясування сутності й сучасного тлумачення поняття "медіаінформаційна грамотність"; розглянуто низку масових відкритих онлайн-курсів з медіаграмотності; проведено опитування вчителів мистецьких дисциплін. За результатами опитування було відібрано 6 тем, які найбільше зацікавили респондентів, та сформовано структуру дистанційного курсу, розрахованого на 30 годин, 1 кредит ЄКТС. До змісту курсу включено вивчення особливостей сприймання та критичної оцінки візуальних й аудіовізуальних мистецтв, а також різні аспекти впливу засобів медійних мистецтв на зміст медіаповідомлень. Курс можна пропонувати вчителям, передусім початкової школи, дисциплін освітньої галузі "Мистецтво" як сертифікаційну програму в системі підвищення кваліфікації. art literacy education

Ключові слова: дистанційне навчання; медіаінформаційна грамотність; підготовка вчителів; проєктування дистанційного курсу.

Currently, a lot of concepts, which are close in meaning, are used in scientific circulation as synonyms: "media literacy", "media culture", "information literacy", "audiovisual culture", "media competence", and others. The most relevant among them is media and informational literacy (MIL), which accurately indicates the current combination of media and information technology.

Regulatory and Legal Foundation for Developing Media Information Literacy

The development of MIL and media education in the European scientific discourse is regulated by a number of international documents, including:

Paris Agenda or 12 Recommendations for Media Education (2007), which defines that media education is a duty and right of a consumer of an information product as part of the rights to self-expression and information; media education is recommended for implementation into the national curricula of all countries, in the system of non-formal lifelong learning, etc.;

The European Parliament resolution of 16 December 2008 on media literacy in a digital world (2008), which provides practical recommendations for MIL development based on active teaching methods; it emphasizes that media literacy should be introduced into the European reference framework for lifelong learning as a basic competence (paragraph 19);

Fez declaration on MIL (2011), which confirms that MIL is a fundamental human right, especially in the era of rapid development of digital technologies and convergence of communication technologies; the importance of enhancing MIL for the social, economic and cultural development of society is emphasized;

Paris Declaration on MIL in the Digital Era (2014), which focuses on the rational use of information and communication technologies, competent and conscious handling of information by all participants in the information process, including teachers.

Thus, UNESCO declares that getting media education and mastering MIL are the key rights of every citizen of any country in the world, as well as the right to free expression and information. In addition, all documents refer to the dissemination of media literacy ideas, the development of critical thinking, and the promotion of broad public intercultural dialogue.

In addition to UNESCO materials, it is appropriate to mention the documents of the European Commission, adopted in recent years:

LifeComp: The European Framework for Personal, Social and Learning to Learn Key Competence (Sala et al., 2020). In the document, critical thinking is defined as one of learning to learn competencies, which involves assessing information and arguments to support reasoned conclusions and develop innovative solutions.

Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027), in which the development of digital skills and competencies for digital transformation, as one of the two key educational priorities, includes Common guidelines for teachers and educators to foster digital literacy and tackle disinformation through education and training (Digital Education Action Plan, 2022).

Council Resolution on a strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training towards the European Education Area and beyond (2021-2030) identifies specific issues and actions in the field of quality, equity, inclusion, and success in education, which include enhancing critical thinking, digital and media literacy (Council Resolution, 2021).

Thus, MIL is one of the 21st-century competencies, and its development is one of the priority areas of modern education. This is evidenced by the almost annual global weeks and forums of MIL, such as the European Forum "Media Literacy in Europe: Critical Thinking Competencies for a Democratic, Transparent, Open, Secure and Inclusive Information Environment" (2016, Riga, Latvia); Global MIL Week conducted in 2020 in the Republic of Korea. Activists from different countries are involved in these activities, who consider MIL to be an effective way to intensify intercultural dialogue.

In Ukraine, awareness of the relevance of developing citizens' media literacy and the active development of media education began in 2010, when the Concept of media education was created (renewed in 2016). The Concept emphasises the need to resist external information aggression and destructive foreign propaganda, the importance of media education in today's realities, when it becomes a fundamental component of information security of the country, and plays a strategic role in educating youth patriotism and forming Ukrainian identity (Naidonova, 2016).

The Analytical Note by the National Institute for Strategic Studies (2015) considers the issue of introduction of media education in the Ukrainian educational system; the relevance of media education for Ukraine in the context of European integration is substantiated taking into account the need to combat external information aggression; key issues are outlined and proposals for measures aimed at improving the efficiency of implementing media education in Ukraine are submitted (Media Education as a Factor, 2015).

The Concept of Media and Information Literacy in Modern Scientific Discourse

To design the content of a distance learning course on teachers' MIL, it is necessary to formulate our understanding of this concept based on the study of scientific sources. Since the concept of MIL has a complex structure, the essence of its components is considered.

"Media" (from the Latin, Medium - mediator) is considered as a means of transmitting, storing, and reproducing information, as various means of communication. McLuhan considered the media primarily as a message, and also believed that the content of a means of communication was always another means of communication (McLuhan, 2002). Innis (2007) considered the media as a means of recording information, he designed a theory of the emergence of new media, studied their social and economic impacts. The American Online Dictionary of Media and Communications defines media as any means of transmitting information, forms, devices, and systems that represent mass communications as a whole, including newspapers, magazines, radio stations, television channels, and websites (Danesi, 2015).

Studying different types of media, we note "cold" media (oral speech, correspondence, telephone, which require feedback between participants and involve one channel of information) and "hot" media (press, photography, cinema, television, which provide information in one direction and affect many sensations), distinguished by McLuhan (2002) in the middle of the 20th century. "Hot" media are also called "mass media", because they simultaneously transmit information to large groups of people. Due to the development of information technology, the concept of media has been rethought, in particular, the role of technological tools has increased. Thus, today "media" and "mass media" are usually not differentiated: "media (media, mass media) - technical means of creating, recording, copying, reproduction, storage, dissemination, and perception of information and its exchange between the subject (author of the media text) and object (mass audience)" (Fedorov, 2014). However, the concept of "New Media", associated with the use of computer technology and Internet technology Web 2.0, and "digital media" - any media that can be created, viewed, distributed, modified, and stored on digital electronic devices - have appeared (Different Types Of Mass Media 2022, n.d.; Smith, 2022). Digital media is an integral part of today's digital society and includes various forms of presenting information (text, audio, video and graphics) that are transmitted over the Internet for viewing on the Internet.

As stated in the European Parliament resolution of 16 December 2008 on media literacy, in the digital world, currently the boundaries between all types of media are erased, different forms of media are mixed technically and semantically; new mass media penetrate all spheres of human life thanks to innovative technologies; these new media stimulate users to be active in the media; in addition, forms of media also include communities of citizens, online blogs and video games (European Parliament resolution, 2008).

Today, the concept of MIL, which recognises the leading role of information and media in everyday life, enables citizens to understand the functions of the media and other information providers, critically evaluate their content, and make informed decisions as both users and producers of information and media content. The concept of MIL is included in the documents of UNESCO and the European Commission (Fez declaration on media and information literacy, 2011; Stocchetti, 2014; Richmond et al., 2008), in which it is used as a universal term, considered as a set of knowledge, attitudes, skills, and abilities that allow accessing to information and knowledge, analysing, evaluating, using, creating, and disseminating them with maximum productivity in accordance with legal and ethical standards and with respect for human rights.

Based on the analysis of national and foreign regulatory and legal documents and scientific studies, the purpose of the article is to describe the process of designing a distance course "Media and Information Literacy in Art Lessons" for secondary school Art teachers.


A set of theoretical and empirical methods was used while designing the distance course "Media and Information Literacy in Art Lessons" for secondary scho ol teacher, such as:

- analysing of scientific sources and legal documents to clarify the essence and modern interpretation of the concept of MIL;

- analysing of the content and structure of MOOCs on media literacy to prove the need to develop a distance course specifically for art teachers;

- conducting a survey to find out whether teachers consider MIL issues relevant in the field of art, whether they are motivated to dive into these issues, whether they understand modern media terminology, whether they want to create their own media products, etc. In addition, it was suggested to rank the topics of the future course. 37 teachers of the integrated course "Art" participated in the survey, who work at secondary education institutions in the Donetsk region in the eastern part of Ukraine. The survey was conducted, using Google Form.

Designing a course based on a well-known model of developing a pedagogical training scenario for the ADDIE e-learning environment, which consists of five stages: Analysis (content, learning environment, subject definition, software capabilities and hardware); Design (determination of expected learning outcomes, teaching methods and assessment methods, detailing the content in terms of topics); Development (preparation of all teaching materials, exercises, tasks, project topics, etc., planning the organization of the course and its loading into the learning management system); Implementation (conducting training, organizing interaction with students); Evaluation (determination of whether learning objectives have been achieved, whether the content and methods of teaching need to be adjusted) (Simonson et al., 2003).

Findings and Results

Analysis of MOOCs

There is a strong need to consider the main stages of designing a distance course "Media and Information Literacy in Art Lessons" for secondary school teachers and its content.

The first stage is the analysis of Ukrainian and foreign MOOC on media literacy, which are currently offered to improve teachers' skills and their self-development in the field of media literacy, media competence and media culture. We agree with Beskorsa (2021), Morze, Buinytska & Varchenko-Trotsenko (2016), Panchenko (2018) and others, who study the issues of designing and implementing MOOCs and emphasise that MOOCs present an adaptive model of distance learning courses in higher education institutions, but they are more attractive due to the possibility of deepening knowledge on a particular issue, they are accessible and convenient; learning in an open course, a user acquires social experience, observes the learning progress, moreover, online learning is usually innovative (Morze et al., 2016, 45).

The largest MOOCs platform in Ukraine is Prometheus ( The EdEra online education platform (, created as a part of the New Ukrainian School Concept, is also popular. The analysis of the themes of the available online courses allowed us to identify several that are useful for developing teachers' MIL.

1) "Media Literacy for Educators" (Prometheus, n.d.) - a course developed for motivating educators to study a new digital environment and develop their MIL. The course includes 4 themes: what is media literacy; tasks of media education; online communication; overcoming the dangers of cyberbullying.

2) "Media Literacy: Practical Skills" (Prometheus, n.d.) - a course dedicated to media literacy and the main challenges of the modern world - misinformation and fakes. It includes 5 themes: information in the modern world; misinformation; fakes; media literacy; the impact of the media on a person.

3) "Very Verified: the online course on media literacy" (EdEra, n. d.) - a course developed by the international organization IREX in the project "Learn to Discern: Media Literacy Training". The main sections of the course are devoted to navigating the information around and recognising manipulative content, misinformation and propaganda.

4) "Media Literacy Hours" (EdEra, n. d.) consists of five modules: "Information. Media", "Verification of information. Manipulations and fakes in the media. Factchecking", "Who works in the media: professions, roles and skills", "Media text. Media and society", "Advertising. Manipulation in advertising".

For designing the content of the distance course "Media and Information Literacy in Art Lessons" for teachers the course "History and Theory of Media" (Coursera, n. d.) is relevant, which provides an opportunity to understand the theoretical aspects of history and theory of media education.

Teacher Survey

Developing the content of the course "Media and Information Literacy in Art Lessons", we also took into account the needs of secondary school art teachers in Donetsk region, which we learned from the survey, which was the second stage of designing a distance course. The survey involved 37 teachers of art courses, who worked in secondary education institutions of Donetsk region.

Teachers were asked the following questions:

1. Do you consider the issues of MIL and media education of young people to be relevant today? If so, explain why.

2. What do you think are the goals of MIL (choose a few answers)?

- - to develop the ability to think critically;

- to develop the ability to perceive, evaluate, understand, and analyse media texts;

- to teach to decode media texts / messages;

- to acquire knowledge of social, cultural, political, and economic meanings and subtexts of media texts;

- to develop the ability to aesthetic perception, evaluation of aesthetic qualities of media texts;

- to teach a person to express themselves through the media;

- to teach a person to identify, interpret media texts, try different ways of technical use of media, and create media products / texts;

- to provide knowledge of the theory and history of media and media culture.

3. Give the definition of media education (choose one answer):

- teaching theory and practical skills for mastering modern mass media, considered as a part of the specific and autonomous field of knowledge in pedagogical theory and practice;

- learning to use the media as an aid in teaching other areas of knowledge, such as mathematics, physics, geography, etc.;

- a component of media culture, which involves mastering knowledge about the media, their history and features of functioning, benefits and harms for a person, the ability to protect a person from destructive media influences and navigate freely in the world of information;

- a certain level of media culture, which provides a person's understanding of the sociocultural, economic and political context of the media, demonstrates their ability to be a carrier and transmitter of media cultural values, effectively interact with the media space, create new elements of media culture.

4. Would you like to take a media literacy course?

- Yes;

- No.

- Rank the proposed list of the themes on MIL according to the degree of their importance for the students in art lessons:

- Media literacy and media education: concepts and terms;

- Fact check: photos, videos and data sources. Content check: photos and videos;

- Media literacy of school teachers of art disciplines, its components;

- Modern media theories: empirical-functional, linguistic, theories of cultural research;

- Educational opportunities of media. The influence of art on the content of media messages;

- Internet resources: ways to find, process and transmit information from different arts. Media text;

- Diversity of social media services and life in the "public";

- Manipulations in the media; fake as one of the mechanisms of information manipulation; methods of combating fakes.

According to the results of the survey, 6 the most interesting themes for the respondents were selected, and the following structure of the distance course was designed for 30 hours, 1 ECTS credit (Table 1).

Table 1

The structure of the course "Media Information Literacy in Art Lessons" for secondary school teachers

Content of the course



Individual work

Theme 1. Media information literacy in today's conditions. Visual and audiovisual arts in the field of media (12 hours)

Media literacy and media education: concepts and terms

2 hours

2 hours

Work in groups, project activities

Manipulations in the media; fake as one of the mechanisms of information manipulation; methods of combating fakes

2 hours

2 hours

Features of visual and audiovisual arts: features of perception and

critical evaluation. The influence of media arts on the content of media messages

2 hours

2 hours

Theme 2. The use of media in the lessons of the educational field "Art" at sc

iool (18 hours)

Use of video and audio materials in art lessons

2 hours

4 hours

Project activity:

working with media content and creating own media product (work in groups)

Internet resources: ways of finding, processing and transmitting

information from different arts. Media text

2 hours

4 hours

Online services for art teachers to edit content and create their own media products

2 hours

4 hours

Content of the Course "Media and Information Literacy in Art Lessons"

The aim of the course is to develop MIL of art teachers, provide theoretical knowledge and improve practical skills of effective and safe interaction with media information, obtained from visual and audiovisual media sources, analysis of media resources and creating their own media products for art lessons.

The distance course "Media and Information Literacy in Art Lessons" is hosted in the Google Classroom environment for easy access to its materials. The components of the course include a block of lectures, seminars, individual work, control, and assessment. Each theme of the course contains lecture materials, presentations, reference lists, additional videos, tasks for the seminars and individual work, links to Internet sources, test tasks, etc.

The theoretical part aims to provide the necessary scientific and methodological information on MIL and media education, the specifics and features of the functioning of visual and audiovisual arts. The methodological basis for studying the outlined issues are modern theories of society informatization, patterns of functioning of traditional and new media and the theory of media education.

The basic concepts of the course include:

1) Visual arts and visual culture as part of culture, which is expressed in visual images and generates a new type of perception of visual information through on-screen media. Visual (audiovisual) media as those that use images and sound to transmit information (television, cinema, Internet, etc.) (Wilson et al., 2011).

2) Media text (media construct) - a message, presented in any genre of media: a newspaper article, an online article, a TV show, a video clip, a film, and a cartoon (Antonova, 2020).

3) Media text analysis - study and interpretation (decoding) of media text. There are the following types of analysis: convention analysis, structural, plot, autobiographical, iconographic, semiotic, identification, ideological, philosophical, aesthetic, ethical, etc. (Volosheniuk & Ivanov, 2018).

4) Virtual reality (cyberspace) - a space, artificially designed by computer means with certain features of reality, where online communication takes place, etc. (Amdam, 2017).

The materials of each lecture are visualised in presentations, designed with Power Point and PowToon, full of infographics, links to photos and videos. Seminars are aimed at acquiring practical skills of MIL, especially to use video and audio materials in art lessons, work with media text, master the methods of finding, process and transmit information on visual and audiovisual arts. There are also tasks in online services for editing art media content and creating media products.

Individual work in the distance course "Media and Information Literacy in Art Lessons" involves immersion in some theoretical issues in the field of media literacy and media education, development of online resources and platforms (Kahoot, Mentimeter, Padlet, etc.) to create teachers' own digital educational resources for students, organisation of informal learning activities, including online MIL training, creative projects, etc.

The involvement of teachers in the distance course "Media and Information Literacy in Art Lessons" allows them to look into media theory, understand the conceptual apparatus in the field of MIL and media education, consider the specifics of audio and visual arts and their impact on personal experience in art lessons.

Discussion and Conclusion

The distance learning course "Media and Information Literacy in Art Lessons", offered to the teachers, has its own specifics, which is related to its focus on art courses, in particular, the integrated course "Art" in secondary education institutions. This is the reason for including the study of the peculiarities of perception and critical evaluation of visual and audiovisual arts in the course content, as well as various aspects of the impact of media arts on the content of media messages.

The distance course would be more attractive to users if its content included the issue of self-presentation with the means of media. This is pointed out by Amdam (2017), analysing the peculiarities of training media teachers in Norway, and we agree with him.

The research by Erdem & Eri§ti (2018), aimed at measuring the levels of future preschool teachers' media literacy skills, proved that the issues of media literacy skills to access, analyse, evaluate and communicate are relevant. This confirms the expediency of implementing into the designed distance course the themes "Internet resources: ways of finding, processing and transmitting information from different arts. Media text" and "Online services for art teachers to edit content and create their own media products", aimed at developing teachers' practical media skills.

In the work of Lopes et al. (2018), it has been noted that before studying media practices, one should focus on assessing skills of MIL. The authors offer a MIL Test comprising 20 items. The test has good discrimination and difficulty parameters, as evidenced by statistical methods. Thus, the test tasks on MIL, created by Lopes et al. (2018), can be added to the designed distance course to measure the studied social phenomenon.

Tezera et al. (2019) emphasised on the relevance of using the visual media technologies in the education system. The data collection tool "The educational effect of the use of the visual media by teachers" was used. According to t he interviewed teachers, the education provided by visual media is more specific, but visual technologies are not sufficiently integrated into the existing education system. This confirmed the relevance of the introduction of the theme "Features of visual and audiovisual arts: features of perception and critical evaluation. The influence of media arts on the content of media messages" to the content of the designed distance course.

We consider an opinion of Pandian et al. (2020) to be very important for our study, as they single out communicative digital stories as an effective means of developing MIL of future teachers. Researchers have found that students have difficulties with assessing the relevance and usefulness of information, as well as expressing their ideas through a variety of visual communication methods. This again emphasises the importance of immersing students in the expressive possibilities of the visual arts for youth media development and correlates with the theme of the designed course.

In addition, the designed course "Media and Information Literacy in Art Lessons" is focused on current trends of society. This is in line with the opinion of Panchenko (2018), who analysed the MOOCs of the Coursera platform and rightly noted that today the courses are adapted to digitalisation, cybersecurity, development of critical thinking, leadership skills and other issues, including MIL, recognition of manipulative media content, misinformation and propaganda.

It should be noted that the structure and content of the course correlate with the curriculum for teachers (Wilson et al., 2011, 23), developed by UNESCO, which recommends to supplement the curriculum for teachers on MIL with the key curriculum areas: Knowledge of media and information for democratic discourse; Evaluation of media and information; Production and use of media and information.

It can be concluded that the distance course "Media and Information Literacy in Art Lessons" is designed taking into account modern requirements (growing role of media, including New Media, digitalisation of society and distance work in a pandemic), UNESCO and European Commission regulations, the Concept of Media Education in Ukraine, and modern MOOCs on media literacy. The course can be offered to teachers, especially those who teach art courses and primary school teachers, as a certification programme in the system of professional development.


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