Motivating learning activities of higher education students to study foreign languages under distance learning program
Motivation of students of higher education studying on the basis of distance educational technologies in order to improve the effectiveness of foreign language learning. The essence of distance learning educational technology, its types and forms.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 23.05.2023 |
Размер файла | 22,8 K |
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Lviv National Environmental University
Motivating learning activities of higher education students to study foreign languages under distance learning program
Svitlana Dobrovolska,
Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD), Acting Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages
Mariana Opyr,
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages
Svitlana Panchyshyn,
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Language
Lviv, Ukraine
The world faces serious changes it is not ready to take. Distance learning is a new challenging experience that is demanded by the current situation in the world. Therefore, in the present educational process, a particular attention should be paid to students 'motivation to use distance learning technologies, particularly to improve efficiency of learning foreign languages. The article deals with the essence of educational technologies of distance learning, its kinds and forms, advantages and drawbacks, and importance of motivation for higher education students. The work considers different methods of motivation and analyzes teacher's position in the distance learning process. The research outlines some interesting applications and stresses on their necessary use in the learning process along with supplementary materials to develop a foreign language competence of the students of non-language specialties. Successful mastering of language materials, development of communication skills, exercising and training of necessary speaking competences can be achieved by choosing relevant methodological materials. The authors of the research analyze different ways of motivation in conditions of distance learning, methods of adequate motivation of students and teachers, engaged in the educational process. The work confirms that successful distance learning depends on the adequate response to the social-psychological and social-pedagogical factors. The problem of motivation to studying foreign languages by higher education students is determined by creation of the European environment of higher education that needs implementation of the complex tasks of more effective international communication and deeper comprehension of the process. Apparently, the present social request sets new requirements to the educational process at higher education establishments that aims to develop a creative and socially adapted personality, ready to run productive activities in conditions of a controversial economic society, with good command of a foreign language or languages and skills of communication with the language native speakers.
Key words: distance learning, internal motivation, external motivation, higher education student, teacher, distance learning technologies.
кандидат економічних наук, в.о. доцента кафедри іноземних мов Львівського національного університету природокористування (Львів, Україна)
Мар'яна ОПИР,
старший викладач кафедри іноземних мов Львівського національного університету природокористування (Львів, Україна)
Світлана ПАНЧИШИН,
старший викладач кафедри іноземних мов Львівського національного університету природокористування (Львів, Україна)
Світ зіштовхнувся із серйозними випробуваннями, до яких не був готовим ніхто. Значним викликом для нас стало дистанційне навчання, яке вже є вимогою сучасності. В організації сучасного навчального процесу велику роль відіграє мотивація здобувачів вищої освіти, що навчаються на основі дистанційних освітніх технологій, з метою підвищення ефективності вивчення іноземної мови. У статті розкрито сутність освітньої технології дистанційного навчання, його види та форми, переваги та недоліки, роль мотивації до навчальної діяльності здобувачів вищої освіти. Розглядаються різні способи мотивації, роль викладача в навчальному процесі за допомогою дистанційних технологій. Проаналізована роль цікавих додатків під час навчання, у формуванні іншомовної мовленнєвої компетенції студентів немовних спеціальностей. Для якісного засвоєння мовного матеріалу, розвитку комунікативних навиків, набуття та тренування всіх необхідних лінгвістичних навичок важливим є правильний підбір методичних матеріалів. Проводиться аналіз різних способів підвищення мотивації в умовах дистанційного навчання, як правильно мотивувати студентів і викладачів, задіяниху процесі навчання. У результаті дослідження з'ясувалось, що успішність вирішення цього завдання залежить від правильного врахування соціально-психологічних і соціально-педагогічних чинників. Проблема формування мотивації до вивчення студентами іноземної мовиу вищих навчальних закладах обумовлена створенням європейського простору вищої освіти, що потребує реалізації складних завдань щодо більш ефективного міжнародного спілкування та більш глибокого взаєморозуміння. З огляду на це цілком зрозуміло, що саме зараз соціальне замовлення висуває нові вимоги до навчально-виховного процесу вищих навчальних закладів, метою якого є формування й розвиток творчої, соціально адаптованої особистості, готової до продуктивної діяльності в умовах неоднозначного економічного суспільства, яка вільно володіє іноземною мовою або мовами і здатна на взаємодії з носіями різних мов.
Ключові слова: дистанційне навчання, внутрішня мотивація, зовнішня мотивація, здобувач вищої освіти, викладач, дистанційні освітні технології
Problem setting
Nowadays, distance learning is the most actual and heavily discussed issue of the modern scientific pedagogical theory and practice. Transition to the form of distance learning, forced by the Covid-19 pandemic, was an unexpected and rather serious challenge for all participants of the process, namely teachers, students and their parents. All participants of that process had to respond to the challenge and adapt to new realities. Although distance learning can hardly fully substitute the traditional form of studying, it can become an effective instrument of the educational process organization. The above mentioned aspects outline the problem of the personal and motivational development of higher education students in conditions of pedagogical process that is conducted by means of distance learning technologies.
Considering the rising requirements to training future specialists in conditions of distance learning, the actual goal of the research is to develop motivation of higher education students to participate in the learning process on the basis of Moodle learning environment and other services like Google Meet, Zoom and Microsoft Teams. To solve the psychological and pedagogical tasks, one should determine forms and means of motivation to secure successful activities of higher education students in conditions of distance learning. That is the opportunity to experience all advantages and drawbacks of distance learning.
Task setting
The goal of the article is to define the essence, mechanisms and means to rise students' motivation to studying a foreign language in the process of distance learning.
Analysis of recent researches and publications
The problems of distance learning organization are considered in scientific and methodic works of many modern researchers, including E. Polat, N. Koriak- ovtsev, I. Dmytriieva, M. Karpenko, H. Kozlakova, V. Hrytsenko, V. Kolos (Voloshyna H. H.,2014: 56), P. Volovyk, O. Sobaieva, V. Svyrydiuk, N. Basova, N. Zhevakina, A. Kuzminskyi, N. Mulina, B. Shune- vych, V. Zhulkevska, H. Yatsenko and others.
The present idea of motivation to learning refers to the concept of O. Leontiev, S. Rubinshtein, D. Uznadze. Modern Ukrainian researcher of the problems of students' motivation, including studying a foreign language, N. Aristova says that it is based on available motifs, positive emotions, goals, which fuel the process of learning, particularly of foreign language (Aristova N. O., 2015: 56). The issue of motivation to learning a foreign language was also studied by M. Kudriavtseva, I. Dmytriieva, M. Karpenko and others (Bekele T., 2010: 120).
Scope of the research
Distance learning is any form of distance education, when a student is not physically present in a class, but studies through Internet technologies. The basic concepts of distance learning have not been clearly defined until recently. Many notions have been used to name the concept, particularly teaching at a distance, online learning, network learning, e-learning, blended learning, virtual learning, distance/distant education, Web-based learning, computer-based learning, distance learning/teaching, Internet-learning) and others. Some of the above-mentioned types are synonymous, close by their essential characteristics, whereas others make extra stress on different features and targets. Among the interpretations, two principally different approaches should be pointed out. The first one defines distance learning as an exchange of information between teachers and learners through online services or other communication means. In the process, a student gets educational information and tasks for training and afterwards, sends results of his/her work to the teacher for estimation of quality and level of mastered knowledge. Moreover, students' individual activities are almost not organized in that process. The second approach to distance learning is principally based on personal effective activities of learners, which are arranged due to modern communication means. That approach integrates the information and pedagogical technologies, which provide for the interaction of a teacher and a student, as well as the learning process efficiency. Therefore, distance learning is defined as the one that supplies educational services distantly, mainly without attending higher education establishments, due to innovative computer-based and communication technologies, and it is a universal, synthetic, integral, humanistic form of learning that provides adequate conditions for students' learning and is adapted to the basic level of knowledge and control of students' success. (Ste- fanenko P. V., 2002: 243).
American researcher Michael Moore distinguishes three types of interaction in the process of distance learning: “student-learning material”, “student-teacher” and “student-student” (Moore, M. G., 1989: 3). According to the scientists S. Bunik and T. Markus, the Moore's system of interaction should be supplemented with one more aspect, i.e. interaction of a student with the system, i.e. with the computer-based technology.
Complexity of the problem of students' motivation to learning foreign languages and generally to distance learning is determined by its structure and functions. Motivation is of great importance as it activates a personality's behaviour aimed at mastering knowledge, focuses students' activities on definite goals, namely to develop socially important skills and qualities, to improve efficiency, and to develop self-control. Motivation is considered by scientists as one of the main factors, influencing the rate and success of the process of a foreign language learning.
R. Gardner says motivation to learning a foreign language is “the extent to which an individual works or strives to learn the language because of a desire to do so and the satisfaction experienced in this activity” (Gardner, R. C., 1985: 10).
There is an external and internal motivation. External motivation is developed under the impact of a teacher, friends, acquaintances, necessity to pass a credit or an exam. Internal motivation is a long and complicated process, when a person realizes the necessity to study foreign languages to achieve the set goal (Voloshyna H. H., 2014: 74). Internal motivation to learning appears when a student studies the subject just because it is interesting for him/her, because he/ she enjoys the learning process or he/she experiences satisfaction from his/her personal progress.
Students' internal motivation to distance learning of foreign languages can be improved by choosing interesting educational material, using innovative non-traditional teaching methods, engaging students to active work during the classes, inviting native speakers to communication with the students. Other means to rise students' learning motivation include: to give fast feedback, to demonstrate emotional support for students, to provide some degree of students' independence on choosing learning materials, e.g. to supply some variants of tasks for the students to choose, not to set rigid deadline, or allow a free choice of a partner for performing micro group tasks; to provide access to all necessary materials; to strengthen students' self-confidence; to create a situation of success for each student by giving feasible tasks with a clear explanation, without too much criticism, but appraisal; to create a positive atmosphere in the group, to stimulate “student-student” work to develop the feeling of connection and belonging to the group; to make learning process emotional; to apply students' life experience, give life examples; to use authentic materials; to involve modern information and communication technologies and potential of the Internet; to use different forms of materials, like text, video, audio - to satisfy demands of students who acquire the information from different channels; to stimulate students by extra bonuses for performing tasks in time; to plan and organize classes, to minimize the risk of technical errors (Voloshyna H. H., 2014: 76).
Lack of motivation to learning a foreign language, misunderstanding of the importance of such knowledge in the modern world greatly complicates the work of foreign language teachers at the non-lin- guistic universities, because it is impossible to teach a student, who is not motivated to such activity. Only interested and determined students can learn foreign languages faster and with great involvement. Therefore, motivation is a guaranty of success of the whole process of learning (Voloshyna H. H., 2014: 77).
Students' motivation to learning foreign languages can be improved by applying interactive and personality-oriented pedagogical technologies. In the work, the authors consider some ways to rise students' motivation to learning foreign languages, namely to set a clear goal; to motivate students to the active use of the foreign language in other places of information exchange (Internet-forums, online courses, etc.); to provide the opportunity for the students to communicate in the foreign language alternatively, like participating in conferences, visiting museums, professional institutions, companies, etc.; to introduce a system of presentation of students' success; to introduce rating assessment of students; to extend the opportunities for students' personal self-fulfillment.
The main criteria of motivating to learning a foreign language include: 1) learning motifs; 2) goals in the process of foreign language learning; 3) emotions, produced by the learning process; 4) ability to learn; 5) opportunity of practical application of acquired knowledge (Bekele T., 2010: 121). To get success of distance learning, scientists recommend for the teachers to follow the following principles: to have clear understanding of the modern social demands and expectations from the course; to teach students to learn distantly; to demonstrate a good example of participation in the course; to be ready to lower the course requirements in case of necessity; to communicate with the students, who do not take part in the distance learning course, and to invite them; to create a warm, cozy and safe atmosphere for the process participants. Moreover, it is very important to use the multimedia content.
A distance learning student should be more independent and better motivated to get successful results of the foreign language learning. Different researchers define different strategies of learning, but almost all agree on the main categories of such process. They are cognitive (those, which can apply specific technologies of tasks performing), metacognitive (the processes are used for planning, managing an assessment of the learning tasks) and social affective (interaction with others to practice or to handle with loneliness or fears) (Stefanenko P. V., 2002: 147).
Researchers name some ways for students to develop their independence in distance learning. education distance learning
Goals should be clearly defined for the students to feel they have the right of ownership of the course materials.
Supplementary home tasks or tasks are given to better train some difficult materials, but they are not mandatory.
Students are proposed to take other activities or tasks to apply their knowledge in other contexts, which meet their personal demands or interests.
Permanent development and various proposals for the strategies of distance learning are presented in the way the students can experiment and choose those, which suit them the best.
Students should have the opportunity to review and analyze what they have learned by means of their diary.
Students should have the opportunity for self-assessment and sell-evaluation.
They should be able to correlate the portion of acquired knowledge and the one, they are going to learn (Hurd S., Beaven T., Ortega A., 2001: 345).
Although the statements are mostly agreed by some consider them to be too much idealized.
Nowadays, universities use different platforms for distance learning. Virtual learning environment for the students of Lviv National Environmental University is organized on Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) platform. In the system of Moodle, students can use calendar or theme structuring of courses. The discipline of “Foreign language” has a theme format, structured by modules, topics, sections, approved in the course program. It is considered one of the most adequate formats to organize distance learning for students (Bakhmat L. V., Babakina O. O., 2014: 45). An online educational course has the following general structure: general information about the course: news; goal and tasks; program (course program); methodic recommendations; tasks for independent work; forms of control and criteria of assessment of students' learning results; list of printed and other Internet-resources on the course. The system provides an option to supplement useful and interesting contents to the courses, which are on the platform. “An important and compulsory aspect of different forms of learning is to control the learning activity of students, particularly by making test control, which is one of the most relevant form of control while using distance learning technologies. However, there are some psychological and pedagogical problems of using Internet testing in distance learning”. To support and rise motivation to testing, it is necessary to use a model, proposed by the
American researcher John Keller, who distinguishes four stages: attention, relevance, confidence, satisfaction (Keller J., 2008: 176). Following the model, it is first recommended to attract students' attention to the learning material, which is used on the Moodle platform. The next stages are to explain importance of the performed task and to show correct solution for the students be more confident. At the last stage of task performance, it is necessary to stimulate students, to give them information about their progress.
Due to innovative technologies used for learning a foreign language, the educational process is getting more student-oriented and less time consuming. Virtual learning environments maximize interaction and cooperation, interest to learning and obtaining new information. Using the Moodle platform for teaching foreign languages, teachers can create an environment for continuous learning with unlimited opportunities of control, changing, storing, review etc., and the most important - for a close interaction of students and a teacher (Kolos K. R., 2011: 197).
Application of interactive technologies, developed on the basis of competence approaches, creates necessary preconditions for high quality learning. Wordwall is a multifunctional instrument for creation of both interactive and printed materials. Interactive exercises are reproduced at any device with the Internet access. The service suggests many samples, which can be used to create didactic games. Having created an exercise, the teacher sends the corresponding reference link to students. The tasks can be easily personified and therefore, each student's progress can be followed.
One more interesting online service is called Qui- zlet. It is used by teachers to create interactive cards for better learning and training of vocabulary. It suggests different modes of work, namely “Card” - the mode of card viewing (there is a function of word listening); “Speller”: print what you hear; “Learn” (in two versions: put down translation of the word, listen to its meaning and write down); “Test” (four types of questions); “Scatter” (Make everything disappear! Match the notion and its meaning to make them disappear); “Race” - the game “Space race” (while a card “is flying” across the screen, you should put down the word in the corresponding line).
Web-service Live Worksheet provides learning materials in docx, pdf, jpg and png formats to be transformed into the interactive materials for self-control. An interactive worksheet is a kind of a web-page, which may contain learning materials and different types of tasks for students. For instance, it can be a video, image, text, and questions and tasks to that material. Students may fill in images and make them interactive by adding text, hyperlinks, questions, windows for texting. The questions can be textual or in the form of audio files. Many tasks may include answers for the automatic check. Interactive worksheets can be used for distance learning, homework, work in a class, as well as for theme and module control.
Using the Moodle platform for learning a foreign language, a teacher gets a modern powerful resource at his/her disposal, which can be used to present materials, to control and assess results of students' work. The platform best suits for distance learning, although it can be also beneficial for blended learning.
Conclusions and prospects of the future search
Having analyzed numerous scientific works, the authors of the research conclude that motivation of higher education students needs setting clear tasks, goals, satisfaction of the demands of the process participants, and it should definitely comply with the targets of professional training. To sum up, one should understand that training future specialists of non-language specialties should be a complex, theoretical and practically applied program that is a strategic task of higher education. Furthermore, on should remember that only joint efforts of students and teachers can produce the expected results of learning a foreign language, also under distance learning. Considering the problem of students' motivation to learning a foreign language, it is confirmed that there are many ways to rise it, i.e. interest to the course, comprehension of its significance, a general wish to perform the set tasks, etc. Foreign languages are an important constituent of professional training of higher education students of non-linguistic universities.
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